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A Simple Job (Closed:Forceaus, Bliss, and possibly Thorgron.)

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A Simple Job (Closed:Forceaus, Bliss, and possibly Thorgron.) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Simple Job (Closed:Forceaus, Bliss, and possibly Thorgron.)

Post by Forceaus July 4th 2015, 11:05 pm

Seeing that Bliss was still managing to hold her own against the rock monster thing despite being in a suit of armor that she knew not how to properly use, Forcewave decided to focus on the minions of the stone creature for the time being. At the moment his priority was making sure the hostages were safe, and since these guys were armed, they seemed like the bigger threat to the people. After quickly taking one down and disarming them, Forcewave rushed over to the next and would do the same to them.

Forcewave got to the next one and immediately started trying to wrestle the robber's weapon out of their hands. A few shots rang out from it and hit the ceiling above. That didn't go as well as it should have. He could see the others now aiming their weapons directly at him now. Not willing to take any chances on this one, Forcewave fired out an energy bolt that quickly flew around and would disarm each of the remaining robbers. Forcewave then swept of the leg of the one he had been fighting to knock them to the ground and disarm them as well. "How about giving up now. What do you say?" Forcewave asked the guy that he had just disarmed and knocked to the ground.

The hostages were escaping via the rear entrance. The robbers no longer had any leverage. By this point it was just the rock creature left to deal with. Bliss and her armored suit that she didn't know how to use was locked in close quarters combat with the thing. Seriously, she probably should have tested that suit first. Unless this was the field test. In which case, not a good place to test it. Forcewave would try and back her up for the time being, aiming to defend her from any attack by the stone being

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Number of posts : 2604
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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A Simple Job (Closed:Forceaus, Bliss, and possibly Thorgron.) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Simple Job (Closed:Forceaus, Bliss, and possibly Thorgron.)

Post by Buckteeth July 8th 2015, 12:27 pm

This was very enjoyable, Otesine almost felt as if it was some friendly competition with the humor of it's opponent. It had itself another chuckle at her reference to it's limbs, she was great at witty, if blunt, banter. "Such a shame I must destroy you. You're such a card, and in battle too!" Certainly her sword would prove direct attacks to be difficult, so a more indirect attack was necessary.

Upon righting itself, at least it's arms didn't get in the way of that, it reached towards the counter, rending wood off of it to fling at her. It paid no attention to the shots that rang off, they were either trying to help Otesine by shooting it's opponent or handling an entirely different problem, in either case, it was fine with it and the incident didn't warrant it's concern.

Upon flinging the wood at her, it charged her, swinging it's tentacles in opposite directions from both sides. If she was distracted by the two flying pieces of wood, then surely she would be unable to adequately handle a double sided attack. All it needed was to knock her down once more, and then not let her arise.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 13
Location : Earth
Job : Important, unspecified company.
Humor : Nonexistant.
Registration date : 2015-05-29

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A Simple Job (Closed:Forceaus, Bliss, and possibly Thorgron.) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Simple Job (Closed:Forceaus, Bliss, and possibly Thorgron.)

Post by Bliss July 13th 2015, 9:33 pm

Two pieces of plywood flew towards the battle armored Bliss. Both pieces shattered against the armored gauntlets Bliss brought to her chest and face to defend herself, but the impact pushed her back slightly. Bliss placed telekinetics into her knee joints, but gravity petitioned physics for Bliss' balance. It was not even a close decision.

The scaling of the ground cracked under the weight of Bliss' enormous armor. A double sided tentacle attack crashed over her. At least something good came from her lack of coordination. Of course, she would need to get up from the ground, no matter how arduous the effort, this would suck. Bliss sucked on her effort of getting up, starting off like a turtle on its shell, but ended a little less pathetically as Bliss rolled over on her side and shot herself back to her feet with a blast of telekinesis into the gauntlet of her suit. The stumbling Bliss knocked over a teller counter with her enormous weight, but found the stand strong enough to keep her from completely falling over.

Out back, Abby helped the last of the hostages out of the building. With everything looking better by the minute, Abby came out of invisibility and tried her best to look as though she directed the escape through a strategic option other than simply opening a door. Even though the hostage situation pulled large attention from the police and media, Abby's escape through the back led the hostages to escape where no cameras could see them. Abby breathed a sigh of disappointment before turning back to hear the ruckus from the inside. "Well. I'm probably done here."


Mitsy's Boutique


A Simple Job (Closed:Forceaus, Bliss, and possibly Thorgron.) - Page 2 D3d4aa511c4d025601eecb3540adc5f1


Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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A Simple Job (Closed:Forceaus, Bliss, and possibly Thorgron.) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Simple Job (Closed:Forceaus, Bliss, and possibly Thorgron.)

Post by Forceaus July 13th 2015, 10:45 pm

Oh, oh no, oh no, oh no, oh Bliss is in trouble. Forcewave could see that with his own two eyes. She had been doing so well, and now she wasn't. The stone creature was more formidable than he had thought. It must be if it had gained the upper hand over Bliss. Then again that suit of armor that she didn't seem to know how to properly use may have something to do with that. Now was not the time to be trying to figure out whether it was her suit or her opponent that was the reason for why Bliss was in trouble. Now was the time to get her out of this mess, and quickly too, before things have a chance of getting worse.

Forcewave make one quick check of the robbers that were working for the rocky one to make sure there was an opening for him to go help out. Once he felt that one did in fact exist, Forcewave ran forward and got directly between Bliss and her stoned foe. "Don't you move." Forcewave said coldly to the rock creature before turning his head to look over at Bliss. "Hey, you okay? I doubt you want to hear this, but that suit doesn't appear to be working out for you. You probably should have tested it out more. Did you even test it? Please tell me you did." He asked, concerned for his friend, well ally, acquaintance, person that Tyuki worked for that probably didn't even remember who he was. That last one sounded like it was the most likely to be true.

"I can take it from here." Forcewave told Bliss and turned back to the stone creature. he figured she might take offense to him just taking over for her. She can yell at him later. For now, he was going try and stop this bank robbery attempt. Forcewave quickly fired out a pair of energy bolts from each of his hands. One of them flew directly at the rock creature while the other flew around in a wavy manner with no determinable direction.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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A Simple Job (Closed:Forceaus, Bliss, and possibly Thorgron.) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Simple Job (Closed:Forceaus, Bliss, and possibly Thorgron.)

Post by Buckteeth July 22nd 2015, 12:57 am

The attack had failed but, once again, the failure didn't really affect Otesine. It's opponent had been knocked down by the flung wood, and in a manner that it found most humorous. So humorous, that it had to pause and compose itself as she got up. Scuffles weren't usually this enjoyable, and it found itself hoping some brave journalist had snuck in and was recording this, if only so it could watch this again later on.

"You don't seem to need much aid in failing to defeat me, surely you will realize that a solution to this conflict cannot be reached through battle?" The only thing more impressive than beating and humiliating it's opponents was converting them, and while this one seemed too arrogant and bull-headed to serve it, it didn't hurt to try.

Sadly, it seemed it wouldn't get the chance to, as what it could only perceive as the true super hero decided to enter the fray. Apparently the armored woman's suit was fairly new and hadn't had a lot of field testing, which would explain her apparent inability to properly defeat it. The new guy seemed so sure of himself, which made Otesine want very badly to completely annihilate him.

But first, some mocking was in order, as the armored one seemed to have a substantially large ego.

"Don't worry," It told her. "The real hero is here." It really hoped that would antagonize her into fighting it again. That would just be perfect.

The first bolt was a direct hit. It quickly swung a tentacle towards the oncoming blast, but wasn't fast enough. It was, however, fast enough to turn a bit to the side, resulting in the blast landing in it's shoulder area, somewhat close to where it's one of it's tentacles attached to it's body. The blast itself wasn't strong enough to knock any of it's fragments loose, or really even damage them, leaving it only feeling somewhat shaken in the area.

But perhaps it could turn this to it's advantage. It intentionally dematerialized the tentacle attached at the point of impact, even doing it's best to look somewhat surprised with it's stone features. With that done it stared directly at the blaster, and dematerialized it's other tentacle, if it could convince him that it had a weakness to his attacks, then an advantage could be gained later in the battle. But that was later, now was the time for a counter attack.

It charged, bringing it's hands up to attempt to grasp and lift it's opponent. He had Otesine beat in ranged combat, but it believed it could overpower him in close quarters.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 13
Location : Earth
Job : Important, unspecified company.
Humor : Nonexistant.
Registration date : 2015-05-29

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A Simple Job (Closed:Forceaus, Bliss, and possibly Thorgron.) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Simple Job (Closed:Forceaus, Bliss, and possibly Thorgron.)

Post by Bliss July 25th 2015, 7:23 pm

"This suits needs a type B anyways." Unlocking herself from the suit, Bliss popped out while her foe turned to pummel Tyuki's boyfriend. If he died it would give Bliss more time to try and get Tyuki to do things for her, but with how dumb Tyuki was, it would probably just turn her into a useless blob of tears and tacky clothes. Fine then, time for Bliss to use this power armor the best way she knew how. Once out of the suit, Bliss focused her telekinesis on lifting the suit over her head and throwing it towards Otesine. If it made contact, Bliss would lift it up again and continue to beat Otesine over the head with her massive armor. "Here's a real hero!"

Abby followed the rest of the hostages out of the building, but found something pulling on her to go back inside. She did not listen to that pull, because going back would be stupid. She did however reach in for her communicator to get into contact with Bliss. "Bliss. It's Abby. I-"

"I know who this is. You're the only other person on this line. You have just confirmed you are louder than nothing. Now, shut up and put silence back on the line." Bliss continued using her battle armor as her primary means of attack while pulling office furniture around her as a shield.

"Okay. Well, I'm done for today. By the way, I saved all the hostages, so there's that, but I'll just leave you with this." Abby dropped her communicator next to a radio playing a non stop loop of Girl Alive! music directly into Bliss' ear. In order to turn the device off, Bliss would need to pull her attention away from the fight, presenting Bliss with the option of listen to generic J-poprock music or die. Faced with that, Bliss begrudgingly choose life and kept up her offense of attacking Otesine with the armor.


Mitsy's Boutique


A Simple Job (Closed:Forceaus, Bliss, and possibly Thorgron.) - Page 2 D3d4aa511c4d025601eecb3540adc5f1


Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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A Simple Job (Closed:Forceaus, Bliss, and possibly Thorgron.) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Simple Job (Closed:Forceaus, Bliss, and possibly Thorgron.)

Post by Forceaus July 25th 2015, 9:28 pm

It was time for him to do something that he was probably going to be hated for doing. That something was interfere in the fight between Bliss and the stone creature because it looked like Bliss wasn't doing too well. It was probably the suit of armor's fault though. She didn't need to hate him though. Forcewave was just trying to help, that's all. Something that the rock monster seemed to find funny. Oh how he wished that it couldn't talk, for all of its words were no fun to hear. It didn't even seem to realize that all of its henchmen were currently out of action, and the hostages had escaped, and the bank vault was still closed off to its attemt to steal from it. Things were going rather poorly for this creature, and yet here it was still talking. No wonder he tried to shut it up so fast.

Forcewave attacked quickly with dual energy blasts. The main one managed to hit the stone being on its shoulder. The impact did something, and didn't do all that much. This thing had some weird physiology going on. The tentacles disappeared after it got hit, and then the stone creature began to charge directly at him.

With the creature coming towards him, and the room not giving him all that much space to maneuver around in, Forcewave prepared to stand his ground and take this thing on. The secondary energy blast he had fired earlier veered around the creature and started flying at it from behind. As the creature came within mere feet of reaching him, the suit of armor that Bliss had been using came flying in. The moment he saw that thing, Forcewave quickly ran backwards to get some space between himself and it. The thing was on a crash course with the stone monster. Forcewave was watching to see what would happen next. If the stone creature managed to avoid or block the attacking suit of armor, then he would immediately attack it with another energy blast.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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A Simple Job (Closed:Forceaus, Bliss, and possibly Thorgron.) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Simple Job (Closed:Forceaus, Bliss, and possibly Thorgron.)

Post by Buckteeth July 28th 2015, 1:25 am

The hit to the back had actually managed to dislodge one of it's fragments, but said fragment was quickly regained as it continued on it's charge towards the newcomer. Otesine originally thought that he had jumped back to dodge it, continuing towards him unawares of the suit.

By the time Otesine noticed the suit, it was too late to adequately react. It was still thinking that it's armored opponent's comeback had been subpar, when it was forcibly told that she was no longer armored. It had only enough time to move one of it's arms partially towards the flying suit before they collided. A large part of it's forearm was blasted into fragments, and the extra blast knocked a few fragments from it's torso. It was sent reeling back, but wasn't completely knocked down due to the momentum of it's charge. It immediately began recalling it's fragments. As the suit was lifted, it calculated it's next move

It reached out with it's arms to grab the suit, despite one of them being only partially reformed. If it was successful in grasping the suit, it would charge at the energy blaster swinging the suit as a weapon. If it could put him out of commission it was convinced it would be able to easily beat the telekinetic.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 13
Location : Earth
Job : Important, unspecified company.
Humor : Nonexistant.
Registration date : 2015-05-29

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A Simple Job (Closed:Forceaus, Bliss, and possibly Thorgron.) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Simple Job (Closed:Forceaus, Bliss, and possibly Thorgron.)

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