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Athen Empty Athen

Post by Plural July 2nd 2013, 7:41 am

"Mortals have come such a long way since their time in the mud, too far though it seems as you've all forgotten just how you got here. Please allow me to remind you..."

Basic Biography

Real Name: Athen
Renegade Name: Athen
Title: Hecate's Pride, Witchchild, The Sageborn, the Witchling Prince
Alignment: LN
Age: 196 (appears 18)
Gender: Male
Race: Demigod
Hair: Black
Eyes: Smoldering Cerulean
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 174 lbs
Blood type: Copper Ichor

The Looks


The Legacy

Athen is a rather curious young (well by the standards of an immortal anyhow) man who has a strong proclivity towards wanting to understand how things work and why they are as they are, but not from the perspective of a good but from that of the world itself.

Since travelling from Olympus he has decided to embrace both portions of his heritage and see how the world has changed since back in the day. Humans have a grand potential and have a power that can empower or even destroy gods when they work together and what with the increase in empowered humans running around, he decided it would be a wonderful climate in which to interact with them without being labeled a god.

He is naturally more compassionate than the gods with whom he has lived among since his birth though their opinions as and mannerisms still have affected his outlook and personality making him somewhat aloof and yet still prone to powerful emotions that he does little to hide. He has a tendency to call upon the spirits and gods from time to time like mortals used to.

As it stands he intends to experience the world and perhaps remind the people of the planet that the gods have not forgotten them and thus perhaps the people should not forget the gods. He also has a proclivity for wanting to meet others like himself, perhaps the children of other pantheons.


Athen was born nearly 200 years ago due to a coupling of the goddess Hecate and a mortal man named Theodore Bishop. The man had drawn the goddess' attention because of his dabblings into the occult. He was perhaps not a wise man for he often overstepped his abilities and even rarer still was he capable of cleaning up his mess. This aside one thing was clear, he could glimpse beyond the veil and his mind could cope with a small portion of the truth which lie there.

So Hecate had gone to him, meeting him on a crossroads as he travelled back to his home and by the time she left him the next day, Hecate was with child, her first for centuries. Though for this one she had grand plans as the goddess rarely allowed herself to bear a child, at least not without due cause.

And so Athen was born named for the goddess Athena who aided in his delivery and foresaw wisdom seated in the mind of the babe. It was Athen who referred to him as the Sageborn as she swaddled him in silks and handed him back to his mother.

Feeding on Ambrosia and sipping on nectar after being weened from Mother's milk, Athen was destined to age slowly and gain a stronger spark of divinity from it. It was thanks to this ritual that the boy was able to grow so slowly and spend so much time among the Olympians and their ilk. Athen was subjected to Hecate's tutelage in the mystical arts and he took to it like a fish takes to water. Easily enraptured by the occult Hecate shared her gifts with her son with the utmost enthusiasm and he did little but make her proud in his time.

Being a boy on Olympus also meant he had to put up with the whims of the immortals though his attitude and kind hearted nature shielded him from the brunt of their wrath most of the time. At least until Dionysus drunkenly sat upon the wrong throne and Athen in an attempt to help, thrust Dionysus and Ares apart embarrassing both gods. The display of power was impressive but the witchling had overstepped his place. As penance he was made to quest for not one but both of the gods.

His tasks were exceedingly difficult but nonetheless he accomplished them gaining the grudging respect of more than a few of the Olympians and earning the ire of Ares himself along the way as the god of war had hoped the child would meet his death during his trial.

After another 50 or so years however Athen has become somewhat restless growing curious of the mortals of which everyone speaks and how it is they get by. Deciding to venture into the unknown like adventurers of old for a time, he has left Olympus (which conveniently lets out in America now given the shift in world power) hoping to learn all there is to know of his mortal kin.

The Powers

Power 1: The Myst
A substance and energy termed many different ways over the ages. It has been called Mana, Aether, Ki, and many others but no matter its name its abilities and its fame precede it. The Myst is the essence of magic itself both energy and matter all at once able to empower spells and fuel bodies and rend apart just about anything when altered to do so, it is a substance that can be shaped into any form of matter, solid, liquid, or gaseous or be exuded as a potent energy and shaped all the same.

Athen having been trained for nearly two centuries by his mother has elevated his skills past the need for spells and can simply create and conjure this mystical substance itself and freely form it into anything he wishes most often forming constructs that mimic or somewhat resemble more organic things but inanimate objects or simple shapes can be formed just as easily by his imagination. He can also keep it in an energy form and release powerful bursts of raw energy. He can manipulate and control the constructs he forms from a distance and can accomplish most anything through focus and imagination. (As a note: Even if he forms animalian constructs, they are not summons and are being created and directed by Athen and simply are made to resemble the beasts)

Myst Athen holds dominion over is a cerulean or teal color like the sky itself during twilight or just after dawn. At the most Adam can maintain a number of constructs at once totaling his Abi x 10 though the more he creates the less individual control he can exert over the masses. He finds it easiest to control 3 constructs or less at one time.

Power 2: Knowledge from on High
Having been trained by his mother, the Goddess Hecate, goddess of magic among a vast number of other things, Athen is a gifted occultist, able to create potions, imbue items, enchant creatures or objects with all sorts of properties, and he knows a great deal about the supernatural and so called mythological world and its inhabitants.

This education has also taught him a great deal about how the world and its people work but on a more fundamental level though it could still be said that he has much to learn despite his natural talents with the occult which he gets from his mother. As a side effect, Adam speaks Ancient Greek, Latin, and Daemonic fluently and has a smattering of understanding of numerous other human languages. He is also a very skilled herbalist and alchemist and has a deep understanding of medical and biological sciences.

Having met them, Athen is on rather good terms with most of the Greek Gods of old and through a ritual can commune with them for occasional advice and as one truly reverent of them, The Fates sometimes guide him through his journies.

Power 3: Walker of the Domains
Gaining much naturally from his mother, Athen has garnered a portion of Hecate's dominion over the three great kingdoms of sky, sea and underworld and is thusly relatively welcome in any of them allowing him to breathe in any of them without issue. The denizens of all of the realms regard him with a mild reverence and will not attack him unless provoked or ordered to by another being who holds power over them.

Essentially this is an RP effect which allows Athen to go just about any place and get by unprovoked by creature or unhindered by natural environments, allowing him to breathe underwater, high in the atmosphere or to subsist within the miasma of the nether realms. Most natural creatures will take a liking to him or treat him with some amount of respect. Humans (and thus PC's) are not necessarily beholden to this however given the nature of free will.

Power 4: Demigod Traits
As the offspring of a goddess who has supped on Ambrosia and nectar and breathed aether itself for the majority of his life, Athen's body is superior to a normal human's for the most part and with training or effort could far exceed their capabilities but since he has devoted so much time to his mystical talents he is somewhat lacking in extreme cases of superhuman physiology though he does possess peak human durability and stamina as well as inhuman strength and reflexes. Living among the gods, Adam was also trained quite well in combat and is an excellent archer and melee combatant and talented athlete.

He will also age far slower than a human (10-20 times slower)and could well be immortal technically. His bloodline is arguably even more potent as Hecate is often considered a titan making him the child of a primordial cthonic titan rather than a god.

Occult: 7
Strength: 5
Speed: 2
Durability: 4
Ability: 8
Fighting Skills: 4
Wealth: 1

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 98
Location : Central Iowa
Age : 35
Job : Yes I have one
Humor : a lot of stuff. Try me
Registration date : 2012-02-08

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Athen Empty Re: Athen

Post by CainVulsore July 2nd 2013, 8:45 am

Approved until stated otherwise.

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Posting Master
Posting Master

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Quote : "Bitch, I am the Lord of Shadows."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 434
Age : 27
Registration date : 2011-08-21

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