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Far far away (open)

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Far far away (open) Empty Far far away (open)

Post by XxRedxX May 12th 2014, 9:14 pm

'Am I dead?' Gryz thought to himself, his body feeling weightless and floating with the current of some river. 'Eyes to heavy to open, so tired, been fighting so long. Did we win?' There were strange noises, loud horns he had never heard before and the sound of hammering. After a few minutes Gryz washed up on a land mass. Taking a deep breath, Gryz pull himself out of the water and onto dry land. His body ached and cuts stung from the salt of the water. Finally he opened his eyes, wiping away wet fur with his paw to see a city of stone and glass before him. 'Where on motavia is this?'

Looking around, he saw groups of strange creatures pointing at him in shock and awe. Finally, he heard some body call out. "Its a bear! quick somebody call animal control!" Other called out in fear, "ITS A WILD BEAR RUN!"

'What is a bear, and why are they calling me a bear? what are these strange creatures?' Gryz stood up on his two feet, look around the crowd and trying figure out what was happening.

Far far away (open) Picnikcollage
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Far far away (open) Empty Re: Far far away (open)

Post by wwesvrfan215 May 12th 2014, 9:34 pm

Colton was walking near the river in a thin t-shirt and some shorts when he heard some yelling downstream from him about a bear. Deciding to see what was happening Colton ran at about 50mph towards the screams. Upon reaching the spot he saw a strange sight, a bear was standing completely upright covered in scars. Colton wondering what this was about walked slowly towards the large grizzly bear holding his hands up while slowly turning his skin into titanium he began to say in a soothing voice, "Alright big guy I'm going to move you away from all these people so that way you can't scare them anymore." He then begins to reach towards the grizzly planning to lift it up and carry it away from the city.

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Number of posts : 16
Registration date : 2014-04-20

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Far far away (open) Empty Re: Far far away (open)

Post by XxRedxX May 12th 2014, 9:47 pm

Among the strange beings, one came towards the crowd at great speeds and suddenly changed his appearance to that of some form of steel. The thing approached him slowly and started trying to talk to him. Gryz was alright which chatting but then it started to reach out towards him, Gryz took a few steps backward away from the metal creature and reached back for his halbert. "Don't touch me!" He called out beneath a vicious growl. Pulling the halbert out, Gryz gripped it with both hands. Its blade dull and damaged, it was clear this strange bear had been through something big recently. "Tell your people you have nothing to fear from me but if you threaten to do me harm I will retaliate with lethal force.."

Far far away (open) Picnikcollage
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Number of posts : 287
Registration date : 2011-03-13

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Far far away (open) Empty Re: Far far away (open)

Post by wwesvrfan215 May 12th 2014, 10:00 pm

Colton who had been about to grab the bear stopped right in his tracks as it pulled out a weapon, and began to speak English. Staring at the the creature which he knew now was obviously not a bear, he began to ask it, "You can talk? How? Are you some kind of mutant animal that escaped from a lab? Or are you something not of this world?" He said the last part suspiciously, taking a stance in between the large creature and the crowd that was starting to gather a couple yards away. As he listened to it speak he said, "Sorry to try and grab you but you need to leave from here now you're starting to scare people."

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Registration date : 2014-04-20

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Far far away (open) Empty Re: Far far away (open)

Post by XxRedxX May 12th 2014, 10:28 pm

Taking a deep breath, Gryz returned his halbert to his back and looked around at the people. It was clear he was scaring the people around him, and as a knight of Motavia he found this unacceptable. Taking in what the tin man had to say, Gryz turned his back and started walking away. "Of course I can talk, as can you little tin man." He stated, dropping down to all fours and signaling the man to follow him. "Why do you people insist that i am an animal when clearly i am not and what do you mean not of this world?"

Gryz walked towards a crowd of people who split apart to allow him to pass, he didn't wish for them to fear him. He looked into the sky, the color of blue wasn't as vibrant as it usually was above his homeland almost like it was dirty but what brought him great relief was the fact that Profound darkness was no longer in the skies. 'Have we succeeded in defeating the must have crashed into the water and i drifted to shore here. I've never seen this land before but it seems to sustain life. I must return to my people and bring them to this new land so that we may flourish but first i must find out where i am.

"What do you call this land we are on? Have you not been attacked by the profound Darkness?" Gryz inquired, up ahead a group of men with strange looking weapons were making a formation. They were animal control, unbeknownst to Gryz. He growled suspiciously at the men, they seemed scared but obviously sent for Gryz.

Far far away (open) Picnikcollage
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Number of posts : 287
Registration date : 2011-03-13

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Far far away (open) Empty Re: Far far away (open)

Post by wwesvrfan215 May 13th 2014, 7:03 am

Colton had begun to follow the large creature as it started walking through the crowd getting a small angry smirk at the "tin man" comment. "People think you're an animal because usually creatures that look like you can't talk here." He answered the alien being watching it look towards the sky. He then answered the next set of questions the thing asked, "We're probably not close to anywhere you know, and I don't know what Darkness you are talking about." He looked at the group of men wearing animal control uniforms that had assembled close by waving his hand in a way that said for them to back off away from the alien.

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Number of posts : 16
Registration date : 2014-04-20

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Far far away (open) Empty Re: Far far away (open)

Post by XxRedxX May 14th 2014, 4:24 pm

The animal control agents backed away, they weren't trained to handle an armor bear that could talk and wield axes. Gryz was lost, everything about this land was different. He could feel it in the air that something was off. "So you have seen my kind before. Its possible that in the past we might have migrated from our continent to here. Legend has it we once crossed the seas on mighty vessels." Gryz was still unaware he was on an entirely different planet. "When me and the other knights stabbed profound darkness in the heart it must have tried retreating above your land and had fallen into the water here."

"Sorry, you must be confused. My land had been plagued by the evil we call profound for many years. We believe it came from beyond our skies to feast upon the living force of our continent. Surely it had plans to devour your land as well if we hadn't put a stop to it. I must discover what has become of my people. Tin man, do your people have any vessels capable of traveling across the ocean?"

Far far away (open) Picnikcollage
Posting Apprentice
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Number of posts : 287
Registration date : 2011-03-13

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Far far away (open) Empty Re: Far far away (open)

Post by wwesvrfan215 May 14th 2014, 4:43 pm

After the animal patrol agents backed off and lowered their weapons Colton turned back towards the bear-looking alien that had no idea where it was. As it asked more question Colton tried his best to explain where the alien was, "Well my people have seen animals that look like you but none of them could speak or wield weapons like you can, and I doubt that any of them are even distantly related towards your kind, and I'm pretty sure that you didn't cross an ocean to get here." He whispered the last part just loud enough for the alien to hear before he began to tell it about where it was, "There were no reports of anything crashing in the ocean near here, and from what it sounds like you're describing the darkness was a creature not from your world. I doubt it could get to here anyway." As Colton heard the "tin man" comment again he got a small angry smile on his face saying, "Can you please stop calling me a tin man my skin is made of titanium not worthless weak tin, and no ocean faring vessel will take you back to where you can from."

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Number of posts : 16
Registration date : 2014-04-20

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Far far away (open) Empty Re: Far far away (open)

Post by XxRedxX May 14th 2014, 4:56 pm

"What do your people call you then man of Titanium?" Gryz inquired, "My name is Gryz, Knight of Motavia" Gryz stopped walking when the man suggested a boat would not be able to get him home. "what do you mean no sea fairing vessel will get me home? I have to get back to my people!" Gryz sounded angry and urgent at the same time. It was clear he was worried for his people. Last he left them they were fighting for their lives and that was only a few hours ago.

Far far away (open) Picnikcollage
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 287
Registration date : 2011-03-13

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Far far away (open) Empty Re: Far far away (open)

Post by wwesvrfan215 May 14th 2014, 5:05 pm

"You can call me the Titanium Colt, Gryz," Colton said answering him."and what I'm saying is won't be able to reach your home by the sea. I doubt any ocean on this planet will connect to Motavia or wherever you're from."

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Registration date : 2014-04-20

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Far far away (open) Empty Re: Far far away (open)

Post by XxRedxX May 14th 2014, 5:19 pm

'on this planet?' Gryz thought to himself, again looking up at the blue sky. "...I'm not on motavia anymore am i?" His heart suddenly sank as he looked around the surrounding area. He had felt it since waking up on the shore, even the gravity was different where ever he was. He was on an entirely different planet and the only thing that he knew could possibly get him home was Profound darkness, which he had killed. "There must be a way back, they must still be fighting. They need me. Titanium Colt, do your people have an means to travel through stars? Profound darkness could travel from world to world in seconds, maybe your people have the same means of transportation."

Far far away (open) Picnikcollage
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Registration date : 2011-03-13

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Far far away (open) Empty Re: Far far away (open)

Post by wwesvrfan215 May 14th 2014, 5:36 pm

Looking sadly at the alien realized where it was Colton told him, "No you're not." As he listened to the alien ask it's questions he told it, "Unfortunately our ability for space travel is not very developed we can't even send ships out of our solar system. I'm sorry but we can't help you get home." As he waited for Gryz's response he thought of something terrifying and asked him in a concerned voice, "Gryz what happened to the darkness you were speaking about?"

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Registration date : 2014-04-20

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Far far away (open) Empty Re: Far far away (open)

Post by XxRedxX May 14th 2014, 6:02 pm

Gryz simply remained silent, sitting down in the sand and starring out into vast ocean. He thought about his family and friends wondering how they finally died. Were they devoured by the leeches or cut down by the Dark Forces. Was the fight still occurring, or were they all already dead. The Bear knight felt useless and there wasn't anything he could do.

"I should have drowned and died..." Gryz stated, the sun starting to slowly set . People were watching from a far, watching the bear wallow in misery sitting on the beach. "I don't know if they are still fighting for their lives or have all already died." He looked at Colt, his brown eyes obviously grieving. "The finest of Motavias knights and myself infiltrated the profound Darkness and located its heart. We killed it...but in its dieing breath it must have teleported here to try and feed off the organic material of your world to recover but it failed. I imagine it sank to the bottom of your ocean"

Far far away (open) Picnikcollage
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Registration date : 2011-03-13

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Far far away (open) Empty Re: Far far away (open)

Post by wwesvrfan215 May 14th 2014, 8:36 pm

As Colton watched the alien begin to wallow in misery, he thought about what had happened to the darkness creature that Gryz had fought. "I'm sorry that my people can't help you back to your home, but maybe there was a reason you survived. But there is something I need to know. Are you sure that thing is dead, and there was nothing else that could have come through?"

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Number of posts : 16
Registration date : 2014-04-20

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Far far away (open) Empty Re: Far far away (open)

Post by XxRedxX May 19th 2014, 1:07 pm

"Even a creature as evil as Profound Darkness couldn't possibly survive without its black heart." Gryz stated, when suddenly a scream came from the crowd as something leech like crawled out of the water and engulfed a bystander, deteriorating the persons flesh until nothing but bone remained.

"Not Possible!" The bear cried out in despair, as two more leeches crawled from the ocean. Once again, he grabbed for his halberd instinctively and charged towards the three leeches which were attempting to feast on more of the planets inhabitants. However, before he could reach them something else jumped out of the water and went to strike at Gryz with its sword.

Using his Halberd, he blocked the attack with the pole of his weapon which forced the two into a bind. The creatures sword began to glow with purple energy as the mighty oak pole gave way to the swords might and struck at Gryz who stepped backward to avoid a fatal wound to his chest. The blade sheered into his breast plate but did not cut through, smoke slowly billowing from the cut. Holding the blade of his Halberd like an axe in one hand and drawing his short sword from its sheath he prepared himself for a second strike.

The leeches were endangering the indigenous life of the planet, and the Dark Force before him wouldn't allow him to pass. "Colt, your titanium will protect you from those leeches. you-" The dark force attacked Gryz again, who blocked with his short sword and quickly slashed at the creature gut with his axe. Gryz was exhausted, tired and injured. Normally he could take on an army but this particular enemy was stronger than usual. "-Save your people, i will hold off this abomination!"

The Leech

Dark Force

Far far away (open) Picnikcollage
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