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Prison. (open to 3 people.)

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Prison. (open to 3 people.) Empty Prison. (open to 3 people.)

Post by The Womb October 23rd 2013, 9:30 pm

Womb sat silently in the back of the vehicle. It seemed to him they had crafted this wagon in such a way that it could hold prisoners in it's belly. Of course, Womb knew he could break through his shackles and escape this entrapment. Yet he did not. He felt no urge to place himself back into the hands of the Humans new babylonian dystopias. The way of life being bred in those places held no appeal for him. Their culture is nothing but brainwashed delusion, a lucrative and prosperous delusion that benifits few and destroys many. Their greed will be their undoing in this world. Womb shifted in his seat and adjusted his trouserleg. Is it wrong of me to feel a sense of satisfaction that I will live to see their demise? My own children? No. No it is not wrong to detest evil. Humanity, beautiful as it may be, has become a plauge on this world and they can not see it. They are the desiese that has lain waste to what was once a perfect place. Perhaps it is time for this world to be cured of its wretched illness. Womb suddenly felt the urge to spit on the ground but could not bring himself to. The limitations of not having lips prevented him from indulging in such a gesture.

Taking a breath The Womb began to focus on what was happening to him now and what to do about it. If he did not, he knew he would go beserk and he could not afford to let himself do that just yet. It was while conspiring against the state in The Shack in Los Angeles the cities local malitiamen, or the police if you'd rather, stormed the building and arrested Womb on the grounds of wanton destruction and terrorist like activity. Womb had already been feeling disillusioned with the western sociotey he was trapped in and decided to take on the malitiamens formal application of 'justice' without struggle. He had been processed in an impromptu courhouse that decided to send him to a prision in chicargo that housed not only regualar criminals but many of the lower level meta criminals aswell. The Womb was not surprised by the outcome and accpted it gratefully. Perhaps it will be here that I can rebuild my existance. Perhaps here I may find someone who shares my view of this world. After all, these people would sooner lock someone like me away and serve genocidal tyrants than question the framework of their realities. Or should I say fantasies in this instance? It matters not, I shall seek satisfaction in the Prison, and see if it is here that my destiny lies.

A few moments later the wagon stopped and the doors to his left opened up suddenly. "Come on let's go." came the policemans command. And with it came The Womb. He stepped out of the van and followed the two policemen into the building. They passed through several doors, each one a gateway leading through a thick block wall. The Womb was astonished at the level of security of the place. The place is truly saturated with fear. Just look at it, whatever they keep here must be amazing indeed. I have never seen such a wonderous place before. Yes. Perhaps this is it for me. Perhaps I have found my utopia!

Once inside The Womb went through the manditory search proceedures and was given an orange jumpsuit to wear. Womb wore the garment with pride and strode confidently down the halls as he was being lead to his new cell. The Guard stopped, opened the cell door and turned to The Womb. "Alright now get in there you fucking son of a bitch. Watch your fucking ass in here." The guradsman spat, with some velocity may I add, at the Womb. The Womb entered as instructed and stood in the cell. The officer closed the door behind him and locked it and then began uncuffing The Womb through the designated hand hole. All the while this was happening the guard was cursing and threatning. None of this intimidated the Womb though, he knew nothing in this prison could truly harm him. Their threats were just empty whispers to him.

Nothing but air.

((can't be bothered to spell check right now, shouldn't be too bad though.))

"Only from The Womb springs Life and Death" - WOMB

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Prison. (open to 3 people.) Empty Re: Prison. (open to 3 people.)

Post by creator October 25th 2013, 9:35 pm

Yumo grudgingly dragged his feet along the floor of the prison. His hair was in his face showing barely only one of his cursed demonic looking eyes. He wasn't even given a trial this time, they just threw him in here....again. He laughed as he reminisced on the damage that he did to land him in here for like the seventh time this year.


Yumo was swinging rapidly through the air as he was followed by the sound of police sirens. He turned and sent a huge orb of thick blood at the police speeding towards him. When it got close enough he parted his fingers sending spikes of blood out of the orb into all directions. Yumo laughed as the cars made a wrenching sound as the sharp cone like spears skewered them. Then they exploded like fireworks of orange and red. Just as Yumo turned to continue his onslaught a shell from a tank hit him and exploded causing him to fall to the side and hit a nearby pole.

Nearby civilians ran away in fear as he got up like he landed on a pillow. His eyes seemed to freeze the very fabric of time itself, chilling it to the bone as he staired at the row of tanks nearby. Yumo swung his arm and cut clean through all of them with a swarm of creascent shaped blades colored red. He then contorted all of his fingers into several different positions and the blood became snakes and began to eat the nearby civilians.

"Ha Ha Ha this is too much fun." He said as he sent a pair of jaguars down the other side of the street. The chaos was everywhere and it filled Yumo with a weird feeling of happiness. the screams from the nearby people made him laugh insanely. A large group of officers circled yumo as he calmed back down. He looked at the ground with a straight face like he was bored of something. He turned his head as he leaned to the right and lunged at the nearby officer punching him in the stomach and sending a third of his blood out of his back. The other cops gasped but quickly composed themselves and ran towards Yumo.

Yumo turned and looked at the closest cop behind him with pure rage then he was in his face and his hand in his stomach. Yumo threw him to the side then whipped his hand in an effort to get some of the blood off. Seconds later their was one cop left and he was crawling across the ground using the two arms and one leg he had left. Yumo towered over him with a look now of disappointment as he raised his arm. The fire casted a deep terrifying shadow behind him as he formed a spear a few feet above him. The spear began to drop onto the face of the cop but then morphed back into blood as a dart stabbed Yumo in the back.

"Blood weaver you have been tranked." Came a booming voice but before he could see who it was a tsunami of darts washed over him and within seconds he was unconscious on the ground.

Yumo was sitting in his cell in an orange jumpsuit as his arms were thickly wrapped in chains and gauntlet made handcuffs. The officer took it off but ran before Yumo could make conversation. Yumo crossed his arms and pouted a little as he walked to a wall nearby.

"Rude much." he said as he scanned his room.




Karah (Renegade)
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Prison. (open to 3 people.) Empty Re: Prison. (open to 3 people.)

Post by The Womb October 26th 2013, 7:31 am

Womb had been peacfully sat in his cell for a few hours. Though it may as well have been a second, you see, because of The Womb's extended lifespan his perception of time passing had become warped when not concentrating. For him, hundreds of years could pass and it would only feel like a day. A possible concern for some, a blissful escape for The Womb.

His daydreaming was cut short however. Abruptly the Cell door opened and a new figure was thrust into the room. It appeared to The Womb to a just be a young lad. No more than 18. He looked armless enough, his face was not contorted, his demeanor though weary, displayed no signs of a hard life. Womb wondered as to why he had been imprisioned here, perhaps he could be the one Womb was looking for. Just as abruptly as the door had opened, it slammed shut. The guardsmen exclaimed something about two muties in one day and cursed at them before walking away laughing. Womb recognised the comment 'mutie' to refer to what humans consider non-human entitites. So it seemed to The Womb that this young man must weild some kind of power. Though, Womb was having a hard time deciding what it could be. Without hesitation the Womb abruptly questioned the young lad in a sharp and almsot barking tone. "They called you mutie lad, what power is it that you weild then? "

"Only from The Womb springs Life and Death" - WOMB

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The Womb
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Prison. (open to 3 people.) Empty Re: Prison. (open to 3 people.)

Post by I.t October 26th 2013, 7:48 am

Filthy coins skimmed beside dark-brown fabrics and the dins of jingles were heard from his leather satchel. The deerstalker upon his person was adjusted with a brief cant of the wrist and the aforementioned satchel in question found its buckles unfastened immediately thereafter, four indistinguishable coins procured from its interior. A dying glint adorned each coin, flickering bulbs from lampposts afar enough to provide light for it.

Dark-brown deerstalker, a black cloak, grey trousers, black boots and a scarlet scarf were, bizarrely,  not enough to keep him completely warm. The slumberous thrusts of air oft made themselves known, tugging at his clothes and all else, including a handful of russet hair tufts. His notepad and pen rested atop the table, above an oddly-folded napkin and below his hand as to assure its secured positioning. Even he didn't know why he had decided to have a beverage outside, rather than inside; perhaps he thought the café’s small cover would somehow keep the weather at bay? A couple of minutes went on by.

“Thank you.” he grumbled courteously, for formality surely didn't go down the drain over the span of just a couple years, even as a criminal thug. Although two words spoken by Noah - an otherwise wordless and apathetic individual - was an abnormality on its own. Four coins were shoved over the table delicately as extra payments. The waitress placed the coffee down beside him and brought about her languid mince inside with the coins in hands.

The coffee was downed in a heartbeat, then slammed back onto the table with a muted clatter. I think it's time I relocate, or something, he thought. Another theft and another coffee afterwards just isn't working for me.

 Upon the sudden sound of sirens, he panicked. His head twisted, back and forth. It was only after a second or two he realised they weren't after him. But the sight of another like himself did fascinate him and he couldn't help but pursue silently as they took him away.

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Registration date : 2013-10-14

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Prison. (open to 3 people.) Empty Re: Prison. (open to 3 people.)

Post by creator October 26th 2013, 9:32 am

This room was very blank and their was a bunk bed with a thin matress on top clothed by an even thinner sheet.  Yumo looked around and sighed deeply as he watched the people leave.  He looked in nearby cells and began to feel alienated from the other convicts.

"Hey how come everyone else ain't in handcuffs but I am?"  He called out to the nearby cops.  They all looked at him and scoffed.

"Because unlike you these muties know their place."  One said smiling evily.  He looked down at yumo like he was superior which made yumo laugh in his cell.

"Remember mister you're out there and i'm stuck in a cell, don't get cocky cause I can't hit you."  Yumo said backing up as the cops moved in. "O and another thing," He stepped up to the gate as the cop that made a comment stood at the bars,"  I'm not a mutie, i'm a blood weaver."  His eyes glowed with lust as the cop gasped at the comment.

The lights around seemed to shatter leaving one light that laced one of his eyes with a beautiful light and leaving the rest in twisted darkness.  The emphasis on his eye gave the cops a heart stopping scare instilling the fear yumo would need for later if he wanted to enjoy his stay here.

That's when he heard the man's voice. Yumo turned and saw a person whom he assumed was a guy sitting on the bottom bunk. He had no face only a skull and for some reason Yumo was more curious than hostile. That's when he remembered the question.

"O The names Blood Weaver or Yumo and i'm a half demon that can manipulate blood...but only blood from dead bodies." Yumo said as he walked over to the man. "What about you?" He leaned over into the man's face and squinted as he looked into the eye sockets of his cellmate curiously.
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Prison. (open to 3 people.) Empty Re: Prison. (open to 3 people.)

Post by The Womb October 28th 2013, 9:08 pm

The child claims to be a blood weaver. How curious. As The Womb thought to himself the young boy leaned forwards squinting at The Womb's face. The Womb found this strange. However, the boy seemed of no threat to The Womb, only curious about the Womb's appearence and origins. "My name is The Womb, child. The everlasting, ever living Womb! Heed the name and respect it's legacy, for it spans far into the recesses of what your kind call 'time.' There were none before me, and there shall be none after. The Womb will experince all the Universe has to offer." The Womb stood after he had finished his elaborate speech and looked into the Blood Weavers face. "Why are you here in this prison boy? Did you use your power for ill?"

"Only from The Womb springs Life and Death" - WOMB

The Womb's Bio
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The Womb
The Womb
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Quote : "Heed me Humans. I am the Womb!"

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Prison. (open to 3 people.) Empty Re: Prison. (open to 3 people.)

Post by creator October 30th 2013, 6:30 pm

"Yeah i got bored and decided to go have some..."fun" out in the streets but the cops ruined it before i could finish having fun so now i am here with these things on my hands." He shook the giant gauntlet on his hands.Yumo looked at the skull intently as the man spoke.  His name apparently was the womb but he was just going to call him tw fir short.  He stepped back a little disappointed as he was half expecting flames to be his pupils.  Yumo rubbed his face and sat down on the floor in front of the skull holding his legs to his chest as he stared enthusiastically.
"so what's a guy like u doin in a place like this?" he asked as he rocked back and forth.  Yumo thinned his mouth as he tried to picture this guy doing something good like giving a girl her teddy bear back hut being thrown in here for disturbing the peace and causing wide spread panic.  it made him laugh to think of such things as those but things like that did go through his head along with alot of other things like how he was going to explain to his dad and step mom that he was incarcerated again.  knowing his step mom she was going to be waiting on him with a knife and a huge mass of weird spells she accumulated from his dad who accumulated it from his demon uncles.  That thought made him grimace and kind of groan in sadness.
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Prison. (open to 3 people.) Empty Re: Prison. (open to 3 people.)

Post by The Womb November 3rd 2013, 3:58 pm

So the child has used his power for the destruction and torture of the innocent then? It seems to be what he is insinuating here. His using of the word "fun" exposes his callousness for what he has done. It is not enough that he has been imprisoned here. He should be punished.

Abruptly and very aggressively, Womb sprang from his seat and gripped the Blood Weaver by the throat and hauled him to his feet. "You do not deserve to know anything of me, worm." The last word, said with such disdain that the venom in it was almost tangible. "You are no better than those who forcefully impose their imperialisitic genocide of the human spirit on this world! It is people like you who deserve to die. Your whimsicle wanton nature has dealt needless tradgedy into this world. Which is something The Womb can not abide and will not abide! Prepare to meet your end Blood Weaver, your blight of an existance is to be perminantly extinguished." With that said The Womb threw back his fist an thrust it forwards, hoping to connect with the boys face.

"Only from The Womb springs Life and Death" - WOMB

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The Womb
The Womb
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Prison. (open to 3 people.) Empty Re: Prison. (open to 3 people.)

Post by creator November 3rd 2013, 6:02 pm

Yumo cried in shock as the womb grabbed onto his neck and snatched him upwards. The womb scolded him severly and then swung at yumo connecting square into his face and causing him to fly back into the wall on the other side of the cell. Yumo sat their and then began to laugh as blood spilt from his nose and mouth. Like always when he's hit like that he lost control of his mental state. The blood pooling on the floor reached upwards and shredded the gauntlet off of Yumo's hands. The aura around yumo changed and yumo's physical appearance changed severly.

"You think i'm like those humans that I obliterated... you think that I impose my views on these my friend I don't impose my views on others I just like the thrill and site of people sprawled on the ground lifeless...those who resort to violence instead of verbal compromise because they think that their "Rank" or the "Guns" in their possession allows them to do just that, resort to violence I mean....they just look so lovely when they are scared because after all the violence...after all the destruction...after all the victories...they end up being the weak ones as the ones they were destroying get to watch as their city crumbles...what I say probably doesn't make since at the moment but when this is over I promise I will explain it better." yumo smiled but the smile was filled with fangs and a his soft child like demeanor was replaced by his demonic more destructive side...the same side that caused him to be in this place in the first place.

"I've got to hand it to you though," Yumo's voice was severly distorted as his demon blood tried to take over but yumo didn't want that...yet," That actually hurt, a lot." Yumo walked closer to The womb the blood rushing from his mouth and beginning to spiral playfully around him. Yumo raised his free hand and the blood incased his hand into a giant hammer made of crystal like blood.

"Now let me return the favor." Yumo called as he lunged at the womb. He wasn't bent on causing at the very least the same amount the womb caused him then maybe he could calm himself down and surpress his demon instincts. But until then they might need a new cell after this is done.




Karah (Renegade)
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