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The Wings of an Angel, and Maybe an Arm Too (Closed)

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The Wings of an Angel, and Maybe an Arm Too (Closed) Empty The Wings of an Angel, and Maybe an Arm Too (Closed)

Post by Elena Vexus May 6th 2015, 2:21 am

It was time to break out the open toed shoes. After a decent amount of recruiting for her organization, she decided to try and get the ball rolling. Her research department was able to locate a target for her. It was a younger individual, probably anywhere between 18 and 25 and he was angelic in nature. She decided on this one as a target due to his high magical output. They were developing a magical tracking system, it was still very much in the works but even this one managed to show up. He would no doubt be a good start, maybe he would even be carrying something magical worth value. Elena was getting rather excited about this, it was a new interest that she was getting into. Hopefully she wouldn't get too carried away. When someone of her caliber becomes obsessive, things can get a bit out of hand.
Elena now found her private jet touching down in Phoenix. She had two human bodyguards, and then her General. Since she was landing at a public airport he was much more disguised this time around. Just as it was in Brazil, there were vehicles waiting for them. This time though there were three. Two G63s and an armored S600 Maybach Mercedes. Her two guards took one of the G-Wagons, and her General in the other. A driver, who had been mentally altered by Vexus, was chauffeuring the S600. The caravan was then off in hunt for their fallen angel.

Due to their lack of magic tracking technology, from their headquarters they could only see a general location of the magic individual. Once they started to get closer the location became more precise. They had landed in Phoenix since it was a more central location, now they needed to head west for a few hours until they hit somewhere called Greenlee County. Elena did a simple google search on the county and its apparently the least populated county in Arizona. She didn't bother dwelling on as to why he might be hanging out in such a location as it did not matter. She just needed to give her research department something more interesting to do besides make a tracking device.
Upon arriving their vehicles were even more obvious than they were before. The towns in this county were few and far apart and any of the ones that they drove through they got heavy stares and even pulled over by the town's local authorities. Most of the time Vexus just flashed a badge that she had and most placed allowed them to be on their way. Soon enough, on a long stretch of road in between the small towns their search finally paid off. They had been heading due north and to the right there were smaller mountains and to the left was flat land with taller mountains off in the distance.
"Miss Vexus, our sensors show that the target is in the mountain range to our left." Rang one of her guards up ahead. The three cars pulled off the road, and the door was opened for Elena by her chauffeur. Elegantly exiting the car, she put her LV clutch into a backpack carried by one of her assistants and put on her Prada shades. The sunglasses kicked on and began to scan for life forces, nothing was showing up initially so they turned back to the cars and took them as far as they could go. As they were moving closer, Elena sent her location to one of her associates, Red. He should be in the area soon to act as backup. She was fairly confident that she would be able to handle this individual but better safe than sorry. Eventually she had to leave the large luxury Sedan and join her General in the G-Wagon. These cars were much more capable off road and were able to bring Elena within sight of a life form with a signature that was similar to the one they were searching for. Coincidentally they had also reach terrain that was not easily accessible by the vehicles so they continued on foot. Vexus was dressed in more Tomb Raider esque attire. High and tight pony tail, shorts, tank top accentuating her fantastically fake rack, and combat boots. She had an idea on how to draw out their target. Rolling her eyes, she gave her idea a try.

"Hello? Are you there? We travelers have crossed a great distance following you. We know you are a powerful angelic figure. If you are in this area, please show yourself!" Vexus shouted through the mountains. Her voice echoed hoping this creature she was after would hear. The four of them stayed together as the continued hiking on the narrow path that they were on. Their vehicles were still in sight at the base of the mountain, but the road was probably a good two to two and a half miles away now. Hopefully Red was on his way now, though if things went as planned he should be arive right about when this whole scenario is wrapping up. Vexus was going into this confident. She did not know entirely what to expect, but she was more than capable.

Ms. Elena Vexus
The General
Advancements: #1-#8
Elena Vexus
Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

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The Wings of an Angel, and Maybe an Arm Too (Closed) Empty Re: The Wings of an Angel, and Maybe an Arm Too (Closed)

Post by Hyperion May 6th 2015, 11:50 pm

To be whole, he hadn’t known that feeling for a long time, what felt like a lifetime almost. The union of light and dark into a whole being was more than he could stand, and that sensation was almost sheer agony, followed by total bliss. Ever since then, he could feel Hyperion but he was under control, everything was as it should be. He clenched his fingers, feeling each joint crack and pop, a small jolt of energy crackling from his hand as it faded into the air. Even without The Abyss feeding him power, he was more than powerful, he was something that….well rivaled even a god. It had been a week since this union formed and within the time, so many things felt as if they had changed, mostly emotions. What was once serenity and kindness was an ocean of so many things, emotions that he had not felt for a long time.

Once again his purity had been tainted, he was once again not that good thing he so desired to be, and yet he was by no means that tainted thing Hyperion was. Maybe now he would be something, beyond that hate filled being, and beyond the darkness that had taken root within his soul. An angel was born and with them, so was a demon. Since then he had been on the move, not to escape anything but simply to gather his thoughts, going from place to place to see the world around him. People would stare once they saw the figure gliding through the clouds, but then again this was not something unheard of, a person flying. His wings were marvelous, covered in fluffy white feathers that seemed to catch the light to add to the radiance of their own color, capable of taking him past the very speed of sound as he flew.

Soon enough, he would land in a small range of mountains, the hard rock not even considered beneath his feet. A feeling within the pit of his stomach seemed to emulate that of being followed, but by this point he was sure it wasn’t Raziel, the ethereal no longer had any reason to follow him. Perhaps it was The Archon, though it was just not like him to let someone know that they were following him. Not that he would have minded having his father around, there were so many things he wanted to say to him but he was rarely around. Perhaps Jordan had finally influenced him enough to want to apologize, but Hyperion was holding him back anyway. His wings folded behind his back, feathers ruffling as he rested against a large rock, jagged edges poking into his back.

After days of flying his wings were beginning to grow sore, which meant he would have to rest, or likely suffer something. That was when a voice would call through the mountains, likely calling out to him. A sigh slipped through his lips, as his body would shift and mold. His pure aura would take on a dark tone, his young body would age by two years and gain around four inches in height. Clothing became a simple pair of black jeans and a black leather jacket, eyes now black sclera with burnt red pupils. With a few flaps, he would seek out these unknown people, landing on a rock before Vexus, seemingly unafraid. ”People haven’t called me an angel before.” He said with a voice that dripped with menace, despite the fact that he looked didn’t look the part. ”So what brings you to search for me? Surely it isn’t for the pleasure of my company, because I might have to question your sanity if that was the case.”
Posting Master
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The Wings of an Angel, and Maybe an Arm Too (Closed) Empty Re: The Wings of an Angel, and Maybe an Arm Too (Closed)

Post by Elena Vexus May 7th 2015, 11:09 pm

Vexus pulled her shades down slightly and gave the boy a look before putting them back up in place and gave a slight smirk. To her knowing she was expecting him to be young. Like maybe late thirties young. But this was slightly unexpected. The boy looked like he was in his early twenties, mid twenties max. Though, being an apparent angelic figure he could be thousands of years old.

"I question my own sanity regularly, no worries. As for why my little group here has found you is because I am capturing and researching things of magical origin. Lucky for you, you fall under this category."

Almost instantly after she finished her sentence, she made a hand formation which quickly caused her stomach and mouth to fill with a very large amount of water. This was shot from her mouth in a highly concentrated stream that sliced clean through the portion of the rock that he was standing on, hopefully causing him to lose balance and take flight. Her General was immediately ready for the follow up attack by drawing one of his swords and launching it like a spear to pierce through one of the angel's wings aiming to ground him. There was a wire attached to the sword so that he could reel it back in whether he made contact or not. Vexus moved the stream of water in the boy's direction, just adding to the attacks. Though her continue attack did not last long as the water soon lost its pressure. Her throat, the inside of her mouth and lips had been cut and damaged from the high speed, volume, and pressure of the water. Once her attack subsided she covered her mouth with her left had to hide the damage while keeping a close eye on the situation in order to perform a proper counter attack if need be.

Ms. Elena Vexus
The General
Advancements: #1-#8
Elena Vexus
Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 600
Registration date : 2011-08-22

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The Wings of an Angel, and Maybe an Arm Too (Closed) Empty Re: The Wings of an Angel, and Maybe an Arm Too (Closed)

Post by Hyperion May 8th 2015, 1:30 am

His entire manner was what one would call casual, not betraying a single motive to the person that spoke to him. He had a feeling the person following after him did not seek something like enlightenment, no, they would have either wanted to kill him or worse. If that was the case, then he would not give them the pleasure of an easy victory. Initially her only action was to pull her shades down, likely to get a better look at the one that watched her with absolute confidence. Her speech was more than enough of a confirmation why she was here, to capture him and he would be damned if she did something like that. An amused smirk would play across his lips as he heard that, body already prepared to act as she weaved the signs with her hands.

This felt somewhat familiar, enough so that he wanted to make a quip but action came first. The attack was high pressured water, likely powerful enough to do some damage, if it didn’t at least cut flesh, it would leave some nasty bruises. Without needing to waste time, he would take flight into the air in less than an instant, everything becoming nothing more than a blur while he analyzed the world around him. One thing he had to thank his genetics for was this mind, it could let him do almost anything. Such as seeing the general wind up to throw the one of his weapon, to spear his wing and calculating what would happen if that worked, he would accommodate. Spinning with wings pulled close, he would seemingly pass a hand pover the sword, not even touching it as he left a small sphere of dark ethereal energy upon the flat of the blade.

Once it was drawn back, he would change the property of it to electricity and have it violently expand to damage the being that had launched their sword at him. All of that happened within a second, his wings expanding and flapping violently as he moved himself higher up out of the way of the water stream. Charging two spheres within his hands, both crackling with an electrical property to the black energy ringed with red. Once he was high enough in the air, he would swing both arms as the energy spheres would unleash a hail of electrical shards, with the sole intention of ripping them apart.
Posting Master
Posting Master

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Number of posts : 427
Registration date : 2011-05-24

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The Wings of an Angel, and Maybe an Arm Too (Closed) Empty Re: The Wings of an Angel, and Maybe an Arm Too (Closed)

Post by Elena Vexus May 11th 2015, 10:45 pm

Their first volley of attacks proved ineffective. He was able to avoid the water stream and her Genera's sword. Elena managed to catch that their opponent had placed some sort of orb on his sword. Because she saw it, her general saw it too and moved the path of the sword upwards. It landed quite a distance away from them and the sphere that had been placed on it expanded outwards as an electrical orb. The blade was gone but was beginning to regenerate, so he pulled it back and left it on his hip with the other three once the electrical attack subsided.
Through her sunglasses, she watched as he formed two orbs of energy. Elena was able to identify at least part of them as electrical energy. Her General removed his cloak and drew two more of his swords. They were preparing for the next attack wave, as for the two other guards that remained rather worried of their situation they merely did what they could. Vexus placed her hands in another formation that immediately caused her body to surge with power. It was clear that she had just under gone a energy boost physically, her veins were more visible, there was an aura about her that was moving her hair and clothes about and her fists were tightly clenched.
The attack was then fired.

The two of them burst off in opposite directions, the General to the right Elena to the left both out of the range of the electrical attack. As she took off, the ground beneath her spiderwebbed outwards. The two meat shields on the ground were torn to shreds by the electrical shards. The General latched onto a rock wall, while Vexus was over the edge of the mountain ready to plummet to the ground. Her mechanical guard with his impressive strength removed a large chunk of the rock wall with his foot and launched it towards his creator. Elena used this chunk of earth as a spring board and launched herself up towards the flying demon at an incredible speed obliterating the rock. Simultaneously her General sent himself charging towards their target as well. Vexus would reach him first, she aimed to grab him by the neck and whip him down into the mountains below. If she missed, then her guard would attempt to skewer his wings with the swords he had drawn and take the demon down with him as he fell. This entire rally of moves happened in perfect sync. Not even a millisecond wasted.
The two of them needed to gain the advantage, which would require grounding this glorified bird. Elena was very interested in getting a sample of this individual. And if they needed to get him on the ground, then Vexus was not at all against taking one, or even two, of those fantastic wings home with her.

Ms. Elena Vexus
The General
Advancements: #1-#8
Elena Vexus
Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Number of posts : 600
Registration date : 2011-08-22

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The Wings of an Angel, and Maybe an Arm Too (Closed) Empty Re: The Wings of an Angel, and Maybe an Arm Too (Closed)

Post by Hyperion May 11th 2015, 11:07 pm

Like the wrath of god himself, the electrical shards would fall down upon his targets, initial attempt to destroy the general proving more fruitless than ever. If they did nothing more than send the two scattering, that would have been fine with Michael; granted he was not one for pointless optimism. From one arrogant asshole to another his eyes would dart, keeping track of each of them as he would need to think of means by which he could counter their attacks. The ethereal energy shards had lodged themselves into the ground, increasing in span and threading through it slowly to become nothing more than a vast net of energy beyond average vision.

Still, there was a visible battle going on and that was him against the two. Wings would flap to keep him afloat, more energy forming around his hands within a dark electrical aura. It was apparent that these hand seals had something to them, perhaps a means by which she could control her internal energy, leading to more unknown effects. His two foes would branch off, likely considering flaking him so they could take away his wings. Rock was torn, as the woman would hurl herself into the air towards him, energy only growing more beneath them with time.

”One.” He spoke under his breath, turning with seconds to react at the general also coming at him. ”and two.” With a motion, the wings would have him moving at supersonic speeds as well, narrowly avoiding the hand aimed to grab his throat, twirling much like a top within the air, more a flash of black now than anything else. Now came the hard part, or perhaps the easy depending on who you asked. A small membrane would build around his wings as he turned to bat away the swords with them, though they didn’t even seem to harm the membrane, let along the tough feathered constructs.

Still, the momentum behind the general had been enough even with his motion to knock his flight path off quite a bit. The energy that had built within his hands would increase exponentially, as he raised both hands above him and unleashed it in a burst of electrical energy to strike down the general.
Posting Master
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The Wings of an Angel, and Maybe an Arm Too (Closed) Empty Re: The Wings of an Angel, and Maybe an Arm Too (Closed)

Post by Elena Vexus May 25th 2015, 9:00 pm

Hm.. was all she thought as the man avoided her move, and rather effortlessly too. As her General went forward with his attack, it was displayed that the wings of this individual were rather durable. It seemed like it would take more effort to ground this thing. Elena allowed her energy boost to deactivate as she was planning to make her landing and counter attack. Though while still in the air their target and unleashed a a burst of electrical energy right towards her bodyguard. Her eyes widened in a panic as she reacted instinctively by putting her hands in another formation. This caused fire to build up in her stomach and then be forcibly released from her mouth. The burst of flames sent her rocketing towards her General. Her back collided with his side and they both were locked out of the way. Or mostly, as Vexus' lower left leg was still caught by the energy severely burning her. The two of them hit the ground and rolled up to their feet, Vexus taking to a knee and coughing up an unsettling amount of blood. In about less than a minute she was able to stand with her guard's aid. She gave a sigh as she thought over what to do next, using all the time she could to allow her insides to repair themselves from the flames she had just produced.
Vexus closed her left eye, and the General gave her a concerned look.
"It can't be helped. You'll need to buy me a little time please."
Her Guard gave a nod and moved closer to the demon, stepping over the shredded corpses of her late meat shield. They did have guns on them, so he pick them up. He fired off a couple shots from each of the guns and then scaled the wall he had taken a chunk from earlier to reach higher ground. While there he unloaded both of the guns before throwing both the exhausted weapons at the man. Following he unhinged his arms revealing the four total that he has and drew all four of his swords. His wrists began to rotate until the blades of his swords were only a blur. Two at a time he would throw them at the flying demon with wires attached to the hilts. He would move them like a puppeteer trying to cause any sort of damage, at any given point there wold be at least three of the rotating blades swirling about. He would continue doing this and anything else he could in order to buy his creator as much time as he could.
As Vexus was preparing herself, she thought how she had just risked her own well being in order to save something other than herself. Especially something that she had made herself. The General was special to her. Yes he could be rebuild and repaired, but it was the closest thing she had to a friend. She tried not to dwell on it as she needed to keep her concentration. Elena took a deep breath in, closed her eyes and exhaled. She kept her eyes closed as she wiped what she could only assume was a tear from the corner of her right eye. This needed to end soon. Elena was not used to or comfortable with dealing with emotions like this let alone of any sort. Her General needed to stay alive.

Ms. Elena Vexus
The General
Advancements: #1-#8
Elena Vexus
Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

Status :

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 600
Registration date : 2011-08-22

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The Wings of an Angel, and Maybe an Arm Too (Closed) Empty Re: The Wings of an Angel, and Maybe an Arm Too (Closed)

Post by Hyperion May 25th 2015, 9:37 pm

Despite how annoying their synergy was, he could tell that the woman would be a far greater threat than the robot with the blade. While they would have been decimated by the sheer force of the energy he unleashed, Archdemon found himself surprised by Vexus suddenly pushing them out of the way to take damage herself. How she also had done it was interesting, using flames from her mouth to rocket the guy out of the way, taking some damage upon her leg to move him out of the way. His unsettling eyes would follow her as she rolled to the ground, rapidly flying to the ground and crashing to it with cracks spreading out from his impact. From what he could tell she was coughing violently, though why that was he could not tell. He had not done any damage to her that would cause coughing, unless she had done that to herself.

”Well now, this is an interesting development.” He muttered with an almost deep chuckle, black wings curling around him with a rustle. Still, now that she was damaged then he could do something about her bodyguard before she jumped back into the fray, to make this a more manageable conflict. He would turn his blades into chainsaws almost, aimed to either damage him or slow him down with these deadly looking weapons. So now it was just this guy going against him, but he didn’t quite know the pain Archdemon had in mind for him. ”Amusing, you think you can hurt me?” With wings folding against his back, Archdemon would begin to dance around these blades, narrowly avoiding each strike, granted he had a feeling he would not even need to do that.

He could feel the trap growing, increasing in strength and range until he was sure that this machine would not be able to avoid. The dark energy within his hand would become acidic within property as he formed a blade, attempting to cut the wires that bound these blades to the robot. ”I’m growing bored of you machine. Why don’t you do me a favor and power down?” With a snap of his finger, seemingly electrical currents would crackle upwards from within the ground as it also rapidly changed, becoming much like the acidic energy he formed within his hand. In a second this energy that had been moved through the ground would rise upwards in a wide spanning area. If the general did not avoid, well he would likely be put out of the fight.
Posting Master
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The Wings of an Angel, and Maybe an Arm Too (Closed) Empty Re: The Wings of an Angel, and Maybe an Arm Too (Closed)

Post by Elena Vexus May 26th 2015, 11:44 pm

Vexus kept an eye on her Bodyguard as he worked to keep the demon occupied. He knew very well that his swords would not cause any damage to this man, and Elena knew that too. The rat with wings was adequately dodging his attacks, and was taunting her combat inclined creation. Both of them could see the energy being gathered in his hands which interestingly enough took a fluid form and shaped itself into a sword. This he used to sever the lines that the General was using to control his swords. Three of them were sent flying and lodged themselves in rock quite the distance away, the fourth he managed to retract back to his person. The Bodyguard could see what was coming next and had no choice to place his faith in his creator.

Her Celestial Eye was ready, and not a moment too soon. As their Demon snapped his fingers, Elena sent a layer of her Technomatter speeded along the ground. As it traveled, it was converting the earth beneath it into more of the Matter. The Technomatter quickly surrounded The General completely encasing him in a protective cocoon. While inside he reconnected his arms, however his bottom right arm had been destroyed from the elbow down and some spots on both of his shins had been damaged by the strange acid like energy. More of it spewed up from underneath the ground, Elena made a slight barrier by her just so none of it made it over by her. She then began to bring her Guard back over and landed him safely behind her.
Vexus gave a glare with her brightly glowing Celestial Eye towards the fallen angel and then gently swept her hand forward. Keeping a shallow pool around her, multiple tendrils of the silver sand like material rocketed forward converging on the winged creature. She was keeping the Technomatter light, but sharp. This way she could manipulate it much faster and for longer periods. Since it would only be able to cut and pierce, her attacks would have to be much more precise. She would save the blunt force and wide area attacks for later.

The silver matter would snake around following Vexus' will attempting to pierce or cut their target in a vital area.  The tendrils would be as numbers as seven or as few as two, but the amount of Technomatter would remain the same. As some would aim to pierce his wings, other would try to lasso onto different extremities to try and drag him down or throw him into the rocks.
Elena stood calmly a safe distance away with her arms crossed her chest. Her eyes were darting around following the movements of the demon, her mind was racing looking to find an opening to catch him off guard and get some damage in. All the while, more of her element was burrowing itself into the ground, seeping into any little crevice it could throughout the interior of the mountain. This entire mountain was her potential weapon. She would have the matter slowly convert the earth underground, it was a much more casual rate of conversation as to not draw her concentration from attacking her target and defending against any offensive moves he might attempt.

Ms. Elena Vexus
The General
Advancements: #1-#8
Elena Vexus
Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

Status :

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 600
Registration date : 2011-08-22

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The Wings of an Angel, and Maybe an Arm Too (Closed) Empty Re: The Wings of an Angel, and Maybe an Arm Too (Closed)

Post by Hyperion May 27th 2015, 12:23 am

Despite the fact they could likely see what was coming next, that didn’t mean that they could react to it. Archdemon had been sure the robot would be going down but it appeared as if they had some value to the woman that had attempted to kill him. This time with an unknown substance that she had managed to produce with a seeming thought, blocking him from most of the damage that his attack would have produced. Whatever this machine was, it seemed like she valued it and that meant he had a means to make her falter. Still, the acidic energy had come painfully close to his own face, not that it would have damaged him. ”Well aren’t you an interesting little specimen, looks like I’ll get to play with you for a little longer.” He muttered with an almost demented quality to his voice, clenching his fist as a few of the joints would loudly pop.

Balancing the weapon within his hand, he would prepare for the next attack that this woman would throw his way. His body knew what to do, even with the wings and that meant he would only need to react. Something was up with the woman’s eye, either the thing producing this unknown substance or just a strange deformity. It was getting even more interesting but he didn’t have time to wonder about what his opponent was doing when he still found himself outnumbered. First he had to avoid this strange silver substance which seemed to be jabbing at his vital places, though taking out his mobility would have been something that this woman would likely want to do first. If his speed was taken out, then he couldn’t outmaneuver her.

Avoiding having his wings pierced, well that was simple compared to avoiding the lasso constructs that were out to get his limbs. Each move was one that had to be calculated, otherwise he would slip up and fall to this woman’s tireless attacks. Moving through the air with infinite grace, he spiraled along, one of the spikes scraping a wing and sending a jab of pain through him. Still, it wasn’t enough to slow him down as one foot would lash out, kicking against one of the silver tendrils to propel him backwards with energy cascading around his left hand. Within a second and within this spiraling motion, he would unleash around three bolts of dark ethereal energy at the general, aiming to take advantage of any hole within his defenses.

Taking the likely gap within her concentration, he would rapidly drop to the ground to let his wings heal, as he unleashed another barrage of energy bolts upon both Vexus and her general.
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The Wings of an Angel, and Maybe an Arm Too (Closed) Empty Re: The Wings of an Angel, and Maybe an Arm Too (Closed)

Post by Elena Vexus May 27th 2015, 12:55 am

The battle seemed like it was evening out a little bit more. She had him concerned about being hit by her Technomatter. There was more effort put into avoiding her attacks, not only because there were more of them than the swords but that they posed more of a threat. Even still, Elena was impressed by his nimble movements in the air. Those wings had to go. Not only would it greatly turn the tide of the battle, they would also make an excellent experiment piece and not to mention trophy.
Elena kept her concentration as she saw her tendrils graze his wings while in a spiral maneuver. She tried to take advantage of this moment, but he pressed on unfazed. A formidable combatant, no doubt as no movements were wasted. In his spiral he used one of the Technomatter streams as a spring board so send himself back in a spiral while simultaneously firing three bolts of a dark energy at her. That energy. A chill ran up her spine, she had seen it before. She had fought this power before.
Reentering the situation she immediately noticed the attack was headed for her General, and not her. She turned her head slightly and looked quickly at her Bodyguard before more Technomatter spiraled up from around her and formed a protective spear around him. She looked back right as the Demon was touching down to the ground. As he unleashed another round of attacks Vexus simultaneously pointed two fingers up on one hand and two fingers down on the other. From above her seven tendrils of Technomatter would speed down to impale him while from underneath him four hands of varying size burst from the ground. Two smaller ones would try to latch onto his ankles and the other two larger would try for his wings, or any part they could if the first two missed. Hopefully this sneak attack succeeded, as the was Technomatter woven all through the rocks. And in seeing this she had no doubt that he would figure it would no longer be safe to touch the ground.

While the silver sand like material tried to capture their target from afar, she extended her arm forward with her fingers spread, the Technomatter surrounding her General went forward and mimicked the shape, size, number, and speed of the energy bolts fired at the two. A few of the bolts of energy were more powerful than calculated and passed through her defense. Her Bodyguard immediately moved in front of her and took the hits for her. Further damaging his arms and legs forcing him to take a knee. It could be see that Elena inhaled sharply as he knelt down before her. She took a deep breath in, and exhaled. Keeping her eyes on the Demon as she tried to restrain him with her element, she made a crutch for her General as he stood up and moved back behind his creator.
Vexus remained calm and level headed. She did not need to exert unnecessary amounts of energy due to rage or any other emotions. She would get her just deserts in capturing this this. He would pay for the damage that he has caused her friend. He would pay for it in a way that even the devil himself would find unjust.

Ms. Elena Vexus
The General
Advancements: #1-#8
Elena Vexus
Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Registration date : 2011-08-22

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The Wings of an Angel, and Maybe an Arm Too (Closed) Empty Re: The Wings of an Angel, and Maybe an Arm Too (Closed)

Post by Hyperion May 27th 2015, 1:19 am

With the rounds of dark ethereal let off, he would not even give her a second to counter as he rapidly tried to put all resources towards repairing his wing. While the damage was not too serious, it was enough to make any flying painful, thus making his overall speed slower. He could feel the wind brushing against the wound, sending stinging sensations through his appendage. She had managed to protect her general, only reinforcing his assumption that she was trying to do that. ”How sweet of you miss. Trying to protect that walking scrap pile but can you do that while fighting me?” Those burnt red eyes would follow the technomatter spears coming from above, but it was the ones coming from below that he did not quite expect.

So imaging his surprise when he was suddenly grabbed by the leg, making avoiding the one aimed at his gut a little harder to avoid than initially expected. ”Dammit.” He cursed under his breath, releasing a pulse of the energy that hugged close to his leg to sweep away the technomatter gripping him with enough time to propel himself upwards with a great surge of his wings. Regardless, that did not mean he could avoid the painful sting of the technomatter tearing into his side. He could feel it, sharp as it tore through his entire body, biting back a howl of pain as the acidic energy had managed to also damage his own foot. Removing that property, he would create a floating construct within the air before landing on it. It hurt like hell, all this damage he had taken and it would take a small while for it to heal.

”You are going to regret that woman.” He hissed with a tone that sounded almost demonic as the energy rose like a fountain from him. The red aura about it was lost, coming almost like unbidden darkness that threatened to consume all it touched. ”I’ll make you beg for death, and only then will I give it to you. There will be no mercy…none.” Trailing off into an almost malevolent chuckle this darkness would begin to spill out along the ground like a river, flowing outwards to consume the two that stood within its way. Even coming close to this energy, Vexus would likely feel dread so cold that the arctic seemed warm in comparison as what appeared to be hands would grasp out from this tide.

Whatever this darkness was, it wanted to consume them, and only Vexus could prevent that.
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The Wings of an Angel, and Maybe an Arm Too (Closed) Empty Re: The Wings of an Angel, and Maybe an Arm Too (Closed)

Post by Elena Vexus May 27th 2015, 2:22 am

"Hm." was the only thing Vexus could find to say as she watched the creature increase in his level of malevolence. An aura began to radiate off of him as he rested himself  a floating platform of his own energy. She had successfully wounded him, and now she needed to seal the deal. The problem now was this strange aura creeping towards them. Elena had no doubt in her mind that this was not something either of them wanted to come in physical contact with. She created individual platforms for her and her Bodyguard that hoisted them into the air and rested at the Demon's level but still a safe distance away.
Whatever it was, this strange substance definitely appeared to have some level of viscosity to it as it now covered the entire ground below them. Vexus extended her right arm forward and then quickly brought it straight out to the right. There was a rumbling sound before a large fissure in the mountain extended from under Vexus to under the Demon. She pulled her Technomatter up and out of the crack in the mountain as she hoped to see this strange liquid energy flowing down into it. She was aiming to clear and drain this odd 'stuff' so that her and her Guard could eventually land.

In the meantime Vexus brought up the Technomatter that she had utilized in the mountain to create the fissure. She pushed both her arms forward and the blanket that she had dispersed and floated around the injured rat with wings like dust before it harmlessly created platforms around him. None of them were an equal distance away from the other, however they were all only about 100 to 150 feet away from him. She was working very quickly, as she did not want to waste a single second of him being injured. Elena threw her hands together for hopefully one last hand formation. The instant her hands came together she experienced a burst of energy that sent a very minor shockwave outwards. She started the battle with this technique, and ideally she wished to finish it with it. As she prepared for departure, Technomatter coated her arms from the elbows down forming a protective cylinder around them ending in a lethal point. Vexus exploded from the platform of the matter she was standing and in a blink of an eye she was standing on the platform she had created around the wounded Demon furthest from him. In the next instant she moved to another, and another, picking up speed as she did. Keeping her choices random so he couldn't pick up a pattern. She hit one of the platforms closest to him and using an incredible burst of speed she rocketed herself to point blank in nearly a second. For this one attack she had wound up a devastating amount of power in her right arm in order to pierce straight through this creature's left arm. She aimed to go in right at the shoulder, and then continue through to not only sever the arm, but the wing as well.

If she proved successful, Elena would hit another platform, double back and collect the limbs before they managed to fall too far. She would then retreat back to the platform by her guardian. On the other hand if she failed to sever the limbs, she would continue to one of her platforms and use the Technomatter in the immediate area to restrain him further so that Vexus could get another shot to claim her prize. A second attempt was all she had left in her as utilizing her enhanced combat abilities on top of her Celestial Eye was literally destroying her body from the inside out. After the first attempt she had already torn muscles in her right arm from the attack and in her legs from moving so quickly. If she did manage to make contact the she power she had behind it would break nearly every bone in her hand and arm. In retreating, she was forced to take a knee and create pressure casts for the parts of her arm and legs that had been damaged out of Technomatter. Vexus was breathing heavily now, not having much left in her. Her General drew his sword preparing to defend his master if this beast, by some miracle, still had any fight left in him.

Ms. Elena Vexus
The General
Advancements: #1-#8
Elena Vexus
Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

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The Wings of an Angel, and Maybe an Arm Too (Closed) Empty Re: The Wings of an Angel, and Maybe an Arm Too (Closed)

Post by Hyperion May 27th 2015, 3:00 am

Blood, he wanted to spill blood. An overwhelming bloodlust had begun to well up within him, threatening to bubble outwards into an all-consuming rage. The pain that swam through his side was miniscule but seeing his own blood flowing from himself, now that was the unforgivable thing. ”B..blood. My blood…” He muttered incoherently as the darkness continued to flow outwards, grasping hands reaching for Vexus even when the earth had opened up to swallow it. The tactic had worked to a degree, making a section of the ground something that she could land upon but it did not clear out all of the fluid energy. Energy flowed through his injury, forcing the flesh to knit together, to repair so he could turn from his pain to the fight at hand.

However, regeneration made concentrating on Vexus a little more difficult as she worked out her strategy. So while he would be healing, she could do whatever it was she was planning. Eventually, he did turn attention to her as she seemed to be doing some kind of planning. Taking a stance, he would prepare a defense, drawing energy around himself to form a sort of armor while the remaining liquid energy would rise upwards as if to intercept her before she could strike. However, the speed by which she moved gave her enough time to do one thing, and that was take advantage of his being open. A blade of technomatter would sheer through his left arm at the elbow joint, severing the limb as it would begin to fall to the ground.

Pain overcame thought as he threw back his head and let out a howl, an unearthly sound that would have been better from a beast than the face it did. His arm, it was gone, taken off by this woman and she would pay for it. What was left of the limb was nothing but a stump that was spewing out black blood like a hose almost. ”M…my arm.” The howling died out to give way to a low chuckle, hysterical almost. ”That was my arm you took off bitch…do you have any idea of what you did?” Rapidly more of the substance would begin to form, rising around him in a spiral. ”I’ll kill you, slaughter you and leave not a scrap!” This energy would twist and morph around the stump to form a makeshift hand, oily fingers clenching into a fist.

More this energy would twist, shaping into what appeared to be a dragon behind him with a wide gaping maw that threatened to block out the very sun. It’s jaws opened and unleashed a great blast.
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The Wings of an Angel, and Maybe an Arm Too (Closed) Empty Re: The Wings of an Angel, and Maybe an Arm Too (Closed)

Post by Elena Vexus May 27th 2015, 12:56 pm

Vexus gave a light chuckle as she held the mans left arm in her hand. Though that is not what she found amusing, fact that the more she seemed to damage him the more enraged he got. It has appeared that she had gone too far with the last attack, as now even Elena was worried about her safety. More of the energy began spraying around the demon taking a more constructive form. He had also created a temporary extremity from the goopy energy and did not sound happy about losing the limb. For once Elena might seem nice to a bystander. She only wanted a wing and he wanted to chop her up and leave no remains. But that was not her greatest concern at the moment.

Right now there was a massive dragon created from this thing's energy looming above them. Neither her nor her Bodyguard were in any condition to properly combat something of this caliber. It was no doubt gearing for an attack on the two of them and they needed to get out of range as soon as possible. Her fissure managed to clear up an area safe for them to land so Vexus quickly brought them down. She could feel that she would not be able to adequately avoid this blast. The range would be too wide, her body was far too damaged, and she was much too exhausted to manipulate enough Technomatter to counter such an attack. She cursed under her breath knowing what this meant.
A small amount of Technomatter formed onto her Guard's legs temporarily repairing the damage so that he could get out of the range of the blast and also handed him the left arm of the demon.
"Thank you for your services, please evacuate the area. That is an order." He gave a nod and sprinted off to find adequate cover.
Elena took a deep breath in and exhaled slowly as she looked to the massive energy construct  before her. Hopefully she could get a wide enough range on the attack to hit the Demon too. She closed her left eye and rose her arm up and spread open her palm aiming at the dragon construct and its creator. As she focused, her control over the Technomatter lapsed and any of the dark silver material that was in the air fell to the ground like sand in the wind. Her casts also fell off, she gritted her teeth trying to deal with the pain from standing without any aid. Off in the distance, the General was in hiding and his little repairs also fell off like sand. His eyes widened knowing exactly what this meant. It was the water receding before the tsunami.
"We'll need an extraction." Was all he said over his communicator to his nearby teammate. They would no doubt need assistance after even if Elena managed to pull off this stunt.

Vexus could feel a tear form in the corner of her left eye. It rode the rim of her eyelid before reaching the outer corned and dripping down the side of her face. Soon it felt like there was a steady flow steaming from her left eye, though it was not cool or soothing as tears normally are. And she was not in any situation to cry about. A drop crossed her lips. It was blood. This kind of attack posed far too many risks, but unfortunately it could not be helped. Tiny bright white orbs of energy formed at the tips of each of her fingers on her extended left hand and in the middle of her palm there was one larger one about the size of a gold ball. The dragon was about to fire, and so was she. Hopefully this would be the last attack for the both of them. Vexus' left eye shot open wide as the Dragon launched its attack, simultaneously she released hers. The bright almost white-silver beam bolted forward, lucky she managed to get it wide enough to hopefully catch her target in it too, or at least part of him.
In theory her attack would push back and and then cut through the attack of the dragon. With its blinding speed it should continue to strike the wounded demon aiming to completely erasing at least some part of his body. The attack was almost brighter than the sun, and could have easily been seen from miles away. If not for its brightness then for the sheer size of it. The ground beneath Vexus' feet cracked as the force of the attack pushed her downwards. Any of the other mountains or rocks it came into contact with as it was fired off would be effortlessly carved out in the cylindrical shape of the beam, leaving her permanent mark on nature.

The darker silver Technomatter spewed out from the supercharged beam any time something was hit by it. The attack soon dissipated, leaving the area heavily scarred by her attack. All the regular Technomatter that had been created by the beam seemingly evaporated into its surroundings as Elena's Celestial Eye had been forcibly deactivated. Kneeling down, she was covering her left eye with both her hands applying pressure as if it helped soothe the insane amount of pain she was experiencing. Eventually she took to her feet and began to walk away with her left hand still on her eye. She was walking backwards slowly still watching where she had fired her attack to see what kind of result it had yielded for her opponent.
Since her eye was no longer active her body got to work on putting itself back together. Many of the muscles in her legs were healed first in the event that she needed to make a run for it. However, if her General had done as he was programmed, then assistance should be arriving momentarily. Thankfully with her level of regeneration they won't have to see her all bruised and broken. Showing any kind of weakness was not her forte, especially to any of her fellow members. A little winded and elevated breathing, but nothing like the other guy. Hopefully her attack didn't decimate too much of his body, as long as there was something more that she could collect. She was content with her success on claiming the left arm, though as a scientist she always wanted more to study.

Ms. Elena Vexus
The General
Advancements: #1-#8
Elena Vexus
Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

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The Wings of an Angel, and Maybe an Arm Too (Closed) Empty Re: The Wings of an Angel, and Maybe an Arm Too (Closed)

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