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A fiery encounter in the New Orleans(open)

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A fiery encounter in the New Orleans(open) - Page 2 Empty Re: A fiery encounter in the New Orleans(open)

Post by Elena Vexus March 15th 2015, 8:38 pm

These kids were getting pretty pushy. Elena was throughly convinced that this boy had no idea what lab she was talking about. There was no way that they could have made it safe enough for 'public access'. And a lot of the information that she had in there was very valuable. There would have most definitely been a change of pace in the science community. She then could feel an presence approaching. It was more than likely one of the individuals she had called out from on top of the buildings. When the man touched down he went on about assessing the situation first, making sure that Speedy Gonzales wasn't trying to steal from her. It made sense. These speedster types were notorious thieves. However this one did have a very innocent demeanor to him.
She could have swore she heard this man say she was beautiful. Even Vexus didn't agree with that statement. Obviously just a failed ploy to try and butter her up for information. She remained unamused from behind her sunglasses.
"You are right in thinking I was trying to lose the kid in the spandex suit. I came here to take care of some personal business, and he was getting in the way. That's all that there is to it."
And that was all she was going to say on the matter. He said that he thought that there was more to her, which was true. She was a borderline insane woman on a mission who would gladly decapitate any of these people who even so much as middle annoy her. But that might stir up some conflict so that's all that she was going to say right now.

Not too long after, another girl arrived on the scene. She seemed to have been here on an actual mission to find someone judging by her mention of a dangerous metahuman. She was a feisty one, thats for sure. It was good to have spirit. It was important in this day and age. Especially in the younger crowd.
"Hm, I like your spunk, kid. But technically speaking, all Metahumans are dangerous. And I saw you because of my sunglasses. They're great at blocking the glare from the sun, helps me to see things better. Got them on eBay for quite the steal." she said with a sarcastic slur. She began to casually fiddle with and look at her nails.
"You seem a little bit more well informed on the situation though, young lady. So good for you." She reached into her purse and pulled out a nail file and started meticulously filing down some of her nails.
"If you want to fight in this parking lot then have at it. I can be the sideline judge, or whatever." Elena then walked over to the nearest car and leaned up against the trunk of it, still filing her nails.
"Obviously a fight between you three will determine who this 'dangerous metahuman' is, and rather quickly at that. I put my money on speedy." She paused for a moment in talking waiting for the other three to say something, but it remained silent so she decided to speak again. She tilted down her sunglasses looking over them at the three individuals.
"Well? I may have things to do, but I don't mind refereeing a parking lot show down. I need to live more spontaneously anyways. Ain't getting any younger." and with that she went back to filing her nails waiting for something to happen between the three of them.
She knew that the girl was looking for her. Vexus was obviously the dangerous metahuman, she just wanted to play around a little. See if she could get the three of them to beat each other up. It would be fun to watch, maybe even get a little taste of their abilities once they decide to turn on her which was bound to happen. It might have been clear to a couple of them that she was not ordinary simply by the way she carried herself and gave no relation to there being a dangerous metahuman among them. On top of saying 'hey why don't you guys just fight right here and I'll watch'. Ultimately she would be going to her lab, so maybe she could bring back a few cadavers as well.

Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

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Registration date : 2011-08-22

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A fiery encounter in the New Orleans(open) - Page 2 Empty Re: A fiery encounter in the New Orleans(open)

Post by Dustin Waugh March 21st 2015, 12:27 am

And as it seemed the chick picked up more on the girl and spandex. He knew what being a smart minded person could do and arranging words were easy to make people jump to conclusions and rile people up. The girl who followed Dustin down was surely not this meta human since it would be pointless to look for yourself or mark yourself if someone was actually chasing her. And Dustin himself knew that he was over powered, but he would more than likely not be the meta human in play. so speedy and Elena were the only two left and his money was on Elena from the start.

A fight? Well it has been a while and i presume a warm up could possibly come first before fighting the real challenge. He said as he peered his vision to the corner of his eye looking at Elena. Speedy was no trouble as it was easy to destroy the ground he moved on and the girl seemed not to be a threat. So... he figured up 70% of one of his energies was more than enough. He didn't want his surprise so early in the match.

As Elena sat against the car he had agreed to the fight and jumped away.Well you did say you were going to spectate and I can always look over when ever to make sure you stay in place so.... I don't see why this fight should not commonsense. He gathered his words together as he had silenced himself.

Grabbing his hands and closing them in; he breathed out as if he was trying to calm his heart rate. Although it was already calm he just did the exercise to relieve tension. Suddenly an unbarring weight of energy cloaked the area around them. He masked it only to the parking lot they were in. For Elena and the other two it would feel like someone put a few horse bags of feed on them. The pressing pressure would have no actual effects except it being a very strange and heavy feeling. And looking at Dustin you would see a black, musky and liquid substance poor from his body and rose up into the air.

Dustin smirked as he looked at the two he would be facing. Well if you accept I'm ready at anytime.
Dustin Waugh
Dustin Waugh
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