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Be Aggressive, B-E Agressive! (Seagirl)

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Be Aggressive, B-E Agressive! (Seagirl) - Page 2 Empty Re: Be Aggressive, B-E Agressive! (Seagirl)

Post by Venus November 28th 2015, 10:31 pm

Seagirl flung herself from the ceiling like a surprisingly agile, 6/10 monkey. She landed straight onto Venus and stopped her from getting off the ground. Before she could blow in her face, an elbow was brought to her chest which caused her to cough. She managed to make out what Seagirl said about sea men and laughed weakly. When the second line about Seamen came along, Venus actually managed a solid laugh.

"I'm surprised Sea-men don't burst all over your face with the amount you suck."

Seagirl continued having some form of mid-life crisis and began shaking Venus up and down against the ground.

"Knock. That'

She used her momentum on the upward shake to fling her forehead into Seagirl's and knock her off her body.


Sitting up, Venus held her forehead which was currently pounding.

"Nobody wins with a headbutt, Argh."

She climbed onto her feet, and coughed. Making her way over to Seagirl, she brought her leg backwards and went to kick her onto her back. She slowly paced around the has-been heroine, heels clicking gently. She put one leg on either side of her shoulders and slowly knelt down, until she was basically straddling Seagirl, pinning her arms down with her legs. "Well... It looks like I win. You brought your... kind've ugly friends to the party, and It wasn't even enough, I guess I truely am the best. And, if I were you Seagirl, if you really wanted to get a relationship; You should curl your hair it would look so good with some light curls at the end. Or maybe you just can't get one because of the whole uhh....' she motioned towards Seagirl's face 'face issue. Anyway."

She puckered her lips, and exhaled heavily - soon her breathe would weave it's way through Seagirl's system and enslave her, allowing Venus to finally become the victor. She'd command Seagirl to humiliate herself and then turn herself in; framed for all the crimes that Venus had commited - She'd finally be rid of the nuisance that was Hanna Boyle. Any second now.....

Venus blinked and exhaled harder. Nothing. She started to panic. "What the deuce?!"

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Be Aggressive, B-E Agressive! (Seagirl) - Page 2 Empty Re: Be Aggressive, B-E Agressive! (Seagirl)

Post by Seagirl November 28th 2015, 10:58 pm

Everything about this day annoyed and infuriated Bliss. Spending bonding time with Ashley did not need to be so literal. Also, Venus sucked. She tied Bliss up, would not let her insult Seagirl, and now she stole her lines? Bliss never thought about beating someone to death with a cheerleader since high school, but now it was all she could think about. The smirk on Abby's brainwashed face finally got to Bliss, forcing her to send the  brainwashed assistant flying through the air to hit Venus off of Seagirl.

The headbutt hit hard, but like all good headbutts, the person throwing it was a moron who never thought of the fact it would hit her head as well. It did manage to get Hanna to roll off of Venus, which of course led to nothing good. "Oh man. Nothing good ever happens when I'm on my back!" Hanna rubbed her head, but failed to get brain activity going. "Ew, personal space!" Ever since an encounter with a grabby koala landed her in a clinic for severe treatments for chlamydia, Hanna quickly became aware of personal space conflicts with others. And if anything looked like a disease carrying creature, it was currently winding up to breath in Hanna's face.

But, it never came.

Abby flew through the air towards Venus. On the far side of the room, the chains wrapping Bliss and Ashley finally snapped under the control of Bliss' telekinesis. "Ugly?" Bliss ripped the tape from her mouth. Bliss threw the pillar Abby attached her chains to towards Venus, hoping to snare her with the loose ends of the chains as it flew by.

"Cheerleaders." Ashley took notice of the environment as she flicked the tape to the ground.

"Who would've known cheerleaders would be a weakness of mine?" Bliss watched as the pillar traveled over Hanna, with a little trepidation that she could not hit Seagirl. It would have brought a smile to her face, but she needed to deal with the leader of this idiotic clique. "Seagirl! Quick, say those things you were just saying about relationships and Sea-men!"

"Sea-men?" The rapid unraveling of events left Hanna confused. "Why would I even say that? I haven't had any good star fish kids come along. You guys are like the media; you just make up whatever stories you want and never fact change anything. Anything! Anything!"

Be Aggressive, B-E Agressive! (Seagirl) - Page 2 Tumblr_lzt8ylC6T71qdqyxho1_500

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Be Aggressive, B-E Agressive! (Seagirl) - Page 2 Empty Re: Be Aggressive, B-E Agressive! (Seagirl)

Post by Venus December 15th 2015, 11:08 am

Venus huffed and she puffed but she couldn't blow Seagirl, no matter how much she wanted. Just as she was about to knock Seagirl out in frustration, her not-so-glamorous assistant smacked into her and knocked her off Seagirl's body. Sitting up, Venus yelled at the invisible imbecile "God dammit Abby, you're meant to be betraying them - not me!" Getting up and grunting in annoyance, she heard Ugly say it's own name and looked over her shoulder to the captured couple. A pillar was flying through the air and Venus froze, raising her arms to protect her most important asset: her chest.

However, the pillar whizzed right past. Venus was about to open her mouth and say something like 'Haha you missed me!' but she opened her eyes just soon enough to notice that the chains which were attached to the pillar were moving towards her. They wrapped around her, and caused her to spin rapidly on the spot, the pillar wound the metallic links around Venus like string around a coil. She stood on the spot, incredibly disorientated and curled up in chains. Her eyes swirled around before rolling into the back off her head. She fell over, too dizzy to see. "Sea.... gi-.... Abby... ugl.................. ugh." She closed her eyes and focused on trying to not die. She could tell she was lying down but she couldn't tell what on. Was it the floor or the roof. What day was it... She had still won, right?

She closed her eyes and let it all fade to black.


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Be Aggressive, B-E Agressive! (Seagirl) - Page 2 Rudypudy
"Men are from Mars but they all belong to Venus"
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Quote : "We're a lot alike you and I, except I'm rich and you're kind of a loser."

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Job : Bad Bitch
Humor : Seagirl's career
Registration date : 2013-04-21

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Be Aggressive, B-E Agressive! (Seagirl) - Page 2 Empty Re: Be Aggressive, B-E Agressive! (Seagirl)

Post by Seagirl December 16th 2015, 3:18 am

"First things, first, I'm the realest!" Bliss snapped her fingers and made quick work of the swarm of cheerleaders while Ashley made sure Venus could not get out of the chains wrapping her up. "Now, which one of you hit me from behind and who put me in that locker?"

"Someone put you in a locker?" Hanna started to laugh- once the deathly troubles subsided and not a second sooner. "Wow, how old are you?"

"That's what I asked." Ashley put a piece of tape over Venus' mouth to solve every problem they could possibly have with Venus. "Now, if the two of you are done, what's the verdict on Abby?"

Bliss managed to make her sour face turn even more bitter before forming a thumbs down sign.

"So, like we make her work for even less than we pay her already."

"She can room with Venus for all I care." Once the room started to quiet down, Bliss had a sudden revelation. "I look so cute in this outfit, and no one has said anything."

"You look like one of those late twenty actors who is playing a high schooler and isn't fooling anyone." Coming off her most successful fight in sometime, Hanna relished in the fact no one remembered she was captured briefly. "I on the other hand look like-"

Bliss shoved Hanna with a telekinetic blast so hard it almost sent Hanna into a dimension where Seagirl was cool. But, even Bliss did not possess the strength to make that happen.

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