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A Situation in the Gulf

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A Situation in the Gulf  Empty A Situation in the Gulf

Post by Sim May 1st 2013, 1:14 pm

((Sorry for the lateness, lighting struck outside my window and in addition to nearly scaring me to death also knocked out my net.))

Ashley Foster paid no mind to the damp Florida night air. She approached her destination, a little Italian family restaurant that still had it's open sign on despite the late hour. She was just a little bit early, you learned to be punctual in her line of work. She shook off the night air as she walked inside. A fairly slender woman who stood at only five feet, she didn't seem all that impressive but she had a serious demeanor about her. Despite even the nights here being pretty warm, she wore a large black leather jacket over an athletic-looking form-fitting black shirt. Her short black hair was cut above her ears, giving her a boyish look. Bright green eyes flicked here and there, checking her surroundings constantly. "I'm here for the telecorp room." She stated simply to the fat, hairy man who was the only person inside the building. "Of course m'am, you're the first to arrive." He led her to the back of the small eatery to a door she insisted he open first. Inside was a small room with a single table, and some party decorations along the walls. A room for private birthdays and such, from the looks of it. "Thank you." She said, dismissing him as she walked into the room closing the door behind her.

She took her seat at the head of the cheap table, setting a black unlabeled laptop in front of her and booting up some programs. She was instantly greeted by every available bit of info on the fat man, from school transcripts to tax records. The metal doorknob in fact contained a device to painlessly acquire a dna and blood sample, which would instantly give Ashley information on whoever touched it, assuming they were on the grid. She sat back. This was the most vulnerable part of the operation, especially while she was here alone, but for now there was nothing to be done but wait and see who would answer her call.
Post Adept
Post Adept

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Number of posts : 398
Age : 36
Humor : What do you call twin boys? A sunset!
Registration date : 2010-11-28

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A Situation in the Gulf  Empty Re: A Situation in the Gulf

Post by Forceaus May 6th 2013, 9:21 pm

The weather that night was misty and wet. The rain fell slowly and spread about. Those in it would not feel its presence at first. This was still better weather than the first night of the last time he was in Tampa Bay, Florida. Last time it had rained heavily for nearly two days straight before things finally cleared up a bit. He stood under the canopy of some trees away from sight of the nearby buildings. John was not fully able to wear his normal costume on this occasion. He had it with him but he would not be able to wear it like he normally would for this mission. He opted to use some eye color changing contacts to use as some sort of disguise. His normal light brown eyes were made to look blue with them. This made him think of some old tale that said that people with blue eyes could not see as well as those with darker colored eyes at night. He could not remember where he had heard this however. He also had a hat on to cover his head. It was a rather fancy one that he had bought a few months ago but had not worn as of yet. John sighed and smiled briefly as he tried to calm himself. He still needed to go to the address itself.

The mission that these three Knightwatch members were on was one that involved an apparent metahuman slave ring down here in Tampa bay. The three of them would be going in separately but working together the whole way as part of the investigation. He got out his phone and checked the email once again to reread on what it said to confirm what he needed to do. Once he felt ready he left the treetop area and headed for the address. There it stood ahead of him. The address led him to a restaurant, just as it said in the email. He entered the place and was greeted by an overweight and really hairy man who had just come from a back room. "Hi, I came here to go to the telecorp room." he said to the man rather nicely. "Aah, yes, another arrival. Right this way sir." the man responded and led him to another room. John entered the small back room and looked around. All that was there was a single table, and at that table sat a young woman who was staring at the laptop in front of her. He spoke to her quickly and formally "Hello, I'm here to respond to the email. Do you perhaps know about it?" he asked of her while standing there trying to seem entirely professional.

Mega Poster!
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Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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A Situation in the Gulf  Empty Re: A Situation in the Gulf

Post by Samael Christensen May 9th 2013, 6:52 pm

Tampa Bay Florida, not his first choice for a place to visit, but then again this was not a vacation. Pat would have went to a place like Miami or even Hawaii, however this was business, so no time to relax. His plane had touched down only an hour ago and he already had his hotel picked out, the small taxi ferrying the nondescript male to his destination. He would be meeting his fellow Knightwatch members at the location, though who had really put together this little meeting was beyond him. He took a nondescript looking cab, however it was nowhere as hectic as that one time that he had ridden one in New York; that was insanity. Pat had dressed simply, in faded blue jeans and a tee shirt hidden by his deep black colored hoodie. Approaching the entrance of the restaurant, lead to the back by a really hairy man. There were already two people there, one that he could vaguely recognize. ”So yeah, I responded to that email.”

The immortal with not enough patience for this- Adam Johnson (Vampire boi)
The Ravens Son- Samael Christensen
The Half angel/Half brother - Nathaniel Christensen
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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A Situation in the Gulf  Empty Re: A Situation in the Gulf

Post by Riccto May 16th 2013, 8:16 pm

Campeon always enjoyed being in Tampa, It seemed to be a fun and welcoming town well at least to him it did. He had fought a few fights in the city, first few times around as the B-Side but as his career progressed he picked a bit of a following in the city. Sadly, this trip to Tampa didn’t have the pleasantries that his previous trips Sure he would have a fight but sadly this fight will be of a much grimer nature, against some type of metahuman slavery ring? Just the thought of it disgusted Campeon, irregardless of his status of being a metahuman it was just the loss of freedom that sickened him and his sense of justice. When he got the offer there was an almost immediate yes. Despite the rapidness of his response he was a bit on the slower side getting there, tying up assorted loose ends in Chicago and such or atleast bringing them to some sense of stability.

Now landing in Florida was a goodsend for Campeon, he still was unaccustomed to the cool winds of Chicago. So the tropical Florida weather was a godsend for him. It put an extra spring in step as he made his way to check into a motel before making his way towards the location mentioned in the email. He walked to the resturant, making sure to take in as much of the sweet Florida air. When he entered the resturant he told the fat propietor that he was there for the Telecomference room. When Campeon entered the room he smiled at his fellow Knightwatch members “Late as always .

El Boriquen

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 61
Job : The Stronkest
Registration date : 2011-10-10

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