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Political Assassinations (Open)

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Political Assassinations (Open) Empty Political Assassinations (Open)

Post by Humanity September 3rd 2014, 7:46 pm

One click, two click, three click, four. It was painful for him. For every one of those seconds, he has has thirty six seconds. What you percieved as four seconds, he has percieved as over two minutes. Patience and determination would make his mark though. He sat there in the apartment building, looking down at the small town square, steel barriers and streamers of brilliant blue and radical red and serene silver. The area was littered with signs of democratic propoganda and congregating masses. Soon, it was going to be soon. Soon The Purger would purge another evil, soon there would be another body for the gutters. The Metallic Man sat in a chair, two of his "gang" were sitting there, the family was terrified as they sat there. An African american gentleman, his wife and their little girl no older than seven. The only noise beyond the woman's troubled breathing was the clocks upon the wall. The man was a clock-collector. Such a strange habit to come across. He almost...enjoyed it. There was the sound of something falling to the floor with a thump. Auditory systems recognized it as a light object, hitting the throw-rug beneath the coffee table. He looked to the source of the nose and the woman gasped, the Husband put his arm around his wife to keep her and their child back. Guilty Spark noted a small doll upon the floor and stood up. His two underlings responded accordingly, keeping their eyes on the family. The metallic man waved at his hodlums and they nodded before returning to their casual stances. He took the doll, a plain expression on the metallic casing he called a face. He knelt down, taking the doll in hand and looking at it within it's hand.

"I assume you want this back?" He asked the little girl, looking up through his shadowed hood. The child was terrified, she had every right to be. This "man" this...Guilty Spark was a reaper, he was an instrument of innocence and a restorer of balance. He was not a friend, he was not family, he was not an ally. He was a tool, nothing more and nothing less. But he was no monster. Not to the innocent he sought to sustain, not to the very ideals he stood for. The little girl made no indicatin, she just quivered and the father looking as if he wanted to do something...but he knew he was helpless. That was their curse, that was the futility of the flesh. "Don't be afraid. See...I'm just like you." He said, producing a hand which turned to flesh, the color as dark as the mud of the Nile river, but he kept his face cloaked. The girl accepted the promting and nodded at him. Guilty Spark could only chuckle as he looked to the doll a little closer. "You may have it back if you can promise me something." He said as he reached out and took the little sirl's hans and placed the doll's hand in her's. "Keep it that your daughter can play with it one day. Agreed?" he asked with a plesant tone. The little girl nodded and smiled slightly at what one might have called "a cheezy promise" but that was just him towards children. The applause were starting and Guilty Spark's head shot up. He stood upright and nodded. "Thank you for your hospitality. This will be over shortly and you may resume your lives." He said as he walked over towards the window, looking out to see the man emerge and make his way towards the podium. Guilty Spark's eyes narrowed as he fixated his glare.

Jericho Masters, a unique little mark. He looked upon the man as he waved with the million dollar smile and the combed blonde hair with piercing blue eyes, and he listened as the free world cheered for this man. He looked around at vans and the congregated masses. Look at them all. Ignorance at it's finest. I've watched you Jericho, every underhanded deal with the russian mob, every laundered cent accounted for, every single rival buried. Come out into your web of lies little spider, spew your venomous corruption and slaughter the masses of the inept and inadequite. Let the filth of human media congregate like vultures fresh to the kill of their predator ally. Come vultures you're into a treat... The corruptions' purging brought upon my own feet. His thoughts fixated upon the suited politician. Jericho knew he was coming. Guilty Spark even told him so. Guilty Spark always takes the path which requires the least bloodshed, in which since Jericho is always so protected by his "underworld enforcer" types the easiest and cleanest way was public execution. Guilty Spark had to wonder the resistances Jericho prepared for, considering he was invisible to all technology. Meta-humans being hired in his defense? Maybe... it was possible. He'd hired powerful types before, but Guilty Spark was more than prepared. One of his goons back at camp knew a guy who knew a guy who knew a powerful meta-human who could help him.... maybe they'd show up for some assistance. He hoped no one in the audiance tried to play hero either... that got messy. But for now, Guilty Spark would focus on the right timing.

"Thank you! Thank you! Ladies and gentlemen it is an honor!" Jericho said with a big smile and beaming of charisma. His next minutes of words should be well placed, as they would be his last.


Political Assassinations (Open) Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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Political Assassinations (Open) Empty Re: Political Assassinations (Open)

Post by Assailant September 4th 2014, 11:36 am

Smiles, strange human emotions, Assailant hadn't yet revealed himself as the doll fell to the floor, the ticking masked his little slip as he crawled around on the rafters, his tail knocked this 'doll' from the table as this robot was talking to these individuals, he saw the grunt seek the rafters as the doll dropped and hugged the shadows, his black suit distorting his image just enough for the gaze to pass over without incident.

Hidden here, this creature waited but examined the robot with great interest, glancing at his bionic arm and wondering if it was as sophisticated, see Assailant had been promised some technology to improve his devices, which seemed necessary at this time as his eye was seemingly acting up, this robot still unknown to him, looked like a dead walking, talking human, no real heat signature or pulse was coming from him, unlike the group in the centre who were frightened.

The dead one to Kor'Thalos moved to the window and Kor moved to the wall, he was fascinated by the clocks, why a human chose to collect technology that outdated him greatly, he took one from the wall and observed it with great interest, taking it apart, observing each piece then reassembling them as they went apart. The issue arose when he turned and once again his tail moving to balance him knocked away the clock, to which he scuttled to the other side of the room and slid down behind the two grunts, not frightened of the situation but certainly apprehensive of these individuals, honestly he just wanted a conversation with the apparent boss, since he looked like a good man, well not good, but certainly not one of those people that murder for no reason, due to this he stood and left the shadows with both hands raised an the only word that left his mouth was "Sorreee", meanwhile the little girl looked to her father and said in a hushed tone "Daddy, there's a kitty man in our house too".

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 17
Registration date : 2014-09-02

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Political Assassinations (Open) Empty Re: Political Assassinations (Open)

Post by Leon Fawkes September 5th 2014, 7:32 pm

Leon's Mask:
The Jacket:

The world was so much different through a scope. It gave a new perspective to everything. You're able to maintain your normal vision on the target, yet still be able to see all the fine details through the magnified vision of that small circle. It allowed you to take a peak into the life of a person. That's exactly what Leon was doing from about a mile away. He was watching his target. You see, even Leon can sometimes get into a situation that most would like to avoid. That, my friend, would be being broke. And while Leon isn't one to care about the rules of society very much, he also doesn't like to wrong others for no good reason. He won't steal from a store clerk for his own reasons. That doesn't constitute as being exciting and entertaining in his eyes. Perhaps if he decided to steal from the most protected place in the world, that would be a different story. Yet, somehow, in Leon's twisted beliefs of right and wrong, killing a man because somebody else wants him dead and commissions him to do it is fine. Besides, this was no ordinary man. He would be able to get his fix of fun today. The man who commissioned him told him that this man usually had a large number of metahumans to cover his back, thinking to exploit Leon's love for excitement. Well, it worked. Leon knew that was something that people could easily exploit in order o get what he wanted, but his pride wasn't damaged from it. H saw it more as the two of them mutually benefitting from the situation. Leon loved excitement. That man wanted Masters dead. Hopefully, Masters truly did have a posse of metahumans backing him up. It would be boring to simply shoot a man through the scope of his rifle and not have anybody come for him.

Leon found himself lying up on a steel bar hoisted into the air by a crane. There was a construction site just a mile from this man's parade site with Leon being able to take aim straight up and down the road where Masters would be driving. Don't ask Leon how he managed to clear out the site of workers. If he truly wants something done, then it will happen. There lay the man with the silenced high powered rifle, waiting to begin the killing. Today he also decided to not use his armor. There was bound to be media there today and Leon didn't care to have his regular outfit broadcast to the whole word as an assassin. That was why he was wearing a simple red mask today. Aside from the red mask, Leon was also wearing a black leather jacket with jeans tucked into combat boots. If possible, he would like to be able to perform the whole operation relying on what could be conceived as just humanly powers. That would be the best route for protecting his image, yet he won't hesitate to use his powers if he needs them. As usual, Leon wore his custom watch for all of his technological needs on his left wrist. On his back was his deployable turret strapped on in a backpack fashion with four straps. Two each going over the shoulder and two tightly strapped to his sides under his arms. Leon kept a tactical vest strapped under his unzipped jacket with four knives in place along with three extra magazines for his G-14 sniper and four extra magazines for his dual M1911's, each holding 7 rounds, which were kept on two holsters at his hips. It made Leon happy to be using conventional weapons just like the good old days.

While waiting for Masters to make his appearance, Leon was scouting the area. The first step would be to check for counter snipers. Even a man such as Masters would be able to hire men to simply stand on roofs with high powered rifles to watch out for other men with high powered rifles. Once things got hot, Leon would know exactly which spots to hit. This was easily the most tedious task of the day. It was like he was playing the game on hard mode, unable to use some of his armor's special functions. Soon enough, however, he marked each of his targets. Now, all Leon had to do was to wait for his target to show up. It was times like these that he had satellite T.V. on his watch. Either way, the only thing he could do to kill the boredom would be to watch people through his scope. If only everybody could be as exciting as he was.
Leon Fawkes
Leon Fawkes

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 20
Registration date : 2014-08-25

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Political Assassinations (Open) Empty Re: Political Assassinations (Open)

Post by Humanity September 8th 2014, 6:44 am

Guilty Spark had an overwhelming amount of data register all at once, and his ultimate reaction was one he was not used to. He had felt it once before but that oh so long ago, when he uncovered The Baron's Identity. He believed this "emotion" or rather this feeling to be known as shock, or surprise. He showed no emotion, no shaking in the voice as he turned to look and see th "kitty man" standing there. The men moved quickly, standing side by side now as they rose up their rather high-tech guns to fire out. Guilty Spark thought he had heard the thing talk. If that was so then it may have been an innocent! Unacceptible. Guilty Spark moved beyond them, almost instantly breaking the sound barrier as he appeared coverd over 1400 feet per second...and let's face it, he wasn't even 20 feet away. To guilty spark time moved so slow...he literally was able to leisurely walk over between them, his men's guns weren't even raised yet and he had his hands beneath the barrels. In less than a second he was calmly between his men and the creature and prepared. His hands shot up and swatted the guns, forcing them to the roof as they fired out, missing the creature entirely. Guilty Spark's arms flew out and he grappled them men by their collars and pulled them in. When they were close they both had an expression of horor on their faces. "NEVER let your fear overside your judgements. You almost harmed something we do not know if it is innocent or not. Learn from your mistakes, and do not allow this to happen again." Guilty Spark said as he looked to the family of dark skinned individuals. "I apologize, I never meant for any attention to be brought upon you. Please, leave immediately find security for yourselves. Quickly!" He said to them. The sound barrier had just been broken and two guns were fired out, there was likely a lot of attention on their direction. Guilty Spark motioned to the door and his men exited as quietly as possible, one of them muttering an apology to the "Kitty-Man"

Guilty Spark looked to "Kitty-Man" and with an interested hum he surmised that this creature was not a human being, nor was it a meta-being. Being an A.I that worked in the worlds leading and most successful genetic research and bio-engineering corporation he was pretty quick to pick out was is natural from what is created. He partially assumed that the creature may have been an escaped project from Gene-Tech that somehow recognized him, but he wasn't sure nor did he really care. The beast was not bothering him, nor was it proving to be malicious or corrupt, therefore he would allow the beast to exist as long as it wished. He moved back towards the window with a sigh as he began to look around. every tick, and every toc was over a mintue for him to think and percieve, to think of how to act. People knew he was there, and this was a very bad thing. Jericho Master's continued to make the beginning of his speech. Guilty Spark waited ever so patiently, he had to be purged at just the right moment in his speech, and it had to be by his hand, lest it not go as planned. He was vigilent, making sure that his hidden meta-human guards were out of sight still before he began to theorize a course of action. The likely hood of another person wanting Jericho dead was great...the man was a literal murderer and a liar, the source for the loss of over 15,000 jobs in the past four years. But still the masses loved him...individuals though? Many people would pay to have the man murdered. Guilty Spark kept vigilent as he watched over Jericho. His time was ticking to a close...

"I just want to start off by saying "Thank you America" for your votes! I also want to thank my campeign manager, and of course I wish I had the time to thank each and every constituant, but i'm sorry to say that is we did that we'd never get anything doen on capitol hill... Well it' not like much would change I suppose but I am trying that I can promsie you!" Jericho said, Guilty Spark's optics narrowing as the charismatic attempt at humor. How could humanity fall for such ruses? The man of metal hummed as he began looking outward, trying to find or discern any particulat "competition" of sorts, beginning to use his scanners.


Political Assassinations (Open) Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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Political Assassinations (Open) Empty Re: Political Assassinations (Open)

Post by Assailant September 8th 2014, 8:59 am

Assailant saw the men raise their guns and although the masked guy shot across the room, Assailant tracked his movements using his amazing perception and then approached the pair after what the man said, sniffing with crude disinterest at their weapons, although good they werent, amazingly however, Assailant changed form almost pointlessly happy to a dark tone to the two "Threaten Assailant do you both, next time I will cut you both to shreds".

Changing his demeanour back to happy he walked over to Guilty and said "What we doing? Me called Assailant, who you? ... And who him?" pointing at the man who is addressing the nation and then pressing his face to the window he pointed up at the building roof at a man with a rifle pointing over at a building site and muttering words, then he turned to guilty and said "That man down there seem like bad man, pheromones say he lies about what he say, should i deal with men on roof for you?"

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 17
Registration date : 2014-09-02

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Political Assassinations (Open) Empty Re: Political Assassinations (Open)

Post by Leon Fawkes September 8th 2014, 7:52 pm

Boredom quickly overcame Leon. It had been a long time since he had been able to get in his fix of adrenaline, approximately thirty two hours. Every time that Leon captured a target through his scopes, his finger instinctively hovered over the trigger, just wanting to let the day explode into excitement. Yet, each time, Leon managed to overcome his impulses and continued to wait. He would keep waiting until the big fish showed up into his pond. Well, it was more like a small fish leading a pack of big fish. For this man himself wasn't a big fish himself, yet the people that flocked to him would more than likely be enough to give Leon a bit of fun. Metahumans were Leon's prime target whenever he needed to play. Ones that regenerate even if you separate their limbs from their bodies. Ones that could run much faster than Leon could. Ones that could rip up the ground with their bare hands and then use said ground as a missile. He loved this new game that he had entered in. Everybody in it was interesting. Everybody could give him a wonderful time. But, suddenly, his target finally appeared on the scene. That's when Leon started to fixate around this man. How could such a simple individual have such a large potential for excitement? Why did Leon's targets decide that this man was worthy enough to get their undivided attention? The answer was simple; it was money. Such a corrupt thing money was. It was the reason that these metahumans devoted their service to protect this man. Yet, money was also the reason that Leon was even here in the first place. Without it, he couldn't even eat or have a place to sleep. So, here he was. Ready to take down this other man who got to where he is because of money. Money was the worst thing and the best thing at the same time. It could create everything that Leon hated, and it could also give him all the entertainment he could desire. Perhaps, money wasn't such a bad thing after all. It just needs to be used correctly.

Leon watched this Masters person as he took the stage and started to speak. All he could think about was how boring it would be to end this man's life with a simple pull of the trigger. Suddenly, new ideas started flooding Leon's mind as his body went to work. He quickly ejected his magazine and the loaded round within the rifle before subsequently reloading that round into the same magazine. Afterwards, Leon grabbed one of his tracer bullets from his pocket and loaded it into his rifle, putting his ejected magazine back in its place so his regular bullets would be loaded automatically after his tracing bullet was fired. Leon then took aim again at this man he was supposed to kill, ready to fire his tracking bullet into him. It wouldn't kill him or even make him aware that he was being targeted. Perhaps he would feel just an itch. Yet, that action would lead Leon on his hunt. He wanted to fight this man's guards up close and personal. There was nothing romantic about pulling a trigger and watching your target die. Leon loved being in the thick of the action. That would not be taken from him because he decided to play it safe and shoot his target from afar. Not when he so desperately needed some excitement. With a smile, Leon took aim. From a mile away, the man definitely still appeared a small target. However, Leon's skill far transcended that of a normal human with any weapon. Small target or not, his bullet would hit its mark. Slowly, but surely, Leon's finger pulled the trigger and released the small tracing bullet towards its target. Satisfied with how the shot went, Leon looked down at his watch to see if it had truly hit. Once again, Leon would not disappoint himself as he saw the tracking activated on his watch. Masters was a mile down the road. A mile that could be bridged within a small time frame.

But, there was still more to Leon's plan. He had to make sure that he caused a lot of chaos. The shot to start off this crazy hunt. Remembering the positions of the politician's counter snipers and guards, Leon took aim for the one closest to Masters. This was but another simple man who held no place in Leon's world. Normally, Leon would not even bother to attack let alone kill this man, but today he needed something to spark the fire. This man had no potential excitement for Leon. All he held was a rifle and waited to see if anything would show up, doubting that it would. His demeanor said it all. He was truly here only to get paid and go home. Well, this was the wrong day to have that kind of attitude. The bullet repelled itself from the rifle, traveling at an insane speed. This man would not see or hear it coming. Fwip. A small explosion happened within the man's shoulder as the bullet penetrated through and stopped within his body. A spurt of blood came out of the entrance point. The man was still alive, but not for very long. The bullet caught him at the right point to make him spin, causing him to hit the railing of the building and toppling him over, sending him to his untimely death at the ground floor. A disgusting crunch would be heard as the body hit the ground, followed by screams of panic. That panic would soon spread throughout the crowd and ultimately unearth this whole speech. Now it was time for Leon to go on the hunt. Quickly, Leon removed the scope from his weapon, discarding it over the side of the steel bar. Next, he jumped from the bar about 300 feet from the ground. While falling, Leon placed his weapon on safe and strapped it to his back, the weapon resting to the right of his turret. It wasn't bulky enough for him to resort to discarding the whole gun as well, and it wouldn't be a detriment to his fighting skills. With a large thud, Leon hit the ground hard. He wouldn't be able to walk away from jumps like those unscathed without his armor underneath his skin to absorb most of the shock. However, he could feel the skin on his feet ripping up a little bit. It was only a minor annoyance, and one that he would be able to ignore. Leon looked up and readied himself into a sprinter's stance before taking off at full speed towards the crowd. Nothing would get in the way of his fun.
Leon Fawkes
Leon Fawkes

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 20
Registration date : 2014-08-25

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Political Assassinations (Open) Empty Re: Political Assassinations (Open)

Post by Humanity September 18th 2014, 10:03 pm

This creature was offering to help him? While that was greatly appreciated, Guilty Spark wanted to handle this as easily and cleanly as he could. Murdering hired men on the roof who believe they are doing a good thing is hardly the objective for him. "Assailant? I see..." Guilty Spark said with an intrigue as he looked over the creature with interest, though having no face himself made it complicated for him to relay the emotion obviously. The creature had asked his own name, though Guilty Spark was unsure if he should reveal his name to a stranger such as this. This thing was an anomaly and that meant it was a risk. A risk was not something he usually entertained. "That is Jericho Masters...he is a very bad man. But he's very good at convincing people he is good. I am trying to destroy him so that he cannot deceive people any longer." Guilty Spark explained as he folded his arms across his chest and he looked out.

"I appreciate the offer to deal with the men on the roof. But they are not evil, they have been fooled. When we kill Jericho I shall make a call, and their eyes will be opened. Jericho is the only man who MUST die today..." Guilty Spark sighed as he looked out where was a noise. It was far away, but the highly developed mind could detect and hear things beyond many people. It was a blast. His limitations on his movements made things difficult on reaction. He saw it...a bullet rather small, going in air as he watched it press into the man's flesh. Guilty Spark's optic widened as he witnessed the man began to stumble back. Guilty Spark may not have had enough time to intercept the bullet, but he had enough to leap out at immense speeds and land on the side of the building, his hands having transformed into claw like tips to secure him to the building. He reached out at the man and grappled onto the man's vest as he fell. Alas the man didn't secure his vest and he slipped out ultimately falling to his death a pang hitting the machine. The facial recognition identified him and GS sighed as he propelled himself back to the building he was in prior, though now he hung just outside the window.

 Guilty Spark had been distracted. He snarled as he heard the screams and gasps of horror from what had just transpired. Blood gushing from his shoulder, and a sickening crunch as a counter-soldier fell to his death. Guilty Spark began to contemplate who this was, or why they were doing what they were doing. Guilty Spark felt something...the curse of sentience taking its toll. This was an "emotion" or rather a feeling he knew well. It was when he was feeling irritate and annoyed. Something about it was different though, it was a new feeling. He let out a little hum as his eyes narrowed, looking down at the crowd. He looked back to the large beast. "If you want to help me try and find who fired that shot!" Guilty spark said as he released his grip on the building and fell towards the earth. Thanks to the high durability of the machine, Guilty Spark approached the recently deceased body and looked to the bullet wound.

Tyler Zimmerman. D.O.B 2/19/1997. Purple Heart, organ donor...father of one... Guilty Spark froze as he let the internet files on the man vanish as he observed the wound, reaching in as he withdrew the bullet. It seemed simple, but in truth all he needed was the angle...the angle he got perfectly. Closing his optics he recalled the standing position of the male, and the trajectory of the bullet. The area committed to memory, Guilty Spark mapped out the potential trajectory in the direction of the construction site. But to make a shot like that you would need military training or be one skilled S.O.B. Guilty Spark noticed Jericho making a run for it, slipping into the chaos. Guilty Spark began to take his final transformation. He pulled the man's corpse close and transformed around him, into a black car and drove up to Jericho Masters. A man entered the back of the car as they tried to funnel Jericho himself into it, and a man trying to get in the passenger side. Guilty Spark would kill Jericho, but not yet... he had to bring Jericho to the construction site...he wanted whomever was after Jericho to see that it was Guilty Spark who was purging the world...and no one would intervene.


Political Assassinations (Open) Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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