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An unusual day in the life of a Queen (invite only)

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An unusual  day in the life of a Queen (invite only) Empty An unusual day in the life of a Queen (invite only)

Post by Umbreonxd April 26th 2015, 6:44 pm

Tiredness, that was all Joseph was feeling. It was such a busy day in work, almost the triple of costumers that the store normally have. But it was finally over, finally he was driving to his lovely home, in Texas. While driving, he was thinking on how lucky he was. In the News, there was always chaos, fear and tragedies, but in his small town such things didn´t exist. Even for a vigilante like him, life there was easy. Small thieves were the only problem there, and even better, they were not really a problem for his wonderful superhuman abilities. He remembed the stories his mother used to tell him, about how in the past, things were much more difficult for a vigilante. His mother was such a brave hero back in the day, Joseph thought that he could never, ever be nearly as good as her, when she was The Queen. Eight years as a vigilante and he still have a lot to learn, even with two of this years wasted in a deep depression about gender identity.

Red light, the car stopped. A bird landed in the front of his car. Joseph looked at him and thought that life for him was wonderful, and instead of remember the past, its better to just enjoy the present and expect the best for the future. In his home, a delicious dinner was surely wating for him. Nothing could ruin this day, or at least that was his thought.

Last edited by Umbreonxd on May 12th 2015, 3:28 pm; edited 1 time in total

Status :

Quote : Time is a tool you can put on the wall
or wear it on your wrist,
the past is far behind us
the future doesn´t exist (8)

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 38
Registration date : 2015-04-25

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An unusual  day in the life of a Queen (invite only) Empty Re: An unusual day in the life of a Queen (invite only)

Post by Fiona LeFey May 2nd 2015, 2:13 pm

(Texas is a big place. Where are we?)

Fiona stood next to her car--a green lexus at the moment, herself appearing as a goth teenager--refueling. She glanced over the skyline, considered the implications of her trip back toward California. As the numbers rolled onward toward her pre-paid $15, she sipped at a Doctor Pepper and considered the hot dogs she had picked up--selling the second for a reduced price struck her as a pretty sound business model. Always seemed to get her to purchase two when she only really wanted one. The pump jumped slightly as it stopped and she took a moment to breathe the air before glancing over at another vehicle and memorizing the licence plate number that she would soon use for her own.

Cars were stopped at a nearby intersection, waiting on the light to change, as a bird arced in the air before lowering with several flaps to land in the front of one of the cars. She let her eyes drift closed for a moment before sighing and preparing to climb back into her transportation and resume her journey.
Fiona LeFey
Fiona LeFey

Status :

Quote : "All the world is a computer screen and all the men and women merely pixels, they have their binary and their electronic... you know, Neil was right. Most metaphors don't bear close examination."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 28
Location : Houston and sundy.
Job : Magic is my profession.
Humor : A touch sarcastic.
Registration date : 2015-04-30

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An unusual  day in the life of a Queen (invite only) Empty Re: An unusual day in the life of a Queen (invite only)

Post by Umbreonxd May 9th 2015, 1:24 pm

(We are in Wimberley, Texas)

While Joseph was waiting the light to change, he saw a mysterious teenager, that looked like a goth. -¿A goth?- He thought -That sort of think is not very common here-. It really wasn´t, but Joseph was not really worried about her, she didnt looked like a danger at all, just a regular, normal goth girl, as far as "normal" applies to goths.

The light was taking a while to change. Suddenly, a very loud sound filled the air. The sound was like a car crash, a very close car crash. Joseph looked at his back, only to see a car raming others cars, making his way through the traffic. Joseph quickly moved his car in a instinctive reaction. The crazy car passed through all the other cars in the traffic, only to continue his way at a really high speed. -Or...maybe this wont be a calm day after all- he said to himself. Joseph assumed that the car was drove by thieves, like usual. Ignoring the red light, he started to chase it in his car. It was time to be a hero.

Status :

Quote : Time is a tool you can put on the wall
or wear it on your wrist,
the past is far behind us
the future doesn´t exist (8)

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 38
Registration date : 2015-04-25

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An unusual  day in the life of a Queen (invite only) Empty Re: An unusual day in the life of a Queen (invite only)

Post by Mindy May 9th 2015, 3:22 pm

The Texan sun had finally decided to stop its relentless torrent of heatwaves and simmer down to more of a semi-humid kind of feel. People were racing in their cars to the solace of their homes, all the while passing two rather strange hitchhikers. One was wearing a butler's suit, pocket watch and all, under a tacky Hawaiian flower shirt and a baseball cap that said "I Daisuke Japan". The other, on the other hand was wearing a white sun hat along with a white sun dress all on top of a European girl with silver hair, walking underneath a parasol. The only thing that could keep her skin untanned was magic, or a genetic history of people with some sort of melanin deficiency.

The big one, Sebastian, suddenly spoke up. "What are we doing here again? And why didn't we rent a car?"

He had a point, for the entire duration of their current endeavor, Mindy, The smaller one, had not thought to be frugal at all. The money they had made from pawning off that broach back in Japan was still carrying their expenses. Maybe his ward had finally gained the ability of careful spending?  All of his hope was crushed when Mindy opened her mouth.
"This is all part of the American Experience! Hitchhikers are a part of their culture! I read all about it in a book, they said as long as you have a towel you are fine! And I brought four! Motioning to the pack on her back as she spoke. Plus, the magical distortion I had sensed had come from the area surrounding the next town over."

With that Mindy began raising her finger motioning to cars. They responded with angry honks.  "Milady, you seem to be offending them."
"Oh balderdash, they are just using their horns to apologize for not picking us up!" continuing to wag her middle finger at on coming cars.

That is when they heard the sound of a car crash a little bit down the road from where they were coming from. It seemed to be a group of dangerous bunch of hooligans in their car, driving dangerously down the road. The corner of Mindy's mouth twisted into an agitated scowl. "Transforming time Sebu, que the music."
"Seriously? They are just small time criminals, barely worth the effort." Sebastian said almost bored.
"They are ruining the atmosphere of my hitchhiker fantasy. Plus stopping bandits, is the job of a magical girl."
Sebastian sighed while taking his pack off and unzipped the side pockets revealing speakers then pushed play.
Music from the Speaker:

"Nomobuyo, Oshi, Hashitawa, Dogeda, Gunmiicha, De, Ribura!"
With a colorful transformation scene that went in slow motion in her mind but really only occurred for about a second as her magic kicked in and changed her clothes. Now wearing a pink and white frilly dress, Mindy walked onto the middle of the road, she raised her left arm in front of her. Magical Bow: Artemis Sebastian flew into her open hand, now a pink and white longbow. She pulled back on the string and began chanting something underneath her breath. The tune hummed from the bow as Sebastian chanted with her. A large arrow of light appeared on the string. Bridge of Reunion: Bifrost

Mindy let go as the spear of light went flying at the rogue car with enough force to topple a regular car. If the car was nothing special, the arrow might pass through the car and hit something behind it. Mindy had been so gunge-ho  she hadn't really though about property damage.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 65
Location : No place you want to be lol
Age : 31
Job : Medical Student
Registration date : 2015-02-25

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An unusual  day in the life of a Queen (invite only) Empty Re: An unusual day in the life of a Queen (invite only)

Post by Umbreonxd May 9th 2015, 4:19 pm

The crazy car was running at an insane speed. Joseph ´s car could barely follow it. -I think is time to be a hero- he said. No one was looking, so his car seemed like a good place to change his identity. The bright light of the magical transformation wouldn´t let him saw where he was driving for a couple of seconds, but it was just a small detail, this was an emergency.

He was prepared. A pink and very bright light covered his entery body. The light was so bright that it could be seen from the outside of the car, through the windows, fortunately no one was looking, at least, that was what he though. The light filled the entire car, so he couldn´t saw anything outside or inside the vehicle.

After a couple of seconds, the transformation was complete. He was no longer Joseph Olson, his appearance changed completely. Now he was a young and attractive woman, in a pink superhero costume, with pink skirt and corset, pink gloves and white go go boots. Now, he was "The Queen".

The Queen looked through the windshield, to see the car he was chasing. But he saw something really different. A spear of light flying directly to his car. -Yep this is going to hurt- he said. His superhuman invulnerability would be enough to protect him, but he still can feel pain. The spear crushed his car, completely destroying it. The impact sent him over the air a couple of meters.

The Queen got up from the ground. -I hope my hair is not a mess right now- he said, since his weakness is that if he lose his beauty in his female form, his powers are weaken. But no, fortunately for him, his hair was all right. The supergirl looked at his destroyed car. -Well...what just happened?- he asked to himself, confused. In the middle of the pieces of metal, he saw a girl in extravagant clothes. -Are you all right?- he asked to the girl.

Status :

Quote : Time is a tool you can put on the wall
or wear it on your wrist,
the past is far behind us
the future doesn´t exist (8)

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 38
Registration date : 2015-04-25

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An unusual  day in the life of a Queen (invite only) Empty Re: An unusual day in the life of a Queen (invite only)

Post by Beerus May 10th 2015, 1:45 pm

(Sorry Fiona for barging in)

Beerus was in the gas station buying a pack of gum when a loud crashing sound exploded in the air. The young spiky haired boy spun around and quickly ran outside. "What the heck was that?!" Beerus saw a car that was hardly a car anymore and a beautiful young woman next to the mangled metal. The black eyed fox god made sure no one was looking before breaking into a run, nearly at the speed of sound. As Beerus entered the sun's rays, it empowered him. Beerus came to a quick stop just behind the woman, "Are you alright, miss?

Status :

Quote : "Fire is not only death and destruction, but also life and power."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 39
Age : 28
Registration date : 2015-05-07

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An unusual  day in the life of a Queen (invite only) Empty Re: An unusual day in the life of a Queen (invite only)

Post by Umbreonxd May 11th 2015, 5:50 pm

Just after the Queen asked the extravagant girl if she was all right, the supergirl heard a weird noise behind him, it was like the sound that cars make when they are running at really high speeds. Along with the weird noise, he noticed a little bit of dust, also like a really fast car passed behind him. The unexpected event made him lose his interest in the girl for a moment.

The Queen turned back, and he saw a familiar face. Beerus, the orphan kid that he met some time ago in a fast food restaurant. It was a really weird coincidence to find him in that place and that moment. As far as he could recall, he has never shown the young boy his female form, so he shouldn´t be able to recognize him as The Queen.

Beerus asked him if he was all right. The Queen exhaled a little bit of air. He needed to act naturally to keep his secret identity, act like that young boy was just a random stranger that was just worried about the car accident, even when, by the looks, anyone could say that The Queen was a superhero...or a woman in a superhero costume.

-Yeah...yeah Im all right, thank you....but I dont think she is right- said The Queen while pointed at the young girl in extravagant clothes that was in the middle of the metal pieces of the destroyed car.

Status :

Quote : Time is a tool you can put on the wall
or wear it on your wrist,
the past is far behind us
the future doesn´t exist (8)

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 38
Registration date : 2015-04-25

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An unusual  day in the life of a Queen (invite only) Empty Re: An unusual day in the life of a Queen (invite only)

Post by Mindy May 12th 2015, 5:05 pm

The arrow of light only left destruction in its wake, destroying two cars and causing a traffic jam a little ways off. Even Mindy was kind of taken back by how effective it was.. "Dear me! I am so cool!" One would think that Mindy would be used to her newly acquired powers by this point, but it always felt like a dream coming true to Mindy. It wasn't long before Sebastian retorted through their mental link "Don't lose focus, Mindy. We don't who was in that car." She was going to reply nonchalantly till she noticed something strange about the the shimmering around the fire of the wreckage, but it wasn't moving. Yet. The smile on her lips didn't change but the rest of her face became slightly more serious. This wasn't done yet.

-Are you all right?- The voice that came was from an another girl in a pink skirt and corset with pink gloves and white go go boots. There was only one explanation: it was another magical girl. Well there was plenty of other viable reasons, but none appealed to Mindy so she simply shooed them away in her head. Mindy's eyes began to sparkle as she spoke up. "Comrade! Nakama!" She said to the other girl, completely ignoring the kid next to her.

Sebastian, on the other hand, despite being a bow, was more interested in the boy. Wasn't he the one from New York? he asked through their link.
That's not important, Sebu-chan! We finally found another one!
First off, we don't know if she is a Magical Girl, second off Call me Sebastian!
I know she's a magical girl! Look at the mana shimmering around her! Sebastian forgot that Mindy seemed to have some mystical sense about these things, though he still held onto the fact that he had never heard of a phenomena known as "mana shimmering" in ANY of his incarnations.

That's when one of the halves of the wreckage suddenly froze mid-fire and the other went flying off to reveal six, extremely unhappy customers. One stood up with 8 tentacles, holding an uzi, two sawed-off shot guns and a rpg. Another one came up with six different swords on his back and didn't seem all that bad before his shadow stood up from the ground and then split into two, each of them,him and his clones, grabbed two swords a piece. Next to shadow freak was a behemoth of a man. He clearly had super strength and durability, the only real question was where in the world did they store him? Sebastion discovered later he had been in the trunk. Then came up the wonder twins, A man standing on a pillar of ice that he had conjured out of thin air, and next to him was what looked to be his twin, keeping himself afloat from jets of flames that came from his hand. And finally was a man who looked like he was sitting on a floating piece of wreckage staring with a look that could cut glass.

Sebastian felt like sighing, despite being unable to do so in his current, bow, form. We had to piss off a car full of meta humans didn't we? that's when the man with the telekinetic powers spoke up. "¡Maldito hijo de perra, Ese era mi auto! ¡Pinche pendejo me chingaste el carro"
Oh dear lords, we pissed off Latino Meta humans, that is somehow worse.

Mindy turned her head back towards the other girl, still ignoring the existence of the other boy, and gave her a wink. "Lets talk later!" Mindy broke into a dead sprint towards the side with the human octopus and the wonder twins. The rained bullets, bolts of ice, and fire balls down at her, just missing her by inches.  She dove over a non-destroyed car moments before a giant fireball came flying into it quickly rectifying that. The car blew up into a giant inferno that almost served like a huge divider between the 4 of them and the rest of them.

The telekinetic leader, sat back on his floating seat, looking bored, waiting for his cronies to defeat the small fry's who had begun to ruin his day. The shadow freak and the behemoth started closing in on to Queen and Beerus, glaring at them with a look that seemed as if they were ready to taste their blood.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 65
Location : No place you want to be lol
Age : 31
Job : Medical Student
Registration date : 2015-02-25

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An unusual  day in the life of a Queen (invite only) Empty Re: An unusual day in the life of a Queen (invite only)

Post by Beerus May 12th 2015, 8:31 pm

Beerus looking at the giant of a man said to the lady beside him, I'll take the giant one there."

Beerus disappeared in a small sonic boom. While he was running at the speed of sound, he made a large fist of fire. When he reappeared, Beerus hit the huge man with the fire with the speed of sound driving the punch. When the punch hit the man, the giant got burned, then combusted as he flew multiple feet away. As the man flew, Beerus launched in to another attack. This time staying just in front of the giant. Beerus positioned his left arm above his head and his right arm between his legs. As the man was about to touch the ground, Beerus created a large worlf head of fire between his arms. Beerus lowered his raised left arm and brought his lowered right arm up, thus the huge flaming wolf head's fangs closed on the giant. Then Beerus landed and turned back to the group of metahumans.

As Beerus walked towards the rest of the group, he felt a painful pressure that forced him a few feet forward. The giant had gotten up. Beerus launch himself at the man again. The boy did not expect the monster of a man to move so quickly. The man had suddenly appeared in front of Beerus bleeding from the wounds the wolf fangs made. Then not even a second later, Beerus felt a fist in his face. The kid flew many yards before falling to the ground. Beerus used the momentum and his right arm to flip up right. The boy glared at the man as he approached.

Status :

Quote : "Fire is not only death and destruction, but also life and power."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 39
Age : 28
Registration date : 2015-05-07

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An unusual  day in the life of a Queen (invite only) Empty Re: An unusual day in the life of a Queen (invite only)

Post by Umbreonxd May 12th 2015, 10:09 pm

The extravagant girl looked at the Queen with sparkling eyes. -Comrade! Nakama!- said the girl in response to the question of the superheroine. The Queen didn´t understand the phrase, he thought that the girl was probably from another country, maybe Japan. Without knowing what to do, the Queen just looked all over around him, confused. ¿What exactly was happening there?, he was chasing a crazy car, then a spear of light blew up the crazy car and his car too, then he found Beerus...or Beerus found him and then he was there, with a weird japanese girl. Too many things going on in such a short time. Apparently he was wrong, that definitely wasn´t going to be a calm day, in fact, that was the craziest day that he could remember, and was just starting.

Just when he thought that the day couldn´t become any weirder, something really unexpected happened. Six freaks appeared in the road. A man with tentacles and weapons, a ninja-like man with two shadow clones, a big monstrosity with huge muscles, a dynamic duo with fire and ice powers, and a telekinetic man. The Queen was so shocked that he couldn´t believe what he was seeing. The last superhuman he saw was Beerus, a couple of months ago, he didn´t expect to ever see another one, or in this case, a lot of them.

Apparently, they were the ones in the crazy car, and now, there were really, really angry since their vehicle was destroyed. The japanese girl winked at the Queen, and said -Lets talk later- to him. -So she can speak english- said the Queen to himself. He was glad of that, there were a lot of questions that the Queen had for her.

The not so japanese girl went after the fire, the ice, and the tentacle man, while the shadow man and the muscly monstrosity went after him and Beerus. Beerus went after the muscly one, letting the shadow clone man for the Queen.

-Vas a morir zorra- said the shadow metahuman, that was latino apparently. It was like a three versus one fight, since there was the man and his two shadow clones, all of them with a pair of swords. The trio rushed at the Queen at the same time, there were six swords in total, all of them ready for stab their objective. The Queen didn´t even move, he was just there, waiting in the iconic heroic "power pose" (With the legs separated, and the hands in the hips), he was really confident. Six swords were trying to penetrate his skin at the same time, with no results. All the scene was really awkward. -Come on guys, just give up, you are no match for me- said the Queen. The supergirl used his super strenght to create a shock wave in the ground by punching it. The shock wave disarmed the three criminals, and also made them fly away a couple meters in different directions. One of the shadow clones decided to do a mean but unnecessary move. He took a little bit of mud from the ground and threw it to the Queen´s hair. He didn´t expected that to be effective, he was just trying to be annoying. The powers of the Queen were severely weakened, since the mud in his hair made him loss his beauty.

As expected, the criminals noticed that. They were disarmed now, but that didn´t stop them. One of the shadow clones grabbed both hands of the Queen from behind, and without his super strenght, he was no longer able to do anything about it. -Ya no eres tan valiente ¿verdad perra?- said the other shadow clone, while punching the Queen in the stomach.

Status :

Quote : Time is a tool you can put on the wall
or wear it on your wrist,
the past is far behind us
the future doesn´t exist (8)

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 38
Registration date : 2015-04-25

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An unusual  day in the life of a Queen (invite only) Empty Re: An unusual day in the life of a Queen (invite only)

Post by Mindy May 14th 2015, 11:08 am

Running off to fight baddies in a blaze of glory looks great and all, but getting closer to the people shooting at them wasn't exactly the best idea in retrospect. It became increasingly difficult to dodge their attacks. It didn't help that the enemies heavier attacks (i.e rpgs, fireballs, and ice boulders) left craters, explosions, and shrapnel everywhere.  

As soon as Mindy was over the now destroyed car, the Octopus meta (fun fact: he was classified in the meta criminal database under the alias "Pulpo Señor") switched from loosely aiming bullets to spraying and praying. As one tentacle fired the gun, another tentacle was ready to reload it the second it was finished.Sebastian jumped out of and grabbed a broken off car door and used it as a shield. With the lull of bullets hitting metal in the back ground, Mindy thought to her self,I definitely need something that I can carry with me that could protect me from projectiles. She continued to think on this vain for a bit before the situation demanded her attention. The ice wonder twin  jumped off the pedestal of ice he had been on top of and slammed his fist into the ground. Out of the ground from where he had hit, came a giant spire of ice that he then flipped it into the air, flipping till it was midair and aimed point first at the dynamic duo. The Fire twin launched himself into the base of spire and then blasted his fire into it, propelling it at them almost like a jet engine.

"Sebastian, Pheonix Dive." She said, referring to one of the maneuvers they had practiced/threw together in some of their previous fights. Sebastian scooped Mindy up in one arm, and spun and catapulted her over the oncoming ice spear.  Using the momentum of the spin, Sebastian threw the door at the Octopus Meta which caught him off guard and incapacitated him temporarily.

Mindy flew right over the oncoming ice mountain. With out stretched hands, Mindy put her hands on giant icicle and forced inside about 5% of magical pool into it. From inside the icicle, a light began to shine like a star before it burst into a cloud of snow, that blocked sight for more then two feet in front of your face. The Ice wonder twin (Another fun fact: The Wonder Twins, not that that was their actual names of course, were classified in the Juvenile Meta Criminal Database under the heading "Helado y' Enchilado". What do you know, maybe one of the archive caretakers had a sense of humor.) looked around till he could finally see his brother. That didn't last long, since he saw Sebastian dive out of the flurry of snow and tackle his brother out of the air. The Ice twin desperately fired bolts of ice towards where he thought they were but he knew he missed. He began breath heavily, till he was jumped as well. Mindy grabbed him from behind as flailed around trying to hit her. He was about to stomp on the ground and try to freeze her to the ground when her words entered his ear. "Shhh, no more tears, dear. Only dreams!" and with one word, She released a bright blast of light with such intensity that the light even escaped the cover of snow.

As the flurry dissipated, Mindy dropped the, now unconscious, boy onto the ground. She looked over to see Sebastian still fighting with fire twin. Off a little Mindy saw the octopus man getting back up. I'll take care of the tentacled man, you deal with the hot one She said to Sebastian through their mental link
hot one as in his super power, or that he is attractive?. She purposefully didn't respond, and began making her way towards the Octopus man with a slight smile on her face.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 65
Location : No place you want to be lol
Age : 31
Job : Medical Student
Registration date : 2015-02-25

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An unusual  day in the life of a Queen (invite only) Empty Re: An unusual day in the life of a Queen (invite only)

Post by Umbreonxd May 17th 2015, 7:24 pm

It was the tenth punch in the stomach of the Queen, that was completely incapacitated by one of the clones of the shadowy criminal (that was classified in the meta criminal database as "El Negro Jose"). Since his invulnerability was gone and the punches were really strong, a couple more of those could end up in a life threatening injury. -¡Vas a morir aquí y ahora maldita!- said one of the shadow clones. The Queen couldn´t understand spanish, but even if he could, he was too exhausted to talk back. "Come on Joseph, you have to do something, if you don´t this would be your end" thought the supergirl. The Queen looked to his left, and saw Beerus fighting the big and muscly criminal (That was classified in the meta criminal database as "Gran Camaron Diaz") the kid was using all of his abilities against the monstrosity. "Look at that, even that kid can do a better job than you" Thought the Queen for himself.

With his last breath, the Queen took forces from his willpower to do give a kick in between the legs of the shadow clone that was grabbing his hands from behind. Of course, it was really painful for him, especially for the heels. The Queen was glad that in his superheroine form, he didn´t have that weakness. Now, the magical girl was free, but still weak, there were mud in his hair, and while one shadow clone was in pain on the floor, the other shadow clone and the original criminal were there, ready to rush at him, but this time, with their swords, apparently, they found them. The Queen tried to quickly remove all the mud from his hair, while the criminal and his shadow clone were rushing at him, ready to stab him with their weapons.

One of the swords reached the Queen´s torso at the same time he was removing the last piece of mud from his hair. In the last second, his powers were back. The sword couldn´t penetrate the supergirl´s skin.
The Queen was completely revitalized, even the injuries in his stomach disappeared. "El Negro Jose" looked at the magical girl, with a worried face after realising what happened. The Queen smiled to the criminal in response.

-Thats it, no more Mr nice girl!- said the Queen while rushing at the criminal and his clones. The supergirl just skipped them and rushed at the road. The shadow clones didn´t understand why, but they were glad of that... until a huge truck went flying directly to them. -¡No mames wey!- said one of the shadow clones, just before the trio were squashed by tons of metal. The Queen didn´t know if they were alive or not, but it didn´t matter.

The magical girl looked around him. Everyone was still fighting, Beerus with the muscly guy, the weird japanese girl with the octopus guy, and some stranger that was fighting with the fire guy. -Maybe I should help them- said the Queen for himself.

Status :

Quote : Time is a tool you can put on the wall
or wear it on your wrist,
the past is far behind us
the future doesn´t exist (8)

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 38
Registration date : 2015-04-25

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An unusual  day in the life of a Queen (invite only) Empty Re: An unusual day in the life of a Queen (invite only)

Post by Beerus May 17th 2015, 7:58 pm

The giant man charged at Beerus. The kick the man attacked Beerus with hit the boy and sent him flying towards the man he had fought in New York months ago. As Beerus flew toward the two men, the Fire Fox noticed the meta-human was using fire. Just feet from the fighting duo, Beerus flipped using one arm to grab the ground. As he flipped, the kid saw lots of fire all over the place.

When the boy landed, Beerus said to the meta-human, "I'll be taking all of this."

Then Beerus extended his arms towards two of the fires. After focusing for a second, Beerus stared to adsorb the flames. As soon as he was done with the flames, his opponent was right behind him. Beerus ducked a punch and spun around very fast. At the beginning of his spin, Beerus created a solid flame scythe. The scythe sliced through the large meta-human with a bit of trouble, cauterizing the wound. The man fell unconscious and Beerus turned towards the fire meta spinning his scythe a number of times, then resting it on his shoulder.

"The wound is cauterized. Doctors sould be able to put him back together."


Status :

Quote : "Fire is not only death and destruction, but also life and power."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 39
Age : 28
Registration date : 2015-05-07

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