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Trial by fire (Invite only)

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Trial by fire (Invite only) Empty Trial by fire (Invite only)

Post by Marcus Roman July 1st 2014, 5:18 am

Night time, it was the perfect time to strike, no moon tonight and most of the streetlights around here were broken making it hard to see anything, the neighborhood was nothing but junkies looking for their fix and thugs looking to make some money. About seventy degrees out with a light breeze not too hot and not too cold, the warehouse was located near the docks, they shipped millions worth of drugs, weapons, people through there every week. Tonight was one of those nights where they got a shipment, Ryan had been staking the place out for a few hours now after learning the location, there were four guards visible armed with what appeared to be MP5s.

Nasty little toys they had Ryan thought to himself, they didn’t seem overly worried about guarding the warehouse though, Ryan chalked it up to arrogance because they believed they wouldn’t be attacked by anyone because they were the big bad gang of the place. Tonight things were going to change Ryan told himself as he checked over his weapons, two world war one trench knives strapped to the back of his hips easily grasped and pulled out if necessary. One M9 pistol army issued, fifteen round magazine fully loaded with four extra for each one located on the sides of his plate carrier, one M4 carbine assault rifle loaded thirty round magazine with six extra magazines on the front of his plate carrier.

M203 attached to the rifle as well with four rounds on the plate carrier and one already loaded, two M67 hand grenades on his left leg strapped in tightly. Type IV armor designed to stop even armor piercing round to a certain extent, he was dressed in all black except for his plate carrier which was a dark brown color as he had yet to get some darker color. Now came the mask, it was something Ryan had chosen carefully because he needed something to hide his face without becoming a liability, he could see everywhere with this mask and he could breathe through it so it was useful. The time was upon him, it was time to take action he thought to himself as he stepped out from the shadows, he had dressed normally and taken a cab most of the way here but then he walked as he didn’t want his vehicle being seen.

Here he was a hulking figure at six foot two, two hundred and ten pounds of solid muscle in all black with a mask that was at the very least unsettling even when not on such a figure. He stepped into the flickering light of the single streetlamp that was barely working, his targets a mere street away, they seemed to not take notice of him standing there ominously. The wooden planks beneath their feet creaking loudly as they walked upon them, the front doors rather solid looking metal were what Ryan took aim at. It was an overly loud sound that they heard more of a solid thunk type of sound as the M203 launched from its barrel, when it hit the sound came like no other, those solid metal door were blown from their hinges instantly.

Of the four guards one was dead in the explosion, another had been littered with shrapnel making it impossible to continue the battle even if he wished to. The other two had simply reacted to the explosion cowering for a moment before looking for the source of the explosion, there Ryan stood already aiming his M4 rifle at one of them. Before the first could even raise his weapon Ryan fire three times, two in the chest and one in the head as he had been trained to do, the second managed to raise his weapon slightly before Ryan was aiming at him as well. Three more shots and one more body to the count, Ryan didn’t care that he had just taken three lives because these weren’t people in his eyes anymore, they were monsters and monsters had to be killed.

His spent casings the only sound for a few seconds as they bounced upon the ground, he started forward in a slow crouched walk his weapon still raised aiming where the doors had once been. He took note of his surroundings as he crossed the street, one unmarked white van parked sideways to his right only ten feet away, on the left a black car some knock off brand and a dumpster that was rather smelly even from a distance of twenty feet. He could feel his heart pounding, his ears ringing from the sound of his gun firing, twenty four rounds left he told himself as he strafed to the right slightly as he moved his left hand to the M203 launcher. Opening the launcher and tilting the rifle slightly so the spent casing spilled to the ground, he was in the process of bringing another round to the launcher when they came pouring out of the hole left by the first M203.

Must have been at least ten of them at first, he slammed the launcher shut now and lowered his rifle to fire at them, his rifle on semi auto as auto was a waste of bullets. He slammed himself behind the unmarked van, eighteen rounds left two more bodies to the count, the night was alight with the flashes of gunfire as the remaining eight fired at the van with everything they had. Ryan had to move or else he was going to be flanked, he poked his head out firing three more rounds as some began to reload, he needed to advance. Had he just moved a little faster he might have been able to as he moved towards advancing he fired six more rounds killing another and wounding another enough to incapacitate him.

Then was when we he planned to advance with only half left and they were cowering behind small wooden pillars, he went to move when gun fire rained down from above. He quickly slammed himself behind the van once more, using the van’s side mirror he was able to see the location of the ones of the ground. He had to take the risk of looking up at the roof, quick assessment before they started shooting down at him, there were six from what he could see on the roof and more where coming out of the warehouse ground level, a total of eleven on the ground and six on the roof.

This was very bad Ryan thought to himself as he sliced the pie around the front of the van taking a quick shot at the leg of someone trying to circle around him. They seemed to be gyrating towards the black car for cover so it was time to discourage that, he reached down grasping a M67 hand grenade and pulled the pin when he was ready. “One one thousand, two one thousand” he said softly to himself before throwing it over his shoulder, the grenade rolled under the car and boom it went turning the vehicle useless and sending a couple down with shrapnel in their legs but he doubted they were down for good.

Overall things were not looking good for Ryan right now, he fired the last of his thirty rounds to make them wary of approaching him. Mag release, bring new magazine up, lock magazine, pull the cocking handle and fire again, twenty seven rounds left in this mag. Ryan was trapped in a stalemate with these criminals now, true he had far more experience and he was a much better shot but their numbers had him stuck behind a van. The only thing he could do at the moment was hold them off, he had to keep himself completely focused as he couldn’t let even one get around to take shots at him, the ones on the roof being the most troublesome.

Ryan couldn't help but wonder had he been arrogant himself believing that he could take down the warehouse all on his own, the sound of metal hitting metal was all too apparent and Ryan wondered if his first night as a hero was going to be his last. No couldn't think like that, he steeled himself against the doubts, the fear inside of him fading away as Ryan fully entered a battle state erasing who he once was an replacing him with a soldier as he had been rained to do. He would hold them back for as long as he could and if need be he would die while taking as many of them with him, he readied himself to step out his finger set close to the M203 launcher trigger.

Marcus Roman

Ryan Williams
Marcus Roman
Marcus Roman

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Registration date : 2014-06-15

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Trial by fire (Invite only) Empty Re: Trial by fire (Invite only)

Post by Ace_ July 1st 2014, 6:13 am

"Oh shit, what the hell was that?"

Was all Jason mumbled to himself, as he looked around for the source. It sounded like an explosion nearby, then a crashing sound. Jason took off down the docks, when he heard the first shots ring out just around the corner. He pressed himself against a wall and peaked out towards the warehouse cautiously. A man had just mowed down two guys.. who had guns? Why the hell did this place need armed guards? What type of warehouse was this that it need a full contingent of armed guards and THEN had someone still willing to strike out at them? Just what the hell was going on??

Those thoughts were cut short though as more men poured out of the whole from whatever caused the explosion. The lone gunman was forced to retreat behind a van as the other gunmen pushed downwards on top of him. There seemed to be more people with guns on the roof as well, leaving Jason to decided who was more dangerous. Should he help the lone soldier out? Or should he stay away, seeing how these guys could be the good guys defending something important in the warehouse... That didn't sound right in his head though. Only criminals would store something worth stealing in a warehouse and keep armed guards like this.


Having made up his mind, there was no more time to waste. Jason snapped his finger causing a spark to ignite himself and........ nothing happened. Cursing, Jason snapped his finger a couple more times to try and get a big enough spark. There was another explosion around the corner though. Jason looked and saw that a black van had been blow up as well now. Shit. Jason bit his thumb, hard enough to draw some blood. He snapped his fingers once more, causing a nice big spark. With a grin, Jason coated himself in the flames. Sometimes he had a hard time activating his abilities without adrenaline. Always made him think that his abilities were a flight or fight response, his own unique adaptation to survive.

Stepping out from the around the corner, Jason took in the full scene before him. 6-8 men on the ground, with at least 6 more up on the roof. With no way to get the guys on the roof with out taking out the whole building, Jason quickly advanced on the ground level guys. He came from the side, flanking them. Though, it was kinda pointless. A guy coated in flames sprinting at you at over 40 mph was kinda hard to miss. Not that, noticing Jason really helped the first guy. He had a sorta wided eye looked on his face, like a deer caught in the headlights of a car. He let out a strange little yelp as Jason clocked him with a spinning side kick to the side of his head.

He went down like a sack of potatoes.

Jason landed just beyond him and kept forward with his momentum, sliding on his feet with his fist drawn back. He planted one foot down hard as he stopping himself. In the same motion punched outwards towards one group, unleashing a torrent of fire at them. He followed up with a second punch from his other hand to the last group on the ground level. The two torrents of fire made short work of the ground level people.

A bullet rang of of Jason's shoulder though, the source from above. Those fuckers from above! They actually shot him!. Not that bullets caused anything more then a bruise to him, but still. He quickly put fire underneath his feet and pushed himself out of the way of more incoming fire. Jason looked up at the group on the roof as he kept on moving. Now how to deal with them?

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 85
Registration date : 2014-06-19

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Trial by fire (Invite only) Empty Re: Trial by fire (Invite only)

Post by Draiken July 2nd 2014, 6:15 am

The docks of Chicago were always a fairly handy place to chase up a lead when for some reason it couldn’t be dealt with digitally. This wasn’t a common occurrence, as almost everything existed on a computer or the web these days; but some criminals were old school, keeping things on pen and paper or travelling by word of mouth. However, Cara always had methods for these tricky situations and tonight she was in need of one. In fact this was the reason a man was currently pinned up against a container by a forklift.
When the hell do they take shipments in? The woman said without a waver or sign of remorse in her voice. Her cap was pulled down low and her balaclava up to hide all traces of her identity from the man. He had hesitated so she drove the forklift a few inches further, the metal of the container screeching as it was pierced by the razor sharp prongs either side of the man’s throat.
“Ok, Ok! It’s the last Wednesday of every month!”
‘Great,’ Cara thought. ‘That’s nearly two weeks away so if I want any evidence I’m going to have to-‘


A gigantic explosion completely derailed Cara’s train of thought. She hopped out of the forklift and starting running off in the general direction of the explosion, climbing to the top of a couple of containers to get a better look at what was going on.
“Hey you can’t leave me here, I’ll-“ The man was screaming frantically but Cara was long gone and didn’t really care what happened to him.
From atop the containers she could see the flashes of bullets and hear the shouting men at a large warehouse roughly about 50 feet away, they were all firing at what appeared to be one man in what looked like an all out gang-war. She began running on the tops of many containers towards the scene scanning all of the localised CCTV cameras and using SADIE to identify all of the people that were involved. All of the men at the warehouse were known associates of various criminal gangs and they were armed to the teeth, she knew who her target was going to be. Any excuse to take down a ring of crime and corruption and she would be there. The man however was wearing a mask so there was no way of telling who he was, in fact she hadn’t even seen the mask before so he must have been new.

Her glues began to glow a faint blue at the fingertips as she was running because she was using them to control a variety of technology. Various cranes and mechanics were being shifted around so that she could have a clear path to the building and hopefully sneak in for an aerial attack on the armed men. She was calculating every step of her run with expert precision so there was almost no chance that she could take a wrong step or lose her footing. Planting a foot firmly on the edge of a container she launched herself into the air catching on to a steel beam that was hanging from the arm of a crane, resting herself firmly on top of it. She was a few seconds from the action now where the gunfight raged on, a second van having blown up just moments ago. As she went to make her move a bright light appeared just beyond where everything was happening. It appeared to be a ball of flame travelling at an intensely high speed directly towards the thugs. Magnifying what she saw with her lens she could make out that the ball of flame was actually a man and one who would make short work of the ground thugs. She watched as he flattened the first man and decided he could probably handle the rest. On to the roof then.

The Crane began to move positioning the steel beam as close as it could to the edge of the building. It was still fairly high which wasn’t ideal, but she could still manage it. She launched herself off of the beam and in midair sent a signal from her gloves to the guards causing an excruciating feedback to be channelled through all of their headsets; every single guard clutching at his earpiece in pain. Landing with a roll Cara produced her silenced handgun and swiftly blasted out the knees of two guards, who both crumpled to the floor in a heap. Diving toward the other men she holstered her pistol and went in to combat mode. She knew the men probably deserved it, but she wouldn’t kill anybody unless it was absolutely necessary. In her mind jail was worse anyway, that way they got to experience their penance; Death was quick, painless.

She kicked the first guard directly in the jaw causing his gun to be flung up in to the air and taking the numbers down to three on one, it was a little unfair but they were big boys so they’d get over it. Still struggling with his headset she grabbed the third man’s wrist and threw him over her head with a solid punch on landing to make sure he stayed down. The other two had managed to remove their pieces now and she could hear the click of them preparing their guns. With a large back flip she vaulted over the two men landing firmly behind them both. As the one closest to her span she pulled herself in close using his gun to shoot out the feet of the other. He fell but still held his gun and took aim at her, he fired a single shot which grazed the should of the man who’s gun she had. Before he could fire another he found a boot in his face, breaking his nose and rendering him useless. For her final move she pushed man she held over the edge of the building, catching him only because of the strap on his gun, his feel still gripping the edge but barely as he yelped in fear.
"Well i'm about done here, you boys want to ask him any questions first?"

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 66
Registration date : 2014-06-02

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Trial by fire (Invite only) Empty Re: Trial by fire (Invite only)

Post by Marcus Roman July 2nd 2014, 2:46 pm

The enemy might not have noticed the young man stepping from around the corner right away but Ryan did, when someone on fire stepped around the corner it was just a tiny bit noticeable. The odd thing wasn’t that he was on fire it was the way he was acting, usually when someone was caught on fire they panicked due to the heat and pain of fire upon their body, this young man was quickly advancing as if the flames were doing nothing to him. Ryan’s rifle lowered towards the flame covered young man, his finger slipping into the trigger guard touching the trigger just barely ready to fire the M203 round if need be.

Ryan had no idea who the flame covered young man was or what his intentions were in this situation so the soldier in him said to keep a close eye on him until he was certain he was friend or foe. The young man was very fast making it hard for Ryan to follow him at first but once he determined where he was going he followed him with ease towards the warehouse. So far the young man hadn’t displayed any pain towards the flames, he ran at a speed that athletes would kill for and now he was engaging the enemy with his flaming body directly. So with all of that and the added bonus of flames spitting out from the young man’s fist to engulf the enemy made it pretty obvious that this young man was a mutant or meta human that people talked about.

With only a few moves that young man had taken out the entire ground level of the criminal gun men, Ryan couldn’t have done something like that without spending a lot of rounds and using some more explosives. It seemed the flame covered young man was also bullet proof as a bullet bounced off of him, the ones on the roof would be a bit troublesome as they had the high ground but with the ones on the ground level he should be able to take them out with easily enough. It would appear that he would not have to do so, he wasn’t sure what was going on up there but the firing had stopped, he could hear some sounds of struggle now that most of the gunfire was done with but he couldn’t see anything.

It wasn’t until one of the men was suddenly hovering over the edge that Ryan saw who had done his work up there, the voice that spoke out sounded female but there wasn’t much to see with her disguise. Ryan wasn’t all too sure there weren’t more of these guys inside of the warehouse so when he stepped out from behind the van he kept his rifle aimed at where the doors had been. “I got a few” his voice already naturally deep and loud came out gravelly from behind the mask giving it something more, “one are there more gunmen in there?”. The man was of course blabbing his guts out seeing as he was hanging over the edge of the roof now, “yea yea we got like ten more guys in there guarding the merchandise! Don’t let me fall please” he whined to the woman holding him.

Shut up and answer the questions” Ryan’s voice cold as he didn’t have time to worry about the guy he would have killed if not for whoever was up there. “Are there any civilians in there? People that aren’t with you scum?”, the quivering man nodded quickly “w-we got a batch o-of them locked in a shipping container mostly women for the s-streetwalking and a few kids”. Ryan looked up with that mask of his “last question then she can do whatever she wants with you maggot, who’s in charge of these shipments?”. “Ah come on! I’m just a grunt I don’t know that stuff, I do what I’m told I swear I never met any of the higher up guys! Now come on please tell her to pull me up!”, Ryan chuckled and it was not a pleasant sound.

His chuckle low and dark as he looked back to the entrance of the warehouse “what makes you think I have any say over what she does?” he asked playfully as he advanced towards the newly widened entrance. He looked to the flame wielding young man for a second “thanks for the help you two, got me out of a nasty situation, I’m advancing middle sure would be a big help if you were to cover my flanks” he said nonchalantly as he made to enter the warehouse. Truth be told this was going to be more dangerous than the gun fight outside, in here there were boxes upon boxes in every direction blocking the view.

The inside smelled of dust and cheap cologne, it was like a maze of boxes in here and Ryan was the rat, this was going to be CQB now so he had to leave the M203 out of the equation. He could see light’s on towards the back of the warehouse maybe two hundred or so feet though he couldn’t see shit with these boxes in the way. He could feel beads of sweat dripping down the side of his head, the mask and the fighting had gotten him quite worked up, the sweat stung his eyes a bit but he had to keep them open at all times. He had no idea if those two would follow him in but he actually hoped they would, the fire wielding guy had already proved he had more firepower than Ryan and the woman up on the roof obvious knew how to handle herself he thought calmly.

Marcus Roman

Ryan Williams
Marcus Roman
Marcus Roman

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 14
Registration date : 2014-06-15

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Trial by fire (Invite only) Empty Re: Trial by fire (Invite only)

Post by Ace_ July 2nd 2014, 6:41 pm

Jason stood over one of the men that had been caught in his flames. With one foot he rolled the guy over to make sure he was still breathing. He was, good. Sometimes fire was a little hard to control. Jason had watched that girl take down the men on the roof then hold him over the edge. He didn't know what the hell was going and didn't think that grunt did either. Still, he listened in to the guy with the gun and mask ask anyways.

"w-we got a batch o-of them locked in a shipping container mostly women for the s-street walking and a few kids”"

God damn it... women and children inside the building? That made things tough for Jason. He would have to tone down his fires inside enough that he wouldn't burn down the whole place. Seriously, Jason was beginning to hate hostage situations more then anything else. There was never an easy way out for him. With a small sigh, Jason began to follow the man inside walking with his hands in his pockets.

That man though. Jason stared at him from behind, judging him silently. He talked and moved like a military action hero from those movies. "Advancing middle, cover my flanks?" Jason sure as hell didn't talk like that. Only a military guy would. Or those ten year olds that always beat him at call of duty, but Jason some how doubted that this guy was a ten year old. Not enough cussing about screwing his mother.

Still, this guy had no problem with killing - Jason thought as he stepped over a body torn up in the explosion.

And what about that girl from above? Jason didn't get a good look at her in the first place, but from what he saw she was good. Took out six men with surprise and speed. He didn't know if she was regular human or meta somehow though. Helll, he didn't know if the guy was a meta either. Neither of them were covered in flames so it was hard for Jason to tell really. Not that it really mattered to Jason, just that he didn't know what these guys could do. So far all he knew was that the mask guy was good with his gun and that the girl was at least as skilled as himself in hand to hand combat.

As he stepping into the building, he lowered the flames on his body a bit. He didn't want the whole place to go up just from his residual flames. He was fine with the mask guy leading until there was a clear threat. Best to avoid any mishaps that way.  He got a good look at the musty old warehouse. Far to many boxes for Jason's liking. in close quarters like this, his flames were liable to hurt both his allies and enemies. He was going to have to be extra careful not to light something on fire. If one of those things was full of something explosive and flammable it would be a bad day for everyone.

God damn, how Jason hated hostage situations.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 85
Registration date : 2014-06-19

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Trial by fire (Invite only) Empty Re: Trial by fire (Invite only)

Post by Draiken July 4th 2014, 7:18 pm

The man who’s operation this clearly was had taken to asking a lot of questions, but thanks to the man’s current predicament the answers had come flowing. First off he mentioned something about merchandise, drugs or guns most likely but Cara couldn’t be sure which. The following question the thug revealed that there were hostages inside of the building and even worse than that, some of them were only children. About 90% of Cara wanted to drop the man right then and there but sadly he might have more information about the container.

When the man was finished interrogating him she pulled the criminal back over and pushed him to the floor. She smashed him in the nose with butt of his gun and blood exploded from his nostrils. The man was clutching his nose and crying in pain but Cara had absolutely no regrets about it.
Tell me where the damn children are!
“Dey’re in da containder” She could barely make out what he was saying because of the severity of his injuries. She reared the gun up again before pausing to ask him another question.
Which. Container?
“Big Blue one, fink iss got a red star logo on da side” Blood was now starting to get in the man’s mouth and he was panicking. She quickly knocked him unconscious; he was no use anymore. Her steel girder came down to meet her and she directed it to the floor, riding it the whole way down.

When she finally found solid ground again she noticed the two men she was fighting with had already headed inside. The fire man had dulled his glow down quite a bit which she was very thankful for, these places always caught fire at some point and she’d rather not be in it. She followed the two men inside but once in she turned off towards a large group of containers in a corner; knowing full well the masked man could handle it and if not flame-boy could probably clean the rest up. If there were people inside any of these she needed to know quickly, no matter how much she wanted to kick some criminal’s asses.

These men were interesting, they had very different styles and opinions but they seemed to be working together fairly well. She hadn’t actually spoken to either yet so had no idea if they were working together or if it was just coincidence. Cara hated these questions, normally she could look at somebody and analyze everything about them, but both of these men had obscured faces due to a mask and fire and so she was completely blind to them. Still they seemed trustworthy enough so she carried on. She stuck closely to the wall as she approached the containers she had found as in a relatively enclosed space like this, stealth would be her only ally.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 66
Registration date : 2014-06-02

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Trial by fire (Invite only) Empty Re: Trial by fire (Invite only)

Post by Marcus Roman July 5th 2014, 8:26 pm

The flame covered young man didn’t move with training, he had precise movement earlier when he was using his powers but he wasn’t disciplined from what Ryan could see from the corner of his eye. He had control over his flames dampening the output but his movement was perhaps a bit confident, course if bullets bounced off him Ryan might be confident as well. He had been confident in the beginning but getting pinned down earlier had put out the flames of his confidence, maybe he thought it was going to be like the movies where he just walked in and saved the day. He pushed those thoughts to the back of his mind as they wouldn’t do him any good in the coming battle, he suspected the men that were left were dug in as deep as they could get.

The female from the roof was in an unknown place, he hadn’t seen her come down from the roof so he lost track of her and Ryan wasn’t overly concerned with her whereabouts as she could have easily helped the criminals earlier if she were an enemy. He made his way closer and closer to the back of the warehouse where the lights were located, he briefly considered throwing out hand signs to the flame covered young man but he dismissed the idea almost instantly as he realized that would be useless. He pressed himself against the boxes before looking around the corner towards the light just a bit, he needed to be careful not to be spotted or they lost their element of surprise.

As he cut the corner he could see a few of the men, there were four of them sitting behind a wall of wooden boxes just slightly lower than their heads. Those were probably the weapons which meant bullets wouldn’t be punching through those crates, if there weren’t hostages in the shipping container close by he would have just tossed a grenade or shot one. Where were the others he asked himself as he poked his head out and the first shot rang out, seems they had a couple of guys on top of the shelves shooting down at him. Ryan pulled his head back quickly as bullets ricocheted off the ground “two on the top shelves I got them, four behind the crates can’t punch through with my rifle but I bet you can fry them still” he yelled to the flame covered young man.

That powerfully loud voice rang out even as multiple rounds hit the boxes in front of them, he was in full soldier mode ready to take control of the situation. He pressed directly against the boxes and leaned around the corner to fire rounds at the crates and then aiming up Ryan fired at the shelves laying down cover fire so he could cross the open space to the right side of his boxes. While moving he spotted another three or four spread out behind a flipped table and the open space, morons thought a table was going to stop bullets he thought to himself. “You move when you are ready I’ll cover you with my rifle” it was probably hard to put your trust in someone that you just met but Ryan was a trained soldier and he was ready to put himself in harm’s way to cover this guy.

Already he was leaning out and firing at the men sitting on the shelves as they were the most dangerous with that angle, he managed to hit one in the shoulder but they kept ducking behind all those damn boxes. He dropped a mag, fished out another, slammed it in and pulled the cocking handle with trained precision and was firing again right away, this time he managed to kill the one he hadn’t wounded on the shelves. Since he was the one poking out to shoot the concentration of fire was on him and the side the flame covered young man wasn’t one, the concrete floor splintered and sparked as they lit his side up. He was very thankful for the mask as more than a few shards of concrete hit his face when he took cover, he poked out again and took out the second guy on the shelves, Ryan wondered for a moment where the woman had gone off to as a surprise attack would be nice to take out the rest of them after the fire kid did his work.

Marcus Roman

Ryan Williams
Marcus Roman
Marcus Roman

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 14
Registration date : 2014-06-15

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Trial by fire (Invite only) Empty Re: Trial by fire (Invite only)

Post by Ace_ July 5th 2014, 8:57 pm

Jason had followed them man from behind, but once the enemies were in sight, Jason pressed ahead slightly against the boxes. They had a clear kill zone in front of them, where they could just mow down anyone from behind cover. Not really a problem, but if Jason had to use his powers to fry them it could set the whole place on fire. Bullets set on fire would be a problem for just about everyone.

"You move when you are ready I’ll cover you with my rifle”

Cover me? Jason didn't really need the cover. Before he could saying anything though, the man took down the two on the shelves above. Well at least that was taken care of. He waved that man down though from his side. No need to risk his neck for Jason's behalf. He had this well in hand.

"Easy there mate, I don't need the cover right now."

With that, Jason simply walked out from behind his own cover and into plain view. It took a second, but the guys started to fire on him. Bullet after bullet ripped through Jason's body.... but none of them met any resistance. Jason looked more like a incorporeal fire spirit then a man right now, a living embodiment of fire. The bullets simply passed through Jason as he maintained his fire form. He walked straight through their cover and into the middle of the group where they couldn't open fire at such close range. He brought himself back into his regular human fire form, grin on his face. Well, as regular as his human fire form gets really. It was still a little much compared to most people.

One of the guys asked in a stunned sorta way, "what the hell are you"

Jason simply shrugged. He was just himself, nothing more.Then he made his move from point blank range, flying into these guys like no other. Even four on one, surround this was no challenge for Jason. He moved through them like a hot knife through butter. With their guns useless so close they had been forced to switch to knives, the good that did them. Jason was still to fast and too skilled for them to even dream of getting a hit on him.

When the last one hit the ground with a plop, Jason brought up his fire defenses once more, slipping into a guard stance. He didn't know how many more were still out there waiting to attack. And with the potential hostages on the scene, He had to be extra careful right now. If they started using people as human shields then things would turn out very very ugly, very very quickly.

But where was that girl? She had been on the roof tops before, was she still on the upper levels? That'd be really nice, making clearing this place much much easier. Best to have a person strike from above anyways,with surprise on their side and all that.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 85
Registration date : 2014-06-19

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Trial by fire (Invite only) Empty Re: Trial by fire (Invite only)

Post by Draiken July 8th 2014, 6:35 pm

She held her back tight to the container and peered round the corner to spot the enemies ahead of her. A solitary guard stood with an assault rifle in one hand and a cigarette in the other hand. He wasn't paying the slightest bit of attention to whatever was going on around him, just breathing in the toxic air and puffing clouds toward the roof. Metres away from him a woman sat sobbing with her hands tied behind her, there were bruise marks and cuts on her side and her mouth gagged with a piece of material to stop her drawing too much attention. Cara didn't want to know what had been going on before she arrived but she had endless horrible ideas. She could see that none of the containers matched the description she had been given so would need to re-group with the others whenever the opportunity arose. But first she had to take care of this man for whatever he had been part of, she wasn't going to take it easy anymore.
"Nobody gets away with this."

With her right hand firmly on her pistol she swung round the corner and shot the man's cigarette from his hand causing him to jump violently and reach for his gun. However, before he could get close he found two bullets tearing through the Achilles' tendons in his feet. A scream of pain followed as the flesh burst open and the man fell to his knees in agony. The sound was partially drowned out by gunfire somewhere else I'm the warehouse, most likely from the men she had accompanied inside. By now she was on top of the man who attempted to point his gun directly at her but was stopped short. She grabbed the gun and with a swift kick shattered the elbow joint of the man, a follow up kick rendering him completely unconscious. She wouldn't kill him, when he woke up this would hurt more. She untied the woman and signalled the direction to the exit. The woman did not know much English but struggled through what she could.
"Uh...Big guns. Boom!"
Cara would clearly have to work on a translation system of some sort. She couldn't really make out what the woman was saying but nodded as the woman ran off. Grabbing the guards gun she started to run and began to climb up a pile of boxes, jumping from one to another before climbing on to the steel beams that scaffolded the roof.

From the roof she could see the two men whom she had entered with, a bunch of guards flat out on the floor just in front of them. From her height however she could see an untouched guard crouched behind a stack of boxes, out of the men's line of sight. In his hand was a military grade frag grenade, ready to be thrown at the two men; only one of whom might be capable of escaping the blast. Taking aim down the sights of her rifle she fired a single bullet at the man which hit him directly in the temple killing him instantly. She was not about to risk an innocent life to give this man another chance. The shot was not soon enough however, as the pin was pulled moments before and the grenade rolled from the mans now limp hand into the path of the two. Cara shouted a warning to the men, hoping to make some kind of difference to what happened next.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 66
Registration date : 2014-06-02

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