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Jordan Jacobs

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Jordan Jacobs Empty Jordan Jacobs

Post by Lochstar September 18th 2014, 6:05 am

Jordan Jacobs
"I like to help people, whether it involves trying to eliminate any and all disease or solve world hunger, I'm all for it. Oh, and beating people up with my mind, that usually helps in the short term."

Basic Biography

Real Name: Jordan Jacobs
Renegade/Hero/Villain Name: None as of yet
Title: None as of yet
Alignment: Lawful Good
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Race: Metahuman
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Green
Height: 6'0
Blood type: B+

The Looks

Jordan is a fairly average looking individual, standing at 6'0, which makes him a tall individual, however even without the assortment of giants and inhuman beasts that exist in the world, there are people who are taller than him, with him being of average height. He has short brown hair which is cropped short around the sides but not the top, with it being spiked up. He is of a tanned complexion and, despite his enhanced strength leading many to believe otherwise, he is not muscular or even toned, merely being skinny. His eyes are a dark green and despite him believing otherwise, he is a somewhat attractive individual. Although not a supermodel or Greek God (which do in fact exist and spend most of their time modeling) he catches the attention of females with his looks.

As Jordan Jacobs he usually wears a loose jumper that hangs off his skinny frame, a pair of slacks and sneakers to try and distance himself from his superhero persona. Were he to wander around in a hoodie it would likely arouse suspicion as people would note similarities in their build. As his superhero persona he wears a white hoodie with blue epaulets and a blue section around the bottom, a pair of skinny, blue jeans and sneakers of the same color. In order to conceal his identity he wears a balaclava and holds his hood in place via telekinesis. However, when in a fight he usually allows it to fall freely, relying on his mask to conceal his identity.

The Legacy

Personality: By day Jordan is your average shy, introverted college student dealing with critical issues such as plucking up the courage to talk or sit next to the pretty girl in class, trying to keep up with all the work and making some memorable friends. But by night he's a wild, headstrong hero who flies around the country stopping minor criminals such as bank robbers, pimps and various other street level criminals.

Jordan the university student is a studious and stoic individual, rarely talking to his peers, instead focusing on his studies. This is, in part, due to his lack of confidence in his non-super merits. He has difficulty believing anyone, particularly girls, could be interested in him without the super strength, speed and telekinesis. This is mostly due to his nerdy tendencies and interests, his awkwardness in social situations and hesitance to approach people, causing him to miss social opportunities. As such, his hero persona is a stark contrast. He's wild, witty and full of  confidence, often cracking jokes as he battles his opponents. He flies around the city battling the dastardly deviants of society, rescuing attractive women from burning buildings and being the guy everyone wants to be like. The archetypal hero.

His primary interest is in genetics, and is what he studies at college. He is highly intelligent by the standards of normal humans, being capable of solving complex equations and working in a complex scientific field. He is not what would be considered one of the world's elite, an Albert Einstein or Stephen Hawking, and in a world full of gods, aliens, ancient, primordial beings of unparalleled intellect, and individuals who understand and have at their disposal technology several dozen centuries ahead of what currently exists he's relatively average.

His interest is in the Metagene and its origins, what caused it to appear, how it has affected various humans and most importantly, what it could lead to. Jordan is incredibly interested in the direction that the mutation will go, and could go. He has a desire to one day learn what abilities the gene could bestow upon an individual and also how to control it. The uses are nearly endless. For example, if it could somehow be implanted into individuals, a healing factor could be bestowed upon every human being, allowing for an end to disease, likewise a self sustaining metabolism could obliterate world hunger.

Despite his godhood/alien/ancient being/ultra advanced scientist impairment he is considered something of a shining star due to his investigations into the potential of the metagene, with him having particular knowledge of telekinesis (for obvious reasons). And is considered to have quite a bright future in the field if he goes into it. Also, he tends to get quite passionate when talking about the field, often raving at a person who politely asked him what he studies. This is another reason for Jordan's low self esteem.

However, when acting as a hero he foregoes these tendencies, seemingly knowing exactly what to say and when. This is due to a large amount of his confidence stemming from impressive physical abilities and devastatingly strong telekinesis. Remove the ability to use these powers and his confidence evaporates with them. The fact that Jordan only has confidence in the superhero persona he puts on and not his actual personality is possibly cause for concern.

History: Jordan was born and raised in New York. His family weren't rich and he didn't spend his days living amongst the clouds atop some of the tallest buildings in the city. Rather, he lived in a modest apartment with his single father who worked as a software engineer. He was always viewed as quite bright, being ahead of his peers academically, but he had difficulty building friendships and connections with other students. Despite this concerning some of the teachers, and to a lesser degree his father, Jordan himself never seemed to mind, preferring to play by himself and often outright avoiding his peers. He wasn't entirely without contact and had a small group of friends who he talked to in class, but left when it came time to enter the sporting field. His dislike of sporting activities further ostracized him from his peers, although once more he never truly seemed to care.

Most of his primary school days were spent like this, although later on he managed to find himself a best friend with who he was inseparable. In fact, by the end of his primary school years he had a small group of friends who enjoyed making wise cracks and messing around in general. This is where he developed his bizarre, yet sharp sense of humor. However, the group was split up at Middle School, which is where things became interesting for Jordan. First and foremost his family moved to Chicago where he suddenly found himself needing a new social circle. In school itself he found biology in science and became fascinated with it, spending many hours researching the subject. There was just something inherently interesting about it for him. His father didn't particularly mind his son's borderline obsession as there were much worse things for him to become fixated on or addicted to. Unfortunately, his fellow students didn't share this sentiment and Jordan soon found himself as the victim of bullying.

He was able to find a small group of friends who all hid from the bullies and, similar to his last group of friends, spent most of their time making jokes. Similar to the last group they all shared common, nerdy interests and hobbies. Yet, the bullying continued and Jordan soon found his best friend as the primary target. His friend, whose name was James, was short, yet skinny and by the time they reached high school, he was openly gay. This led to a great deal of persecution from the school in general, but primarily the bullies. The bullying worsened and worsened, but Jordan's friend never showed that anything was wrong. Until he attempted suicide.

He survived and Jordan found himself apoplectic with rage. He wished he had the power to stop the bullies, to humiliate them and then to show them exactly how it felt to be at the utter mercy of somebody else, unable to stop them. As if his prayer was answered, a few months later Jordan was taken on a camping trip by his father.

Up until that point, Jordan powers had remained latent, his metagene not influencing him at all. Until at one point the teen tore a tree from the ground when he merely thought about doing it in an almost pathetic attempt to develop telekinesis. This led to a rapid development of his powers, and although he initially had difficulty controlling them, nearly crushing him and his father in his sleep as he jerked, he soon found himself able to control it to a degree. Although he still had to focus in order to avoid tearing apart an entire room, he could focus it onto smaller objects and although it was not a precision instrument, after a few weeks he was no longer limited to wide scale movement.

Of course, it didn't go off entirely without a hitch, cars inexplicably flying up into the air and numerous windows on building shattering were just a few mishaps when he temporarily lost control of his powers or was unable to focus. However, he never gave up and continued to hone his power, knowing it was the key to getting revenge on the bullies who had driven his friend to attempting suicide. Eventually, at the start of his final year of school Jordan heard about a party that was being thrown to celebrate everybody's final year together, before exams and college applications began to consume everyone.

Realizing it was his chance Jordan attended, everyone in the year having been invited and devised a cunning plan to humiliate his friend's bullies. He arrived quite early in the night, but not too early as to avoid arousing suspicion and lay in wait. Soon everything was in full swing, the alcohol had made an appearance and couples, de facto or not separated from the rest, engaging in some explicit activities. Nobody expected anything odd to happen, the night was shaping up to be wild and one to remember. Yet nobody could have predicted just how "wild" things would become.

Although it took some effort Jordan located two of the bullies standing near the door of a bedroom, beer in hand and conversation in full swing. Until they were suddenly dragged together, unwillingly linked in what appeared to be a passionate kiss, Jordan even went so far as to undo their beast buckles and ruffle up their shirts. When a group of girls passed by they burst out laughing and took several pictures, despite the bullies' best efforts to break the embrace. With his work done the telekinetic released his two mortified victims, knowing that the entire school would know by Monday.

What followed was one of the worst nights in the bullies' history. They found themselves throwing drinks at attractive girls, their pants around their ankles, themselves chased by flying pans and even one or two hanging from the roof by their underwear. Although it was mostly harmless and provided almost everyone there with a good laugh, it was only so long before things became more severe. When Jordan threw one of them into the pool with his mind he thought about all that he'd done to James, how he'd nearly driven him to death. At that exact moment the teen decided that perhaps he deserved to die, that he should experience the misery, the terror, the utter hopelessness.

So he kept the bully submerged.

Although people laughed at first they soon became worried when their peer didn't surface and some people dived in, yet they found themselves unable to move the body. People began to scream and suddenly Jordan came to. He'd become as, worse than the bullies. They had driven his friend to near death, but he was prepared to kill them just to get some petty revenge. At that point he began to wonder whether he was truly doing it for James, or to avenge all of the mistreatment he himself had endured. Releasing the bully, the crowd of people were able to pull him up to the surface and resuscitation proved unnecessary. Meanwhile, Jordan quietly excused himself, stumbling out of the house.

The next few days were spent in deep contemplation, where Jordan himself nearly attempted suicide. However, as he held the knife to his wrist, he thought deeply about his abilities. What he'd received was a wonderful gift, a blessing to be used. He thought about everything that he could do with his powers and what an utter waste it would be were he to end his life and with it, all the potential he had to do good. Vowing to never use his powers for evil again, Jordan once more set about mastering his abilities. The telekinetic soon found his physical attributes skyrocketing, while once he was slow, awkward and easily tired, he quickly became the strongest, fastest and fittest boy at school. At one point he casually strolled into the school gym, eliciting a round of laughter from the athletes.

Until he casually pressed the heaviest weight in the gym, leaving everyone present wondering whether they'd really just witnessed the skinny senior outclass everyone else there. Of course, Jordan didn't want to arouse too much suspicion and have the nigh omnipresent antagonist of every teenager with superpowers, crazed government scientists attempting to conduct experiments of the vilest nature upon him or her. As such he remained mostly anonymous, training alone by flying a few miles out of the city. During this period he found his lack of need for sleep invaluable for honing his powers.

Everything was going well...until New York fell.

This left Jordan devastated, he'd been to weak to fight Doctor Necrodium due to his lack of training and suddenly everyone he'd known as a child was dead or missing. He blamed himself heavily, and unfairly for the fall of the city. The telekinetic felt foolish for not seeking out a hero the instant his powers began to manifest, instead selfishly plotting to release pent up aggression. This led to a period of self loathing, stalling his training. This continued until his grades began to fall-at the worst possible time. Deciding to try and improve himself as a hero and a person, Jordan threw himself into his studies and training, eventually graduating with honors and being admitted to a local university on a full scholarship.

He studied genetics and also began his career as a hero, taking to the streets to try and not only clean the streets up, but to defend the city and prevent it befalling the same fate as New York, a tragedy that still weighed heavily in his mind. Currently he lives with his father but has plans to move out, as soon as he is capable of amassing enough money from the odd jobs he completes, many of which involve heavy lifting.

After all, although fulfilling, being a hero doesn't pay the bills.

The Powers

Telekinesis-Jordan's power allows him to manipulate objects with his mind as if he were using his own physical strength, this ability allows for a broad control of elements, allowing him to simulate the basic abilities of various other metahumans. For example he can control metallic objects in the same way that an individual who possessed control over magnetism could, but he could not create a magnetic repulsion with the earth, allowing him to fly, for example. The strength of his mind is equivalent to an individual with 8 strength points, with the added benefit of being able to grab ahold of objects the super strong could not. One possibility is that Jordan could tear up an entire street, taking ahold of not an individual section of the earth, but rather the entire asphalt.

Another ability granted by this power is that of blasts that can send anything in the way flying. This is accomplished in a manner similar to a shove, Jordan uses his telekinesis to send a general push in the direction of an opponent. This can be quite precise, targeting an individual, or used to clear out large areas in either a straight line or a perfect sphere around the user.

Perhaps the most exciting ability the power grants Jordan is flight. He is capable of carrying himself with his mind and moving at speeds of up to 150mph, matching his speed on foot. However, the benefits are obvious, including the ability to travel great distances without accommodating any obstacles, being able to travel at abstract angles with having to worry about surfaces to move along and moving along water.

When it comes to manipulating living creatures, Jordan can be bested. The individual requires at least the same amount of strength points to break out of his telekinetic "grip" as he has in ABI points. This means that at 8 ABI, an individual with 8 or higher STR could break out. This also means that even at 10 ABI, players can still break out of his hold given sufficient strength. In addition, Jordan's "grip" itself is unable to damage anyone with one less DUR point than Jordan has ABI cannot be harmed by crushing, snapping necks or other means. However, he could still potentially throw them to another country or into a vat of boiling lava were their strength not high enough to resist the grip. (8 ABI)

Enhanced Physical Facilities-Jordan's metagene resulted in him developing superhuman strength, speed and durability. He is capable of throwing cars at opponents with his own natural strength as well as outrunning most of them as well. Luckily he seemingly has no particular grudge against automobiles. His body is durable enough to resist street level weapons with the average human having no way to damage him, guns, knives and human strength alone being incapable of harming him. Unfortunately, his impressive physical abilities are mostly mitigated by his lack of combat experience, his fighting ability is nothing short of abysmal and he usually relies on his impressive telekinesis or raw force and speed to get him out of physical confrontations. The fact that no ordinary human can damage him also helps.

Another ability granted by his durability is above average endurance and fitness. He is capable of running for several hours and maintaining peak physical activity for roughly an hour before he begins to tire and slow down. Another side effect of this is a greatly decreased need for sleep. He is capable of functioning at peak capacity with as little as three hours of sleep, in some cases he can forgo sleep altogether and remain active for up to three days before his mental state begins to deteriorate and focus starts to elude him. This has proved invaluable in Jordan's heroic escapades.

Intelligence: 3
Strength: 5
Speed: 5
Durability: 6
Ability: 8
Fighting Skills: 1
Flight: 2


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Jordan Jacobs Empty Re: Jordan Jacobs

Post by Just Harbinger September 18th 2014, 4:17 pm

Nice app. Approved (with the statement here that you cannot "Control elements" like water, fire,lightning, etc. at the same level of someone who specializes in that, and that "throw out of the country" is a hyperbolic statement, unless you're near the border).

Just Harbinger

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 29
Humor : [05:53:18] Danger : Dadadadangerdyesonnace
Registration date : 2014-04-26

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