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Beacon Discovered [open for anyone]

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Beacon Discovered [open for anyone] - Page 2 Empty Re: Beacon Discovered [open for anyone]

Post by The Perfect Sandwich June 1st 2014, 7:54 pm

He was impressed that the intese light and heat dulled his power a little since it faded out a few shadows he was using, and the guy was able to slash away his imps that were able to get close. Speaking in their dialect he told the imp to heal the rest. The injured parts turned into a molen skin compound and not long the injuries went away in a quick time.

They gathered back up as it seemed the two were about to bail. One was uncontious, but that never stopped him before. His imps turned into a black smog and in a quick movement it swirlled around him picking him up and changing him into the next form. He was held about 20 feet off the ground when the smoke rapidly escaped into the shadows and his wings flapped gentlly to keep him in a specific area.

He looked at his hands checking over his form; scanning over his body seeing what the form looked like once again. He stretched out as he flew into the air then dropped back into the ally. His feet went through the concrete and cracted the ground. He looked over at the newest arriver seeing as she was behind them it must mean she was with them. He would not let a 3 vs 1 get to him. When he flew down he had seen a shape of a man on the roof top. But if all he was doing is watching then he dont see why not take out the obsticle infront of him then kill him and any other people who caught a glimpse of him.

He walked over to a metal rod in the ground and yanked it out of the ground it was too long to swing around an alley so he bent it until it broke which did not take long. He grabbed the other piece he was not going to use and held it as a spere and hurrled it at the only person who seem to be so far equal since he had been doging and cutting down everything he threw. He launched it out of his hands and the spin he put on it was so great it made a perfect dirt spiral around the pipe almost perfectly cleaning the pipe of the dust. It soon took speed and zipped to the guy with every half second getting faster.

The Perfect Sandwich
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Beacon Discovered [open for anyone] - Page 2 Empty Re: Beacon Discovered [open for anyone]

Post by Bethany Strong June 1st 2014, 10:56 pm

Everything within the alley occurred so fast that Bethany narrowly missed getting hit by the red heads barrier. She sat on her backside, watching arrows and swords moving through the air at rapid paces; though it wasn't until the shadow man before them launched into the air that she got up.

Bethany watched as he then bent a metal rod with inhumane strength and she almost gasped as it broke in half. It only took a few more seconds before he hurtled it into the air. It moved with astonishing speed but seconds before it collided with one of the other men in the alleyway, she got to her feet and raised her arm. Palm stretched out in the direction of her second ally, she willed her body to obey. She could feel her ability emanating through the air until the molecules before the man in pink shorts solidified.

As the metal rod connected with Bethany's impromptu shield, it didn't immediately fall to the floor; the titan had thrown it with such forced that it continued to spin, attacking her shield as though it was a circular saw blade. It was physically draining to withstand the onslaught from the makeshift weapon and Bethany grunted, hastily raising her other hand to enforce her hold over the shield.

”Maybe you should move?” She said through gritted teeth as the man in pink shorts looked on; his eyes were fixed on the rod, evidently attempting to hide his disbelief. Now! Bethany cried out impatiently and when he eventually moved, she retracted the barrier and the rod continued through the air. Eventually it skidded across the cement ground of the alleyway and halted, but not before it travelled a good few metres.

”That's impressive.” Bethany muttered, swallowing dramatically as she noted the dryness of her mouth; it wasn't usually difficult to maintain her reversal barrier but it had felt like the enemy's own power was combating her through the rod.

With her breathing steady, Bethany looked at the others around her. She had intended to somehow subdue the imps but they had vanished; which only left herself, her two apparent allies and the titan before her. Part of her had wanted to switch sides there and then, but she was in no mood to deal with power-hungry villain types today.

Quickly allowing her body to solidify, Bethany's feet set off at a run. She could feel all of her strength travelling to her right leg as she did so; she was going to kick him.


Bethany Strong

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Beacon Discovered [open for anyone] - Page 2 Empty Re: Beacon Discovered [open for anyone]

Post by Timmmithy June 2nd 2014, 7:46 am

Trent was beginning to get a sickly feeling in his gut, however he couldn't tell if it was from minor alcohol poisoning or if all of the black magic was showing what little fear he had. He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a half empty flask of whiskey; within five seconds it had been emptied and was carelessly thrown off the rooftop and landed directly on the man who appeared to be rescuing the redhead.

Trent immediately realized what he had done. All of his will and planning to remain hidden was now thrown into the trash like a leaking umbrella. As the Titan began to mutate himself, Trent slid down the escape ladder and in a swift move, grabbed the unconscious Scottish boy and said to the man carrying him, "I'll take him, your stronger, hold this Titan asshole back so I can get him to safety. Now!"

Hoping to all gods that the man would listen, Trent ran into the adjacent building, an empty warehouse of some sort. He carried the Scotsman to the third floor in a hidden area where he laid him down and attempted to wake him up.

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Beacon Discovered [open for anyone] - Page 2 Empty Re: Beacon Discovered [open for anyone]

Post by Beacon June 2nd 2014, 8:50 am

With the Imperium healing Rowan's wounds, he awoke from unconsciousness a few moments after being carried to the room by the mysterious man. Rowan was so confused about what's going on. Who was this man who had just taken him? Was he a friend, or was he a foe? Was he going to kill him? Where did the other man go with the strange blades, and beautiful eyes? The last thing he remembered was looking at him before going unconscious. He vaguely remembered seeing a woman, but couldn't even remember if this was real. This all felt so unreal.

Rowan stumbled to his feet and looked at Trent, but didn't know his name. “What's going on?” He said with his thick Scottish accent shining through. “Did we beat that guy?” Rowan said softly, though part of him already knew the answer. He balled up some green light in his hands and looked at Trent. “Where's the guy? How come we're hiding?” He asked with a surprising amount of courage. “I'm Ro—I'm Beacon, by the way. We've gotta put this guy in his place” He said with a stupidly optimistic tone. To be perfectly honest, Rowan was worried about Michael, who seemed to be able to hold the other man off, but who knew how long that would last.

With an uneasy look, he peeked out the window, seeing the shadow man, and seeing Michael. He bit his lip and looked at Trent, not sure what to do. “ we go back and fight, or do we stay here and try and work out a strategy about how to bring him down? What would a hero do?” He mumbled more to himself before looking out the window again. “Sorry....I've never done anything like this before. Like...ever” He said with an embarrassed tone.

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Beacon Discovered [open for anyone] - Page 2 Empty Re: Beacon Discovered [open for anyone]

Post by The Bolt June 2nd 2014, 9:35 am

Michael would have been content with simply carting the human around and defending himself, but it seemed that the male that had appeared out of nowhere would take the burden and move him somewhere else. The titan however seemed to take on another form, one that he assumed was his final titan form, and one that he assumed would be more deadly than the others. Michael cursed under his breath, wondering if these metahuman would only prove to get in his way; imperium returning to him and being gripped within his right hand. The being now wielded two powerful blades, one of dark ethereal and one of pure, both of them deadly within their own rights. They could slice through nearly any flesh presented to them, and that was their best quality art the moment. Within an instant the titan would grip onto a piece of pipe and then fling it at Michael, however something stopped it.

There was a shimmer within the air, followed by the pipe slowing down before stopping completely, skidding uselessly past him as he glared at the male that was causing all of this trouble. It seemed that the female metahuman was not the most useless thing out there, and that was good enough for Michael at the moment as he looked upon the titan. ”Alright, I think its time we get down to business. I’m going to end you within the next few minutes, as likely the human authorities are about to arrive and I cannot venture to deal with them.” Dark purple titan runes would begin to form along Michael’s neck, and then snake up his face as they illuminated the alleyway and made his half titan heritage known to the one that he was facing. He would have told the girl to stay back, but it seemed that she was already aiming to attack the titan, which was not smart.

”I swear people have a death wish these days.” He muttered rolling his eyes as he hefted the blades upwards and then rushed the titan with a burst of speed, moving past the female and aiming a slash at his torso with misanthropy, a simple flick of the wrist that was too fast for anyone with subpar reflexes. However he had a feeling the titan would be able to react, and if a counter attack did come, he would block with the side of Imperium, using the white blade as a defense while he attacked with the black blade.
The Bolt
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Beacon Discovered [open for anyone] - Page 2 Empty Re: Beacon Discovered [open for anyone]

Post by Bethany Strong June 2nd 2014, 1:41 pm

Bethany rolled her eyes as the man travelled past her. She slowed her pace to a run but didn't allow her molecules to change; she was still solidified.

She watched as pink shorts rushed the titan, and then turned to see the red head being carried away to safety.

Bethany sighed and returned her body to normal. She retrieved her mobile from her pocket and looked at her new text message.

"I suppose I'll leave these boys to duke it out." Bethany ran her fingers across the screen of her phone and phased through the wall of the alley.


Bethany Strong

Phasing through jerks since '94
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Bethany Strong
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Beacon Discovered [open for anyone] - Page 2 Empty Re: Beacon Discovered [open for anyone]

Post by The Perfect Sandwich June 3rd 2014, 12:19 am

Hmm? Those marking were really familiar. He could easily place them as soon as he see the bright runes that lead a glow over his body. He's a Titan like me. Well if Titans were not strong he would not put it past them to switch to a more humane crowd and coward in the piles of people. Plus it would make the other Titans seem like the constant enemy and make him seem like their good for nothing friend or maybe pet. He did not know his story, but he was now not intersted in fighting another Titan. In fact he wanted to see what the guys story was of going to the humans side.

In a thought he could think of love. But that had been long past him, and the sense of power that he felt when bataling the guy was now clear why he felt a presence that is usual to him. As they were bothing sprinnting to him the girl stopped to a hault and started going through a wall, but he was still heading out his attack. He slammed the metal pole into the ground instictively putting in the guys path so if he messed up maybe he would hit it. With a quick burst of his wings he flew right past Michael and headed his full attack at Bethany. He stretched his arm out pushing it through the wall and seeing as how slow she was he would hit her even if she was all the way through the wall. Conrete or even brick was no match for his strength and endurance of his skin. Plus one good hit at the right level would decapitate her. And if this went well he would keep flying into the building he seen the other two run into.

He knew he should have delt with the onlooker that was on the roof, but like his dumb self he left it alone and proceeded with the ones infront. Now he has been fooled and the guy to the red head away from his grasp. And to think this all started with his over self pride. He boasted to much and maybe one day he would be in over his head, but that was not the case today.

His hand dug through the building leaving what looked like one big claw mark from a monster. If he went all the way around it would look like someone made an attempt to cut the building down, but he would not waste that much effort to kill someone.

Coronel's Advancements
The Perfect Sandwich
The Perfect Sandwich
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Beacon Discovered [open for anyone] - Page 2 Empty Re: Beacon Discovered [open for anyone]

Post by Timmmithy June 3rd 2014, 9:12 am

Trent laughed at the boy's accent as he said, "I knew you had to be Scottish, the red hair gave it away."

Trent noticed this kid was a bit unsteady, and figured a little joke or two would ease him a bit. "Nice to meet you by the way, Beacon. My name is Trent." He began looking through boxes, only to find his favourite treat, a full case of dusty whiskey bottles. He opened a bottle and began to drink as he continued, "I was watching the whole fight go down from the rooftop, I figured once you passed out shit began to get real so I hopped down and brought you here. Luckily you woke up on your own, I wasn't exactly sure what to do."

As Trent was speaking, he made his way to the dusty window and watched as the two titans went at it and noticed the girl and a few guts and power.

"So it seems like you let your powers get to you. I remember when I first got my abilities, but this isn't the time for a history lesson, there's a demon out there who would probably enjoy eating us." Trent paused to drink more whiskey. But before Beacon could reply, he spoke again, "It looks as though we have a four to one advantage on him however, between you, me, that other guy, and this girl who ran into you," trent turned to look Beacon in the eye, "we just might be able to take him out. The choice is up to you kid, do you want to be a hero or a bystander?"

Upon returning to the window, Trent's feelings toward fighting changed. The girl had now disappeared and the Titan appeared to be heading straight for his building. Now slightly pissed off, Trent said, "Alright kid, the choice is no longer up to you, I'm gonna see how long I last with this bastard." Trent stepped back as he took the last sip of whiskey. He burst forward toward the window, and in perfect timing, he dived through the thin glass pane between the demonic titan's legs, attempting to slice his knee with his katana as he landed. Before he could see if his attack landed he ran into the next building awaiting the titans next move since Trent was only specialized in defensive moves.

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Beacon Discovered [open for anyone] - Page 2 Empty Re: Beacon Discovered [open for anyone]

Post by Beacon June 7th 2014, 2:15 am

Rowan was trying to process everything that was going on, but was having little success. “Scot, born and raised” He said quietly. The other man seemed very calm, when it seemed like some creature was certainly trying to kill them. “Thanks for helping me out. I'm kind of an idiot when it comes to my powers. Or at least a novice. All I did was run into this bloke and now he wants me dead. It's rather frightening, to be honest.” He said shyly and looked at the ground. “I want to be a hero someday, but I don't think I'm cut out for it. I'm too stupid.” He mumbled quietly.

“Of course I want to help them out. It's my fault that this whole mess began. I'm feeling a lot better now, anyway. I don't exactly know how much of a help I'll be, but I'll try not to get killed.” He said with an affirmative nod, holding out his hands. Green light began to wrap around his arms and hands. “I'm ready to go when you are...I think” He said shyly. There was no way that this fight was going to be easy by any means, but perhaps they could come to some kind of agreement and everyone could leave, relatively unharmed.

Watching Trent jump out the window, Rowan gulped and attempted to find a safer way out of the building. He went down a staircase as quickly as possible, and ran out of the door. Upon seeing the slightly dramatic Titan, Rowan focused his energy and shot two beams of light at the Titan, hoping that they would hit him. Now in the sunlight, he wouldn't have to worry about light use too much. He brought one hand up to begin forming a barrier of green light around himself, knowing that defense would have to be utilized as well as offense. Hopefully, some of his new allies would be able to be more use. It took a lot of concentration to give his light solidity, and it was a skill he barely knew how to use. So it was unknown how effective his barrier would be.

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Beacon Discovered [open for anyone] - Page 2 Empty Re: Beacon Discovered [open for anyone]

Post by The Bolt June 7th 2014, 11:54 am

The Titan rushed past Michael in a burst of speed, air whipping his hair about as he followed the speed individual that had slammed through the wall of a building with a resounding crash. It seemed as if the building had shaken from the overwhelming force that had been produced by the physical monster, a force that he could not allow himself to feel firsthand, otherwise some damage be done to himself. His grip would tighten upon the two blades within his hand, the sound of something tearing through brick sounding off and suggesting that the being would be coming around soon enough and as if answering his question the Tutan would stop near the end of the alley with claws buried into the wall of the building. Taking his thunder the other heroes would seem to attack him in one fell swoop, which seemed to make Michael feel redundant in a way.

Not that he didn’t mind overwhelming someone, but it seemed that they had it here, not that he would act once the situation changed. Perhaps he could make sure that the stupid metahuman was okay, considering that he had partially went out of his way to make sure that any stupid Titan didn’t go about killing metahumans in his city. Almost as if reading his mind, the metahuman made his way to the street level and unleashed a few bursts of that strange light as fine as before. These bursts would barrel past Michael one their way to the target as Michael took a few steps back. ”You sure you can keep on fighting? A few moments ago you were practically unconscious.” Michael would question him raising an eyebrow before turning his attention back to the Titan.
The Bolt
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Beacon Discovered [open for anyone] - Page 2 Empty Re: Beacon Discovered [open for anyone]

Post by The Perfect Sandwich June 8th 2014, 12:20 pm

As his fist cleared the wall he did not know if he had hit the girl or not, but his attention was drawn to some thing hiting his legs and a hot flash that burned his cheek. He looked at his legs as he only seen a few cuts and that was not to much to worry about. Reaching to his side he grabbed a few bricks from the destroyed wall.

A couple in his hand he gave them all a powerful throw at the two metahumans and the titan. They were really fast as they zipped threw the air and the whistle engulfed the area. It was easily heard by anyone in the area.

Coronel's Advancements
The Perfect Sandwich
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Beacon Discovered [open for anyone] - Page 2 Empty Re: Beacon Discovered [open for anyone]

Post by Timmmithy June 8th 2014, 3:56 pm

It seemed as though the instant Trent entered the building, he was thrown to the floor from the brick that was effortlessly thrown by the Titan. The brick landed straight into Trent's chest. Luckily, Trent had spent many days in various pubs and had learnt to take a hit.

As he stood back o his feet he looked outside and saw that his attack had landed. However, compared to the size of the Titan, the cut seemed like a cat scratch. He decided that rather than attacking the Titan, he would keep the other two men in good shape.

In as quick of a run that he could manage, Trent sprinted over to Beacon and intercepted the incoming brick allowing him to focus more on offence and less on defence. As Trent dropped the brick he said, "your lucky I have good hand-eye coordination, that brick was gonna hit you square in the face."

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Beacon Discovered [open for anyone] - Page 2 Empty Re: Beacon Discovered [open for anyone]

Post by Beacon June 8th 2014, 4:36 pm

Thankful that the brick had been intercepted, he looked at his allies and wondered why they were helping him, not minding, but still nervous. People didn't often do any kind acts without wanting some kind of thing in return. And he wasn't really sure what kind of repayment they would ask for. He was barely an adult, and didn't have a lot of money, so that wasn't much of an option. But that wasn't the main concern now. The main concern was now to survive. Which seemed rather dangerous. And fatal. Which was frightening. Stop Rowan. He thought to himself and looked at the two men.

“I think that I'll be alright. Besides, now we're out in the sun and I feel much better” Rowan said with a smile. “And thanks for getting that brick for me” He said lightly as the barrier dissipated, but the green light was still in his hands. He was happy that his attack actually hit. He was never in a fight before, so this was kind of exciting. Which was probably bad to say, and they weren't out of the woods yet. Rowan looked at his teammates, wondering what to do next.

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Beacon Discovered [open for anyone] - Page 2 Empty Re: Beacon Discovered [open for anyone]

Post by The Bolt June 9th 2014, 9:47 am

Michael easily followed the broke that was thrown in his direction, raising his weapon and slicing the bit of building material in two as it clattered to the ground. ”Seriously, a brick? Is that the best you got Titan.” he said pronouncing the word as Ti’taen as the whipped the dust of the brick and watching it fade into the open air. The red haired male said something about being alright, which meant that he was either alright or he was just trying to play tough. Either way, Michael rolled his eyes and smirked lightly, something about it amusing to him. Drawing a black pistol from seemingly nowhere he aimed it at the Titan, the black pistol released a large burst of black energy that would engulf him. ”Might want to rest a little Red, this won’t last too long.” Michael joked, chuckling and grinning as he turned to the Scottish male then turning his attention back to the Titan.
The Bolt
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Beacon Discovered [open for anyone] - Page 2 Empty Re: Beacon Discovered [open for anyone]

Post by The Perfect Sandwich June 9th 2014, 1:34 pm

He knew the attempt for the bricks would not work. If he could push his finder through them destroying the objects then it would not work on metahumans either. He sprouted his wings and when he did Mike shot an enormous amount of black energy blowing through the alley. Thankfully he had already began to jump into the air so he had enough time to miss it's effects.

As he looked around the street they were standing on he seen the man holes and figured the sewer system ran through the middle of the streets. He left the enclosed area of the alley and plunged himself down at a rapid speed hitting the road at full strength. A massive hole appeared in seconds swallowing the street and quickly changing the play field. As the chaos continued he dashed to assult Beacon wipping past everyone hopeing to get one hit on him. It would be all he need just to take him out then it would be a 2 on 1. He reared back his arm and swung at him as soon as he was close.

Coronel's Advancements
The Perfect Sandwich
The Perfect Sandwich
Posting Master
Posting Master

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 444
Location : unown
Age : 30
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Humor : Donuts and Donut holes? Are you trying to suggest something?
Registration date : 2011-04-22

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Beacon Discovered [open for anyone] - Page 2 Empty Re: Beacon Discovered [open for anyone]

Post by Timmmithy June 9th 2014, 10:28 pm

After a few hacks back and forth, Trent saw the Titan smash a hole through the street, making the whole ordeal public. Then in an instant he was charging for Beacon. Trent had made it his duty to keep this kid safe so he could focus on attacks, however, he was too far away to pull him away from the Titan. Trent picked up the brick that he had intercepted earlier and chucked it right into Beacons gut to hopefully throw the Titan off his target. He figured that a brick to the gut would feel better than having a giant demon maul his face apart.

Trent didn't have time to see if the Titan missed as he had to turn his attention to the demolished street. "How much of a temper does this asshole have?" Thought Trent as he approached the wreckage.

Trent was surprised to see that a woman was crying on the edge of the wreckage when a stranger told him that the woman's child had fallen in the sewer below the broken street. Although Trent really didn't care about the child, he wanted to keep a fairly good reputation throughout this fight so he decided he should at lest try and save him. Before he dived into the street, Trent shouted to the other man, "Watch the Scotsman! I have to save a damn kid!"

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 92
Registration date : 2014-03-23

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Beacon Discovered [open for anyone] - Page 2 Empty Re: Beacon Discovered [open for anyone]

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