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Van Van VS. Flizzle

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Van Van VS. Flizzle  Empty Van Van VS. Flizzle

Post by Dragonflizzle July 19th 2014, 9:23 pm

The ruined city, lay before Wingnut.. His Cape flapping in the wind behind him giving him a majestic feeling.. The city beneath him burned and fallen, made Wingnut want to weep.. His home, the people he had protected for so long, lay dead and buried at his feet.. The bulding he stood on lay on its side, peace's of it still crumbled every now and then.. The night was silent, no birds no cars no people.. The night air wasn't disturbed by anything, accept for the occasional military presence off in the distance.. That disturbed him, how did his home fall.. Was it glorious at least.. To bad he couldn't have been here to defend it.. Wingnut had been dragged out on another mission that took him two whole weeks to complete.. and it took him three days to get to the job location.. Wingnut decided it was time to search for any sign of what happened, so he bent his knees and jumped.. The air soared past Wingnut giving him a small joy for the night.. He landed heavily, crashing into a building and tumbling thru it to out the other side.. Rolling on the ground wingnut immediately sprang up onto the building in a amazing triple flip.. He again looked out for any sign of life.. And was greeted once more with silence..

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 77
Registration date : 2014-06-28

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Van Van VS. Flizzle  Empty Re: Van Van VS. Flizzle

Post by Van Helcraft July 20th 2014, 1:10 am

Schneider sighed as he once more looked over the wreckage of his former headquarters. The beacon of his pharmaceutical empire destroyed. Though it was true that he had other places to work from, it was a shock to lose his first conquest. He had payed off the military guards to let him into the area, even though he could have forced his way through. It would have felt like defiling a grave and while he was fine with sending people to early ones, he detested defiling them. Even his father who he had hated had been given a proper burial. With a deep sigh he brushed some dust of his Armani suit and put a pair of shades over his face. He had come to pay his respects to the great city he once called home, and after doing so he began to walk slowly taking slow methodical breaths as he walked down a small nearly invisible path that he had cleared with his powers. Unfortunately one part was unstable and a large portion of a building collapsed towards him. Instead of trying to dodge or do anything of the sort he let it fall before raising a hand and stopping it a hairsbreadth from himself. With a flick of his wrist he casually caused the building fragment to fly for a few hundred feet before continuing his walk.

Schnieder Van Helcraft/ The King

I don't know what you're looking so arrogant about, you're just another pawn for me to move as I please.
Van Helcraft
Van Helcraft
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 178
Location : Near Paterpie
Age : 31
Job : King of Whales
Humor : ummm.... I laugh at a lot of things
Registration date : 2011-03-24

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Van Van VS. Flizzle  Empty Re: Van Van VS. Flizzle

Post by Dragonflizzle July 20th 2014, 5:43 pm

Wingnut was lost in the moment, so much silence he though, shouldn't somebody be around at least trying to clean things up?.. Instead of staying in his location, he jumped again this time as high as he could so he could see what the rest of the city looked like.. While he spun slowly in the air he happened to catch sight of a section of building flying thru the air.. Wonder what that could be.. Wingnut plummeted to the ground falling at a impossible speed.. Laughing the whole way, wingnut, tucked himself into a ball, and crashed thru the crumbly building sending chunks of concrete flying in every direction.. before the building could completely collapse Wingnut jumped again this time he went to where he saw the rock being sent thru the air.. The night wind went sailing past him as rocks off all shapes and sizes scattered away from him.. and it saw it as he went flying past it.. It was a man.. "TO FAR" wingnut yell, as he crashed into a tall building leveling a couple of floors.. he crawled out of the hole he made and proclaimed his excitement with hoot and a flip thru the air bringing him down the street level.. With a flourish and a bow he proclaimed Tada... His cape flapping around and landing on his head for a comical relief.. Dramatics..

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 77
Registration date : 2014-06-28

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Van Van VS. Flizzle  Empty Re: Van Van VS. Flizzle

Post by Van Helcraft July 20th 2014, 10:04 pm

Schneider scoffed at the buffoon that had come out of nowhere and crashed into a building. His need for dramatics didn't make Schneider think any better of him. "Cute." He said while turning around and going on his way back through the path. He really didn't feel like dealing with a meta today and his temper was already on a short fuse due mistakes made by the fools he employed. He wanted nothing more from the day than return home and enjoy his sauna. Or well maybe the meta could provide another method of stress release. However he wouldn't be the one to start the fight. After all picking fights was what men of lower class do. He checked the time on his watch just in case, the guards he had payed off would avoid the 'hazardous area' for a couple more hours. Schneider found himself silently hoping for a fight before thinking, Oh god I'm becoming Colonel! and shaking his head back and forth at the thought.

Schnieder Van Helcraft/ The King

I don't know what you're looking so arrogant about, you're just another pawn for me to move as I please.
Van Helcraft
Van Helcraft
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 178
Location : Near Paterpie
Age : 31
Job : King of Whales
Humor : ummm.... I laugh at a lot of things
Registration date : 2011-03-24

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Van Van VS. Flizzle  Empty Re: Van Van VS. Flizzle

Post by Dragonflizzle July 20th 2014, 10:29 pm

How rude wingnut thought to himself.. the man didn't even have the virtue to smile and say hello to him.. that didn't mean he was going to give up.. SO Wingnut stated to tumble around the street behind the man as he walked off.. He jumped and slipped and did triple flips.. Wingnut did not weaver from his antics he got sillier and sillier, in order to get the mans attention at least.. but that probably will fail so decided to walk on his hands next to the man as they walked together.. wherever..

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 77
Registration date : 2014-06-28

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Van Van VS. Flizzle  Empty Re: Van Van VS. Flizzle

Post by Van Helcraft July 20th 2014, 10:39 pm

The fools antics continued despite Schneider's attempts to ignore them. Finally his temper hit the breaking point as his eyes flashed red and  mist of psychic energy the same color as his now blood red eyes blasted out around him. He didn't push the fool but he crushed a wide area of the concrete around them into a perfectly flat circle. "If you cared about your life you ignorant buffoon you would know when to leave well enough alone. Schneider growled, "Leave me be or I'll crush you just like this city.

Schnieder Van Helcraft/ The King

I don't know what you're looking so arrogant about, you're just another pawn for me to move as I please.
Van Helcraft
Van Helcraft
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 178
Location : Near Paterpie
Age : 31
Job : King of Whales
Humor : ummm.... I laugh at a lot of things
Registration date : 2011-03-24

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Van Van VS. Flizzle  Empty Re: Van Van VS. Flizzle

Post by Dragonflizzle July 20th 2014, 10:49 pm

When the ground broke around, the strange man, Wingnut couldn't help but laugh.. And roll back and forth on the ground, giggling as the big scary man got angry.. Threatening his life no less.. and still no greeting.. The power he displayed was nothing to joke at Wingnut decided.. "Are you saying you crushed this city, MY big scary man..?" He said this as he rolled back and pushed himself feet first into the air.. "Because that would be big SCary feet". he then pushed with all his might throwing himself into the air and doing a quadruple twist flip.. Then landing again on one hand.. What was he going to do with such a angry man.. Thoughts began racing in his head, how to attack first, should he attack first.. What will he do now that he has openly begun mocking him.. All this as he watch and stared upside down.. his cape dragging along the ground behind him..

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 77
Registration date : 2014-06-28

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Van Van VS. Flizzle  Empty Re: Van Van VS. Flizzle

Post by Van Helcraft July 24th 2014, 6:52 pm

"Seems your to brain dead to listen to reason." Schneider sighed as he raised his right hand and it began to glow. With a snap of his fingers he threw up an dust cloud and rode a large piece of pavement he was simultaneously manipulating out of it. Finally after putting a 20 meter distance between them he made a taunting gesture with hi right hand as if to say 'come here'. However that was just a distraction as he pulled a large chunk of a building forward. His intent was to have the piece of rumble slam into the fool from behind, he vaguely wondered if the idiot was capable of seeing through feints.

Schnieder Van Helcraft/ The King

I don't know what you're looking so arrogant about, you're just another pawn for me to move as I please.
Van Helcraft
Van Helcraft
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 178
Location : Near Paterpie
Age : 31
Job : King of Whales
Humor : ummm.... I laugh at a lot of things
Registration date : 2011-03-24

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Van Van VS. Flizzle  Empty Re: Van Van VS. Flizzle

Post by Dragonflizzle July 24th 2014, 7:46 pm

AS the man raised his hand while it glowed.. Time seemed to slow down for a moment.. The fingers snapped together and sound seemed like it came thru water.. He watched for a moment as the dust kicked up around him.. How funny he thought.. Now I have cover, Wingnut grabbed a pebble about the size of a marble with his left hand.. While twisting his right wrist and dropping his legs to the right for a pivot point.. He then swung his legs down and around with suppressing speed.. Using his massive strength to launch himself into the air using one hand while twisting his whole body with all his might.. Lastly after takeoff he brought his arms in for maximum speed..

Wingnut flew out of the dust cloud when the man was about 1o meters away.. Wingnut was high and to his left, launching himself at a building that had been to the right of them.. Since every thing was still moving slower for him.. He waited what seemed like minutes focused on one thing, one man.. He thru the rock at a perfect timing.. Launching it right at his left kneecap just to incapacitate him.. The rock shot off like a bullet, braking the sound barrier.. With a dull woosh..

He thru his arms out after slowing his momentum.. His short time flight, took him to the building side, right before he made contact with the building he shoved with all his might.. Destroying the buildings wall, launching himself again this time right at the man.. He was moving as fast he could have managed, making no exceptions for this arrogant man.. He was going to land right in front of the man striking the street with all his might.. Sending up a shock wave, with flying debris to pepper spray the man.. He was strong enough to do it.. The impact would be about five feet deep, As he struck the ground Wing nut grinned with so much enthusiasm that it hurt..

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 77
Registration date : 2014-06-28

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Van Van VS. Flizzle  Empty Re: Van Van VS. Flizzle

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