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The beginings of a new era. (open)

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The beginings of a new era. (open) Empty The beginings of a new era. (open)

Post by Zeth July 21st 2013, 1:37 am

Toby sat forward in his seat, making the usual sound that leather does, and stared intently at the screen, his blueish green eyes flashing to different parts of the map he had displayed on the 90 inch screen.

The police scanner buzzed with unimportant activity and cops droned on about their lives,  making dull jokes about dick sizes, and clogged up the feed. Toby sat back in the red leather chair once more, twiddling a pen in his fingers. Nothing had happened in the past few days. Nothing exciting, of course nothing big would happen only a few weeks after finishing his suit, but he hadn't even been able to make an appearance yet, and Toby grew antsy.

Toby stood up and went upstairs, grabbed a snack without looking at the packaging, it didn't really matter what it was to him, he just wanted something sugary, to keep his strength up. He jogged up the steps into his room. A decent size dark colored "regular" teens room, walked into his closet and pushed several suits out of the way, and removed a panel of the wall, and scanned in his eye and retina.

A doorway slid open, and he stepped in. He sighed as he outstretched his arms for a full body scanner. While these were cool at first, he had already grown tired of them. Another doorway opened and he followed stairs winding down underground. The room that he descended into is what he considered to be pretty empty, it consisted of a supercomputer, a large tv, a table, and a glass case for his suit. He didn't really need to put anything else in it. Yet.

As he headed down the steps, he could hear the scanner feed going insane, voices on top of other voices, all screaming to be heard, desperate. He ran down the remaining steps, and tried to listen. "Several explosions... different... two or three... 35th and main... send backu-... car wre-... code... eleven peop-"

Toby switched the map to video feed from the city police, he searched through several until he found a live feed where the explosions happening.

He ran over to the glass case and started assembling his suit as fast as he could, he was so nervous he even dropped a few pieces. Once he got it all on he pressed a few different buttons on his wrist and immediately a tunnel in the ceiling opened up and The Dark Avenger flew up and out.

Grid Without Suit:

Grid With Suit:

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 37
Location : Kansas City, Missouri
Age : 31
Job : Student, Sales Associate
Registration date : 2013-07-19

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The beginings of a new era. (open) Empty Re: The beginings of a new era. (open)

Post by Cel-Ray August 14th 2013, 12:25 am

"La, la, la..."

Off-key humming drifted out of the shadows of the building that an armored figure sat upon. Her legs gently swayed back and forth, the upcoming breeze not able to penetrate her mask. Grey eyes flickered to the building right on the corner of 35th and Main. Odd.. She thought she heard ticking..timing? No, no, it must have been her imagination.

Again, she resumed her off-key, soft singing recalling the reason why she was in Chicago in the first place. Well, technically she didn't have a legitimate reason; not like Celtic Rayflo needs one. Travel had been taking up most of her time nowadays. Portland remained as tainted as ever but, she had what she could with it. And every time something improved, an incident far worse would happen. Cautiously, she let steel-armored claws scrape against the dated brick beneath it.

Chicago. It irritated her in the same way that Portland did. She laughed.

'When did I become so-?' Peaceful thoughts scattered as that same building- the one she'd thought she heard ticking from -exploded. Damn. So she was right. Police were on the scene in minutes (a surprise for someone from Portland) guns raised, prepared for anything and everything. Smoke tumbled out of the broken windows in the door frames.

Grey eyes narrowed slightly as the CPD (because she wasn't sure what else to call them) ordered for the assailant to come out with their hands up. Nothing. Until she heard the crunch of boots on glass. Just as she was about to jump down, shots fired. Celtic slowed, reining in the Kaia-Mai.

Eleven men fell to the ground- each with a bullet between the eyes. Her enhanced sighting aided her in determining that yes, it was a sniper's handy work. Silently Celtic debated whether she should intervene or not as one officer radioed in for backup.

The Kaia-Mai decided to not get involved just yet; it would be too easy for them- humans- to turn the blame on her. Accuse her, demand why she didn't help from the start. Honestly, her presence would hurt more than help. So she observed the scene, judging if the officer's could handle their own or not.

Hell, maybe they would get lucky.

The beginings of a new era. (open) Michiko_sig_WIP_by_Keysho

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 65
Location : Where there is non-stop Mexican food..
Age : 26
Job : Cookin' up them 'changas.
Humor : Spock&His Temper >0>
Registration date : 2013-07-26

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The beginings of a new era. (open) Empty Re: The beginings of a new era. (open)

Post by Greatguppy September 1st 2013, 2:05 pm

C'mon, C'mon Mikk thought to himself as he tried to lift the giant muck covered scrap of metal at the bottom of Lake Michigan.

He was still trying to get use to this whole super powered thing. After all it wasn't that long ago he didn't know he could even breath under water or lift as much as he did, or do most of the stuff he did now. He liked to do things like this though, push himself find his limits. The water seemed to only make him stronger the more time he spent breathing it. and he was beginning to like this whole superhero thing besides, maybe he would do more than catch purse snatchers soon, he felt it was time to move up in the game.

He felt the huge piece of scrap, whatever it was give way from the suction at the bottom of the lake and immediately regretted it as the whole section of lake plumed with god knows what, and he kicked himself for choosing to do this of the coast of Chicago.

Through the cloud of pollution, debris and countless other things Mikk didn't want to think about himself breathing in he saw his wrist computer going off. I need to think of a better name for that he thought to himself. At this point it was little more than a smartphone he put into a water tight case and strapped to his fin cuffs. An alert chimed on the screen, something was happening in Chicago, he pressed the alert and the GPS map popped up. "35th, Main" stuff was going to hell and quick based on the news feeds scrolling across the side of the screen, Mikk pressed the acknowledge button and swam as fast as he could to the surface and leaped as far as he could onto land and started making his way to 35th and main.

Alright, My time to shine!

Mikk "Great Guppy" Gray:

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 15
Location : Wisconsin
Age : 33
Job : Security Guard
Humor : Almost all
Registration date : 2013-07-04

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The beginings of a new era. (open) Empty Re: The beginings of a new era. (open)

Post by superguy1 September 1st 2013, 2:26 pm

Ares had been on a contracted assignment. He was supposed to assassinate a powerful gang leader who had taken control of Main Street. In his costume he darted across the roof tops towards the area when a sudden and powerful explosion sent him flipping backwards into the air. He lands on his feet then decides to head in that direction. "I don't get paid enough for this." He says, looking down on a scene of chaos on Main.

Eleven cops had fallen to the ground clearly shot in the head by some sort of sniper.




Carl Gator:
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 274
Location : Planet 2-T3x-4g
Age : 25
Job : Student
Registration date : 2011-10-10

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The beginings of a new era. (open) Empty Re: The beginings of a new era. (open)

Post by Zeth September 1st 2013, 6:21 pm

The Dark Avenger arrived at main street in approximately 4 minutes time, he slammed to the ground and his feet slid across the pavement for about five feet, metal scraped against the street. Avenger grit his teeth, and stuck the landing. His cape flowed behind him as he assessed the damage already done, his systems identified where the explosion started and identified 11 dead cops, not killed by the explosion, and 13 citizens killed by the explosion.

His systems were able to deduce that the 11 cops were killed by a .50 caliber sniper rifle, and then started calculating the angles they were shot at, it would be easier since there were 11 points of contact. It found the point where all shots were fired from a section of a rooftop.

Avenger looked up and saw a shadow move on the rooftop where the shots were fired from, and started running towards it, his feet started to leave the ground and another explosion happened right beneath his feet. The ground exploded, throwing hot rock and air everywhere. Avenger was thrown back and on to the ground. Ripping a new cut open on his chin. He pushed himself up and grunted, flames danced around him and smoke became thick.

Grid Without Suit:

Grid With Suit:

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 37
Location : Kansas City, Missouri
Age : 31
Job : Student, Sales Associate
Registration date : 2013-07-19

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The beginings of a new era. (open) Empty Re: The beginings of a new era. (open)

Post by Cel-Ray September 20th 2013, 3:04 pm

A bullet, a rather shiny one, barely missed the head of the young teen. Her eyes narrowed into aggressive slits. Clearly, she wasn't happy but the figure wielding the military issue sniper rifle couldn't see that due to her mask. Celtic dropped into a fighting position, one used in Tae-Kwon Do. Hands tightened in excitement, in acceptance that yes, she could lose control now. Who was going to stop a creature like herself. Without a second thought, Celtic exhaled slowly, sensing that double side of the coin, the Kaia-Mai, begin to surge through her veins.

"You do understand, that that bullet could have have killed me, yes? And you also understand that you're the cause of the deaths of at least eleven innocents, yes?!" Impatience won her then, so she didn't get any sort of response from the figure with the rifle.

The figure turned tail and ran, jumping onto the next rooftop. Kaia growled in an animalistic manner, sprinting after the retreating criminal. The shadow of her armored figure, created by the moon! draped down onto the sidewalk below, catching the attention of more than a few officers. Bullets chased her through the night as Kaia chased the figure.

Why was she surprised? She had always been viewed as a villain, no matter what good deeds she performed.

The beginings of a new era. (open) Michiko_sig_WIP_by_Keysho

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 65
Location : Where there is non-stop Mexican food..
Age : 26
Job : Cookin' up them 'changas.
Humor : Spock&His Temper >0>
Registration date : 2013-07-26

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The beginings of a new era. (open) Empty Re: The beginings of a new era. (open)

Post by Greatguppy September 21st 2013, 9:45 pm

It didn't Take Mikk long to get to the conflict and there was no mistaking that he was in the right place as the sound of gunshots rang out all around him. He became immediately aware that whoever the bad guys were in this scenario they meant business as two shots slammed into his chest and another to the side of his face. The bullets must have had some heft because as they hit Mikk was thrown from his feet and into a building to the left of him. The impact on the wall set Mikk's head whirling. He stagger-stepped a moment and looked back at the wall; Brick, it had a shiny new body sized hole in it now. More shots rang past him and he wasn't looking forward to getting hit with anymore of them today, his ribs felt like they had knives sticking out of them and his cheek bone felt like it was on fire. It had been a while since something "hurt" it kind excited Mikk, actual danger.

Mikk sprinted to the side of the building a moment to recompose, Breath in, Breath out. Go! Mikk Dove out from behind the cover and looked around as a bullet smacked the ground he had just passed over missing him by inches. The only people he saw was The figure of a girl looking more than a bit intimidating and a brave man shooting at her. Well I hope they aren't both bad Mikk thought, Chase them for now, no use searching for people you can't see Mikk, deal with the ones you can. Mikk Started sprinting forward at as fast a speed as he could manage zig-zagging the bullets chasing him down the road. He grabbed his trident off his back and hurled it, butt-spike first, into the side of the building that the scary figure was at moments ago. At a glance she seemed to be gone now, the dark wasn't doing Mikk any favors though. Alright Mikk, Can you make this jump? he though.

He then shouted We'll see and leaped with all his might as high as he could to the two-thirds mark of the building where he had buried the butt end of his trident. He came a little low on the landing and had to use his momentum to run a couple steps up the side of the building where he barely managed to get a hand on his trident. No sooner than he grabbed it he was using it to throw himself the rest of the way up the building trident in hand.

He shot ten feet above the ledge of the building and saw an explosion rip apart a section of the street below, and a man dressed in black being thrown around in the wake, and another menacing looking one running away. Mikk landed less than gracefully and ran to the side of the roof to look down at the Man laying about to be drowned in fire, the one fleeing the scene, Then shot a glance in the direction of Ms. Scary-Shadow. He rubbed his still sore cheek bone and breathed a pained breath. What to do, what to do?

Mikk "Great Guppy" Gray:

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 15
Location : Wisconsin
Age : 33
Job : Security Guard
Humor : Almost all
Registration date : 2013-07-04

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