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The Lych

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The Lych Empty The Lych

Post by The Lych July 30th 2015, 6:44 pm

The Lych
"There's a difference between Darkness and Evil. You just can't see it."

Basic Biography

Real Name: ??????
Pseudonym: Alistair F. Marlowe
Villain Name: The Lych, The Eternal
Title: "The Angel of Death" , "Merlin", "The Host of Souls", "The End", "Big-Daddy Reaper", "Bone Daddy", "Creation's Bane", "The Scourge of Life", "The Herald of The Great Nothingness"
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Age: Older than you
Occupation(s): US Senator and Secretary of State
Gender: Male
Race: Unknown
Hair:  Black
Eyes: green
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 210 lbs.
Blood type: Unknown

The Looks

Common apperance:
Lych exposed:
The Lych's oufit:
Lych Unleashed:

The Legacy

  Alistair Marlowe is often times percieved as a Calm and brilliant man. He commands respect as urely as he shows it, an otherworldly charm and charisma exudes from him, luring others into  sense of security and understanding with him. He is known to be a benevolent, dignified and dutiful man, who prides himself in his alturistic behaviour and his generosiity to tohers while never slacking in his work or asking for anything in return. Those that know him clesest even say that while he is a firm man he is always forgiving and gracious. Many even say it is because he knows ehat it means to be an honorable and hard working man, with a sagely and almost uncanny wisdom of the world. He can be ridiculed sometimes for his sentimental appreciateions.
Some can often call him Self-reliant yet does happen to show some self-destructive tendencies. Despite that he simply calls himself Undogmatic and determined to see things through to the end, and always looking for how to make the world a better place.  Despite people's love for him, he is still eerily enigmatic.

  The Lych on the other hand... he's another monster entirely.

    Merlin, Alistair, Samael, Grigori, Baron Samede, The Darkness. The Eternal Promise. Father of Death. So many names he has held in the past. But none truly remember him. He is but a being of myth.

 No one truly remembers who The Lych is. It is commonly believed that The Lych was born a very old metahuman, in fact he was a person that was exposed to magic at such a young age. Many believed his metagene to be exactly that, Black Magc. However this power was not always his, and in truth the claim was much closer to the truth than one perhaps realized. For he was once born as a "Gene-hazard" for a person whom seemed to have no metahuman capabilities, which was uncommon in his family, or clan. In this, someone recognized his potential as far greater than his already-developed siblings, and Raziel attempted to steal this power from him. Ultimately he would succeed, making a deal with him. If Lych gave up his power to Levithan then he would use it to save his family. The Lych agreed, and the "angellic" being cheated him. Not only did the acursed "angel" let his wife and young child die, but first he killed The Lych…

 For The Lych was the first man in all of die. But back when death itself was but a new concept, the Lych clung to life, and forced himself to a state of undeath, forever forced to wander the world alone, and without the people he had loved, a burning vengeance replacing his heart.

  The Lych was rendered powerless, as he walked the world alone, wondering how the only person who understood him and could call him a friend was still able to betray him so maliciously. It was maddening, but so was the hunger for revenge. The Lych began anew, he forged his own little life and began to dive straight into the occult, as he had always been exposed to. This is when he learned of a way to maximize and utilize his never ending curse to his advantage. He opened his mind and his soul to something greater than himself. A cosmic entity so mysterious and unknown that his finding this thing was was his fate. The Lych changed and he indeed gained occult powers, in fact for a while there he was quite possibly the most powerful magical being in all of existance, and his dominion streatched over the world, ushering into an era of darkness and despair. He harvested the souls of the fallen and became a well, a compilation and amalgamation of souls, driving from their lives and essences to become one of the darkest and most terrifying things known to mankind.

 The Lych utilized his newly found dark powers in order to summon forth the Primal evil to this world and possess a spirit of redemption and rain, leaving him to fall at the hands of his old siblings while dead set on committing total genocide. Events unfolded and soon The Lych vanished, willing and able to understand how long it would take for him to have his revenge. Taking his dark power he encased himself, knowing that one day he would be unearthed...even if that day was far longer than he realized...

It was 12 A.D when The Lych first resurfaced, his magic power surging forth as he stepped from his slumber and entered the world once more. His very pressence changed things, and soon he was already placing his plans in effect, materials that needed gathered and things that needed to be done in order to prevent a disaster in our realm, ending all things as we know it. But of course revenge was always his priority. The first thing that Lych did was find the next person who would be in the greatest position of power, which is when he found and caused the insanity of Caligula with his magics, and then even seeping it into Nero and causing his persecution of the Christian faith, knowing that in doing so would strengthen the world for the next eras to come. Lych withdrew from the world in order to watch it's changes, and it's advancements before making his next step.

Eventually, The Lych required some..."fresh material" for a ritual that would require a very particular method. It was then that The Lych revealed himself to Basil IIm of the Byzantine Empire. He immediately was able to seize control over the already disturbed man and soon as he had, he manipulated the events that would once more strengthen this world...or bring it to ruin. Either way, it didn't matter to the Lych..he just needed certain things for a ritual As punishment for opposing him, or standing against him, The Lych had Basil blind all of his captives, using red-hot pokers and daggers to do so. He left every 100th man with one eye so they could lead the rest back home. In truth the eye remaining in every one-hundredth man was a symbol and a dark ritualcoming to fruition. It was the descendants of these children that would one day return to him, and he would command them all to help usher in an even greater power. Thousands of them might have died during the journey, and the Bulgarian leader is reported to have died of a stroke upon seeing them. The Lych persisted and undaunted by his cruelty, Basil used the same tactic 2 years later in Macedonia, blinding every Bulgarian his army captured, including women and children, and this time he left no one sighted. Tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians were killed by Basil, all in the name of the Lych sick and twisted designs.

 Perhaps the oddest appearance of The Lych was when he was theorized to have been Merlin to the Knights of the round table. Doing feats of magic and sagely things in this era, all in order to perserve "humanity's" chance of survival in the coming darkness. While his being Merlin is open to speculation what was not was that he understood that humanity needed a ruler, a king. One to rule above them, and so he turned these people and their potential. King Arthur and the knights of the round table. However, as Lych watched Arthur grow into an invaluable king, he realized that perhaps  the right person was trained at the wrong time. Fate was hevily involved, as Lych incited treason within Mordrid with his control and then transformed himself into a snake. The snake being the thing that caused the battle which killed both Mordrid and Arthur, the one dying with the interwoven fate that they would return to be king once more. Something the Lych was counting on. It was speculation, however as the Lych's true involvement in this time period was shrouded in mystery that the omniscient would be stressed to find or recall. After this, The Lych vanished from history once more, apparently saddened and guilty for his part in history's tragic events. However, he needed to draw back, and soon he transformed into a tree, resting as he turned his mind to new struggles and conflicts.

In order to strengthen the people of the world he needed to create tension, and cause them to wage war, he also needed to desecrate the most Holy city in order to summon forth the Black Heart for his plans. In order to achieve this, The Lych resurfaced and took control of the fleshbag known as  "Godfrey of Bouillion", this control eventually lead to an assault against Jerusalem. All who refused to leave the city were killed. Everyone, regardless of faith, regardless of belief or position within society. The Lych sent the message that murder, blood and gore see none of those things. After the work was completed in the city, The Lych preformed his ritual and obtained the occult item known as "The Black Heart". After he was finished, he then conjured the very plague that took the life of Godfrey in 1100. This entire travesty claimed well over 70,000 muslim lives alone.

Three hundred years later, The Lych felt the presence of one he could not quite place, one he had met long before...but someone he couldn't recall. A reincarnation most likely. As he followed the feel, and tried to uncover the source, he found himself at the doorstep of the apothecary Nicholas Flammel in the 1400's. The Lych dipped into the mind of Flammel as he slept and he appeared to him as an Angel of the Lord, bearing a leather bound book of secrets for him to study. The following day, The Lych guised himself as a homeless man and purposefully found Flammel, offering him the book, hoping to drive him into the occult to see that which he was destined to be. After having recalled who Nicholas, or rather why he felt so familiar, he simply moved on his way, able to keep in touch and teach him as needed through his dreams. Meanwhile he had a young man to tutor in order to influence the new world that was coming to fruition.

The year 1472 came and The Lych found himself the tutor of a young man, the young man's name was Niccolo Machiavelli, and with his influence the boy would introduce the world to a grand masterpiece before The Lych simply vanished once more

In the mid 1500's The Lych had heard of an extraordinary individual known as "Michel de Nostradame", a supposed seer that was seeing visions and having prophetic visions of the future. The Lych watched the man with great interest, however he took no action, of course until he heard one of the many predictions reflect truly upon him and his plans. Knowing that this human prophesized his plans he could not stand any interference, and so he worked to undermine and discredit the seer. With chaos and discontent surrounding the man, The Lych continued upon his way, making sure to keep note of where this "Nostredamus" would be burried, to one day return for his skull, a vital component.

Also within the 1500's;  The Lych controlled a playwright and had a portrayal of his events written with a unique twist, giving birth to the historical play "The Tragically History of Dr.Faustus". The Lych also traveled to Hungary, and traded the secrets of Blood Magic and everlasting youth to Elizabeth Bathory, a.k.a Countess Dracula. Having taught Elizabeth Bathory about blood magic, The Lych recieved a family heirloom which was a gemstone that had been passed down to the noble family for generations, While it seemed to be a mere gemstone, it was fare more. It was the next piece to his puzzel and another large step in his progress to victory. He would vanish from society once more, secluding himself and beginning his research into the human world, laying in wait for the day when he would no longer be limited by the technology of this time.

The Lych eventually made a decent contribution to society as he helped Nikola Tesla become a U.S Citizen in 1856. From there he used his newfound friendship with Tesla in order to further his research that was so far off. Eventually The Lych had to take his leave as he had more knowledge to learn within the deepest and darkest secrets of Russian society. Once he vanished he would not be seen again for a few years, biding his time and creating a new face and a new identity for himself.

In the late 1800's the Lych emerged once more, possessing the Russian known as Rasputin and used him to whisper into the ears of their ruler, even going to his occult and dark magic's to assist and "heal" their child of his hemophilia, in exchange the used these resources to pull the information he needed together while he still had the time. Eventually he would be forced to leave the body after the demise of Rasputin in 1916.

In the year 1911, while personally possessing Rasputin; The Lych mind controlled Josef Mengele, the Nazi Angel of Death in order to produce mass murder and experimentation into creating genetic metahumans using his own DNA. Taking this research, he turned and returned to the united states before realizing crimes of Thomas Eddison. On October 18th, 1931 he killed Thomas Eddison for the "breath of an inventor" before realizing that the translation was metaphorical. He ultimately justified himself in the fact he despised Eddison for robbing the world of Tesla's genius.
It wasnt until the 1800's that every thing The Lych had worked for began coming to fruition. With the research and occult items he had been scavenging for were finally being used. But first he needed one last thing. Something that in the past worlds he would never have been able to create, no matter what magic he used. He needed to usher in his weapon of vengeance. He needed to create a human being. This is when The Lych assumed a different name and began founding genetic experimentation projects, eventually using his genetics and leading to the creation of Aramis Maxos, Zell Atterrius and Corbin. in the early 2000's, while also subsequently causing the creation of Travis Masters due to his connections and his requisitions and perhaps partial control of Travis' father, Ryan and his predecessor.

  Ultimately The Lych's plans were foiled by his own son, Zell, when he injected Zell, and Zell resisted the Ethergene. After Lych had a serum that would kick-start his latent Ethereal gene and transform him into the villain Ouroboros, Zell having lost his battle with the "cancer" that consumed him and transformed him. Ouroboros was the Lych's endgame against his foe, Mephistopheles and Ourobors would be part of the force that would stop an even greater and more horrifying darkness that was coming to the realm. But Ouroboros...wouldn't last forever. The Lych began reconstructing himself, modeling his body after the being that o pretentiously called himself God, the man who gave birth to him. His father was no God, just a fool who had more power than he deserved. The Lych's body was destroyed when Ouroboros and his old friend turned rival, Arianna Hale, defeated him on the Ethereal Isle, leaving The Lych to return once more, but when he returned, he did not meet Ouroboros. Much to his surprise he met his son, Zell.

   The Lych's return was brief as he appeared to Zell and exlained the whole plan, first luring him out by framing Zell for the murder of a senator. Lych knew Zell would take the fall, because it was them or their precious Prodigy, and Zell refused to let his son take the blame for such a thing. In that the Lych knew Zell was a better father than him. But perhaps that could change. The Lych explained to Zell Raziel's betrayal and the events that lead to all the anguish and sorrow. He even told Zell how his curse was eternal and hoe the curse could not be undone, but transferred. Zell himself held no love for the ethereal, and so he agreed to work wirh The Lych to permanently destroy Raziel. Unfortunately, Sean (the son of his other friend turned rival, Elena Marie) interupted the events and Zell was pulled into the Netherverse, leaving The Lych to morun the loss of his son and flying into a rage.

   Zell returned, The Archon energy awake unside him before he impaled Lych and himself with Imperium. The Lych died regretting his son's actions...not because he died, but because he knw his curse was now upon Raziel, until the day Raziel was erased. The Lych has been revived, first without his curse when Sin pulled him from Zell, and then with his powers after a long ritual that pulled the curse back to it's original bearer. The Lych now works as a nominated US Senator of Chicago, appointed as the Secretary of State and working alongside Samhain in order to ensure that this coming darkness does not destroy the very realm in which we live.

The Powers

Lych Physiology: The Lych is made of bones that are magically reinforced, making them superhumanly strong (but he only has access to his true strength in his unleashed form, so he is very limited in his common form) and durable to the degree of being virtually indestructable. Of coruse indestructable does not mean "indomidable". He can be knocked out or defeated.

Lych Unleashed: The Lych, on he night of the full moon is able to unleash his true power, amplifying his strength to it's fullest potential and gains access to a spell list. (3 spells for 1 weakness.)

  • Soul Harvest: The Lych is able to reach out and withdraws the souls and magical sources form them, feasting from them and using it to repair himself, or augment his own strength.(Once per topic)
  • Black Halo: The Lych is able to create a halo of black flames and all-consuming darkness. Doing this causes contact damage and decay. (This lasts for 3 posts before burning out, and it can only be used once per topic.)
  • The Eternal Promise- Apocalypse: The Lych ushers in his pure and unrefined energy to do a full out kamakazi attack. This immediately causes his being knocked out in a thread. He concetrates the energies of the souls he's collected to unleash a black-hole like effect to pull things in before exploding. Due to the devestating effects this has on The Lych he rarely ever uses this. All creatures that are in contact with the blast radius are rendered to undead creatures, and anything deemed immortal pulled into this vortex experiences true death. (Obviously, Once per topic) (Permissions where Applicable)

(list end)

The Master of the Dark Arts: The Lych is able to manipulate the energies of dark magic's through his words, allowing him to say things like "fireball" and create a purple-energy fireball. This is all a strange and mysterious form of energy that takes the properties of other energies as manifested by Lych's voice. As always it requires him to be specific. This extends to his ability to enchant items or add magical properties to them, exactly as one would make a construct.

Occult Mastery via advanced intellect: The Lych is a master of the occult. Following suit he has the ability to make advanced potions, read the most complex incantations and understand virtually everything related to the occult, this is due to his advanced intellect and innovative mind, which was honed over the many years he had been alive.

The Call of the Lych: The Lych has the ability to see the souls of all things that linger in this world and between worlds. He also has the power to control minds of others through speaking to these souls. This is utilized through common NPC's, though it is possible with PC's (With permission) or simply allow for telepathic communications. The longer a being is in his pressence the more deeply rooted his control on them is, and the farther distance they need to be before they can even resist his control.

The Equipment


The Followers

The Eternal Coven: The Eternal Coven consists of those that follow The Lych in his conquest. Of this group there is always A Lych, and there is a disciple of his that is called "The Collector of Souls", there is an eternal watcher whom memorizes the story of life. They are plainly called "The Watcher" and then there is a member that is a promise of redemption while also a symbol of corruption, this is The Black Rose. The Watcher and The Black Rose apps are linked below. The Collector of Souls is the PC known as Nergal.
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Undead: There are a plethora of undead that serve the Lych, though they are for story purposes only and would pose little trouble to metahumans. May be expanded upon in further advancements.

The Weaknesses

Sunlight on skin: The Lych's skin is sensitive to sunlight, his skin will eventually peel back and transform into the "Lych Exposed" picture if he is left in sunlight too long. The rate of this "exposure" depends on how direct the sunlight is. (if it hits him through a window it will not cause as fast a decay. If exposed to direct sunlight his face will begin to warp and change within five minutes of direct, uninterrupted exposure. The process is very painful, distracting, and the Lych is horrifically protective of his identity.

White magic: Healing magics, or any benevolent magic will scathe and harm The Lych as if it were intense sunlight.

Political Ruse: As stated earlier, The Lych has a persona and he keeps to it. He is a respectible senator, elected by the people and chosen to become secretary of state. If he exposes himself as a metahuman, he would ruin everything he had worked for. He really, REALLY doesn't want that.

Rivalry: The Lych has a personal vendetta against Elena Marie, Arianna Hale and several other powerful magic users. As such they've likely gathered as much information on him as he has them. This also forces him to prioritize and specifically target Elena Marie, Arianna Hale, or any members of the Hale family when they are considered in his plan. He becomes tunnel versioned upon them and tends to forget about other individuals or variables in his plans.

Darkness Affinity: The Lych cannot access any of his magics on the night of the Full Moon, leaving him nothing more than a highly durable rag-doll. Likewise, the more the moon is showing the weaker he is. His true power is accessed only durring the night of the New Moon.

Lay my bones to rest: If the Lych is forced onto the ground and pinned down by a religious symbol he is incapable of movement until dawn breaks.

The power of spells: The Lych is required to speak the spells he wishes to preform, and what he says must be very, VERY specific. Magic is fickle and if he simply says "Fireball" he is just as liable to take a fireball to the face as an enemy. Or if he says "Fire" fire could spark on his cloak, or on his tie rather than spew at an enemy. Black magic cannot be used to heal others, purge illnesses or any "inherently benevolent".

The call is made, but YOU have to answer: Mind control of PC's is permission based.

RP Mechanics

The Host of Souls: The Lych is believed to be "The Grim Reaper" as he bears very similar characteristics, even the touch of death. He seems to be not just one soul, but hundreds and thousands, even hundreds of thousands of souls over the years harvested by Lych and added onto his own. His soul is an ugly, twisted and wretched abomination that is the likes of what this realm has never seen before. This explains his multiple lives, his constant recurring pop ups and off screen regeneration.

Limiter: The Lych had once been a powerful entity, but his son had taken his curse from him to allow him to finally rest. Now, returned to life by the Eldritch being, Samhain, The Lych has slowly begun to re-claim the old "muscles" that he used to have.

Physical Priority

1 : Endurance : 1
2 : Reaction: 2
3 : Strength : 3
4 : Agility : 4

Replaced "The Spirit"

Last edited by Silus on July 12th 2020, 5:53 am; edited 8 times in total (Reason for editing : T)
The Lych
The Lych
"From Darkness to Darkness"

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The Lych Empty Re: The Lych

Post by Champion July 30th 2015, 7:06 pm

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