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Anarchy's Progress

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Anarchy's Progress  Empty Anarchy's Progress

Post by 16 February 8th 2014, 4:31 pm

Approved Base:

Current: (Have 3 points left over)
Intelligence: 5
Strength: 4
Speed: 6
Durability: 3
Ability: 3
Fighting Skills: 6
Wealth: 1

New Stats:(After using the left over 3 and moving 1 strength in the ability section)

Intelligence: 5
Strength: 3
Speed: 7
Durability: 3
Ability: 6
Fighting Skills: 6
Wealth: 1
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 170
Registration date : 2013-09-17

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Anarchy's Progress  Empty Re: Anarchy's Progress

Post by Zodiac February 9th 2014, 3:05 pm


Anarchy's Progress  Guilty10
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Killing never takes a villain out of this world...It just replaces them."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 643
Age : 28
Job : Your salvation through destruction.
Humor : [19:13:20] @ Forceaus : The racking of sperring skirrs means you rack disciprine
Registration date : 2013-08-18

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Anarchy's Progress  Empty Re: Anarchy's Progress

Post by 16 April 15th 2014, 2:55 am

Mental Assessment:

Brain Power ~ "For combat and further enhancement purposes, we had drills and lessons. But for pure knowledge they had a super computer in which had a small machine that allows whoever controlling it to transfer memories and dreams into a brain. Crazy right? It worked on me. Stretching my capacity and range of knowledge to point’s unthinkable back then ... admitted because of that it showed me how to do everything. Here is a list of things mostly given to me artificially but a good portion learned" - 16

Tactical Specialist:
Admitted, the computer implanted military tactics, forms and plans into his brain. Along with books of wisdom like "Art of War" along with video game tactics and so much more. So he is able to effectively plan as in acting and or reacting given almost no time to place pieces to go. He has a special style of thinking, due to his brain being so vast he is able to create predictions based off his imagination making him able to act effectively. It's looked at by common folks as a super power, but it's not just a big imagination, possibilities, theories and action in his case.

Escape Artist 3x:
In the line of work he specialized in he had to know how to get in and out in the most effective way possible, The agencies put him through book work before on the field - Weather it's combat wise in a sticky situation, or trying to flee a scene he always find a way to escape. One of the best reasons he has never gotten caught.

Bomb Corps:
One of 16's favored effective parts of his brain, they placed him in the explosive unit; He has dealt with some of the most potent bombs and can find things and create something that surely goes boom. Military bombs are the least he worked with, nuclear and anything around that area is the shit he rocks with. Deactivating and creating bombs or explosives is one of his good qualities - Now his super speed mixed, his tactical mind, and explosive goodies he is a bit more of a force to be reckoned with.

Detective & Anti Detective Skills: "Being an assassin isn't about just killing, you have to learn how to track your target; Becomes harder when the target is on to you and either hiding tracks or preparing for a counter attack. I have given and trained to detect clues better than trained detectives as well as hiding those same tracks so I was never there. It's the feeling of knowing you could kill a man and erase your existence of that moment, no one suspects a thing." - 16

Face Maker & Coplay: "I can easily create an artificial faces and outfits to hide my appearance" -16

Technology Knowledge: Creating most of his own gadgets and bombs, computer and device understanding. Hacking skills, fixing and things of the sorts are all possible.

Body Language: This actually can be placed in the combat section as well, he is able to read others more easily than others by not only paying closer attention to words but to their body language and emotions. This also gives him an advantage in battle to be able to be just a bit more aware of body actions of others.

Gas man: He has large knowledge and creations of gasses and special weaponry of such.

Physical Assessment:

Body Power ~ "My body is my greatest weapon second to my brain, the intense workouts and skills given to me made me scared of myself at first. I was constantly fighting, everyday combat experience was growing everyday to the point where my body was so used to fighting I almost became consumed with it. They taught me so many forms of combat it always came down to lethal and non-lethal tactics. They trained me to be able to be a destructive combatant, I've taken down many opponents with my barehands without being touched. I've been able to move quickly and push my body to places I've never achieved before." - 16

Parkour & Flexibility: Sixteen has been trained to be able to be able to climb, flip, jump and move through any kind of obstacle. Able to bend his body to it's highest degree for things like flips, splits and elastic movements. Augmented in his super speed and Martial arts.

Stealth: Sixteen has the ability to infiltrate fortresses without being seen, analyze best steps on different material to not be heard and use this skill for in and out of combat situations. He was mostly used to sneak inside of areas, plant bombs and sneak out killing many without even being seen.

Weapon & Gadgets:
He has a vast number of weapons he has used and trained with, modern style; Swords, Staffs, umbrellas, Batons, Scythes, Chains, and the list goes on. Guns are nice around his fingers as well, sniple rifles, hand guns and lets not forget rocket launchers - Let's not forget his own special gadgets. His mental armory goes on.

Expert Combatant and Martial Artist:
This particular feature is one of this greatest not only accomplishments but his legacy. Unlike most of his ex teammates this was a factor that he focused on, trained so hard mother fuckers had to find him, that shit's crazy. He has trained in so many different styles, he claim none of them but all of them at the same time. He was already a stone cold fighter before his speed enhancements, now his skills and fury has increased to a point of being arguably one of the best close quarter specialist in the world.

Super Speed Strong Jumping Power: Sixteen's special ability to accelerate his speed beyond that of automobiles is vast and allows him to cover large scales in a very short about of time. He can not only move his feet but the rest of his body at an accelerated rate for high speed combat. This is his main source of movement, can scale surfaces and even water at the speed he can make - Can jump large distances as well. (8 Speed/1 Flight)

Danger Sensory: Sixteen has the power to sense when immediate danger is incoming aiming at him directly or hidden. Due to its power it's very limited by only range, but the sense itself is powerful. The sense detects threats once in range instantly, the direction it's coming from and it's aim on the body and sends it directly to his brain. This is a primary sense, even when he isn't in combat the sense is always passive - active and detecting possible threats in his head. The closer the threat is to him, the faster he can break down the threat, this includes intent, traps, and combative moves. 3 Ability.
Drawback: Just because he can sense it doesn't mean he can stop, block, dodge or evade the threat and or attack. Distance is 30 meter diameter.

Intelligence: 5
Strength: 3
Speed: 7
Durability: 3
Ability: 6
Fighting Skills: 6
Wealth: 1

Change! Took out 3 from the Ability and place one in flight, speed and fighting style

Intelligence: 5
Strength: 3
Speed: 8
Durability: 3
Ability: 3
Flight: 1 (For Super Speed Purposes; Due to Staff indifference this should be acceptable)
Fighting Skills: 7
Wealth: 1
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 170
Registration date : 2013-09-17

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Anarchy's Progress  Empty Re: Anarchy's Progress

Post by 16 April 16th 2014, 7:32 pm

Bump =D

"You must realize. that fear is not real. It is a product of thoughts you create. Don't let me be misunderstood, danger is very real, but fear itself is a choice"

Character Profile: Anarchy, 16
For more information or a chance to RP: Anarchy's File
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 170
Registration date : 2013-09-17

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Anarchy's Progress  Empty Re: Anarchy's Progress

Post by 16 September 30th 2014, 5:10 pm

Lotus(16) learned The Kushala-Tatsu!
Intel converted to Occult as well.
Original Version:
Kushalatatsu: The fighting style of the Death clan, modeled after Death itself. The style kills the opponent slowly and cripples them with frequent, small Knicks and cuts that are only deep enough to damage the enemy. Death by 10000 cuts or bruises. (7 Fighting Style)

Gained Skills (Kushalatatsu style techniques):

(5 FS + 8 SPD)
Spirit  Aura: Through the extensive training with Shi the God of Death, he gained the ability to project and construct his soul into matter when using speed for specific purposes. Not quite a super power, more like powerful superhuman skills and techniques passed down and taught to him that aguments his fighting style and power.

- Pushing Spirit: While in the air he can construct spiritual energy in the form of a playform that he can push off of; Mid jump or a burst of speed to push them while they are in the air. Like a wall to bounce on basically.
Duration: 3 post active
Cooldown: 8 post

- Standing Spin: Spinning and projecting his spirit he can protect his body; Usually needing a strong durability this power allows him to spin and create a defensive counter spin. Anything within range while spinning will be repelled and/or sliced by it's cutting power. This does not suck anything towards him or cause any kind of damage or difference around them.
The appearance: A color emits from his body like a layer of new skin, until the technique is over.
8SPD range: 3 7 level attacks and the spirit will dissappear.
Duration: 3 post active
Cooldown: 4 post

(6 FS + 8 SPD)
- Mirage: This ability allows 16 to create a mirage using his special spirit style. The replica of himself can't move and once it's touched it dissappears. Used for suprise attacks or escape.
Duration: Can only create two at a time.
Cooldown: 6 post

(7 FS + 8 SPD)

- Kinetic Strike: When in top speed, he can focus his spiritual energy into gathering up momentum and kinetic energy; When built up or when 16 strikes, he can strike a level 8 attack. A punch/Kick anything physical will give incredible damage. Anything that makes contact will be blasted with spiritual/Kinetic/momentum likely being fatal. Strong cooldown time due to the strain it takes.
Drawback: 16 must gather the energy, running in circles or running point blank forward(distance 20 meters).
Duration: 2 Attacks.
Cooldown: 8 post

WC: 4529
Gain exp: 9

"You must realize. that fear is not real. It is a product of thoughts you create. Don't let me be misunderstood, danger is very real, but fear itself is a choice"

Character Profile: Anarchy, 16
For more information or a chance to RP: Anarchy's File
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 170
Registration date : 2013-09-17

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