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Argil Empty Argil

Post by Powder Miner September 21st 2014, 10:01 pm

Paul Dibran

Basic Biography

Real Name: Paul Alban Dibran
Hero Name: Argil  
Alignment: Lawful Good
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Race: Metahuman; Caucasian, of Albanian descent.
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5'10''
Weight: 312 pounds (This is because of the density of the ceramic in his body... he's pretty average in cosmetic weight.)
Blood type: AB-

The Looks

Paul stands at 5'10'' with a build that is while average in thickness pretty solid. He's an obvious teenager, however, retaining a look of youth and of course not the physical maturity possessed by an actual adult. His hair is short-cut, rather well-kempt, and a brown color: clay brown, matter of fact! His eyes are the very same color, and rather narrow. His skin is slightly tan, and in stressed situations if one pressed down on it not only would it be much harder than usual to do so, the imprint would stay for a few seconds. His clothing color choices are positively drab, almost always a brown or a gray. The only real prominent scar or anything of the sort Paul has is a little bit of a raise along his right forearm where one of his ceramic plates hasn't quite settled.
In combat, he wears a heavy set of brown shirt and pants, with ceramic plates littering its outside-- these provide some use as armor but are actually mostly used to provide decent material for Paul's powers to access.

The Legacy

Paul isn't a very strict person, on himself or others, preferring to take a pragmatic approach to things rather than enforce order for the sake of it. Nonetheless, he does always make sure to keep his things together, lest he be caught unprepared to deal with a situation mundane or not. He's not much of an idealist or an optimist, nor that much of a cynic or pessimist-- he's smack dab in the middle, not expecting much more from a situation than what would be reasonably expected, and he doesn't bother much with painting the world in a different light than it is in. While this does help keep him grounded, it leads to a lack of imagination.

All of Paul's pragmatism, however, vanishes when he's emotional. If he's very stressed, he becomes incredibly tense. If he's very happy, he will tend to lose self-restraint (and regret it later). In general, one of the things he's least prepared to deal with in life is extreme emotion, and if this leads to consequences he'll harbor lasting regret for a long, long time. This can be rather bad for his treatment of himself, as it will entail quite the self-esteem drop.


Paul Alban Dibran was born to a poorer family of Albanian descent that had immigrated to the United States a couple hundred years ago. This family was made up of laborers throughout: carpenters, farmers, but especially miners. Paul's father, Joseph Dibran, was of one of the lines that particularly was entrenched in mining, toiling for a meager living that nonetheless kept them alive. However, said line had something much more special going on for it. The line had the metagene infused through it, though for most of the family the powers either were too minor to really notice, never were discovered or manifested, or were purposefully hidden, and the line just seemed like another bunch of miners.

Joseph Dibran had ended up with the power to change his body to be like his surroundings, but it was a very passive sort of thing, and Joseph never knew he had it until his later years. But years of clay quarry-working had slowly infused Joseph's body with clay. When Joseph had a child with his wife Mary Botterill, his son Paul too had the metagene. But it manifested in a far more obvious way. Paul's body was part clay like his father's, though much harder and more extensively. The boy could also manipulate clay and heal himself, and in general it was incredibly obvious he was more than just human. Paul's powers made him an exceptional help to his father, but the community was composed of far more than just Paul's family. Suspicion followed Paul wherever he went, and at age 14 he ended up being largely driven out and had to make his own life. Thanks to the teaching of his father, Paul could live out in the world, but it was a difficult existence.

Paul found another path in life, however. Witnessing a battle between a superhero and an equally powered villain, Paul began to reflect how being a superhero could not only help his life but help him rise to a higher and better calling. This was about as rare in the Dibran family as obvious powers, and Paul knew that it was something he couldn't -not- do! ...besides, to help people like that, even if not the safest option... it brought Paul back to his life a few years ago, humbly aiding his father in life, and Paul knew he'd earn satisfaction and happiness from it, even if it was a little flashier a career choice than a quarry digger.

The Powers

Power 1: Ceramic Body (DUR 7): Argil's body contains a rather high amount of ultrahard ceramic; his entire skeleton is made of the stuff, in addition to armor plates scattered throughout his body. If threatened, his flesh takes on the consistency of dense clay rather than, well, flesh. This obviously provides him quite a good amount of toughness, as the ceramic is much harder than ceramic normally has the capacity to be, giving him the capacity to withstand things many superhumans couldn't. Nonetheless, he still isn't invincible, and if the ceramic in his body IS broken, the sharp shards will give him a very hard time.

Power 2: Ceramic Manipulation (ABI 7): Argil possesses the ability to manipulate ceramics and clay. It involves no spectacular displays of energy, its offensive capability being ultrahardened and sharpened ceramic blades or such. However, Argil's ceramic comes in most usefully when used in defensive applications. Argil can harden or soften ceramic, soften it to the point of especially warm clay or harden it to the same toughness his bones have, though it can't benefit from his regeneration. Though he can move the ceramic fluidly while he's controlling it, it still retains the hardness or softness he's trying to keep it at.

Power 3: Ceramic Re-merging (Regeneration, ABI 5): The ceramic in Argil's body passively (and slowly!) begins to merge itself back together. This means that he has a sort of healing factor, shattered plates and broken bones able to eventually fix themselves, and clay-like flesh being able to heal from cuts. It's not perfect regeneration, however, and it's rather the lesser of his powers, despite being extremely useful in the long run.

Intelligence: 3
Strength: 4
Speed: 2
Durability: 7
Ability: 5/7
Fighting Skills: 2
Magic: 0
Spells: 0
Flight: 0
Wealth: 1

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Powder Miner

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 54
Location : West Virginia
Registration date : 2013-04-13

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Argil Empty Re: Argil

Post by Odien September 22nd 2014, 5:24 am

Approved until stated otherwise.

Posting Master
Posting Master

Status :

Quote : [20:06:47] * Odien has sex with Mike [20:07:20] Zell : So did his half brother, don't get excited about it Odien lol

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 412
Location : [17:31:53] @ Forceaus : Not killing the innocent is part of being a hero to begin with
Humor : [19:30:11 19/01/15] @ Bliss : It's like holding someone's head underwater and forgetting they aren't a fish
Registration date : 2014-04-11

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