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Madeline (Done)

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madeline - Madeline (Done) Empty Madeline (Done)

Post by Queen of Arcadia July 23rd 2015, 5:20 am


"But you have heard of me right?"

The Bio

Real Name: Madeline
Villain Name: N/A
Title: Demon Queen of Arcadia, Goddess of War, The Forgotten One
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Age: Physically appears in her early 30’s late 20’s. Madeline is actually thousands of years old possibly even older.
Gender: Female
Race: Arcadian/Goddess
Hair: Bright Red
Eyes: Amber
Height: 5’11
Weight: 154lbs.
Blood type: N/A

The Looks






The Personality

A very enigmatic, charming, cunning, cold blooded, manipulative, and sometimes playful individual. The demon queen of Arcadia has a very unique and interesting view on the world and the universe in general. For the forgotten demon goddess of war, the universe is like an open canvas and she’s holding the brush. She chooses to see not what she could subjugate and rule, but rather what fun she could have. People’s lives and souls are her playthings and as far as she’s concerned there hasn’t been anyone to oppose her yet.

Madeline is a very prideful deity and it goes without saying that she can be incredibly spiteful to those who wrong or oppose her. She’s been known to curse individuals and outright flatten them if they even so much as speak out of line. Being around as long as she has, has softened her a bit as she’s taken a shining to certain individuals that she has come across in her mischievous escapades. It takes a certain individual to crack the demon’s outer shell but if they manage to leave an impression on her, well then they can count themselves among the few that Madeline would exercise her incredible power to protect.

The Story

The Story

Since seemingly the dawn of time, the Overseers, a race of powerful peacekeeping beings of reality and all existence, have existed. Madeline is among the first born of this powerful race of beings. As with all her kind, Madeline started out as a stalwart bastion of peace, though try as she might, there was always conflict to be resolved somewhere. This is when Madeline began to change her views on the “lesser” beings that she and her kind protected and surveyed. Wars and conflict were ever present among these tribal peoples and it prompted Madeline to make a rather bold suggestion. Madeline believed that there would be more peace and prosperity for all the beings under the watchful eyes of the Overseers, if the Overseers simply stepped in and lorded over them.

This went against her Mothers philosophy of simply letting the beings be. Being the Matriarch of the Overseers, Madeline’s mother set the rules by which all Overseers would and should follow. Madeline believed her mothers approach to be lazy and ill advised and so the fiery warrior exiled herself and set out to find a world in which she could prove her mother wrong. To ensure that Madeline wouldn’t get out of hand, her sister Shanalotte was instructed to go with her and keep on eye on her.

The two traveled the cosmos and journeyed across time and space in search of a place to settle down. Madeline would eventually settle on the notion that she needed a place where she could avert her mothers all seeing gaze and as such, she poured every ounce of her power into creating the realm of Arcadia. This world, birthed from Madeline’s energy, would in turn begin to give birth to its own life. And before long, the realm would shape into its own world, brimming with life.

This realm of strange and powerful creatures was ruled by the two sisters. With Madeline’s strength and cunning she was able to reign in the sentient and cognizant beings of Arcadia. While there were still many animalistic and savage beasts roaming the world of Arcadia, Madeline had proved that there was some merit to her words, as the more civilized Arcadian’s fell in line and lived prosperously under Madeline’s rule. Shanalotte eventually came to side with her sister. As she watched Madeline rule justly and fairly, it was clear that if they were allowed to be shepherds to the less developed beings, there would be less strife in the cosmos.

With this new like minded mentality, Shanalotte set about using her own power to view and judge the worlds around them. Once the population of Arcadia had grown to a reasonable size, Madeline rallied them into a formidable fighting force and with her sister’s blessing and guidance, Madeline would lead the forces of Arcadia across the stars. Planet by planet fell in line to the might of the queen and her army. One of the many planets that would fall under the ever watchful gaze of Shanalotte and Madeline, was Earth.

Shanalotte kept her gaze fixated on the planets and their peoples that had fallen under their control and any time a civilization grew stagnate or proved to be a threat to the survival of the planets inhabitants as a whole, she would unleash her sister upon them. While her sister remained in the shadows, Madeline came to be known and heralded as a goddess. Civilizations soon began praying to her and her sister for their favor and blessing hoping to be spared the sisters’ wrath. Madeline soon began to bestow incredible gifts upon those who swore themselves to her. This was done in part for a few reasons. By granting the people the powers to protect themselves, it meant less work for Madeline and her “demons.” Through these champions, Madeline and her sister could watch and govern an entire civilization or even planet.

With their plan a success, Madeline and Shanalotte had brought an everlasting peace to the worlds they had brought under their control. This eventually led to Madeline growing lax after years of fighting. Unfortunately all good things would come to an end, and it began for the sisters, with the arrival of a mysterious visitor in their land. Initially passed off as another Arcadian, the figure was able to move throughout the realm of Arcadia with little suspicion. This being had been the ruler of another realm similar to Arcadia, and when he had been stripped of his power and cast out, he found himself in a strange and fascinating new land.

The being heeded to Madeline and Shanalotte’s rule at first, but this was only so he could learn more about the land he now found himself in. Eventually he’d use the tricks up his sleeve. Like a cancer, the mysterious figure spread his roots throughout the land, quietly stirring up unrest and unease in the Arcadian people.

This eventually came to a head when the very ambitious demon decided he was ready to make his move. This demon managed to unify the restless groups of demons he had been conditioning and formed a massive army for himself. He then managed to do the unthinkable and captured Shanalotte and hid her away from Madeline. The demon knew he was no match for both of the sisters together, but knew he could potentially take Madeline on alone as she was still rather weak from spending her energy to create the realm.

The war between Madeline and the usurper demon was a long and bloody one. The usurper used his army to lay siege to the civilizations that worshiped Madeline and in turn began to gain his own favor as many wished to not suffer the same fate as the other Madeline worshipers. Madeline had been completely caught off guard by the sudden revolt, and the loss of her sister. The falling out of favor with the humans was the last straw and Madeline was forced to become the goddess of war that everyone feared. The heated feud between the two demons and their armies reshaped the very landscape of Arcadia and earth. Neither side seemed to be able to gain the upper hand on the other, that was until Madeline called in her very first champion.

This mortal man had nurtured the power given to him by the sisters, that power came to rival that of her and her sister. When the first champion entered the war he laid waste to the usurpers forces. He became a massive thorn in the demons side and as a way to get back at Madeline, the usurper placed a curse upon Sulyvahn so that he could never pass on or enter Arcadia. This truly became the last straw for Madeline. The fiery demon called out the usurper and challenged him to a fight. The usurper agreed though he played dirty and when the battle began, the queen was ambushed by several of the usurpers best soldiers. Despite being outnumbered, Madeline was so furious at the foolish demon and the chaos he had caused for her, that she unleashed her true power upon him and his followers. The battle between Madeline and the usurper rocked the planet and after a grueling fight, Madeline prevailed.

There was no happy ending for the demon goddess of war however. The battle with the usurper and the use of her full power had taken it’s toll on Madeline’s body. She knew there was no way for her to rule or function in her condition and as such, she returned back to Arcadia and entered into hibernation to regain her strength. To ensure the quickest recovery, Madeline entered a deep slumber, so deep in fact that almost all traces of her power seemed to fade from the earth. This caused the civilizations that worshiped her and still stood after the war to fall into ruin. Around the cosmos all traces of Madeline and her sister vanished and that the people soon forgot about their mighty queens. Meanwhile back in Arcadia, Madeline’s knights, Club, Spade, Diamond, and Heart all swore to watch over their slumbering queen and kept order throughout the demonic realm.

When Madeline finally awoke from her slumber, thousands of years had passed and the universe had mended from the great war. In some ways, the demon queen had also mended. Aside from regaining some of her strength, she felt more lively and excitable. The demons of Arcadia rejoiced as their queen re-awoke. Madeline quickly put Arcadia back on track, not to say the knights did a bad job, but they were certainly lacking their queen’s knack for rule and inspiration. With her army behind her, Madeline took to recovering all that was lost to her. Her search for her sister continues, but while that happens, Madeline seeks to regain the firm grip she and Shanalotte once had over the people. With that in mind she decided it was time to give the lowly beings something to believe in again.

The Priority

1. Agility 3
2. Endurance 2
3. Reaction 4
4. Strength 1

The Powers

The Powers

Power 1: The goddess of war- Madeline is an ancient being that once possessed unheard of power. It was this great power that Madeline used to create the realm of Arcadia. After suffering a near loss to the demon that tried to usurp her, Madeline went into hibernation as she had all but spent her power slaying the demon and reclaiming her home. It wasn’t until she entered the heart of Arcadia to train, that her true powers began to return to her. Madeline is the most powerful being in all of Arcadia and it shows. Madeline possesses a vast array of powers, but when those fail her she relies on her raw physical power to persevere in a fight. This raw power presents itself in the form of godlike strength, durability, uncanny speed, and the ability to fly.

    A: Super Strength- Madeline’s physical strength was once unmatched, However since entering hibernation this raw power was lost to her. After spending some time within the heart of Arcadia, Madeline was able to tap back into some of her primordial power. The strength Madeline’s body is capable of putting out allows her to lift weights upwards of several thousand tons. The very shock waves exuded by her punches could easily pulverize diamonds alone.  

    B: Super Durability- When Madeline was in peak form and at the top of her game, the demon queen seemed nearly indestructible, that was until the usurper showed up and pushed the goddess to her limits. Much like her other powers, Madeline’s once great durability faded when she entered hibernation. Since then she’s managed to regain some of that strength back. Madeline’s current durability gives her whole body diamond like toughness and immunity to even the extremes of both ends of the temperature spectrum.

    C: Enhanced Speed- Perhaps one of the only powers of Madeline’s to neither decline or advance in all of her existence, the demon queen is gifted with enhanced speed. Her beefed up musculature mixed with a variety of others things allows Madeline to not only react to incoming threats with inhuman speed, but she is also capable of running much faster than a peak level human. Her speed however is nowhere near that of someone who actually possesses super speed. She is able to run at speeds of several hundred miles per hour, and is capable of accelerating and decelerating instantaneously.

    D: Regeneration- Much like all beings who exist in the realm of Arcadia, Madeline has an innate healing factor. Madeline being queen however, has a much stronger form of regeneration than the baser demons have. Madeline’s healing factor allows her to heal bruises and scratches almost instantly. Broken bones, damaged organs and even severed limbs heal in minutes to hours as well depending on the severity and the form of damage that caused the wound.  

    E: Flight- Through sheer willpower alone, Madeline is able to make her body levitate and even fly through the air.

Power 2: This beating will only make me stronger!- Being heralded as a god of war by many past civilizations for her ruthless tactics and knack for pitting man against man, it goes without saying that Madeline thrives on battle. During a fight Madeline possesses the ability to actually grow stronger over the course of battle. This ability only triggers whenever the demon queen gets injured, but persists for as long as she fights. Madeline’s strength and durability gain slight increases each time she sustains damage.

Power 3: Hypnotic Goddess- Madeline is able to impose her impressive will on those that are weak minded. This allows her to control them and make them do her bidding. (PC permission required.)

Power 4: Deal With the Devil- Madeline has the power to anoint champions to her realm. In doing so, she bestows the unimaginable power of Arcadia upon those worthy. The power gifted to each champion varies from individual to individual, but all yield the same result. While the champion is blessed with great power, they in turn forfeit their soul to the demon goddess and her realm. If a champion were to fall they would join Madeline’s eternal army in Arcadia. (This power is both PC and Mod permission based.)

Power 5: Behold the power of a god!- Madeline has absolute control over the dark energies of Arcadia as it was her energy that gave birth to the realm and its inhabitants in the first place. Madeline being an ancient Overseer, is able to tap into the realms endless well of power as well as the power that is slowly growing back within her, and draw it out. Madeline is able to manipulate this dark energy with little effort and is able to hone it into various forms of attacks as well as control the intensity and form of said energy. Madeline’s control of the energy allows her to bend it into constructs of any shape and size, including barriers to protect herself. The energy can also be unleashed as projectiles that vary in strength and size, as well as torrents and waves of the raw dark energy hot enough to melt through most known metals with ease.

    This energy is similar to super heated photons and plasma. This means it has mass of its own. Those able to withstand the heat or are tough enough, are more than able to block or reflect the attacks. Or knock them away with enough force.

Power 6: A Goddess Loves Her Toys- As her title implies, Madeline was revered at one point as a goddess of war. Because of her ruthless and efficient ways, Madeline had an armory of weapons forged for her to wield in combat. These weapons are forged from a unique metal known only to Arcadia. At any point Madeline has full access to her armory and is able to summon any weapon to her side.

Power 7: Never Outnumbered- With her sister MIA, Madeline is the sole ruler of Arcadia, and queen to a unimaginable number of loyal demons and souls. While each of these unique individuals all have a will of their own and act autonomously, they will not and can not refuse the call when their mighty queen beckons them. Madeline can call forth a variety of aid from her home which includes lesser demons of varying shapes, sizes, and personalities. Ethereal warriors also known as the souls of all those who prayed and worshiped the goddess of war. And lastly, Madeline can also call fourth her elite knights Club, Spade, Diamond, and Heart.

Power 8: A Few Tricks Up My Sleeve- At a first glance one wouldn’t think of the brooding goddess as much of a mage, but her mystical nature makes her very well versed in the dark arts. Part of Madeline’s mastery over magic is what allows her to enslave peoples souls and create champions. Aside from this Madeline’s mystical knowledge allows her to cast magic based on the various elements of Arcadia.

    A: Fire Magic- As her power slowly returns to her, Madeline has once again regained her mastery over the element of Arcadian fire. The demon goddess of war is able to manipulate this fire, granting her the ability to ignite a blaze seemingly out of thin air. Madeline can then shape, mold, and bend the blaze to her will, allowing her to produce torrents and fireballs of intense flames. Madeline’s mastery over fire extends not just to the flames she produces, but to any flames around her. Imbuing them with mystical energy.

    B: Ice Magic- In addition to regaining mastery over fire, Madeline has reclaimed her mastery over Arcadia’s other main element, ice. The rigid and noble element of ice is all Madeline’s to bend and manipulate at her command. By manipulating her influence over the area around her, Madeline is able to tap into the mystical energies of Arcadia and generate ice out of thin air. The demon queen can use her impressive mastery over the element in various and masterful ways, her imagination being the only limit to her control over the cool element.

The Weaknesses

Weakness 1: Sunlight!- A sort of by product of Madeline casting off her Overseer heritage, the power that is generated within her and the power that festers and boils in Arcadia, have come to hold the properties of darkness. While this doesn’t grant the energy any addition effects that it can inflict on others, it does instead result in the energy losing some of its potency and strength when match up against light based attacks or shields/barriers.  

Weakness 2: A Commanding Voice- In order to call forth any of her warriors, demons or knights, Madeline must verbally call out to them. Because of this, if Madeline is silenced in anyway or is rendered unable to speak, she is unable bring out her summons.

Weakness 3: You’re A Lot Smarter Than You Look- While Madeline may be able to impose her will on others, this feat of hers is rendered useless when an attempt is made at trying to control a person who possesses telepathy regardless of whether or not they are an NPC or PC.

Weakness 4: Water Can Extinguish Fire? In Other News Rocks Are Hard- Though the flames Madeline is able to create and manipulate are mystical in origin and property wise. And while they are also incredibly hot, they are easily capable of being extinguished when exposed to sufficient amounts of water.

Weakness 5: Heat Melts Ice? Next You’ll Tell Me Water Is Wet!- Nothing about Arcadia’s elements is normal, this remains true in regards to the ice Madeline can create and manipulate. That being said, although the ice is highly durable and often times sharp because it is imbued with magic, it can be melted when exposed to direct fire or high temperatures.

Weakness 6: Double Edged Sword- Madeline’s unique ability of getting stronger through combat is a bit of a double edged sword in a few regards. For one Madeline must be harmed or injured in some way, which is already a feat in its own right, however if someone were to do so, the increase to Madeline’s strength and durability would make it hard for her to continually increase her strength in combat. This ensures that there is eventually a point in which Madeline would cease to gain any additional strength through combat.

Weakness 7: Loopholes, Loopholes Everywhere!- While a deal struck with Madeline ultimately condemns ones soul to Arcadia and eternal servitude, there are several ways a ‘champion’ could swindle the proud demon goddess. One such way is to sever or seal ones soul with magic. The other is to strike another deal with the queen or a rival deity. This results in the ‘champion’ retaining their gifts while also relieving them of their contractual obligations.

Weakness 8: Of equal or greater might!- Despite Madeline immense power and her penchant for trying to mentally manipulate others, the demon goddess is actually susceptible to falling victim to illusions. Madeline can be made to easily believe that the illusions she is seeing are indeed real. (Those able to cast illusions do not require permission to use them on Madeline.)

Weakness 9: To the letter- Part of creating a champion and bestowing power upon one, is the idea of a contract of sorts that is formed between Madeline and the champion to be. Part of this contract is that Madeline is incapable of lifting a hand in anger or to strike said champion to be. While under the contract the champion is, in a sense safe from Madeline’s wrath.  

Weakness 10: A Hands Free Type of Power- In order for Madeline to be able to summon any weapons to her side, her hands must be free. This means if she is holding on to something, grappling with someone, or has her hands tied she is unable to summon forth any weapons from her armory.

The Items

Arcadian Weapons: All of the weapons summoned and wielded by the fearsome goddess of war are crafted out of a unique metal native to the hellish real of Arcadia. This brilliant Alabaster and gold swirled metal is known as Arcadium and is extremely durable when in the hands of a magic user. The metal synthesizes with mystical energy and uses this power to harden itself to extreme levels. This process also allows the wielder of Arcadian weapons to use them as a catalyst for casting spells and sorceries.

Weakness 1: When not wielded by a magic user, Arcadium is extremely brittle and fragile. The metal tends to break rather easily in just a matter of hits, even going so far as to completely shatter like glass.

Madeline’s Fabled Swordspear: Also known as Arcadia’s Edge, Madeline’s most trusted and used weapon is an elegant and imposing looking weapon. Unlike the other Arcadian weapons wielded by her demons or the ones that inhabit her vault, Madeline’s swordspear has a dark black almost iron looking spear shaft with golden engravings from the hilt to the base of the pole. Resting at the end of the six-foot pole is a wide three-foot long broad sword blade with arcade engravings on the edges of the blade. Like the other Arcadium weapons forged in the realm of Arcadia, Madeline can use her swordspear as a catalyst of spells. The blade of the swordspear, while in Madeline’s hand is capable of cutting clean through diamonds great ease.

This unique weapon grants Madeline access to a new spell that allows her to wield the giant unruly weapon as a bow as well. By using Arcadia’s Edge as a catalyst, Madeline can focus her arcane power through it to form arrows of solid darkness. Using these two properties in conjunction, Madeline can perform a very unique ability she has dubbed “Eclipse”.

    Eclipse: The precursor to this spell is the peculiar formation of a magical hotspot in the air above Madeline. This hotspot is the same hotspot formed through her ‘Will of Madeline’ spell. Madeline then points her makeshift bow upwards and lets loose a darkness arrow into the center of the hotspot. Immediately after devouring the arrow, the hotspot will vanish and reappear over her opponent where it will then rain down three volleys of arrows in an expanding circular radius. The first wave covers a three-foot radius, the second covers a five-foot radius, and the last wave covers a seven-foot radius.

Weakness 1: Unlike her other weapons, Arcadia’s Edge is highly vulnerable to holy based attacks and weapons. Upon being struck by either a holy spell or a weapon that has been blessed, Madeline’s swordspear will instantly dispel and become unavailable to Madeline for a time (six posts).

Weakness 2: Arcadia’s Edge if frozen, or exposed to extreme cold conditions it loses a bit of its sharpness. The longer it is exposed to these conditions the duller the blade will become over time. The only way for Madeline to sharpen her swordspear is to either heat it up to extreme temperatures or to dispel it and wait a little while before recalling it.  

The Minions

-The Queen’s Knights

-Demons and Ethereal Warriors

The Fluff

- A Realm Needs It’s Queen- Madeline is tied to Arcadia and will forever remain its queen. Upon suffering a fatal blow in combat, Madeline’s body will dissipate into a thick cloud of black smoke. This cloud of smoke will reappear in Arcadia where it will reform the queens body and place her in hibernation till she’s fully recovered.

- Ageless- Madeline is incapable of aging physically. Her healing factor and mystical godly nature prevents her from ever growing old.

- Self Sustaining- Madeline being a demon of Arcadian origin means she does not require food or drink to keep her body functioning. That isn't to say she doesn’t gorge herself on food or drown herself in her love of alcohol, but she doesn’t require either to live. Because Madeline is sustained by the endless energy of her realm she never tires.

- Ragging Sinner- Madeline could easily be stereotyped as your typical demon just be taking a look at her favorite pass times. The demon goddess of war loves to cut loose and often indulges in all of life’s many guilty pleasures and most importantly every sinful activity.

- Unparalleled Warrior- Madeline wasn’t just heralded as a goddess of war because of her ruthless nature, boundless ambition, or the wars that sprouted in her wake. No, above all else, Madeline was worshiped as a goddess of war because of her skill with each weapon that she wielded. No matter what weapon Madeline gets a hold of, you can guarantee she’s a master at using it.  

- The Armory- Madeline owns a very lavish nightclub in Canada called the Armory.

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Last edited by Queen of Arcadia on November 28th 2017, 4:08 am; edited 9 times in total
Queen of Arcadia
Queen of Arcadia
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madeline - Madeline (Done) Empty Re: Madeline (Done)

Post by Danny The Sphinx July 25th 2015, 5:29 pm

These all need additional weaknesses

-Spell 4: Friends in Other places) Opens a portal to a random dimension and summons a random elemental beast to fight alongside Madeline for a time.

-Spell 5:Familiar Face) Opens a portal to Madeline's home dimension of Arcadia, and calls forth a strong demon to fight alongside her for a time.

-Spell 7:Gloom and DOOM!) Summons a small thunder storm in the area, that seeks out and targes up to three enemies per post.(3 posts)

-Spell 9: Shades of Arcadia) Summons several shadow wraiths that fight alongside Madeline. two ranged that fire black bolts, and two melee ones the mindlessly swipe at the nearest enemy.
*Demonic Form Bonus- Shade damage output is increased*

-Spell 10: Shifting Shadows) Allows Madeline to swap places with a summoned shade.
*Demonic Form Bonus- Allows Madeline to also swap the Shades with one another

-Spell 11: Cloak of Arcadia) Covers the user in shadow flames. These flames fatigue anyone who comes in contact with them.

*Demonic Form Bonus- Increases the radius and intensity of the flames and the fatigue amount*

madeline - Madeline (Done) Giphy

Danny's Partners (Tsukimi, Tori, and Abby)

The Dress Shoppe Danny Stole From Bliss
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madeline - Madeline (Done) Empty Re: Madeline (Done)

Post by Queen of Arcadia July 26th 2015, 5:40 am

Weakness' added, with the addition of a few edits.
edit #1 Shades of Arcadia was removed, as was Shifting shadows.

edit #2 Friends in other places was removed.

edit #3 Familiar Face, changed to Familiar Faces, and now summons 4 demons from Arcadia instead of one(weakness was added for this power.)

edit #4 Added a new spell Dark Reaping (weakness was given for this power)

edit #5 Will Of Madeline was given a Demonic form Bonus

edit #6 Gloom and DOOM was given a slight duration increase.

The Characters
Queen of Arcadia
Queen of Arcadia
Post Mate
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Status :

Quote : "I'm the devil, damnation dignified."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 130
Registration date : 2015-07-23

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madeline - Madeline (Done) Empty Re: Madeline (Done)

Post by Danny The Sphinx July 26th 2015, 12:26 pm


madeline - Madeline (Done) Giphy

Danny's Partners (Tsukimi, Tori, and Abby)

The Dress Shoppe Danny Stole From Bliss
Danny The Sphinx
Danny The Sphinx
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 849
Registration date : 2014-09-28

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madeline - Madeline (Done) Empty Re: Madeline (Done)

Post by Hyperion March 4th 2016, 4:24 am


Shael Atterrius
Posting Master
Posting Master

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 427
Registration date : 2011-05-24

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madeline - Madeline (Done) Empty Re: Madeline (Done)

Post by Zell August 12th 2016, 7:04 am

Unapproved for minor editing (Item description, font, etc.)

madeline - Madeline (Done) Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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madeline - Madeline (Done) Empty Re: Madeline (Done)

Post by Zell August 12th 2016, 7:11 am

Reapproved.... I still have to thread with you at some point....

madeline - Madeline (Done) Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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madeline - Madeline (Done) Empty Re: Madeline (Done)

Post by Shadowoof November 28th 2017, 4:04 am

Editing to be made

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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madeline - Madeline (Done) Empty Re: Madeline (Done)

Post by Shadowoof November 28th 2017, 4:21 am

Reapproved for now.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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madeline - Madeline (Done) Empty Re: Madeline (Done)

Post by Chellizard January 29th 2021, 11:13 pm

Queen of Arcadia:

Unapproved for edits/modifications.

Archived previous state.

-My DeviantArt-
madeline - Madeline (Done) JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5019
Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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madeline - Madeline (Done) Empty Re: Madeline (Done)

Post by Chellizard January 29th 2021, 11:52 pm

Reapproved and moved until stated otherwise.

-My DeviantArt-
madeline - Madeline (Done) JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5019
Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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madeline - Madeline (Done) Empty Re: Madeline (Done)

Post by Sponsored content

Sponsored content

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