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In My World (Haneki meets Naomi)

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In My World (Haneki meets Naomi) Empty In My World (Haneki meets Naomi)

Post by Chellizard October 8th 2016, 7:01 pm

Life had gotten a little strange for N. K. Wells. She had entered a partnership and left it a week and three days later. It was likely the second longest relationship she had ever had with anyone or anything in her entire life.

Tony being the first at this point. He was a parasite in her side, but she accepted him because, well, he took care of her when she had her anxiety attacks, panic fits, or just all out temper tantrums. She was usually alone, and enjoyed being alone, but he was always there to just be there when she least expected it.

Sighing, stood at the back of the truck, blood splattered on her face as she looked around of her. All of the fallen agents a clear sign that she needed a serious reality check.

Leaning down, she plucked the silver insignia from The Lost's chest and smiled with a sick, sadistic snarl. A very light purple energy spread out and enveloped the insignia, crushing it down to a small ball of metal. She then waved her hand and the ball was dropped, letting it hit the concrete and roll off to the side. The ball was coated with blood now as it moved, getting stuck against a severed finger.

"So unfortunate... Stupid idiot." She rolled her eyes behind her visor and the thin sheen of purple energy spread over her skin and clothes, separating the blood from her figure. It then fell like rain onto the ground leaving her clean.

"Hm... what now?" she asked, looking over at her own puppet that stood at a terrifying seven feet and five inches. He easily weighed eight-hundred pounds, and was pure muscle on top of muscle. The hulking clone was none other than the hero known as "Pain" that had walked around and saved the city of New York as his past time. But here? He was a nobody that Naomi could just use as she pleased. It was always fun when she let her toy beat up people that recognized his face.

So much fun!

The toy of her's grunted and dropped to a knee, his form letting off a smoke that resembled her purple energy. She sighed and snapped, the figure vanishing in a soft poof. The cloud of smoke billowed up and out, spreading as a thin film over the blood soaked streets.

Glancing now, she would look off at the other man that she had allied with, but only to take down The Lost.

If they split ways now, she wouldn't care. At least, not on the surface. Deep down? She would. His gifts were so like her's it was insane.

She floated toward him her figure shifting and changing into a copy of him as she stood there, waiting for him to realize she was behind of him.

"Hey, Ghoul." She'd start, her voice matching his as she smiled, placing a cigarette between her lips. It was so weird to pick up a habit that she had never done in her entire life. This was just so odd.

"Got a light?" she'd ask anyway, her head tilting slightly to accentuate the tattoo crawling up along her neck. Well, his neck. She was a mirror copy of Haneki.

-My DeviantArt-
In My World (Haneki meets Naomi) JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5019
Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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In My World (Haneki meets Naomi) Empty Re: In My World (Haneki meets Naomi)

Post by CPKallday October 8th 2016, 11:54 pm


It was clear that Haneki had found himself in a bit of a pickle just moments ago, he felt weak for letting things fall into place as they did. He wished that he had never had to show that feeble side of him, the mortal side of him. The yearn to be a mortal and not be forced in situations such as this kicked him in his sides constantly, never letting him forget that this was the way he was and forever would be. While all of this remained true, he had taken a few metaphorical steps back in how he thought of all of this. He saw what he did to be some sort of justice with a hint of evil behind it. He'd claim the lives of those that did wrong and in exchange, he would carry on with his own life through theirs. It was hard to understand him, maybe, but it didn't seem too overly farfetched. His goal was clear as day: stay alive.

That's what he would do and this drive to live another day would further him in his endeavors and would force him to create such a catastrophe that he did. He'd stand in utter awe of his own capabilities and powers. He wasn't too sure if they would continue to grow like this or not. Him losing control to the hunger would result in the end of the road for the Lost. Though he'd be able to control himself and not fall to devouring his body. He figured the man was for justice, or something along those lines. It was enigmatic, really, though the fact of the matter remained was that he wasn't an evil being. He wasn't so low down the food chain that he was available for consumption by Haneki. No, he didn't deserve that much. To be honest, Haneki didn't want the man to be a part of his body, either.

The blood that dripped from his eyes and drooled from his mouth were wiped away with the shirt of one his victims. As he stood erect he could feel a presence behind him. Raising a brow as he'd reach into his pocket for one of his beloved death sticks. He'd hear the word "Ghoul" call out to him. He'd turn to the being behind him, assuming he was friendly as he asked for a light. He'd smirk a bit, this was rather humorous. It was an exact clone of himself, he felt as though he must have been pretty deep in the hole within his mind or something. He wasn't too sure what was going on here, but he'd go with it. Lighting his mirrors with a cupped hand and then to his own, the stainless steel lighter not dimming as it transited, just fluttering with the movement from one to the other.

The sound of the word "Ghoul" did ache at him a bit, but all the same, it made sense. At least they didn't call him a vampire or something like that. "I'd ask you not to call me a ghoul... but I suppose I can't ask for much more." He'd admit taking a long drag his chest pressing out as he did so. He'd let the plume of smoke ever so slowly as though it were a sigh of relief of some sort. His gaze would shift back to Naomi. "I'm not too sure what's going on here, but if it's an intervention. I'm all for it, I could use someone to talk to right now." His tone would be crisp, yet smooth as he was thankful for the little things in this very moment. A cigarette, a friend, and a Lost cause...


Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 56
Location : Orlando, Fl
Age : 32
Registration date : 2013-06-09

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In My World (Haneki meets Naomi) Empty Re: In My World (Haneki meets Naomi)

Post by Chellizard October 9th 2016, 12:09 am

Leaning into the light, Naomi would take a very mediocre drag of the cigarette betwixt her lips. As she pulled the smoke into her lungs, she felt them calm down. It was the weirdest sensation she had ever endured. It was like she could feel what Haneki was feeling - at least when he was craving a cigarette, that is.

Taking another puff or two, she blew out a plume of smoke and then her figure rippled from head to toe. After the short ripple, a light purple smoke seeped from her body and she returned to her normal figure. She still had her visor upon her eyes, but she was no longer a copy of the man in front of her.

And it was because of what he said.

"As interesting as you are, I don't do interventions. Scum is scum. Good riddance is what I say. Here," she would rush her words, her hand reaching to offer the remaining treat she held.

She had no need for nicotine or a cigarette, and the smell of smoke was actually repulsive to her. She was still unsure how she could crave it as a copy of him, but be completely fine without it. There had to be something when it came to shifting her own molecular structure to become a copy of him. However, she was a bit too tired to think on that at this moment in time.

They were surrounded by dead bodies, and she was in no mood to be hauled off to jail. Plus her new friend wasn't in the best shape either.

"Where can we go?" she asked, floating toward him and shifting an arm around of him to help him walk on his broken leg. She felt like she owed him that much... she hadn't stopped The Lost from beating him to a pulp, after all.

-My DeviantArt-
In My World (Haneki meets Naomi) JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5019
Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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In My World (Haneki meets Naomi) Empty Re: In My World (Haneki meets Naomi)

Post by CPKallday October 9th 2016, 12:42 am


He'd enjoy the small amount of time he had to look at himself, the handsome devil that he was. It was odd to view himself outside of himself, but it wasn't like it had never been done before. When he lacked a mirror he would simply just whip up a cloned image of himself and work with things that way. It was cheating, sure, but he was all for using his abilities in his own favor too and not just to feed his hunger. It was the little things like that that made the ability and the craving not as bad as he first though.

"Shame." He spoke in a sarcastic tone his lips drawing to a line. The girl spoke rather fast, which wasn't something the was into and something that kind of warded him off from trying to talk to some females. It was always the rambunctious ones with a quick tongue that seemed to get him in the most trouble. Lips, that opened and closed at a nonstop rate especially to a turned back was not something that he was fond of. Though he wouldn't let something like that put him off from the girl or even assume that she acted in such a manner.

When he was asked where the two should go, he'd simply shrug a bit before she'd meet up with his body and supply support for his broken leg. Right, his leg. He had nearly forgotten. Well, not really, the pain still throbbed within it and traveled up his spine consistently as the constant reminder that he was immobile to that much. He'd wince every now and again as they'd start to flee the scene at a rather slow pace, Naomi acting as his other leg. Her small stature made it all rather hard to do. He'd have to press his arm onto her shoulder with each hop he made to continue venturing. "Y'know... nevermind." He'd cut himself off from speaking any further. The thought of her just being able to create some sort of crutch or something seemed more realistic and useful than that of her own body. However, he wouldn't crush her spirits to help him out so easily as that.

He hissed with pain as his foot dragged across the ground slightly shooting pains up his leg. "Maybe a hospital? I don't know." It probably would have done him some amount of good to at least try to get this looked at. Maybe she knew someone that could help with the job, though. Who knew.


Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 56
Location : Orlando, Fl
Age : 32
Registration date : 2013-06-09

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In My World (Haneki meets Naomi) Empty Re: In My World (Haneki meets Naomi)

Post by Chellizard October 9th 2016, 1:17 am

It wasn't every day that Naomi would help someone. Especially because she felt guilty for putting them in a dangerous situation. Well, she hadn't entirely put him in the situation... but she had definitely sat back and watched in amusement rather than doing anything about it.

As she walked with him, she took note of how much weight he had to shift around to make sure he was walking properly. She may be small, and talk fast sometimes, but she had a big head and a brain to go with it. She used it, and made sure to calculate the precise weight Haneki had, even including his zippo lighting in his right front pocket.

She carefully pulled him closer and then rose up off of the ground, dragging him with her. She focused her mind on his mass. She had to make sure to keep him afloat, and not hurt him in the process. Typically she just threw things around - not carried them delicately. So, she had to make sure she was careful with her cargo.

"Hospitals will ask questions. Especially Japanese ones. We just need to get to a place where I can eat, refuel, and then I can try to summon one of my better toys to try and fix you." She would talk a bit slower now. Her concentration was clearly somewhere else as she carried them up and up until they were floating high enough to be mistaken for a bird, but not too high as to not be able to see the streets below.

"And the key word is try. Also, you have got to have a place to live, right? Unless you're not open to strangers in your house. Look," she said, going against all of her morals at this point.

Her identity was her one thing she didn't want to give away. But, as long as he did not know her name, she would be one step ahead of him. One step out of the frying pan.

Her visor vanished, the small concentration she had on it giving her more leniency to focus on Haneki and keeping him floating next to her. She kept her arm around of him, of course, considering contact helped her perform with her powers better, but she wasn't grasping him desperately or anthing.

"Here's my face. Now. Let's go. House. Address. Anything." She said, keeping them fixed in one spot among the shifting clouds. Her white hair was tied loosely with a plum colored ribbon. The purple looked so good against her honey brown skin. Littering her cheeks and nose were a mess of freckles, and her caramel eyes glimmered in the sun. She was bare to him. But, so was he.

-My DeviantArt-
In My World (Haneki meets Naomi) JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5019
Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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In My World (Haneki meets Naomi) Empty Re: In My World (Haneki meets Naomi)

Post by CPKallday October 9th 2016, 2:20 am


Haneki was slightly caught off guard when his body started to float as though it were a vessel. It was strange, his abilities were similar to hers, yet, he had no ability to do anything of this sort. It was clear that if the two were to ever cross arms with one another her abilities would surely outdo that of his. Not to say that he wished such, he just quickly knew his place against the small girl and would proceed with their relationship with caution. The last thing he wanted to do with his gimped leg was trying and fighting off another illusion/creation type super.

A small wince captivated the right side of his face as the pain of his leg draping below him took in effect. Though, the pain would soon go away as he could feel his entire body become seemingly weightless within her powers. As she spoke he would nod, agreeing to the opinions she had on hospitals. Though he wasn't too confident about letting her fix his leg herself, he'd have to at least give her a chance. He had this small feeling inside of himself that made think that she owed him as she surely could have prevented this entire mess.

"Yes, yes. I've never been one to remember things like addresses or streets, though, so I'll lead you in the direction. I guess." It was dumb but true. He never had an interest in keep information like that in his head. If he did and someone that he cared about were to be there in a situation like he currently was, drawing that information from his mind wouldn't be a hard task. Therefore, if he just didn't know it it was much simpler that way. He'd bring his hand up and point her in the proper direction, it was pretty much a descent from the altitude they were at, it wouldn't take much time at all.

Sure, he'd see her face, but it didn't make much of a difference to him what she looked like. He could only figure that it was a gesture of assurance that he was safe or something of that level. There was no telling, though, and he wouldn't let himself fall into a slot by taking something like that to drop his guard. He wasn't much for being able to guard himself at this point as he could just plummet to his death from this high up, but nonetheless, he didn't want to leave himself vulnerable to another person no matter who they were. Especially after what had just happened earlier.

He couldn't help but grow curious as to why she was doing all this and what she was about. He'd leave the questoins for later, in the end. He was sure the two would have a bit of time together if she wished to help him out with his injury.


Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 56
Location : Orlando, Fl
Age : 32
Registration date : 2013-06-09

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In My World (Haneki meets Naomi) Empty Re: In My World (Haneki meets Naomi)

Post by Chellizard October 9th 2016, 8:24 pm

Their plummet would be swift, but graceful all at once. She would let gravity pull them down, her cape whipping out behind of her as she started to walk, her legs making wide strides the closer they got to the ground. Everything was whizzing by them, and it was in good time too. The clouds they had been up in previously had gotten dark and static filled the air. The smell of rain was also apparent, but Naomi and Haneki had successfully made it back down to the ground before she produced a set of crutches. They manifested from her mind as she held Haneki just long enough for him to position the crutches under his arms.

She then walked toward the location Haneki had pointed out. The district in Tokyo was a lot more like a back street with a few apartment buildings on one side, and a little housing district on the other. As she walked beside of him, she glanced around a bit and her appearance changed. She no longer donned her costume, but instead wore more appropriate attire. Jeans with holes in the knees, a low back styled shirt with straps and low cut sleeves that fell off of her shoulders, and a pair of slip on sneakers with small owls decorating them. This is the outfit she actually hard on prior to being Dreamweaver, her alias.

The smell of coffee filled her nose as she walked passed a small bistro, her head turning to look in the window. She felt so good being in a place where no one knew who she was and what she did for a living. She was sure people read her comics here, but the news about her life was kind of low key. It was hard to know who N. K. Wells was unless you were a big fan. And she had doubts anyone knew who she was.

She had a small bounce in her step as she continued, looking up and around to all the power lines and street lamps with actual small box lanterns housing the bulbs. There were banners, and advertisements in all shapes and sizes. No neon signs in this area, however. This was a more homely alleyway. The horn of a small scooter came from behind of her as she stepped out of the way, her arm defensively swinging out to shield Haneki as if he were her ward.

A small blush crept over the apples of her cheeks as she swallowed and looked to him, adjusting her shirt and dusting it off a bit.

"So. Which one is you?" she asked, stopping to reach out and let her hands play with a few leaves on a bush framing a small courtyard to a small, but cozy apartment complex.

-My DeviantArt-
In My World (Haneki meets Naomi) JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5019
Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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In My World (Haneki meets Naomi) Empty Re: In My World (Haneki meets Naomi)

Post by CPKallday October 9th 2016, 9:45 pm


Haneki's face, hair and clothes made all sorts of strange sounds and noises as they come swooshing down, the sound of colliding clouds and a greyscale sky would signal him to look back. The velocity of their descent would somewhat rip his head when he'd try to look, he'd find it a bit difficult to bring his head back forward. Despite that, he'd have a smile on his face the entire time. This was something that he had never experienced before. It was nice to be able to see his home and town in a bird's eye view. While things weren't extremely serene or insanely beautiful here, it was still a pleasant view to gaze on for the small amount of time.

As they'd reach the ground, Haneki's leg would somewhat flail, assuming he'd have to have some sort of running start if he wished to not crash and burn or something. However, their landing would be gentle. Made sense, the girl only continued to display the perfect use of her abilities to him, he couldn't help but be anything but impressed. It was insane that such a small and young being could be so adept with her abilities, meanwhile, he could barely go a day without slaughtering someone so he didn't lose control of his own. Rather pathetic in a way, but he still had a long way to go to harness and learn more about his powers. It would all come with time.

When she'd change to a normal attire Haneki would raise a brow in question to the action. She had just plummeted from the sky with a very distinguishable man attached to her. It might not have been the wisest decision, but he couldn't keep her from doing what she wanted. They were rather safe in this area anyway. He assured himself, when he made the decision to move, that there would be a low level of super activity in the area he would live. For the past year or so that he has lived here, he's had no complaints about anything, really. It was an extremely quaint area.

Though there were the mopeds that trailed the backstreets to it all. One would make itself known, zipping by Naomi as she tried to shield him from it also. He'd close his eyes as they'd continue to walk, and a smirk followed by a small chuckle would emit from his lips. He saw her slight bashfulness be rather humorous. "Arigato." He'd thank her in his native language, it was a simple word that most people picked up on or knew.

When they'd come to a stop Haneki would suck his teeth as he thought for a moment. Having a bit of a brainfart he rubbed his chin and laughed a bit before he chuckled slightly and pointed toward the second floor. "Yes, that one. I usually approach the building from the other side. We'll have to take these stairs here to get over there, though." He'd shift his body and his pointing finger to the set of stairs a bit off to their right. They'd lead up to the balcony of the second floor, which would wrap around the front side of the apartments. A few random residents would be found here and there partaking in small mahjong matches or smoking a cigarette. It wasn't uncommon to find people in Japan that smoked. Most establishments still allowed it to be done so indoors.


Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 56
Location : Orlando, Fl
Age : 32
Registration date : 2013-06-09

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In My World (Haneki meets Naomi) Empty Re: In My World (Haneki meets Naomi)

Post by Chellizard October 9th 2016, 10:12 pm

"Ara, sorede anata wa nihongo ga hanase nodesu ka?" she'd ask, simply picking on the fact that he did indeed speak Japanese.

Naomi had spent years in isolation, drawing and studying manga at first before picking to stick with Americanized comic books for her main form of literature. It would be weird if she had not picked up on the Nihongo native tongue. She mainly did it out of boredom, so of course she would be overly good at it.

However, her alliteration was a bit more traditional than any natural speaker.

"Stairs? Why not an elevator." Naomi would ask, finally using the last bit of her energy to make this trek up to his apartment the easiest thing in the world. To the outside world, Naomi and Haneki vanished from plain view.

But, to the two of them, a literal elevator appeared and she stepped on, pulling Haneki along with her. She would press the Floor 2 button and ride up, nodding her head to the additional elevator music.

She hummed a bit, a pleasant smile etched over her face as she felt her knees wobble. The doors would open in the space where the window had been previously. She walked in, expecting nothing in particular, and waited for Haneki to step off before the elevator vanished and everything was back to normal in the outside world.

To any one paying too close attention they would see Naomi and Haneki on the sidewalk, then they would vanish in a blink, and reappear in the window on the second floor.

"Well, here we are." she said, immediately going over to the door to sift through the mail and find an advertisement for a takeout spot.

-My DeviantArt-
In My World (Haneki meets Naomi) JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5019
Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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In My World (Haneki meets Naomi) Empty Re: In My World (Haneki meets Naomi)

Post by CPKallday October 12th 2016, 3:52 am


Haneki would prove to be rather surprised with the pronunciation of the girl's Japanese, seems she was well-winded with his country's culture after all. Or so enough that she could speak some of the more commonly known phrases. With a smirk and a light-hearted laugh he'd say, "Ah, very good. I'm yet to drop my constant guard from your never-ending surprises, there seems to be a lot to learn about you." He'd pat the top of the girl's cranium. He'd be nothing short of honest with his words, as everything that the girl seemed to do or say continuously impressed him further and further. He grew a slight interest in what all the girl knew, she seemed rather young, but wiser than most he had come to meet in this world for her age. It only showed that knowledge didn't always come with age, but experience. It seemed that she had experienced a lot.

And the surprises wouldn't stop there! When he had first mentioned the stairs he would come think about his disabled leg for a moment, the pain of it still sent messages to his mind frequently to remind him of such. It seemed to be a rather grueling task, after all, climbing those stairs would have been hell on earth, surely. Though, it was likely deserved. This wouldn't stop the girl from looking out for him once more. Despite how weak she had grown with her lack of nutrients, she'd summon an elevator to carry the two and skip the stair bullshit. This was grand, no better. Instead of hell on Earth, the two would ascend with this heavenly device that some person had made some time ago. It brought Haneki to think of how something as simple as skipping a flight of stairs could mean so much. Nearly euphoric, in a sense. "Splendid, just what a crippled man needs, a vertical-chariot!" He's exclaim before hissing slightly from the pain of his leg. When he'd say this he'd toss a finger up into the air and move in close to the girl, his lips stretching from ear to ear. "Onward!" He'd shout as the doors shut and she'd press the button for the second floor. The feint elevator music would be enough to bob the head of the girl, and it would draw his gaze over to her. He'd snicker quietly at the kindred spirit, he couldn't help but see a bit of himself in the girl.

She'd announce her arrival, and wouldn't take any notice as to how messy the place had been. Nor the odd smell of flesh that seemed to dimly taint the aroma of the house. He'd grab a can of aerosol that sat at the bar of the counter and gives it a quick few sprays waving his arms to spread it out, before quickly slapping the can to the bar. She'd make herself at home quick, going to sort through the pile of mail for something. He'd sit down at one of the bar stools that was connected to the small dining room and kitchen. He couldn't help but find himself in a short lapse of euphoria as he did so, his eyes rolling to the back of his head. "Finally..." He'd sigh to himself, even though it wasn't the most comfortable seat it was definitely better than standing. It was so, so much better than standing.

He'd raise his head in suspicion to what she was doing over there, he'd have to connect two and two together to realize she was looking for a way to eat. Which he wouldn't be able to help her with. "May I make a suggestion?" He'd raise his finger before bringing it to his chin and sliding it on his jawline ever so gently. He'd light up for a moment and whip his finger. "Yes, the dumplings from the place on the fridge are fantastic! Just don't open it." He'd emphasize this and make sure those words were well noted. The last thing Haneki wanted was for her to open the fridge and be overwhelmed by the amount of frozen blood that consumed its interior. He could only imagine that anyone that looked in his fridge would... well freeze in shock rather the temperature. Though who knew with this one. She's was a jack in the box and popped out more frequently than most.


Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 56
Location : Orlando, Fl
Age : 32
Registration date : 2013-06-09

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In My World (Haneki meets Naomi) Empty Re: In My World (Haneki meets Naomi)

Post by Chellizard October 13th 2016, 10:23 pm

The girl was about down to the bottom of the stack, not really finding anything she wanted or even liked. Something told her she wouldn't. She did find out his name was Getsuga Haneki. At least, that's what his mail said. Naomi was still unsatisfied, letting out a few huffs and puffs in frustration that she was finding nothing good to eat. Everything advertised was cheap-o noodle houses. She was sure there was nothing good. That is, until Haneki actually pointed out the fridge.

She looked up, shoving everything back into the pile and pranced over to the fridge. She stepped over what clutter was on the floor, but paid no mind to it. She didn't even comment on it. The way he lived reminded her of herself. Naomi's room was actually quite like this small apartment... and it made her feel at home.

Seeing Haneki, or Ghoul as she knew him, sitting in the chair made her wish she had been sitting. It would be so much better than standing... Her own body was aching, but she put on a brave face. She had to stand up for just a little while longer. She didn't want to give away all of her secrets, after all. She had to keep some to herself.

Grabbing for the menu, she slid the magnet out of the way and then walked back toward the opposite side of the counter, leaning on it to give her body a little rest. Her knees felt so weak, but she wasn't going to give up and sink down yet. Not until she was certain she could trust Haneki. And, either way, she wasn't even sure what his real name was. Ghoul was what she knew him by, so maybe she should start by asking for his real name.

"Mmn.. This does look good. Let's get a double order of pork dumplings and some miso soup. Ooh, coco curry sounds good, too. We can split the plate. Spice level eight is good, hm?" She asked, grabbing a pen she found on the counter and a scrab piece of paper. She started to scrawl out the order, and flipped the menu around, noticing they delivered alcohol, too. Part of her wanted it, the other part didn't. Maybe just the green tea.

Finishing writing it down, she handed him the slip of paper and glanced around.

"Huh. What's the address for this place? Or are you going to order?" she went back over to the pile of mail to get the address and looked at it for a few moments. It was a bit more confusing than American or even Canadian addresses - always listing things in an odd fashion on Japanese mail.

She would linger for a few moments until Haneki answered her. Had he decided to call in the order, she would just go and sink down into the couch and let her mind shut off for a micro-nap. She would become unresponsive and completely still. Her chest would rise and fall gently, a small little snore escaping her lips as she let her head bow to her chest. She would sit like that for five minutes... and then ten minutes... and it would turn into an hour, the knock at the door for the food arriving stirring her from her slumber, but only long enough to open her eye and look for Ghoul.

-My DeviantArt-
In My World (Haneki meets Naomi) JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5019
Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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In My World (Haneki meets Naomi) Empty Re: In My World (Haneki meets Naomi)

Post by CPKallday October 14th 2016, 2:31 am


She had seemed, just a tad, overly rambunctious when it came to ordering the food, she must have a keen taste for it all. Had she had opened his fridge she would have come to find that there would be nothing in the bottom portion and only frozen human flesh within the top. He wasn't too entirely sure what all the hype was about for all of this, though he had forgotten what things had tasted like for some time. The only reason he had the menu upon the fridge was to make his home seem rather normal and for someone to look at if they were to ever come over. A small distraction that would lead them away from opening up the freezer, as it was a rather popular place that most people enjoyed. He used the menu as a ploy to not just look normal, but to him, time if someone were to walk over there unintended in search for something to eat or drink. While he normally didn't have any sort of company due to his hunger and the smell of non-meta human flesh making him a ticking time bomb, he still took precautions to such. Him pointing this out would leave this vulnerable, him also being gimped at the moment wouldn't make matters much better. Though, he didn't feel as though it would be an issue with their orders being delivered to them and what have you. There would be virtually no need to search for anything in the fridge, and the girl seemed well-mannered enough to not even search. Especially since he made his warning.

Naomi would come to spit off her ramble about the order of food, he'd be staring off into space, his gaze would be set upon her. Looking beyond her and not at her, this would be unclear to her. It was something that he did often really, and with the amount of pain that he was in currently he wished to keep his mind on other matters. He was rather curious if his powers could one day develop into something similar to hers, not that it concerned him. He just felt if he had powers equal to the value of hers that he would have been much more useful and would not have fallen to something so simple as a flashbang. It was pointless to think about really, there would be no answers that could be found to this question. It would draw him to thinking about the girl in general, hell he didn't even know her name. Yet, here she was digging through his mail, making plans to order food for the lot of them. He would chuckle slightly just as she'd finish spitting off the order and writing it down. "Say, what's your name?" He didn't feel like he was intrusive with the question, but he figured it might be somewhat. She did wear a disguise and all. "I'm Haneki, sorry if I come off as intrusive, I was just thinking and I realized that we had never come to introductions or anything of the sort." He was sure that she had already known what he had said, being that she sifted through his mail and all. It wasn't much of a worry to him, however. He lived as who he was and didn't really hide behind anything besides his illusions when he needed them.

Shaking his head, he'd realize that he completely dodged her question. "Ah, yes whatever you wish is fine." He had no particular opinion on the matter as he was just going to go through the routine of faking it until you make it, forcing himself to throw it up later. She'd carry on with asking what the address was, an odd question as she had just seen his address several times in the pile of mail she just went through. It seemed as though she was more insisting that he would order the food. He'd reach into his pocket to get his phone, pulling it out he'd see that the screen was shattered. Pressing the button on the side, he'd come to find that it would still work despite the damage. It was a rather depressing sight, nonetheless and would lead him to sigh in remorse. It wasn't so much that he couldn't afford to get it fixed. No, he had plenty of money thanks to the many people that he would eat during their acts of crime, he always emptied their wallets and put the cash into his own. Strange how the crooks always seemed to have cash, even though that was their main goal, usually. It was just the inevitable human interact that seemed to perturb him. He couldn't stand going to places where a mass group of humans gathered, he'd always end up having a rather bad time and excusing himself not being able to ever finish things up.

Nonetheless, he'd grab the paper and shrug as the girl would proceed to the couch. Whether she answered his question or not, he wouldn't be too worried about it. He'd place the order, resulting in small annoyances in his fingers afterward, due to the tiny shards of glass embedding themselves within his prints. It would be some time before the food would get there, Haneki would rest his head on the counter as the girl quickly claimed the couch. Sure, he could have went and laid down in his room, but that would leave him vulnerable to someone that was so powerful. He wouldn't think of doing anything such as that. It wasn't even intentional, really, it was just gut instinct. He felt the need to stay by, plus if they had any visitors he'd wish to be the first to greet them.

The knocking on the door followed by a few rings of the bell startled him from his small slumber that he had fallen into on the counter. He'd wipe the small amount of drool on the counter with the sleeve of his cardigan and start to get up to answer the door, wincing in pain as he did so. He'd hobble his way using the counters as support, before looking down at this leg to see that it was soaked in blood as was his shirt and the rest of his garb. He looked back to the girl before shrugging and removing the clothing from his upper torso. He'd open the door just enough to expose his bare upper body that was drenched in black ink. Giving a warm smile to the man and handing him the money, he'd make no words except for, "Arigato," in thanks. Tipping the delivery guy rather well as he struggled to bring the large bag of food in. Their order was rather expensive for just two people. He didn't mind, though. "Well, whenever you're ready!" He'd exclaim, smiling as he hobbled back, the smile breaking with each hop he made as he struggled to maneuver about.


Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 56
Location : Orlando, Fl
Age : 32
Registration date : 2013-06-09

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In My World (Haneki meets Naomi) Empty Re: In My World (Haneki meets Naomi)

Post by Chellizard October 23rd 2016, 3:09 am

"Na..o..mi.." she'd say while drifting off, her dreams pulling her deep into slumber. She was so deeply sleeping that she didn't hear the knocking, or the door bell. She didn't even hear Haneki as he hobbled to the door and struggled to get the food. It wasn't until the smell of the food overwhelmed the room and Haneki rose his voice that she was pulled from her dreams.

"I'm NOT!" she'd suddenly shout, her dreams having been nightmares and the sudden startle sending a surge of her energy into the room, making objects lift into the air - including Haneki and the bag of food.

It would force the weight off of his leg just like when they had been in the air, and she suddenly realized where she was, her eyes having darted around during her panic.

Her chest rose and fell dramatically, her hands moving to rub her eyes, and then pushing her hair back behind of her ears. Tucking the white locks there, she then used her wrist to rub at her nose and she stood, moving over the grab the bag and Haneki. She let all the other items drop back down - books, shoes, a picture frame, and other things around the room - making a series of thuds. The one thing she kept afloat was Haneki.

Dragging him behind of her through the air, she would guide him to the couch, and then push him toward it, allowing her powers to shift him down onto the cushions, simultaneously settling down beside of him and unboxing the food. She grinned and looked at the dumplings, and her order of miso soup. Licking her lips, she grabbed her soup spoon and clapped her hands together.

"Itadakimasu!" She'd say, looking to Haneki as if inviting him to join her before digging in.

She went ahead of him, her miniature cat nap definitely giving her a boost of energy. The food would only add to that exponentially.

She was on her third dumpling in under three minutes by the time she turned to him, cheeks puffed with food. She slurred a bit, chewed, and swallowed what was in her mouth before talking.

"Sorry.. for, uh, being a slob." She'd feel a blush curl over her cheeks as she reached for a napkin and wiped over her face, making sure she didn't have anything on it.

She'd then notice he was shirtless. It hadn't occurred to her before because of all of his tattoos. It was quite the large amount covering his torso. Furrowing her brows, she focused in on them and nodded to herself, taking in the designs. She'd then look away, a bit sheepishly, returning to refueling the beast.

"So, Haneki?" she'd start, her small frame having devoured her portion of dumplings and miso soup well before he had even touched one, or even gotten through one.

She'd wait for him to answer her, giving him an elongated pause as she looked to his eyes. "Would you be mad if I ate your dumplings?" her own light brown orbs were shining with a sort of innocence as the petite girl offered a small, sweet smile.

-My DeviantArt-
In My World (Haneki meets Naomi) JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5019
Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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