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A Hostage Situation (closed to Sul_Fury)

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A Hostage Situation (closed to Sul_Fury) Empty A Hostage Situation (closed to Sul_Fury)

Post by Mockingbird December 11th 2011, 10:24 pm

Night. The only time Mockingbird would come out. Jumping across the rooftops, she used her enhanced senses to find trouble. There was always trouble in Chicago, Mockingbird had no doubts about that. That is why she did what she did. Eventually, she could smell something. It was the same smell that she had smelt not too long ago. It was some type of drug, She just didn't know what type it was. As she arrived at the point of origin for the smell, she caught sight of the Seven armed gunmen patrolling the docks to protect the shipment. No doubt their boss would be here soon.

Silently, she moved across the cargo containers to one of the secluded men doing his rounds. The man would feel a rope rap around his foot and pull him up to the top of the cargo containers. The last thing he saw before he was knocked unconscious was the angry look in her eyes. She bound his arms and legs together with handcuffs and moved on. The rest of the men had yet to notice that their partner was missing. Hiding herself in an open container, she waited upside down in the shadows for one of them to come by, "Hey guys, I think I heard something by the shipment. I'm going to check it out." One of the henchmen said in a deep, raspy voice. As the man entered the container, Mockingbird quickly decided on a battle strategy. Drop down behind him. He'll hear me and turn around. Block his attack, counter with a cross to his right cheek. While he is dazed he will attempt to attack once more, block with my elbow. Front kick his diaphragm.Weaken his left jaw. Then fracture it. Jump font kick to his chest. That should do him in. As planned, she dropped down and carried out her plan. The man was knocked backward and was unconscious by the time she was done.

"Waters?" Came another deep voice. Mimicking the man, whom she assumed to be Water's, she spoke back "It was nothing, just some fallen merchandise."

"Alright." The voice replied before she could hear footsteps wandering away. Pulling out her grapple gun, she pulled herself back on top of a red cargo container. She set a smoke mine on the ground before going off to the next guy. The man never saw her coming. She swung across the gap on her grapple gun and snatched his collar. The man shrieked and tried to bite her but she dropped him. From this height, the man would have gotten a pair of broken legs.

The Hallucination mine worked perfectly and she could hear it go off. Three different screams could be heard when she got over there, taking them out with some attacks from her bo staff. She swing across to the last man and intercepted him, grabbing him by his throat and pushing him up the wall of a storage container. "You're going to tell your boss about me, got that? And if I catch you punks in this city again, you won't like it." She told him before knocking him unconscious as well.

Walking over to a nearby payphone she dialed 9-1-1 "Hi, you may want to get down to the docks. Looks like someone did your work for you, again." She told the operator before hanging up and walking away. She tuned into her police radio to see if there was any more trouble to be dealt with.

"This is officer Ramirez, we have a hostage situation at the Chicago Board and Trade Building." That was all she needed to hear before she was off. Arriving at the scene, she flew ove the officers head and grappled to the rooftop of the massive building. Time to get inside.

Posting Master
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A Hostage Situation (closed to Sul_Fury) Empty Re: A Hostage Situation (closed to Sul_Fury)

Post by Mimic December 12th 2011, 1:54 am

Sure it was a long shot, but he couldn't keep too close to the real deal. The Black Knight was generally lurking around New York, his central place for fighting crime. Once in a while he'd venture out though, right? Jerome assured himself, as he moved in on his next target. He wanted an 'epic battle' with The Black Knight, but he was pretty unknown. That was okay, he wanted to savor it all. He wanted The Black Knight to slowly but surely find out that someone else is acting in his stead. All he needed was to find the trouble and make it worse. He didn't want to demand a confrontation, he knew that was an automatic loss. The Black Knight would probably bring friends. He just wanted to tarnish his reputation.

He was Jerome's hero, so he didn't really want anyone to hate him. But it would make for an amazing comic in the future, he thought to himself. But what method would he use? He didn't think too long on it, he didn't want to stick his neck out too much. He'd use some suckers as bait for a no-name hero, then give them a classic inner conflict scenario that would end up bad no matter what happens.

Tuning into the police radio station he looked for the latest word on the street. The radio buzzed with static before stating: "This is officer Ramirez, we have a hostage situation at the Chicago Board and Trade Building." It wasn't too far, a few blocks away? Jerome mentally prepared to change his suit to holographically project the image of his favorite hero. The suit flashed with light before perfectly reflecting the image of The Black Knight. He began running through the streets in the direction of the structure. Upon arrival, the police and onlookers cheered and clapped their hands at the world known hero. Waving his hands in the air, he loved the attention.

Kicking the door open, it clanked against the wall. The suspects all panicked, however only a few had guns. Most of them had melee weapons which were just as useful to kill in close range.

"Whatsup fellas? Looks like you're in for a heap of trouble. I'm gonna kick yer asses."
Jerome blurted out full of self-confidence. One of the thugs with a baseball bat ran towards Jerome and swung high aiming for his head. Pulling out a long cylinder tube from a holster on his left leg, he activated a large red plasma shield blocking it effectively. The thug stumbled backwards, his hands probably throbbing from the vibrations and Jerome moved in. Raising his leg up, he kicked at the thugs knee hard, snapping it backwards. The man hollered out in pain, falling to the floor. With his opposite hand he pulled out one of his twin laser pistols and aimed it at the man.

"Whoa whoa man, what are you doing!" Jerome fired, as the beam of energy pierced his torso and exited out his back. He collapsed back to the ground lifeless this time. Shocked the thugs started to get anxious.

"Shit man, we got hostages! Don't come any closer! Drop everything or they die!" one of the guys shouted. This one had a gun, and aimed it at a hostage. Jerome smiled and walked slowly towards them as if to dare them to do it. This was the new image for The Black Knight. Casualties were optional.

Mimic's Profile
A Hostage Situation (closed to Sul_Fury) Mimic

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A Hostage Situation (closed to Sul_Fury) Empty Re: A Hostage Situation (closed to Sul_Fury)

Post by Lucy Brillows December 12th 2011, 2:48 am

A roll of quarters passed across the bank counter to the red headed girl on the other side. A middle aged woman with glasses smiled with her mouth closed as the younger girl collected her roll of coins. "Thank you for banking with us."

"Thank you for mismanaging money and bankrupting the country several times." She spoke half heartedly as she turned to walk away. She tossed the pack of coins in the air, catching it as she walked to the bathroom to hop a ride through the mirror.

Getting resources came easy to people with intangible means. Lucy stalked her way through the dark dimension, peering into mirrors to determine just who could give her the easiest access to those sweet drugs that people needed. No one really ever got in contact with Lucy, but seeing as her skill set could provide her such beneficial wealth this would give her some commodities to deal with. Lucy Brillows, investment czar with a diversified portfolio of contraband items.

After searching few moments she came across a lone brown haired nurse changing out of his work clothes. Lucy stepped from the mirror in his form and walked towards him. She struck the back of his neck with enough force to render him unconscious. With him going home she pulled of a rather pointless stunt by hitting him, but she got accustomed to the violence of this job. Lucy walked through the halls with a name tag she procured from the poor guy laying in the changing room in the locker room. She stopped to look over the on call list for the hospital and pinpointed a name. Dr. Young. That would work. Lucy walked to the administrative desk on the floor to get an order filled. A beleaguered nurse manned the desk under a papers that needed to be filed. Worry lines carved up her forehead and made her gaze always appear sour. "Why are you still here?"

"Dr. Young said he needs hydromorphone before I can leave. You know how he is." Lucy hoped she did know it.

The nurse muttered in contempt of the doctors in the hospital. "You're going to just need to go there and ask them for it in the lab."

That reminded Lucy that all these dress up games really proved just for fun, because could easily find the room herself and then just leave. "Where is the nearest lab on this floor."

"Only labs on the first floor." The nurse looked puzzled and unamused at his question.

"So no new labs?"

"No." She answered while going back to the work.

"I thought I got a newsletter about a new lab; must've just been gas." Lucy took her borrowed image and began to walk back to the stairwell to take three flights down to the first floor. Anytime she infiltrated a building she always forgot what floor she was on. She needed a way to keep track of these things.

A young blond lab tech filed away prescription forms when Lucy came up. He looked like he spent enough years in the lab to know how protocol worked, but young enough to cut people breaks. "I thought you went home Mike."

Lucy walked to the lab that hosted what she needed and stepped inside. "Dr. Young needs a shipment of hydromorphone bags in ICU. He needed me to pick up a few bags for him. Said I can go home after I take them to him."

"Let me see the prescription." He rested against the counter and grabbed a pen to fill out his portion of the form. Lucy pretended to shuffle through her pockets with a certainty that informed him she had the pad, and played it off like not pulling out the piece of paper came as a surprise.

"I must've left it somewhere; if you could just give me those bags I'd like to get out of here in the next fifteen minutes before he gives me something else to do." Lucy bantered like a pro with most people. She loved everything about human interaction, except the humans.

"I hear you. Let me call Young and I'll just do it over the phone." The tech grabbed the phone and pulled it close to him. He looked down to see the extension and presented Lucy with the opportunity to use her quarters. She struck the man solidly in the back of the head, sending his face to impact hard against the alloy counter. Lucy threw her legs over the counter and walked back into the lab. It only took a small amount of looking to find what this girl needed. After that she walked out of the lab with eleven IV bags of hydromorphone and headed to the changing room.

Wanting to sow a little chaos in the lives of others, she shot up the nurse with a needle into one of his arms. See how the guy dealt with accusations of stealing hydromorphone by assaulting a man he knew on a first name basis. With that Lucy marked step one done.

She disappeared back into her mirror world and prepared to make her trek back to her penthouse when over heard a clear channel within her dimension. Vibrations from radio signals ran through the glass and when she placed her head close enough she could make things out. "Hostage situation..." The singal trailed off, but she got the important part. That meant cops. You can really sow chaos if you look like a cop. Lucy traveled back to her penthouse and unloaded the bags of hydromorphone. She went to her closet of traps. She kept a container of chloroform in there for capturing people to banter with. This would be no different.

Set for a perfect opportunity to strike a capture, Lucy drove down to the site of the crime. Still in the guise of the nurse, she parked her car as close as she could get in an alleyway. The small luxury car had a trunk large enough to fit a body plus the tank of chloroform that she kept in there. She liked keeping plans simple. She would knock a cop out with the roll of quarters, put them in her trunk, and then turn on the gas to keep them knocked out until they got back to her penthouse. Lucy tossed the roll of quarters in the air and caught them in her hand.

A Hostage Situation (closed to Sul_Fury) Tumblr_lkx1fyPqSj1qc03leo1_500
Lucy Brillows
Lucy Brillows

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Registration date : 2011-04-18

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A Hostage Situation (closed to Sul_Fury) Empty Re: A Hostage Situation (closed to Sul_Fury)

Post by Mockingbird December 12th 2011, 3:08 am

Mockingbird had glided down the back end of the building until she was a few floors above the hostages. Smashing through the window, she made her way over to the emergency fire escape stairwell. Sprinting down the steps at full speed, she arrived at the bottom. In front of the door was a hostage taker with a gun pointed towards the young man. Her hand reached out and smashed through the glass window, grabbed onto the mans head and smashed his skull into the wall. The move rendered him unconscious on the floor. Kicking open the door, she charged at a big, muscular man with the gun pointed at the hostages head. She knife handed the man's jaw and sent an outer crescent kick to his stomach. The gun dropped from his hand as he got the shock of the impact. Her other foot sent a jump front kick at his diaphragm as she had done to the man at the docks. The man would be in a lot of pain right now and that was evidenced when he keeled over in agony.

Whipping around, she noticed another person in the room. The Black Knight. Her eyes sparkled with recognition at the sight of his mask. Sweet! I always wanted to meet him. She thought to herself as she yanked out her bo staff. One of the armed thugs was loading up his sub machine gun when he felt the blow from the staff to his left cheek. She used the staff as a way to get herself higher off the ground and spun around it, her foot smashing into the man's side with enough force to send him into a plant of some kind.

"Next?" She asked, spinning the bo staff in her hand. One of the men reached for an assault rifle before being met by a kick to his face when it was near to the ground. He was in pain but not yet unconscious. Her foot smashed into his face as it was on the ground. He would be unconscious, his jaw broken and from where she hit he would be waking up with a pretty big headache.

Posting Master
Posting Master

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A Hostage Situation (closed to Sul_Fury) Empty Re: A Hostage Situation (closed to Sul_Fury)

Post by Mimic December 12th 2011, 6:24 pm

Jerome made eye contact with the interesting young heroine. It sent his nerd vibes through the roof, to say the least. But most people obsessed with comics had a lack of contact with the world of women. And to make it all perfect, she kicked some serious bad guy tail. He liked her style, which was a very close method to The Black Knight's approach in methods. It wouldn't end good though, he knew that. The two of them was going to raise a ruckus among the thugs and cause some casualties. Good.

"Holy hell!" A thug said in reaction to Mockingbird knocking his comrades around like children. Putting a gun to a hostages head, he yelled as loud as he could: "I'll do it man! I'll blow her freaking brains out!". Jerome raised his pistol in the air and fired at the man dead-center in the chest. As he fell, his finger pulled the trigger. A gunshot echoed through the building, which was enough to alert the rest of the lowlifes that were skulking around that they had company. The hostage fell down to the floor motionless in a pool of her own blood. Beneath the mask, Jerome felt pity for her. But his plan was working.

Two gunshots roared above the two 'heroes'. Jerome raised his head. Were they executing hostages, fighting among themselves, or were they getting some sort of other resistance? Deactivating the cylinder-shaped mechanism, the energy shield faded away. Jerome twirled the pipe and secured it in a holster on his leg. Still holding one of his two dual pistols, he decided to advance towards the location of the gunshots. But before he did, he needed a chat with this girl. They seemed to be alone for the time being. But here came Jerome's biggest task. Did the Black Knight already know this girl, or not?

"Shit" he thought to himself. Well she was relatively under the radar as far as the comic book enthusiast was concerned, he had never seen her before. But that didn't mean Black Knight hadn't. He'd have to wing it. Maybe it was best to just ignore introductions. Walking towards the staircase, he turned his head to Mockingbird. "Ya comin?"

Mimic's Profile
A Hostage Situation (closed to Sul_Fury) Mimic

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Registration date : 2011-05-10

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A Hostage Situation (closed to Sul_Fury) Empty Re: A Hostage Situation (closed to Sul_Fury)

Post by Lucy Brillows December 12th 2011, 10:24 pm

Time passed by slowly when things like this occurred. Police corralled a perimeter around the target building, granting Lucy a block of reprieve for the police to make their rounds. In a rather odd styling, Lucy kept a three by three mirror in the floor board of her backseat floor board. Lucy opened the door to the back of her coupe and sat down on the suede seat, swinging her feet and entering into the mirror. She roamed the void in between mirrors and stalked the blackness with her hand along the side of the featureless building. She could pass through these ghiest structures at will, but decided to lingering under the disoriented sky. Her little paradise; riddled with the echoes of the world that crept through the portals in the sideview mirrors of the squad cars.

Lucy passed through the wall of the building where the criminals held their hostages. A stroke of genius brought Lucy a more compelling thought. She wanted to kidnap a hostage, a cop, and a criminal. It would make things slightly more difficult, but all the more rewarding for her. Lucy moved through her world with the intentions of a predator. Two vigilantes took care of a room full of criminals with horrific results. Lucy gazed on with amusement; instead of offering any reprieve or compromise the black masked man caused two deaths. Lucy let herself know that this was all humans were capable of.

Gunshots rang out from the room above. That would only naturally present itself as the next stop for the tour of hubris. Speaking of hubris, Lucy received a much easier, but rewarding idea. Grabbing one of these two wannabe heroes would give her so much more joy. Hell, she could even get some press coverage with a live broadcast of the session that Lucy would force the hero to give her. Now, the only thoughts she could bring to her mind focused on why would these people try to do something so dangerous when they only made things worse. She wanted inside of their heads the way she crawled along her shadowed mirror world. Lucy began her way to the second floor to lay her ambush for the girl. The lack of a gun made her the opportune target.

A Hostage Situation (closed to Sul_Fury) Tumblr_lkx1fyPqSj1qc03leo1_500
Lucy Brillows
Lucy Brillows

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A Hostage Situation (closed to Sul_Fury) Empty Re: A Hostage Situation (closed to Sul_Fury)

Post by Mockingbird December 12th 2011, 10:52 pm

"NO!" Mockingbird shouted as she heard the gun shot. Spinning around she saw the woman and the man fall to the floor. She had not seen what happened but she saw the body fall limp and the life leave her eyes. The pool of red blood on the floor was making her feel nauseous. "Yes sir." She said to the "Black Knight" as tears swelled up in her eyes. She wasn't going to help the woman by standing here.

The two of them ran up the stairs and she burst through the door. One hostage was on the ground dead and so was her hostage keeper. The man on the other side of the room held a plump man hostage. Switching on her specialized vision, Mockingbird could see that there were five other men in the room waiting to ambush them. Hurling a shruiken at top speed, she spun around to face one of the hidden men. The shruiken buried itself in the hostage takers hand and made him drop his gun. The plump man scattered to get out of the way of the fight that was unfolding.

The hidden man that was planning on ambushing them was met by a quick attack at his left cheek, weakening his jaw. The man threw out a punch which she didn't see coming and felt it smash into her rib cage. "Oof!" escaped her mouth as she aimed a quick round kick at her attackers rib cage. Let's see how you like it. The large man groaned from the attack before keeling over from the knee that made contact with his head.

One of the other men went to dive for the gun but was quickly incapacitated by a shruiken that had buried itself in his leg. The man was able to grab the gun and tried to fire at her though. His aim was awful due to the pain in his leg. She quickly stomped on the side of his head, knocking him unconscious. By the time she had done this, all the thugs in the room were taken care of. She was about to approach the Black Knight before something smashed into the back of her neck and knocked her out.

Posting Master
Posting Master

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A Hostage Situation (closed to Sul_Fury) Empty Re: A Hostage Situation (closed to Sul_Fury)

Post by Mimic December 12th 2011, 11:58 pm

The two heroes made their way up the stairs towards the sounds of gunshots. Mockingbird was a tad upset about what happened to the poor girl in the room below, but it was part of something he dreamed about setting up. He couldn't wait to see the reactions of the public on The Black Knight. Opening the door to the room, two people were on the floor dead. It didn't take much to assess what was going on. The gunshot from below must have made the captors panic. Soon though, they were spotted by a group of the villains. Mimic put his pistol in his holster for now. Getting into a firefight might be a bit too dangerous. Mockingbird engaged one of the thugs with a gun. He didn't know where she was from, but damn she'd make a badass comic. He sized up the brutish opponents coming to great him with weaponry. One had a pistol, one a baseball bat, and another a switchblade.

Mimic grabbed a smoke grenade off his belt and threw it at their feet. It burst into a cloud of smoke, as the one with a firearm fired shots blindly in his general location. Jerome couldn't see either, for now. He switched his cybernetic goggles to Heat vision, and was now able to make out all the figures of his opponents. Next he sent the neural signals to his armor to trigger his special ability that gave him a massive speed boost for a short duration. Running towards their location he closed in on them in a second. Throwing a fist forward, he punched a thug in the face with a closed fist and then ducked under a swing of a baseball bat. It had been surprisingly accurate for a blind man. He used his momentum to do a forward flip, swing his leg in the air and kick the opponent on the top of the head with the back of his heel. The man fell forward and broke his nose on the floor.

The man with the pistol didn't want to shoot his own allys, so he refrained from taking a shot at close range. He looked like such an idiot, waving his pistol back and forth to the sound of Mimic beating his friends up. By now his speed boost had worn off. Grabbing his flamethrower canister off his utility belt, it looked like a small can of mace, but it packed such a more powerful punch. He aimed it at the man with the gun and pulled the trigger. A stream of flames poured out of the nossle of the canister, blasting him in the head and chest, engulfing him in fire. Recoiling backwards in a rapid motion, Jerome didn't stop blasting his opponent until his back hit a wall and he was pinned by the flames. Letting go of the canister button, the man toppled over dead from serious burn injuries. Looking at his other two opponents on the floor, he decided to give them a taste too, scorching them on the ground with the canister.

Letting go of the button on the canister, he clipped the canister back onto his utility belt and walked over towards Huntress who had already subdued her opponent. But before the two could meet, Mockingbird's head lurched forward as if she was hit from behind. "The hell!" Jerome yelled, running towards her location hoping to catch her if she fell forward.

Mimic's Profile
A Hostage Situation (closed to Sul_Fury) Mimic

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A Hostage Situation (closed to Sul_Fury) Empty Re: A Hostage Situation (closed to Sul_Fury)

Post by Lucy Brillows December 13th 2011, 12:43 am

Balancing between the mirror world Lucy rained down her blow to the back of Mockingbird's neck. Through all of her years of abduction Lucy turned the simple act into an art. Perfected and broken down to the base measures, Lucy applied her chosen profession to her greatest target so far. Even though the vigilante looked more potent and powerful than the Chinese girl that she tried framing in Los Angeles a few months ago, she fell to such a simple maneuver. Lucy fell in love with the action and felt euphoric over what transpired.

Sadly, Lucy could not pull Mockingbird back into the mirror world with her and the other hero looked on trying to help. Taking advantage of her initial attack, Lucy wrapped her arm around Mockingbird's throat to hold her upright. No reason to let someone else take the reigns of her newly acquired asset. Lucy stepped into the room. A thud hit the ground as the roll of quarters fell to Lucy's feet. With a quick motion of her feet, Lucy kicked up the roll towards Mimic's face.

Lucy swung Mockingbird around to an exterior window, using her momentum to throw her out of the window. Lucy lunged back into her mirror world and made her way down to the first floor through her shadow filled mirror world. A first floor vanity mirror in the entry hallway gave her a way back into the real world. Lucy made her way to a side door to access the alley. Out of all of her plans, this one sat the most unhinged on execution. That gave her more of a high on the anticipation of what would happen. None of that really mattered since she only needed Mocking bird in the car for her to be all hers.

A Hostage Situation (closed to Sul_Fury) Tumblr_lkx1fyPqSj1qc03leo1_500
Lucy Brillows
Lucy Brillows

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A Hostage Situation (closed to Sul_Fury) Empty Re: A Hostage Situation (closed to Sul_Fury)

Post by Mimic December 14th 2011, 12:48 am

Focused on Mockingbird, he wasn't really paying any attention to the adversary who attacked her from behind. The roll of quarters sailed through the air and hit Jerome right above the eye. He was wearing a metallic helmet so it didn't hurt, but he felt the impact nonetheless. Quarters flew in all directions as the paper roll exploded. When the roll hit his holographic projection however, it caused the light projection to flicker for a brief second. Jerome somewhat rolled with the hit, turning his whole body to the left and spinning in a 360 degree turn, ending up right back in the direction he started. But by that time, Mockingbird was thrown out a window, and Lucy had jumped back the way she came.

Shuffling his feet to the left, then the right, he decided to run towards the window. Poking his head out the window, he saw the young girl tumbling below unconscious. Throwing his arms forward he dove out the window, and contorted his body in an aerodynamic method to try and pick up speed and hopefully catch up with the young girl before she hit the floor below. He had methods of stopping his fall if he could just reach her first.

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A Hostage Situation (closed to Sul_Fury) Mimic

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A Hostage Situation (closed to Sul_Fury) Empty Re: A Hostage Situation (closed to Sul_Fury)

Post by Mockingbird December 14th 2011, 1:37 am

Mockingbirds body fell through the window and to the hard concrete below. She was flying through the air with the shards of glass, but she didn`t make contact with the streets concrete. As she fell, a flash bang grenade slipped off of her belt. It smashed open on the concrete streets and sent out a large puff of smoke. It would disorient anyone nearby it enough to meet it`s effects. Her body on the other hand, fell through the open man hole outside and to the sewers. Her body stirred feebly, just a few fingers twitching before they stopped. Her heart was still beating, for now she was still alive. But once she woke up, she would be in a lot of pain. No thoughts were running through her head for once.

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A Hostage Situation (closed to Sul_Fury) Empty Re: A Hostage Situation (closed to Sul_Fury)

Post by Lucy Brillows December 14th 2011, 1:57 am

Smoke rose from the terminal that lead into the sewers underneath the building. Any police worth their weight would quickly proceed to this area, so Lucy needed to act quickly and decisively to make good on her plans. She burst into the alleyway to see that her prey fell into a deep sleep that took care of a few problems that she did not feel like encountering. Now for the second of the problems. A masked man decided that he should include himself in this activity. Lucy did not think to bring anything to take care of the man trying to infringe on her fun, but her speed and mobility in and out of mirrors should make up for that.

Lucy leaped into the sewer and placed her hands under the prone girl's armpits to begin dragging her back. She leveraged the girl over her shoulder and flung her into a more appropriate carrying style. She transversed the block and dropped the girl on her back; Lucy opened her backpack and pulled out a line of rope to tie her feet together. She needed to somehow pulley Mockingbird out of the sewer after Lucy used mirrors to get back to the surface. Without the threat of pursuit this activity would go smoothly, but Lucy realized that she needed more drastic measures. "If you come any closer I'll kill her." Lucy began to wrap it around the girl's throat. She would go through on her proposition to strangle the girl if that's what it took. After all, she could always just take the girl's image.

A Hostage Situation (closed to Sul_Fury) Tumblr_lkx1fyPqSj1qc03leo1_500
Lucy Brillows
Lucy Brillows

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A Hostage Situation (closed to Sul_Fury) Empty Re: A Hostage Situation (closed to Sul_Fury)

Post by Mimic December 16th 2011, 12:20 am

Why was he pretending to be a hero? Maybe deep down he always wanted to be. Reliving some part of his nostalgic past times of a dashing young hero saving the damsel in distress. In the other hand though, his attention was completely redirected off his initial task he came to do. Thinking he could catch the girl before she hit the ground, it seemed he wouldn't make it. He readied one of his wrist-launcher cable guns to prepare it to fire when a flash grenade went off. Even with his expensive goggles, it blinded his vision. He was now almost as bad off as she was.

Firing both wrist launchers in different directions, he desperately hoped it would latch onto something. His left arm cable wrapped around a telephone pole with enough room for him to swing out of harms way. If he knew where he was going. His body tugged in the direction of the pole he was attached to, his feet dangling only a few feet off the ground. Colliding with a mail box, he finally came to a stop before he hit a wall. Jerome somewhat just sat there for a minute, his body attached to the bent over mailbox. He was waiting for two things. His vision, and will to stand back up.

When his vision did come back, he stumbled around looking for the girl. Her body wasn't anywhere. Looking up from where he fell, he estimated it to be at that manhole that had been recently removed. Walking over towards it, he bent over to see Lucy with the girl. She seemed to really want her. But now Jerome was even more motivated to let this girl go. She was none of his problem to begin with, and now she'll probably make trouble for The Black Knight if she makes it out alive. "Hell, have her!"

Jerome straightened his back, still hovering over the manhole. He was done here, he wasn't even going to finish up with that hostage situation. His back hurt like hell, and he was tired from all this work.

Mimic's Profile
A Hostage Situation (closed to Sul_Fury) Mimic

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A Hostage Situation (closed to Sul_Fury) Empty Re: A Hostage Situation (closed to Sul_Fury)

Post by Lucy Brillows December 16th 2011, 3:49 am

Now Lucy could go to work. She hoisted the light weight up the manhole using the rope as a pulley. Mockingbird dangled from along the cold ladder until Lucy tied the rope to the bottom level of the stair. Commotion sprung at the end of sewer where they made their rambunctious entrance giving Lucy time to make a careful scaling of the ladder. The rubber suit gave Lucy a firm grip to pull the hero up into the alley way. All of the lights and sounds followed the attention of the hostage situation that unfolded just down the street. The needs of the many made the needs of the few invisible. Lucy loaded Mockingbird into the trunk of her car and turned turned the tank of chloroform slightly on to release a small enough amount of the gas in the air so that she could avoid any unpleasantries.

The car ride lasted a few minutes through the flow of traffic. The towering cityscape of Chicago parted before the building hosting her penthouse. Rain water splashed over the curb and rushed to the gated wall of the building's complex. Lucy pressed her code into the elevators gate and waited for the lift to come down for her car. She waited patiently for the lift while monitoring a gauge she placed on her center console to give her a reading of the gas in her trunk. Just enough oxygen to keep her alive. Lucy drove onto the lift and after seven stories drove off into the apartment's garage.

Lucy opened the trunk and pulled away while taking in the aroma of chloroform that reeked from her trunk. Brushing away the remnants of the fumes, Lucy lifted Mockingbird from the trunk and took her inside. Her rubber suit probably held all kinds of deadly weapons and escape devices; Lucy would feel better with it out of her reach. Luxury afforded itself from every corner of the young woman's penthouse. Stolen works of art and antique furniture gave her all the comforts that a girl could desire. Well almost any girl.

Taking safety precautions in case of an escape Lucy removed the girl's mask and took a picture of her entire face. Any god thespian knew that the show was for the audience, not the performer. She ruined the surprise for herself, but any good performer knows that the final reveal is only part of what satisfies the audience.

In her white tank top and yoga pants the young superhero looked like a much different person. It would take something amazing to convince the viewing audience that Lucy captured a superhero; she may need to gather the help of some cable television credibility. To subdue the girl Lucy pulled out a bag of the hydromorpho that she requisitioned from the hospital. A jab of a needle stuck the poison into the girl's arm. Hopefully the drug would not lower her heart rate to the point of death; Lucy never thought of that until the needle pierced the skin. Lucy taped the girl's upper torso and the entirety of her lower legs in tape to keep her from escaping. Lucy grabbed a pair of hand restraints she secured from a crime fighter and locked Mockingbird's hands behind her back. You can never leave these smart vigilantes alone unsupervised.

It only took a matter of three jumps for Lucy to come face to face with on air psychologist Ricky Ulich. With Black Knight and the other Phantoms in town Ulich made a good amount of money stirring up trouble about the ramifications of vigilantes over the law. Once Black Knight hired a Filipina his ratings truly soared. A hard hitting, no nonsense psychologist who asked the hardest questions, and got paid. But, not well enough to keep Lucy out of his dressing room. Lucky for him she really needed to get back to her place. She took his form and then made her way back to the penthouse.

Lucy stepped forth from the mirror under the guise of a middle aged man with a yellow cardigan and black slacks. His make up girls kept his face free of lines or wrinkles, but nothing could take back his residing hair line. This girl may be feeling a little too good for an interview; with that thought Lucy took the bag of hydro out of her. She only used a quarter of the bag. She could come out at any moment. Lucy took a seat on the couch across from Mockingbird and hit a button on her control to start up a camera signal.

"We should get down to some basic questions. What made you get into the superhero business..."

A Hostage Situation (closed to Sul_Fury) Tumblr_lkx1fyPqSj1qc03leo1_500
Lucy Brillows
Lucy Brillows

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A Hostage Situation (closed to Sul_Fury) Empty Re: A Hostage Situation (closed to Sul_Fury)

Post by Mockingbird December 16th 2011, 4:24 am

"GOD!" Screamed Andree as her eyes snapped open. The light was bearing into her eyes and was shocking to her as she awoke from her chloroform induced slumber. As she tried to move her arms, she noticed that her suit was gone, leaving her in a sweat soaked white tank top and a pair of black yoga pants. She also noticed that her wrists were bound by metal shackles. As she was about to struggle, she felt the cold needle sink into her skin. Instantly, her head lurched back and a moan escaped her lips as she sat there unconscious. However, her mind was not doing nothing.

As if it was yesterday, Andree was sitting in a high school class. Her eleven year old self raised her hand to the teachers question of "Describe what String Theory is." Looking around the class at the lack of hands besides the small eleven year olds, he pointed towards her, "How about you Miller."

"String Theory is a theory that the electrons and quarks within an atom are not 0-dimensional objects, but made up of 1-dimensional strings. These strings can oscillate, giving the observed particles their flavor, charge, mass and spin. String theories also include objects more general than strings, called branes. The word brane, derived from "membrane", refers to a variety of interrelated objects, such as D-branes, black p-branes and Neveu–Schwarz 5-branes." She replied before getting cut off by the teacher.

"That`s enough, we haven`t gotten to that material yet. Oh! Look at the time. Time to get out of here kids." The teacher said the last part with enthusiasm as he was glad to get rid of these kids and leave early.

As she went out to the lockers a fist smashed into the locker next to her head. "Think you`re smart, don`t you you little bitch?" Came the voice of one of the larger kids in the grades. His fist had left a dent in the grey, metal locker which made her take a mental note to make sure she avoided it. "Let`s see how smart you are inside of a locker!" He shouted loudly sot he hallway could hear him.

"`NO! Stop!" Whined the small eleven year old as the large boy threw here into the full locker. A small click could be heard outside, signalling that he had locked the locker door. She was trapped. Banging her fists against the door she yelled "HELLO!?! Get me out of here!!!"

The scene blurred in her mind as it morphed into a Locker Room. The grade 11 girls were coming in. A group of 17 year old girls and one small 11 year old. The young Andree went over to her gym locker and opened it up to get her uniform. But all she found inside was an elf`s costume. "Oh hilarious, pick on the little one. Where are my clothes?" She asked, irritated at whoever did this.

"I have no idea, looks like you will have to wear that ugly thing." Came the voice of a snotty girl with an upturned nose. "I`m not wearing that. Looks like your big plan didn`t work out Serena. I`ll just wear my gym clothes." She snapped back at the smug expression on the girls face."No you won`t." Came her reply as Serena grabbed a shower head and quickly sprayed Andree with water. "Oops. I`m sorry. At least you have a nice elf costume you can wear."
The scene blurred as she said these words.

If that was what the first dose did, she didn`t want to try for more. There were many worse memories than those. The cold needle was being pulled out of her arm, that is why she woke up. "Who are you?" She asked before the man in a yellow cardigan asked her a question. She knew that this must be her kidnapper. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see the light on the camera in the corner recording the interview. "Go to hell." She muttered under her breath before speaking louder, "Helping people. What made you get into kidnapping and torture? Do you enjoy it? Does it thrill you? Does it make you feel powerful? Because your not, your just a psychopath. And do you know where psychopaths go?"

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