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Plants are coming to Chicago.(thistle,maybe one other person.)

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Plants are coming to Chicago.(thistle,maybe one other person.) Empty Plants are coming to Chicago.(thistle,maybe one other person.)

Post by Shadowoof December 26th 2014, 9:33 pm

Marcus stood their on the rooftop of building in the Windy City that was known was as chicago. Just awoken from a dream by a simple rose petal that landed on his nose. He still hadn't gotten over that other type of famine that had affected the people of the party he was at two nights ago with the ghouls of famine or that's what Dark told him. Speaking of Dark who was quite disappointed that he didn't speak to an old friend, he had been awfully quiet these past two days and that put Marcus into a mood. Aside from that Marcus stood their and watched as people went by, both meta and human. Maybe just human, he never really knew but also something else had caught his eye. Their was a growth of plants. Sure this any other day would not have even crossed into his mind but the growth was enormous. Plants Marcus had never seen before sprung up in alleys and several other places like they were moving in or something was coming in.

Marcus decided to investigate this by flying to the next building or more like gliding over. He knew he could have just made a bridge of darkness but he was feeling lazy and the wings did their purpose. From this building he saw that the plant life was plentiful and while the city did need a little more green to its color he knew that this wasn't natural. "Alright buddy, let's play detective. Meta or supernatural?" Marcus said to dark as he kneeled on the edge of the roof to get a slightly closer look at the vines that climbed up the side.

Too life like for a demon. Possible meta, could be something else. Dark said to the human, deciding to leave his shell and intrigue the human in his efforts of escaping reality. Marcus slightly nodded to the demons words and looked around to see nothing but air. Marcus stood up for a strech and a yawn before standing their to think or to see if something happened soon. Maybe destroy the plants and the creator would come running? Dark offered to Marcus but he shook his head.

"That's last resort, these flowers look beautiful. Why destroy them?" Marcus finally said to Dark before looking out into the street below for one final check.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Plants are coming to Chicago.(thistle,maybe one other person.) Empty Re: Plants are coming to Chicago.(thistle,maybe one other person.)

Post by Thistle March 27th 2015, 8:29 pm

Toes pushed against the ground and from beneath, crept life. Olive coloured orbs scanned the concrete construction before them. Feet took steps and behind each stride a small flower bed sprouted. The moon had blossomed and cast down it's silver glow which was unfortunately dwarfed by the light cascating from the metallic towers know as streetlights. The area was quiet for now. Few people and even fewer cars. Some claim the more the merrier but Thistle despised the pieces of walking meat. All they did was pollute, destroy and then build disgusting cities such as this one in order to pollute and destroy even more.

At this point, you may wonder why would someone bother coming to a place that repulses them so massively? Thistle had a plan. She would work quietly, subtly, infesting the cities one by one with underground roots, seeds, hives of thorns and even sewer forests so that when the time was right she would have to do little more than give the command and seeds would sprout and trees will break through the earth. It will happen so quickly that by the time they react, it is already far too late. So, while only mose and flowers grew along the surface of the ground, beneath her, grew seeds. Under the very earth, roots tore through the ground slowly but forcefully to make as little sound as possible, the only trace being the odd crack in the pavement. She had been doing this for weeks. Humans were stupid creatures, and apparently none of them had noticed the abundance of plant life she left in her wake.

Her purple lips parter into a sharp grin. I suppose they probably thought the flowers growing all over the place were... quaint. Quaint! The very thought frustrated her. She ran her hand along a wall, causing ivy vines to grow in a v formation behind her dragging finger. She turned a corner to continue her subtle sowing of sinister seeds when she was met with the face of a man. The man gasped, first because she startled him and second because he realised that she was a naked woman, with plants curling at her feet. He was about to yell but she swiftly planted a hand against his mouth and vines slithered from her wrist to his neck, allowing her to lift him off his feet and press him against the wall. On the palm covering his mouth grew a flower, which quickly used it's petals to force open his mouth. A green liquid splattered out of the plant, some of it squirting from under her hand onto the man's face.

She let him fall to the floor and delivered a sharp glare to him. "How quaint." before turning, resuming her march. The man fell to his knees and gasped for air. He felt a knot in his stomach, and one in his throat. He spewed a green substance, which quickly grew grass along it's surface. His vision blurred before he finally fell forward, eyes closed. Not dead... yet. In a few hours, it shall be a different story. Vines curled aorund the unconcious man's feet and dragged him out of sight, to avoid a disturbance.

Just a few more blocks and her work for tonight will be done. At this rate, she'll be able to launch her attack on Chicago within a month.

Plants are coming to Chicago.(thistle,maybe one other person.) WSIrRjr
"Our seasons are reversed. My spring, humanity's fall!"
actually zyra says that but shhhh
Post Mate
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Quote : i got beat up by elaine once

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Location : Ireland.
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Job : I wish.
Humor : Did you hear about the dwarf's joke? It fell short.
Registration date : 2013-03-15

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Plants are coming to Chicago.(thistle,maybe one other person.) Empty Re: Plants are coming to Chicago.(thistle,maybe one other person.)

Post by Shadowoof March 29th 2015, 12:34 pm

Marcus leapt from his current building to the next, forming a mat of darkness that caught him to stop any unnecessary damage that could have been done to his legs had he not done anything. He continued doing this, jumping from building to building, stopping at the occasional edge to check for anything but all he found was more plants, flowers. Nature was over taking this city and while again Marcus thought this place could go a little green, something or someone was behind this and the site before him was the answer to who was doing it.

Below him he caught his suspect but wished he didn't. She was a green naked woman holding a man up. Now Marcus would have high tailed it out of their but the redhead was the only suspect he had in the case of make the city greener. After she was done with the man she walked off or matched off and Marcus took another glance at the man she just visited. He didn't know what the hell she did but he was gone now, just poofed out of reality.

Marcus sighed and sprinted along the building making yet another jump until he was ahead of the naked poison Ivy and formed a wall of darkness in front of her. Jumping on top of it, the wall would consume him before spitting him out in front of it. "Now lady, two things. One Put something over you please and two. I know this place needs a little green but I think you put a little too much." Marcus said to the woman while turning his head away from her. His mask appearing on his face just incase she attacked.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Plants are coming to Chicago.(thistle,maybe one other person.) Empty Re: Plants are coming to Chicago.(thistle,maybe one other person.)

Post by Thistle March 29th 2015, 5:46 pm

While the night was all around her, she'd never see it manifest in such a manner. The darkness hanging in the air seem to globulate and solidify before her. Her eyes narrowed, before she took two steps back from the wall of the night. It wasn't until a young male's figure slithered out of it that she unfolded her arms and put them on her hips. Probably one of the human's ever so tiresome heroes. She sighed before putting her hands behind her back. An eyebrow raised whenever he decided to make some comments on her appearance of all things.

"You want me to put something on...?" His head was turned away. The little morsel was probably nervous, unable to handle nature in all it's pure glory. "How dare you try to command me..." She scoffed before rolling her eyes. "Fine." She grinned, and from her toes and fingers, a very thin but dark layer of green mose and algae grew up her arms and legs. However it stopped at the shoulder and upper thigh, leaving her torso remaining exposed. "Better?" She knew fine rightly it wasn't.

His next comment however, made her break into a little laugh. "You think this is too much?" She looked at the flowers sprouting from cracks in the pavement, some ivy clinging onto the sides of buildings. Small bits of mose were clinging to the pavement and grass was starting to grow in every nook and cranny it could manage. She held up her hand and from her flat palm a rose grew. Blood red with a stem as solid as steel. She took it within her fingers and laughed again. "You can never have too much." She turned her back to him and looked right at him over her shoulder. "All I'm doing is making this place a little more enviromentally friendly... Where's the harm in that?" She spoke in a gentle tone, leaving the man oblivious to the several toxins that were present in the green coating she'd just put over her arms and legs, as well as the huge roots and seeds running through the sewers beneath their feet. No harm in it at all.

Plants are coming to Chicago.(thistle,maybe one other person.) WSIrRjr
"Our seasons are reversed. My spring, humanity's fall!"
actually zyra says that but shhhh
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : i got beat up by elaine once

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 170
Location : Ireland.
Age : 27
Job : I wish.
Humor : Did you hear about the dwarf's joke? It fell short.
Registration date : 2013-03-15

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Plants are coming to Chicago.(thistle,maybe one other person.) Empty Re: Plants are coming to Chicago.(thistle,maybe one other person.)

Post by Shadowoof April 7th 2015, 12:20 am

Marcus closed his eyes for a while but listened to the plant controller, she talked like he was nothing at first but stopped. Placed a nice attitude and when she said better.. Marcus took a peek and saw that she was just nonchalant about her clothes. Which were made of moss and not even reaching anywhere that he couldn't help realises he had to stop looking. Then she laughed and spoke some more and Marcus realised what he was dealing with here. She had a plan that she didn't want spoiled by a hero and while Marcus himself was no hero he didn't sit by and watch people get munched on my plants or at least he thought the guy from before was munched.

"Look Lady. You can speak like you're a saint but the man puking green from before would have to disagree wouldn't he?" Marcus exposed her lie and was glad to have this wall of shadows behind him. Would allow for an instant attack.

Can we keep her human? She looks fine. The old demon spoke inside Marcus's head and in return got Marcus to tap his temple with his knuckles. Which from what Dark learnt meant no. Not the the old demon was disappointed. Just things would be a whole lot different now if he was in control.

"Now I don't blame you for wanting to make this place beautiful with your flowers and yourself." Marcus said after managing to keep constant eye contact with the woman, which was easier said than done but doable. "but can you go to a different city? Like Germany. That place could do with everyone dead and wildlife in the largest forest you could muster." Marcus took to trying to agree with her, thinking if they could be agreeing on one thing. Maybe she would take this op to Germany, then some other hero could deal with her.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Plants are coming to Chicago.(thistle,maybe one other person.) Empty Re: Plants are coming to Chicago.(thistle,maybe one other person.)

Post by Thistle April 8th 2015, 11:15 pm

Thistle attempted to keep a coy face, acting as if she were oblivious to the harm she might be doing, but her wide eyed innocent look quickly fell of the instant he brought up the poisoning of the passerby. She pulled a rather magnificent grin before spinning the rose in between her fingers. "As I said, I'm making the place more enviromentally friendly. With him dead, there's one less human polluting the planet..." she wasn't lying. Everytime a human died, the amount of pollution being pumped out decreased, ever so slightly. She ignored the fact that a man called her beautiful. If they had any grasp on what beauty actually was, they wouldn't choke their own planet in fumes.

Although what he said next actually made her laugh gently. She'd heard plenty of responses to her presence, but never before had anyone suggested that she go and invade somewhere else first. "Germany? It's on the list." She turned her back to him again and cotninued to twirl the rose between her fingers. "Boy, by the time I'm done, the entire planet will be so pretty. Picture it... the 'Eiffel tower' replaced by an enormous, twisting tree. That bridge in... 'san francisco' replaced with a walkway of vines and Ivy." She smiled, picturing the future, before turning to face him.

"And all of mankind replaced with the much more respectable members of the planet. Wolves, sabers, birds, bats, everything else thrives while humanity suffer the same fate as they've tried to force on the world. They'll choke on the spores of the new world. Sounds wonderful, doesn't it?" She flexed ever so slightly, preparing for some form of battle. This was usually the point when people started to get violent and oh so heroic.

Plants are coming to Chicago.(thistle,maybe one other person.) WSIrRjr
"Our seasons are reversed. My spring, humanity's fall!"
actually zyra says that but shhhh
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : i got beat up by elaine once

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 170
Location : Ireland.
Age : 27
Job : I wish.
Humor : Did you hear about the dwarf's joke? It fell short.
Registration date : 2013-03-15

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Plants are coming to Chicago.(thistle,maybe one other person.) Empty Re: Plants are coming to Chicago.(thistle,maybe one other person.)

Post by Shadowoof April 8th 2015, 11:47 pm

Marcus by now knew this woman was a bonafide world killer but he also knew she wouldn't get far, too many people both hero and villain would want to stop her, it was just fact. She could infact cover chicago in plants and Marcus would not have minded if it didn't mean the death of a whole lotta people. And while she told the truth, his race were a bunch of freeloaders.. Damnit she was making Marcus think politics and he was never a fan of politics.

"Yea, the london bridge would look very good made of vines but, being the miserable lout of a anti-hero. I must do the right thing yadda yadda please go away and stop what you're doing. But really, go to Germany first." Marcus took a fighting stance but did so rather slowly. He knew the basic of one good stance but that was to make sure he could move freely. A tendril of shadows coiled arounded Marcus like a snake, prone to strike. "I think that country could do with a little less people and much, Much more green." This was her and his last chance, if she didn't back away he would have to do something about it. And fire may have to be one of his options.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Plants are coming to Chicago.(thistle,maybe one other person.) Empty Re: Plants are coming to Chicago.(thistle,maybe one other person.)

Post by Thistle April 8th 2015, 11:55 pm

"I think that country could do with a little less people and much, Much more green." Thistle laughed once again, while a thick wooden branch grew from her shoulder and coiled around her body like a snake, preparing to strike. "Funny. I think that about a lot of places." She really didn't like making the first move, but sometimes it couldn't be helped.

She slowly raised her arms to her sides, bent at the elbow - the wooden tendril around her body crooked and crept, and began moving around in a rather elusive yet threatening fashion. She raised both her hands quickly, face filled with an excited yet violent look, the branch snapped upwards giving the appearance that it was about to strike!

However, behind the wall of darkness the pavement cracked and a branch mutated from a piece of grass in the floor, and darted through the wall of darkness and attempted to stab the 'anti-hero' through the shoulder. Thistle had been deceptive, and used distraction techniques in order to try and leave this hero unprepared for an assault from the rear!

Plants are coming to Chicago.(thistle,maybe one other person.) WSIrRjr
"Our seasons are reversed. My spring, humanity's fall!"
actually zyra says that but shhhh
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : i got beat up by elaine once

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 170
Location : Ireland.
Age : 27
Job : I wish.
Humor : Did you hear about the dwarf's joke? It fell short.
Registration date : 2013-03-15

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Plants are coming to Chicago.(thistle,maybe one other person.) Empty Re: Plants are coming to Chicago.(thistle,maybe one other person.)

Post by Shadowoof April 9th 2015, 12:19 am

Marcus waited a little while she did some fancy moves but only a little. The snake like tendril coiled before lunging at the woman as her own snake like branch moved about but then he felt something. It moved though the wall with force and stabbed into his shoulder, pain searing though Marcus. He allowed the shadows to do their work of pulling the shard out of him and healing the wound meanwhile the shadow wall he constructed from before was turning into hundreds of shadow like shards that began to flood the alleyway, all warping around Marcus and heading straight for the Red headed plant woman with force.

Marcus would wait a little longer before trying something else that would be bad for her little plants. Why not now? It would make this fight easier human. Marcus ignored Darks comment. Marcus would always do it his way.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Plants are coming to Chicago.(thistle,maybe one other person.) Empty Re: Plants are coming to Chicago.(thistle,maybe one other person.)

Post by Thistle April 9th 2015, 1:26 pm

The wooden limb growing out of her shoulder snaked and slashed through the air, defending from any strikes from the shadow lance, but as soon as she felt her spear stab into the man's shoulder she effortlessly drifted to the side, towards a building. Foliage had grown up the walls, but she didn't move towards it to climb. She soon as her shoulder touched the ivy along it's surface, her body seemed to phase into it, leaving nothing but some petals on the wind. Luckily enough, she'd managed to avoid one of his attacks by accident.

From a patch of Ivy behind him, she grew once again and politely walked until she was behind him and about 10 feet away.

"All you are going to accomplish here is slowing me down, even if you succeed in defeating me, as unlikely as it is. You might as well give up, little man." She smiled before stomping her foot into the ground, causing a boulder to soar upwards before she willed it forward at high speeds to try and push him back. Behind him, wooden spikes pushed through the ground. If the boulder were to hit him, it's main goal would be to slam him back into the razor sharp spears.

Plants are coming to Chicago.(thistle,maybe one other person.) WSIrRjr
"Our seasons are reversed. My spring, humanity's fall!"
actually zyra says that but shhhh
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : i got beat up by elaine once

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 170
Location : Ireland.
Age : 27
Job : I wish.
Humor : Did you hear about the dwarf's joke? It fell short.
Registration date : 2013-03-15

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Plants are coming to Chicago.(thistle,maybe one other person.) Empty Re: Plants are coming to Chicago.(thistle,maybe one other person.)

Post by Shadowoof April 15th 2015, 4:10 pm

Marcus watched as she moved into the wall which were now that he noticed covered in life. Interesting, now might be a good time to burn. For once the old demon had offered a good way to deal with a insect, something Marcus would have ignored. Marcus looked up to see if an attack would appear from above only to hear the woman's voice come from behind. Turning to face her, she spoke of what was true and false, she may be able to defeat him, to be honest with himself Marcus never really tried in fights, even on deaths door but she would be stopped. Heros would would try to their last breath and would appear like bees to stop the pesky wasp. She soon after her talk, lifted a boulder from the ground before sending it towards Marcus which he avoiding by simply melding himself, the rock rolling though his body harmlessly. Unmelding, Marcus allowed hellfire to catch alight to his hands.

"Just so you know. The burning of plants was your fault." Marcus added in to spite her before releasing a pulse of the hellfire all around him. Reaching towards the exits of the alleyways and burning just about everything. Even the walls would suffer after the fires munched on the plants. Probably, most likely.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Plants are coming to Chicago.(thistle,maybe one other person.) Empty Re: Plants are coming to Chicago.(thistle,maybe one other person.)

Post by Thistle April 23rd 2015, 9:27 am

As soon as she saw the flames originate in his hands she snarled, before quickly pulsing her arms outwards. She ordered the plants in the area to retreat, and they all withdrew into every crack and crevice they could find. But, she could not save them all. Some of the larger plants were engulfed in the flames. She stared straight at the man, eyes narrowing causing creases on her face. She spoke with a shaken breath. "You would murder dozens of innocents..." She looked at her hands, and then to him. "And then try to blame it on me?" She exhaled once again, eye twitching. "Descipable."

Lowering her hands, but not breaking eye contact. She seemed to be taking a long time to react, but in truth, she had planned her next move already, she was just... apologising. She turned her head, and kept her calm demeanor. "I will remember your face... little man..." Suddenly, beneath the man's feet, the floor rumbled and from it exploded a huge spike of stone. "Atleast what's left of it!" She turned, roared and threw both of her hands forward, supernaturally dense razor petals were sent flying from her wrists. She was going to tear this pathetic little creature apart.

Plants are coming to Chicago.(thistle,maybe one other person.) WSIrRjr
"Our seasons are reversed. My spring, humanity's fall!"
actually zyra says that but shhhh
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : i got beat up by elaine once

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 170
Location : Ireland.
Age : 27
Job : I wish.
Humor : Did you hear about the dwarf's joke? It fell short.
Registration date : 2013-03-15

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Plants are coming to Chicago.(thistle,maybe one other person.) Empty Re: Plants are coming to Chicago.(thistle,maybe one other person.)

Post by Shadowoof April 24th 2015, 4:33 am

Marcus watched as the plants burned, his skin was red from the heat but soon died down to his normal white. He didn't get them all but at least she would have more trouble moving about when most of the place was on fire and not only that, Marcus had the woman all figured out. "These plants are your soldiers I would gather. I gave you a choice to leave, and you threw it in my face. I'll give you another." As Marcus finished his words, he felt the ground shake under him. Knowing a bad omen from previous encounters and the fact she could control earth. Marcus focused on a spot real close but far enough to react to anything and exploded with shadows before appearing where he focused, turning his head back to see an earth spike erupt from the ground.

Marcus turned again and saw flashes of green come at him with speed that he felt one stab into his gut while another cut though his arm. The pain both wounds shoot though him did hurt like hell but it was something he had to focus on later. Flames erupted from Marcus and he spun in a circle, creating a tornado of flame that incinerated the razor leafs and was soon shot at the Woman, spinning heat was coming towards her but left Marcus with burnt skin almost melted skin. All of which were returning to normal.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Plants are coming to Chicago.(thistle,maybe one other person.) Empty Re: Plants are coming to Chicago.(thistle,maybe one other person.)

Post by Thistle May 3rd 2015, 6:26 pm

The petals slashed into the man's body and Thistle let out an almost blood thirsty cackle. Her plan was to try and lodge the petals inside his body and then use them to shred his innards but when the spiral of fire erupted she could feel the petals get incinerated along with them. Curses. It would appear she'd need a more visceral approach. The man commanded the flames forward and her eyes widened, thursting her arms upwards, causing a pillar of stone to burst from the ground. When the flames smashed into the pillar it almost instantly charred and exploded, dispersing the flames and turning it into several small pieces of burning rock. This man was proving it be a real botheration with his comand over fi- Why does my stomach hurt.

The Goddess looked down and was met with the rude sight of a piece of black rock stabbed into her belly. She reached down and pulled the hot rock from her stomach. "Ow." She tossed it to the side while some wood and ivy curled over the wound to apply pressure and assist her with healing. She looked at him once again. "You are going through so much effort to try and protect such a stupid little species." In the corner of her eye, she saw red and blue flashing on the side of the buildings. In a matter of seconds three police vehicles arrived, skidded and from them came gun wielding humans. "Look at them..." She turned to face them, grunting ever so slightly. "Even when they grip their weapons they still shake and cower. They fear me. They fear nature now that it can fight back. And yet they continue to destroy it rather than respect it. And the worst part? They are literally killing themselves while they choke the earth." She began walking towards them, resulting in one of them firing a bullet from his glock at her.

When it hit her shoulder there was a small explosion of greenish dust and she looked at it. The bullet had fallen to the floor, bouncing of her durable skin. With a roll of her eyes, she extended her hand and from her wrist shot two thin green vines. They wrapped around the one that fired's neck and arm before dragging him to Thistle, who took him into a human shield-ish position. "And after attacking first, pissing Nature off, he's defenseless when nature decides to retaliate." She turned to face the man of fire. "Why would you bother protecting such a self destructive little species. He brought this on himself." She brought her other hand to her hostages neck. She didn't kill him, not yet. "Do you want to know something? The others over there?" She nodded to police officers who's fingers rested itchily on their fingers. "They would shoot through this man to kill me. Even though they know it won't work, they'd do it, they'd kill their friend just to try. Self Destructive." She looked back to the hero. "This is just on a small scale... on a larger scale? If I were to overtake a city, they would blow it up, killing millions in vain. Self Destructive. If I were to take a more peaceful approach, do you know what they'd do? Ignore it and continue on their path. Self Destructive." She raised her arm, lifting the hostage off his feet. "You can not reason with this species, they never learn and the only way to gain their attention is through violence." She threw him forward. He landed on the floor and as he got to his hands and knees, gasping for air, Thistle walked over to him and pushed him back to the ground with her foot. "The only good thing these little parasites can do for the earth..." She face turned slightly manic. "Is die for it." Her face turned into a huge grin and the man's eyes widened before a sharp spike of concrete stabbed straight through his heart, right beside Thistle's foot.

"Why protect them...? This world will be much better off without them. I am not trying to destroy the world. I am trying to save it." She looked to the fire wielding hero once more before swiftly moving her left arm, sending 5 razor petals into police, each one slicing a throat. "Join me. Join me and maybe this world can have some hope."

Plants are coming to Chicago.(thistle,maybe one other person.) WSIrRjr
"Our seasons are reversed. My spring, humanity's fall!"
actually zyra says that but shhhh
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Plants are coming to Chicago.(thistle,maybe one other person.) Empty Re: Plants are coming to Chicago.(thistle,maybe one other person.)

Post by Shadowoof May 5th 2015, 6:15 am

After the fire tornado, she had blocked it with her rocks in which Marcus rose some shadows to defend from any shrapnel. Lowering it at the sound of sirens, he saw the woman was not as lucky to avoid any falling rock pieces but was keeping it in check. Then she spoke and in turn Marcus allowed the mask to melt away and whatever fire remaining he sent back to where it came along with the shadows returning to place. She spoke of how humans were weak and faulty, how they would in the end distort themselves to destruction and death and how violence was one thing they were good at, death. Marcus breathed in, not doing anything to stop her from killing the officers and allowed his breath to exit out slowly before taking a step to the woman.

"You make a fair point. Humans are destructive creatures. Without leadership they simply roam about but when under a hand that is forceful yet seems smarter then they will do their command. They will do most to assure they come out on top and humans do not like to be told what to do by something that is not human. It's why the peaceful decision would never work because men of power want to stay in power. In your case, you have hero's who would do at nothing to stop you from killing humanity and others who would agree and disagree with you. In the end you may destroy humanity or you'll be stopped each time. Marcus walked along a wall were a charred plant rested from his attack from a while ago. "My demon would agree with you. Humans are stupid, greedy little things. But they are interesting in their own right. And they can change, not just though violence may I add. So I will have to sadly decline your offer malady. For while you are trying to save your world and I don't blame you. You are trying to destroy a world I was born in. The best I can offer is to go to a major forest with all your children and protect them. Hell, accept and change humans you meet in your home. Warn them to avoid forest you control but do know that we also need wood to grow in size. Am I arguing politics? I get annoyed with politics. Marcus had said and asked, this was a first. Talking with someone who had just tried to kill you only moments ago and it was odder when he had to try and keep eye contact without looking down to be polite. She made points and an offer to join was their but right now he had to decline.

Marcus faced her again. "Now are we settled. Or shall we fight until one dies and I think we both know who has the advantage." Marcus said to her, hoping she would take the former. She seemed set on her goals and someone like that deserved to achieve but what she wanted was far from reach and hard to achieve itself.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
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Plants are coming to Chicago.(thistle,maybe one other person.) Empty Re: Plants are coming to Chicago.(thistle,maybe one other person.)

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