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The reaper in the fog (brink and one possible other)

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The reaper in the fog (brink and one possible other) Empty The reaper in the fog (brink and one possible other)

Post by creator September 23rd 2015, 8:57 pm

Helia sat on a large desk facing a large window. She stared across the city watching as lights went on and off and cars drove through the maze like streets weaving between the buildings and through lights. She wasn't ready for this fight, but she wasn't going to back down and watch a whole city get wiped out by the likes of whatever she fought with her friends a few weeks earlier. She touched the glass and thought about the beating they all took and how much power it took to stop the thing only to almost be killed by an explosion. As helia looked away there was a large explosion several blocks in front of her and a large portal appeared over head the buildings. The thing made an 18-wheeler look like a toy truck in size.

A large voice boomed and instantly the windows in front of her cracked and shattered to the ground. "Now baby girl you shouldn't be up there hiding like a scared little baby, you should be down getting ready to face your own end." A female voice said. A large tendril of energy slipped through he portal and began to fly towards Helia. She quickly sang her song and as if he already knew the situation Nerfram appeared as his usual fog and snatched her from the building taking her to the top as the tendril smashed into where she had previously stood. As she caught her footing on the roof the voice spoke again. "Good Job." The voices said and the energy vanished in one motion.

There was the sound of several screams, but they weren't human. Everyone below was now still and watched in fear at the events transpiring. Helia began to walk and her fog formed path in front of her and as she walked she began to lower to the streets. When she finally touched the ground she was in front of a large crater in the ground. The portal hovered ahead of her and she could see something coming, a lot of something actually. Her fog began to grow larger and thicker as it prepared for the worst. The people around her began to run as they realized the situation.

Helia flipped her red hair and stood there as a pair of large like gauntlets grew onto her hands from her fog. She stood there waiting to see what was about to transpire.




Karah (Renegade)
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The reaper in the fog (brink and one possible other) Empty Re: The reaper in the fog (brink and one possible other)

Post by Sakka September 23rd 2015, 9:13 pm

Jordan was just dropping off a package to a metahuman ran company based in LA, the company was said to be a mercenary group that had some-kind of USB chip that had some vital info on it that needed proper transport with a low profile. So since Jordan was the best at what he does, he took the job on and successfully delivered, acquiring a good pay in return. Upon leaving the large companies building that appeared to be a sky scrapper, Jordan went ahead to walk along the streets in search for a good place to eat. Currently, he was downtown LA and had nothing better to do, of course he could just go home in a matter of seconds, but he didn't really want to. So instead he continued down the street and looked at the various selections of restaurants and diners he could eat at.

As he made his way down the street, Jordan noticed a sight in the sky, a portal of sorts. Still some distance overhead, and about a block away. So once he saw that, he reacted and turned into a small alley between two buildings. A portal opened next to him and he reached in, grabbing his suit he pulled it out of the portal and began to put it on, the portal then collapsing on it's self. Then he fully put the suit on and began to walk out of the alley. Afterwards he was able to spot a figure, a girl up ahead with fog form around her. So he sighed and opened a portal next to him, causing the exit to appear next to the girl.

He hopped through and the portal collapsed behind him as he stood next to the girl as this fog swarmed her, turning to her he said in a calm manner,
"I'm here to help, care to tell me what's going on here?", Jordan's first impression of this girl is that she appeared to be a meta, why else would there be an abundance of fog swarming her? But of course, he may be wrong, but chances are, he's right. He stood there and analyzed as much as he could, staring straight up at the portal overhead, reminding him of his own powers.


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Quote : "Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself."

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The reaper in the fog (brink and one possible other) Empty Re: The reaper in the fog (brink and one possible other)

Post by creator September 24th 2015, 11:34 am

Helia looked over at the guy next to her, she hadn't even noticed him for a second, but that second quickly passed and she was back into serious danger mode. "It's a long story but in short someone is trying to beat me, but the reasoning is unknown to me."  She said as she began to take a stance.  Something was beginning to appear just over the wall and then a large dark blue glob fell to the ground.

Behind it was familiar sound that she couldn't quite grasp for the moment, but she couldn't only imagine how much power it had from the noise alone it was making.  She looked a the guy and then back at the blob thing. She decided it'd be best for her to wait and see what else is going to transpire




Karah (Renegade)
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The reaper in the fog (brink and one possible other) Empty Re: The reaper in the fog (brink and one possible other)

Post by The Perfect Sandwich September 24th 2015, 2:57 pm

"Oooh what a great day and it seems to get better." Coronel was in a delighted thought as he went around LA and pretty much toured instead of tortured the scene. It was great for some reason he was feeling uplifted in spirit and didn't know why, but to just role with the feeling. He seemed more eager and was in a fast paced walk. It was forever ago that he felt this kind of feeling. Usually he would be happy killing someone, but right now he was over joyed.

Suddenly and urge came over him to look left as he felt a very unexplained power surging. He looked up to so a giant portal and was just not having it. Nope, not my fight today... Later losers. Good knowing you. He planned to walk away as if he never seen anything and he would have done so but another feeling emerged, but this one he would be to late for. The energy tendril hit a building and he took a nice chunk of concrete from it. He laid there thinking and laughing to himself. Can he not find a break, nice and quiet place where he can look at shit and be like "cool, cool".

Nope guess not. He pushed the rubble away and decided to just straight alchemy this shit. He held up one hand and used his telekinesis to form the bonds together and changed air to fire. Soon he added to the mix over and over keeping the ball of fire in placed and fueled using his ability. I grew much smaller and more compact but also hotter and dangerous by the second.

He looked up at the portal and seen two people standing their in front ready to tackle the problem. Hmm that person with the fog... I know her from somewhere, but where? He would throw the marble sized fire ball at the blob that just fell out and regroup next to the two. He picked up they were meta thanks to her fog, Even if your a distance away does not mean you cant see with your eyes.

And like a timer it was done. Coronel looked up at his raised hand in the air. He was ready to throw the fireball, but he intended to stay back because it would probably burn everything in a 2 block radius and he sure did not want a face full of smut. He launched the attack and it spun off making a hummed sound heading for the monster. He would wait to see what happens but first regroup. He quickly flew over and landed introducing himself and asking the two why he got a face full of concrete. It was kinda now his big question of the day.

Coronel's Advancements
The Perfect Sandwich
The Perfect Sandwich
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The reaper in the fog (brink and one possible other) Empty Re: The reaper in the fog (brink and one possible other)

Post by Sakka September 24th 2015, 4:41 pm

Jordan looked up and analyzed the portal, he began to think and think of strategic plan immediately with the little information he had. Jordan wasn't acquainted with this girl at all and hardly knew her capabilities, so he had to try his best and rely on her being capable of doing some damage or being able to defend herself. Since this thing is supposed to be after her. Jordan thought up of an idea, the energy powers Jordan has never really met a limit yet, he's never done anything to really strain it, so Jordan thought of an idea and thought intensively...

Jordan turned to the girl and sighed,
"If we can try to hold this thing back, I can mirror a portal infront of that one above us and as soon as they exit theirs, they'll enter mine and I can send them somewhere else more open where we can fight them, or, I can attempt to overflow the energy of that portal with my powers and attempt to close it that way, but I am almost certain I'll need time to do so, so either way, we'll most likely have to fight them back, just ideas, unless you have some."

As he stood and waited for her to respond or react, Jordan turned to the newcomer that appeared near to them and shrug his shoulders, lifting the shoulders of the suit he was wearing that emit a nice hue of
blue, "Not really sure, this girl over here says that they're after her for some reason, other than that, no clue, but I'm going to stay here to make sure nothing happens to innocent lives and stop all this."


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Quote : "Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Registration date : 2015-09-22

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The reaper in the fog (brink and one possible other) Empty Re: The reaper in the fog (brink and one possible other)

Post by creator September 24th 2015, 6:02 pm

As something whizzed past her head she saw the blob shrivel away and the boy that rushed up to her looked as if he knew her, but didn't remember her.  Helia grew this huge urge to punch the boy square n his mouth but decided to let it pass as she had bigger issues.  The blob had obviously just been the opponents way of playing with them.

"OOOOOOOOOO someone thinks they can take my portal?"  The girl cooed with a laugh at the end.  Abruptly there was a scream and then they're were several cheers coming from the portal each cheer louder as the things making it grew closer.

"Whatever you plan to do....start now." She said to the guy next to her and she jumped into the air as bodies of odd creatures began to fall to the ground just as she broke the edge of the portal she looked in shock and a sense of doom washed over her.  A large, thing was crawling through the portal pushing to get out and several heads and tendrils began to slowly push at the edge of the portal before bursting through some unknown force.

Helia was blown back as four heads erupted from the portal and screamed at the top of their lungs.  She slammed into a building and for a second watched as beings of various sizes and colors rushed from the portal.  As Helia sat up something floated in front of her.  It was a vibrant person covered in light.  Her hair blew in large curls of energy as she reached out shake helia's hand.

"Hi Ms.Illianis my name is Naori and i'm one of the three rulers of the world of nuuse.  I'm here to take your body and absorb your spirit along with your abilities and make them my own."
 She said causing Helia to stare I confusion.  Without hesitation the being known as Naori summoned a large sphere and a blast erupted towards Helia sending her through the rest of the building.

"The large snake like creature there is named mara and she's my closest friend.  She's what you people named  Leviathan."  Naori continued and as if on cue the creature screamed and began to lower itself towards helia who struggled to get up after taking all of a point blank shot.

The mist rushed upwards and pushed against the heads of the creature as well as attempt to skewer Naori who just flew into the air and teleported from each attack like she already knew it was coming. Suddenly the mist collided together on Naori but she was gone when the view of the impact had cleared a little more.  "Nice try, but I just wanted to introduce myself....have fun." She said through the city.

Helia ran to the side of her allies as she started to fight off the incoming creatures.

Naori the spirit princess

They have an uncanny amount of strength and agility ,but they aren't that much faster or more durable than a regular human.
They have the ability to shoot large beams of sonic energy from any part of their body, but are at a disadvantage when fighting a wind or lighting user. They can duplicate themselves by splitting apart when attacked however they must be able to see the attack coming in order for the ability to activate.

If touched by her tendrils the feeling of a huge amount of energy being sapped from ones body all at once will be felt However the effects only last a short amount of time. The creature can only see body heat and energy.




Karah (Renegade)
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The reaper in the fog (brink and one possible other) Empty Re: The reaper in the fog (brink and one possible other)

Post by Sakka September 24th 2015, 6:30 pm

Jordan just gazed at the girl attempt to strike first, ultimately being smacked away by some creature that looked a bit daunting as it smacked her aside and began to speak to her. The creature appeared to have brought some company as well, looking about and attempting to listen to what the creature was saying. At the same time he stood and watched as other figures began to hop out. These things seemed to be attempting a full scale invasion, which, in Jordan's mind, was quite sci-fi. He never thought he'd be part of some kind of alien invasion like this, or be there to stop it even.

With that, Jordan watched the girl return and seemed to be doing a strategic retreat. After noticing her come back he turned to her and said, "Pick them off while I break their door will you?", with that he jumped and blasts of what seemed like blast emitted out of his feet and he flew into the sky and was immediately attacked by the brownish creatures, seeing them leap at him he raised a hand and blasted energy into each of the three that jumped at him as he began to take off. Two of them got sent straight onto their backs with scorch marks on their chests, but one managed to dodge on blast slightly and got clipped on the arm, slowly standing back up to attack again.

Jordan eventually got close to the portal and began to see the energy readings of the portal through his eyes and began to absorb it's power, anyone that was observing would be able to see the portal slowly deform and flow straight into Jordan. After he absorbed it and successfully finished his job, he turned and saw a creature leap out the nearby window and tackle Jordan in mid air as he turned, due to Jordan's super reflexes, he was able to shoot a quick blast of energy at the creature and hit it's shoulder, but got tackled anyways, being sent across the street, several feet in the air and into the neighboring window, with a creature holding on to him.

In order to survive the impact, Jordan put a energy shield behind his back and smacked through the window and sent rolling with kinetic energy backwards with the creature rolling as well after the impact, standing up slowly Jordan shot a powerful blast into the Creature, sending it out the building and across the street, smashing back into another building it originally leaped out of, probably killing it since he used a bit of effort on that one, chancing are Jordan burned it half to death.


Status :

Quote : "Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 18
Location : Canada
Job : Courier
Registration date : 2015-09-22

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The reaper in the fog (brink and one possible other) Empty Re: The reaper in the fog (brink and one possible other)

Post by The Perfect Sandwich September 24th 2015, 9:33 pm

It was time to do what he always had the act of doing. He could now kill something he never killed before. He took off towards the city closing in a mach 2 speeds and reaching the out skirts of the portal and a matter of a few seconds. Sliding to a halt he landed near a group of hideous but cool looking monsters. Well time to kill everything. He let out a loud screech pushing air through a tightly made hole of his ability. It would attract a couple good hordes around him, but it was not enough. He needed hundreds or even thousands to satisfy his urge.

He sighed as he looked around and attempted to shrug his shoulders, but a creature leaped out to tackle him and ended up failing horribly. It way not have strength, but he has a fraction of an ability that can lift a 4 story building in 4 seconds. Lifting these fools would be easier than walking down the street. He snapped to as he watched the monster swing at him, but couldn't hit him tanks to his telekinetic barrier he keeps on when he enters a known fight. He force stopped the movement of the creature attacking and then griped his hand into a ball of fist. The enemy was crushed and the blood ran through the street.

He turned as all of them seemed to be watching and recording what he could do. Well record away it wont stop your death. He engaged in full attack making a titanium sword from the ruble around him. It was easy to swing and he could apply his ability to it. Actually his ability could be applied to anything, but he liked swords. He swung the sword out in mid air unleashing a thin wave that cut down about 20 in a split second. Getting smarter they scattered and all speed around him trying to confuse him with numbers. They were a good bit smart, but also stupid knowing it would not work.

After a good few minutes he had wiped out every last monster in his group and proceeded to the hydra looking thing. He let off a couple swings sending countless amount of thin waves attempting to size it up.

Coronel's Advancements
The Perfect Sandwich
The Perfect Sandwich
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The reaper in the fog (brink and one possible other) Empty Re: The reaper in the fog (brink and one possible other)

Post by creator September 29th 2015, 11:21 am

As helia avoided attacks and struck at several enemies lowering their numbers rapidly, she was struck in the back by a large tendril that slammed her into the ground. She cried out in pain as large pulses of what seemed like electric energy surged through her. Suddenly the portal had vanished along g with the creature and for a second helia thought she had won the fight.

"Nice try mister but it's not over just yet." The voice came and suddenly there was a loud roaring like foreign equipment and a large ship appeared in the sky. "We were already here I just wanted to have some fun and test you all. By the way helia do u remember what happened when u killed that other guy?" Helia Looked at the ship in confusion for a second then remembered the explosion.

" Everyone move!" But it was too late. Her voice was drowned out by a noiseless light then a huge force knocked her clear off of her feet and sent her flying through the air. Everything began 5 crumble as buildings were demolished by cars and other objects that were pulled from the ground.

Helia made a last minute effort to cover the two people helping her with her fog hoping to reach them in Enough time to protect them from any further damage that they could've taken.




Karah (Renegade)
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