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It's Been a While. (Open to two)

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It's Been a While. (Open to two) Empty It's Been a While. (Open to two)

Post by Timmmithy May 14th 2015, 11:52 pm

A city's history is generally something its citizens take pride in, Chicago is no stranger to this theme. From a city wide fire to a major pivot pivot point during prohibition, this place takes up a large portion of America's past. The same could not be said for Trent, the man who was sitting in a gloomy pub drinking his fifth beer. There wasn't much Trent could reflect on that would bring a smile to his worn out face. It seemed as though every high in his past was just a setup for an even lower fall off a similar cliff. The brightest, and most recent part of Trent's life was a perfect example of this. He had been part of a close knit group of rogue investigators. Men who were brought together to bring small snippets of peace to people's lives. Trent had finally found his place in life, he was happy and looking forward to the next day. He never expected it to end the way it did.

"Can I get another?" Trent gestured at the bartender for another beer. He figured one more would do before he slipped out and dodged the tab. "Thanks mate," he said, not making eye contact.

He replayed the events in his mind as he worked on his last drink. A simple in and out investigation, they were grabbing some intel that his group needed to locate a high priority target. These missions were easy, There were no metas to deal with, just regular humans. What he didn't expect though, was a setup. Trent and his most trusted friend, Thomas, left to die in an old warehouse as the rest of his 'team' made off with cash and an easy escape.

What happened? Everything was going so well, and then in a flash, it all turned to nothing more than a pile of crap. Trent went back into his depressed state that he knew all too well and he lost connection with Thomas. Since then, four months had gone by and yet it still felt like yesterday that Trent was sitting there, cuffed to a pole left for dead.

"More sir?"

Trent broke his train of thought to meet the bartenders eyes, "nah." He shook his head and stared at a scratch on the bar. It was time to leave.

By now it was a routine rather than a risky move. He silently made his way to the restroom at the other end of the bar, midway there, he used his sleight of hand to spill one mans beer onto the lap of another man. This triggered a violent reaction which started a fight, tying up the bartender. Trent slipped into the kitchen, grabbing a trash bag to make it appear as though he worked there in order to buy him a few extra seconds, he glanced at the cook and gave him a wink and slight nod before leaving through the back door. The cook immediately caught wind of what Trent had done and ran after him, but after leaving the building, Trent was gone, like a ghost in the corner of your eye.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 92
Registration date : 2014-03-23

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It's Been a While. (Open to two) Empty Re: It's Been a While. (Open to two)

Post by Jeannie Rose May 15th 2015, 9:03 pm

so Jeannie's latest adventure takes her to chicago after getting distracted and doing some sight seeing she decides to get to work. her current assignment was to track down some black ops group that went rouge and took some money from the people they turned on.

well, finding stuff on people like that's kind hard there not spouse know about and all that. well after some searching and looking over the case she found out that two of the team had nothing to do with it and were set up as fall guys
maybe if she can get in contact with one of them they could give her more clues and maybe tag along and help she always wanted to team up with a super spy.

so what she could find out about them was that a guy fitting the description of one of this guys had been seen here so that's how she end up here looking around when she here a common coming from a nearby bar. so she decides to check it out. apparently a fight just broke out when asking a cook that witnessed it, some guy took off out the back after it started. huh interesting she shows him a picture of the guy she is looking for and the cook says that was the guy he saw or thought he saw the guy disappeared like a ghost, yup
must be her guy.

she looks around the bar investigating what took place using her super senses gains enough clues to make a picture in her mind of what happened. huh, so the ghosty man used some tricks to start the fight as a distraction to cover his escape, was someone else after him? seemed odd that he'd leave so suddenly so after sniffing around the bar she is able to separate his sent from the rest and takes off down the alley following the ghosty man's trail
Jeannie Rose
Jeannie Rose
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : crazy but that's how i roll
driving everyone else insane
i'm the conductor of the crazy train Smile

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2489
Location : where ever my next adventure is :)
Job : universe's greatest bounty hunter
Humor : why so serious ? seriously just cause we have to face life threatening danger on a daily basis don't mean we can't have fun with it ,instead off oh no we're doomed be like me and think gee wonder how i'll survive this....oh you don't have heal powers well you might not find the evil deathtrap as amusing i do then
Registration date : 2014-10-22

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It's Been a While. (Open to two) Empty Re: It's Been a While. (Open to two)

Post by Timmmithy May 16th 2015, 8:45 pm

Having eaten nothing all day, The alcohol had hit Trent a little more than usual. He was more than careless after ditching the bar. He stepped out from the shadows and allowed himself to be seen by the public. Not that there was anything wrong with that, he was a regular looking man and had nothing to hide aside from his past. Making it to a busy sidewalk, Trent eyed up a fast food joint down the road. This would be his next free meal. He walked for nearly half a minute when he felt it. A slight tingle in his head. Someone was tracking him, and he/she was close. the only thing he knew about this person was that it was following his every step. He could feel it, different from all the bystanders.

Still uncertain of who was following him and what their intention was, he slipped into an alleyway. Feeling a bit dizzy from the booze, he was forced to slow it down a bit. Normally, he would be able to hide himself in half a second, but doing so now, half drunk would mean tripping and giving himself up. He ducked behind a familiar dumpster, this is where he had hidden his katanas earlier, before entering the bar. Grabbing them, he stepped out from behind the dumpster. As he tried to hide his buzz, Trent spoke to the girl who was following him, "What do you want?" Trent stood in a defensive position, holding one sword in his hand, the other strapped to his back.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 92
Registration date : 2014-03-23

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It's Been a While. (Open to two) Empty Re: It's Been a While. (Open to two)

Post by Ace_ May 16th 2015, 11:16 pm


Like a rocket, Jason raced across the sky screaming his head off. He was a bright streak of fire zippin through the sky without much care. He pulled his hands back then thrusted them forward again, a small ring now forming around his body as he broke the sound barrier again. The small boom rattled the windows that he flew past.

Jason, or Ace as he had become known to the citizens of Chigcago, was a pyrokinetic meta. And only recntly has the hero learned how to break the sound barrier in flight. Now all he had to do was learn how to land from a rapid speed. Preferably without crashing this time.

The streak of fire decided that a near by alleyway would serve as a good landing spot. Only slow long down a little, Jason twisted and flipped in the air so he would come down feet first. He hit the pavement feet first, the fire from his feet sparking up as he slide right down the alleyway. Striaght passed a woman running down the alleyway then passed a man in the alleyway. Jason came to a stop a good twenty feet further down the small tunnel, in a crouched position. He jumped up, both hands thrusting in the air as he cried out

Jason: "Wooooooooooohoooooooooo!"

He did a little dance, gave a little turn and was now back to facing the alleyway. He froze mid dance move as he was staring at the two other folk in the alleyway. His flames crackled for a second. With a cough, he unfroze, ran a hand through his hair slightly embarrassed.

Jason: "yea, you didn't see that."

He stood there, hand on his hip embarrassed and covered in flames. His entire boy was crackling with fire that stuck tight to his athletic frame.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 85
Registration date : 2014-06-19

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It's Been a While. (Open to two) Empty Re: It's Been a While. (Open to two)

Post by Jeannie Rose May 17th 2015, 2:43 am

before Jeannie could answer Trent she was distracted by the odd flame man that just fell out of the sky.
"do it again that was so cool" she claps her hands amused by his flash entrance. she then remembers she meant to talk to the other guy

"oh yeah sorry but you got admit that a flaming dude falling out of the sky is pretty distracting,well now back to business Mr. Trent you were part of a team that went rouge and made off with some cash my current employers want their money back then there's a bounty on them from the cops robs bad and all, so double pay day if I find them. Have you a score to settle with them two right? they sit you and another guy up as fall guys and left you for dead. so when i heard you were here I thought I'd come see if maybe you could provide some light into were I could start looking for them, pretty please". Jeannie smiles making puppy dog eyes hoping Trent can't resist a cute girl asking for help. "i know I'd want to get back at the people tricked me so you get to make sure they get brought to justice for what they did and my job is easier with your help so it's a win-win right?"

she looks over at the fire guy "maybe you could tag along too we could use the fire power" Jeannie realising the joke she made starts giggling uncontrollably holding stomach from her sides hurting from laughing too much she leans up against the wall to keep from falling over.

after she gets control of herself she then waits for Trent to reply giving him time to think her proposition over, she still slightly amused by the fire guy looking at him curiously "hey doesn't that hurt being all flamed and how does you clothes not burn up?
Jeannie Rose
Jeannie Rose
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : crazy but that's how i roll
driving everyone else insane
i'm the conductor of the crazy train Smile

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2489
Location : where ever my next adventure is :)
Job : universe's greatest bounty hunter
Humor : why so serious ? seriously just cause we have to face life threatening danger on a daily basis don't mean we can't have fun with it ,instead off oh no we're doomed be like me and think gee wonder how i'll survive this....oh you don't have heal powers well you might not find the evil deathtrap as amusing i do then
Registration date : 2014-10-22

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It's Been a While. (Open to two) Empty Re: It's Been a While. (Open to two)

Post by Timmmithy May 17th 2015, 10:16 am

Trent loosened his grip on the katana, relaxing his muscles as he took a deep breath. "You're after my old team." Trent was continually looking back at the flaming visitor to check that he wasn't going to attack. "It won't be easy to find them. They have enough money to bribe the president, their tracks will be covered pretty well."

Trent could feel the buzz start to wear off just a little as it was traded for a headache. After making a subtle joke towards the flaming guy, the girl began laughing uncontrollably. Trent couldn't say no to the girl, "I would love to get back at those sons of bitches, I can try and help," once again glancing back at the flaming figure Trent spoke at him, "you gonna stick around buddy?"

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 92
Registration date : 2014-03-23

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It's Been a While. (Open to two) Empty Re: It's Been a While. (Open to two)

Post by Ace_ May 17th 2015, 12:55 pm

Jason: "So wait.... You two people who I don't know in the slightest, want me, a pyrokinetic who's powers you don't fully known, to come with you to hunt down a group of people that I also don't know for reasons that have no bearing on me...... Someone is buying me food later"

He never could turn down a fight and these two said something about hurting cops or whatever. Jason could at least tag along and see what was happening first. If he was to guess, these two were metas as well. That meant whoever they were going to go fight propapbly were as well! That would be a fun fight either way. He put both hands behind his head, resting them there

Jason: "And no! Being on fire doesn't actually hurt me though I doubt either of you would want to stand to close. These cloths don't burn away either but only because they were specially made not too. My regular clothing won't if I think about it. But in a fight, my mind tends to wander so..... You won't beleiveeeee how many pairs of underwear I have ha to throw away from the holes ive burned in them."

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 85
Registration date : 2014-06-19

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It's Been a While. (Open to two) Empty Re: It's Been a While. (Open to two)

Post by Jeannie Rose May 17th 2015, 7:45 pm

Jeannie pictures Jason running around with his underwear on fire and finds that quite amusing. after fighting off another giggle fit. she turns her attention back to the mission.

"ok so what do you think we should do first Trent maybe go look where you saw them last look for clues, if I could pick up their scent it could help but if it was awhile ago the scent might be gone. huh, a course wouldn't hurt to look. they bribed the president huh. for what? might give us a clue to where there going. also, i like the fire man's plan of getting food to me hungry"

Jeannie Rose
Jeannie Rose
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : crazy but that's how i roll
driving everyone else insane
i'm the conductor of the crazy train Smile

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2489
Location : where ever my next adventure is :)
Job : universe's greatest bounty hunter
Humor : why so serious ? seriously just cause we have to face life threatening danger on a daily basis don't mean we can't have fun with it ,instead off oh no we're doomed be like me and think gee wonder how i'll survive this....oh you don't have heal powers well you might not find the evil deathtrap as amusing i do then
Registration date : 2014-10-22

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It's Been a While. (Open to two) Empty Re: It's Been a While. (Open to two)

Post by Timmmithy May 18th 2015, 12:12 pm

"Heh" Trent smirked the slightest bit at Jason's joke. "I'll buy you a steak dinner if you want." Turning his attention back to the girl, Trent decided to give a little backstory, "Well, going back to the scene won't do much good. You see, upon our escape, Thomas and I had to resort to each of our best abilities. Thomas was my teammate by the way. By the time we got uncuffed from where we had been left, our initial target had an army of men swarming us." Trent was continually glancing between both the boy and the girl. "Even though they were mere humans, they still had outnumbered us 20 to 2. We were weapon less and in a lot of pain. So in order to get out alive, Thomas had to give it his all." Staring directly at Jason now, Trent continued, "Thomas had similar powers to you, he could heat his body up to unimaginable temperatures, although there were no flames. He walked up to a drum of diesel fuel and ignited it, which created a chain reaction of explosions. Needless to say, there's nothing left to the warehouse where we were abandoned. However, I can take you to our old base if you like, I'm almost positive it'll have been raided, but its worth a shot. As for the president, I doubt that they actually did bribe him, I was just making a point that they could if they wanted."

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 92
Registration date : 2014-03-23

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It's Been a While. (Open to two) Empty Re: It's Been a While. (Open to two)

Post by Jeannie Rose May 18th 2015, 6:45 pm

Jeannie starts crying and hugs trent "that's like so sad, not only were you betrayed but your buddy sacrificed himself for you, I'm sorry it must be hard to talk about it".

"I promises I'll help you get these guys and avenge you, buddy,, that's a good idea checking their base might be some clues left behind if anything I'll get their scents so we can track them easier."

Jeannie then thinks about what trent said about steak dinner "um yummy so can me get some too maybe we could stop on the way to checking out your base"
Jeannie Rose
Jeannie Rose
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : crazy but that's how i roll
driving everyone else insane
i'm the conductor of the crazy train Smile

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2489
Location : where ever my next adventure is :)
Job : universe's greatest bounty hunter
Humor : why so serious ? seriously just cause we have to face life threatening danger on a daily basis don't mean we can't have fun with it ,instead off oh no we're doomed be like me and think gee wonder how i'll survive this....oh you don't have heal powers well you might not find the evil deathtrap as amusing i do then
Registration date : 2014-10-22

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