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Uisce Empty Uisce

Post by Deathscythe June 29th 2013, 12:36 pm

Garrik "Uisce" Quirke
"When the tide comes in you'll never feel anything again."

Basic Biography

Real Name: Garrik Cian Quirke
RenegadeName: "Uisce", Garrik
Title: The Troubled Tide
Alignment: Lawful Neutral (LN)
Age: 20
Gender: M
Race: Caucasian Metahuman
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Green
Weight: 180lbs
Blood type: O+

The Looks

Garrik is a fairly tall and slim Caucasian guy. His hair is long, reaching a quarter of the way down his back. His hair has several waves in it when worn down. He has been known to wear his hair in one braid on the back of his head. Since he has no method to “cut” his facial hair (when it gets too long he can trim it, but never gets down to the skin x.x), he has fuzz on his face. Nothing more than 3-4 weeks’ worth of hair is there at any time. He is fairly muscular; being trained in martial arts for several years has given him slight muscle tone. He doesn’t look like a muscle head, but muscles can be seen without looking too hard =p. Most of It is apparent that there is a high muscular concentration in his thighs; they are as thick as large tree branches.

Garrik tends to wear a plain white undershirt with blue jeans. He looks often for something to wear over his undershirt, usually a thin sweater in shades of blue, black, or occasionally purple. He wears a pair of black low-top converse, but the right foot has a hole in the top of it.

Additionally, he carries a shoulder bag (crossing from right shoulder to left hip) with all of the possessions he owns. He also wears a strap (crossing from left shoulder to right hip) used to carry any weapons in his possession. Although he currently has no weapon, he has been known to use swords, knives, and (his favorite) battle spears. Garrik can always be seen with a pair of sunglasses (Black tint). During the day he wears them as used, and at night the glasses are on the top of his hairline.

The Legacy

Garrik is a well composed young man. He is currently a renegade who fights for his own standards. He helps others that he believes needs the help the most and is not afraid to break the law to do what is right. He tends to stay within the confines of the law (so as not to draw too much attention to himself), but when push comes to shove he will do as he wishes. Garrik’s morals, however, can be changed; when in a normal conversation, he enjoys trying to understand the opposition and can be swayed to agree with the points.

His martial arts training has taught him to only give force equal to the oncoming threat. He does not wish to kill anyone. By no means does that mean he dislikes fighting; he loves the adrenaline rush from the combat. He has no issue severely injuring someone. Garrik does not enjoy giving the killing blow. If given the opportunity, he would stay back and learn as much information as he could about his opponent.

Garrik is goal oriented; when he sets his mind to a task, he keeps at it until it either completed, as completed as it can be, or is found to impossible. When the sun goes down, he gets far more relaxed. He can adapt to the social situation and is very calm.

From a young age (7), Garrik was brought up to make an impact on the world. His parents taught told him that he would have to be an important doctor or engineer. And as such, he spent a plethora of time on his studies. He was able to socialize, but not as often as some of his friends had talked about. Whenever his friends had begun to plan a sleepover or a birthday party, Garrik’s parents had immediately told him that he could not attend any of these events and was given extra course work to keep his mind where it should be.

When he was eleven, he had snuck out one night to attend his friend’s birthday party. Garrik had only wanted one night to “be a kid.” His parents were informed of the situation immediately and went to pick their son up. For years after that, he was not able to leave his room unless it was to attend his classes.

It wasn’t until fourteen that his parents had enrolled him to a unique dojo. The school had a primary focus on Tae Kwon Do, Wing Chun, and Judo. The school was special in the sense that they also had frequent guest coaches; masters in Karate, Muay Thai, Sambo, and Wrestling, as well as many others, would come in for months at a time to educate students about their own martial art. Garrik’s parents though it would be a good idea for him to join. It would give him an enclosed way to interact with people while learning how to discipline himself, mentally and physically. Being an adept student already, he was able to learn from each master effectively and efficiently. By the age of 17, he had already achieved a second dan in Tae Kwon Do and a first dan in Judo.

After graduating high school, Garrik had gotten his parents’ permission to live on a college campus. He was going to move from his happy home in Los Angeles to UC: Berkley. With his outstanding high school grades and his extracurricular activity, he was warmly welcomed, enrolled to become a chemical engineer.  His parents were beaming with joy.

Garrik easily maintained his composure while maintain a 4.0 average through his first semester and was well on his way of achieving that in his second. During the school’s spring break, he opted to stay locally to focus on his studies. He took off on Wednesday to go practice his techniques on Half Moon Bay. Garrik had just taken his first break, when he looked out into the ocean. As the sun glimmered off of the water, he took a second to watch the waves come in. He was mesmerized by rhythmic patterns of the ocean beating on the shore. Suddenly, an unnaturally large wave swooped in like a fist and dragged him down to the depths of the sea. He tried to swim back to the surface, but the current had proven to be too strong and Garrik fell unconscious. The rest was a blur; he couldn’t remember the entirety of the rest of the day, just bits and pieces that remained. There was a voice talking, but it was incomprehensible. An injection was made on his arm, but its composition is unknown to me. Before he went back under, Garrik heard the man say “This is going to help you. You have…” and that all that he could remember.

Garrik woke up on the shore where he began. His clothes were ripped, but he remained intact. The first thing he noticed was the time. The moon had light the sky and the ocean like a candle in a dark room. He left immediately to return to his dorm room, in fear and confusion of what had passed. He dreamt of the man that night. His words echoed and haunted him: “This is going to help you-ou-ou.” He found himself strapped to a cold stone disc. “This is going to help you-ou-ou.” A figure cloaked in darkness approached with an enlarged needle. Garrik tried to throw the constraints off of him, but found that it was futile. As the needle pierced his skin, Garrik felt as though he was being stabbed thousands of times. “This is going to help you!

He woke up in a sweat. Garrik immediately checked his arm for an entry point for the injection, but he found that his skin was as it was before he arrived at the beach. He called his parents in concern of the prior day and he was immediately ordered by his father to return home. When he arrived, he told his parents the events as he remembered them. His father replied, “We need to take you to a hospital to make sure your okay.” Garrik resisted; he did not want to risk returning to school late from the break. The last words he remembered his father saying were “This is going to help you.

He awoke several hours later. As his eyes widened and his jaw dropped, the horror of what had happened. His parents lay lifeless on the floor. The furniture was smashed against the walls. As he lifted his deceased mother off of the floor, tears began to roll down his cheeks uncontrollably. He didn’t know what had happened when he was knocked out or why he was the only survivor, but he knew what he needed to do next. He went into the backyard of the house and buried his parents. He called 911 to report the murder and set the house to flames before fleeing the scene. He jumped on the next train that left the state. He had no home to return to, no family or friends to help him. Garrik was on his own.

Tears began to appear once again. Garrik spoke to himself, watching the scenery pass by with the wind against his face, “I can’t go back. Not after that. I don’t know who wanted to kill my parents, but I can’t stay there.” Garrik climbed from between carts and into an empty cargo container. He was tuckered out and shut his eyes for a few minutes.

This is going to help you.

Garrik found himself in front of his father. He just repeated his words. “I’LL GO!” Garrik screamed out and ran to his father. It was all just a dream, he thought. He walked right through his father as though he were a ghost. He turned his head to see that an exact copy of himself still standing in front of his father. No, Garrik thought, this can’t be real. This… Is this an illusion?  The other Garrik had then screamed, “I WON’T GO!” An eruption of water came from his body, blasting his parents against the wall as well as the surrounding furniture in the room. The windows became broken with shattered glass flying out of the house in all directions. That Garrik then fell to the floor, breathing heavily and passing out.

Garrik jumped up. “I did it.” The waterworks had begun again. “I killed my parents.” After laying there and thinking what had happened, he spoke once more. “I’m free. I don’t have anyone’s aspirations to follow. I’m free to do whatever I want.” A smile cracked on his face. “I might not be the best person in the world, but I can finally do what I want. I am free!

Garrik then bounced around from town to town. Although he became free from his parent, they never left him. He was haunted by the memory he had seen on the train. In an attempt to atone for his errors, he had taken it upon himself to clean each town a little bit along his journey. He found himself often targeting graffiti artists and cleaning after their messes with his newly found “water blasting” abilities. The first punk ever met  tried to fight back, but after he had his legs kicked out from under him, he stopped trying. Garrik told him to stop being so stupid and keep to your studies. The boy only had one thing to say, “Who are you?” Garrik responded, “I am Uisce. And if you want to work the streets again, you better pray a kick is all you’re getting.” He turned around, walked away, and didn’t look back. Just like the day he left home.

This continued for a few years until he finally made his way to the New York City. His arrival this new destination was the completion of the first part of his journey. Although he had more control over his ability, he was not content with just that. Garrik had one goal in mind: To find the mysterious man who gave him the shot. He was the man to do this to Garrik. He was the man who killed Garrik’s parents. If anyone had the answers that Garrik wanted, it was the mysterious man.

The Powers

Power 1: Water Manipulation (6 ABI) : First manifested through large emotional lashings, Garrik has gained control over his water abilities now. These are some of the most used methods by Garrik, although not limited to these:

  • Water Blast : One of his favorite methods to use the water is blasts from the palm of his hand. It takes him a few seconds to gather enough water to blast out (usually collected from his sweat), but when he does it packs a dozy.
  • Water Slick : By focusing on one spot for a few seconds, Garrik can create a water slick on the feet of his opponent. The opponent then has a chance to lose balance and possibly injure himself.
  • Wave Blast : Similar to ‘Water Blast’ but applies to existing bodies of water. The water is moved at a fast pace, from the original position to the target. Depending on the body of water, the target could be merely annoyed or temporarily blinded (a cup of water/a puddle) to a full blown blast capable of knocking a target several feet back.
  • Water Boarding: After collection of water for a few moments (or possibly taken from a pre-existing body), Garrik can create a “board” of water that he can control use to ride short distances.
  • Water Gun: (ABI 8+) Garrik gathers a “bullet” of water on his finger tip and shoots it towards his target. Under his command, the bullet can not only move faster than a normal bullet but can also seek his target.
  • The Ocean Beacons: (ABI 9+) Calls forth the power of the nearest large body of water. This water is then used to create a “snall, controlled tsunami” to assault target. Once the wave has crashed, the water recedes to the ocean. Garrik can “ride” the water back to the ocean, if needed.

Power 2:Healing Factor (2 ABI): Unknown to Garrik, the reason the mysterious man was drawn initially to him was the fact that Garrik can heal faster than a normal human.

Power 3:Unlocked Potential: Although the primary side-effect of the injection from the mysterious man was the Water Manipulation, Garrik had also unlocked his inner superhuman potential. He has the potential to have superhuman durability, speed, strength, and intelligence.

Power 4:Quick Learner: Although not truely a power, through his parent’s discipline, Garrik has developed an understanding of how he learns. He has become adept at understanding new skills quicker than most people. Since Garrik is focused on the fight in combat, he cannot use this against an opponent. But he has used this to become adept at martial arts early.


Power 1: Water Manipulation :Although he believes he is close, Garrik has yet found a way to “create” water from nothing. The smallest he has accessed has been gathering his sweat, but has yet to find a way to gather the moisture in the air.

Power 2:Healing Factor:Besides the healing factor not acting quick, Garrik does not know that he possesses this ability either. He often disregards small cuts obtained in battle and has yet to receive a severe injury to reveal the healing to him.

Power 3:Unlocked Potential:Although his inner superhuman potential has been unlocked, Garrik has yet to figure this out. He still believes he is limited to what a normal person is, even though he has shown he can surpass human abilities.

Power 4:Quick Learner: As mentioned above, Garrik cannot use this ability in battle. It takes a lot of concentration and hard work, but Garrik can master a new skill within a few days of learning it.

Intelligence: 4
Occult: 0
Strength: 4
Speed: 3
Durability: 5
Ability (WM): 6
Ability (HF) : 2
Fighting Skills: 6
Magic: 0
Spells: 0
Flight: 0
Wealth: 0

Last edited by Deathscythe on June 29th 2013, 3:34 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Number of posts : 5
Location : I get around.
Job : I get by.
Humor : =D
Registration date : 2013-06-27

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Uisce Empty Re: Uisce

Post by Chellizard June 29th 2013, 2:05 pm

You do understand that the way your points are funneled, you have 4 ABI for Hydrokinesis and 2 ABI for Regeneration.

And you've only spent 28 points. Unless you mean you have 6 ABI for Water Manip, and 2 ABI for Regen. If that's the case, your ABI bar would be at 8 and you'd split it like this:

ABI: 8 (6/2)


ABI: 6
ABI: 2

You would also be better off to be ABI allocations next to your power.

Like, Water Manip (6 ABI):

Self Healing (2 ABI):

But showing it on your grid as two separate ability bars is better imho.

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Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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Registration date : 2009-11-15

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Uisce Empty Re: Uisce

Post by Deathscythe June 29th 2013, 3:37 pm

My Bad x.x.

Should be fixed.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Registration date : 2013-06-27

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Uisce Empty Re: Uisce

Post by Chellizard June 29th 2013, 5:08 pm

Approved and Moved! :]

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Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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Uisce Empty Re: Uisce

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