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No Name

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No Name Empty No Name

Post by No_Name December 12th 2013, 4:40 pm

No Name
Rogue of Abnegation
(And then I heard him whisper, "You shall be free.")~ I Shall Be Free by: Kid Beyond

Basic Biography

Real Name: Adrian Rohm (Renounced, claims to not have a name)
Renegade Name: "No Name"
Title: Rogue of Abnegation
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Age: Unknown (Stopped aging at twenty-five)
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Hair: Gray, with streaks of black
Eyes: Pupil-less & iris-less, and are always stitched close.
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 148 Lbs. (Slightly Underweight)
Blood type: AB -

The Looks

He wears his hair in an emo-fringe at all times, his hair has streaks of black in a few, noticeable areas, but mostly seems discolored and naturally gray, despite his apparent visual age. He has no ears, but faint burn marks where they should be, but the marks themselves are usually hidden by his medium-length hair. His eyes are sewn shut with black wire, but beneath that they have no pupils or irises. Additionally, his pale lips, as well as his nostrils are sewn shut too, also with black wire. He also doesn't have an ounce of fat on his body, but this is more noticeable in his cheeks, of which are neatly concave and prominently show his bones. The rest of his body is hidden beneath the black leather attire he wears at all times. Black leather vest, trench-coat, gloves, pants, and steel toed boots. The gloves in particular are also sewn tightly into his body, but with black threads instead of wire. He has various scars all across his body, but the only visible ones are near the base of his neck, while the others are hidden beneath his clothes.
In short, he looks like a walking corpse who dressed like an emo when he was alive, before being struck down by the severed hand of Tim Burton.

The Legacy

Personality: He seems to have a bit of a playful personality, showing a bit of an impish, yet witty sense of humor. This however is not as frequently shown as much as he does the bitter, resentful side he shows to those he hunts, but he can be friendly when he wants toward kind, polite people. Speaking of which, he prefers kind, polite, sweet hearted people, and vehemently detests rude, obnoxious people who delight in the misery of others. Despite these personal preferences, he always isolates himself from others, preferring most of all to be alone, feeling that the world itself is too flawed to accept someone like him. In regards to polite, kind people, he feels that since they are good, they do not require his attention.
Though he believes that he has no past to speak of, the life he once had is much closer than he is able to see. He is often brooding, and still often in a self loathing mood, but for the life of him cannot figure out why, as he still has no recollection of who he was. A small part of him wishes to remember who he was, but at the same time, the rest of who he currently is is far too afraid to try and find out, and openly denies that he ever had a past to quell these urges of rememberance.
Because of his solitary nature, he doesn't have very strong social skills with others. The closest he ever seems to get with social interaction are the people he kills, who are always the scum of society. Additionally, despite his unique visual power, he only seems to be able to see situations in black and white, with no gray areas. To him, there are only two kinds of people: good, and bad. If you were to explain that a man did his best to provide for his family, but the only way he found that he could do it was to resort to stealing, No Name would see it as a detestable act, saying that the man resorted to cowardice and signed his own death warrant.
It's because of this attitude that he doesn't feel people deserve second chances, often killing those without so much as a second thought to their reasons for doing what they do. Additionally, to him there are no levels of bad. To him, stealing is just as bad as murder, and all bad things are equal enough to be purged.
He doesn't consider himself to be a hero, nor a villain, but instead refers to himself as a "Rogue of Abnegation" (attributes himself as a neutral entity), for his solitary nature, and his powerful rejection toward the current state of the corrupted world he resides in. As such, he feels that once something goes bad, it cannot be changed, and therefore is doomed to be destroyed.
Case File #38946
Subject: Rohm, Adrian
Age: 25, at time of disappearance
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Black (Dyed with red streaks)
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: Said to be around 150 Lbs, possibly less
Case Status: CLOSED (06/20/92)
Adrian Rohm was a young man that lived in the suburbs of San Diego, California some many years ago around the late seventies, to mid-eighties. To say that he had a reputation with the law would be a gross understatement, for the young man was nothing short of a hellion. He was prone to picking fights with just about anyone, especially most of the lesser members in the gang he had run with, and was a slave to numerous vices, with gambling, drugs, sex, and violence being the biggest, and for him, they were even better if he could combine them all into one big event.
Those that knew him best, however, claimed that he had a very harsh upbringing, one of abuse and terror. His parents had a violent divorce when he was only six, his father one custody, but was a drunk as well as a very violent, abusive individual. Adrian spent most of his life bouncing around foster families, all of whom claimed that he was violent and hateful toward others, and just wouldn't let others be near him. In his early teens, he dropped out of school, and immediately joined a gang (his initiation involved shoplifting cigarettes and a case of beer, which he passed). Basically, he never really had a stable, normal childhood, or a life for that matter. However, as anti-social as he was, there were moments of intense depression (usually while plastered drunk) in which he'd mention that he hated who he was, and wished that he had a better life, one of friends, love, money, and just the feeling of acceptance, whereas at the time he felt an emptiness.
Around his nineteenth birthday, Adrian started getting into the occult, collecting skulls, talismans, as well as other arcane items such as spell books and the like, specifically ones pertaining toward alchemy, weaponizing one's own energy, and transcending the body and mind beyond physical limitations. Every time his friends turned around, they noticed that Adrian would have another symbol-like scar on his body, and his skin would often be pale from loss of blood (his reasons for this are currently unknown, however his old friends claim that it was because of his depression mixed with his harsh background that drove him towards this path). In this period of experimentation, which went on for a good few years, his addictions seemed to decline, as well as his health. He rapidly lost weight, and would rarely eat. One of his closest friends in particular said that he had to practically drag Adrian out of the house and buy him lunch at one point, on the grounds that "I could see the slits of his ribcage. Adrian looked like a skeleton wearing a paper thin man costume."
Adrian's personality dramatically altered as well, what once was violent and spiteful, was now wistful and distant. He'd constantly mention how he was going far away, and that he wouldn't be a failure for much longer. When his friends asked what he meant, the young man would respond with "You don't need to worry, it's not your problem."
Date: September 7th, 1985
San Diego PD recieved a frantic call, later identified as Adrian's closest friend, Miguel "Double Tap" Rodrigues. Witness had called from subject's house at 12:43 PM, saying "There's blood, like, everywhere, man! Like someone ran some cows through a juicer!". When police arrived (headed by Sgt. Roger Dobson), they found a seemingly vaccant house, no signs of a struggle, other than a large ammount of blood in the living room area of the house, where it was believed that someone was practicing some sort of mystic ritual. Various arcane symbols were written in blood all around the room, while in the center of the living room there was one large splatter of blood going outward, as if someone had exploded from the inside. Additionally, two books were found in the living room, one in particular found right next to the large blood splatter. The book closest to blood splatter was deemed illegible, as most of it was too drenched in blood to be discernable, while other book found nearbye on top of a coffee table, identified as "Fundamentals of Alchemy: Lead to gold and tales of old!".
Case labeled as a murder, fowl play suspected.
Date: September 13th, 1985
Blood found at crime scene identified as a positive match to Adrian Rohm, but evidence to support theory of fowl play proves to be uneventful. Miguel Rodriguez, who was closest to Adrian, and was the one to make the call, is labeled chief suspect. Miguel is released, having a solid alibi (claimed that he hadn't seen Adrian since the day before the incident, several witnesses backed him up).
Date: October 8th, 1985
With a lack of evidence, zero suspects, and no plausible theories, case goes cold.
Date: September 7th, 1987
Eye witness reports from neighbors that lived next door to subject, claimed to see odd flashing lights emenating from within subject's house around 9:00 PM. Police are sent in to investigate, but turn up nothing. One of the neighbors came forward and claimed to see someone leaving the house about fifteen minutes after the police had arrived, person in question described as wearing dark clothing, but facial features could not be properly identified due to the darkness of night.
Date: September 8th, 1987 (9:42 PM)
Police investigate a crime scene of a supposed homicide. A skeleton is found laying outside of a local late night liquor store, three feet from the front door. Front of the establishment covered in a spray of blood, as if victim's flesh and blood had been blasted right off of his body in a wide arc. The employee of the store (the witness) claimed that the corpse belonged to that of a local hoodlum. Victim supposedly had robbed the employee at gun point, taking eighty dollars worth of cash, and a case of beer. Upon leaving the premises, employee witnessed the victim being stopped by someone outside wearing dark clothing, as well as stiches over his eyes, as well as his lips, and had a gothic fringe-like hair style.
Employee claimed that the victim seemed confused, and began to speak to the stranger as if he had known him, but "Stitch-Face" grabbed the victim by the face, and unleashed "Some sort of green energy from his hand. It was like a bright flash, and then boom! Guy's flesh was all over the front of the building!". It was then further claimed that "Stitch-Face" had non-chalantly grabbed the case of beer, as well as the stolen money, and casually walked back into the store (employee said that somehow the suspect seemed to know where he was going, even though his eyes were supposedly sewn shut) and handed the stolen items back, whereupon the employee heard an "ominous, distant, dead whisper" in his ears saying "Present for you."
After incident, suspect broke off into a sprint, and ran out of the establishment like a shot.
James Filbert (employee) agreed to cooperate with sketch artist. Sketch of suspect is shown to be disfigured. Oddest of all, lead investigator, Sgt. Roger Dobson mentioned that the suspect looked eerily like Adrian Rohm, if suspect did not have the stitches.
Upon mentioning the name, Mr. Filbert added that he could've sworn that the victim had mentioned a name similar to that, but was unsure due to the window between him and the victim.
Date: September 9th, 12th, & 16th, 1987
Victim from the botched robbery, is identified as one John "Jojo" Thompson. Charged multiple times for armed robbery, and interestingly enough, was a member of the same gang as Adrian Rohm. At 12:30 PM, police recieve a call for another homicide. Upon arrival, Sgt. Dobson concludes that latest victim found exactly like  Thompson.
Two additional murders follow on the twelfth, and sixteenth respectively. All victims identified as members of gang that Adrian Rohm belonged to, all subsequent murders involve eye witness reports sighting a young man, thought to be in his mid twenties, seen with dark clothing, stitches on lips and eyes, and with gothic-fringe hair (two witnesses claimed that hair color was grey with black streaks). Sgt. Dobson showed each of the witnesses a photograph of Adrian Rohm, asking them if Adrian looked like the suspect in question. All said yes.
Two additional homicides pop up on October fifth, and twenty-fifth respectively, then no further sightings until 1991.
Date: July 1st, 1991
A blood covered Miguel Rodriguez turns himself in for one part accessory, one breaking and entering, and one count of robbery at 9:15 PM. Claims blood is not his own, and that he just barely escaped with his life from Adrian. Miguel claimed that he and two others were attempting to break into a bank, and had succeeded, up until they got into the vault.
"We disabled the cameras, opened the safe, flicked on the lights and...and...f-fuck! Adrian was just standing there with his arms crossed over his chest, as if he had been waiting for us to open the safe!" Miguel had said
From there, Miguel explained that what followed was a blood bath. Says that after hearing a whisper in their ears (Whisper said "Another three for the body-count..."), that Adrian approached them casually, somehow finding them despite having stitches over his eyes, and proceeded to attack when Miguel's associates opened fire. Miguel claims that he had pleaded with his partners to stand down, but both were eventually dispatched by Adrian, who had managed to not only use some sort of green energy to snatch the guns from the hands of Miguel's associates, but also blasted a hole through one of the thugs in the chest, and had grabbed the other one by the face and dispatched him like the previous victims. It was then that Miguel took off running, making a break for the car they drove up in, but not before hearing Adrian whisper "You can't change your fate by running." by the time Miguel had cleared through the entrance of the bank.
Sgt. Dobson proceeded with further questioning, when the ceiling of the interrogation room had collapsed from a bright green blast of some kind, whereupon Adrian Rohm slowly descended into the room like an angel of death. Dobson claims that Miguel was popped like a zit, died pleading for his life, begging Adrian to not kill him. Dobson drew his gun, and ordered for suspect to surrender.
"He just looked at me...somehow he turned and faced me, but he didn't have ears and no sight....but he turned to me."Dobson explained after incident,"Then he spoke to me....somehow whispered without lips and said "No toys allowed.", and sent the same energy he used a second ago, and pulled the gun right out of my hand."
The Sgt then explained that the suspect began to escape, but had briefly stopped when Dobson had asked for the identity of the suspect. Asking the suspect if he was Adrian Rohm.
Suspect replied to the sargeant, "I have no name, and I have no past. Whoever you think I am, I assure you I am not. All you need to know is that I am the Rogue of Abnegation; a slayer who rejects the sewage of society, and I will not cease until I fix this whole world."
Suspect fleed via hole in ceiling, having levitated from ground, and proceeded to climb out. Suspect escaped, and was never caught. Sgt Dobson retired in 1997. To this day, "No Name" remains at large, with numerous sighting all across the U.S., and case remains on going.
Adrian Rohm had an over all sense of self loathing for most of his life, mostly due in part to his abusive parents and their divorce, as he blamed himself for it and felt that his father's drunken rage was fueled by Adrian's cause of the divorce. In his teenage years, to well into his adult life, he kept wishing that he was a better person that didn't screw up so much. A lie told often enough becomes the truth, and Adrian believed that he had to do something, anything he could to change who he was as a person. Though he tried various forms of therapy (psychological, hypnosis, physical, lots and lots of herbal), none of them seem to work. That's when he began to dabble into the occult, believing that his problems could only be solved beyond normal parameters.
His attempts at alchemy proved to be unsuccessful (managed to turn a tube of liquid mercury's color to blue, but it still remained toxic), so then he began to turn to more gruesome, self harming, sacrificial rituals, mostly involving the purging of ill blood from the body (his friends had stopped him from cutting his wrists on numerous occaisions). Finally, he attempted "Soul Weaponization", which, in theory, "Through meditation, and abnegation of earthly desires, one could intensify their soul's power, and could turn it into a powerful, spectral tool. This attempt proved to be more successful than the other attempts, but only so far as to focus a golf ball sized blast of energy from his index finger, and even then, he was only able to do it once. He began to lose hope, going through the various tomes and books he had accumulated, but could not find anything substantial that he could use to "fix" who he was.
One night however, he had gotten the idea to combine two of the three attempts into one full ritual. Using a large ammount of his own blood, he had drawn various symbols around the living room, mostly on the walls, but also made an arcane circle in the center of the room on the carpet. The final step he took, was waiting. He closed his mind, his eyes, his mouth, and held his breath, and through this, attempted once more to focus his soul's energy into a cuncussive blast, but this time aimed it at the circle he sat on top of.
This time, when his energy was released, it was much larger, and reacted with the blood on the carpet and the walls, sending energy all around the room, and basically amplified the energy to a dangerous level. Adrian had been vaporised by the blast, but did not technically die, as his soul had been removed from the physical plane entirely, and had just disentigrated his physical shell. His soul wandered around for a while, his consciousness sealed deep within, with his thoughts and desires of being different than who he was, to be a better person, to be a better anything.
As his soul drifted, it absorbed the energy of the world around it, and began to alter Adrian's very soul, making it stronger, and changing it according to his wishes. Eventually his soul found it's way back to his home, propelled and guided by the energy of the universe. Once his soul was back in his living room, the energy within his soul began to reconstruct his body from the left over blood and cells that had remained, and were left behind deep within the fabric of the carpet, and the matter of the walls. In a flash, Adrian had been given his body back, but some changes were made. His eyes had been sewn shut, as were his lips and nostrils, but none of this seemed to hinder his ability to "live". Additionally, he seemed to be well aware of his desires to be someone else entirely, but had no recollection of who he was previously, as if his meories had been selected out and wiped.
It took him but a few seconds to figure out his new found powers. His soul's enery had become a powerful tool. Though his eyes were utterly inoperable, his soul allowed him to see the energy of matter, bringing light to the darkness of his vision, outlining the environment, and his energy melded with the elctricity of his mind, which projected his thoughts vocally via his soul's energy (like a ventriloquist throwing his voice, he found that he could throw his thoughts into the environment itself), and could also use it to hear in turn as well.
He left the house soon after this discovery, but would later learn that his powers had so much more to offer.
After running into a person from his past, one who had just robbed a liquor store, disgust of the perpetrator's action and curiosity of his powers fueled his urge to find what his soul energy could do to a normal human. He found out then the energy of his soul could also be focused into powerful concussive blasts, with which he used to annihilate the very flesh and blood from the perpetrator's body. After returning the stolen items to the store's employee, he quickly left, having found a new purpose in his new life: destroying people who brought misery to others. He also found out much later that he could use his energy to grab things from afar, much like telekenisis (used this power once to disarm a group of thugs, removing their guns right out of their hands, and years later learned that he could use this technique on himself to allow him to glide, or even levitate)
Calling himself a "Rogue of Abnegation" for his rejection of criminals and those who refused to change to a better person, he set it upon himself to destroy those who continued to make the world a terrible place, those who could not change who they were for the greater good. Because he never trully adopted a "Super Hero" name, and from his discussion with Sgt. Dobson ("I have no name"), the people referred to him as "No Name", the Rogue of Abnegation.

The Powers

Power 1: Soul Force: He is able to project is soul into a form of destructive, cuncussive energy, either projecting them as a focused kinetic beam, or as a means of grasping things from afar (limited to twelve yards away, for his "grab" ability), or even levitating off of the ground and gliding, his soul has become a multi-purpose tool.
Power 2: Soul Sense: His soul energy has a passive ability that is always activated, giving him a unique form of sight he calls "Soul Sense". In his eyes, the world is mostly covered in shadow, but the outlines of objects, structures, and living organisms are all outlined by the energy they give off. This same passive power allows him to project his thoughts vocally without need of a mouth, and allows him to hear the voices of others without ears. The range of this vision goes so far as thirteen yards in front of him (same goes for his hearing), while his "voice" only stretches so far as seven yards
Power 3: Corpse Life: Not so much a super power, but a unique ability nonetheless. He doesn't need to eat or breath thanks to the unique power of his soul. Despite this, his body can still become tired if he over exerts himself, and still needs to sleep every now and then like every one else, other than that, he could live in an area without oxygen if he wanted.
Power 4:
Intelligence: 0
Occult: 4
Strength: 3
Speed: 4
Durability: 5
Ability: 6/2
Fighting Skills: 4
Magic: 0
Spells: 0
Flight: 2
Wealth: 0

Last edited by No_Name_212 on December 12th 2013, 11:50 pm; edited 4 times in total

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Registration date : 2013-12-11

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No Name Empty Re: No Name

Post by The Bolt December 13th 2013, 12:20 am

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The Bolt
The Bolt
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