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Decay [Tsxero]

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Decay [Tsxero] - Page 2 Empty Re: Decay [Tsxero]

Post by Samael Christensen January 14th 2015, 3:27 am

The alien collided with the wall, falling flat on its asss, before turning into what looked like some manne rof human. ”Well that's quite the surprise.” Hyperion muttered, raising a single eyebrow confused by the sudden shift.

”I like this form better. Less snarly and more....comely.”

”While i'm not inclined to argue with that, we have more important matters to attend to.” Hyperion noted, gazing into the darkness that yawned within the corridors, one of them strangely enough droawing his attention more than the others. The male snarled, saying something about feeling sorry for the next thing that ran into him, and then explained why he had gotten go huffy. ”I don't understand any of what you said, but i'm going to nod and pretend to understand.” All Sheiara did was chuckle, and roll her eyes, perhaps amused by Hyperions statement.

”Come have a name right?”

”Of course he has a name, everyone does.” As he would lead them along the hallway, which eventually lead them to....a strange looking location, a platform floating over a landscape with crystalinne structures floating around through the air.

”Well, this is interesting.”

Samael Christensen

Number of posts : 903
Registration date : 2012-08-21

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Decay [Tsxero] - Page 2 Empty Re: Decay [Tsxero]

Post by The Doctor January 15th 2015, 7:31 pm

"Comely? I don't know what that means..." He said, still trying to catch his breath as he looked between the two people. Apparently this guy was slow or something, he didn't understand anything. It wasn't that hard to understand to Tsxero, so why didn't this guy seem to get it? Oh well, if he wanted to be like that Tsxero could play that game. He could play dumb too. For starters this lady, who was nicer than she seemed apparently, asked if he had a name. Just so happened, this dude said about everyone having a name. "I uh...of course I have a name. Who uh...who doesn't?" He asked feigning a suspicious tone as if trying to deflect the question. The man the said something about floating crystal like structures being interesting. Tsxero would agree, but he had no real inclination to speak up in reference to this topic.

"Woah. Yippie. So where are we?" Tsxero asked as he cleared his throat and looked about.

Decay [Tsxero] - Page 2 The_do10
The Doctor
The Doctor
A Drunk Homosexual

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 162
Job : I'm a Doctor
Humor : "People remember me for being the creature with the child armor...I regret nothing."
Registration date : 2014-07-09

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Decay [Tsxero] - Page 2 Empty Re: Decay [Tsxero]

Post by Samael Christensen January 16th 2015, 12:04 am

”I don't know actually, but that doesn't quite answer the question of your name.” Hyperion stated, looking over the strange crystaline structures that floated through the air, refracting the light of an unknown heavenly body.

”Looks like a place i've been before, minus the giant crystal dragons.” Sheiara noted without a hint of sarcasm, looking around as if they would would rise from anywhere. Molten lakes would bubble in the distance, and even further one could see strangely shaped mountains. ”Damn sorcerersand their tricks.”

”I think he''s still curious about the word you used.” Hyperion stated, examining the landscape that stretched out before him. ”It means attractive.” He added, pausing before leaping down from the platform and landing with a thud against the hard ground. The impact wasn't enough to harm him, thought it had been enough to annoy the abyssal incarnate, Sheiara following suit.

”I think this tag along might be useful to us. I'm not sure about now, but that form of his did make short work of those gaurdian golems.”

”You may be right, and I don't mind a little help every once in a while.” A calm, and warm wind blowed through the glassy landscape, followed by the sound of something breathing heavily. This was soemthing that did not bode well for anyone, but then again nothing ever bode well in a land of molten glass, and not molten glass. Whatever god has created this place could shove something glassy up their rear ends.

In the distance something rose from a lake of molten material, composed of purple crystals and with a loud roar.

”And here the dragons are.”
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 903
Registration date : 2012-08-21

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Decay [Tsxero] - Page 2 Empty Re: Decay [Tsxero]

Post by The Doctor January 21st 2015, 7:58 pm

Dragons were here!?!?! Wait, what the hell are dragons? The massive lizards with wings? Oh that Tsxero could live with. He blinked but looked around, trying to locate where these lizards with wings were. Of course he found this entire thing stupid right now. He wanted to eat, and these dragons were keeping him from eating. Fuckers gotta die. Tsxero found himself slightly distracted at the moment, this was all too surreal for him. But it was here so it had to be real. The realest of the real though was this question.... why should he care? Why was he here again? Curiosity, right? Well screw that, from now on Tsxero was just going to do what he did best. Tell other people what to do!

"Dragons are the retarded cousins of the iguana right?" Tsxero asked as he stepped forward and sighed, wondering how large the thing was. At this distance Tsxero couldn't help but think it was pretty large, substantial anyways. Oh baby this was going to be a fight. "Okay...if I help you kill this thing can we please... PLEASE find a way out of here. I gotta make sure the little punk has an extra set of arms." He said, slightly annoyed by the dragon's arrival.

"Someone tell me where to hit the fucker." Tsxero prompted as he started marching off with clenched knuckled, his tail spawning again as he underwent his metamorphosis into his E.T form. Or his sci fi form or whatever that little jerk said he was. Stupid racists. They better be able to tell him where to hit it. He really wanted to hit it now... had some stress to take care of.

Decay [Tsxero] - Page 2 The_do10
The Doctor
The Doctor
A Drunk Homosexual

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 162
Job : I'm a Doctor
Humor : "People remember me for being the creature with the child armor...I regret nothing."
Registration date : 2014-07-09

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Decay [Tsxero] - Page 2 Empty Re: Decay [Tsxero]

Post by Samael Christensen January 22nd 2015, 6:54 pm

”I know a retarded dragon, nice guy though.” Hyperion mentioned off handidly, catching sight of the thing rising from the molten lake, glowing droplets of liquid sliding down its skin incandescently. It would throw its head back and let out a bestial howl, one that caused the very ground to shake. ”I don't think they have any relation to iguanas though, unless they do.” The size of the dragon was great, but he had seen larger ones. Its glittering body was around ninety feet in height, jagged crystals jutting out of the body, perhaps sharp enough to make any attempt at climbing it carelessly pointless.

”Well now, that's a pretty big one.” Sheiara noted with a smirk, grabbing onto the hilts of her weapons, removing them from the sheaths with a flourish. ”I think killing this thing might make getting out of here easier. If you could, strike at its knees, that will make it easier to take off its head.” Pulling itself onto dry glass land, he would turn onyx eyes upon them, jaws parting and unleashing a stream of molten purple liquid. This liquid would shoot out at high speeds, Sheiara going into motion, and running forward at an impressive speed, creating a boom as she broke the sound barrier.

Keeping the liquid from striking him, all Hyperion had to do was create a barrier of black energy, crackling to life. It would curve around him but kept any damage from occuring.

The immortal with not enough patience for this- Adam Johnson (Vampire boi)
The Ravens Son- Samael Christensen
The Half angel/Half brother - Nathaniel Christensen
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 903
Registration date : 2012-08-21

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Decay [Tsxero] - Page 2 Empty Re: Decay [Tsxero]

Post by The Doctor January 23rd 2015, 8:46 pm

Tsxero found himself angrily brooding at the molten shit beneath the dragon. He didn't have the ability or toughness to stand in lava anymore. This was dumb. This whole thing was dumb. Dumb insulting people, dumb dragons, dumb lake of lava not letting him get close... How was he supposed to do anything about THAT? You know what? Fuck it. it was a fucking dragon, not a Nobel peace prize. He casually started walking up to the dragon and cleared his throat before feeling the heat of the molten lake beneath it. He looked up to the dragon and in one single sentence he had ensured the greatest victory ever.

"A-ahem...." he cleared his throat, the dragon likely taking note of him since being entertained by the tattoo bitch. To the dragon, Tsxero only had one thing to say. "EAT ME!" He screamed at the dragon, throwing his arms out to the side. The fucker better eat him too...

Decay [Tsxero] - Page 2 The_do10
The Doctor
The Doctor
A Drunk Homosexual

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 162
Job : I'm a Doctor
Humor : "People remember me for being the creature with the child armor...I regret nothing."
Registration date : 2014-07-09

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Decay [Tsxero] - Page 2 Empty Re: Decay [Tsxero]

Post by Samael Christensen January 23rd 2015, 8:59 pm

”What the hell is he doing?” Hyperion muttered, perhaps confused by the sudden challenge thrown at the dragon, but they were trying to kill it, not understand the logic of an unknown alien being. He had managed to move out of the way of the molten breath though, so maybe that was good enough for him, yet challenging it to eat him. The dragon would open its maw widely, a glowing rising within the jowls, ready to unleash the torrent of death upon the alien. The only thing keeping it from doing so was a burst of black energy slamming into its mouth, lava breath and the energy being rammed back down its throat. Within that moment, Sheiara made her move, rapidly climbing up the sheer edge of the dragon and bringing it along the throat of it.

Cracks spread out along the point of contact, causing the thing to roar loudly. ”Get eaten on your own time.” Hyperion snapped at the alien. ”Now tear off its head or something, its already halfway done.”

The immortal with not enough patience for this- Adam Johnson (Vampire boi)
The Ravens Son- Samael Christensen
The Half angel/Half brother - Nathaniel Christensen
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 903
Registration date : 2012-08-21

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Decay [Tsxero] - Page 2 Empty Re: Decay [Tsxero]

Post by The Doctor January 23rd 2015, 10:12 pm

Well okay. That works too. He had a perfectly viable plan, but apparently the smart-mouthed twerp had a quip to go along with it. This guy was so much like little brother it made Tsxero sick. he genuinely didn't like this guy. His metamorphosis was complete so he quickly jumped and started clawing at the creature's neck before realizing that there were once these things called Hydra's. Weren't those dragon thingies? Hm... how could he keep- cauterizing? Good idea, he didn't want to deal with a regenerating creature. As He clawed at the head he was attempting to slowly remove the massive fucking thing. If successful he'd try to force the stub into the lava lake to keep it from growing two heads. If he filed it looked like he'd have to abandon Dragon for the moment.

Decay [Tsxero] - Page 2 The_do10
The Doctor
The Doctor
A Drunk Homosexual

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 162
Job : I'm a Doctor
Humor : "People remember me for being the creature with the child armor...I regret nothing."
Registration date : 2014-07-09

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Decay [Tsxero] - Page 2 Empty Re: Decay [Tsxero]

Post by Samael Christensen January 25th 2015, 10:21 pm

The strange alien seemed to take his command, darting up the body of the dragon, and with great force removed its head, the sound of cracking, and breaking glass audible. It opened its mouth as if it were going to roar, but that was stopped by the sudden jerk that tore its head off, flung aside as the stump was forced into the boiling material that it had been bathing it. ”Good work.” Hyperion noted with a nod, though he had a feeling that was not the end of the whole thing, or at least their venture within this unknown realm. It seemed that the infinite knowledge of The Abyss would have its worth, Hyperion hmming softly to himself as the corpse of the glass dragon would sink into the molten lake.

”Something on your mind?” Sheiara would question, drawing The Abyssal incarnate from his thoughts for a moment, turning to her and raising a single brow.

”Just a small something I remembered.” He removed the locket around his neck, a perfect circular necklace held by a chain, clicking a button on it that caused it to open and glancing at the contents for a moment, before closing it again. ”I think I have an idea of how to get out of here.” He said almost sure of himself, locket shifting into a weapon, ornate yet simple within design. A scythe composed of an unknown black material, small, almost indecipherable runes along its surface. Slamming the sharp end into the glass ground, he began to work on something, forcibly carving something into the strangely smooth ground.

”What are you drawing?” Sheiara questioned, not really getting an answer, as he rapidly drew this circle and once done, pricked his finger upon the end of the weapon. It didn't seem to decay his flesh like it would that which it cut, allowing a few drops of rich black blood to fall onto the circle.

”A summoning circle.” he stated simply as the carvings within the glass would glow brightly, before oozing the molten material that composed the lake by which the dragon had risen from, then rising upwards to form a humanoid form, cooling rapidly and becoming feminine in shape. ”Long time no see.” he stated as if he knew this being.

Its features would form, and in a flash of light glass would become flesh, the color teak. ”You...why have you disturbed my realm?” her eyes were a harsh magenta, glowing ominously, as she turned her gaze upon Tsxero. ”And what is this creature? Another abomination of your realm?”

The immortal with not enough patience for this- Adam Johnson (Vampire boi)
The Ravens Son- Samael Christensen
The Half angel/Half brother - Nathaniel Christensen
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 903
Registration date : 2012-08-21

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Decay [Tsxero] - Page 2 Empty Re: Decay [Tsxero]

Post by The Doctor January 25th 2015, 11:31 pm

Tsxero took his human form again, for the last time and looked to the woman. "I believe the terms are..." He stopped and then looked as if he were seriously trying to think of a way to describe himself. "Hi I'm Aramis! Oh wait no those aren't what I meant to say... What I meant to say was...Fuck you, I'm less abominable than some stupid racist teal skinned Kali wannabe cunt." He said the words with a concluded smirk. People always thinking they were above were-aliens pissed him off. Abomination.

"Not sure where you get off with calling me abominable. Obviously don't have mirrors where you're from." He sighed before putting his hands together behind his head and stretching a little.

Decay [Tsxero] - Page 2 The_do10
The Doctor
The Doctor
A Drunk Homosexual

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 162
Job : I'm a Doctor
Humor : "People remember me for being the creature with the child armor...I regret nothing."
Registration date : 2014-07-09

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Decay [Tsxero] - Page 2 Empty Re: Decay [Tsxero]

Post by Samael Christensen January 26th 2015, 12:28 am

Okay, Hyperion was beginning to like this alien thing, especially considering the look upon the angry goddesses face. In fact, he couldn't help but laugh as the dark skinned woman took an almost annoyed frown, yet kept her arms crossed over her chest. ”Mouthy little protozoa, aren't you?” She said with an annoyed growl, yet she made no move to strike him down. Whether she would or could would yet to be seen, though her statement was enough to amuse Hyperion.

”No, he's not from my realm, doesn't seem to like being talked to like that either.” He stated with a shrug, not really in the state to go about calling people protozoa, not that he would let this self proclaimed goddess know that.

”That doesn't answer my question however. Why are you here? I had thought we came to an agreement long ago.” She would demand almost suspiciously, letting her glance move from him, to Sheiara, to Tsxero and then back to Hyperion.

”Our being here was a mistake actually, a trick of the damned Hales if you would believe it.”

”Yes, I know that family well enough. We've had dealings in the past, it must mean you intend to steal from them.” She paused, looking at him with an almost knowing smirk. ”Perhaps a remedy for your condition?” This seemed to have caused a small change within the Abyssal ones countenance, an almost annoyed expression playing across it.

”I wouldn't go around taunting him like that.”

”Once I might have feared his power, but now I can see how weak he's become. Nothing more than a facade of power, healthy on the surface but his core is rotting.” She was mocking him, and anyone with eyes could see it. Hyperions right fist clenched, though he made no move against her.

”You.” He would say turning to Tsxero with a dark smirk. ”Earlier you said you were hungry, right?” He would wait for some kind of answer, before his hand shot forward, the supposed goddess caught unaware as his hand seemed to sink through her chest, flesh rippling around it much like water. She let out a surprised gasp, looking at Hyperion almost as if this were unexpected. ”I really hate gods and goddesses, always acting as if they are above everyone else. I don't need my full power to kill a bitch like you, the knowledge I gain from that ancient one was more than enough to do the job.” His hand ripped back, a glowing object shape like a heart coming with him.

This however did not seem to kill her, as he held the beating organ within his hand, radiating multiple beautiful colors. ”You created this realm, using your own power to sustain it. Thus you are the core, I wonder how long consuming this core would sustain me.” He could see the fear upon her face, knowing that he held her very life within his hand.

”You wouldn't dare.” She muttered, barely able to contain her rage.

”Oh, I dare.” With that he bit down into the heart like construct, teeth breaking through fleshy substance and in a second it seemed to simply flow through his mouth. She would scream, loudly before falling to the ground, dead. ”Alrighty, with that done I think we can move on. If you have a taste for goddess...Aramis, eat your fill.” He said with a dismissive gesture, as the very ground began to slowly crackle and fracture, Hyperion tearing a hole within the air itself.

The immortal with not enough patience for this- Adam Johnson (Vampire boi)
The Ravens Son- Samael Christensen
The Half angel/Half brother - Nathaniel Christensen
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 903
Registration date : 2012-08-21

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Decay [Tsxero] - Page 2 Empty Re: Decay [Tsxero]

Post by The Doctor January 26th 2015, 1:20 am

"Oh hey look. I have a reason to like you now." Tsxero said before he looked at the body. He proceeded to poke it with his foot. Nudging it once, twice, then three times. He then looked to the other two and made a shooing motion with his hands. "You-uh...might wanna take a step back." Tsxero said. Okay so he lied earlier. He'd take the form one more time. He proceeded literally swallow the Goddesses' head before lifting her corpse into the air and swallowing her, as an entire being, like one expected someone to swallow swords. Except this was a person he just literally swallowed whole. He then shook himself a little, full of energy now.

  He shifted back to his human form and patted his stomach before clearing his throat. "Did I call her "teal" earlier? I'm pretty sure I did. She totally wasn't though. I must have wanted to use that Khali comment for a while." He said before shrugging and letting out a satisfied sigh. He then looked to the tattoo woman and not Logan Lerman for guidance. "So uhm... yeah. What do we do now?" Tsxero asked with a full stomach. Oh his brother was gonna be pissed that he ate without him.

Decay [Tsxero] - Page 2 The_do10
The Doctor
The Doctor
A Drunk Homosexual

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 162
Job : I'm a Doctor
Humor : "People remember me for being the creature with the child armor...I regret nothing."
Registration date : 2014-07-09

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Decay [Tsxero] - Page 2 Empty Re: Decay [Tsxero]

Post by Samael Christensen January 26th 2015, 1:36 am

Hyperion could feel it, energy coursing through his every fiber and empowering him. The hunger that had been gnawing away at his innards abated, now only a dull throbbing that he could deal with compared to the former feeling, as the brilliant violet runic markings would begin to spread out along his exposed flesh, much like beacons. While the sight of the strange being devouring the goddess was disgusting, he had seen something similar before, so it was not too much an ugly sight. Actually, something about it was intriguing, even though that might have been his Titan nature talking more than anything else, as it so enjoyed to see things die. Like the runic markings, his eyes would take a similar hue, and in a sweep it seemed the gray coloration within his hair had become much like the rest of his hair; a dark brown color.

”You did call her teal actually, but I don't think anyone was paying attention.” Sheiara said with a shrug, intrigued by the sudden change within Hyperion.

”Now that is what i've been looking for.” Hyperion said almost elated, a small chuckle slipping out as he brandished his weapon. ”But enough of this time wasting. Realm is coming down, and I do not want to be around when it does. All aboard, next stop anywhere but here.” Twirling his weapon, he swung and much like paper the fabric of the bounds between all planes would tear. Opening wide, the hole would lead into what looked like a small room, a single strange artifact upon a pedestal, the thing that he was looking for actually. ”Looks like our way out.” he would say, before stepping through the portal and letting both follow before letting it close.

”That was easier than I thought. Usually when I rob these families, they have a lot I guess they thought a goddess could keep their things safe, jokes on them.”

The immortal with not enough patience for this- Adam Johnson (Vampire boi)
The Ravens Son- Samael Christensen
The Half angel/Half brother - Nathaniel Christensen
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 903
Registration date : 2012-08-21

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Decay [Tsxero] - Page 2 Empty Re: Decay [Tsxero]

Post by The Doctor January 26th 2015, 2:58 am

"You are a terrible person." µrsine X stated with a little glare on his youthful face. He dropped a couple bags at the feet of the larger alien who just stood there, wondering what his little brother was doing at this portal. "Now help me carry this stuff or I will. eat. your. babies." He said the last part with a slight rhythmic way that was apart from most conversation. Tsxero sighed and picked some bags up before µrsine X halted and noticed Hyperion before smirking.

"Well no shit! Huh. You're real. To think I thought the guy was crazy." µrsine X said as he took off his red hoodie jacket, apparently not understanding you were supposed to wear shirts under them. He then quickly pulled out a little piece of paper and then handed Hyperion a bag with the little slip of paper. "I uh. I'm going to level with ya man. I forget what he wanted me to tell you. He said to say I was supposed to describe him with purple eyes. I mean that's cool and all but his eyes were green. Like GLOWING green, it was pretty slick. Black hair too, little tan... but he said to say he was a purple eyes, small skinny semi-tanned kid with brown hair. I dunno why. Anyway he'd said to find you guys here with my brother and asked me to deliver it. There ya go." µrsine X said with a flash of a smile before he looked to the female titan and nodded with an enthusiasm. He turned around and began to hep his brother away as he left Hyperion with the bag and the note.

Decay [Tsxero] - Page 2 The_do10
The Doctor
The Doctor
A Drunk Homosexual

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 162
Job : I'm a Doctor
Humor : "People remember me for being the creature with the child armor...I regret nothing."
Registration date : 2014-07-09

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Decay [Tsxero] - Page 2 Empty Re: Decay [Tsxero]

Post by Samael Christensen January 26th 2015, 3:14 am

Upon stepping through the other end of the portal, he was met with an unknown individual that looked similar to the male they had been venturing with, though younger. To be honest he had no idea who he was dealing with, though they had said something about someone being a terrible person, and considering the present company it could have been any of them. It had been shown who they were talking to, upon dropping bags at the aliens feet and saying something about eating babies. The explanation that followed included something about someone telling him to bring something to him, though the explanation was a familiar one, causing the Abyssal One to grimace slightly. His eyes slowly returned to their natural color, though everything else stayed as it was. Hyperion considered the bag with a note attached to it, reluctantly taking it and looking it over critically.

”Well..thank you I guess.” he said blinking and continuing to look at the bag. Sheiara however, seemed amused with the younger male, smirking and chuckling softly to herself. Looking up again, Hyperion took notice that they were alone. ”Well now, that was weird.”

”I thought that was pretty fun.” Sheiara noted, as the room about them seemed to shift to an outdoor location.

”I wonder whats in the bag though.” Hyperion wondered to himself, looking down at it.

”Why don't you look inside of it?”

”That's my plan.” He snapped, removing the note first, and looking it over.

The immortal with not enough patience for this- Adam Johnson (Vampire boi)
The Ravens Son- Samael Christensen
The Half angel/Half brother - Nathaniel Christensen
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 903
Registration date : 2012-08-21

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Decay [Tsxero] - Page 2 Empty Re: Decay [Tsxero]

Post by The Doctor January 29th 2015, 3:46 am

"So who were those people?" µrsine X asked with a wry little hum. "A lady with the tat's knows where it's at, eh?" He continued to tease his older sibling. Tsxero just ignored him for the most part as he carried some bags to help his brother. All in all he was not happy about tonight. There had to be a reason, some cosmic reason that Kax wanted him to run into those people. But why would Death ordain that? It was pointless? Tsxero just shrugged it off before shifting himself to give a firm punch to µrsine X, sending him barreling over and his groceries spilling out into the grass.

  "Suck it Trebeck." Tsxero said in an iconic accent. µrsine X burst out laughing, only whining slightly as he rubbed his arm that was already bruised from his sibling's abuse. Well even if he had a bad evening, at least he was playful enough to be in a rare form of good. µrsine X would definitely take note of it and do everything he could to keep his older brother that way. After all, if it weren't for Tsxero...none of his siblings would be alive...not even he would be.


  The note was in good form of penmanship as the writing wrote.

 I wanted to give this to you earlier, back when you tried to tell me I didn't know what love was. Love is going to Hellshrike and making a deal that seals your own fate so your son can have a chance....just a chance. I know with it you'll think of something... GET CREATIVE! was written in big markings, if Michael were to lower the card he would see the object that was potentially a solution to his ailment.

   Purgatory, Prometheus' prototype to an eternal and semi-passive Abyss.

  He had better appreciate it.... the cost was a very, very dear one.

Decay [Tsxero] - Page 2 The_do10
The Doctor
The Doctor
A Drunk Homosexual

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Number of posts : 162
Job : I'm a Doctor
Humor : "People remember me for being the creature with the child armor...I regret nothing."
Registration date : 2014-07-09

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