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Pilot (closed) Empty Pilot (closed)

Post by Bonjove August 6th 2014, 4:40 pm

It has been three years since Chris got out of prison and little has changed. He still lives on the streets, he is still selling drugs, and he was still motherless.  During his time in jail, he learned how to fight and weight lift. He got in too many fights and got many scars in the process. He slash marks across his eye, two going down his chest and a few on his arms. The night he when too jail something happened. He was stricken by golden lighting which made it easy to take him in. After he got out he felt different. He blew it off as nothing at the time, but things keep happening. He looked up form sitting next to a trash bin to see three guys. He knew what they want as they each held out money. He sighed to himself and took out drugs for them. He was wearing a red and black hoodie with the hood up, a red bandanna, blue jeans, and running shoes. Is this what god wanted for him to sell drugs until he dies. He needed something or someone to get in on the right path and fast.

Last edited by Bonjove on August 7th 2014, 1:13 am; edited 1 time in total
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Pilot (closed) Empty Re: Pilot (closed)

Post by Galaxy August 6th 2014, 5:09 pm

Wifi was scanning the streets looking for any baddies to take down. A simple neighborhood... shouldn't be to hard he thought to himself.

All of a sudden he saw a drug deal doing down. He didn't engage at first but instead he slipped on his goggles and tried to detect the criminals. Three newbies, never done any time for their crimes, and the dealer... 3 years in state penitentiary. Breaking parole eh? Time to go down town losers.

Wifi switched on his Night vision on his goggles and rushed in. He jumped from the building he was perched on, felt a strong electrical currents and dove right into the crowd. He kicked on of the buys right in the chest sending him backwards, but the other two buyers were pretty fast, they whipped out their knives and started stabbing. Wifi dodged a couple, but he was outmatched. He backed away from the druggies so he could take all four of them head on.

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Number of posts : 67
Registration date : 2014-07-24

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Pilot (closed) Empty Re: Pilot (closed)

Post by Bonjove August 6th 2014, 5:17 pm

Chris dropped the money and drugs in shock of the newcomer. He dove out of nowhere and started beating on his buyers. He when to the buyer on the ground and took his knife he threw his bag at the newcomer dropping a few more drugs, other things and a picture of his dead mother. He back away slowly from the fight. As he did this his hand felt weird. He looks at it and saw it was vibrating side to side at a very fast speed. He dropped the knife and grabbed his arm in panick.
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Registration date : 2014-08-04

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Pilot (closed) Empty Re: Pilot (closed)

Post by Galaxy August 6th 2014, 5:24 pm

Wifi started laughing at this dealer, apparently he had startled him so bad that he was having a panic attack or some kind of heart attack or something? But he couldn't worry about that now. Wifi stepped over the back that the guy had thrown towards the two buyers, he just noticed a picture of a woman, the buyer might have been related to, but he couldn't think about it now... she reminded him to much of his own mother who he had only seen through pictures.

Wifi leaped towards the two buyers, they connected in a tackle and sprawl kind of way, all three of them landing on the ground. Wifi grabbed the shirt of the guy on his right and punched him in the face, he then punched him again. Next Wifi picked up the second buyer and slammed him on the ground. With the three guys out of commission, for now at least, he walked towards the panicking guy slowly, trying to get the jump on him.

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Registration date : 2014-07-24

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Pilot (closed) Empty Re: Pilot (closed)

Post by Bonjove August 6th 2014, 5:34 pm

Chris was backing up slowly as the man was walking towards him. He was still holding his arm as he held it up he saw how fast it was moving side to side. It kept doing this and before he knew it it was invisible! He started breathing heavily and managed to stop his hand. He looked at the man and turned around to start running. As he started running he picked up a lot of wind behind him and was running at superspeed. He made it half way down the ally before he stopped himself tripping in the process.
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Pilot (closed) Empty Re: Pilot (closed)

Post by Galaxy August 6th 2014, 5:51 pm

Wifi saw the dealer shot off down the alley way.

"Holy cripes! he's a meta human! Hey you! stop where you are!" Wifi yelled to the dealer as he raced away.

Luckily the guy tripped and fell down, giving Wifi enough time to catch up to him. Wifi then got a length of wire from a nearby telephone pole and wrapped it around the meta's hands.

"Alright pal... your going down town for violating your parole... and from running away from... well... me I guess, that's not really a crime but its what ever."

Wifi then dragged the dealer back to the spot where the three other buyers were laying.

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Number of posts : 67
Registration date : 2014-07-24

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Pilot (closed) Empty Re: Pilot (closed)

Post by Bonjove August 6th 2014, 6:04 pm

Chris started to panick and before he knew it his whole body started vibrating."NO NO NO NOT AGAIN HELP,"yelled as he continued to vibrate.
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Pilot (closed) Empty Re: Pilot (closed)

Post by Galaxy August 6th 2014, 6:14 pm

"Woah there Al Capone! just chill out alright. calm yourself, I don't want to have to knock you out." Wifi says in a stern voice

Wifi drags the guy who is vibrating like crazy back to the fighting area and puts him next to all of the unconscious guys.

"Now, you mind telling me whats going on, and why you won't stop with this vibrating?" Wifi asks harshly

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Registration date : 2014-07-24

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Pilot (closed) Empty Re: Pilot (closed)

Post by Bonjove August 6th 2014, 6:22 pm

He continued to virbrate at superspeed as he somehow faded through the pole. As he got though the pole he managed to stop vibrating and ran to get the picture of his mother. He ran to the trash bin as sat next to it with his legs on his chest hugging them.I....I don't know man one day I get struck by lighting and a few years later I start vibrating and running crazy fast,"says as he pulled down his hoodie and bandanna showing his face and scars. By looking at him people can tell he is only 16.
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Pilot (closed) Empty Re: Pilot (closed)

Post by Galaxy August 6th 2014, 6:33 pm

"Hey man... wait, your only sixteen? Hey man... I'm seventeen. Who is that? your mother? Sister perhaps?" Wifi asked in a sincere tone, he wasn't sure why he was being so kind to the criminal but this guy made him feel like they both had something in common.

Wifi walked over to the kid who was sitting next to the trash can, and Wifi sat next to him. He lifted up his goggles to reveal his own face, no scars but the same expression. They were both lost.

"Listen man... I won't turn you in, but this is the only free pass your getting from me, I can see your pain... and you don't deserve it. Do you want to help me take these guys to the police station? It always the fun part, kind of like ding dong ditching..." Wifi asked in a playful manner.

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Number of posts : 67
Registration date : 2014-07-24

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Pilot (closed) Empty Re: Pilot (closed)

Post by Bonjove August 6th 2014, 6:40 pm

"It's my mother...she die 15 years back during a mugging,"says as he looked up and was shocked to hear that he was only a year older then him. He was greatfull to hear that he will let him go and asked him to help him take these guys to the station. Maybe this was what he was praying for."Ok I'll help,"says as he put on his bandanna and hoodie and when to grab his bag.
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Pilot (closed) Empty Re: Pilot (closed)

Post by Galaxy August 6th 2014, 6:46 pm

"Oh... I'm sorry to hear that... I never knew my mother, she died in a car crash the day I was born, trying to get me to the hospital, I never heard the full story but its in the past... it was seventeen years ago, you gotta move on."

Wifi got up from the trash can and headed over to three unconscious guys lined up on the street corner. He searched them for any weapons or other contraband. Wifi found one the first on two more knives, about $50 bucks in cash and a cellphone. On the second one was a pistol with three extra clips of ammo and another $50 bucks in cash. When he checked the third one, the guy rolled over and unloaded the clip at Wifi, he tried to back up in time, but as he wasn't fast enough the bullets were going to hit him, unless the kid could move fast enough to get Wifi out of the way.

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Registration date : 2014-07-24

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Pilot (closed) Empty Re: Pilot (closed)

Post by Bonjove August 6th 2014, 6:53 pm

Chris turned too see one of his buyers aiming his gun at Wifi. He dropped his bag and ran towards him at superspeed and picked him up. He set him down far down the alley and ran toward the buyer. He brought his fist to punch the buyer with all his force. As the punch connect the buyer was sent back in the sidewalk knocked out.
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Pilot (closed) Empty Re: Pilot (closed)

Post by Galaxy August 6th 2014, 8:25 pm

Wifi was amazed at the speed of this kid, Wifi was in complete awe of his speed. But Wifi wasn't so helpless, he got up and charged towards the group of thugs that had now woken up. Wifi got hold of an electrical wire and started riding it, picking up speed he jumped at the group, he super man punched one of the guys knocking him back and hitting his head on the pavement knocking him out. Wifi stumbled over the unconscious attack her had just knocked out and got up once more, but was suddenly tackled to the ground by the second assailant. The wrestled there for a minute or two, but then Wifi kicked him off of himself and looked to see if the kid was doing okay with the guy with the gun.

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Registration date : 2014-07-24

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Pilot (closed) Empty Re: Pilot (closed)

Post by Bonjove August 6th 2014, 8:35 pm

Chris picked up the buyer on the sidewalk and brought him too the others where wifi is. He set him on the other and handed wifi the gun.Can we go now I want to get back to my alley for the nightasks as he picked up one of the buyers.
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