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A Brilliant Mind [Cap]

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A Brilliant Mind [Cap] Empty A Brilliant Mind [Cap]

Post by JustRuka July 26th 2014, 9:55 am

Goddamn it, Dawn, is that smoke I smell!?“ a loud voice echoed from one of the rooms further from the kitchen. „I swear to God if you‘re pulling that Sun summoning thing again!“ a slightly silenced voice of Dawn‘s roommate still reached the ears of a young woman who had set a loaf of bread on fire. Several seconds later some loud steps could‘ve been heard, then a figure of Dawn‘s roommate Cindy appeared in the doorway, „For the last time, Sun rises REGARDLESS if you offer it food, this is the fifth time I tell you that!“ the woman yelled out obviously annoyed by the behavior of her roomie.  „I mean for God‘s sake you‘re a physics student... Third year!!! You've even been awarded for best grades in your course, how can you ace in kinematics without knowing that!? I‘ve been putting up with this bullshit for three years...Jeez“ the woman went back to her room. She probably knew that Dawn wouldn‘t roast the appartment and that there was no point in trying to get to her roommate.

After several seconds Dawn put the flame out and threw the crisped piece of bread into the thrash bin, her ritual was complete. The woman could not understand how could her roommate say that Sun rises regardless of her sacrifice, obviously during the winter when she‘s more busy and doesn‘t have that much time to sacrifice food for the Sun the ball of fire does not appear at the same rhythm. Or maybe it had something to do with the rotation of the Earth just like her professor briefly mentioned but didn‘t elaborate on? It is so unfortunate that Dawn had to skip the precious years of this dimension‘s highschool. It felt like starting to study the mystical arts from the most advanced forms, physics certainly was as mystical an art as it got. Dawn was already ready to go before she decided to make sure that the Sun‘s hunger for sacrifices is sated.

That day was supposed to be a very special one, the professor of thermodynamics has invited a very special guest to read a lecture on his work. From what Dawn read about him in the mystical library of the internet it appeared that he was one of the most famous mystics of physics known to this dimension. He would certainly have very ground-breaking ideas about his subject and Dawn drank overwhelming doses of potion known as coffee that her roommate drinks when she wishes to concentrate. So far Dawn has been trying to avoid trying that concoction but this special occasion appeared as good as any to try it. After all what better occasion could there be then one of the most skilled mystics reading a lecture of his craft. After finishing the last cup of coffee Dawn took her bag and rushed to the lecture.

College was not that far away from the apartment that she and Cindy were renting from an old lady who moved into the city from some place called Poland. It appeared that the old lady started fresh in New York when she first arrived but soon got a small business of renting students apartments for slightly higher than usual prices to sustain her small business. Dawn did not know her roommate that well, the young woman was same age that Dawn was which meant that Cindy started college late as well, so far the woman hasn’t told the physics student why it was so. Dawn herself only started college at twenty years old because she had only arrived into this dimension at that age, until then she lived in the Home dimension. Dawn always wanted to know what Cindy’s reason for later age of starting studies was, probably mostly of curiosity.

A groupie stopped Dawn near the entrance, “Hey, Dawn, you’re early. That excited, huh?” he asked. The one that stopped the woman was not the best example of a Earth dimension local – he somehow knew that Dawn was not from around and kept bugging her for this dimension currency for different things. Yet the woman’s secret was safe the young man only thought that she was from another country or a continent, something called the Europe. People from the Europe were apparently very weird or so John claimed. Dawn wished to meet some of the people from there, seeing how she was also rather strange she’d probably have a lot in common with those people. “Say Dawn, have 10 bucks to spare? Borrow me some to burrow it into the ground so that… The leaves grow back in spring.

Was that not why you borrowed ten dollars of currency last year, John?” Dawn asked, the man smiled “Well, the leaves grew back, didn’t they?” Dawn shrugged her shoulders and gave the man his ten dollars. John often borrowed money for physics rituals and he always gave them back, from what Dawn heard he had debts to the whole college but he always gave her the money back. “He’s such a nice fellow doing the ritual for all of us…” Dawn thought to herself. She wondered how do the Earth dimension people know who should do this peculiar ritual each autumn, after all if a lot of people perform it and one is all that is needed is that not waste of dollar currency? Some physics rituals were strange and what was stranger that professors in college never spoke about how to perform them, only how the mystical forces of physics worked. Dawn always found it rather odd, wasn’t how to sustain those mystical forces the main part? Learning physics was much different from what Dawn had imagined.

Professor stood up and spoke for a while, he probably thought that for some reason his students would not study until just before the exams so he wanted to let them know the basics about what the guest would be talking about. “Why would he think so lowly of us that we would not study? Does the world’s balance not depend on our knowledge of arts of physics?” Dawn wondered to herself. She knew very well what the lecture was supposed to be about since she studied whole year long because she believed that knowledge of physics was integral to the existence of this world. The way she saw it if the laws of physics are not given their sacrifices, what stops an angered gamma-ray burst from frying everything? Was that not why she left that page from books of physics incantations under her mattress? No, that was from rogue black holes and solar flares… “Alright, you can come in now, Mr. Vergil.” The words of professor abruptly tore the young woman’s attention from her wild fears back to the lecture.


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A Brilliant Mind [Cap] Empty Re: A Brilliant Mind [Cap]

Post by Capt'n Sinnarr July 26th 2014, 1:50 pm

As the Professor let him know that he was ready for him, Vergil opened the door and walked over to the man and shook his hand. Once he took his place behind a stand with a microphone, he looked around to see if everyone could see him. Placing his glasses on the stand, he looked down on them as if he just remembered that his visual degradation had long since become a thing of the past, only wearing it out of habit. Tapping against the microphone with his finger, he made sure that everyone knew that he was ready to begin his lecture. Wearing a black suit with a white undershirt and a red tie, he could not help but feel overdressed in a room where even the professor seemed to be dressed up in a rather casual manner. As he looked across the room, there were a lot of people that were roughly the same age as him while others were even older than he was. For some it would feel weird to give a lecture to such people, though Vergil had gotten rather used to it by speaking to the press, giving lectures at meetings and by speaking to his staff. Waiting for all of the faces to turn towards him, he did not feel like starting if no one paid attention, not being afraid to start his speech up in an assertive manner if he had to. Now that things had gotten rather quiet in the room, it seemed like now would be as good a time as any to start while the attention was still focused on him.

"Hello to you, my fellow physicists. My name is Vergil Bartholomew Aiken, but you can call me Vergil to save you the trouble of memorizing a name you most likely already know. After all, a large portion of this building was restored with money I pumped into this facility of higher learning. But all of that aside, the ones that do know me most likely do so because of the large building you can see when you look out of that window. I am talking of course about Steel Industries Tower, a company started by my father shortly after the second world war. When my father passed on, I was the only successor to the throne, which is why I am now the youngest CEO you'll find in these parts.".

Taking a moment to let those that had no idea as to who he was sink in what he just said, he could tell that a few people were not that interested in what he had to say, being quite busy with their own interesting conversations. Caring very little about such people, he figured that those that did not want to learn anything were in no way forced to do so. Had he been forced to study and waste time doing things he did not want to do, he knew that he would never have gotten to the point where he was at today. That said, the things he had built over the years were a part of why he was so darn smart, having always allowed him to learn things at an accelerated pace, making some people consider his mind to be some sort of encyclopedia. To those who were keen on noticing such things, there was a lot of intentional bigotry and sarcasm in his introduction. This was meant to show others that if they worked hard enough, they too might be able to live in a place like the Tower, to have a large amount of wealth and do something with their knowledge in order to make the world a better place, even if just a little. Momentarily bringing up that the facility he was in was pretty much his already, it was not the only thing he had been funding. The destruction around New York had left a lot of people without a home, left a lot of kids out in the cold on their own while many animals had no families to return to either. While he believed that places where people could learn and increase their knowledge was important, though that was not nearly as important as family and shelter, this being the reason why he had been funding several orphanages, animal shelters and started building serial-homes that could be purchased for very low prices.

"Being a physicist is just one of the things I tend to call myself. To name a few, Technological genius, Physicist, Astronomer, Geologist, Generous, Handsome etcetera etcetera. Why I am telling you this is rather simple, to tell you all that I have a wonderful life. Was it easy to get here? Most certainly not. When I was a boy, my father was told that I would most likely not live past the age of five, unless I was to be kept alive in a vegetative state. Technology, and my father of course, are the very reason that I am alive and kicking on this very day. I was lucky that my father was who he was, seeing as a lot of people were not fortunate enough to have a multi-millionaire father. Now that he is no longer with us, I vowed that I would help the world, mostly those who are not capable of helping themselves through technology, medicine and more. If there are those among you who share this dream, I can always use some skilled minds to help out around the tower. That said, you won't have to worry about your payments to this facility, most of it is already mine anyway. Now, to start our lecture on energy in natural and artificial forms".

Continuing with yet another joke, he quickly paced into a more serious state of mind, even if only a little. It was often the people that knew they could have a good future that did the most with themselves, so putting out a job offer to everyone in the room seemed like a good idea to get everyone to both pay attention to his lecture, as well as feel like they too could make a difference in the world. Whether they would invent a new kind of green energy, figure out new ways to cure diseases or create a new kind of weaponry that could protect against enemies not of this world, Vergil was not the kind of person that felt like wasting knowledge, even if it was the kind of dangerous knowledge that would be more likely to rip the world apart than actually heal the damage that had already been done. At the end of the day, even the best intentions could be used for evil, while the worst of inventions could be used for good.  Moving on, he started his lecture on energy, using a large holographic light with which he could both show and explain everything in a visual manner, finding that this always helped the trained chimpanzees they kept in the labs understand things faster. Explaining the purpose behind things such as solar and wind energy and the machinery he used to capture and utilize it, he could only hope that his hour long presentation and lecture had managed to reach at least a few of them. Rounding it all up, he still had a bit to say to these students before he left the room to take a break.

"That was all I had to say for the day. I hope you learned something today, because you won't get a refund in case you didn't. As for those of you who are interested in that job offer, i'll be in the next room for the next hour. If you don't make it there today, you can always find me in the tower. Whatever choice you might make, understand that you are not obligated to work for me, but to not do so is quite a stupid decision if you ask me.".

Capt'n Sinnarr
Capt'n Sinnarr

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Number of posts : 40
Registration date : 2012-05-13

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A Brilliant Mind [Cap] Empty Re: A Brilliant Mind [Cap]

Post by JustRuka July 26th 2014, 4:53 pm

The so called genius that the professor invited to give his lecture was nothing Dawn expected him to be. He definitely looked more like the age at which one would still be in college or blowing them away in one of those professions that were considered lowly in this dimension. While he was certainly of similar age that most of the students in the hall were Vergil definitely looked much more refined and had this strange look like he was completely sure of what he was doing here and completely backed himself up. It was a lot how Dawn wanted to feel most of the time, have no fear of screwing things up and making a fool of herself for no reason except her own lack of experience. While the man carried around his glasses he did not appear to need them, this confused Dawn a little, the young woman did not understand what quirks were and thought that for everything there had to be a clever reason or explanation.

Ever since the guest opened his mouth and said the first few words it was obvious that this was not your average everyday personality. This man had strange attraction to him, he knew what and when to say to exactly make his point clear and if he didn’t he simply didn’t seem to care. It was the first time that Dawn saw the example of what the word charismatic defined. The man did not lack self-confidence but it looked like it was more that of a healthy kind instead of disgusting one, every time he praised himself there was basis for his words. He spoke of the origins of the Steel Industries Tower, something that the student read about when she read about this famous genius online. Not that much reading had to be done to know about one of the most prominent landmarks around the city.

Most students were interested in the man’s lecture at first. Yet with every ten or fifteen minutes of his speech parts of crowd just started to do something else, even the intro speech which was quite filled with social interactions with his crowd like jokes and references to their knowledge. By the time that Vergil got to the actual lecture only the most loyal fans of his personality or the most nerdy students stayed focused. By no means did that mean that Mr. Vergil was a bad spokesman or did not know what he’s talking about, it was just the way all students acted. All except for Dawn who had a fascination for craft that was considered mystical in her dimension. It was like what an ordinary person would feel who suddenly started studying magic all of a sudden.

That fascination with the mysticism of physics was probably what made Dawn not let her attention slip from the lecture for even one second. It was so amazing seeing a person who lived and breathed in the things he was talking about especially if those things were so weird and mystical for the woman. It was like meeting the supreme magician while being a normal person and listening to him talk about his mystical crafts. When the guest spoke about the chance to work in the Steel Industries tower Dawn knew that she had to try. She wasn’t a genius by her intellect capacity and wasn’t the prodigy of the craft so it was likely that a genius like Vergil wouldn’t accept her application but at least she’d get the chance to see and breathe the mysticism of physics. To see the place where physics was made, where laws of physics were defined and bent to their limits.

Then again Vergil reminded the young woman of the man who destroyed her people and ravaged her home dimension. The scientist kind who was looking for more, exploring and conquering wherever they treaded to. It was this curiosity that both Vergil and Dawn herself to some extent had, wish to explore the laws of what was considered a constant in this dimension that caused the destruction of her people and death of most of her kind. As much as fascinating it was hearing about all the different things Vergil spoke about Dawn just couldn’t help but feel this dark bitterness. In a way she was a traitor to her people. First thing she did, after moving into the other dimension, was enroll into a college to study physics – the mystical arts that killed her people. It didn’t help that she was genuinely interested in it as well.

After Vergil finished his lecture and left the hall Dawn could hear a lot of talking in between the students, it appeared that she was by far not the only one interested in meeting this genius man and possibly work for him in one of the most prestigious and famous landmarks in the location called New York. “Oh my God, I’m totally applying for that job… That Vergil guy is pretty hot.” Dawn overheard a conversation in a row behind her after standing up and putting her notebook and pens inside her bag. “He does not have the qualities of emanating heat… Why would she say that?” Dawn wondered, “Yeah, imagine working in that place and having access to the biggest personality on TV, that guy has jackpot written all over him…” the friend of the student duo behind Dawn replied.

It was pretty obvious that Dawn would try her shot at getting the job as well, “It looks like those girls wanted to work for him just for the possibility of a physical reproductional relationship with Mr. Vergil… That’s strange, is that common among people here?” the student wondered as she stood in line of students waiting to talk to the man. It was quite ironic how most of them paid absolutely no attention to the man during his lecture and yet when given the opportunity to work for him took it with quite the excitement. “It appears that the line is bigger than I thought… If the reasons for wishing to work in Steel Industries are so numerous this Vergil will have quite a stressful day deciding who to pick for his job."

And finally after most of the queue was done with applying for the job, whether it was successful or not, finally Dawn happened to meet the genius called Vergil face to face with time closing in to the hour the man had to spend in talking with applicants. “Mr. Vergil, my name is Dawn Smith, I enjoyed your lecture greatly and I would like to work for you.” The woman said in quite a rushed tone, she knew that she didn’t have too much time so she had to do what she could. “My reasons for wanting to work for you are not as strange and intricate as some of my peers, I simply wish to see the place where mysticism of physics comes to life and to be a part of that process.” Dawn said after the queue moved to her. “Maybe if I got an actual constant job, Cindy would stop yelling at me so much…” Dawn wondered to herself, it was true that paying the rent was not that easy just from the doubled scholarship for exceptional performance. A job may have helped patch things up with her roommate and help her forget all of Dawn’s quirks, in addition to dealing with her natural curiosity.

This one’s one of our better students, some of her practical experiments in the lab were a little weird as she does have some quirks with the way she works but her grades are great.” The professor appeared to be assisting the man with some of the evaluation of the personalities of the applying students. It may have been accomplished by a casual conversation but seeing how many students decided to apply for working in Steel Industries some guidance was obviously necessary.


Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 15
Location : Zimbabwe, Russia
Age : 32
Job : Whatever I get my hands on during summer
Humor : My life is a humor -_-
Registration date : 2014-07-23

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A Brilliant Mind [Cap] Empty Re: A Brilliant Mind [Cap]

Post by Capt'n Sinnarr July 27th 2014, 10:19 am

Taking a short break after his lecture, he sat down in a small room that was mostly empty, save for a few seats and the desk he was sitting on. Pulling an orange out of his pocket, he started peeling it out of it's skin before eating it piece by piece. Even though his assistant had prepared him a small luxury meal, all he really felt like having right now was a piece of fruit. Saving the rest of his meal in his bag for later, the first few people started walking up to the door. Working down the last piece of fruit, he called the first person into the room. The first person that answered was a dark haired woman, roughly the same age as himself. When he asked her what kind of things interested her the most about science, she spoke about her love for reptiles and amphibian life-forms and how they most likely had a lot to offer to humanity in terms of physical abilities such as regeneration on a cellular level and more. She also stated that she hated how the habitat of these animals was disappearing the more humanity grew and in turn needed more living space in the form of cities. Requesting to see her scores, it seemed that she was quite knowledgeable in the field of biology and was no fool when it came to physics either. It became clear to him that this woman had a good heart, and when it came to science, having a good heart could be considered as one of the strongest driving forces in the world, surpassed only by desperation.

"I can't honestly say that we have a lot of researchers working on reptilian species beyond that which is currently happening on skinks, as well as the amphibian Axolotl. If you would be willing to become a part of a team that would work on investigating more of these species that have similar regenerative abilities, maybe we can set out larger protected zones where these creatures can live without mankind building summer homes in their territory. If you'd be interested, you can consider yourself hired.".

Instantly taking him up on his offer, he pulled a contract out of his bag, granting her access to the biology department of Steel Industries and binding her to the company for an undefined amount of time. This was not because it allowed the company to end the contract at any given time, it was so that the people that signed up were not forced to stay with the company for a long time. After all, a company as big as Steel Industries had nothing to fear from being sued. After writing down her signature, she left the room and let the next person in. While the girl had left a good impression, the next five or so that entered the room seemed to be in it entirely for the money. Aside from having good grades, they seemed to have no preferences as to the kind of work they'd be doing, leading Vergil to believe that they were not the kind of employees he should want for his company. After these few were pointed back to the door, an older man, roughly in his forties entered the room. When asked what kind of stuff interested him, he responded by telling him just how interested he had been with the lecture about energy taken from natural sources such as water, wind and the sun. As he spoke primarily about solar energy, he opened a bag of his own, pulling out sketches and blueprints he had made up, showing some devices that would improve photovoltaics, solar thermal collectors made from more durable materials and even a machine that could increase the amount of oxygen created through artificial photosynthesis, though this was not yet tested. Taking some of the blueprints and sketches from the man, he took a few minutes to look into it before speaking.

"Solar energy is one of the most important forms of clean energy in the world, at least in my opinion, so seeing people who are as interested in it as you really warms my heart. While I am not entirely certain about how your photosynthesis device will increase the oxygen generated through this process, I am more than willing to finance such a thing. Sign this contract and I will make sure that you get the amount of brainpower, funding and materials you'll need in order to make this work back at the Tower. You may consider yourself hired.".

Once these words were spoken, the man instantly brought up a couple of friends that were still waiting outside, people that had been helping him with his designs. Telling him to send these people in together, he took a moment to assess their personalities before contracting them too, assigning them to the same team as the older man. In the next few hours, the young CEO contracted twenty-four people, each working on something they felt was important for the sake of the planet, it's flora and fauna as well as the human race itself. Ranging from particle science, robotics, energy, wildlife and preservation, genetics and cellular studies, space travel and more, there was one last person waiting outside. Having already spent far more time than he originally planned on spending on these people, he had become curious about the kinds of people that worked here, in turn pushing him to do all of the hiring himself. It was his company after all. Calling the last person in, he was pleasantly surprised as to how she called Mister Vergil. Most people had not called him by name out of respect or fear, though she did not seem to be bothered by it much. Calling herself Dawn Smith, she told him that she had enjoyed his lecture and would love to work for him. Enjoying the positive feedback about his lecture, she continued to tell him about she wanted to see how the "Mysticism" of physics came to life and to be a part of that process. Never in his life had he ever heard anyone refer to physics as mysticism because it sounded quite tacky. When the professor that had been assigned with telling him about personal grades told him that this person was one who had some quirks, he also claimed that she was one of the better students in his class.

"So, you would want to see the Mysticism of physics come to life and be a part of it. I won't lie, you are the first person I have ever heard calling physics a form of mysticism. Why I'd say this is because there is nothing spiritual about physics, it follows exact laws and allows one to unravel the mysteries of the universe, rather than making up stories and shrouding the mind with lies about gods and transcendence. Your grades do seem to be among the best of your class, though there are a few things I would like to know about you before I make a decision as to whether you'll be working for me or not. The most important thing here is not that which you are best at, because everyone can be good at something as long as they try hard enough and spend enough time on it. What I want to know is, what takes your preference, what do you enjoy doing and spending time on. Is it biology, robotics, energy, medicine etcetera etcetera.".

Asking her a few questions about the things she was interested in the most, he did not want to go by an assessment made by someone else, even though the things Vergil could figure out in a few minutes would never be in any way similar to that of a man that had spent years with these people. While he did not discard the words of the professor, he still wanted to see and hear for himself the reasons as to why she would want to work for him and which fields took her interest. Being a man of pride, doing things his way would always take priority when matched against a decision made by someone else.

Capt'n Sinnarr
Capt'n Sinnarr

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A Brilliant Mind [Cap] Empty Re: A Brilliant Mind [Cap]

Post by JustRuka July 27th 2014, 2:32 pm

Vergil was one of the people around the Earth dimension who didn’t believe that physics was mystical. This was not by any mean a unique opinion, in fact most people to whom Dawn had told that there may have been any mysticism about physics or any branch of science they’d shut her down. It was a commonly accepted fact that physics was not anything that was mystical in this dimension, the woman had noticed the difference of physics taking the role here that was taken by magic in her own dimension. Still the more Dawn studied physics the more she understood that not only physics had the properties of mystery and mysticism to it, despite being the constant laws, but also had things in common with magic. Of course the way she saw it, Dawn was nowhere near as smart as Vergil but she still wanted to get her point through.

Actually my preferences are quite close to why I believe there’s mysticism in physics. People around this… Country…  Believe that there is nothing mystical with physics, yet for some reason they consider thing like magic mystical. In the place where I was raised in, physics was just as mystical as creating life out of inanimate objects would be to any of New Yorkers. I personally enjoy nothing more in physics then engineering, it creates concepts and even things with their own programmed minds out of lifeless objects. Things that accomplish tasks that could not be done without them. A lot of people believe that magic is just science which current scientists do not understand, I say that physics already is mystical in nature. Skilled engineers can easily create an object which a normal citizen could call alive and intelligent. Physics has reached a point in its reach where stumbling upon a new invention only opens possibilities for dozens of more, answering a question only raises more questions and seeing how physicists sometimes work with concepts they cannot fully grasp themselves only reveals how close what we call magic is to the core of theoretical physics."

The answer that Dawn gave to Vergil was only her own personal opinion, the way she saw it there was little difference to a skillfully crafted android and actual life. Some people believed that life was mystical and the very concept raises a lot of questions and engineers can easily make androids that barely differ from actual life. She also almost gave her origins up, so far only her roommate was aware of Dawn’s strangeness since Cindy knew that Dawn could do magic. Just barely Dawn managed to imply that she was from another country instead of leaving clues that she’s somewhat mystical in nature herself. For some reason both her father and Cindy told Dawn not to reveal herself, to try and conceal any proof of magic in her or her origins.

Therefore I’d like to work for you as an engineer and prove to you that there are some areas where physics has to be mystical in order to tread.” Dawn finished her answer to the question raised by the genius. Dawn’s very existence in this dimension was one cruel physics accident, the fact that she came from a dimension where matter was anti-matter she should’ve died immediately. Yet for some reason she did not combust like the energy that she calls in from her home dimension. That alone was enough of a mystery, there is no law of physics that explains anti-matter being able to co-exist with environment made of matter. Finding out why this was the case was not Dawn’s intention but it proved to her that there was still mystery to the way laws of physics worked.

I believe the people around here like... Guarantees as they are called. If I am allowed to work for you as an engineer, Mr. Vergil, I can give you access to an anti-matter energy source and interdimensional travelling within seven days.” Dawn said, one thing she learned during her stay in the Earth dimension was that the local people loved short and concrete answers and guarantees. For some reason the local people were absolutely different from the people in Dawn’s home, they rushed somewhere all the time, never having time to properly finish their business, they rarely engaged in philosophical discussions just for the sake of discussing which was common in the woman’s own home. The professor who was casually observing nearby looked rather shocked by Dawn’s claim.

Wait, there’s no way you could do that…” he interrupted, “That is for Mr. Vergil to decide, if he wants it or believes I could do it or if my skills would be useful for him. That is the point of this conversation is it not?” Dawn replied with a smile. It was true that she could deliver with what she promised, the young woman still remembered the device used to dimensional travel by the physicist that killed her people and ravaged her home dimension. She could easily make batteries of anti-matter energy material which she had infinite access to due to her own powers of energy manipulation. As long as she gets access to the technology in the Steel Industries Tower,  Dawn could deliver with pretty much anything she promised to make. Of course she would not technically be inventing those things, she’d just be using her own powers and knowledge of her home dimension and another dimension travel device to come up with a more stable concept.

And it all could be attributed to her affinity for physics. Arts of mysticism and physics working together. Dawn really wanted the job, not only would it greatly benefit both the interests of her genius possible employer but it’d also help Dawn with coping better with her everyday life as well as prove to her once and for all that she has basic understanding of physics, that she can match the level of inventiveness and creativity needed to prevent the disaster like the one that hit her people from happening ever again. And then if she has enough confidence in her skills in physics she can leave this dimension and stop bothering the wonderful people that live here with her inability to learn their ways.


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Registration date : 2014-07-23

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A Brilliant Mind [Cap] Empty Re: A Brilliant Mind [Cap]

Post by Capt'n Sinnarr July 28th 2014, 1:22 pm

Hearing everything she had to say, he could not really bring up anything to fight against her reasoning. There was nothing wrong with the way she viewed things, most of them actually being quite accurate and to the point. Though he did not see the mysticism in it, it was true that when one question was answered, another one popped up with friends. That was, however, the fun about science, there was always something new around the corner once something else got solved, making it a never ending quest for knowledge, reaching for an ultimate answer to everything that would most likely never be found. Still, that did not mean that there were not a lot of things that had seemed like the hand of god being proven to be nothing more than physics. Vergil himself had never believed in any gods, he only believed in the things he could prove through science and the things he could see with his own eyes. In his mind, a lot of things were possible because of the things he had already seen throughout his life. His powers that allowed him to generate and manipulate energy with his body made him look at the world through different eyes than those that had no genetic mutations of their own. While he did not believe them to be stupid or close minded, a person that had no powers of their own would never be able to understand the world like someone who had them could and did every day. For people like Vergil, the world was different because they knew that there were people born with powers just like they were, making the world both more interesting and scary. Where he was the kind of person that tried to improve his understanding of the world, the universe and also hoped to keep the planet from exploding, he also knew that there were a lot of people with powers equal to or greater than himself that wanted to see it all burn.

It was just one of the many reasons as to why Vergil wanted to understand the workings of physics so that he would be able to do something about it if he ever had to. Luckily, he had never been forced into doing anything, leaving him with a lot of free time that was spent in ways that were considered a bit too constructive. Advanced robotics, AI and complex battle-suits had been the cause of his free time during the day, constant updates being what followed it up on a daily basis. The questionable actions that made him into the kind of anti-hero that he was included using these creations in order to break into secure facilities where weapons, drugs and other potentially harmful things were created, taking every piece of information for himself before destroying all traces of it so it could never be used against humanity. As a person, Vergil had grown to understand humanity quite well, knowing full well that if there were powerful weapons that would have long term effects on the planet, they would still be used in order to win wars, not caring about the planet itself at all. All that mattered was ego, and for that reason, he believed that humanity as a whole was not ready for advanced technology. All of that aside, he was quite interested in something Dawn brought into the discussion. If she could actually make the things she brought up work, having an anti-matter energy source would be quite interesting while inter-dimensional travel seemed like the kind of things that the world was not quite ready for. That said, it was still a very interesting concept that he would most certainly be able to work with. In a way, the stuff she brought up was just like the nanites that kept him in good shape, a technology the world should not have, yet had the potential to do a lot of good and bad things.

"You are correct, in my world, guarantees are the kind of things that make a business like my own flourish where others would fail. Keep in mind that telling people about such things while setting a deadline for yourself can be considered quite dangerous. If you are in fact capable of making the things you promised, i'd rather have you invest all the time that is needed over having to work in a rushed state. When someone rushes things, mistakes are made. In science, we don't need mistakes, mistakes can be dangerous. If you understand that Dawn, I wouldn't mind having you join my company.".

Aside from the awkward look on the professor face, he did not really care about anything the man said at this point. Hoping that Dawn would understand what he was saying, he put a contract and pen on the table so she would be able to sign if she felt like it. Whether she would be able to work out the things she promised him or not, he figured she would at least be skilled enough to work in different departments, given the fact that she was quite smart. For now, he could only wait and see how she would respond to what he told her.

Capt'n Sinnarr
Capt'n Sinnarr

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A Brilliant Mind [Cap] Empty Re: A Brilliant Mind [Cap]

Post by JustRuka July 28th 2014, 3:33 pm

Dawn was rather surprised by the fact that Vergil’s answer consisted of him telling her to remove the time limit from her claim, while his reasoning of time limits putting stress and strain made quite a lot of sense but the confusion stayed there. “Is the way of Earth dimension not to be overly confident? Have I made fool of myself yet again? Maybe that’s why the professor looked so confused… Oh boy… What should I do…?” the woman blushed and was thrown off balance by Vergil’s work on the conditions of her claim. It was a trait very common to the interdimensional being to be constantly doubting if her actions fit those of the local way and they were not without a base – Dawn constantly messed things up. Like that time when she walked in male clothes for several days and didn’t understand why they were hanging on her so freely…

I… I am a bit confused as to why did you remove the time limit. Still if my suggestion still interests you I would love nothing more than to work in your company.” Dawn replied and signed the contract. All that this conversation revealed to the woman was that she was still not capable of entirely understanding the local ways, the people here loved overconfidence and guarantees and yet for some reason her employer wished to not rush the woman. Is doing things fast and efficient not the preferred way of this dimension? Perhaps not all people are the same and not all of the dimensional principles and character traits are universal. There are a lot of interesting new concepts that Dawn could’ve learned from these people. People in her own dimension were far more alike in their ways. They were all slow and taking their time, rest was considered as useful as productive work.

Well then if that is all, I would not dare to waste any more of your time, Mr. Vergil, I thank you for the opportunity. Have the best of days.” Dawn smiled and bowed her head slightly then turned around and left the room. “Europeans… Strange people…” the woman could hear the professor say through the door as she did not rush to leave the facility after signing the contract. A student stopped Dawn as she was walking away, he looked genuinely worried about something he was still waiting in the line, “So… Vergil Bartholomew Aiken, how is he?” the man asked, Dawn shrugged, “I am not the best at judging people, I am afraid, one thing I can tell for certain is that he does not emanate heat, I have got no idea why other women would call him “hot”.” The woman replied and left her conversant in awe.

Dawn could feel the student judging her with his sight. “Ugh, I can’t just seem to get the hang of this communication thing… It is not as easy as it seems.” The woman felt genuinely angry and saddened by the fact that she once again looked like she was a foreigner. Why was it so hard to just be like everyone, to just manage to keep up the conversation and not be looked at like she was someone outside the group, someone foreign, someone different, someone who will never belong here. Dawn wished nothing more than to belong in this dimension, however after several mess ups like the ones previously the woman was starting to understand that she may never belong in this dimension, perhaps this is just not for her. Maybe returning home and going on the path of sole survivor was the right choice as opposed to trying to be someone she is not.

I can see the way they look at me… I am different than they are, the people here are rather untrusting and cruel to things that are different… Mr. Vergil may have shown that people here are different then other people of their kind, that their characters vary and yet that one thing never changes, people always see different as evil, as someone they need to cast away. Perhaps it is best if I leave them alone after I fulfill my promise to Mr. Vergil.” Dawn thought to herself as she was walking through the park the faculty was located in. It was not out of ordinary to have such dark and withdrawn thoughts for the interdimensional one, she was not the one who took a failed social interaction that well. In fact failing in interacting with people was pretty much the only thing that depressed Dawn. She was a pretty upbeat person just like her kind except for that one thing that always took her down…

Hello my mate of room, I am back from my lecture!” Dawn said out loud as she unlocked the door to her small apartment and went in. The woman took her coat off and went on into the living room, the door to Cindy’s room was closed with the usual “If you open the door asking me where the garlic is, I’ll strangle you, Dawn!” note on it. “It appears my roommate is engaged in physical reproductional activity… She does that quite often but for some reason does not produce any offsprings… It appears the ways of reproduction of this dimension are rather odd and ineffective…” Dawn took an apple of the fruit jar and went into the kitchen. Cindy did not appear to enjoy very much when her reproductive partners knew of Dawn’s existence. At least the woman understood so when her roommate kept being filled with joy after Dawn stayed hidden.

After some time when Cindy’s friend left and her roommate was watching TV Dawn found an opportunity to talk to her. “I have signed a contract with Mr. Vergil for a job, it may improve our relationship with Ms. Tonkovski and our currency situation.” Cindy dropped the apple she was eating, “Wait… Vergil… THE Vergil?! Vergil Bartholomew Aiken? How did he ever get interested in your weird stuff?” the roommate appeared rather hesitant to believe in the way reality was. “Well, I’ve promised him to show some inventions that our people considered elemental, also I can provide him with an energy source which is very valuable to him, anti-matter is the second most expensive kind of matter…” Dawn replied trying to make as much sense as possible for her non-physicist friend. “Okay… Just, Dawn… Listen to me… No magic in there! Don’t yuck it up with your magic… Don’t make tools levitate around you like a martian or something…” Dawn scratched her forehead, “Why would martians use telekinesis… I do not think that I understand the reference…

Either way, this day brought a whole myriad of changes into Dawn’s life, maybe that was for the better…



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Location : Zimbabwe, Russia
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Job : Whatever I get my hands on during summer
Humor : My life is a humor -_-
Registration date : 2014-07-23

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A Brilliant Mind [Cap] Empty Re: A Brilliant Mind [Cap]

Post by Capt'n Sinnarr July 28th 2014, 6:11 pm

From the way she spoke, Vergil could only guess as to what kind of upbringing she had been through as a child, what her parents had been like and what kind of place she had grown up in. Things like that had a major impact on how a kid grew up and turned out as an adult. In his case, an upbringing around machinery and science had been the driving force behind his education, as well as his self-education through practice, trial and error. In more ways than one, Dawn seemed quite a bit different from the other people that had come in to apply for a job at Steel Industries. He had seen people both young and old, male and female, some looking like they had been using drugs while others were just odd. Not caring about their quirks, he had always given people a chance, looking past the awkwardness that made some other bosses and work-spaces refuse to extend a job to them. Vergil did not want to be that kind of person, believing that even if someone was weird, they could still have a lot to offer because they had a personality that was not like the basic human being that always followed things such as laws and fashion to the letter. It was just not who he was. For some reason, his earlier explanation as to why he did not want her to work under the pressure of time had not been registered with the young woman. While people always claimed that time was money, he did not mind explaining his point of view a second time. Had it not been for his own generosity, it would have been because she stated that she would love to work for him, something he had grown to appreciate.

"I thought I made that much clear already, but to clarify, I removed the time limiter because there is no room for mistakes that have been made because people refused to take their time with what they were working on. With things such as interdimensional travel and anti-matter energy, I would rather have someone spend a year to perfect a piece of machinery than to accidentily rip a whole in time and space because they were in a rush. That, Miss Dawn, is why I removed the time limitation.".

Believing that he had been quite straight forward and to the point with his answer, there should no longer be any questions about the subject, at least he hoped that there wouldn't be. Making miscalculations and other mistakes when setting up machinery that could do this kind of thing could have monumental consequences, consequences he personally did not want to think about. Years ago, he remembered that there had been a problem with a nuclear reactor in the basement of the building that had overheated as a result of a lack of supervision and several miscalculations made by the research team that believed they could just throw one together in a few hours. While the damage had been contained, it had been proof to everyone that worked at Steel Industries at the time that having deadlines restricted creativity and allowed too much room for mistakes. As the contract had been signed, Dawn thanked him for his time and prepared to leave, claiming she did not want to waste any more of his time. When he thought about it, only the people that came in high had actually been wasting his time, the people that had taken this seriously being all but a waste of time.

"Don't worry about it, I don't mind getting to know a soon to be employee of mine. I already spent quite a bit longer in this place than I probably should have anyway. Maybe I will see you around the tower soon, because I do look forward to seeing your work sometime soon. Good luck with your studies and have a good day.".

Nodding his head at her when she bowed as a means of excusing her, he took the legal document and put it back in his bag for safe keeping. As she left the room, the professor said something along the lines of European people being strange people, something that sounded like a bit of a stereotype in his opinion, though he chose not to speak up about it. Rising up from his seat, he shook the professor's hand and walked out into the hallway. As he did, it seemed that there were still plenty of people around that had been waiting for him to leave the building. Knowing that the press had already gathered at the front door, the thought of making a quick escape through window crossed his mind several times, though he did not feel like going through with it in the end. Traversing the hallway, he heard a group of girls giggle as he passed them by. Making it look like he accidentily dropped his personal business card on the floor, it was not long before he heard one of them pick it up, increasing the intensity of the giggling and screaming. Walking on with a smirk, he wondered whether any of them would have the nerve to actually call, though that was a thought that quickly disappeared once he saw the large group of reporters that had already been waiting for him at the front door. Letting a deep sigh escape his lips, he put on a fake smile and put his cellphone to his ear, faking an important phone call as he made his way through the rather annoying group of people. Occasionally answering a yes or no question, he completely avoided larger questions about whether or not he would be donating the rebuild more of the city with his own money and whether he had plans of becoming mayor some day.

Arriving at his car, it took a little effort to open the door as a large man holding a camera had been leaning against it. After stating just how expensive his car had been and how much it would cost his Channel if his ass put any scratches on the paint, the man quickly moved out of the way. Stepping into his prized Bentley Continental GT, he drove out into the city, leaving the horde of reporters behind him while heading back to the Tower. With the new employees he had managed to gather, the legal department of Steel Industries had to go through the contracts in order to finalize the whole deal and make sure that there were no flaws in the given information or signatures. Even though a lot of damage had been done to the city, at least the way to the Tower had been quite well restored, mostly due to the money he himself had spent on maintaining connectivity for himself and his employees. Science knew of no time, though a human being only lived for so long. As such, he did not feel like waiting for the state to restore the damage, getting his own team of people to do it for him, charging the government with what he had personally restored. Never having a lot of love for the government, he felt no shame when it came to taking the bill to them and making them pay him back for every dollar he had spent to repair what was not even his.

End of Topic
Capt'n Sinnarr
Capt'n Sinnarr

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