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Welcome to Sin city. Now with 50% more sin. (Sean, Sai, Core)

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Welcome to Sin city. Now with 50% more sin. (Sean, Sai, Core) Empty Welcome to Sin city. Now with 50% more sin. (Sean, Sai, Core)

Post by Forceaus January 21st 2014, 6:05 pm

"Where did you go earlier?" a soft voice quietly spoke through the darkness of the bedroom. No answer came for the question asked. "Oh come on. I know you can talk. Say something" the voice spoke again, this time louder and now sounding a bit upset. Still no reply came. Somebody did speak though. "Is that you Sophia?" It was her aunt. She had heard her. Sophia laid back down and put her blanket over her to pretend she was asleep in case her aunt came to look in the room. She did not though. She just thought she imagined somebody talking and went back to sleep. That was fortunate for Sophia. She did not want to be caught. So Sophia was left alone in her room. Well, not alone at all really. She was rarely alone nowadays while awake.

A shadow hovered near the window, blocking the light from outside. It was around five in the morning in Henderson, Nevada. The sun would not rise for about another hour. The shadow by the window belonged to a being of a very strange nature. One that little Sophia knew nothing about and did not even understand. Because of that, she called it 'Billy'. It was a name the creature cared for not. It just possessed no desire to insist on being referred to as something else. As to where it had been. Just wandering about the night doing whatever it felt the need to do. Despite its tendency to travel long distances and be gone for periods of time, it had found a place not too far from here that it had become drawn to. That place was Las Vegas. Otherwise known as Sin city. It was a center of a lot of activity. The sheer nature of the place made it very easy for Billy to do as he pleased. Some of the chaos he had managed to cause the last couple of nights was tremendous. Soon he would do it again, and again, and again. In fact, when nightfall hit again, he would be an emissary of chaos once again. Sophia would go to school and that day and an impatient entity would not be around her at all. It snuck off to its destination for more chaos.

There was an argument going on at a major casino. A pair of drunk men fighting over who knows what anymore. It was starting to get out of hand though. Maybe something would be done to stop it soon. Elsewhere in the casino of course, there was gambling. Lots of gambling. Not everyone was playing fair though. As to be expected. Security guards in the back room were trying to monitor the entire casino so they could prevent any and all attempts at cheating.

"Table 3 clear." came from one guard

"Somebody is winning a lot at table 5 though." a guard stated as he watched the live feed. Then it went dead. In fact several cameras just stopped working all of a sudden. The guards started to panic and things went into a frenzy of fears of sabotage until the head guard calmed everybody down. "Enough. We may have blown a fuse or something. Inform the rest of the guards while I check the power outlet." he said as he departed.

He wandered down to the basement to check the system. The guard opened up the fuse box to see if everything was in working order. A couple of switches had been flipped off. "What the hell?" he said aloud with some frustration. The basement was kept locked and was locked when he arrived. What idiot came down here and did this. He flipped the switches back on and called the security room. "I just reactivated the panel. Is everything worked again?"

"Yes sir." was the response he got. He then decided to take a look around and see if whomever turned off the power was still here. Who knows if he would find anyone.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Welcome to Sin city. Now with 50% more sin. (Sean, Sai, Core) Empty Re: Welcome to Sin city. Now with 50% more sin. (Sean, Sai, Core)

Post by Arcana January 21st 2014, 10:17 pm

Sean sighed deeply, slamming the bottle of beer on the table as he pushed forward the large pile of chips that he had upon this game. One thing that the male knew about Blackjack was that he kicked major ass at it, and so ass was being kicked. So far he was winning more than losing, and Sean felt like making this his final round before maybe moving onto some food, pleased that Ouro had given access to some money to enjoy this, after a small bout of asking of course. Luckily enough for Sean, he once again won, taking in his chips and waltzing away with the winnings that were afforded him. The diminutive male was pleased with how he was doing, trading chip for money and then perhaps contemplating what to do with this as he swilled the beer in hand. Table five did not know what had hit it, Sean Michael Collin to be exact.

Not that he was the most imposing guy within the casino, wearing a grey shirt that reads plainly “Fuck Shit up Today” and was dressed in simple dark blue colored cargo shorts, perfect for storage. Plopping up at the bar type attraction area, Sean ordered another beer before noticing that they had some kind of buffet. 'Well shit, this is too good to be true." He murmured with a pleased smirk, and like any sane hungry male, he decided to indulge in what was laid out, only after paying whatever they wanted. So Sean pigged out, on both drink and food; oh it was a good day to be alive.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2493
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 31
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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Welcome to Sin city. Now with 50% more sin. (Sean, Sai, Core) Empty Re: Welcome to Sin city. Now with 50% more sin. (Sean, Sai, Core)

Post by CORE January 22nd 2014, 9:39 pm

Oberon hated gambling. Upon arrival in the United States, he had been introduced to many new things, among them poverty in the masses, large centers for storing wealth that seemed to dominate the local people, and places that offered a quick and easy way to become impoverished. Of course, that didn't stop Oberon from further examining these instances. The way this peculiar country's citizens lived fascinated him, especially their seeming will to relinquish all of their earnings based on chance. The place that seemed to him to be most readily able to provide information on the subject would be the city they called "Sin City", in the heart of the nation. The state of the city did not surprise him as much as the residents did. The locals and other visitors like him all seemed fairly well-off. He pushed through a door of one of the local casinos, to find a couple security guards running around in peculiar manners. He ignored the oddity and continued inward, towards a set of tables. Standing over the shoulder of a shorter man, Oberon examined the game being played. After a short time, the man stood up, gathering some plastic disks in his hands before walking away, where he exchanged them for money. "So I take it these are the losers?" He thought for a moment, looking around at the others at the table, who all appeared disgruntled. He looked behind him again, where the apparent winner had gone to feast with his winnings. "What a queer land."

He shook his head, and headed over to the man, for no reason other than the fact that the table had been abandoned. "And if luck is on my side, I'll be able to learn something."




Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 75
Location : Probably somewhere cold
Age : 25
Registration date : 2011-09-23

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Welcome to Sin city. Now with 50% more sin. (Sean, Sai, Core) Empty Re: Welcome to Sin city. Now with 50% more sin. (Sean, Sai, Core)

Post by Saileyra January 22nd 2014, 10:19 pm

Even the most active of heroes needed a break, then again with OCEAN gone, and having time to rebuild her home. She decided to take a break from everything.. Xeonix was left at 'home' to rebuild base. it was taking time but it would be complete within a few months. The androids were good helpers. Saileyra had been at the casino for some time, drinking..her body breaking down the alcohol a drunk so hard to attain. If one would say she was tipsy, she was far from it. Even if she had a lot of money, even if she had..more than she could attain in this realm. She played it low, used simple twenties, paid in cash. Kept herself away from the main tables, often snuck some free champagne from those girls who went around giving them away.

Playing it cheap, for concealment, not for being cheap; she didn't like being obvious. Despite being a wealthy, she did not want to be in the lime light. It was a place she did not want to see nor be near. All her funds were consistent, accumulated since her departure giving her more than enough resources to rebuild her home. Even if she was clever, the denim jean were spider-silk with mythril nano shreds. A corset, hardened kevlar over soft-spider silk, allowing flexibility through the spines and perfect impact medium. Having a simple graphene spider-silk jacket everything matched, made sense for the evening.

Martini glass between her lips, she'd stare off at the tv above, it shown some football game. Season was going around.. wasn't the super bowl or something like that soon? Hearing someone not to far away, her eyes glanced. Noticing someone familiar, standing up, she'd approach. Like a predator, leaning next to him as he would eat she'd tap on her glass a little to draw his attention. "Long time no see." She said in a somewhat friendly tone, sitting next to him her legs would cross. "How are you?" She said, genuinely curious. Even if he was a villain, all of them were here on more relaxed terms…

Welcome to Sin city. Now with 50% more sin. (Sean, Sai, Core) SaiSig_zpsbe04a7d2
Posting Master
Posting Master

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 450
Registration date : 2013-04-18

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Welcome to Sin city. Now with 50% more sin. (Sean, Sai, Core) Empty Re: Welcome to Sin city. Now with 50% more sin. (Sean, Sai, Core)

Post by Forceaus January 23rd 2014, 10:33 pm

Down in the basement of the casino, the security guard looked around for any sign of whomever may be responsible for turning the switches off. It seemed to be empty, because it was. It had been Billy who had turned the power off. Though he really had no idea that he had done so. Minutes ago, Billy had been lurking around the basement and found the fusebox, but had no clue what it was for. After flipping a pair of switches off and seeing nothing around him happen, it had just given up and gone elsewhere. It was still in the casino though. Just hiding in the meantime. Eventually, the guard gave up his search and went back upstairs. "All clear." he said after entering the security room. It was back to the routine work for them.

The gambling results of that night had generally been favoring the house. Good for business and all that for them to hang on to their money. There were a few exceptions here and there though. The 2nd set of slots were being really generous tonight, and tables 5 and 8 weren't faring very well either. Luckily one of the big winners had seemingly retired for the night. Or at the very least taken a break from his winnings. The bartender had gotten word from the more sleazy casino managers to get people as drunk as possible early on to get them to gamble and lose a lot. He was now serving the patrons with some heavy alcohol-laden drinks all while chatting them up to keep them drinking.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Welcome to Sin city. Now with 50% more sin. (Sean, Sai, Core) Empty Re: Welcome to Sin city. Now with 50% more sin. (Sean, Sai, Core)

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