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Yofie and Her Ambitions to do Things in America (Force)

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Yofie and Her Ambitions to do Things in America (Force) Empty Yofie and Her Ambitions to do Things in America (Force)

Post by Fiery Soul March 4th 2015, 1:45 am

In the past week, Yofie fought numerous demons, some who were actually demons- and others who were actually evil. For her first week in a new land everything looked bad. While standing on the beach, Yofie wondered where the large lake before her ended and why people so eagerly stripped off their clothing and submerge themselves in a pool of fish excrement. "This world makes no sense, but is full of evil. You are not evil are you small child." A young boy stood next to Yofie, licking a double scoop of pink and green ice cream.

"I don't know. Are you uh angel?"

"Yes, small citizen. Your people call me 'angel'. However the word before it should be 'an'."

"Can I see your wings?"

Yofie spread her wings in a display of sheer brilliance. Fire sparked from the tips and rose into the air. In the wake of her heat the little boy's ice cream dripped into a puddle, as did his tears. "Cry not for your loss, tiny human. If it could not stand in the glory and righteousness of my presence, you are better for not having it."

Sand invaded the metal boots of the seraph. Each one of her steps grew heavier, until Yofie decided to remedy the solution by removing them. "Boots. You have done nothing but weigh me down. For the second time in my short adventure in this cursed place, I am needing to remove you before embarking on the quest of seeing how large this lake is." Yofie shot a judgemental finger towards a bikini clad woman. "You, first cover your shame, second, how large is this lake, third, is the shameful clothing you are wearing comfortable."

"That's an ocean." Starring down a sword usually brought out absolute lies or complete truth. Hard to argue with this one. "It's comfortable."

"Should I need remedy from this abysmal heat, I may need to find such provisions. Thank you shameless harlot, you have assisted me greatly."

After making a name for herself, Yofie walked towards the ocean and placed her sword in the water with her hand firmly upon the hilt. While she gazed out into the large body of unending water, a crease in the waves began to part. Breaking out from beneath the current swam a massive creature with nine tentacles and a large gaping mouth. Unnerving the denizens of the fish water, the crowd broke into disarray, while Yofie broke into flight. Holding her blade, Yofie sparked a flame in her hand and focused on her blade. No flame burst forth from her wings, armor, or blade. "What evil controls this beast? A demon must be near, but first I must-" A tentacle wrapped around the musing angel and slung her as far back as the creature could.

Yofie spun through the air out of control until she broke the top of the water. Metal quickly began to pull Yofie down beneath the waves, her strength fighting at all costs to get back to the surface and into the fight against this monstrous sea monster.
Fiery Soul
Fiery Soul
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Status :

Quote : This Girl is on Fire

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 103
Registration date : 2015-02-26

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Yofie and Her Ambitions to do Things in America (Force) Empty Re: Yofie and Her Ambitions to do Things in America (Force)

Post by Forceaus March 4th 2015, 6:15 pm

Relaxing on the beach. Just relaxing on the beach. Nothing else to do right now but relax on the beach. John wasn't supposed to be doing this right now, but he was here and decided to take advantage of being here to have a short vacation of sorts. A few hours counts as a vacation, right? He had been sent here to do some reconnaissance work and they had expected him to take all day. John would up finishing in like an hour or so. He felt like he had been really underestimated. Seriously, all day? John didn't even rush and got it all done in just over an hour. Were they just trying to get rid of him for a while? How dare they.

For one of the cities in Florida that nobody outside of the state, and some of the people in the state seemed to remotely care about, Tampa Bay was a nice place. Well, this beach was at least. It was comfortable and the horizon had a great view of the parts of the state on the other side. Beats being in the swampy parts that were the everglades.

John was just laying down in the sand in a pair of shorts and a tank top, rolling over constantly because he couldn't settle on a position to stay in. He looked like a fish out of water flopping about. "How long should I stay here? Should I go home already?" he asked himself.

"You talking to yourself, kid?" a voice, male sounding and rather deep said. John had his face nearly buried in the sand, but what he had said still managed to be audible. He looked up to see a young man and woman not much older than him and most likely a couple standing not far from him. They looked like they had been walking by to go somewhere and had just decided to stop for a moment because they heard him speak.

"I didn't realize I said that aloud." John responded. He felt a bit embarrassed that he had been heard.

"You look like you're about to pass out. You party too much or something? You should probably go home first." the woman said.

"I will, don't worry." he said. He wasn't tired really. He just always looked that way. Resting sleepy face right here. The couple departed and John went back to just lying around. He looked across the beach at others that were there for a few minutes until he saw something weird going on in the water. The water was rising in one specific spot like something large was surfacing there. Way too close to shore to be a whale. That or this beach was about to behold the presence of a beached whale.

Instead of a whale, an octopus or squid came out of the water. A really large one at that. If it was one at all. A girl with wings and a weapon he couldn't identify from here that was on fire was actually fighting this thing. Well, there goes relaxing. John sat up as the tentacled creature thing grabbed the girl and flung her into the ocean. He got to his feet in a hurry and started dashing towards the ocean to try and help her. John reached the water and started swimming towards the area where he saw the girl hit the water. The squid monster thingy could wait for now. He hoped it could at least.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Yofie and Her Ambitions to do Things in America (Force) Empty Re: Yofie and Her Ambitions to do Things in America (Force)

Post by Fiery Soul March 4th 2015, 10:29 pm

Water started crashing through her mouth. This new sensation tasted overly salty as Yofie pulled at the straps of her armor. Testing the strength of her wings against the rampant pull of the tide. Yofie pushed herself closer to the surface. Her armor broke loose from her chest as Yofie coughed out the harsh water surging through her throat. Waves crashed to the side out of the wake of the emerging angel. A quick spin of her wings cast back ten pounds of water from the warrior's wings. A burst of flames came out from her hands, but the rest of her body remained drenched.

The monster continued its arrival towards the beach front property with Yofie in hot pursuit. Wielding her blade in one hand and a fist of flame in the other, Yofie flew through an opening in the sea monster, slicing at one of the tendrils of the creature, sending it splashing to the ground. A burst of flame flew out towards the creature's face, bursting in a bright display of immolation. Once the creature winced in pain, Yofie would plunged her blade through the skull of the creature, forcing it to the ground.

As her victory neared, a frantic tendril swatted Yofie from her flying stance. Forcing her back into the water in the face of the overwhelming beast. Two appendages swung towards Yofie, only to be cut in half, discarded along the side of the beach. "You are not so large when you are cut down." Three tendrils and a burnt, damaged skull forced the creature back. Bolts of fires continued to push the creature back as the crowd around the beach began to cheer the heroism of the angel pushing back the creature.
Fiery Soul
Fiery Soul
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Status :

Quote : This Girl is on Fire

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 103
Registration date : 2015-02-26

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Yofie and Her Ambitions to do Things in America (Force) Empty Re: Yofie and Her Ambitions to do Things in America (Force)

Post by Forceaus March 4th 2015, 11:13 pm

John was swimming through the water past the squid monster thingy to try and get to the winged girl with the fiery weapon before she drowned. The creature was causing the water to be rough and choppy and made it hard to swim against the currents that were heading towards the shoreline. He felt like he had completely lost track of where he was going and had to stop to figure out where he even was. The creature was behind him and heading ashore. It can go ashore? Wonderful. Why was he even surprised anyways? Isn't something like this always the case? He also couldn't find the winged woman anywhere.

John quickly dove underwater to try if he could see her before considering changing course and heading back to shore. He took a deep breath and submerged himself. The water pressure was really strong. John opened his eyes and briefly witnessed the beauty of the ocean from beneath the surface before seeing the winged woman emerge from the ocean and rise into the air. John resurfaced as she flew back towards the surface and after the creature. "Well at least she's safe." he thought before swimming towards the shore himself.

It took him a couple of minutes to get back to shore. Nobody seemed to notice him as everybody on the beach was watching the winged girl fight the squid monster. Thankfully she was winning. That would mean he wouldn't have to intervene and not have to risk revealing himself. John walked up the beach and joined the crowd in watching this fight for the time being.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Yofie and Her Ambitions to do Things in America (Force) Empty Re: Yofie and Her Ambitions to do Things in America (Force)

Post by Fiery Soul March 5th 2015, 12:30 am

Two more swings of her blade found home inside of the soon detached limbs of the sea monster. Yofie took more pride in her blade without any of its fire as she dispatched the creature back to the depths. While the creature descended further away from the shore, Yofie looked down to see her blade sudden ablaze. "I knew there was evil within this..."

Before Yofie could turn back to address her adoring audience, two large black wings lunged two heels directly into Yofie's back, slamming her into the ground. "How's it going sweetheart." Standing in her sun bathing attire, the dark angel pulled forth from Yofie in the dark land of Canada kicked the blade for Yofie's hand. "I was just out here taking in the sun when I heard all this commotion. Apparently, if you have this amulet, you can control sea monsters to attack."

"Sorne, you can gain no redemption through this vile creature you hope to attack. You have nothing but darkness festering in you. Yuo can be of no help to anyone."

"I saved you Yofie. If it weren't for me, you would have die with the rest of the realm. You owe me everything." Sorne pulled her blade and plunged it through Yofie's back, pinning her to the ground. "And, I said sea monsters Yofie. You don't pay attention." Sorne sat back with her arms crossed as the tides began to stir.
Fiery Soul
Fiery Soul
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Post Mate

Status :

Quote : This Girl is on Fire

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 103
Registration date : 2015-02-26

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Yofie and Her Ambitions to do Things in America (Force) Empty Re: Yofie and Her Ambitions to do Things in America (Force)

Post by Forceaus March 5th 2015, 2:13 am

It was kind of strange for him to be watching this fight rather than participating in it. John was so used to being a part of the action that just being a witness felt odd. He wasn't even sure he was doing this right. Just standing there and watching alongside other people as a winged woman wielding a sword slowly tear the creature apart and leave it there defeated.

The winged woman was starting to celebrate her victory along with the crowd that was cheering her for what she had done when something emerged from like out of nowhere. It was a large pair of black wings and they struck at the winged woman and knocked her out of the air and down to the ground. The source of these wings was another winged woman that looked identical to the first one. Was this her evil twin or something? The Dark Link to her Link? The, wait, what other games had something like this?

The two identical winged women were talking until the one with the dark wings grabbed the sword and stabbed the first one through her torso and the ground beneath her. The crowd let out a collective gasp of pure shock. Some people started to move forward to try and do something. To save the girl that had fought off the sea monster. They slowly moved forward to try and get to them. John was among this group of people. There was something that could be done to save her, right?

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Yofie and Her Ambitions to do Things in America (Force) Empty Re: Yofie and Her Ambitions to do Things in America (Force)

Post by Fiery Soul March 5th 2015, 3:21 am

"Look, Yofie, moths to the flame." Sorne pressed her knee against the blade, driving it further. "You can lead them in their final hours to some prayers. Hmm?" The wake of monsters began to break through the waves. Towering creatures threw sludge against the shoreline as they lumbered through the waves.

Brazen monsters of bulbous form with tendrils and arms pulling them along. The four creatures showed no anger or remorse, simply machines of destruction descending upon their next target. "Do you want a better view?" The pinning blade kept Yofie from prying herself from the ground, giving Sorne ample time to look back to the crowd. Their courage turned to stone with the look of the dark angel- or perhaps in the shadow of the lumbering colossi. Angel blood spilled forth onto the ground with the painful release, soaking into the sand and leaving a divot where the blade once rested. "I need to keep you somewhere safe. I just can't let you out of my sight."

"Your vile deceptions and reckless meanderings with monsters will not make you strong." Yofie offered no resistance as Sorne pulled her off the ground. Sorne pushed Yofie's arm behind her back and locked it in place. "You deceive yourself to places of power."

"I do not meander. I control."

As Sorne extended her wings to begin ascension, Yofie thought of the same idea. Only her wings burst into flame in the presence of the dark angel. As the flames burned brighter and with more animosity, Yofie locked her gauntlets around the base of Sorne's wings and ignited herself to burn the evil doppleganger. A scream shrieked from Sorne as a swift kick removed Yofie from her. Spreading her wings burned Sorne deep within her muscles, limiting just how quickly she could fly, but Yofie could not give pursuit now. These monsters would only grow more tiresome if not dealt with immediately.

Once the duel between the angels subsided, a few locals assisted Yofie to her feet. With the absence of Sorne, Yofie would sense her powers decline and her fire die down from her armor and sword. Still, she hacked one of these beasts to pieces. Dismantling four should be fairly easy. "Citizens, you must retreat to safety. I will destroy these foul beasts, but must make sure no one is harmed in the process." Breathing grew more strenuous as her fingers slid against her open wound, not knowing how to seal the wound, but knowing she could not let it stop her from fighting.
Fiery Soul
Fiery Soul
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : This Girl is on Fire

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 103
Registration date : 2015-02-26

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Yofie and Her Ambitions to do Things in America (Force) Empty Re: Yofie and Her Ambitions to do Things in America (Force)

Post by Forceaus March 5th 2015, 10:32 pm

The people at the beach tried to get closer to try and save the winged woman that had protected them from her dark counterpart. Meanwhile more sea monsters rose from the ocean and headed ashore. More of these things, huh? There were four of them, and they were massive. They looked like creatures from out of a horror novel rather than reality. Not even the deepest, darkest parts of the ocean felt like a home to them, and instead of being down there, they were up here on the surface. They waded ashore without hesitation to terrorize the world before them.

People were growing wary of trying to help the winged woman due to the presence of these creatures and the shadowy counterpart noticing them. Some people started running for their lives. Could you blame them? John was among those that were still around. If he left though, he could retrieve his costume and actually join this fight. That way the angelic woman wouldn't have to go it alone.

The creatures continued to advance. More people decided to run for it. This time John did too. He departed among this new crowd and headed directly for the location where he had his stuff stowed away. It was not that far from here. It only took him a minute or so to get there and within minutes he was changed into costume and headed back to the beach.

While he had been gone, the battle had continued. The angelic woman got back up and fought off her evil counterpart. She now had her blade back in her hand rather than through her and was just to fight off the sea creatures despite her wounds. One had been dealt with, but three more remained. The last of the locals were retreating as he returned to the scene. Forcewave rushed forward and got between the angel and the sea monsters. He immediately started attacking the one closest to them. A quick blast of lightning sent it reeling back. Forcewave turned to the angel and spoke to her. "I can take it from here. You should get to some place where you can heal up your wounds." he then turned back to the creatures and prepared to fight all of them.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Yofie and Her Ambitions to do Things in America (Force) Empty Re: Yofie and Her Ambitions to do Things in America (Force)

Post by Fiery Soul March 6th 2015, 3:08 am

Even a wounded Yofie could rise to the occasion of righteousness through destruction. "You will not instruct me in the way of martial prowess sir." A large tendril struck dangerously close to Yofie. It squirmed and writhed towards a family fleeing from the rampant destruction. Before the tendril could crush the father trying to shield the young family with his body, a violent disembowelment of the creature gave way to the visage of an angel bursting through in brilliant glory.

"These creatures answer to someone of a higher power." An up slice of her blade severed the next pass of another tendril. "I may need to leave you to take care of these beasts while I seek out the power behind their menace." Blood poured from Yofie's injured form, but her wings still spread without any trouble. "If you must give your life in the service of protecting these innocent souls, than know I will carry your memory in the verse of my songs, brave man with no name."

Yofie shot into the sky in pursuit the impaired Sorne. Knowing she could not outrun her righteous inceptor, Sorne downed herself on a pier and placed her sword above her head. A quick shuffle of her blade deflected Yofie's dive bomb. Blood trailed along the boardwalk and followed suit back with a lunge of Yofie's burning blade towards Sorne. "We are not so different you and I."Flame broke against shadow.

"I am nothing like you." Yofie spun with her blade against her hip to swipe towards Sorne.

"Then why do you fight me? I take up blade to fight you, but why do you meet me on my grounds? Why do you take up a blade to strike me down?" A planted blade met Yofie's cleaving blow.

"If I did not, your evil would spread further. These monsters you send against the people of this land would destroy thousands." With Sorne taking her stance to a lower point of gravity, Yofie threw her elbow to slam into the dark angel's face.

Sorne put up a defense, but missed the full blow. "And what of those you inspire to take up violence? How many will they destroy?" Sorne fell to the ground, clinching her blade in one hand while her left arm held her back slightly arched away from Yofie.

"I will inspire the righteous zeal of a protector."

"You have faith, but no god. Retribution, but no justice. You would burn this world to kill the abyss. You are a savior to no one."

Yofie plunged her blade into Sorne's torso, tearing through layers of armor and flesh. A flash of vengeance sparked through the blade with kindled hatred. "I am not savior to you."

"And that is why you fail." Shadows tore apart from Yofie's blade as Sorne disappeared from the dock. Blood continued to course from the open wound Sorne delivered to Yofie, but the wound delivered to her soul would haunt her more.
Fiery Soul
Fiery Soul
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : This Girl is on Fire

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 103
Registration date : 2015-02-26

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Yofie and Her Ambitions to do Things in America (Force) Empty Re: Yofie and Her Ambitions to do Things in America (Force)

Post by Forceaus March 7th 2015, 11:57 pm

Who would have figured the beach would be such a dangerous place? An angel was dealing with her evil counterpart, and some sea monsters were coming ashore to rampage. After starting off lounging on the beach, Forcewave was now trying to fend off the sea monsters and their rampage before it got out of hand. Well, it was kind of out of hand already, but at least he could try and stop it before it gets disastrous.

Forcewave offered to fight these things by himself so that the angel wouldn't have to risk further injuring herself. She did have a rather massive hole in her from getting stabbed by a sword that occasionally sets itself on fire. Her response indicated objection towards sitting anything out. Well, she's certainly courageous. For a moment the two of them fought together to fend off the sea creatures. Only for a moment though. Forcewave was then left to deal with the creatures by himself when the angel lady left to go after her evil counterpart. "Okay, I'll try to not die." he replied awkwardly. Yeah, not dying. Let's try doing just that. At least if he did die then he'll be remembered in song. That did not provide him with any relief actually. Let's go with not dying.

There were still three of the cephalopod like creatures remaining, though one of which was injured. Forcewave sent out three quick blasts of energy at each of them. The damage done was rather minimal, but that was not what he intended. The intention of the blasts was to get their attention. He saw that it worked when they turned towards him and started attacking. Their tendrils came swinging down and across at him. There were a lot of incoming tendrils. Forcewave ducked and rolled around to try and avoid them all. He quickly got back to his feet thinking he had managed to dodge them all, only to be hit square in the chest by one. He felt the pain for less than a second before getting knocked off his feet and sent flying about ten feet before hitting the ground hard.

"Oaowww." he groaned due to the pain. That one hurt. Forcewave looked up to see the creatures advancing towards him to finish him off. One of them lifted a tendril high up into the air and brought it crashing down towards him. Forcewave simultaneously rolled out of the way and blasted the tendril. The end of the tendril was blown apart and some of the innards got on him. "Ew." he said as he got back to his feet in reaction to having the stuff on him.

"Okay, time to really fight these things." he told himself, and with that he really began to attack. A flurry of lightning bolts shot forward and started tearing through the tendrils of the creatures. The creatures shrieked in pain and it was ear-splittingly loud. Forcewave place his hands over where his ears were to try and block out the sound they were producing. Their onslaught on tendrils came at him again. Having already seen that trying to dodge them all was likely to fail, he opted for attacking back. He fired another flurry of lightning bolts and more of the tendrils were blasted apart. The sand between them was just covered in pieces of squid tendrils and blood and innards. It was not a pleasant sight.

With the creatures nearly completely disarmed, Forcewave opted to take the offensive. More blasts came and in a matter of seconds one of the creatures fell to the ground. Another of the creatures somehow leaped into the air and was attempting to divebomb him. Forcewave ran to get out of the way and created a shield around himself to protect him from the creature. He got knocked to the ground again as the creature was injured by the energy barrier. It shrieked in pain and started heading back to the ocean. Forcewave got up again and saw that the third one was missing. Where did it go?

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Yofie and Her Ambitions to do Things in America (Force) Empty Re: Yofie and Her Ambitions to do Things in America (Force)

Post by Fiery Soul March 9th 2015, 4:33 pm

Opposition descended into nothingness. A pool of shadow ran through the boards of the pier until Yofie's blade sunk into the salt drenched plank. She held as firm as her resolve in the silence. But the silence faded.

One of the monsters broke the line Forcewave tried to hold. A savage advance pushed by any sense of mercy as the creature broke towards the hotel lined dunes just beyond the beach shore. Feathers broke the breeze coursing in through the ocean air. Within a moments breath, Yofie took to the air, blade in hand, but only burning a fire in her soul.

Steel tore through the flesh of the creatures, releasing a wave of salt water onto the ground beneath the brawl. Yofie carried herself tethered to the beast by the business end of her blade. Before she could make for the creature's neck, a tentacle wrapped around her ankle, pulling her to the ground. Sand parted as her blade shot through the dunes, landing twenty feet away from the grounded Yofie. As Yofie sat up with her wings shaking off half the beach she found on her back, the giant appendage gripping her tightened.

Without a sense of any real control, the beast slammed into the side of a major hotel, cracking the foundation and splintering a beach side balcony. The sudden stop sent the force of motion in the appendage holding Yofie through a window. Thrust into a room occupied by a man holding his wife on the other side of the bed, Yofie stood to her feet. "Do not worry citizen. I have come to..." Another tightening of the arm dragged Yofie out of the room and into the humid air.

Vertigo seemed to be more in control than any animal sense the creature possessed. Winding into a spiral, Yofie broke out of the grip and dove for her blade. Taking the blade with decisiveness, Yofie took off with every ounce of speed towards the sea beast.

Flailing appendages tore concrete from the building, showering the ground with deadly debris. Time broke away enough time for the majority of people to evacuate from danger, but the pull of the out of ordinary still kept people enthralled with what transpired with seamonsters. The same couple now witnessed as the wall to their room crumbled, turning their room into a balcony. As more aggression flailed through the air, a burst of seawater erupted from the creature's head. A firm blade planted just before the couple as a pair of wings spread and collapsed in triumph. "Do not fear citizens. Evil has been dealt with."

Yofie turned back to the new opening as the creature slowly fell from his high perch onto the ground below. The angel floated through the sky back towards the man she charged with defending the city from a monster attack. "You did as well as could be expected from someone without a heart filled with righteous cause. Perhaps this experience will allow you a spirit of worship and a heart of fire in the face of evil."
Fiery Soul
Fiery Soul
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Yofie and Her Ambitions to do Things in America (Force) Empty Re: Yofie and Her Ambitions to do Things in America (Force)

Post by Forceaus March 9th 2015, 11:53 pm

How do you lose a sea monster? Forcewave would really like to know the answer to that question since he just did that. He looked around for any trace of it. The beach was littered with the carnage brought about by the sea creatures and the remains of the sea creatures themselves. All of that carnage made it difficult to find a trail that would lead to its wherabouts. Forcewave searched around until he found trenches in the sand that formed a path inland, and began to follow it.

The path the creature has formed led to a hotel. A hotel that was heavily damaged, and had the creature's carcass lying nearby it. In the sky above it was the angel woman. Looks like she had defeated the last of the squid monsters. Her evil counterpart was also nowhere to be found. Was that a good thing or a bad thing? Was she still around? If she was, hopefully she wouldn't be summoning any more sea monsters.

The angel woman noticed him and started talking to him. She said he did an okay job for someone who wasn't completely righteous, and that he could learn from this. Was that supposed to be a compliment? It sure as hell didn't feel like one. Should he let the word 'hell' go through his mind in the presence of someone that looks like an angel? Oh please don't be capable of reading minds.

"Uh, thanks I guess. You did a good job too. We sure saved a lot of people today." he said not knowing how to even talk to this woman. Her speeches were quite melodramatic and kind of weird. Another thought he hoped she couldn't read right there.


Meanwhile a group of hooded figures, that under the hoods looked like Japanese women were strolling down the beach towards a specific spot. They arrived there and one of them walked forward and picked something up from off the ground.

"It's back in our possession." she said now holding an amulet.

"The first wave of creatures were defeated, but we got something worse lying in wait." another of the women said.

"It won't be waiting for long." the woman holding the amulet said. With that the amulet started glowing and the ocean waves started churning. Large tremors started to shake the landscape as the waves continued to rock back and forth. Finally the water started to rise with a massive swell as a massive creature breached the surface. With a mighty roar it rose from the ocean and started heading for the shores.

Back on land near a damaged hotel, the sounds of the creature's arrival could be heard even from that distance. People grew worried considering they had just been attacked by squid monsters, and now something else might be on its way. Forcewave turned in the direction of the beach and addressed the angel woman. "I think we got more monsters coming. We should probably get going." and then he started heading back towards the beach without even checking to see if she was heading there too.

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Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
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Yofie and Her Ambitions to do Things in America (Force) Empty Re: Yofie and Her Ambitions to do Things in America (Force)

Post by Fiery Soul March 10th 2015, 6:13 am

"How dare you speak to me in a tone of authority. Any wording you should deliver to me should address me as my station of a celestial and you should humble yourself in my presence." Assuming Forcewave stayed around for the entirety of the speech Yofie delivered, Yofie would take charge to lead her angelic oppression of the seamonsters. A lesson learned from her last embattled position with these creatures taught her to keep a safe distance and attack from distance. Fire from her distant hands would always stay out of the reach of the appendages flailing around the monstrous engine of destruction. While scales seared and water simmered off its body, very little of the creature fell off.

A deeper incision would need to be inflicted to allow the flames to find a more meaningful home. Two quick slashes of her blade found work in dislodging the flesh from the membrane sacs making up what Yofie would assume laid beneath the scales. Water burst out as before, squelching her flames before they could burn through the protective barriers keeping the walking fortress lumbering towards shore. Yofie tore through a lose limb along the creatures torso with a full swing of her blade.

The curvature of the creature's face deflected the first few shots of fire from the angel. A few more meters and Yofie would prepare to plant her blade in the entry point of the creature's face, but her flight fell short. Grabbing her legs around the knees, a limb grew out of the dismembered appendage severed from the first blow she delivered. Motion took hold of Yofie, overpowering her wings from breaking out of the freefall as she plummeted to the shore line.

The ground broke her fall and her breastplate broke the problem of feeling too good today. Yofie lifted herself to her feet with her blade planted firmly in the ground, turning to  a group of hooded women. "Fear not citizens. I will dismantle the evil descending upon this home of..." Even the angel at the beach fighting giant monsters found these women out of place. "What jewel is that you possess. You must surrender it to me at this moment, less I be forced to act against you. I must inform you of your natural weakness as a human puts you at a disadvantage your meager mentality will not permit you to overcome. Now, deliver your possessions to me."
Fiery Soul
Fiery Soul
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Yofie and Her Ambitions to do Things in America (Force) Empty Re: Yofie and Her Ambitions to do Things in America (Force)

Post by Forceaus March 11th 2015, 1:06 am

Even as he was running back to the beach to go see what was going on due to the tremors and stuff, he could still hear the angel woman talking to him. Forcewave didn't hear everything she said, just got the gist of it. Basically be careful what you say to her. Okay then.

The creature was visible from a great distance. It just dwarfed the squid monsters. It slightly resembled a humanoid shark, or the exact opposite. Either way, it was definitely not something you'd expect to see with its four arms and glowing veins.

The angel woman had gotten to the beach before him and was already engaging the creature. Forcewave ran across the sand to the shore as it steadily advanced. Not even having the angel assault it with one attack after another could slow it down. Forcewave's feet touched the water just as the angel lady was knocked out of the air by the monster. It was now starting to stride ashore and he realized he may be a bit too close for comfort to this thing. The creature looked in the direction where the angel had hit the ground and there were some people in hooded robes nearby her. One of them raised their left hand and something emitted a light that shined in the creature's face. It then turned towards Forcewave and roared.

Forcewave turned back to try and get away from this thing as its arms came swinging down. The impact of its fists striking the ground was tremendous and nearly knocked him off his feet. Forcewave fired a blast of lightning at its face to try and blind it. The creature roared and staggered, but kept advancing. Okay, so it couldn't see, for a moment at least, but that didn't make it any less dangerous. He didn't know how to precisely defeat it at the moment, but at the very least he could keep it from causing any destruction.

"Tondemonai." one of the hooded women said to the winged woman that had fallen before them in a sort of mocking tone. "Sore wa watashitachi no monoda"

"Īe. We will give you not what we worked so hard to obtain. The kaiju is under our control, just like the Ika were. So shall many other creatures soon enough, and we will not allow you to stop us. Kanojo o tsukamu." the woman holding the amulet said as she placed it around her neck. Two of the other hooded women rushed forward to try and grab Yofie as a third went for her sword.

Mega Poster!
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Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

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Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Yofie and Her Ambitions to do Things in America (Force) Empty Re: Yofie and Her Ambitions to do Things in America (Force)

Post by Fiery Soul March 11th 2015, 1:31 am

As the sun broke between the gaps of carnage the kaiju sought to deliver to the beach, Yofie found herself engaged in a standoff with agents of an unknown origin. Somewhere called Japan. Most likely bearing resemblance to the island nation that loved selfies, but Yofie could not be sure. What she could be sure of was the aggression shown to her by the very women she told to submit to her authority. "You shall not take me in the means you believe so easy, as I have already told you, your mentality is very weak and shall not prevail against..." Yofie's stance fell short as one of the women grabbed her arm, pulling her sword towards his torso. "Your accosting of my arm is most unwelcome." Another arm latched onto her while the third woman forced her blade from her hands.

"Were you to be full disciples of darkness, my regalia would immolate you with purity." With the lack of quarter given to Yofie, spreading her wings and departing for the skies fell short as the women anchored her to the ground. Those heroes with anti-gravity had it made. "Instead, I shall be forced to deal with you in a more accordingly fashion of dismantling you through sheer force." With ungraceful moves, Yofie tried to grab the woman in front of her by the ears and head butt her. In a moment she could formulate a plan for how to deal with the women at her arms, and soon a plan for overcoming the woman holding the amulet, but for now minor milestones would need to account for everything.
Fiery Soul
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