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When Time Runs Out

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When Time Runs Out - Page 3 Empty Re: When Time Runs Out

Post by Zell July 23rd 2013, 12:57 am

I looked at her and smiled. I backed up, letting my foot touch the water, but focusing just a little, I manage to let myself remain boyant enough to walk on it. I tried pulling Salone with me I smiled and tried to reassure her. "Trust me. I got you." I said. She came out onto the lake and I led her out to the middle. There was great view of a town being lit up in the distance, and I sighed. "Now you need to trust me okay? This will tickle just for a second." I warned her, but not giginv her any time to protest I sent all of my stored up quientessence into the lake, but not in a malicious way. Just a calm way. The outer areas by land were a beautiful angelic yello-white, and the entire water turned into a blue and green glowing color. I looked at her and smiled.
   "Want to dance?" I asked her with a smile. This was the most me I've felt in a while. I remember who Jake is now, and I really don't want to forget, ever again.

The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Number of posts : 1417
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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When Time Runs Out - Page 3 Empty Re: When Time Runs Out

Post by Hanna July 23rd 2013, 1:10 am

Salone watches as Jake stepped out onto the lake… it was rather amazing to watch really. She started as she realized she was expected to follow, hesitantly she applied pressure to the water. It held her and she bobbed up and down a little bit. This reminded Salone a bit of jumping up and down on her grandparent's water bed when she was little.

“I've always trusted you,” She stated, feeling her cheeks heat up.

Her eyes flicked back up to his face after looking around at the underwater world lighting up.
“Dancing? Sure, why not?” Salone gave him a crooked smile. “But be warned, I might murder your toes… I personally can’t remember the last time I danced. “
Jake looked happy and she was glad of it.

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Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Tell me I'm a fricken fairy princess one more time... I dare you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 754
Location : I am not required to answer stalker questions
Job : I am a book person... I read, sniff, and throw them at obnoxious people
Humor : Oh you like that character? Let me kill them for you. :D
Registration date : 2013-04-16

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When Time Runs Out - Page 3 Empty Re: When Time Runs Out

Post by Artemis July 23rd 2013, 12:15 pm

((OOC: I can only make Artemis look like a 3rd wheel for so long, but she is watching so post with out me until you guys return to the hotel or something happens))
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Mega Poster!

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Registration date : 2011-02-26

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When Time Runs Out - Page 3 Empty Re: When Time Runs Out

Post by Zell July 23rd 2013, 12:31 pm

She made me laugh...again. She had a habbit of this. I took a break from laughing to shake my head and I remembered exactly what I needed to say...but I couldn't say it. "You taught me something I had forgotten. You  reminded me of one of ther most important parts of life..." I said. There was a little but growl in the sky, the thunder was rolling I smirked and iwth a litrtle help i was abble to get just a little sprinke from it. "Life's not about waiting for the storm to pass....I's about learning how to dance in the rain." I said. The rain picked up everywhere, if she wanted I could keep both of us dry, by I honestly like rain. Water is awesoem, enough said. I made some of the water spring into the air arouns us, turning into glowing dolphins and other adorable critters that danced around us.
    [coor=royalblue]"So much I need to tell you, but not enough time..."[/color] I sighed.

When Time Runs Out - Page 3 Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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When Time Runs Out - Page 3 Empty Re: When Time Runs Out

Post by Hanna July 23rd 2013, 12:55 pm

Salone’s smile brightened as laughter rumbled through Jake’s chest and out of his mouth.
“And what is one of the most important parts of life?” She teased as they revolved on the s
Salone smiled softly at his response of dancing in the rain. “Ah, so the dragon one is quite wise on occasion,” She joked lightly before smiling again.

The rain began to hit her and she looked up at the grey sky. At least it was still warm out. Her hair became damp and curled slightly at the edges as the drops rolled down her face, to her neck, and drenching the collar of her shirt.
She stopped dancing for a moment to look at Jake… trying to figure out what he meant. Her brown eyes searched his face questioningly for several moments before sighing.

“You can always tell me… after all this,” She motioned at the world of Ireland around them.

My Peoples:

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Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Tell me I'm a fricken fairy princess one more time... I dare you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 754
Location : I am not required to answer stalker questions
Job : I am a book person... I read, sniff, and throw them at obnoxious people
Humor : Oh you like that character? Let me kill them for you. :D
Registration date : 2013-04-16

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When Time Runs Out - Page 3 Empty Re: When Time Runs Out

Post by Zell July 23rd 2013, 3:10 pm

I'm going to tell her, but not quite yet. After this Focus Site, It'll give me something to hang on to, to remember who I am after I make contact.
        The next day I waited for the others to wake up and come get me at the pool. I was still at the bottom of it sleeping when somebody woke me up. I honeslty was afaraid it was going to be that Artemis lady. She is literally the biggest problem on my list right now. I'm really glad that Slaone has freinds who are willing to protect her, but is protecting her from other friends normal?

        "So where are these stones?" I asked with a grin.

When Time Runs Out - Page 3 Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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When Time Runs Out - Page 3 Empty Re: When Time Runs Out

Post by Hanna July 23rd 2013, 4:31 pm

Salone was about to respond when Penny came skidding into view holding her black laptop, “Wait, wait-“ She placed her laptop on a side table out of all of the wetness and motioned for everyone to gather.

“The actual Stonehenge is in England but it may be talking about this place, Drombeg Stone Circle. It’s known as the Druid’s Alter. This one,” She pulled up another page, “is named the grange stone circle. According to several research sites the locals refuse to go near that one because they fear the Fey of that area. They had sacrifices and whatnot there. The name translates to something to do with the sun and it’s the largest stone circle here in Ireland. “Penny looked from Jake, to Artemis, to Salone. “Any ideas from there? Ireland has over a hundred of these places. I just chose a few of the main ones.”
Salone chewed on her lip thinking, casting a look at Artemis, “Have you ever run across any Fey before? Or anything like it?”

My Peoples:

When Time Runs Out - Page 3 Tumblr10
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Tell me I'm a fricken fairy princess one more time... I dare you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 754
Location : I am not required to answer stalker questions
Job : I am a book person... I read, sniff, and throw them at obnoxious people
Humor : Oh you like that character? Let me kill them for you. :D
Registration date : 2013-04-16

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When Time Runs Out - Page 3 Empty Re: When Time Runs Out

Post by Artemis July 23rd 2013, 11:14 pm

Artemis left right before it started to rain. She personally hated the rain. She also hated to leave Salone alone with Jake but her primal instincts were taking over right not and she fled for shelter. Thankfully she made it back to the hotel right before the rain hit. She crawled back into bed, shifted to a wolf and went back to sleep. She woke up the next morning when everyone started to make a lot of noise. Yawning, she shifted back to her human form and followed Salone outside. A few second later Penny came bursting out of the hotel room holding the strange box she seems to be so attached to. After some gibberish Artemis didn't understand, she shrugged. She was honestly here to protect Salone. She was surprised when she was even asked a question.

"I was raised by wolves in the forest, I have no idea what a fey is or what they even look like." said Artemis, trying to hide her continued annoyance that carries on from earlier this morning and the day before.
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 865
Registration date : 2011-02-26

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When Time Runs Out - Page 3 Empty Re: When Time Runs Out

Post by Zell July 23rd 2013, 11:24 pm

"That's nothing new. The Fey are relativly young, even in comparison to humans. They are just much longer lived. Fey also don't mettle with Draconian Focs Sites normally. Those who too are too apt to--well...yeah." I said, trying to spare any detailed explanations. I looked to Artemis and grinned."But we have an advantage here. Penny has the brains, and between the three of us we have enough of a sense of smell to figure out where the Focus Site is. Penny if you give us a list of the top five likely we can split into groups and investigate. Two a group, and then we can all meet up in stonehenge as a last stop. If that doesnt do It then we'll wash, rinse and reptet. Artemis, I know I can trust you to take watch over Salone, you were her friend first after all." I said with a warm smile. I knew the answer, but I pulled Artemis aside.
    "Artemis. If you get to a place and it smells like blood.,...I mean A LOT of blood, , like there are thousands of me nearby, you need to make sure Salone doesn't touch ANYTHING. If it smells worse than me, don't touch, get away and tell me okay? If Salone or you touch it it's a death sentence. I don't want anything to happen to Salone, and I know you hate me but you mean a lot to Salone, and I don't want anything to happen to you either. You don't have to like me, you just need to trust me this once okay?"

When Time Runs Out - Page 3 Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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When Time Runs Out - Page 3 Empty Re: When Time Runs Out

Post by Hanna July 24th 2013, 1:36 am

With that they left, each team had a list of five and a cell phone between. The instructions were strictly laid down by penny to return to the Hotel by nightfall and if they were going to be late, call.
Salone agreed and scowled briefly at Jake passing on the silent message that she could take care of herself and didn’t need a baby sitter. With that they left on foot, or rather wing, as the two flew to the closest stone circle. During the flight Salone filled Artemis in on all of the information she needed to understand what the Dragon Sites were. Places were an Arch dragon, like Jake, could access memories of dead dragons but it was dangerous and painful.
“He thinks he can find a cure in there,” She sighed, during one of their flying breaks to get food; flying did expend a ton of energy. “I think it’s killing him… these sites… I don’t like it. It’s creepy even… He knows I don’t like it.” Salone passed a sideways glance over at Artemis, “Stay away from boys, they make your life confusing; especially the tall ones with blue eyes and black hair.”
She gave her a genuine smile and offered her a cupcake.
Penny was in the rental car with Jake driving down a rocky side street to get to the closest stone circle. She had given the other two girls the ones farther away as they could cover more distance.
“Of all of the things you could have put in her head, you chose a dog?” Penny asked slightly amused. “Something that can’t actually think? She actually took the medallion off last night so she could sleep.”

Penny wasn’t scolding him or insulting him, she was making intellectual conversation. “Salone doesn’t want a dog in her head. If anything it will be a bad combo, bring out the more animalistic side of her. “ Penny sighed before parking the car, “We are here.”
She looked at the grassy stone area.

My Peoples:

When Time Runs Out - Page 3 Tumblr10
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Tell me I'm a fricken fairy princess one more time... I dare you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 754
Location : I am not required to answer stalker questions
Job : I am a book person... I read, sniff, and throw them at obnoxious people
Humor : Oh you like that character? Let me kill them for you. :D
Registration date : 2013-04-16

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When Time Runs Out - Page 3 Empty Re: When Time Runs Out

Post by Artemis July 27th 2013, 9:42 pm

Artemis didn't reply to Jake, she just turned around and left with Salone. She didn't need to be told to keep Salone away from something that smelt like him. She shifted and took off, Salone flying next to her. Apparently Salone could talk in Animal form because she began to fill her in on what was going on. Even with this new information, most of which she didn't understand she didn't like. After a few hours they landed, Apparently taking. Salone mentioned that the sites might be killing him. Artemis shifted back into a human, took the cupcake and snorted. "You have to show him who is boss, what kind of Alpha are you if you let do what he wants." said Artemis. She took a bite out of the cupcake and sat on a rock. "You obviously want to mate with him so why not make the pups and be done with it." She finished up her cupcake and looked at Salone. "Although I think it's a mistake, it will be your pack and you can do what you want with it." They rested for a while more before Artemis got back up. "Alright, enough of a rest lets get going." With that she took off.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 865
Registration date : 2011-02-26

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When Time Runs Out - Page 3 Empty Re: When Time Runs Out

Post by Zell July 27th 2013, 11:15 pm

Penny and I had been to every of our Four sites, and there was nothing. Just a ton of stragneg looks from Penny as I chanted in the Dragon tongue. She shouldn't be so quick to judge me. She talks to that little square box all the time. We ended up stopping somewhere, and she decided to try and call Salone.
"Tell her we'll meet her at Stonehenge, she can call if she finds it along the way. Send Artemis my love too." I said to Penny with Sarcasm basically dripping out of my mouth. Wait, that's Saliva, never mind. I WAS being sarcastic though. Apaprently Penny and I were on the way to stonehenge. woohoo...another roadtrip.

When Time Runs Out - Page 3 Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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When Time Runs Out - Page 3 Empty Re: When Time Runs Out

Post by Hanna July 27th 2013, 11:37 pm

Salone felt her face turn scarlet, her neck, ears, and cheeks turned bright red. All of a sudden she was very grateful Jake didn’t have the other half of the medallion so he couldn’t hear this conversation.
“Artemis… i-it doesn’t work like that here… mostly…” Salone winced at her wording. She would have to explain this later in a different place where they weren’t getting mostly weird looks. With that she took off following her to the sites, there was nothing of interest there except for a few runes writing in Gaelic. Salone started when her cell phone went off and passed the message onto Artemis before rolling her eyes at what Jake had to say.
“Yeah, we will see you there soon,” then she hung up. “Change of plans. We are going to Stonehenge and meeting them there at nightfall. “
With that they were off again.
Penny laughed at Jake, she actually did laugh.

“You have a little something on your face,” She grinned before plugging in the address of Stonehenge .
When they got there Salone and Artemis were already there; Salone snoozing as a grey wolf and Artemis doing her own thing. Salone woke abruptly and yawned, blinking up at the two before turning back. She stood and dusted herself off.
“Anything interesting happen?” Penny asked.
Salone shook her head.

My Peoples:

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Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Tell me I'm a fricken fairy princess one more time... I dare you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 754
Location : I am not required to answer stalker questions
Job : I am a book person... I read, sniff, and throw them at obnoxious people
Humor : Oh you like that character? Let me kill them for you. :D
Registration date : 2013-04-16

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When Time Runs Out - Page 3 Empty Re: When Time Runs Out

Post by Artemis July 27th 2013, 11:52 pm

For some reason Salone was embarrassed about why she said. But she didn't deny it. The spent the next few hours flying site to site. In the end they found nothing. Salone said there was a change of plan and they flew to Stonehenge. Once they landed something there was a slight smell, and it smelt like Jake. But they weren't here. "I think this is the place." said Artemis. She was going to bring up the pups again, going to give her some ideas but before she could say anything Salone curled up in wolf form and began to nap. Artemis shook her head and transformed into a wolf, she began to investigate the immediate area.

About and hour and a half past before the other two arrived. Artemis transform back into a human. Penny began to talk to Salone, but Artemis didn't even give Jake a chance. She pulled him aside as soon as she noticed him. "This place smell, worse then you, which was a surprise to me." said Artemis. "Anything funny happens and I'll end you, I don't care how much you mean to Salone. If you put her in danger I will not rest until I take your last breath." With that Artemis walked away, but quickly back tracked and whispered into Jake's ear. "And if this doesn't go south name one of the pups after me. I may hate you but for some reason Salone seems to want to mate with you. I don't know why, I rather my mates not to smell." She then regrouped with Salone and Penny.
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 865
Registration date : 2011-02-26

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When Time Runs Out - Page 3 Empty Re: When Time Runs Out

Post by Zell July 28th 2013, 12:42 am

"Hold on. Guys gimmie some space. Artemis and I need a second." I snarled.For the sake of everyoen around me I ope they listened. My eyes went from human to Dragon in a split second. My eyes were focused on hers. I growled. "Listen here you sorry excuse of an Alpha. I've gone out of my way to make sure YOU and Salone are safe. I would as soon die before anythign hurt Salone, and don't you question it. Af far as you ending me I have to say that the only thing you can end is a damn sentence. So my little shapeshifting friend, don't write checks with your aligator mouth that your tadpole Arse can't back up! I snapped at her. I was prepared to go full Dragon just to make this quick. "I can't apologise for my anger. I cant apologise for what I've done. But I've killed people to get this cure for her. I would never harm a hair on her head. I'm sorry you don't like me. I'm sorry I come off as rude. I'm even sorry that I've had to kill people for this cure. I'm not sorry who I'm doing it for. I'm not sorry that I, a dragon, feel compelled to the Mortal. I'm sorry you don't like me....but I'm ot going to apologise for YOUR ignorance. Now help me save Salone, or go back to whatever pack with your tail between your legs." I snapped. I turned around to see the skies blackened and the winds picking up with an unnatural chill. I went to the center of stonehenge and stood ther. I looked back to Artemis. "If I do end up with kids...I'll name the most stubborn one after you. That'll likely be the one that does me in anyway." I snickered as I began reading the runic inscriptions. When it was finshed the stones all around flashesm abd suddenly the ground was like quicksand. The stones fall over and began to turn into stair-like structures that spiraled down. I led them down and sudenyl the staitrrs came to an end. There was a plasma lookign energy that was lowing a brilliant blue, and violante violate and a weird shade of maroon. I knew what this was. I stepped into the light, and I began to sink in slowly. I looked up to them.
      "This will lead us to the Focus Site, if you're coming in just please don't touch anything." I said, smiling at Salone and Penny. I was busy thinking to myself 'Hey Artemis touch everything you can...go play in the water, it'll steal your soul and svae me a headache! I fell down, and there were were. The Focus Site was here, the same as it was last time, but now there were no illusions. Bodies of humans were in the water, each of them were Dragon Knights once. The skeeltons of hundreds of Dragons litterally adorned the place, as if they had been set up this way. I felt a familiar chill down my spine. No, he can't be here! "HE CAN'T BE HERE!" I roared, the others were likely able to hear this, even cross realm.
      "But I am." A voice said, it was calm, collected, and as sophisticated as it was when he stabbed me in the back. Baal Hadad, the Titan 'King' of Seppam, the usurper of my throne. "And who do you have here? Friends? My old brother, did you not learn your lesson last time? Mortals make Gods weak, that is why we avoid them." He said, as if he were caringly stressing as point.
      "You have no idea how much I hate you." I snapped
      "Oh but I do brother It is YOU who know not how much I hate myself. It was all in the good of Seppam! I swear it up and down! Mortals are not pure, nor are animals...yet it seems I find you in the company of both...that one..right there...she is not a human but an animal. That one is afflicted with Vuulthran's curse. Why do you seek to give them hearth in our realm upon their mundane demise? Seppam is perfect. Utopia for Dragons and Titans...and you allow mongrels like this THING and a cursed mortal to enter? You were the king, and you let ilk like them through because you love animals and mortals like. This love made you weak...Brother...tell me you are me...forsake these Mortals and you may have back the crown and seat that were once yours." Baal Hadad said his peice. I turned back and looked at Salone, Penny and Atremis. My glare was the one I used on likely looked as if I was turning on the,. Artemis would likely not be pleased. I started walking towards them, stopping half way between them and the Titan.
    "Salone!" I snapped. It probably sounded like I was furious with her. The blades revealed themselves against my hands as the soul-slaws, glowing with the energies of my governance. I laid all anxiety to rest when I smiled at them. "Clsoe your eyes, I don't want you to see me like this." I dove into the water that was littered with Dragon Knight corpses. Baal Hadad went to squash the puny humans beneath his strength and massive foot, when the 3000 yard long Massive Dragon Yam, that's me, arched out of the water and closed my Jaws on Baal Hadad's abdomen, knocking him into the other end.
(Yam is now in his Dragon form.)
   Enemy: Baal Hadad
Picutre: Link in in the post...if you missed
  He is about 2895 yards tall
  Strength: 8
  Fighting Skills:2
  Ability: 8 (Solar Power [Burning light manipulation])

When Time Runs Out - Page 3 Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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When Time Runs Out - Page 3 Empty Re: When Time Runs Out

Post by Hanna July 28th 2013, 1:20 am

Salone looked from Artemis to Jake, very confused… and then he said
"If I do end up with kids...I'll name the most stubborn one after you. That'll likely be the one that does me in anyway."

Salone turned scarlet again and Penny stared at her hard before she asked, “You’re not pregnant are you?”

“What? No!” She blustered as she followed after Jake looking at the steps with interest.  As soon as they were in the site area, the tiny hairs on the back of her neck stood on end and she growled faintly, unable to help it. Penny’s fingers drifted to her watch, waiting to spin the dial that would encase her form in black scale like armor.  Then Salone saw the man that Jake had first asked her about Baal Hadad, her fingers drifted to her weapons belt and her defective growl deepened. When he looked directly at her with a cold sneer she felt her heart turn cold.
Before she realized it she spat out, “You are no god; you are a man who raised himself to power! A TYRANT!”  

She jumped at her anger reverie when Jake snapped at her, she understood that the fury in his eyes was directed at this other dragon before them.  She shut her eyes for a brief moment before opening them again to sneak a peek at Dragon Yam. That dragon was defiantly no potato.  Her jaw dropped, he was huge!! She squeaked however with the corpses in the water began to clink together, afraid that they were going to animate and attack them.

Penny’s hand was vice like on Salone’s and Artemis’ arms, holding them still, they would only get in the way during this battle.

My Peoples:

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Quote : "Tell me I'm a fricken fairy princess one more time... I dare you."

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Job : I am a book person... I read, sniff, and throw them at obnoxious people
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Registration date : 2013-04-16

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