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Spooky scary skeletons (shadowolf)

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Spooky scary skeletons (shadowolf) Empty Spooky scary skeletons (shadowolf)

Post by The Doctor October 28th 2014, 1:30 am

Well today was a most unusual day for the Were-Alien known as Tsxero. It was a say where he could run around in his own alien form and his mecha gear on with no one freaking out. In fact several people would walk up to him and asked him how he made the costume and how he managed to get the tail to be so animated and life-like. Tsxero was just having too much fun. He could walk the streets as a normal individual. He found himself ever so interested in the metahumans who used their powers as costumes. With little to no prompt, Tsxero did what felt most natural to him and he stuck to shadow as best as possible. He wasn't sure what was going on, or why these people came out to celebrate this "Halloweenie" as his younger sibling called it. His little brother stood there, still dressed as some blue-armored robot punk with an arm cannon, apparently it was an old fashioned character form something called a "video game". Tsxero did not understand this, but for all he was aware his brother had relative likeness to the individual described. of course his little brother fit in better as a human. The genetic work done on their coding was impeccable, they could finally be the humans they've always wanted to be, as Earth's atmosphere alone no longer harmed them or caused them such pain. But Tsxero felt like a rather good looking alien from the way everyone looked and marveled at him like it was some kind of costume.

   Moving himself over to the walls of an alleyway, shrouded in total darkness, he would limb up and perch, watching over the crowds as they amassed and congregated. His mecha suit absorbed all light, leaving not even a glisten or a shimmer as he seemed to watch like an ever vigilant sentinel that hid in the darkness. People passing would occasionally note him and laugh and point at him as if he were some form of attraction or oddity. Tsxero would simply lift a hand and wave back, ever so pleased that he did not cause terror or alarm. It was official. Tsxero loved Halloweenie, it was the only holiday he could be who he was without judgement (Yes I'm fully aware of how wrong that sounds). There were balloons, the streets were shut down and littered with vendors and merchandise galore. Oh what a great holiday it was, The parade, the candy, the course there was the chorus of screams and the smell of blood - wait, say what!? Tsxero's attention was pulled away as he looked around the corner of the building he was latched onto and he looked to find himself with a rather impressive flame burning in the distance.

   Tsxero wasted no time as he took off with a sonic boom, breaking the sound barrier as he hurried to try and find the source of such a commotion. Unfortunately he should have been careful what he wished for. He kept to the rooftops as he looked down upon the masses. A large circle of fire was created and there was a man standing in the center of it. It was the most "elaborate" costume he had seen thus far. The circle of flames was enormous, enough to cover 20 meters. The fire was high, and none could escape. Many  whimpered pathetically, many pleaded and cried as a few corpses of the local law enforcement decorated the feet of the man with the pumpkin head. His arms raised and soon a dome of impenetrable fire was spinning...and while no one could enter the fire, the jumbo-tron they used for the bands (who played at the festivities) turned on and the man strange man appeared. His head was quite literally a burning pumpkin, he wore a very scary and dark costume, frills and tattered pants. He held in his hand a lantern made of bones and a blue flame burning within.

  "Well Hello, Hello! I'm excited to see you all again! Yet another Halloween for us to celebrate! I can think of no other way to do so than with a little fun with your old friend! That's right. Jack of Lanterns is back!" He said, a maniacal cackle ringing out as he ached back and threw his arms out to the side This guy was pretty dramatic eh? Well he tried. Tsxero wasn't impressed by his psychology, but the fire...that shit be HOT. The laughing stopped and Senor Pumpkinface spoke again. "In celebration of tonight's celebration, I've prepared a very special little event! Meet my generals!" He shouted, excitement alive in his voice. The Jumbo tron flickered and three large ass skeletal men, at least 10 foot tall a piece were created out of nothing but shadows and hellfire. Tsxero wasn't able to identify them or where they were, but luckily this villain was feeling extra stereotypical. "Each of my generals has a key! A key I tell you! With each key acquired is less people who have to die. If you get all get to meet with me! How exciting I know! But just remember... a little manners go a long way my little trick or treaters! Oh and by the have two hours...before everyone dies." and just like that the jumbo-tron shut down and Tsxero was left to cock his head to the side.

  "What the heck?" he asked in his little gurgly growly voice as he looked down to the streets, skeletons ripping themselves from the murdered innocents and walking out, vocal chords being the only things left in tact. "Trick or treaaaat!" they said, sounding rather zombie like for skeletons that were killing people.

Well this was utter chaos. Hostages, three skeletal generals with keys and skeletons murdering people in the streets... never mind. He hated this holiday.


Last edited by A Corgi on November 10th 2014, 7:53 am; edited 2 times in total

Spooky scary skeletons (shadowolf) The_do10
The Doctor
The Doctor
A Drunk Homosexual

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 162
Job : I'm a Doctor
Humor : "People remember me for being the creature with the child armor...I regret nothing."
Registration date : 2014-07-09

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Spooky scary skeletons (shadowolf) Empty Re: Spooky scary skeletons (shadowolf)

Post by Shadowoof October 30th 2014, 7:20 am

Decided what your going as yet? Dark said to Marcus as he played around with a few makeshift balls of darkness that he could throw at the ground and destroy a good bit if he felt like it. "I have one idea." Marcus said back to him as he absorbed two of the three dark orbs and kept the other in his hand. Ever heard about bleach? Mark said to his friend with just his thoughts. Can't say I have. Dark said back as he was getting a little tired from Marcus continuous use of their power. Well its a good anime until the last few episodes but I think I will fashion a hollow mask from it. Marcus said as he placed the orb at his face and allowed it to attach to his face. The mask was a simple imagining, The left side was black with white cracks that came into it and the teeth were facing down while separating the white that laid under the black while the right side has white with curls that surround the outline instead of just being flat. It was pure white but the teeth were up this time and a black was under those. You look like a prick. Dark said in a assured voice but even he was impressed by its design. "How could I live without your nice comments." Marcus shot back sarcastically with a demonic voice to boot.  "OH. I like this voice." Marcus said as they reached the outskirts of Chicago.

"I always wanted to come here, After Italy and New york. But, I can settle with here first." Marcus said as he entered Chicago, the people were dressed in all sorts of clothing and he was pretty sure some where the work of meta human power but then again so was his mask. He had Black cargo pants and a black hoodie over a singlet, the hoodie allowed him to hide the mask until close to people so he could scare them with its lifelike features. He could have spent all night just scaring people but he had a bigger mission in front of him. Food. Making his way through the many stores, he found a open take away and ordered some fried rice with whatever money he had left after Joplin which he still couldn't say that name without a grin.  His night was going well until the something he never thought he would see appeared. He was walking, eating his fried rice while trying to dig for that one pawn he couldn't get to but he knew was at the bottom, he walked by two people who were running. Turning to look at them he realised that they were running like madman and something or someone must've spooked them. He shrugged it off as just a good prank until he saw a innocent fly right into the wall to his right and smash into the window of the building that must have been a closed coffee shop.  "Look at the bright side, if the person survived they get free coffee." Marcus to no one in particular so he took the time to walk to the end of the wall and poke his head around to the site of a giant or at least 10 foot looking Skeletons .

He didn't know why they were their or what their objective was but he got the standard of it as it hunted down any person it saw. Those idiot bone headed creatures are doing my job. MY JOB! Dark roared into Marcus's head which gave him a small headache. "Well if they are doing your job than I will do mine." Marcus said as he walked past the corner and walked towards the bony behighmeth, "Hey skeletor, your taking my friends job and I don't like that." Marcus said as he pulled to a stop before the creature. It just did with it's voice and yelled trick or treat before following with a doward slam of both its hands. Marcus easily backstep the attack before infusing the darkness into his arms. It was a neat trick where instead of using a tendril of darkness he just placed it along his arms for the same affect only a more personal attack than using a tendril. He grabbed both hands as they raised and  and hugged them together before lifting up the creature and dropping backwards. The skeleton didn't have time to react as it was lifted a little before being put vertically into the air and slammed right into it's back. Marcus swore he heard a few bones crack but realised it would take a little more to deal with this creature. He letted go of it's arms and stood up before letting out a orb of darkness that carried the amount of strength as his tendril when thrown so he did just that and threw the skeleton back into the ground before it even got up. "Come on, this is too easy."

Last edited by shadowolf on October 30th 2014, 7:24 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : 800 and something words :))

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Spooky scary skeletons (shadowolf) Empty Re: Spooky scary skeletons (shadowolf)

Post by The Doctor November 10th 2014, 6:47 am

Easy as it may have been at the time, Tsxero was having nothing but an easy time destroying the skeletons. He could tell just by looking at the hulking skeletal generals that they were going to be far more of a challenge for them to deal with. Tsxero saw his little brother stripping off his costume until he was in a pair of boxers and a wife-beater. Tsxero couldn't help but wonder why his little brother was stripping in the middle of the street, as that practice wasn't customary of humans nor the Blessed/Cursed ones. Granted the Blessed/Cursed ones didn't wear clothing in their cursed forms. Tsxero watched for a moment as he saw his brother utilize the lack of such a bulky mega-man costume to use his reflexes and his reaction time to best one skeleton, two skeletons, three. Tsxero let out a little purring noise as if he were suddenly understanding something. These skeletons were no stronger than mundane humans. They were cannon fodder, which made him question the severity of such hulking generals.

    "µrsine x! Watch your back!" Tsxero called out in his gurgling voice, the sound of his massively produced saliva seeming to bubble at his air-way. His little brother cocked his head up with a smirk. The arrogant bastard was going to get himself killed one of these days. Tsxero felt comfortable that his brother was going to be fine, and so he departed lept from the side of the building and landed right next to his brother, on all fours before pushing off. A sonic boom emitted form the area as he broke the sound barrier. He just kept accelerating, and then finally he hit his maximum speed. Mach 3 speed, only attainable when he forced himself to trip and put his tail in his mouth. The spikes on his back pierced off the ground as he became a wheel-like creature covered in spikes that was rolling at three times the sound barrier.

   With a thundering clash Tsxero threw himself into his enemy general that had been quite a distance away. Upon impact, Tsxero unraveled himself back into his all-fours on the floor stance. His tail twitched and his entire body was wracked with agony. This thing was perhaps as durable, if not moreso than he was. The fourteen foot tall skeletal general was sent back into a building, bricks fell upon him, but it did very little to negate his goal. The skeletal general stood up and shook itself like a dog, an eerie slowness to its movements. The generals were all covered in old rusted armor and wielded a large meat cleaver of doom. Or what one who saw it coming might perceive as doom.

General for Shadowolf

    The general watched as it's lesser creations were destroyed, alas it was eager for battle. Yes an undead being with no soul can have an eagerness for battle. Mostly not because it actually felt anything, it was simply created to destroy things. It cut bitches and made money, or moreover it cut bitches and cut more bitches. It had no use for the currency of the day. It's target at this moment was the one known as Marcus. Of course no one other than Marcus knew he was Marcus, but the skeletons knew he was their enemy. So as it was an enemy it was in need of being cut. The Skeletal General stepped forward, towering at fourteen foot tall. He quickly lunged forward to slash at Marcus with it's cleaver and glowing red eyes.

Marcus' General:
Tsxero's General:


Spooky scary skeletons (shadowolf) The_do10
The Doctor
The Doctor
A Drunk Homosexual

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 162
Job : I'm a Doctor
Humor : "People remember me for being the creature with the child armor...I regret nothing."
Registration date : 2014-07-09

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Spooky scary skeletons (shadowolf) Empty Re: Spooky scary skeletons (shadowolf)

Post by Shadowoof November 13th 2014, 10:58 pm

Marcus finally pounded the skeleton's head into the crement before standing up and walking away. He was about to g check on the fellow in the coffee shop when he heard large foot steps from behide. He turned to see a Larger skeleton try to slice Marcus with a Blade but Marcus easily rolled out of the way thanks to the warning it gave him. "No rest for the wicked." Was all he said as the skeleton charged at him again.

Marcus formed a wall of darkness and sent it at the tall monstrosity before flying up with his wings to above it. It was banging on the darkness wall trying to get though when it could have easily gotten around. Not the brightest creature is it? Marcus grinned to his friends words and allowed his wings to disappear falling right above it, he made a large blade on his arm and fell with the blade making contact with the skull and going down the spine. Jumping off he landed perfectly and saw the damage he did. Which was just a crack, small enough to not bother the skeleton but possibly its greatest weakness now. He just needed to slice that area a few more times.

The skeleton seemed enraged and punched the wall again, this time breaking it. Turning around it yelled trick or treat and charged at Marcus but Marcus was slightly faster and rolled to the side but the skeleton easily turned and continued the chase.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Spooky scary skeletons (shadowolf) Empty Re: Spooky scary skeletons (shadowolf)

Post by The Doctor November 15th 2014, 4:26 pm

Tsxero was a little detained at the moment. The skeletal general he was fighting was far slower than him, perhaps even weaker, but somehow it seemed to be watching his movements and even worse, it was keeping up with Tsxero, easily. Tsxero disappeared with a sonic boom before reappearing behind the creature, who was already in mid swing. Tsxero had just stopped, he couldn't break the sound barrier again so readily. This was ultimately going to hurt in some form, so Tsxero did what he could to brace himself. The creature hit him with strength rather than the cleaver, something Tsxero was thankful for as he flew across the street and into an electronics store.

As the glass gave way and he crashed through television and stereo, the on lookers gasped and screamed in some form of shock as the Were-alien creature coughed and produced a little of green bile and orange blood as he did so. Tsxero could feel his rib had broken, making things all the more difficult for him. He could easily see how much trouble he was in at the moment. This thing was not stronger than him, but definitely strong enough to hurt him and break a rib in the process. The creature was also about on par with him when it came to receiving damage, but the creature was always one step ahead of him when it came to striking. Tsxero needed to think things through, as this creature was obviously smarter than any other think on this battlefield, including one of the other generals too, as it just continued to smash and claw at this wall of darkness when it was easier to just walk around it.

"Of course, I get the one that is in it for the blood and not the candy." Tsxero struggled to stand up before a large skeletal figure broke his own entrance into the shop. Tsxero started running, but with a broken rib running would be difficult, if not for the sheer movement, but for the fact that regulating breathing was going to be a pain in the ass too. He evaded the skeleton soldier's grasp, for now, and he made his way back into the street. It was entirely too much for one to ask that it be simple, of course it was never simple. The skeletal general brought his arm up, like he were going to slash down with his cleaver in his heavy hand. It was odd, because the thing was quite obviously not within range to hit Tsxero, or so he believed. In an instant the metallic cleaver seemed to shimmer as the skeleton brought it's arm down. Instantly the once-solid metal portion of the cleaver, turned into a chain with thorned links that inherently snaked out and caught onto Tsxero's leg.

Tsxero let out a howl of pain in his gurgling native tongue, a battle cry of sorts. µsine X heard it off in the distance and rolled his eyes as he back-handed another skeleton minion and crushing the human skull inward with very little effort.

Marcus' General:
Tsxero's General:

Spooky scary skeletons (shadowolf) The_do10
The Doctor
The Doctor
A Drunk Homosexual

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 162
Job : I'm a Doctor
Humor : "People remember me for being the creature with the child armor...I regret nothing."
Registration date : 2014-07-09

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Spooky scary skeletons (shadowolf) Empty Re: Spooky scary skeletons (shadowolf)

Post by Shadowoof November 15th 2014, 11:20 pm

"This guy is truly not a bright fellow." Marcus yelled out to the Large skeleton that chased him. This must have infuriated the large brute because he dived fr Marcus which he simply jumped over and formed his blade again attacking the skull and making a bigger crack. What Marcus did not see was the Big skels fast reflex and ability to turn and grab Marcus at the same time. "Ok.. ok. I'm sorry I called you a dumb mindless skeleton, now mind putting me down? Marcus said to the Skeleton but only received a Trick or treat into his face and then wind.

The big guy must have thrown him to be feeling all this wind and marcus couldn't get his wings out right now so all he could do was prepare for impact but he was slightly distracted by a scream. Something not truly human in nature at all but then he felt the wall collapsing around him and his back in pain. Slowly getting up he felt his bones broken yet repairing he walked out and saw the giant heading towards him but looking to his right he saw another fourteen foot Skel attacking what seemed to be an alien.

First A dragon, then a giant skeleton, Now A Bloody Alien!" Was all Marcus could say in a demonic voice that probably caught the attention of both. Hell the building he crashed into might have brought their attention.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Spooky scary skeletons (shadowolf) Empty Re: Spooky scary skeletons (shadowolf)

Post by The Doctor December 16th 2014, 12:56 am

Tsxero heard someone call out about him being a bloody alien, which was true enough, but he couldn't help but wonder why someone knew that. Probably because he was doing things humans and their modern machines couldn't yet accomplish through any means. It wasn't a great moment for Tsxero to be noticed, but he didn't really care at the moment. He had his own general to deal with. The Skeletal general went to cleave, twisting the cleaver allowing it to spin like a saw blade. Tsxero quickly moved to dodge, barely escaping. He let out a low gurgling noise as he fired himself out and latched himself to the skeleton general's face and proceeded to punch away with 790 tons of force, at three times the sound barrier. The Skeletal general's face shattered with relative ease before it dropped on it's back. Tsxero rolled off and sluggishly moved forward, his own right hand shattered form the sheer force he exerted. Pain began to wrack his hand as he let out a little dog-like whimper.

µsine X on the other hand immediately slipped between a building and then suddenly...he was gone? Granted, neither Tsxero nor this demon possessed umbrakinetic saw him, but he had truly vanished from plain sight. Though suddenly something happened. The shadow manipulato would notice a he was not controlling, nor could he control. This shadow coiled itself around the Radius and the ulna bones of the forearm. Then suddenly there was a smaller, yet almost identical alien like creature, one that looked like he appeared to be made of pure shadow and glowing purple eyes. µsine X Added his strength in all it's might to pushing the hand apart. Granted his strength alone was not enough. He would look to the demon and in his growl alien voice he would make a request."Wrap shadow around...body...then bomb!" the English was both broken and strained, but he hoped that the demon would get the message.

Spooky scary skeletons (shadowolf) The_do10
The Doctor
The Doctor
A Drunk Homosexual

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 162
Job : I'm a Doctor
Humor : "People remember me for being the creature with the child armor...I regret nothing."
Registration date : 2014-07-09

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Spooky scary skeletons (shadowolf) Empty Re: Spooky scary skeletons (shadowolf)

Post by Shadowoof December 17th 2014, 3:22 am

Marcus watched he alein with curiosity before allowing two shadowy like clones to appear like they were being pulled from his body. He pointed at the two and then pointed at the general that was coming his way. "Deal with him would you?" The two shadow clones both nodded their head like they had some intelligence before running towards the giant undead in Order to damage and distract it. Marcus then turned his attention to the smaller alein creature that spoke in a broken language he barly understood but got the memo. "Alright then." Marcus said to the smaller creature before doing as he was told. He wrapped several tendrils around the aliens body and with all his force which he was sure was around threehundered and fifty tons of it pushed out like a bomb not knowing why he asked such or how the alein knew he had shadow manipulation.

The clones much more durable than their maker were sending their own tendrils of darkness as they were controled by Dark who was doing his own fight. Using one clone to distract while the other would move in and attack the skeleton but while they were more durable they were not as strong as their maker and could not dent the already snapped bone as much as Marcus could have.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Spooky scary skeletons (shadowolf) Empty Re: Spooky scary skeletons (shadowolf)

Post by The Doctor December 18th 2014, 12:16 am

Tsxero grumbled as he stepped forward, victorious over his fallen conquest, the amazing skeletal lord. Of course it only makes sense that one should crush the skull of the skeleton. For the skull was the source of life. It was the - wait what? No it wasn't... Suddenly Tsxero let out a loud roar as the large cleaver was now stuck fast into his left arm. The pale green blood oozed from his skin. He snarled and staggered forward, gripping at his oozing wound.

   The other Alien looked to shadow before running off towards it's brother. It would leap up and tackled the skulls lacking skeleton. They continued to try and smash away at the skeleton, not really getting anywhere. Tsxero bore down and then all out charged the skeleton, a clawed arm of fury as he knocked one leg off of the skeleton general. Tsxero then turned and charged again, taking the other one off before stopping right in front of shadow and panting a little.

  "H-h..Haaaa...Ahem... H-h-hi!" it struggled with it's alien features to produce the right noises to emulate an appropriate greeting.

Spooky scary skeletons (shadowolf) The_do10
The Doctor
The Doctor
A Drunk Homosexual

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 162
Job : I'm a Doctor
Humor : "People remember me for being the creature with the child armor...I regret nothing."
Registration date : 2014-07-09

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Spooky scary skeletons (shadowolf) Empty Re: Spooky scary skeletons (shadowolf)

Post by Shadowoof December 19th 2014, 1:33 pm

The skeleton giant was having trouble with the two clones of shadows Marcus sent out to distract him but after some swinging of his cleaver the skeleton general sliced one of the clones in half. He almost celebrated but was stuck in the spinal colem of the by the second clone and Dark could hear a loud crack as the bone broke and strained, the shadow blade stuck halfway though the spine. The clone dissipated the blade and Dark sensing his host growing physically weaker commanded the creation to run and so it did. It ran past the alein and jumped before turning into a puff of think black smoke that seemed to move into the mask and Marcus felt the strain of Dark not being completely in him gave him release. He then turned to the alein as it spoke and decided to reply by making the tone of the demonic voice the mask gave him more human than demon.  "Ello their. Fine night we are having huh?" Marcus to the alein looking creature before sitting down on some rubble of the building's wall he crashed into to rest his sore and tired legs and well his whole body. Dark.. Why do I feel old? Marcus asked Dark the question as he stared at the skeleton giant he was fighting previously and how it was trying to walk without snapping the rest of its spine.

Maybe because I'm very, very old. Around the age of caveman old seeing as I need host's but in the demon world I am far older. Dark informed Marcus as he found it slightly amusing. Marcus thought about this but decided not to bother asking for specifics as he was feeling too lazy to ask the question. "Hey. Alein dude. Good luck." He said to the alein before trying to get in a comftible position on the rubble and wait for his general to come to him.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Spooky scary skeletons (shadowolf) Empty Re: Spooky scary skeletons (shadowolf)

Post by The Doctor December 20th 2014, 4:43 pm

Tsxero's general had been destroyed. Between the help of his little brother and this creature hat manipulated personal darkness (what Tsxero's people called shadows) he was able to keep himself alive long enough to try and reason what was going on here. Sadly Tsxero was more of a do than a man. An alpha mind you, strong and independent, but not the overall brightest humanoid being to be walking about on two legs. Though he was wounded, he would not forget his brother's and this shadow man's assistance, and it would be a service that would be repaid. Marcus would fins himself with quite the loyal little alien dog providing thins went in their favor.

Marcus awaited his general, but it was unfortunate that his general wouldn't make it. The third and final general seemed to notice the fall of the first General and in a sudden burst of percussion and a loud boom the largest general was at his first fallen compatriot. A skeletal hand waving over the massive corpse before it combusted into a pale and sickly turquoise flame. The Great Skele was not finished there though. In a flash he was now between Marcus and his general. The Great Skele threw a fist that shattered through the general, causing it to catch fire. With both of the skeleton generals on fire, the largest (The last standing) skeleton turned around. The first General (Tsxero's) body then extinguished and a strong gust of wind blew the chard skeleton to ashes in the wind. Then, the ashes formed a huge ass sword in the Great Skele's hand. Meanwhile Marcus' general did the same, but it's ashes formed Norse/Viking styled armor. The flames that burned and charred both skeleton's now entered the Great Skele's core, and now beneath the bones burned a sickly bright blue fire.

"Come to the Knell. I hath summoned the from Earth unto Hell!"

Now it was time to face The Great Skele and his massive blade

The Great Skele:

Spooky scary skeletons (shadowolf) The_do10
The Doctor
The Doctor
A Drunk Homosexual

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 162
Job : I'm a Doctor
Humor : "People remember me for being the creature with the child armor...I regret nothing."
Registration date : 2014-07-09

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Spooky scary skeletons (shadowolf) Empty Re: Spooky scary skeletons (shadowolf)

Post by Shadowoof December 23rd 2014, 10:08 am

Marcus sat up to check on his skeleton but was quite surprised. A larger skeleton had appeared and finished off the wounded general and now had gotten some nice boots and a flashy sword. You up for this human? The demon asked, noting that His host was fatigued earlier. Marcus stood up and leaned to the right to strench before doing to the same to the left. He then cracked his knuckles to hear the sound of the bones clicking or at least he thought it was the bones clicking. It was times like these that Marcus remembered after he dieded he stopped going to school and had to constantly keep himself taught while learning new things he never had a proper education and as of such wasn't the brightest person on the planet but Dark, even with his bloodlust personality was wise and quite smart in many things.

Marcus shook all these thoughts away and turned to the skeleton lord. "Dark, not only do I have plenty of stamina I also recharge quite fast. Mainly whenever I'm having or missing out on some fun." Marcus finally answered the demon before moving forward slowly and rising a few creations. These creations were nothing special, they were shadows that could walk and the five Marcus made were only their to move around and try and avoid the skelelords attacks. They were almost uncoordinated and had no strengh so that Marcus was not using much energy to keep them up and were only their to distract while Marcus threw the more powerful attacks and the aleins if they were to help could attack in surprise.

This reminded Marcus that the aleins were still here. Marcus thought they were aleins, they didn't look human and they looked awfully familiar to a creature from a movie that Marcus couldn't put any of his fingers on. Aside from this Marcus turned to were he last saw to duo and yelled out. "So. You guys helping or what?" He finished in a demonic tone of his liking. At first the chill of the voice was spine racking even for Marcus he was now enjoying it and decided that he would keep it as his momento or just as the mask that separates him from others. Rising two spear like tendrils now that he was done thinking he sent them at the chest to see if this larger skeleton would do and to test his reflexes.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Spooky scary skeletons (shadowolf) Empty Re: Spooky scary skeletons (shadowolf)

Post by The Doctor January 8th 2015, 2:35 pm

µsine X was already into the action as Marcus spoke. Tsxero was still sort of getting over the fact he had his arm munched into. Believe it or not it fucking hurt to have your arm almost lopped off by a serrated but dull and rusty cleaver! He looked to his wound and let out a little purr. "Y-you hold. I-I be there S..S-soon. A-arm is...badly...b-b-b...Bitchered." Tsxero tried to explain, of course he meant to say butchered, but apparently today he said bitchered. Totally a word, but you shouldn't look it up in the dictionary because this is America and we are lazy so you too should be lazy.

Tsxero's left arm hang there lamely, totally unable to move it or feel it now other than the "phantom" sensation he had. His jaw jabbered but then soon his little whines turned into fierce and aggressive rage. He took slow, deliberate steps as he walked towards, and then past Marcus. "M-me. No. Has. Armory now. Tsxero. Rape. Face." Tsxero then let out a wild roar that was akin to Rifiki before engaging the Hyena's. Tsxeor went form 0 to Mach 2 and then Mach three as he ran around the creature using his full strength to take out a leg, bringing the skeleton king to his knee. The Skeleton king used his weapon and swiped across, soon he'd annihilate several clones as his internal fire seemed to provide minimal resistance to the shadow power, but still weakening it enough for him to easily slice through. Tsxero reappeared at Marcus' side as his little brother appeared on it's head wailing away at it in futility.

Spooky scary skeletons (shadowolf) The_do10
The Doctor
The Doctor
A Drunk Homosexual

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 162
Job : I'm a Doctor
Humor : "People remember me for being the creature with the child armor...I regret nothing."
Registration date : 2014-07-09

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Spooky scary skeletons (shadowolf) Empty Re: Spooky scary skeletons (shadowolf)

Post by Shadowoof January 9th 2015, 5:25 am

Marcus stared at the skeleton creature. If he thought the internal fire was going to do more damage, the shadow's Marcus mainly used were his own crafted ones. Sometimes made from the surrounding Darkness and sometimes just from Dark leaking the shadows into Marcus, it was the reason Marcus could still use his shadows in direct daylight. "The fact you took a leg out means your a lot stronger than me mate so most of the attacks will have to be left for you." He said to the alien as he strode towards the kneeled giant skele. Jokingly he put his hands together and whispered shadow clone jutsu. And upon saying this, several shadow creations appeared from the ground. These things had little resistance and one or two hits would easily evaporate them but their were about ten of them. Marcus was a distraction right now. He himself was slowly consumed in black to match the rest of his clones. Creation's  of darkness. They all circled the skeleton lord who looked or seemed slightly confused. at this all.

Marcus sent a strong tendril at the Skeleton's head which he turned to the area it was sent from, seeing a black figure the skeleton lunged but then the figure was gone as Marcus decided to shadow skip at the last second to the other side of the skeleton lord. "Alright you bony prick, let's do this."

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Spooky scary skeletons (shadowolf) Empty Re: Spooky scary skeletons (shadowolf)

Post by The Doctor January 9th 2015, 2:05 pm

Tsxero heard the person say that the attacks were mostly up to him. Tsxero stifled a whimper as he looked to the arm he punched with. His left arm was hanging on by flesh and a little sinew while his right arm actually fractured from all the force he exerted. Tsxero's skeletal structure and his scales weren't use to the inferior gravitational pull of the earth and so he was able to exert more force than he himself was actually able to physically handle. So yes, it turns out that going full force on his strength in such a low gravity planet leads him to actually suffer a form of recoil damage... which really sucks if this means he's the primary form of attack here. This guy was just a distraction, it wasn't like he was actually even trying to attack, was he?

   There was a lash out and then suddenly a teleport of sorts. Tsxero wasn't really even paying attention but he was beginning to think of things he learned in school...or well, what his people called school. Basic rocket science was all that he was able to handle, but luckily for him he managed to think of something...something that would be much easier for them to work with. Tsxero would need to wait for Shadow to finish his attack however. The Skeleton was hit by the assault, and the damages were beginning to show, the skull beginning to splinter open and the jaw bone now unhinged to give it an even more creepy appearance. It would not go unpunished though, not before the Skeleton gave another swipe of the blade in his hand. With a roar the great Skele reached out to grab shadow, if he were able to do so it would be very, VERY bad. Tsxero stepped into action before swiping the skeletal arm away, a sickening crack coming from both creature's arms, Tsxero letting out a gurgle of immense pain in a low tone that was forced into a hush. His long, link-like metallic feeling tail shot out and coiled up around Marcus as Tsxero made a mad dash away, reappearing several meters away. Tsxero set Marcus down.

"A-arm....broke. Make shadow dome. Me run. Will run very fast. Put flame out. Shadow do more damage. Let Tsxero out. Then crush bone man with shadow." Tsxero said before moving back towards the great Skele. Tsxero could only hope that the message was clear, that he would run and create a vacuum to put the fire out after Marcus put a dome over it. Then Marcus could let Tsxero escape and collapse the dome on the skeleton. Tsxero approached the creature and began running in a circle, the sound barrier broken very, very quickly.

Spooky scary skeletons (shadowolf) The_do10
The Doctor
The Doctor
A Drunk Homosexual

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 162
Job : I'm a Doctor
Humor : "People remember me for being the creature with the child armor...I regret nothing."
Registration date : 2014-07-09

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