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Raziel Empty Raziel

Post by Samael Christensen October 20th 2014, 4:18 pm

”So death really does have no sting. How about that.”
Raziel Alex-pettyfer-19-5

Basic Biography

Real Name: Raziel
Renegade Name: Mephistopheles
Title: The Trickster, the fallen ethereal
Alignment: True Neutral
Age: Physically 24
Gender: Male
Race: Ethereal
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Silver
Height: 5'7
Weight: 132
Blood type: Z-Ω [golden in color]

The Looks


The Legacy

Personality: Manipulation is a tactic that raziel has mastered long ago, and something that he performs with little trouble. He can read a person through the simplest of gestures, from facial ques to subtle movements they make when speaking. Anyone that he finds of use to gaining him ultimate goal, he will use without a moment of hesitation and pay any price to gain what he wants. Along with that, he enjoys making deals with mortals over what they want, in return for what they can offer him in return. As he enjoys saying, anything comes at a price, and sometimes the price he finds is too steep for many to pay. However he is not a fool, and will take note of a valuable ally when he sees one, and take great pains to make sure that they are within his pocket when he needs them. Enigmatic is also something that Raziel is, as he kinda likes it that way, the whole man of mystery thing.

History: In his first life, raziel was among the most powerful of a race of beings known as Ethereal's, and it was this power that allowed him one opportunity. The chance to learn the secrets of Jehovah’s power from the man himself, the first of their race and the most powerful. However there were three worthy of being his apprentice, and only one could truly take that place within the order, surely Raziel thought that he could be the one to take that role. After all, more than anything power had been ingrained into him as the most important thing within this world, and so he believed it to be so. With his mastery over the energies of the ethereal, he was more than certain that his power would allow him to surmount any foe, yet that was not the case in the end.

It was with the perceived power of Ultima, and the arm of Ragnarox that struck down Jericoh, and like a supposed coward he fled. Not out of fear, but knowing that he was fighting a pointless battle, as he had surmised something far greater. Jehovah had been all talk, as he did not posses the power of ultima as he had claimed, and it was that knowledge that drove raziel to begin his next stage of the plan. For one to manifest such great power, there would be a time when they did not have that power at all, and it was within that time that they were vulnerable. All he had to do was look for that, and it was within “gene hazards” that he would find the answer to his dilemma, within that of Ariel the younger brother of Ragnarox, one that also did not possess Ultima. He would awaken the ancient power, and all it took was a little nudging from the ethereals rather capable hands. So this was what caused him to set a plan into motion, doing what he did best, which was manipulating a situation.

Part of this plan was to gain the ethereals trust, which came in the form of a child hood love of his growing sick, and so he would return for her, and within that moment raziel would move in to offer his assistance.Despite his being branded as a coward, he was willing to help, and so Ariel took that help without thinking pf the potential danger that he would pose in the long run, and so he had hi love healed, and Raziel had what he wanted. Happy with his loves healing, the ethereal would elope with her, much to the annoyance of Raziel, but he would hold that in as this would bring about the ends that he desired. He knew an interesting little secret, that Ariel was he bastard brother of Jehovah, that he commanded something that his brother never could.  However he found that allowing this go go on would not bring him what he wanted, and so raziel would speed up the process. So he appeared to Ariel within the human world, claiming to have taken his example and having gone out into the world, further endearing himself and seeking shelter within the mans home; though he always had something to give in return.

It worked, and in time they were called back to the Ethereal isles, where Ariel was incarcerated and his beloved family was killed. It was while in prison that the male appeared to him, and informed him of what had transpired, his families murder and that drove Ariel mad. Playing upon that, he offered him a deal, the return of one of those that he had lost, and the man had chosen his wife, as he could have more children. Marking this deal with the “Curse of The Lych” Ariel was empowered by ultima for 24 hours. So the ethereal resurrected his wife, and would go to stand against Jehovah, but before he could his power would abandon him, the time had been all spent up. With that done, raziel found himself empowered not only by both pure dan dark ethereal, but even the ultima that was once Ariels, he found himself now a god. Something that Jehovah had claimed to be, and with his power he would cast him down.

With his power, raziel stormed into isles, and with it defeated Jehovah with little issue, and even with a large amount of ultima drained from him, he destroyed ragnarox. Raziel the coward had proven that he was no coward at all, he had defeated the most powerful and with his triumph, and the promise of the same god hood in the future, he walked away. So to this end, he would continue the torment of Ariel, all a means to an end. An end that he would reap in the future, none would stop him from achieving his goal of ultima. What he found to be his tool was grandson of Ariel, a tool so easily manipulated that he did not even need to do much work. In fact Ouroboros has done most of the work for him, and being the summation of his work with the titans, nothing could have gone better than this. Using this boy to take over the isle, he further isolated him, preparing a technique that he had long ago prepared, having awakened the ultima within him he would draw it from him once again.

He would use a seal he crafted called the Seals of Ascendancy, something that would allow him to draw the ultima directly from the users body, so long as certain things happened, and with that he achieved the power. In the final moments of the battle for the isles, he betrayed Michael and with this seal awakened godlike power within himself once again. It was with this power that he prepared to destroy the last thing that mocked him, Ouroboros, Jehovah reincarnated and with that small thing gone he would have everything that he ever wanted. However even with godlike power, he could not defeat him and in the end he was cast down, supposedly dead but one could not defeat him so easily. He would rise above the shackles of death, and with that he found himself weakened. However one thing that conspired agaisnt him was an old foe, a goddess he had angered long ago and with her help, Michael the one that he had betrayed killed him. Death even then was not permanent, Zell Atterrius found use for the one that could kill The Lych, the one that had created him and so that meant he would live again.

With a deal being made, Raziel took his life in turn for information that would allow one to kill The Lych.

The Powers

Knowledge of the beyond: From his years traveling, all for the sake of attaining ultima, Raziel has learned many dark and forbidden magical secrets, some of which even the most accomplished of magi know nothing about. He is knowledgeable in many arts of magic, and in every known language that exists, allowing him to make a deal with anyone that he desires and in their language if that is required.


Raziel: He bears wings of golden feathers that allow him to fly freely through the sky with little difficulty, though he is capable of achieving the same with a spell as well. His blood is golden and he has control over any being that bears the blood of a ti'taen, as they are his race and he created them.

Occult: 10
Strength: 2
Speed: 2
Fighting Skills: 4
Experience from Delta

Last edited by Raziel on October 20th 2014, 6:46 pm; edited 1 time in total
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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Number of posts : 903
Registration date : 2012-08-21

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Raziel Empty Re: Raziel

Post by The Phantom October 20th 2014, 4:18 pm

Raziel Tumblr_m77mdtzzpX1rziwwco1_500

The Phantom
The Syndicate's Six
The Phantom
The Phantom
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Raziel Empty Re: Raziel

Post by The Phantom October 20th 2014, 6:45 pm

Moved for edits.

The Phantom
The Syndicate's Six
The Phantom
The Phantom
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Raziel Empty Re: Raziel

Post by Samael Christensen October 20th 2014, 6:46 pm

Edited spell list, adding in low spell to make it two rather than 1

The immortal with not enough patience for this- Adam Johnson (Vampire boi)
The Ravens Son- Samael Christensen
The Half angel/Half brother - Nathaniel Christensen
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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Registration date : 2012-08-21

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Raziel Empty Re: Raziel

Post by The Phantom October 20th 2014, 6:49 pm


The Phantom
The Syndicate's Six
The Phantom
The Phantom
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Registration date : 2012-12-06

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Raziel Empty Re: Raziel

Post by Entei November 18th 2014, 6:22 pm

Retired. GG, WP

Quick Draw
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Post Adept

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Quote : Entei
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Registration date : 2014-07-13

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Raziel Empty Re: Raziel

Post by Sponsored content

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