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Trent Arbitarus (new system conversion) COMPLETE

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Trent Arbitarus (new system conversion) COMPLETE Empty Trent Arbitarus (new system conversion) COMPLETE

Post by Timmmithy May 15th 2015, 8:33 pm

This application's purpose is to switch my old character over to the new statless system and add to various areas of the application.


   Trent Arbitarus
   Trent Arbitarus

Basic Biography

   Real Name: Trent Arbitarus
   Renegade/Hero/Villain Name: N/A
   Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
   Age: 26
   Gender: Male
   Race: Caucasian
   Hair: Dark Brown
   Eyes: Blue
   Height: 5 foot 4 inches
   Weight: 160lbs.
   Blood type: O negative
The Looks

   Trent is a typical human when it comes to looks. He stands just below average height at 5'4". He is well toned and does not appear to be weak, nor does he look overly strong. He generally wears dark colored t-shirts, and is never seen in any pants other than jeans. A black ball cap and aviators give a serious but non-important appearance, helping him avoid bringing any attention to himself. Trent's blue eyes are a obvious giveaway to his painful past, as they show more than just a colour, but rather years of suffering.

The Legacy

   Personality: despite having a dark and painful past. Trent holds up a cheerful and easygoing lifestyle. Throwing caution to the wind in nearly every situation, Trent does not believe in worrying over any small or large problems. He nearly always has a beer close by, and takes little offense to another man's comments. Trent is a man who is difficult to piss off, and impossible to avoid if you do. however, on the odd occasion, Trent will collapse into a depressed state if enough trauma is sent his way.

   History: Trent's dark history is what gives him his easygoing personality. Trent has gone through an extensive life, one that would tear most apart, after being kidnapped by a determined group of meta humans, he was forced through countless torture sessions, and surgeries to test out new experiments with the meta gene. While these tests and injections gave birth to a meta version of the old Trent, the pain and suffering that poor Trent endured will never be forgotten, and is seen every time you look in his eyes. After this experience, he managed to expel himself from the evildoers grasp and escape. He wandered through life with a new point of view, he decided to learn various skills, such as self defense and sword fighting (mainly katanas), and thus, his easy going attitude was born. Some time later, a rag tag group of investigators (all meta humans as well) picked him off the street, and put him to work, at Trent's own will. He learned to like this relaxed way of getting work done. For the most part, they did contract investigations for others who are willing to pay a lot for the best. Thomas Erandt was Trent's closest teammate within the group. The two were capable of accomplishing tasks that would normally require three or more men. On a low risk investigation, the whole crew had infiltrated a warehouse to obtain information on the whereabouts of a target. It was meant to be an in and out procedure, Trent and Thomas would enter while the others kept guard. However, the two found themselves setup by their own team, they were handcuffed, beaten, and knocked unconscious. They were meant to be the bait while the others had an easy escape with several million. Both Thomas and Trent had escaped from the warehouse, albeit in an injured manner, on their way out, the two had been separated.

The Powers and Weaknesses

   (All characters can be as powerful as they want, as long as they are balanced with proper weaknesses.)

   Power 1: Meta-level stealth abilities - One of the enhancements the meta gene gave Trent was the fortunate ability to remain impossibly hidden from others. This is done through great reaction and speed. He has a sort of instinct that subconsciously keeps him aware of his surroundings and any possible escape routes or hiding places. He is also constantly aware of who is around him and when he is being detected.

   Power 2: Superb defense skills - While Trent is a rather lousy attacker, he has an astounding ability to defend others attacks. His reaction time and speed is to thank. He is able to determine the opponents next move almost as it happens (although a meta level MMA style fighter could probably manage to outsmart him over time).

NOTE: while not a meta power, i thought it wise to note that Trent is trained in the art of katanas.


   Weakness 1: Trent's biggest weakness is that he is not overly strong. While he can usually squeeze his way out of a tight situation, and defend himself for a period of time, he generally cannot physically defeat his opponents on shear strength alone. In fact, almost all of his foes can out lift his abilities by at least 2:1.

   Weakness 2: Trent's second largest weakness is his failure to admit defeat. When poised with a situation he clearly cannot overcome, he will still attempt it with a surge of false confidence. this is evident in everything he does, from ordering to much food and overeating to taking on an opponent twice his size and three times as fast, Trent simply doesn't know when to stop.

 Weakness 2: A minor weakness of Trent's is his gambling problem. This doesn't affect him in his missions, however it is important to note as he tends to lose his money and is always going on both sides of the law to find his next stash of money. This is what drives Trent to do what he does. He does not do good for good, or do bad for bad, instead he does both good and bad for money.

   RP Mechanics

   RP Mechanic(s):

- Trent's prized possessions are his two katanas. They are simple, and especially boring. There is nothing physically special about the blades aside from their beautifully sharp edges. Instead, it is the back story that is so important to Trent. Trent was awarded the two blades after defeating his instructor in a duel. He uses the swords as a reminder that he has achieved great things and they keep him from remembering the dark parts of his past.

   Physical Priority
   (You are to put these physical attributes in order from 1 to 4. 1 is the highest priority, 4 is the lowest.)
   Agility - 2
   Endurance - 3
   Reaction - 1
   Strength - 4

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 92
Registration date : 2014-03-23

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Trent Arbitarus (new system conversion) COMPLETE Empty Re: Trent Arbitarus (new system conversion) COMPLETE

Post by Hyperion May 16th 2015, 8:24 pm

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Number of posts : 423
Registration date : 2011-05-24

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