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Doctor Leviathan

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Doctor Leviathan Empty Doctor Leviathan

Post by Matthew De'lacroix July 27th 2015, 8:17 pm

Dr. Matthew De'lacroix
“Sadly enough, the most painful goodbyes are the ones that are left unsaid and never explained."

Basic Biography

Real Name: Matthew Jean De'lacroix
Renegade/Hero/Villain Name: Doctor Leviathan
Title: Witch Doctor, The Fallen Angel
Alignment: Lawfully Evil
Age: 42
Gender: Male
Race: Bioengineered Cambion
Height: 6' 0"
Weight: 169 lbs
Blood type:O+

The Looks

Human/Civilian Form(Credit to DC/Warner Bros):

First Transformation(Credit where due):

The Legacy



The Truth:

The Powers and Weaknesses

(All characters can be as powerful as they want, as long as they are balanced with proper weaknesses.)

Demon Physiology: Leviathan's mortal soul is fused with that of a demon, giving him some of the following abilities.
Subpower I-Enhanced Condition
Like his son, Doctor Leviathan is able to maintain his vitals(both mental and physical) at a superhuman peak without necessary maintenance.
Subpower II-Horns/Teeth
He has a pair of horns and some sharp teeth that can cut into most organic surfaces with heavy concentration on an area(ie. multiple bites into a human's skin should cause some bleeding).
Subpower III-Flight
The fusion gives him the power of flight, which he accesses through a pair of demonic wings on his back.

Hellfire Manipulation:
Leviathan has the power to possess damned fires to create constructs, and utilize them to his benefit in areas such as basic fire balls to advanced topics such as immolation of his enemies.

The species of damned creatures from which Leviathan come with a interesting genealogy. Each creature possesses hellfire manipulation, along with one other unique power before possessing minor/other talents or abilities. The creature that bonded with Leviathan has the power of hemokinesis, or the power to manipulate blood. With access to even the slightest drop of blood, Leviathan can create and construct various things with the usage of blood.


Demon Physiology:
Subweakness I-Power Trip
While his relationship with the creature isn't as much of a power struggle like his sons' and his pawns', the demon inside him often has a lust to be manifested through Doctor Leviathan, instead of being caged as Matthew De'lacroix. As a result, the demon may overtake him at the wrong time, causing/forcing a transformation. While this rarely occurs in public, it is a hazard that Matthew has to live with, since he loses mental and physical control over his body as a demon. This makes it even more dangerous than a power struggle that his sons/pawns go through.  
Subweakness II-Wings/Immune system
Quoting from Seraph's app-
"Majority of his wings have been left vulnerable by his armor, allowing heavy,concentrated damage to incapacitate his flying. His wings will be shattered for up to 7 days, before a slow regeneration that will take another week. His wings are also central to his life force and physical condition, so damage to his wings can temporarily disable his immune system, until the regeneration process starts."
Subweakness III-Choosing of the Two Goods
Leviathan doesn't have to worry about choosing one form of powers to use when transforming, like Seraph and etc. He does have to be careful however, that the use or combination of hellfire and blood can be catastrophic to his vitals, and without proper care, can kill him. So while he can use both at the same time, he often just resorts to choosing one in combat at a time, creating an artificial coin flip.
Subweakness IV-Horns/Teeth
The Horns are likely to get stuck in places to leave Leviathan vulnerable(think of a bull running into a tree or something), but he hardly uses the charge tactic. His Horns and Teeth are highly durable, but they can't withstand this strength without being bathed in blood periodically.

Hellfire Manipulation:
Subweakness I-The power of...this water compels you!
The flames are often vulnerable to heavy Holy/Demonic elements, and specifically aqua/water based ones.

Subweakness I-No super blood for you
Metahuman blood/paranormal blood(except for his,Seraph and co's) is difficult to manipulate for Leviathan, which requires him to utilize other resources of blood(such as his own and etc.) when in fighting.
Subweakness II-Blood Donor on Aisle Four
With such a rare blood type, utilization of his own blood when fighting comes with a grave warning: too much withdrawal of his own blood, like anyone else, will cause a lengthy rejuvenation to restore all lost blood. Lack of blood restored can lead to death.

Im just HuMAN:
Leviathan at heart is still a half-human. Therefore he is vulnerable to most things such as common diseases and sicknesses or simple attacks such as stabbings. While these may take a longer effect to attack him, they are still fatal to him, especially when his immune system is disabled.

The most dangerous man, is a broken man:
The traumatic events of his wife,his son, and unborn child's deaths still haunts him today. Certain events that he goes through on a daily basis may trigger his PTSD, which causes him to act erratic or even drive him to accidental transformation.

RP Mechanics

A Educated Man:
Matthew has received a doctorate of biomedical sciences at a certain prestigious institute of sorts, which has given him his day job and alter ego as a former CEO, now Director of R&D at Nahtaivel Industries, Inc. The job gives him some good/decent pay, and helps as a cover up, since most of the executive members have been replaced with demons/cult members of Leviathan.

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This staff that was also created by Leviathan members to rival that of Seraph's Halo Edge is fused with several alloys that help maintain its strength. Upon his bond with the demon, Purge was fused with part of the demon's spirit, causing it to become almost a living thing that can break off into two distinctive swords, depending on Leviathan's preference of power at the moment(Hellfire(left) or Blood(right)). Weaknesses include vulnerability to higher holy/demonic weaponry and the basic element of water. It also requires a constant blood sacrifice to recharge its soul.

Leviathan is equipped with a demonic armor that helps protect him in areas of battle and warfare. It is vulnerable to most heavy ammunition and holy/demonic armor. It gathers its power from a blood sacrifice like Purge; the more blood offered, the longer of a durability/shielding it provides. Without a sacrifice, it will become futile and begin to crumble.

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Physical Priority
(You are to put these physical attributes in order from 1 to 4. 1 is the highest priority, 4 is the lowest.)
Agility 4
Endurance 3
Reaction 2
Strength 1
Matthew De'lacroix
Matthew De'lacroix

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1
Registration date : 2015-07-23

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Doctor Leviathan Empty Re: Doctor Leviathan

Post by Zell July 30th 2015, 8:30 pm

Approved until stated otherwise

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"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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