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Sigils, Circuts and Swords (Morire, Hel)

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Sigils, Circuts and Swords (Morire, Hel) - Page 2 Empty Re: Sigils, Circuts and Swords (Morire, Hel)

Post by Artemis February 4th 2014, 12:20 am

"You would think. People screw up my name as well. Mainly my first name. Apparently just saying Morgan is to simple sounding. Alot of people say Morrigan instead of Morgan. But still not as bad as your name I guess." Morgan was handed a shot glass. She wasn't exactly sure what was in it. She put the glass up to her nose and sniffed it. The smell was strong and Morgan couldn't help make a face. People drink this stuff. Although her face slightly turned red. What if Hel saw the face? She didn't want to seem rude. Morgan shrugged mentally and downed the shot.

One way to describe Morgans face was that it was more contorted then a pretzel. It wasn't that great, in fact it tasted kinda horrible. Morgan blushed from embarrassment. She was talking to one of her idols and she just embarrassed herself, great. "That... uh..." Morgan paused and thought of what to say. "Well that was something." Morgan placed the shot glass down. She went to speak again however seemingly out of no where 3 monster-like beings appeared out of no where. Panic broke out and Morgan looked at Hel, who looked just as concerned as everyone else on what was happening. Morgans hand grabbed Hel's. Although she blushed and pulled her hand away as soon as she realized what she did. "Sorry." said Morgan, getting ready to run.

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Sigils, Circuts and Swords (Morire, Hel) - Page 2 Empty Re: Sigils, Circuts and Swords (Morire, Hel)

Post by Morire February 4th 2014, 12:21 am

GODS ABOVE! what the hell are those things! Specter thinks with horror, Why, Why is that lady so calm compared to all of the others? she is behind it! She must be! He jumps to the conclusion with the absolute certainty of someone who has to find someone to blame...

The naginata at his side seems to try to jump into his hand, but he resists, fleeing out of the club with the crowd, before stripping the white cloth off of the surface of his silver armor, tying the mask around his face to conceal his identity, before drawing his bow and a handful of specially crafted arrows, Instead of having the smooth curve of a broadhead, or the angled edge of a flathead, The weighted arrow is a thick heavy octagonal shape, capable of piercing the armor of nearly any carapace.

"What is going on here" he shouts over the chaos

The history of Dr. Mor.:

Sigils, Circuts and Swords (Morire, Hel) - Page 2 Mor_gr12
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Humor : Superpowers do not always mean you are a Superhero.
Registration date : 2014-01-18

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Sigils, Circuts and Swords (Morire, Hel) - Page 2 Empty Re: Sigils, Circuts and Swords (Morire, Hel)

Post by Silus February 4th 2014, 9:34 pm

"It's quite alright." Hel said, highly annoyed by the fact the woman had touched her. Hel still wasn't used to the human customs. So much touching she couldn't believe they all didn't have some human-specialized fungus growing on them. He cleared her throat as she looked around. Old Shuck knew his orders. Hel looked to Morgan and seemed to get her thoughts together. Hel was going to use old Shuck's bone weapon to fend them off. Of course...there was a little more to it than that...but none the less she was going to take a stand against her own creatures...of course this was to the plan.

     "Get to safety" Hel said to Morgan, turning and reaching into her purse, pulling forth a bone like knife, and as she did her dress began to cling to her legs, forming around and sealing, becoming pants. She walked forward with the bone knife in hand and a gun in her hand. "More of you meta-scum come to prey upon the people....sorry dearies...this human fights back." She said, holding up the gun and firing at Spring-heeled jack who leapt to the side, old Shuck charged at her, she calmly slashed the air with the bone and an electric pulse was sent out at the creature. The Mothman seemed more interested however in a man who held an arrow and bow. Old Shuck turned into a black mist, floating over to the man and allowing a Cheshire smile and red eyes to form as a dog-like face appeared form the smoke, still intangible.
    "Aaawe, whazz wrong? Don't wanna hit a guy with glasses?" The wolf asked, cackling like a hyena.

Sigils, Circuts and Swords (Morire, Hel) - Page 2 Lucife10
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Sigils, Circuts and Swords (Morire, Hel) - Page 2 Empty Re: Sigils, Circuts and Swords (Morire, Hel)

Post by Artemis February 5th 2014, 10:11 pm

Hel seemed slightly annoyed at Morgan but she didn't blame her. It was out of line, especially if she was a future employer. But Hel simply told her to run. Not like she had to be told twice. Morgan began to dart for the door. However a ball of fire flew past her and exploded in front of her, setting fire to the doorway. Morgan let out a scream and skid to a halt right before running into the flames. Spring-heeled Jack skidded in front of her and grinned.

"Where do you think you're going?" said the Monster. Morgan turn around and fled towards the other exit, only to meet the same problem. Her head was pounding for some reason. She rubbed her for head and looked around before taking cover under a booth.
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Sigils, Circuts and Swords (Morire, Hel) - Page 2 Empty Re: Sigils, Circuts and Swords (Morire, Hel)

Post by Morire February 5th 2014, 10:14 pm

Oh... Maybe not... Specter thinks sheepishly, maybe she's like me...

Specter swings his foot out at the creature who floats over towards him and when the foot flicks , and falls backward off of the the rafter.... before his feet touch the floor, he fires the arrow at the most solid looking demon in the room (Mothman or Jack)

and upon hitting the floor switches his weapon to his Naginata...

"Ma'am! Get out, I'll cover your escape" he shouts at Morgan, while thrusting the weapon forward into mothman's center mass, the weapon becoming a silver streak through the darkness of the club

The history of Dr. Mor.:

Sigils, Circuts and Swords (Morire, Hel) - Page 2 Mor_gr12
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Humor : Superpowers do not always mean you are a Superhero.
Registration date : 2014-01-18

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Sigils, Circuts and Swords (Morire, Hel) - Page 2 Empty Re: Sigils, Circuts and Swords (Morire, Hel)

Post by Silus February 6th 2014, 3:07 pm

Hel lashed out at Jack just before he could breathe out his pale flames. Unfortunately she might actually need this girl to wear that damn dress she designed. Now she was stuck with caring for a mortal, which in it's own right was almost was like having a cat. So much work. The bone blade let out an electrical slash that pulsed through the air, throwing him back into the bar. She let out a little yawn as if she were bored, when Shuck ran to attack the man with the bow while he was aimed at Mothman. Shuck was aiming for the man's forearm, his ectoplasmic composition changing slightly, making him more powerful and durable (+2 Durability(3 total) and +3 Strength(4 Total) ) . Mothman forces a cellular break down of himself, soon spanning to a molecular level and transformed into dozens of moths, if not hundreds of moth's fluttering around aimlessly and harmlessly until reconverting upon Hel, striking down at her.

Sigils, Circuts and Swords (Morire, Hel) - Page 2 Lucife10
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Sigils, Circuts and Swords (Morire, Hel) - Page 2 Empty Re: Sigils, Circuts and Swords (Morire, Hel)

Post by Artemis February 6th 2014, 8:25 pm

"Where! The doors are on fire. There is no way to get out!" yelled Morgan over the noise of battle. Her head was hurting badly now. But she looked around. She could stay here as well. She got out from under the table. Maybe if she could make it into the back of the club she could get out. She darted out from under the table. The man said he would cover her so she would hopefully be fine. She didn't look back as she ran. Afraid of what would happen if she did. However it would end up to be her mistake. Because by the time she noticed Spring-Heeled Jack she had no time to respond. Morgan was sent flying into the wall by his kick. She made a pained noise when she collided with the wall. She fell to the floor and laid on the floor limp.

Damage Report...
4% Damage sustained...
Damage Minimal...
Reboot Systems...
Virus Detected...
Eliminating Virus...
Resuming Reboot...
Ocular Systems Activated...
Combat Systems Activated...

Morgan's eyes shot open however any color that was in them before was gone. Her eyes darted around the room. Some time had obviously gone by in this battle. The fire from before had expanded from what it once was. Morgan's systems estimated the reboot time took 10 minutes because of errors while rebooting. Attention seemed to be off of her.

Meta-Humans Identified...
Number of Confirmed Meta-Humans: 3...
Possible Meta-Humans: 2...
Engaging Assault Mode...

Guns protruded out of Morgan's wrist and a rocket launcher retracted out of her left shoulder. Targeting Spring-Heeled Jack she fired a Missile, shortly after following up with open fire. "6th Generation Meta-Human Suppression Weapon Activated. Eliminating Threats." Stated Morgan, her voice robotic and devoid of any emotion.
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Sigils, Circuts and Swords (Morire, Hel) - Page 2 Empty Re: Sigils, Circuts and Swords (Morire, Hel)

Post by Morire February 6th 2014, 8:35 pm

Specter spins the weapon, the blunt end swinging at the attacker's jaw, and then spinning the weapon to jab at the assailant's face.

"Miss!" he screams as the girl was kicked aside, and tries to dodge past the creature, trying to get to her side, however the creature is not stupid enough to fall for a simple feint,

Specter unleashes the full potential of his training, launching into an intricate dance of death. he begins with a thrust, then brings the blade down, over, and back, spinning the weapon so that the blade is close to his hands, he then slashes into a figure eight at the creature's chest, ending with a dozen thrusts, eight slashes, and four bashes.

he exhales heavily, trying to catch his breath after the near certainly fatal attack, he had used it many times to finish enemies...

The history of Dr. Mor.:

Sigils, Circuts and Swords (Morire, Hel) - Page 2 Mor_gr12
Post Mate
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Humor : Superpowers do not always mean you are a Superhero.
Registration date : 2014-01-18

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Sigils, Circuts and Swords (Morire, Hel) - Page 2 Empty Re: Sigils, Circuts and Swords (Morire, Hel)

Post by Zell February 7th 2014, 2:48 pm

"Oh? I knew there was some reason I liked you." Hel said under her breath, a flash of a wicked smile when she heard the comment about threats being eliminated. Hel could only do one thing now... and that was step back and act normal. Hel wasn't about to make this easy on the little weapon, OR the skilled little man. Hel backed away slightly and watched things develop. Shuck on the other hand, found himself rather victimized. The poor wolf got slashed and cut, stabbed and bruised. Granted he was durable to a peak human nature, however it was still heavy damage. Shuck let out a little whine as he dropped to the ground, dead supposedly.

Hel didn't mind this in the slightest. She was getting analytical information. Shuck knew the odds and the sacrifice that came with being a child of The Mother of All Monsters. Though, being a loyal member like Shuck was a bit of a...special case. A swarm of microscopic nanites slowly left her body and began to fill the carcass of the spectral wolf. His wounds would quickly heal, and his body would move, leaping away slightly and turning to growl. Spring-heeled jack had his name for a reason. He leapt away from the direct hit, but the blast found itself throwing the cryptid away, onto his stomach grunting. Hel immediately marked Jack with her unholy favor and grace. A tattoo of a woman's face with skin and muscle decaying away. The creature was enveloped with a decaying Aura, and anything too close for too long would slowly be consumed by necrosis.

Sigils, Circuts and Swords (Morire, Hel) - Page 2 Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

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