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Boy Meets World ((Open to one or two))

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Boy Meets World ((Open to one or two)) Empty Boy Meets World ((Open to one or two))

Post by 404NameNotFound August 8th 2013, 3:24 am

Jeremiah was a bullfrog and he was not happy about it. Granted, being a bullfrog meant he really didn't feel sad about it either. At the very best, Jeremiah was a bullfrog that was content with his lot in life. He lived a meager existence here, on the outskirts of Chicago. Even now, he had his eyes on a particularly fat grasshopper. The grasshopper's name was Yakob, though it didn't really matter either. As far as grasshoppers go, Yakob was pretty bad at it. Here he was, sporting his dark green coloration while trying to hide in a strange patch of white grass. Jeremiah would've laughed, but he couldn't. As I mentioned before: Jeremiah was a bullfrog. Croaking would be the best he could do, and croaking made for terrible laughter. Jeremiah focused, and released his biological weapon. The tongue landed with a THWAP, and Yakob was no longer a grasshopper. The grass jerked with an audible "Ow!" and rose up into the sky farther than Jeremiah had ever been. It turned, revealing a hideous patch of tanned flesh. The grass was a human! Jeremiah tensed his muscles, preparing to run. Or hop, as the case may be.

Vaga rubbed his head. Something had hit him, waking him from his light slumber. He looked about, his eyes finally resting on the small amphibian staring back at him. "Stupid toad. Shoo! Get out of here." Vaga waved his hands, causing Jeremiah to jump away a foot or so. Vaga stuck out his tongue. Once again, Jeremiah lamented his inability to laugh. That little pink sausage the human called a tongue was probably too small to even catch a snail, let alone a grasshopper. Jeremiah hopped away, head held high, mentally correcting the stupid human. Jeremiah was NOT a toad. For the last time: Jeremiah was a bullfrog.

Vaga, however, was unconcerned with Jeremiah's official biological designation. He stretched his arms, enjoying the feeling of lightheadedness that always followed a good stretch. He wiggled his toes to make sure they were awake before rolling back and leaping to his feet. It was the start of a new morning! The Eternal Youth quickly wiped the sleep from his eyes and looked over at the small campfire he had made the night before. The fire was out, but his newly crafted equipment still sat piled next to the stones. Today was the day he'd finally get to be a hero! The boy had been making his way east for weeks now, crafting his armor items as he did so. He had trained extensively with most of the items, but had never used them all simultaneously. He was saving that for his first day on patrol - TODAY! Vaga couldn't suppress his grin. It was like that one time he had celebrated Christmas! He raced over to the pile, shucking his worn hoodie and donning what he hoped would be his Super Hero Costume. First it was his Tortoise Vest, then his Wolf's Paws. Then it was his Panther's Claws, his Drake Cloak, and finally: his really-cool-mask-that-he-hadn't-enchanted-or-named-yet. It stuck out a little far, but it gave him some style points so he didn't mind. Only one item remained: his Falcon's Talons. He smiled as he gently placed them on his arms. The straps needed to be tighter, but they would adjust themselves when summoned. Vaga traced the sigil on the inside of the blade, and whispered "Shinav" into the circle. The blade vanished to the nether, waiting to be resummoned when the need arose. Vaga giggled to himself. This. Was. SO. COOL! All those years he had spent huddled in a damp old hut were finally paying off.

The boy cleaned what little mess he had made in the camp, and started climbing the nearest tree. It was a Maple; large and luxurious. The branches near the middle were large enough for a smaller person - like someone the size of a 12-year-old perhaps - to run along. Which was Vaga's plan all along. The wings needed to be tested while he was in full attire, to make sure his spells could hold the extra weight. He arrived at the proper height and looked over the eastern part of Chicago. It was now or never. He took a tentative step, the butterflies in his stomach whizzing about haphazardly. He took another, breaking into a full run. Three more steps and he was reaching the end of the line. He leapt, making a mental command for the cloak to open. It split down the middle, forming two large leathery wings that flapped vigorously.

"HAHA! I'm flying!" If only those jerks in Evansville Indiana could see him now. Their mockery meant nothing to a boy with a dream. He flapped his drake-wings, rising rapidly into the air with his own laughter following him. Jeremiah would've been jealous. Vaga spun once, flaring his wings to pick up the draft. He soared, looking down at the streets below as he drifted towards civilization. Chicago was a huge city, patrolled by many superheroes (according to his favorite Comic Books). But there HAD to be some crime going on that he could stop. Or some hero he could help. Or some cat in a tree he could ignore.

The Eternal Youth was flying high above the city, looking desperately for something for him to finally test himself, proving once and for all that he was worthy to be called a Hero. He never could've guessed what soon greeted his eager eyes.

((Alright, I HAD to post something, or I'd go insane. Feel free to hop in with whomever you like, but I may only be able to post once or twice a day until Friday rolls around. Yay finals!))

AKA T͓̞̦̠͍͉͞h̶̼̼̝̹̯e̯̕ ̝̩̰̳G̷̼l̮͓̭͖̗͎̣i͇͍̮̘̱t̛c̷h̫̺̥̳̻͕ͅ

Vaga, The Eternal Youth
Meteo, The Fire Reignited

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 41
Location : Unknown
Job : Son of a Glitch
Registration date : 2013-08-01

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Boy Meets World ((Open to one or two)) Empty Re: Boy Meets World ((Open to one or two))

Post by Forceaus August 8th 2013, 4:06 pm

John Capore was in Chicago, Illinois. Why? Because he lived there of course. Yes, he was home, finally. That crazy, action packed and adventure filled vacation was finally over. Come to think of it, it did not feel like much of a vacation. There had hardly been any time to relax during the course of it. Between finding a crashed spaceship in a cornfield and meeting its occupants from another planet, and having to deal with a gigantic creature in Kansas city, the vacation just felt like working away from home. It accomplished nothing other than wear him out. Now he sat, at home doing nothing. He did that for now. He had to go in a bit. The thought of that upset him so. John just wanted to sit around and do nothing. Just like he was doing now. Why did this moment have to come to an end so abruptly. It was just so wrong.

The minutes ticked by just as they always do, but it felt like they were flying by. It was approaching the time when he would have to leave. John was already set to go. In the meantime he was on the computer writing up an email. A draft, for now. He was not going to be finished anytime soon. This email would probably be pretty long. Or not. Depends on what he can figure out what to write. He would just save what he has now, a measly and boring paragraph, and get going. John left wearing jeans and a shirt with a strange design. Also shoes and socks. Clothes basically. Clothes for going outside and venturing around a large city.

The trip was shorter than he thought it would be. Traffic was not so bad. Still pretty packed though. He got done what needed to be done. Traffic was slowly getting worse though. He could already see it backing up. Maybe he could try taking an alternate route back home. A few ideas came to mind. Going around the outskirts would take him to the warehouse district. He could stop by the base. Someone could be there, or not. It was worth a shot though. Then again. Yeah, he was not going to go there. There is just no point in stopping by. None at all. Being a superhero was a rigorous duty. Making random stops by the team base felt so out of place. What's the point in that? He had already asked about what had happened while he was away dealing with all those crazy things during his supposed vacation. Things were not too bad around here. Though danger was still afoot. It was peaceful now though. Until something ruined that. Somebody was doing something. He saw it too. The person was a man who looked to be in his late twenties or early thirties. He also had superpowers. Of course he does. Well, now he knew what to do next. John got into superhero mode and set about to fight this guy.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Boy Meets World ((Open to one or two)) Empty Re: Boy Meets World ((Open to one or two))

Post by liuxess August 9th 2013, 1:01 pm

Bird was slowly walking in the crowd, looking at houses, trafic and everyone spending their time, free or not.

Bird was waering a wide cowboy hat, that covered his face from other people. He knew that in the moment when they’ll see his black eyes with red middles, they’d get scared and run away. Worse; if police comes and recognizes him as the third killer, It will be damn hard to escape.
Of course, this is a city, so there are many places to hide. But helicopters and cameras will still track him down.

Or I could go on a killing spree… he said quietly, but a man that was walking by heard these words and looked at Bird. But then shook his head and went off where he was going.
Bird touched his sword that was tied to jeans with a small rope. The rope was small enough to be cut of by the sword itself to defend if someone suddenly would attack, but its main duty was to hold the sword.

Bird looked at the sky where birds were flying above. But there was something more… Maybe a plane? No, it’s way smaller and way closer to ground…

Status :

Quote : Just try not to like me

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 83
Registration date : 2013-08-08

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Boy Meets World ((Open to one or two)) Empty Re: Boy Meets World ((Open to one or two))

Post by 404NameNotFound August 9th 2013, 2:42 pm

"Man, why is there nothing happening? The boy flapped his wings, already losing interest. He had spent years reading book on the floor of a building (barely qualifying as a shanty), but this was supposed to be more exciting! He was supposed to be a hero now! What about the damsels in distress? The helpless victims making poor life choices and heading down darkened alleys? Where were the evil-doers that you always saw out-and-about in the comics? He let out an audible sigh before tilting his wings downward. He swooped down, landing somewhat clumsily on the edge of the sidewalk. A few pedestrians scattered as he spent his momentum. Maybe from street level he could find something that could peak his interest. Or at least give his boots a test run. Anything would do, as long as it was captivating. There HAD to be something here.

Sure enough, not even thirty feet away, a kid with an appearance close in age to Vaga's was walking casually through the crowd. Though how anyone could walk through a crowd casually wearing a 10-gallon hat was beyond Vaga's limited comprehension. Let alone walk casually with...

""NO WAY! Is that a samurai sword?!" The young hero immediately started towards the sword-wielder, hoping to get a better look. He wasn't even paying attention to the strange looks others were undoubtedly giving him in return. He had never had the opportunity to actually visit Japan, though he had learned the language many MANY years before. It was full of rich culture (like many of Vaga's favorite places in stories), which made this newcomer even more interesting! Maybe he was a hero too! Whatever the other kid's story was, Vaga was only too eager to find out.

AKA T͓̞̦̠͍͉͞h̶̼̼̝̹̯e̯̕ ̝̩̰̳G̷̼l̮͓̭͖̗͎̣i͇͍̮̘̱t̛c̷h̫̺̥̳̻͕ͅ

Vaga, The Eternal Youth
Meteo, The Fire Reignited

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 41
Location : Unknown
Job : Son of a Glitch
Registration date : 2013-08-01

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Boy Meets World ((Open to one or two)) Empty Re: Boy Meets World ((Open to one or two))

Post by Forceaus August 11th 2013, 2:41 pm

Oh no, the city, it is under attack. Well, a block or two was. It could get worse though. If nobody were to stop this guy that was attacking right now then the whole city could be in danger. It all depended on what this person sought after. Though it may never be realized. Not like he was going to allow it to be. Forcewave went in to stop all of this. This super powered person responsible, no clue what his name was, continued to rampage. He was showing signs of psychopathy. His expression was simply jovial as he endangered the lives of all those around him. That joy came to an end though. It stopped when he struck at somebody and it was stopped. Forcewave made a best possible moment of an arrival. He had just the right amount of time to do so too. Luckily the guy had been enjoying all the mayhem he was causing to actually focus on it.

The fight between the two of them got going quickly. This villain's jovial psychotic delight quickly turned to violent rage when his fun had been stopped. He viciously struck with the powers he possessed and had been using at Forcewave, who defended himself with some of his powers. He struck again, but this time Forcewave countered instead of just blocking. He got around the villain's attack and hit him square in his chest with a powerful shock. Forcewave then followed it up with a couple of martial arts maneuvers. One he learned from his studies. The other, the one that would knock the guy out, he learned from that one dude he met in that alley. That training was worth it.

The police actually let him get away when they arrived. He had stopped that one metahuman criminal so I suppose they were thanking him by letting him leave instead of trying to arrest or kill him. Thankful people, gotta love it when that happens. At least he was safe. Maybe, one day he won't have to run for his life every time he tries to do something good as a superhero. John had heard that things were looking up recently. Though the general atmosphere was still pretty bleak. It was understandable as to why though. Incidents like that guy attacking people just cause massive amounts of fear. Being a superhero was difficult on its own. Things like this just make it worse.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Boy Meets World ((Open to one or two)) Empty Re: Boy Meets World ((Open to one or two))

Post by liuxess August 11th 2013, 3:11 pm

Bird took an apple from his pocket that he stole about a hour ago and bit it, while this “plane-guy” he just noticed landed on the ground attracting people attention and giving Bird a moment to steal some candies from a grandma’s bag with her unnoticing.
He bit his apple again, chewing it slowly to feel how delicious it is.
Bird started walking front, ignoring the guy that just landed.
""NO WAY! Is that a samurai sword?!" shouting reached his ears, making him spit out the apple from his mouth.
SHIT!!!! Bird thought looking behind himself and seeing a boy his age running towards to him.
People are not looking at me! I have a chance! Bird jumped back and went through wall (OOC: intangibility) to some kind of a house.
It was a closed shop.
“FOOD!” Bird laughed forgetting about that kiddo for a moment and grabbing everything eatable he could see, including milk and snickers!
But he remembered what just happened.
“I should be okay here…. He won’t go in by breaking the door huh?” Bird said to himself.
He just shook his head in disbelief and began his meal.

Status :

Quote : Just try not to like me

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 83
Registration date : 2013-08-08

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Boy Meets World ((Open to one or two)) Empty Re: Boy Meets World ((Open to one or two))

Post by 404NameNotFound August 11th 2013, 5:30 pm

Vaga stopped short when the other man fell backwards through the wall. What just happened? He walked up to the scene and pressed his hand against the structure. Nope, it was a regular wall.

"Then how did he...?" Vaga spoke aloud, not paying much attention to the crowd ogling him. The other man had just phased through a wall! Why was everyone focusing on the boy who had just flown by? Silly civilians. Their priorities were always askew. Vaga almost turned away, when he decided to look through the window instead. The other boy (Whom Vaga was now convinced was actually a Ninja) was inside! And he was eating all the food! Vaga's smile vanished, and he got down from the window. The other boy was a criminal! He turned, looking at the nearest civilian.

"Get the police. There's a thief inside that store. I'm going to try to stop him." There was no telling if the civilian heard him or not - nor did the boy care. He was too excited for his first villain. In the best case scenario, the police would be busy with something else and Vaga would have the opportunity to show his worth. He ran to the door and tried the handle quietly. It was locked, since the store was apparently closed for the day. Vaga grimaced and ran a finger over the sigil cut into his arm. "Piuqe." His blades appeared, shining brightly in the morning sun. He slid one into the crack of the door, cutting through the deadbolt easily. The door swung open, an angry Vaga on the other side. He was fully decked out now, and ready for anything.

"Stop right there, you evil Ninja! You'd better be prepared to pay for all that food!"

AKA T͓̞̦̠͍͉͞h̶̼̼̝̹̯e̯̕ ̝̩̰̳G̷̼l̮͓̭͖̗͎̣i͇͍̮̘̱t̛c̷h̫̺̥̳̻͕ͅ

Vaga, The Eternal Youth
Meteo, The Fire Reignited

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 41
Location : Unknown
Job : Son of a Glitch
Registration date : 2013-08-01

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Boy Meets World ((Open to one or two)) Empty Re: Boy Meets World ((Open to one or two))

Post by liuxess August 13th 2013, 12:58 am

Bird finished his first pack of cookies and started drinking his third pack of milk, when the doors opened and the boy went in.
"Stop right there, you evil Ninja! You'd better be prepared to pay for all that food!"
What... How did he get here?! he thought turning back.
Saying Evil Ninja, he must be speaking of me....
He's enough foolish for me to bluff him....

"I'm Bird kid. The best super hero in this city, I'm allowed to eat anything I wan and as much as I want. And you, little kid, are a criminal, because you just broke into a store."
He's gonna fall for it... Bird thought
He'll start crying like a baby and beg for that I wouldn't call the police.
And to really scare him....

Bird took off his hat, and showed his black eyes with flame red middles.

Status :

Quote : Just try not to like me

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 83
Registration date : 2013-08-08

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Boy Meets World ((Open to one or two)) Empty Re: Boy Meets World ((Open to one or two))

Post by 404NameNotFound August 13th 2013, 3:21 am

Vaga stopped dead in his tracks. The Ninja was a hero? He eyed the other person suspiciously. The ninja was also a boy, maybe a year or two older than Vaga himself. And with a name like 'Bird'? Vaga quickly went through the comics in his head. None of them mentioned anyone named Bird. He didn't even remember seeing it when he was trying to find information on currently active heroes. Plus he KNEW that no one could ever confuse Vaga for a villain. That would ruin his whole image!

"Nope. Never heard of ya. But you're not much of a hero if you take advantage of random civilians. Do you make them pay protection? Are you some mobster ninja?" Vaga aimed one of his blades at the other boy. "Heroes do not take advantage of the weak. We are here to protect the downtrodden and helpless. If you cannot see that, you are no hero. Let alone the best of us."

Vaga made sure he was prepared if the other super made a move. He wanted to stall for the police to arrive, if he could, but didn't mind a skirmish in the meantime. He waited for the Mobster Ninja Bird's response.

AKA T͓̞̦̠͍͉͞h̶̼̼̝̹̯e̯̕ ̝̩̰̳G̷̼l̮͓̭͖̗͎̣i͇͍̮̘̱t̛c̷h̫̺̥̳̻͕ͅ

Vaga, The Eternal Youth
Meteo, The Fire Reignited

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 41
Location : Unknown
Job : Son of a Glitch
Registration date : 2013-08-01

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Boy Meets World ((Open to one or two)) Empty Re: Boy Meets World ((Open to one or two))

Post by liuxess August 13th 2013, 5:06 am

Evil laugh went through Bird's mind.
He fell for it! he thought making an ironic smile to distract his opponent.
This fool really fell for it... *Evil laugh again* This boy is too young to understand that the main weapon in surviving and fighting is mind...
"The citizens feel honored if I take some of their food, and anyways, they are refunded later by government!
And when you said... We're here to protect the weak and helpless... What did you mean saying "We"? I am a hero and you are just a damn criminal that even called this lovely city's super hero an Evil Ninja! Even if I'm not anything like that!"

Bird giggled.
Such a stupid kid... He just stood in my way, in my fate's way...
Bird took out his sword. The non-human signs that meant "Killing is killer's Fate - Killing Fate" shined blue and red.
"I'm calling the police, kid. Better stay where you are and that will cause you much less trouble." he said walking to the phone.

Status :

Quote : Just try not to like me

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 83
Registration date : 2013-08-08

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Boy Meets World ((Open to one or two)) Empty Re: Boy Meets World ((Open to one or two))

Post by 404NameNotFound August 13th 2013, 5:42 am

Vaga watched, confused and intrigued as Bird moved towards the phone. Vaga had already told the people outside to call the police. If this guy really was...

"No." Vaga told himself and Bird at the same time. "There's no way you're a hero. Heroes don't steal food, and there's not a vendor anywhere IN this town that would give free food. Do you know where we are? This is Chicago! It's like New York without the nice people." Vaga's face was one of determination. This guy was trying to confuse him, or something. But the joke would be on him. Vaga slowly took a step towards the door, in case the other boy tried to run. That wall-phasing ability was handy, for sure, and Vaga needed to be prepared for it.

"Oh, but don't let me stop you. If you really are the hero of the town, CALL the police. You'll have no problem admitting that you ate all of this, right? Since it was free and all?"

((Hey Forceaus- if you're still by the police, you might've gotten a call about this by now, if that civilian actually made the call. Up to you if you still want in or if you want to leave this to us.))

AKA T͓̞̦̠͍͉͞h̶̼̼̝̹̯e̯̕ ̝̩̰̳G̷̼l̮͓̭͖̗͎̣i͇͍̮̘̱t̛c̷h̫̺̥̳̻͕ͅ

Vaga, The Eternal Youth
Meteo, The Fire Reignited

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 41
Location : Unknown
Job : Son of a Glitch
Registration date : 2013-08-01

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Boy Meets World ((Open to one or two)) Empty Re: Boy Meets World ((Open to one or two))

Post by liuxess August 13th 2013, 6:04 am

He took the phone and dialed the number, while secretly, in the other side of the table he cut with his sword a wire that was holding the phone stuck to the table.
"Hello..." Bird started saying, but then started coughing.
I have no choice... BUT TO KILL HIM!! He thought, throwing the phone to his opponent. In the same moment he turned into a yellow ball, flew to his opponent's right and turned back ready to slash the boy's head off in the same moment when the phone will hit him.

((Listening to "This Is Halloween" song, it gets me turned on to try to kill someone ^^))

Status :

Quote : Just try not to like me

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 83
Registration date : 2013-08-08

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Boy Meets World ((Open to one or two)) Empty Re: Boy Meets World ((Open to one or two))

Post by Forceaus August 15th 2013, 5:11 pm

As he was leaving another call came in on the police radio. Unbeknownst to the remaining officers he had stopped to listen in on it. More out of control metahuman activity. Not too far from here either. Just how much was gonna happen today. Would the moment this one he was hearing about was over another major incident happen? Would it as bad, minor, or a lot worse? Off to go see what could be done about this thing being reported on. According to the call it was about six or seven blocks from here. That particular street was not that far from here, though it may take him some time to get there. He did know of a shortcut though. Well, you could call it a shortcut. It was really just a way to get around the crowd and traffic. Pulling out his hookshots in order to do what he had planned, Forcewave scaled the building in order to get to the roof. He was a few stories up now. Here came the fun part. Jumping from roof to roof like a parkour runner to get to the location of this reported fight between two different unknown metahumans. Luckily he had experience at doing just that, though it was not the preferred method of travel for the hero that would rather just go there another way.

The location of the reported incident was about half of a mile away. At least he knew how to get there. Running at a good pace despite having to jump and hookshot his way there he did not take too long to get there. The trip over took about five minutes. Looking down from the roof of a building that overlooked the street mentioned over the police radio that he wound up atop of and seeing exactly what had been reported, he was relieved to at least not having to search around. Yep, two guys were fighting and apparently they both had powers of their own. Forcewave scaled down the building and got directly between them. "Alright. How about you guys tell me what's going on before I take you both out." he said to them determined to find out what was going on. Just what had caused this would become known to him if things went well.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Boy Meets World ((Open to one or two)) Empty Re: Boy Meets World ((Open to one or two))

Post by 404NameNotFound August 15th 2013, 7:49 pm

Vaga laughed. It was fortunate he had been ready to fight. He dove forward, under the phone, rolling to his feet ready to slash back at Bird's legs. He noticed the ball of light speed by his head, transforming back into the ninja over by where Vaga had just been standing. Vaga whirled to his feet, shouting "I knew it!" as he landed on his feet ready to try again. Before he could even try to move, however, another superhero landed between them.

"How about you guys tell me what's going on before I take you both out." The newcomer spoke with a confidence that impressed the boy (if only a little). Vaga kneeled, pressing his blades into the ground. If he needed to, he would use them to launch himself forward. He glanced at the newcomer. He looked somewhat familiar, like Vaga had seen him before. In any case, he needed to be sure this villain didn't try to confuse the newcomer too.

"Well, new guy, I just caught this evil gangster ninja here stealing food. I was going to stop him and turn him into the police, but he was playing mindgames. Now I'm going to keep him from committing more crimes." Vaga ran a finger across his boots, preparing himself to activate them if needed. The new guy sounded reasonable enough, but there was never any telling when it came to villains. He could easily be an accomplice. Wouldn't be the first time (even TODAY) that a villain tried to pass themselves off as a hero...

AKA T͓̞̦̠͍͉͞h̶̼̼̝̹̯e̯̕ ̝̩̰̳G̷̼l̮͓̭͖̗͎̣i͇͍̮̘̱t̛c̷h̫̺̥̳̻͕ͅ

Vaga, The Eternal Youth
Meteo, The Fire Reignited

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 41
Location : Unknown
Job : Son of a Glitch
Registration date : 2013-08-01

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Boy Meets World ((Open to one or two)) Empty Re: Boy Meets World ((Open to one or two))

Post by liuxess August 16th 2013, 1:45 am

Another stupid man appeared Bird thought.
This little kid won't get in my way of bluffing
What?! Hey dude, don't believe him! Bird stepped near the man. Just look at him! He's a stupid child, He was going to steal some food. He's clever. He cut the telephone's wire, so I couldn't call the police! So, I just threw the phone at him, to give me few seconds to act, but this kid is fast too!
I guess I will have to execute both of them if this guy stands in my way. Of course, if this guy is a villain, but most likely not, He will try to kill me. Then I'll take the kid as a hostage, And I think then he will try to kill us both, but with my intangibility power, I'll be able to dodge most of his attacks Bird thought

Status :

Quote : Just try not to like me

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 83
Registration date : 2013-08-08

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Boy Meets World ((Open to one or two)) Empty Re: Boy Meets World ((Open to one or two))

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