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Setting things in motion(open)

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Setting things in motion(open) Empty Setting things in motion(open)

Post by Mister Negative September 1st 2013, 6:39 pm

Upon his arrival to Los Angeles, Dominic began searching for a solution to one of his first problems. He needed a quick and easy mode of transportation. His bags contained loads of equipment that would cause major suspicion if he was searched for any reason. On top of that, he was fully outfitted in his disguise. He wore a metal mask and a large red cloak, along with a metal chest plate. He was clearly not your ordinary citizen, so he had to rush.

He received many blank stares, was asked to take photos often, and was even laughed at and made fun of. It made no difference to him. He was on his way toward the nearest power line, he was going to overcharge it with crimson energy so that he could have unlimited access to instant transportation around the city. It would be very consuming, but he would be able to transport himself anywhere in the city that had an active power supply. He grabbed hold of the generator box on the power line, and began feeding red energy through it, causing it to feed-back into the closest power plant, turning the outgoing power into Crimson as well. This process would only take a few more minutes...
Mister Negative
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Setting things in motion(open) Empty Re: Setting things in motion(open)

Post by superguy1 September 1st 2013, 7:52 pm

Drake had been on the move for a while. He was homeless ever since he had had his parents locked up, so he pretty much just traveled wherever. He had been spending the past few months chilling in L.A. staying with an old family friend. Things were good. He'd finally gotten the Minotaur under controls and he'd been able to help people using his gifts.

He was walking around L.A, specifically around LAX, looking for problems. He hadn't seen any huge crime since he'd arrived. Petty robberies and stuff, sure. But he hadn't fought any super villians. He was ready to give up and head home until he saw a man in a mask and red cape touching the generator. He would have ignored him and labeled him as another L.A. nutcase..until he noticed the red energy flowing from him into the generator.

He walked towards the man, still in human form not wanting to scare him in the form of the Minotaur. "Hey." He began "What are you doing?"




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Setting things in motion(open) Empty Re: Setting things in motion(open)

Post by Mister Negative September 1st 2013, 8:12 pm

A man walked toward Dominic as he placed the final few volts of energy into the generator. Dominic didn't think he was an authority figure, so he had no qualms about it.

The man said "Hey, what are you doing?"

Dominic replied, calmly, keeping a tone that made him seem sociable and not a danger to anyone

"Uh well, I saw some strange arcs of electricity flowing out of this thing, and decided I'd take a look at it, see what the problem was."

He offered his hand to the man to shake, and hoped the man wouldn't notice that he was trembling from how weak he was after doing what he had just done.

"I'm...I'm Dominic" he said, as he started to lose consciousness.
Mister Negative
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Setting things in motion(open) Empty Re: Setting things in motion(open)

Post by superguy1 September 1st 2013, 8:18 pm

Drake didn't buy it. " were just wandering around dressed in a very supervilliany costume, as strange red supervilliany electricity was flowing out of the electrical box thingie. Is that right?" He asked sarcastically. He eyed the mans hand, looked back up at the man, than finally shook it. He figured he’d go Minotaur if the guy tried anything shady.




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Setting things in motion(open) Empty Re: Setting things in motion(open)

Post by Mister Negative September 1st 2013, 9:28 pm

Dominic felt the negativity, the man clearly didnt believe him. It was understandable, he had probably seen the crimson lightning being transferred. But this wasn't important.

Dominic started to faint, he fell forward, seemingly in slow motion. He saw the 3 bags containing his combat suit, his assault rifle, and the many many files he had taken from the lab. He may never see those things again. If he isn't killed in his unconcious state.

This was bad.
Mister Negative
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Setting things in motion(open) Empty Re: Setting things in motion(open)

Post by Count Solar September 1st 2013, 9:48 pm

Xero walked out of Abraxis HQ. It was a warm, pleasant day, one where most people who were not working were outside. It was a day that would be featured on television, with people in the park throwing Frisbees, and young couples taking long walks on the beach. Xero was disgusted. It was days like this when people were more likely to be out, and therefore be more likely to throw there trash about. He sighed; humanity was like a child. An ever so stupid child that didn't know it needed to take care of it's toys. That would be fixed, eventually, but it was a problem for another day.

He was casually walking around, planning which factories and buildings would have to be demolished. That was, until he felt the slight shift. Somewhere, and somewhere close to him, large amounts of energy had just been released. Judging by the feel of the energy, it was most likely electricity. He quickened his pace, until he turned a corner and looked up at a power plant. He groaned inward; this had been a waste of time. Until he looked farther down and saw a man collapsed on the ground.

Xero would have normally not cared; it was most likely somebody who had had a stroke or heart attack or similar ailment. But his attire was...unusual, to say the least. So unusual that it sparked Xero's interest.

As Xero approached him, he could tell that this person was the source of the energy he had felt. It was electricity, but far stronger than usual. Around the man (or woman) were three bags, all having seemingly fallen at the same time as he had. Xero knelt down by the person, and checked for a pulse

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Setting things in motion(open) Empty Re: Setting things in motion(open)

Post by superguy1 September 2nd 2013, 12:18 pm

Drake watched as  the man collapsed down next to him. "Um, dude are yu okay he asked as he tried to wake the man up. Another man approached and began checking the villiany guy for a pulse. "i don't know what happened." Drake began "He was touching this power box, red energy began going through it an he just...fell."




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Setting things in motion(open) Empty Re: Setting things in motion(open)

Post by Mister Negative September 2nd 2013, 1:59 pm

Dominic was jolted awake when his body reacted to a massive energy source touching his neck. Crimson energy lashed out at the source and then arched out backwards, tapping into the generator and pulling some of the now entirely crimson power from the power grid.

His bags were where the had been, and his plan had been a success. But he feared the worst, as his crimson energy had just lashed and tried harming the two by-standers.

"I can explain! Please, do not take that as a personal attack, it was an instinctive reaction to...whichever one of you checked my pulse.. Some strange reaction to the energy you were emitting. I'd like to avoid all conflict if that's possible. I assure you, nothing I'm doing here is going to do anything but good for the people. I understand the red lightning may give a...negative impression, but my goals are for the best. I intend to use the power grid for quick transportation throughout LA to deal with crime in a more efficient manner. I've just got off a boat coming from Russia. It is a long story, but I just need you both to understand I wouldn't harm an innocent."

Dominic was frantic, if a battle were to break out here, he would forever be dubbed a villain in the eyes of the people of LA, he didn't want any publicity besides good before he could take over the LAPD, after which he would be able to start fixing the world.
Mister Negative
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Setting things in motion(open) Empty Re: Setting things in motion(open)

Post by Count Solar September 2nd 2013, 7:11 pm

As soon as Xero’s hand touched the other person’s neck,  a large arc of red energy burst forth from them. Xero instinctively absorbed the energy, but it made him feel...weird. It wasn’t any form of energy he had encountered before, and that was saying a lot. He had made it his goal to study every form of energy known to man, and then some. But this one was....different. Like electricity, but far more concentrated, and more volatile. It was almost similar to Armonolin. Almost.

Xero didn’t like anything that he felt could harm him. If something was, or could possibly be a threat, he eliminated it if possible. This energy could be a threat, big time. So he did the first thing that came to mind. He slung his arm out,  having the energy roll out of his palms and strike out in a whip-like fashion. He instantly felt better, both physically and mentally. Physically because he had purged himself of the impurity, and mentally because the energy which came out of him was Armonolin, meaning he hadn’t lost total control.

He listened as the person in front of him (male judging by the voice) had frantically gave his excuses and apologies, both of which Xero detested in general. It angered him that he had been unwittingly attacked, but hey, shit happens. He stuck out his hand to help the guy up; after all, he it was an accident when he struck out at him. Or, rather he had claimed it was.

Last edited by Solaronic on September 2nd 2013, 8:12 pm; edited 6 times in total

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Setting things in motion(open) Empty Re: Setting things in motion(open)

Post by superguy1 September 2nd 2013, 7:19 pm

Drake watched as the red energy flew from the super villiany guy into the man who had come to check on him. "Whoa!" He shouted out. He rushed over to check on the man. "What the hell, dude!" He yelled at the man who he was almost sure was a villian. The villian guy began giving excuses but Drake didn't want to hear it. "Listen you d..." he began. But he stopped speaking, the other man had released the energy from his hand....and it was coming right for him. "WHOA!" He yelled. He began the transformation into the Minotaur just as the energy struck him.




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Setting things in motion(open) Empty Re: Setting things in motion(open)

Post by Mister Negative September 2nd 2013, 7:33 pm

As the energy whipped forth and hit the now big, bull looking man, Dominic sensed everything was about to be really bad. He took the hand of the man who had offered it to him, and immediately they'd the three suit cases with crimson energy and thrust his arm into the generator.

Everything became red for several seconds as he teleported to a place far from this dangerous situation. He felt so safe and secure. Then BOOM. He hit the ground, the desert in fact. He was beside a highway, somewhere within Death Valley. Suddenly two bursts happened beside him and the two people that had been at the scene crash lands beside him.

The big Minotaur man looked to be very very upset, and possibly even about to attack. The other guy was seemingly displeased, but didnt look aggressive at this point.

"Listen well, I do not intend to harm anyone here. I wanted to leave this situation. But you seemed to have been brought with me. I am not inclined to hold back in this barren waste land, and I have been fully recharged from the traveling. Please, back away...I don't want to use this...Dominic stated with near robotic sentiment. He wasn't playing around anymore. This was getting aggravating.

He had a nearly lethal ball of energy built just for the purpose of sending someone about 100 feet away and he was prepared to release it at any sign of hazard.
Mister Negative
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Setting things in motion(open) Empty Re: Setting things in motion(open)

Post by Count Solar September 3rd 2013, 5:30 pm

(((Won't have time to post, and Xero wouldn't be doing anything other than watching, so please skip me until the fight is over or Xero is needed)))

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Setting things in motion(open) Empty Re: Setting things in motion(open)

Post by superguy1 September 4th 2013, 7:30 am

Minotaur had no idea where he was. He was on some highway in, what looked lke, possibly, Death Valley. "What did you do!?" He gorwls at the man. "raaRAAAHH!" He roars as he runs towards the man with his fist drawn back.
(sorry short post a little busy)




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Setting things in motion(open) Empty Re: Setting things in motion(open)

Post by Mister Negative September 4th 2013, 4:26 pm

Dominic considered all options, and came out with only one to potentially make it out of this crushing attack. He added a few extra arcs into the charged ball of Crimson and blasted it directly into the beasts chest. The bolt would explode moments before impact, theoretically giving him enough distance to prep his combat suit, to prepare himself to go against this insanely large creature.

(Also a short post, combat usually doesn't have very large ones, as its permission based.)
Mister Negative
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Setting things in motion(open) Empty Re: Setting things in motion(open)

Post by superguy1 September 7th 2013, 9:47 am

The bolt hit Minotaur sending him flying through the air.




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