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How plants react to agents.

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How plants react to agents. Empty How plants react to agents.

Post by The Doctor August 19th 2014, 11:57 pm

Agent Williams sat in the HA-734 Jet as they soared through the air at speeds beyond mach. Their current "target" was a woman of sorts. One whom proclaimed to be "Mother Nature" incarnate. This brought a smile to Williams' face, he had faced one such proclamation before. Gaia-nna was a sweet woman, but she too was infected, using and manipulating plant life was her specialty and ultimately Williams was her better. He leaned back, the light dancing off of his glasses as he began to contemplate the scenario's as they were about to unfold. His general approach would be the same as they were for all others. He needed to keep his wits about him, this woman would not be an easy take down, but it would not be hard if her were prepared. He needed to watch the roots beneath him, and he needed to watch for any form of flowers and leaves. All these could be used as weapons against him, he needed to beware the flora as well, berries and other things. A simple twig could be used against him. It wasn't a surprise that they last saw this woman out in the middle of Florida. Sunny, most certainly useful for a botanokinetic such as this. However, this unfortunately was a losing battle. Williams felt the HA-734 decelerate as he stood up in his suit and walked to the center of the cargo bay, the back of the plane letting out a mechanical whirring and grinding sound as the back descended towards the ground. Williams stepped forth and walked calmly, poised and ready for combat. Of course diplomacy was the best course of action, but there was really only one indication that this "woman" was even sane was it's conversations in the New York Refugee camp.

Williams looked down to the ground. It was about a thirty feet to the bottom. Not an issue. He jumped down and landed, squaring and placing a hand forward to stabilize himself. His suit was being thrown around from the jet's engines, but his hair and glasses stayed perfectly attuned and unmoving. He stood up and cracked his neck as he wiggled his tie, and checking his cuffs he sighed as the HA-734 went off. Here Williams stood, at the edge of a forest as he looked in. "So they say Mother Earth is in here. Any truth to that? I wonder... Mother Earth...if you're there. This is your one chance. Come on out and have a nice and civil conversation... or I'm coming in." He said. The offer most likely sounded tempting. But what the "Mother Nature" didn't know was that the HA-734 was filled with a chemically altered and perfected version of "Agent Orange" though as the name was too perfect for a group such as "The Agency" it would keep it's name. Of course there was nothing that Williams couldn't overcome, and he knew this. He found himself feeling as confident as ever. This was just another botanakinetic. Another day another dollar. He had explosive fire rounds, he had cryofreezing rounds, he has tethers and pods. He was perfectly capable of handling this, because best of all... he had "Ophelia". Ophelia was a unique flower, one that drew in Botanokinetics, and should they try to amalgam into a plant it pulled them fourth, trapping and binding them...and it rest within a pure Gemini-jar. This woman had attacked a New York City Refugee camp and she was too dangerous to leave uncaptured. For Humanity he had to bring her in, or bring her down. Either way, she was on borrowed time.

How plants react to agents. The_do10
The Doctor
The Doctor
A Drunk Homosexual

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 162
Job : I'm a Doctor
Humor : "People remember me for being the creature with the child armor...I regret nothing."
Registration date : 2014-07-09

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How plants react to agents. Empty Re: How plants react to agents.

Post by Thistle August 20th 2014, 9:30 pm

Petals were suspended in the air, glowing faintly as if they were fireflies. The bed of the forest shifted and changed, like it were a mass of ants, scurrying for food. And the trees? Their branches gently swayed back and forth in a sense of perfect bliss, entwining with one another in a remarkably slow dance. One of the fireflies swam through the air and slowly, a hand closed over it. The fingers peeled back to look at the illuminescent floral fragment within the palm. Tilting her head, a benevolent boon overtook the petal. Embedding into the hand's palm, the petals multiplied and congregated upwards - forming a picturesque rose. But this rose was different. Rather than the typical velvety texture, it looked as if it were made of red glowing glass. Thistle's lips moved into a smile, running a finger along the pearl-like petal of the plant, which wriggled approvingly. Her powers were growing, she could feel it - and so could the plants. Kneeling, she swayed her hand to the floor and politely allowed the flower's roots to slither into the dirt. Rising from the crouch, the goddess took another look at her kingdom. It almost brought a tear to her eye. It was so... beauitful. The avarice of humans was destroying it and that... that broke her heart. To the humans, she was a heartless harbinger, a violent vanguard - a criminal. And yet they neglect how the lives she's ended isn't even a fraction of the destruction that they carry with them; regardless as to where they go. The earth allowed them to live, flora sustained them, allowed them to evolve and in return? They butcher them. Burn them. Imprison them. To her it was simple... they had to pay.

The floating fractuals cast a gentle red and pink hue over the small clearing in the wood, which gave it an omnious yet remarkably enthralling aura. However, the sublime sanctuary's silence was disrupted. A small, quadrupedal lily scuttled over the churning mass of leaves on the floor and stopped before it's queen. She gently knelt down, and allowed it to sit on her palm. It's petals opened and closed, whispering silent words to Thistle who's heart first sank, and then hardened. Her green eyes narrowed, before rising to a stand. Immediately, she glared to the left and began walking. After the fifth step, the walk ceased and from beneath her, several vines coiled around her legs from the ankle to the thigh and she was lifted upwards. A large bulb pushed through the dirt beneath her, which had roots like an octopus, began swimming it's legs through the earth and moving her at high speeds. The trees, flowers and shrubs parted in her wake. Her hair filled in the air behind her, a wooden crown wove ivy through her locks - which she manipulated to give it an eerie, floating appearance. Within seconds she reached the edge of the forest, and the octo-bulb sank completely into the dirt. The vines around her legs split outwards like a palm tree and she stepped onto the grass. Before her, stood a man. Her lip nearly quivered with rage. Some plant-life that was wrapped around her wrist animated and thickened into a vine, laced with razor red thorns - and it's tip began floating just above her palm. Her voice was strong, unwavering and above all - insulted.

"You address me human. How dare you. You have no place here. What is your purpose?"

This was not the response all humans who sought her out got. Infact, there were atleast three dozens humans living in harmony with nature within the forest. They had seen the truth. They had been enligthened, but this one - she could already tell he was not here for that. The way he dressed, the way he stood - no humility. It sickened her. That someone like him would come here, after she did her best to get away from such scum. Vile.

How plants react to agents. WSIrRjr
"Our seasons are reversed. My spring, humanity's fall!"
actually zyra says that but shhhh
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Quote : i got beat up by elaine once

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Location : Ireland.
Age : 27
Job : I wish.
Humor : Did you hear about the dwarf's joke? It fell short.
Registration date : 2013-03-15

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How plants react to agents. Empty Re: How plants react to agents.

Post by The Doctor August 21st 2014, 1:14 am

So this was the botanokinetic who believed she was the earth incarnate. Williams smiled as she emerged. Oh he would admit it was a powerful and enthralling display, yet also very terrifying in such a primal way. In truth it was just as nature was, a beutiful mistress with the power to crush you in a whim. Such a macabre beauty and such a powerful feeling behind it. If Williams were any less of a man then he'd have felt threatened, but he was all the man he could be, and he had no fear. Respect? Yes. Fear? No. He watched absolutely everything she was doing, though it would seem as though his eyes were held forward, watching her with great anticipation as to what she was going to do next. She spoke, she was more civil than he had heard of, and to that he was rather happy. Her words were not the kind the fostered friendship, then again when Williams was sent after you it was never to make friends. Allies maybe, but never friends. Williams interlocked his hands and smiled as the sun flickered across his glasses, almost all too pleased that she had come when she was called oh so easily. Her words specifically targeted as to "how dare he" and she asked him what was his purpose. It was an interesting question, one with philisophical weight. He'd be sure to banter with her about that AFTER she was in custody.

  "I'm here because you attacked refugee's outside of New York City. You were stopped by some Blonde degenerate who actually held similar beliefs to you." Williams said as his glasses began tracking the energy signatures that the plant woman emitted allowing him to perfectly see everything under the influence of her power at this moment in time. His lenses however were one-way hologlyphic, therefore she would se none of this technological projection, and assume he was just some "nerd with the glasses" as a few said of him.  He watched her movements as he kept his proper posture and he looked her over once more. He could see everything at the moment, and that was all he needed for the time being. He had faced enough to be ready for pretty much anything she had to throw at him, but she looked to be the clever type and he was certain she could think of something. He was in control of the situation, he had the advantage and he was the human. This confrontation was almost symbolic, Mother nature incarnate versus the Exemplar of Mankind. No powers, no Meta-gene... just sheer willpower and determination. That was why he won...that is why he never lost. If one could break his will he would be nothing. But no one could... he no longer had anything to hold him back. He just had his mission and that was all.

   "I want to know WHY you attacked them... and I want to know everything you know about the blonde degenerate." Williams said. It sounded easy enough for now, but he'd be honest with her. "I can't see you having any reason to go and murder countless civilians but I'll respect the fact You probably have your reasoning... please enlighten me." He asked, genuine to want to hear her reasoning. He watched the thorns and the sash, he watched it all. The ground included. He was cautious. But in the end it would probably matter little. She'd probably just up and attack him anyway, even with or without telling him a damned thing. But it didn't matter. Just as always... Williams was in control.

How plants react to agents. The_do10
The Doctor
The Doctor
A Drunk Homosexual

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 162
Job : I'm a Doctor
Humor : "People remember me for being the creature with the child armor...I regret nothing."
Registration date : 2014-07-09

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How plants react to agents. Empty Re: How plants react to agents.

Post by Thistle August 21st 2014, 5:34 pm

The man's gaze, akin to a basilisk, was fixed upon her and all of her being. He was most likely enraptured - he wouldn't be the first. Her form was truely awe inspiring. Especially when compared to the fleshy little speck that was stood before her, oogling her through his spectacles. Her foot took a step, and where skin touched the dirt, life florished. Within a blink, a metre wide flower bed had bloomed and curled between her toes. Slowly, she walked towards the mortal - lowering her chin to glare directly into his hazel orbs. Each step replicated the first, sprouting life at her touch. Coming to a halt, 15 metres from the man, the vine around her wrist curled around her hand before both of them took a place on her hips. He spoke of things that had long since passed. Weeks, months even. Her head looked to the left, and a facade grew across her face; one that took the form of a smile. Really she just wanted to scream in this squishy little fool's face and end this, but something told her that crushing him would be much harder than it usually is. Here he stood before nature's avatar, dressed in little more than a suit and glasses. Not to mention the threat. Either there was much, much more to him that it seemed or he was simply extremely confident in his diplomatic ability. Or prehaps... She moved her eyes in a quick scan of the area... he wasn't alone. Whatever his catch was, it made him a threat - and she would die before she let him take a single step into the forest. As would he. So answering his questions was probably the fastest way to get him to leave.

"You want to know... why?" The question itself was so simple. To the point. How unusually competent. Her stare returned to him once more and all she could do was chuckle. Such a simple question, with such a simple answer. But what would that answer be. Would she prehaps mention the unjustified butchering of her kind's nesting grounds. Or maybe the fact that they twist and alter them so much that she cannot even recognise them in order to make clothes. Maybe the fact that humanity's greed was slowly, but surely destroying the planet and eventually nature had to take action in order to retaliate, lest it meet a tragic and undeserved end. And all of this, all of it is done without mercy, without consideration; they are so blind to the pain that they inflict - infact, they are so blind to everything they do that they cannot see how they have signed their own death warrent. Thistle wasn't some sort of crazy heretic or twisted tree-hugging monster. She was just the medium of humanity's suicide. She bit her lip in a minor spasm of frustration, before uttering four words, slowly... her voice had groan deeper. "Because they deserved it."

The facial spasms died and a splintered exhale throttled itself from her throat. Her teeth were clenched but they returned to their neutral stance once again, as had her voice. "I also wanted New York... gone. It was weak. Crumbling. It was going through it's fall. I was just making preparations for spring." She found herself letting out a sinister chuckle at her pun. "As for the 'blonde degenerate', I have no idea who he was.' she paused and grinned, remembering what that man had said about her dsplay of power that day. 'He's the only man I've met with any common sense. He never told me his name... when I asked who he was, he said that it was up to me to decide. I call him Mistake. My mistake. I should have joined forces with him but my fury blinded me to a mutually benefitial partnership... but regrets are worthless and I cast it aside." Her arms folded, and her eyes narrowed. "I have answered your questions' her brow furrowed, voice deepening once more 'Leave."

How plants react to agents. WSIrRjr
"Our seasons are reversed. My spring, humanity's fall!"
actually zyra says that but shhhh
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : i got beat up by elaine once

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 170
Location : Ireland.
Age : 27
Job : I wish.
Humor : Did you hear about the dwarf's joke? It fell short.
Registration date : 2013-03-15

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How plants react to agents. Empty Re: How plants react to agents.

Post by The Doctor August 22nd 2014, 1:33 am

So of all things she wasn't even sure who that young man was? Well this was odd. They either ironically made attacks on the same day, or they were lying. But it didn't make sense, the video feed showed their conversation, and it almost seemed as if they were opposition of one and other. Perhaps they had found some form of common ground. He wasn't quite sure how or why, and frankly he didn't care. She blew her shot at allying herself with him and that was all Williams needed to know. But there was still the underlying problem that came from her existence, why should he LET her continue on like this. The correct answer is he shouldn't. She needed to be tamed, she needed to be controlled. For a moment he had a slight revelation. No wonder she hated them, she demands things of him and now he'd going to turn around and control her. Williams took off his glasses and breathed on them as he wiped them off, placing them back on his face perfectly in position and formulating a response. "That's quite impossible at the moment as I'm not sure you won't attack humanity again. That being said I'd like you to kindly come with me... or we can fight, you can struggle and I can struggle...and ultimately humanity will tame nature again. That's the way it always has been... and it's the way it always will be." Williams said as he reached into his suit and pulled out Herofall, the ammunition altering and changing upon his will. The barrel altered, splitting open into three different angles.

   His suit was ready, quite literally. He may not appear to be much, but mostly it was because many people weren't very observant. He could take his fair share of damage, but for now he would keep himself as elusive as possible. He was ready, he had his eyes on everything, even looking behind him. He figured he'd have fun with this. She was a it more of a spit-fire than Gaia-nna, so it might be more of a thrill to combat her. This in and of it's own right was more exciting than he first anticipated. "So once again... Mother Earth...and the Godslayer." He said to himself, his surroundings perfectly tracked.

How plants react to agents. The_do10
The Doctor
The Doctor
A Drunk Homosexual

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 162
Job : I'm a Doctor
Humor : "People remember me for being the creature with the child armor...I regret nothing."
Registration date : 2014-07-09

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How plants react to agents. Empty Re: How plants react to agents.

Post by Thistle August 23rd 2014, 7:15 pm

So, it comes to this. Man drawing his gun in fear. Fear of what she might do. Afraid of her... protential. Attempting to destroy nature once again, probably thinking that it'd be as easy as it always was. Sometimes nature itself made her sick, how passive it is. It should just grow a body and kill most humans it encounters. Oh wait. She looked over her shoulder at the man and narrowed her eyes. Turning completely in order to face her before lowering her arms from the fold. "Hmph... how typical." she sighed ever-so-slightly, her eyes slipping into a roll. "You seem so sure that man will prevail over nature, 'as it always will'.' She laughed and dragged her moist purple tongue across her rose red lips, creating an exotic contrast. 'Well, sir, nature has never had a temper quite like ME!' immediately, she thrust her foot forward and infront of her, massive churning roots exploded violently from the dirt and rocketed forward - tearing the earth up in their charge.

The resultant destruction caused dirt to weave upwards in a secluding smoke screen. From behind it she thrust her hands upwards and grew three plants at either side of her botanical body, each with ballistic blue flowers at their head. With a point, they began to fire and regrow these petals at frightening speeds, the projectiles zooming forward like razor bullets to lay down supporting fire - hopefully through the dust cloud they'd catch the man unawares. The vine around her wrist readied itself for use, becoming much longer - extending to the dirt like a whip. The red, spiked tip grew larger and became much... sharper. And so it begins.

How plants react to agents. WSIrRjr
"Our seasons are reversed. My spring, humanity's fall!"
actually zyra says that but shhhh
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : i got beat up by elaine once

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 170
Location : Ireland.
Age : 27
Job : I wish.
Humor : Did you hear about the dwarf's joke? It fell short.
Registration date : 2013-03-15

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How plants react to agents. Empty Re: How plants react to agents.

Post by The Doctor August 25th 2014, 6:32 am

Williams watched as the roots darted forward, but it didn't seem to be directed at him. He easily managed to step out of the way of such a linear attack but then it became clear as he looked back. Dirt all through the air as a thin veil. It was difficult for him to see through, impossible actually. He smiled, thrilled that there was another individual that was more discrete about their methods, one who thought outside the box. This most CERTAINLY wasn't the same plant woman who was at New York City. She got smarter. Sadly, the "smokescreen" was more to Williams' advantage than it was her own. The energy signature readings on his glasses showed him quite clearly the outline of the woman and the blooming of peddles. Williams' eyes narrowed. Well shit, she was going to fire those wasn't she? Unlike Williams' however, the smokescreen surely blinded her as well allowing him to dart off to the side as she fired. Keeping his wits and his reflexes about him, he began to barrel through the smoke-screen at a strafe. Concealed within the dust now he began to keep moving, always altering path.

He anticipated the inability to see him as a "fire at random" provoking procedure, and perhaps that would be accurate, because that was going to be the only way they had any chance to even touch him within the screen. But while that was waiting he brought up his right arm, aimed right for the growing plant "energy" he saw around the plant-woman's wrist It now extended to the ground. With a well placed shot the bullet was aimed and it was sent flying. With any luck the bullet would hit the whip, then again when you have a high-tech gun propelling a bullet faster than most bullets could fathom it was difficult to imagine it wouldn't. But that didn't really matter to Williams. Herofall was on it's first round of ammunition, and he had time to kill, he had placements he needed to make, he had little tiny details to take note of, and more importantly he had to see how well this smokescreen tactic worked for him. It may be useful in the future, though he was impressed by this whole tactic. Even with his near god-like reflexes, processing and reaction time, he managed to get a small cut on the suit breaking the skin. Would have been bad if he had been even a fraction of a second late. But then again, when was he ever late?

How plants react to agents. The_do10
The Doctor
The Doctor
A Drunk Homosexual

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 162
Job : I'm a Doctor
Humor : "People remember me for being the creature with the child armor...I regret nothing."
Registration date : 2014-07-09

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How plants react to agents. Empty Re: How plants react to agents.

Post by Thistle August 25th 2014, 3:18 pm

The human had managed to avoid a vast majority of the razor bullets, however, Thistle simply tracked him with one eye. Something he must not have known about her was her about to see through all botanical life. See, hear... feel. She smirked, and didn't allow herself to flinch when the man's returning fire tore straight through the whip dangling at her side. She raised on eyebrow in a wicked movement and within nano-seconds, pink lotus flowers bloomed in the dirt between his feet and exploded  - and unless he moved, his lower regions would become slashed and sliced by dangerous storm of blades. While that was serving as a method of crippling or distracting him, the whip extended down once again; her using her phenomenal plant powers to regrow it within seconds. As she'd suspected. He was much more adept at combat than most humans in the past had ever proven to be. The manevour she did at the start is usually enough to eliminate the vast majority. She would have to be extra careful and extra... thorough.

The small floral firing squad was was sprouted at her side tracked his body through the dirt as well, and maintained fire. The grin on Thistle lips remained, and she began to walk forward slowly. With graceful movements, the whip swirled and slashed around in the air in a mezmerising and enchanting dance, before she grunted loudly and brought it swiping to the right; the bright red bludgeon about to smash him directly in the head.

How plants react to agents. WSIrRjr
"Our seasons are reversed. My spring, humanity's fall!"
actually zyra says that but shhhh
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : i got beat up by elaine once

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 170
Location : Ireland.
Age : 27
Job : I wish.
Humor : Did you hear about the dwarf's joke? It fell short.
Registration date : 2013-03-15

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How plants react to agents. Empty Re: How plants react to agents.

Post by The Doctor August 25th 2014, 3:54 pm

Williams' glasses alerted him as he looked between his legs. Well this would be most unpleasant. Williams made use and dashed off to the side. He tucked and rolled as the explosion popped off behind. As he rolled he felt the clip of the shoulder. She could see him, she had to be able too...there was no way they could be this goddamn accurate without theme having some form of sensory. The common theme here was plants. looked up and his eyes narrowed. She began to flourish the whip a little and that's then he timed. It. As it was stated before, he was using Herofall's first type of ammunition. Explosive rounds.

She arched the whip, and with flawless reaction time, and inhuman processing seeming to slow time with intense concentration he watches. When it was closest to her head he pressed the button on Herofall...and the ammunition and the residual areas it scuffed exploded. Now he had another issue to deal with. Nature itself. Williams had to keep moving, firing similar shots at the nearby plants as he tried to avoid being sliced in half. He was glad his reaction time is as it was. Had he been any less skilled he would have been dead minutes ago. But for now, it was just one gash on the left calf and a couple cuts that pierced the suit and barely broke the skin. As he danced around, avoiding it all he reached into his pocked and pressed the button of the screecher sphere. His own ear-implants made him immune, but what this screecher began to do was emit a painful screech, one that began to hinder and shut down motor function. Concentrated sound, real world riot technology on steroids. If Williams was anywhere near accurate her sensory would be tied with these plants she were using...if not ALL plants. She would hear this for every single plant near by... the Biotic Goddess would feel this... and soon Williams would emerge the victor,. It was a matter of survival now, and reaction. Giving no quarter he kept in a defensive stance.

How plants react to agents. The_do10
The Doctor
The Doctor
A Drunk Homosexual

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 162
Job : I'm a Doctor
Humor : "People remember me for being the creature with the child armor...I regret nothing."
Registration date : 2014-07-09

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How plants react to agents. Empty Re: How plants react to agents.

Post by Thistle August 27th 2014, 5:12 pm

Raging red light filled the air behind her, a wave of heat and force sent the goddess forward. She she let out of pained breath, nose kissing the dirt. Getting onto all fours and she looked at the human with an expression that would boil the blood of any meer man. The rage that was carried on it was almost tangible. Wiping a fist across her lip, she raised the whip once more. However, an ear splitting scream erupted from the man. She roared in response and turned her gaze upon him. Her own connection to nature was becoming her own doing. Whatever this sound was, it was seeping into all of the plant life and being amplified back to her. Falling to her knees, she clutched the sides of her head. I'm sorry my babies. With a thought, she weakened the connection between herself and nature - no longer able to hear through flora. The sound had been massively muffled, returning to a bearable pitch; for now. Her gaze fell upon the man, who appeared to be clutching onto something. "Bastard!" she grunted at him - rising from her knees. Flowers began to grow at her feet, and within a blink - a huge one sprawled beneath her.

Thistle's form sunk into the flower as if it were water. Petals began swirling through the air making the brief spectacle remarkably alluring to watch. Within 3 seconds, there was almost no trace that the goddess had even been there; with the exception of the overly large plants in the area. However, infront of the man, at speeds difficult to comprehend a flower bloomed and grew large. Immediately she rushed upwards, her hands attempting to clutch onto the orb and if they were succesful in that, she'd bring a foot downwards to kick the man directly on the nose to try and stun him. Behind him, sharp wooden ropes began slithering from the dirt, and tried to wrap themselves around his elbows to stop him from retaliating immediately. If she was able to wrestle the orb from the man, she'd throw it behind her, where a large wooden arm would grab it and stuff it under the dirt to try and muffle the noise, which was escalating rapidly.

The 6 blue gun flowers that had been blown up, had slumped over. However they were regenerating quickly and it wouldn't be long before they were back in this fight.

How plants react to agents. WSIrRjr
"Our seasons are reversed. My spring, humanity's fall!"
actually zyra says that but shhhh
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Quote : i got beat up by elaine once

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Location : Ireland.
Age : 27
Job : I wish.
Humor : Did you hear about the dwarf's joke? It fell short.
Registration date : 2013-03-15

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How plants react to agents. Empty Re: How plants react to agents.

Post by The Doctor August 27th 2014, 8:27 pm

William's glasses made it quite clear that this large ass flower appeared and she stepped into it, and then suddenly she was gone. Was it a teleportation, no other way plausible would elude his spec's like this. Okay Gaia-anna didn't have THAT power. Williams smirked as he anticipated an attack from behind but once again there was a surprise. He had to admit, the woman was driven.... manipulating little things behind him like this. He didn't know what they were for, and he didn't care. The gun hadn't moved really, and it didn't take much effort to pull a trigger and press the button at almost the same time and send a bullet right at her as she closed in to grab the screecher sphere. There was one of two things that was going to happen in his mind. Williams just shot the bitch and blew a huge hole in her.... or Williams just shot and detonated the damn bullet so close that Williams as about to give both him and her a terrifying surprise. He had prepared and already activated his AIM's. His glasses activated it's Adaptive Improvisation Modules and he gained a rather appreciated boost (+4 Durability) as he was blown aside.

   He rolled, pushing off and  stepped to the side as he tried to regain balance. He didn't get out of that unharmed, and he wouldn't lie. He was hurting, any human would be from something like that, but the fire that caught from the explosion made him smile, not because he wanted it to burn. Oh no, but because he wanted to watch nature burn. This hurt him more than this bitch would ever watch the nature erupt into flames. He smiled as the light of the flames slid across his glassed with a shine. The Screecher-sphere had been thrown off to the side behind him. He'd have walked up to take it, but no telling when roots would sprout. Instantly upon his thoughts, the gun altered and Herofall changed shots Herofall's fifth round. He fired out and the bullet dug into the screecher-sphere's shell, making it alter in sound, making the sound far more bearable, but that didn't change the fact that the riot weapon was still slowly incapacitating all life nearby. Pressing a button after he fired, an energy tether fired out and zipped the Screecher sphere back into Williams hand.

 "Tick tock..." He said, pressing a button on his watch as if setting the time, but sadly that wasn't the case. Herofall altered once more and a bubble shield was deployed , preventing things entry, if even for a moment to catch his bearings, even the ground beneath him was safe for the moment. He had triggered something that he intended to use to his advantage. But soon it would be too late for the plant woman. This place was going down in flames.

How plants react to agents. The_do10
The Doctor
The Doctor
A Drunk Homosexual

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 162
Job : I'm a Doctor
Humor : "People remember me for being the creature with the child armor...I regret nothing."
Registration date : 2014-07-09

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How plants react to agents. Empty Re: How plants react to agents.

Post by Thistle September 3rd 2014, 11:23 pm

In all her glory she tore from the ground, body sheathed in nature. However, in her haste, she forgot something extremely important. Less than a foot away from her stomach, the man fired yet another explosive bullet. The explosion itself was enough to send her kicking through the air. Rolling along the grass, dirt splashing upwards, the green Goddess remained still for a moment - breathing slowly. However, like a flower in spring her body began to rise upwards. Contorting in an almost unnatural manner, she folded herself back into a stand and exhaled again. Her stomach was burning, the force of the blast was enough to clear her off most of the flames but her entire body ached. The plants that curled around her abdomen were stained black, having shielded her from the portion of the explosion that would've torn her asunder, so she allowed them to fall from her skin and meld with the scorched skin of the earth. How dare he. With slow steps, she began walking towards the man - who pulled the metallic sphere back onto his person. He had done something to it, the raking sound wasn't as intense but it still felt as if someone was circling her brain with a spikey whisk. Albeit a smaller one.

She was about to lift her hand and craft another form of disaster for the man but his body became coated in a bright blue orb, and Thistle had to look away for a brief moment, the new bright light stinging her eyes. Whatever it was, she'd seen something similar - a 'forcefield'. She rolled her eyes ever so slightly and instead of wasting energy trying to crush the man's shield and him in turn, she took a moment to have a deep breath. One upside to the newly introduced sphere was that it gave her an opportunity to put an end to that dreadful racket. Closing her eyes, roots grew around the sphere, until none of the blue light could be seen by her. The plants pressed tightly against the orb but they were nowhere near intense enough to be intending to break it, but the twisted netting was dense enough to contain the soundwaves. As time creeped along, the pain that was coursing through her arms and legs began to fade. She brought two fingers to her lips and used them to slowly wipe the blood that was coming from her mouth away. The goddess crossed her arms and decided that this time, she would await man to make its move first. Whatever that might be.

How plants react to agents. WSIrRjr
"Our seasons are reversed. My spring, humanity's fall!"
actually zyra says that but shhhh
Post Mate
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Status :

Quote : i got beat up by elaine once

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 170
Location : Ireland.
Age : 27
Job : I wish.
Humor : Did you hear about the dwarf's joke? It fell short.
Registration date : 2013-03-15

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How plants react to agents. Empty Re: How plants react to agents.

Post by The Doctor September 4th 2014, 1:16 am

This woman was annoying. But unfortunately for her, time runs out. Williams smiled as the roots began to cover over the sphere, trying to dampen the sound. The sound was able to be used to his advantage, the sensory she had through the plants was shut down, and if it were turned back on, she would hear the deafening screech once more. But she was deaf to the pleas of the forest, as the pods flew through it. The Plasma jets burned as the pods flew in weaving, fire catching all throughout the forest, there were three grand fires, and soon they would envelop everything, and This woman was none the wiser of it. Even if she did something now, ever since he pressed his button on his watch the pods had been at work, torching and burning. The Pods burned everything and fire spread manically as the pods raced towards Williams. Williams smiled as he cleared his throat. "Not bad..." He said as the pods arrived in a group of three. The plasma jets of the first two pods moved to burn roots away or weaken them, and Williams stepped back as a final pod crashed through both the plants and the barriers, the screecher sphere now audible once more, proving to have given only a few seconds reprieve, nothing substantial enough. Two of the pods retreated, but alas the third did not, it would serve it's own purpose. Not before opening and granting Williams a little better of an edge.

Williams then switched Herofall to the primary shots again, the small explosive rounds and he fired off in rapid succession, four shots. The shots lodged themselves into the pod and the pod flew forward to burst a hole in the burning plant life. The final pod took off and Williams stepped forward as he cleared his throat. The Two pods were headed elsewhere, likely to do what Williams had prompted them, the final pod sent itself barreling towards Thistle and when it was close enough, or the second that it come in contact with a sufficient stopping power he'd press the button, triggering all four shots to explode. A single explosion was more than enough to his the plasma-cells fuel, meaning an even more brilliant explosion of blue fire everywhere. Once this explosion went off burning fuel would be scattered and blue fire would start to burn all around...Somewhere in the world, Michael Bay sensed a disturbance in his explosion sense.

   Though Williams' secret weapon was still out there...Derka. It was watching Thistle, learning from her...Derka. It was waiting for her to slip up...Derka It was ever vigilent to it's master's call... Derk-derka-derka and it enjoyed saying Derka as if it were the Jaws themsong.  Derka-derka Derk-derk-derka!

How plants react to agents. The_do10
The Doctor
The Doctor
A Drunk Homosexual

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 162
Job : I'm a Doctor
Humor : "People remember me for being the creature with the child armor...I regret nothing."
Registration date : 2014-07-09

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