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Candle in the Night (Closed for DragonFizzle)

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Candle in the Night (Closed for DragonFizzle) Empty Candle in the Night (Closed for DragonFizzle)

Post by Ace_ July 9th 2014, 11:16 pm

Jason sat on top of a roof, over looking the night sky of Chicago. He was munching away happily on a hot dog a nice man had given him earlier in thanks for stopping a robbery. Normally, Jason wouldn't ever take someone's food or money as thanks for helping them, but he had been extremely hungry. He had even gone to say no when his stomach rumbled so loudly the man insisted he take a couple hot dogs. With a final big gulp, he stuffed the last of it in his mouth then let out a bletch. Damn those were some good hot dogs. Maybe he should go buy some more from that hot dog vendor when he gets off of his shift.

It was a beautiful night for him to be out. One of those rare days where the weather was perfect during the day and the night. Even now, it was still pleasant on top of the roof. It was his night for patrol duty in chicago sector of the KnightWatch. Jason was really taking to the group now a days and they to him in return. He looked down at his dark blue combat suit they had given him as a gift to help with his duties. Still no log for his chest, but he hadn't really found one that suited him just yet. Besides, no one could see it when he covered himself in flames. Jason rubbed the back of his head, ruffling his short white hair with a grin on his face. Things must be pretty good if he had time to think about getting a logo.

"Bah... best not be slacking off right now. Should be on patrol."

Jason stood up, putting his hands in his pockets. He had even picked up a cool belt from the armory, a couple useful little items hanging off of it. He looked around from the roof top, hoping to spot some trouble. Putting out fires was shortly becoming his main duty, but he was seriously looking for some other crime. Was tonight going to be another boring night out on duty?

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Registration date : 2014-06-19

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Candle in the Night (Closed for DragonFizzle) Empty Re: Candle in the Night (Closed for DragonFizzle)

Post by Dragonflizzle July 9th 2014, 11:47 pm

Kagaro had a hit he was supposed to investigate.. It was going to be a long night he thought.. He walked calmly down the dimly lit street.. He goal was an antiquities dealer not five streets down.. The owner was his prime target, he wasn't after antiques that might have magic.. Or the money the old man kept in the back safe.. Information at any cost was his goal.. The old man knew of a relic's whereabouts.. Retrieval was at any cost was his mission.. It was vital Kagaro spoke with the spirit within the object, trapped there by ancient people..

Kagaro had stumbled upon a book describing it.. The old man who wrote it didn't know what he had when he published the book.. But Slyth within Kagaro did.. Kagaro looked like a young Teacher, glasses brown shaggy hair.. Because Kaggaro was stuck in the 80s.. He still dressed proper button up white shirt tucked into brown slacks.. and some nice brown shoes to go with it.. It suited Kagaro just fine..

The night air was promising the light breez felt very good on his face.. He counted his steps silently after thirty.. He then turned and vanished by pulling the shadows to him while simultaneously.. Teleporting onto the roof of the nearest building.. The shadows now cloaked him moving as if a cloud around him.. He began to float from roof top to roof top.. Using the shadows to carry him making look like a dark cloud.. Gathering more of the shadows to him making a storm of darkness rolling forward.. Not large but large enough to cause attention to focuse on it.. Kagaro then teleported to down into a ally as he cast the storm east away from his target.. It would take focus but Kagaro thought this was easy.. It had no density alteration so no sweat.. The night came alive with noise screams as the black cloud seemed to come out of nowhere.. Smiling Kagaro then began to teleport from shadow to shadow making his way to the target.. Enjoying the screams that would cover the old mans..

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Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 77
Registration date : 2014-06-28

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Candle in the Night (Closed for DragonFizzle) Empty Re: Candle in the Night (Closed for DragonFizzle)

Post by Ace_ July 10th 2014, 12:15 am

"The fuck is that..."

Jason stared at the man walking in the street near him. From his spot on the roof he had a good view of the street even though he was down the ways a bit. He was on guard for a second before realizing it was just a man. He releaxed a bit and just stared at him boredly, wondering whoe the man was... when he then promptly disappeared in an instant.

"The fuck was that??"

Jason sat up straight as looked up and down the street for the man. Was he just nabbed by something? Who would have grabbed him?? Was He grabbed?? Jason looked around for him when he spotted a big... cloud? Of darkness that was moving at a brisk pace. Oh god

"The FUCK is that?!?"

Jason had seen enough. He sprinted after the cloud, not noticing that the man had teleported out of it. A group of random civilians started screaming as soon as they saw it encroaching. Jason sent a small flair of fire into it thn expanded it, hoping to get rid of the smoke and reveal who was within it. He blasted it apart, but only to find there was no one in it... at all. There weren't even any tracks on the ground.

"Where the fuck is that man?"

Jason started back to where the cloud originally appeared from, hoping to find a trail he could follow.


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Number of posts : 85
Registration date : 2014-06-19

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Candle in the Night (Closed for DragonFizzle) Empty Re: Candle in the Night (Closed for DragonFizzle)

Post by Dragonflizzle July 10th 2014, 12:39 am

The fiery blast of light, drew kagaro's attention it expanded within the cloud casting away the formless shape.. Kagaro was on the street and could not have seen the origin of the blast but he knew it was close.. He stopped behind a corner cloaking himself in shadows.. Two streets left he thought.. He then cast the shadows around him along the ground blanketing the street to his destination.. Kagaro Grinned tonight should be fun.. The shadow would have given away his location to his pursuer if he knew what he was seeing.. kagaro focused for a few seconds and materialized behind the door of the antique shop.. Thinking Kagaro knew that the old man lived above the shop.. Lifting himself with shadows he drifted forward looking like a god of darkness.. Footsteps made the floor boards creek.. Alerting him to his prey.. Kagaro had no time.. He cast tendrils of darkness thru the cracks in the floor.. Wiggling their way around the old man without every touching him.. Then kagaro Yanked with his will and ripped the old man thru the floor.. The sound of breaking wood would have echoed out around the building, Kagaro thought, hopefully no one heard.. he drew the old man too him.. "Zeria" his voice came out deep and hallow, "Where is the mirror of DamiKleas".. Cringing in fear while staring into a nameless face of darkness, the old man blubbered, "please what are you talking about"? Shaking him hard, Kagaro hissed "Your book old man the mirror you speak of".. The old man was dazed glasses thrown on the floor.. Droopy eyed and barely conscious.. "Please no more, ill tell you" he whispered.. "it was in a tomb in India talk to Ghuil".. Growling Kagaro slowly teleported away, drifting as if in a heavy wind.. Once on the building Kagaro looked for the best way to play with the pursuer..

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 77
Registration date : 2014-06-28

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Candle in the Night (Closed for DragonFizzle) Empty Re: Candle in the Night (Closed for DragonFizzle)

Post by Ace_ July 10th 2014, 12:51 am

Jason sprinted back to the street, up on the roof tops again. he was looking back and forth wildly as he searched for something, anything out of place. Hell even some more of those shadows would be enough. Jason just managed to spot unusal shadows seeing to clump around the back door of a shop in the alley way right below him. Dropping to the ground, Jason went to investigate them closely when he heard a great crash coming from inside the place. Shit, someone was already inside? It sounded like it was coming from up stairs. Jason had to get to the roof and break in from the ceiling. That would give him the best element of surprise.

Using the close walls of the alleyway, Jason jumped from wall to wall until he could reach the leadge. He pulled himself up, igniting himself as he got ready to break into the room when he saw a man standing before him. He wasn't there before when Jason hoped down to the ground, how the hell did he get there?? Wait... those were the same clothing as the man from before. The hell was going on here

"What the hell... I saw you disappear before! What the hell?"

Jason stood up, igniting himself fully as he let the flames crawl over him.

"Just who the hell are you and what are you doing?"

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 85
Registration date : 2014-06-19

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Candle in the Night (Closed for DragonFizzle) Empty Re: Candle in the Night (Closed for DragonFizzle)

Post by Dragonflizzle July 10th 2014, 1:02 am

Kagaro smiled as tendrils of shadows crawled up his body and cloaked him giving himself a cape this time, the end of which seemed to resemble black fire.. A mask of pure darkness, a visage to fear kagaro thought.. A man seemed to jump onto the roof in front of him.. iner mind (the new comer is very demanding, slyth whispered into Kagaros ear) Kagaro then Made a sword of darkness appear in his hand.. A simple elegant katana.. Pointing it at the man on fire.. Calmly "what do you mean what am I doing here, who are you"?. "If you plane on getting in my way, I will be forced to remove you".. "As for me im collecting info"..

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 77
Registration date : 2014-06-28

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Candle in the Night (Closed for DragonFizzle) Empty Re: Candle in the Night (Closed for DragonFizzle)

Post by Ace_ July 10th 2014, 1:14 am

"Be forced to remove you"

Jason blinked ask he heard those words. This guy... This guy was just about ready to kill him before they even knew each other names. Jason looked this man up and down, judging him from how he carried himself to how he spoke. Jason wasn't the smartest guy in the world, but he could read fighting stances and body language with ease.

"Hmph.... I'm Fire Fist Ace. Nice to meet ya!"

Jason snapped his finger at the shadow man, sending a small spark at him. At the last second it split up into ten other sparks that got bigger. One of Jason's favorite opening moves. Jason didn't know how tough this guy was, best to feel out how strong he was. Jason could level this building with ease, maybe even a little more, but he wasn't willing to push it till he knew this guy could take it. Jason had questions he wanted answered.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 85
Registration date : 2014-06-19

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Candle in the Night (Closed for DragonFizzle) Empty Re: Candle in the Night (Closed for DragonFizzle)

Post by Dragonflizzle July 10th 2014, 1:33 am

Kagaro wasn't surprised by this mans approach.. He preferred it.. The shadows called to Kagaros aid he cast tens tendrils in all small things little more than shadows cast on the ground.. All sprang from Kagaros feet all extended directly at Ace.. The sword in Kagaros hand extended forming a wall in front of himself... Not trusting just his own strength, plus he didn't want to give away his strength he made the wall weak.. he glided back on shadow clouds as the sparks exploded on his wall.. Braking the pathetic thing to peaces.. His shadows carried him out over the street raising him up slightly in a curve.. Kagaro smirked as he raised his shadows into hands at the last moment intent on pinning Aces legs in place by wrapping around him rapidly snuffing out his fire.. "I am Kagaro, pleased to meet you"

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 77
Registration date : 2014-06-28

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Candle in the Night (Closed for DragonFizzle) Empty Re: Candle in the Night (Closed for DragonFizzle)

Post by Ace_ July 10th 2014, 1:51 am

"Oh hands, hands, hands!"

Jason stopped the shadows come lunging out towards him. Forming small fires underneath his feet, Jason rocketed himself out of the way of the incoming assault. He was lucky he had such a fast reaction time, otherwise this could get tricky to say the least. But even as he rocketed himself out of the way, Jason was attacking. He punched at the air, forming his fist into fire. He unleashed a torrent of flames right at the man who was now exposed out there in the open. This attack was faster though, as Jason was holding back less now.

So this guy could mess around with shadows then eh? Or was it darkness? His friend Ethereal had a very similar ability though. Unlike his own, ethereal could form solid objects and like. Ace's on the other hand, packed more raw damage. Luckily he could still form a barrier out of fire, it was just trickery then then ethereal's. Jason didn't have much to go own, but those two seemed similar enough. Jason had a few tricks then right up his own sleeve.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 85
Registration date : 2014-06-19

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Candle in the Night (Closed for DragonFizzle) Empty Re: Candle in the Night (Closed for DragonFizzle)

Post by Dragonflizzle July 10th 2014, 6:16 pm

Before Kagaro could get the last words out Ace was countering his attack with alarming speed.. A torrent of flame was rocketing towards him.. Luckily he had backed away from his wall or else this attack would have had him.. The clouds of shadows around him beckoned to his will and want.. They vanished, allowing Kagaro to drop like a stone.. Avoiding the flames altogether.. Laughing as he fell Kagaro decided he was having fun, with this new guy.. Before he could crash into the ground, he extended a tendril from the shadow suit he wore to the groung it caught him lightly.. As he continued to approach the ground Kagaro extended the shadow to fill the street.. Like water flowing forth from him.. The street was now black and undiscernible.. To look at it from above would give the impression of a bottomless hole.. Kagaro smiled.. Extended his arms and bowed in a mocking gesture..

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Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 77
Registration date : 2014-06-28

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Candle in the Night (Closed for DragonFizzle) Empty Re: Candle in the Night (Closed for DragonFizzle)

Post by Ace_ July 10th 2014, 7:03 pm

Jason had one foot on the edge of the roof, knee raised as he looked down on Kagaro landing. He watched as the man spread the darkness all over the street. How unfortunate... That would make going down there tricky to say the least. But Jason was always one to pick up on a new combat trick. He lite the roof top on fire with a minimal heat flame. It got rid of all the shadows and darkness, abiet just over a smaller area then that guy had done below. He was almost getting vertigo though from looking at the darkness. It was like a bottomless pit that lead straight to the bowels of the earth.

Then the man bowed. Of all freakin things he was showing off now. It was like slow motion as that man started to bow. Jason was just plain angry for that little bit of mocking and his body was already moving. Jason just pointed his fingers at the man in the shape of a gun. He shot off a single flame at his fastest speed. If this guy was going to try and play with him, Jason would take all the cheap shots he could. Shooting a guy while he was bowing wasn't honorable.... but maybe it was effective.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 85
Registration date : 2014-06-19

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Candle in the Night (Closed for DragonFizzle) Empty Re: Candle in the Night (Closed for DragonFizzle)

Post by Dragonflizzle July 10th 2014, 7:23 pm

Of course kagaro was surprised.. That he would take such a cheap shot.. The flame bullet hit the shadows that made his suite exploding with surprising force.. Kagaro was thrown on his back in surprise.. Luckily the flame bullet wasn't too powerful for him even so, blood did trickle down his arm.. His concentration faltered.. The shadows in the street retreated.. Damn him.. (Slyth whispers can I play?) "No" kagaro yells aloud.. Damn that made him angry.. The shadows on the street for as far as kagaro could reach vanished.. With the fire on the roof it was like day almost.. Kagaro roared with anger allowing the shadows to form around his voice box to make him sound larger and demonic.. The shadows built up around him at the same time.. They formed a large fat got faced demon.. His breath was shadow fire, his horns curved back onto his head giving im a helmeted look.. His legs where that of a goats.. It all happened very fast one moment the world seemed brighter the next a demon of hell stood in the street.. He stood a whopping nine feet tall arms that come down to his knees.. The hands now pointed at ace, held two large dessert eagles.. He began pulling the triggers with no noise, the guns began sending shots as fast as his fingers could pull.. Tracing ace's next move while moving to his right at a thunderous walk..

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Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 77
Registration date : 2014-06-28

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Candle in the Night (Closed for DragonFizzle) Empty Re: Candle in the Night (Closed for DragonFizzle)

Post by Ace_ July 10th 2014, 7:38 pm

Jason grinned underneath his flames as the bullet struck true. Score one for Jason! Things were going great as he watched the shadows retreat back into the guy. Things weren't going so great as the man started roaring in a deeper and deeper voice. That generally wasn't a good sign of what was about to follow. AS shadows convened around the man, Jason felling into his fighting form. Whatever was about to happen, this was going to be big.

And it was. A large shadow demon formed in front of Jason, Easily nine feet high. God, what were they feeding this guy? Stupid demons, being stupid big. Jason braced himself as he got ready for its attacks when it formed... guns? So this was just a normal guy in there still. And all he had done was give Jason a bigger target. Nice

"Guns? Really? Geez man.."

Jason had been dodging bullets for some time now and this was no different. He weaved through the first shots before jumping down to the street. He tried to close the distance rapidly, but about halfway there a lucky shot nicked him in the shoulder. It spun Jason, but he was always quick to his neck move. Using the momentum from the spin, Jason lashed out with a kick that launched a powerful torrent of flames at the man. That shot got him, but it didn't feel like it had broken anything. Small amount of blood though so at least it managed to cut through his skin. That was troubling.

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 85
Registration date : 2014-06-19

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Candle in the Night (Closed for DragonFizzle) Empty Re: Candle in the Night (Closed for DragonFizzle)

Post by Dragonflizzle July 10th 2014, 8:08 pm

Damn was he fast.. When the bullet hit ace and he spun Kagaro was impressed he was so fast.. The flame that came out was equally impressive.. Instead of letting it hit him though, the goat demon spun on one leg as if to hop over it.. The flames still hit his legs.. Braking thru the thinner sections of the shadow barrier the goat demon provided.. Instead of flinching the demon simply morphed, very quickly.. The body simply elongated toward ace, becoming a ameba with teeth, its mid section simply stretched over the flames.. As the tooth section shot out as fast as the bullets.. it split five times replicating itself hardening into jagged points.. Kagaro didn't think he had won that easy.. This man was fast, he was gunna have to run.. So the teeth spread out wide cover as much ground as possible without leaving any gaps.. Simultaneously shadows spread along the ground very rapidly but not as fast as the flying teeth.. The shadows would cover all light sources giving camouflage to the ameba like blob..

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 77
Registration date : 2014-06-28

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Candle in the Night (Closed for DragonFizzle) Empty Re: Candle in the Night (Closed for DragonFizzle)

Post by Ace_ July 10th 2014, 9:47 pm

Jason did keep on running. He didn't ben hesitate after the bullet hit him. Even when that goat thingy made another weird as transformation. When the teeth shot out at him, Jason let his body relax. This was going to be easy, just relax.

The teeth did hit him. Least they would have if he was realt there. Jason gave into his fire form, ignoring the very ground on fire, lighting the place up like a bonfire. The attack simply passed through his body as he phased. Coming out the other side, Jason landed and caused a small circle of flames around him.

And had clear shot of both bodies of the shadow creature. Shoving out in both direction with his hands from his core, Jason launche twin fireballs the size of trucks at both targets. Jason wasn't holding back anymore and was making these some of his hottests and fastest flames possible. They werent the lightning fast strike that had gotten the man earlier, but there were pretty damn close. The man may have doused the normal lights but Jason was already throwing around enough fire to see by

Last edited by Ace_ on July 11th 2014, 7:15 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 85
Registration date : 2014-06-19

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