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Looking for Innocents(OPEN)

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Looking for Innocents(OPEN) Empty Looking for Innocents(OPEN)

Post by CPKallday June 11th 2013, 6:06 am

Looking for Innocents(OPEN) Monachosheader_zpsc90cd5f1

"Looking for Innocents"

What a terrible day to not own one, single shirt. The wind was brisk and made Kang's tight skin look even tighter with little baby goose-bumps all over. So crazy how the weather up North works, the afternoon it's in the low 80s then at night it just drops down to the high 50s with a strong breeze. Not a cloud in the sky on this night, however, the moon was illuminating the sky and the city streets. Which made Kang easier to see, but it did the same for him to his targets. His hood pressed against his forehead with the wind and the rest of his cloak flailed behind him, also with the wind, obviously. His knuckles were just freshly taped and ready for the prowl, his feet looked the same all the way to his calves.

Kang kneeled to one knee on a rooftop of a two story apartment building in the suburbs of Chicago. He tried to avoid the city as much as possible. Too many people, too many cars, too many lights, too many cops, too many of everything. Just filled with noise and nonsense. These distractions made crime easier, but not murder. There hasn't really been a time where Kang has been compelled to just mug someone for a meal or steal a lady's purse, he's not that type of guy. He's and equalist, he believes in those that are like him are with him, those that aren't, well, aren't. Simple really, kill the innocent; free the brave. Not exactly how he sees it, but that's how he's been described as before. Not many people stick with him, he's not one to travel in a "wolf-pack" to say the least, and isn't much for organizations neither. He's a loner, maybe a couple stragglers that he carries around with him ever so often, however not too common.

The time of the night was about a quarter 'till two in the morning and he was wide awake, adrenaline pressed through him like a piston ready to get his first kill of the week. It was Sunday and, unlike in most countries, Sunday is the first day of the week in the United States. Which is rather comical being that there is such a variety in ethnicity and religion in the U.S. in this time and day, they might as well just make it Monday like everyone else. They don't, though. Same United States that it has always been and Kang can't stand it, he misses his home dearly. Though the United States is his rightful birthplace, he misses spending the days smiling, joking with classmates, meditating with the elders and learning new things to better himself. Here in the states he is constantly trying to sneak into book stores to learn complete English fluently. After living in the states for almost seven years now he has almost completely lost his Korean accent and doesn't have to constantly say "How do you say?" When unsure of a translation.

Monachos had been standing his post watching for traffic back and forth and regular comers and goers in the area for the past few nights and he had decided that once he noticed someone out of the usual he would finally make a strike on this location. Hopefully it would be an entire family, perhaps children as well, who knew. It was almost as easy as getting an ace and face card every hand in black jack. Though he knew that his time grew short there was no way that he would accomplish his goals with these petty murders such as these. He needed to be performing large scale attacks on populated cities, but his abilities just don't have the potential that he once dreamed of. He had thought about getting affiliating with the local baddies in the Chicago area, but they were just your group of everyday thugs trying to take over the city like some poor Batman comic in Gotham city. A real bunch of lowlifes... then again, they weren't hoping on a car being crammed full with an entire family tree.

Finally, Monachos blinked after staring at a passing car that he wasn't sure whether or not it was familiar or not. He looked around checking his surrounding area. Across the street was an express oil change shop, next to that an antique shop, and to the right of that was a gas station with a convenience store mixed in. All to the left and right of him until the intersection were two story apartments where he could easily just jump into a sliding glass window make a ruckus and kill a family, but he tries to keep quiet.

A chuckle blurted out of Kang's mouth as he sprung up to his feet and took a couple of steps back jumping off the roof and over the six-foot metal-spiked fence surrounding the complex. He tucked and rolled as he hit the ground and leaped off of his left foot dashing toward where a car would be right when he...

"Honey, you took a wrong turn, I'm telling you. Just turn around at th--" A woman stated to her husband, who the two had three small children in the car. The family had just left from a play that was downtown and had been driving around the past two hours trying to find their way back home and apparently were at the wrong place at the wrong time. The mother was cut off when she noticed the man running right in front of their car as she looked at him a blur of blue could be seen on his hands as he pressed his hands in front of him sending the blue blur toward the van. The father yelled obscenities as he shielded his wife with his right arm and winced his eyes releasing his hands from the wheel. The kids slept quietly in the back of the van.

Last edited by CPKallday on June 12th 2013, 1:03 am; edited 1 time in total

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 56
Location : Orlando, Fl
Age : 32
Registration date : 2013-06-09

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Looking for Innocents(OPEN) Empty Re: Looking for Innocents(OPEN)

Post by Zell June 11th 2013, 11:02 pm

Zell wandered outside tonight. He was set to take off back to Canada tomorrow to prepare his company for the next week while he attended school. He was happy about just recently perfecting the repairs on his new exoskeleton, one that he could actually keep hidden in Chicago. God knows how many times he wished that he could help someone or jump in and protect the innocents who were being victimized. No longer did he need to sit on the sidelines. He had brought Lourishna with him, and now whenever he needs to suit up he just uses his A.V.A.T.A.R to signal the massive black bird to drop off the exoskeleton.
Chicago had a new Hero, one who needed the practice and experience of fighting meta-humans. While Zell was the best Hero in his own City, the meta-humans in the USA seemed to be made of tougher stuff. Zell could easily drop two or three metas in Excalibur, but apparently America has been promoting it's wheaties to it's meta's. Zell wouldn't actualy mind getting into a little skirmish at this point. He only needed two hours of sleep a night ever since his 'gift' was bestowed upon him. So now he spent the nights playing Xbox or building a ton of ridiculous devices and sci-fi weapons to add to his exoskeleton. Tonight was special though, tonight he actually could do something about crime. It's like the night you turn 21, or so he imagined. You don't normally stay sober, do you? Zell's speed decreased and his strides became shorter when he thought about a twenty-first birthday. 'I'm not gonna live to see the end of eighteen... He groaned in mentally with a heavy burden He tried to think of something to cheer himself up, but that didn't work, due to the fact that the more he tried to forget about it made it come to mind all the more often.
It went from being such a great night to a dreary evening all at once. The weather was fine, it was strongly in the upper fifty's, a nice strong breeze keeping him from sweating, and the abyss above was filled with the celestial bodies above. Zell looked to find his location, only to see that he was on a Saint's street. He noticed a blakc cat lurking, seemingly pacing back and forth over the side walk, almost as if it were trying to curse the path with bad luck. Zell walked up towards the black cat and creased his forehead looking puzzled at the little furball. The damn thing hissed at him. Zell didn't like cats, in fact they were the ONE critter he couldn't stand. He wasn't about to let some 'hard-ass' cat intimidate him. He wasn't going to kill the cat, he could never do that. 'Lourishna...' Zell thought. His A.V.A.T.A.R sent out the signal to Lourishna's little device, and with greater than the average pet intelligence, the three foot bird screeched. Suddenly The only thing one could hear was 'Rrrreraahr!' as the black car was picked up in the massive talons of the black bird who flew off with it.
"oooohh....baaaad luuuuck." Zell said with a false sympathy as he saw the massive bird pearch atop a building and beginning to rip apart the small animal. Zell cleared his throat at a normal level, and the bird looked at him and lowered it's head apologetically. "Just make sure you clean up." Zell reminded the bird and he continued walking. He stopped one more time, about two blocks away from the cat's original location. This time it wasn't so much of an easy fix. There was a beautiful car, one that had a middleaged man, and woman and a couple of kids in the back. Zell heard the woman screaming. Zell placed his back to the wall and peered over, seeing a man with glowing blue hands. Zell looked at the surrounding area. Oil express, shop full of old stuff, and a couple othe things he really didn't care to note. He turned to look for Lourishna but had to choke back a scream when he saw his massive, feathered friend with it's talons sunk deep into the wall, and it heald the head of the black cat in his face. The bird winked once, which was it's typical signal of when it was joking. "Oh har har, bad luck i get it already. Grab the suit, pronto." Zell whispered, he looked back over stealthily to observe the man.

Looking for Innocents(OPEN) Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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Looking for Innocents(OPEN) Empty Re: Looking for Innocents(OPEN)

Post by CPKallday June 12th 2013, 12:49 am

Kang sometimes questioned himself why he created the past that he did. He was unsure, while he stayed at the temple he had no insecurities. He was able to win his matches without breaking a sweat just by balancing his chi constantly, rather than using it as a weapon. He sometimes thought about returning to the temple seeing if they would take him back to teach the other students how to produce the energy that he did. But he has been exiled for eight years already and going back would be useless. They either, wouldn't remember him, or remember him and try to exterminate him on sight again. Which didn't work so well the first time. With eight more years under his belt it's doubted it would do much for them this time.

A obscene screech could be heard as smoke rose from hot friction of rubber and asphalt. The smell was putrid to some, but it was one of the only things Kang liked about American streets the smell of asphalt. That and his odd liking to the smell of gasoline. It might just be because these things weren't found around the temple very often, or at all. He would sometimes idle himself at a gas station and people would toss change at him as they walked in thinking he was homeless, which he was, but had no need for money. He's always lived off the land, he's even had to eat the cats that roamed the streets((should have saved that one for him;])). He sleeps on roof tops until the rising sun wakes him up and bathes in public lakes, which is can be a comical scene at times.

The kids sprung up from their headrests and crooked sleeping styles with their eyes agape staring at the half naked hooded figure in front of them that they were about to hit. The two kids screamed as one scrambled for her seat belt that she wasn't wearing because she was "uncomfortable". Well, if she survived from this I'm sure she'd start listening to her parents more often.

The car began to veer further and further to the left which Kang constantly had to adjust for. He continued running straight at the car he ran at a solid fourteen or fifteen miles per hour and the van ahead decreased to about twenty-five. He disrupted his running with a solid planting of his feet that simultaneously ignited with blue chi as he rose up into the air. He landed back down on his right foot and pushed off the black asphalt carving a small dent behind him. The car and him proceeded closer and closer to each other while his hands and feet still remained glowing with a vibrant blue chi, until he finally felt the weight of the car slam into his hands in front of him. His feet dug into the asphalt beneath him and the front end of the car crumbled around his arms that were spread wide next to each headlight.

Upon impact, a lot of ruckus could be heard inside the vehicle followed by a small girl slamming through the front windshield. Half her body hung out and her legs rested on the dashboard. He skull was split open, similar to her fathers just the abrasions were on the top of her skull and his were on the front. The mother laid unconscious in the front seat of the car while the father slept on the steering with, also unconscious. Their son was awake and crying loudly in the back strapped up in his seat belt.

One dead, three injured. He'd be sure to make headlines by tomorrow if he didn't finish the job right now. Monachos released the vehicle's bumper and stepped out of the holes he carved into the ground and then began heading toward the back-right passenger's side door to silence the child. He extended his right hand reached for the handle, then decided he's just rip the whole door off. He grabbed both sides of the door and pulled until it loosened. He wasn't strong enough, worth a try, though. No point in wasting chi on intimidation points. He reached for the handle once more and opened the door where the child sat still crying and screaming from the sight of the hooded figure in front of him. "Don't worry little boy, I'm not here to save you."

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 56
Location : Orlando, Fl
Age : 32
Registration date : 2013-06-09

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Looking for Innocents(OPEN) Empty Re: Looking for Innocents(OPEN)

Post by Zell June 12th 2013, 3:03 pm

Zell could only observe at this point, no matter how bad it got. While it's true that Zell was a decent fighter of his own, there was no chance he was going to engage a meta without observing them first. He noticed a vibrant blue energy come from the man as he began to push the van back. From this Zell could already tell that this meta was at least twice his strength. Then again oe could speculate that perhaps it was the glowing energy that gave him his strength. That would certainly be interesting, and under different circumstances he would have loved to talk with the man about his power. There was a little girl wgho's head went through the windshield wtih a sickening crack, the father was hur badly, the mother was out cold, and there were the cries of children. The cried brought back horrible memories. He remembered hearing his little brother cry out for help as Kurt Summers attempted to gift him with the same 'perfection' Zell had been given.
       The car began to veer all around, and the entire front began to crumble before his might. Zell was almost in total awe. He found himself both disgusted AND envious all at once. To have such strength, and who knew what that power did. Zell was just basically the derranged love child of Ironman and The Hulk. The feeling of hatred began to rise. He wished he could have turned green and gone hulk on this Loki, but sadly his transformation was much, MUCH slower. But the mentality of 'crush', 'destroy' and the whole wanted to yell 'Zell SMASH' was certainly already a part of him. Now if only he wasn't just a week teenager against a super human.
     Lourishna returned with the Exosuit, in almost record time. Zell expected nothing less from his genetically-enhanced pet. The three foot bird could lift up to and fly with ten tons, and fly at near around one hundred miles per hour. The bird sulently swooped down and dropped the new travel suit, which appeared to be a three foot sphere. The Sphere dropped and just before it hit the ground Zell's A.V.A.T.A.R beeped four times, causing the sphere to levitate in air for a moment before being silently lowered onto the sidewalk. Zell walked up to the travel suit, and in response to it's owners pressence, it opened up and etended, revealing the two massive gauntlets, the monstrous draconian boots, the 'crown' and the main chest peice. It was all calibrated to his height, so all he had to do was lean into it and the suit would do the rest. He didn't have another second to spare, he needed to stop that guy before he killed anyone. He only needed a fration of a second to sew together a perfect plan. He looked at Lourishna and smiled, giving it a slow nod of approval. The bird knew exactly what to do, and soared up into the sky, hiding against the black and blue void of space.
     Zell placed his hands in the gauntlets, his head in the crown, feet in the dragon feet, and his chest snugly against the chestplate. With one motion he pulled his head back, and remoced the gauntlets from their station. The crown slowly lowered and the four terrible horns were bressed aganst his temples and the pulses in his neck. The mouth snapped shut and the bar lowered over his hair, the helmet began to manifest from seemingly nowhere as metal began to shoot our from other peices and formed a sharp pointed head. His gauntlets began to travel up his arms, covering them in ring-like sheets of strong metal, and the black talons shot from the fingers. His boots produced a similar effect to the arms, going up his own legs in the same fashion. The breatplate unfolded again and again and again until not a spot on his body was left uncovered. Zell overheard the man speak, and he felt his stomach churn when he heard the words "Don't worry little boy, I'm not here to save you."
    Meanwhile, Lourishna let out a shriek and swooped down at the half naked assailant with it's feirce claws. Regardless in it's faux attempt to hit the man, it then latched onto the car and tried to fly away with it and it's occupants. Zell needed to cover Lourishna until he could fly the car to the hospital. Zell held up his claws and a beautiful and bright white light began to energe from it. The small little ball grew bigger, and bigger, and bigger. Zell cursed mentally as he had forgotten that the first shot he fired would take a moment to charge. Finally the white orb reached it's designated charge, and it displayed it's ready status by adorning an exterior soft red glow. The energy produced a small hum that could only be heard by those withing 'point-blank' range, and it vibrated at about thirty thousand times a second. Zell wasn't going to overdo it, a normal proton blast to get the attention of his enemy, and to see how tough his 'stuff' was.
    Zell let the blast fire at the assailant, and smiled as he watched to see how he'd react. With a sufficiant distance between them, Zell had the advantage. He planned on keeping that advantage so long as he could, what ranged meta humans normally lacked in range they could easily make up for in close quarters. He would treat this one with the same caution as everyone. He smiled after his blast was fired.
       "Don't worry... I'm NOT here to save you." Zell said, openly mocking the man who's hands were glowing with a brilliant blue energy.  'Don't worry little boy, I'm not here to save you.' the words echoed in his mind along with the image of the mortally wounded, and perhaps dead little girl. ' I'll make him pay for this.'

Looking for Innocents(OPEN) Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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Looking for Innocents(OPEN) Empty Re: Looking for Innocents(OPEN)

Post by CPKallday June 12th 2013, 4:28 pm

The cool night brought chills upon the back and chest of Monachos as he extended his arm for the child's throat. He spazzed his body a little to make the goosebumps go away. His feet felt raw and his body was slightly weaker than before. Not that it would matter because his plans were to just slaughter the family and be on his way. Kang wanted to leave a message for humans without abilities, he wanted to tell them through this act that soon none of them would be alive and the world would be overrun by metahumans. He felt as though humans were made for the soul reason to be a medium for a metahuman's body, not to be wasted away on love, reproduction of more ability-less humans, and affections. Humans needed a better purpose, Kang could only see this as slavery for building and retrieving things for their masters. But even this could be done much better by metahumans, just with a heightened chance of them turning on you.

A light breeze once again hit Kang's back and also lifted the hood off of his cranium revealing his buzzed his head, but not bald. He hadn't kept his head shaved since he left the temple because it was too much to keep up with and he just didn't have the resources or time to do so. His brown here slightly touched his forehead, but was too short in all other places. On the sides it barely brushed the tops of his ears and his jaw was covered in scruff. As the hood lifted off of his head he heard a loud screech score from the darkness above as a large black bird soared toward him. "The fuck?" He muttered out as the bird sank it's beefy talons into the car and attempted to leave with it.

Kang was confused, he was sure if this bird was a hero or if it was just some overgrown species that he hadn't seen yet that lived in America. He was still oblivious to most things that lived in the country and the way that things worked. He tried to obtain a job once just to keep his identity concealed but they kept telling him to apply online and they'd call him from there. He had no computer, or a phone. You could only guess what he did next. He grabbed the woman by her throat and crushed it between his thumb and four fingers. The cops shortly arrived on scene and he had to leave the city of Los Angeles for a while being a wanted criminal.

The worlds opposition on metahumans grew more sour and sour every day, thanks to likes of villians that roamed the streets causing havoc and chaos. Although, if the heroes would just let the police do the work, or rather the special forces, the heroes wouldn't wreck so much of the damn city in the process of trying to stop one enemy.

The bird flapped its large wing spawn over and over trying to gain some ground with the van under it. It was a damn strong bird, that was for sure and he was for certain now that the bird was either genetically enhanced or a shapeshifted metahuman. He wasn't  sure of which it was though. He could deal with the genetically enhanced part, maybe, but definitely not a shifter.

The gust that the bird's wings brewed revealed to Kang that there was yet another person with the bird. It was as though their chi was connected in sorts, not physically but emotionally. Quickly he grasped the bottom of the door as the van lifted to eye level and attempted to put it back down with just pure strength, but he felt he would only be able to slow the bird. It wasn't long before his feet were dangling in mid air. He turned his head to look around for the missing ally to the bird but he couldn't be seen then all of a sudden a white light could be seen being produced it grew in size the longer he stared, but he couldn't see anything behind it. Quickly, Kang channeled chi to his limbs to try to expedite his current mission, stopping that damn bird. Soon enough the white light was being sent toward him at a rapid speed. Kang attempted to lift his foot to stop it and send it back, but was hit in the thigh before he could even execute the movement.

Monachos groaned mentally, but didn't let a sound out to show constraint. He then looked down at his thigh to see if his robe had been torn , which it had, of course. Cheap fabric. His robe now had a kickball-sized hole on the side of it that with the right angle I'm sure could protrude some obscene sight. Kang looked back up to the van as he lifted higher and  higher from the ground. He attempted to swing back and forth causing the car to rock and loosen from the grip of the bird's talons. He then slammed his feet toward the floor to jerk the van from his feet. "This damn bird, will not keep me from extinguishing the human race!" Kang proclaimed as he lifted his knees to his chest and slammed them back toward the direction of the ground more this time including his arms to increase the power of the jerk.

It seemed as though the slaughter would be a lot more difficult than he had first anticipated and that he would be fighting against not just one meta but a meta and his damn deranged bird. Monachos wasn't one to believe in luck, but damn was his bad today. The initial blow should have killed all members within the vehicle but he only eledgidly obtained one and two unconscious with a child that just would not shut the hell up for one second so he could concentrate. Finally he had made the thought just blasting the kid with chi while he was hanging, hopefully it wasn't too late of a thought.

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 56
Location : Orlando, Fl
Age : 32
Registration date : 2013-06-09

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Looking for Innocents(OPEN) Empty Re: Looking for Innocents(OPEN)

Post by Zell June 14th 2013, 4:17 pm

Lourishna swooped down, Zell watched as the bird latched onto the van and began attempting to fly away with it. Further observation revealed the stubbles on the monk’s head with his bangs a bit longer than the rest. The man’s face was covered in scruff, showing that personal hygienic measures and vain up keeping wasn’t exactly on this man’s schedule. The man cursed under his breath, which brought a smile to Zell’s face.
The monk was obviously confused by the sheer size of the bird, let alone the awesome strength it was displaying. Lourishna had the strength to match a weak meta-human, and enough speed to fly of pretty damn quick. Even people who were familiar with Lourishna, they only knew him as “Ravenheart”, and as far as the world knew he was the one and only bird of his caliber. Zell’s helmet and A.V.A.T.A.R worked ceaselessly trying to analyze the face of the man and match it with an identity. If the man had ever been in trouble in North America, the A.V.A.T.A.R would find him. This of course would take a little while, as there were many people.
The man was definitely a meta-human with the trouble he was giving Lourishna, who kept flapping his wings as hard as he could to try and get the others safe. Zell analyzed his surroundings. Zell had this fight in the bag, he already had over four different ways to defeat this guy. But now he needed to attempt to minimize the damages. After all, what good is it to stop a murderer if you end up hurting more people than they did.
Lourishna was beginning to give out. He could easily deal with the van, and the people in it, but someone like this monk was giving him too much strain. He was genetically enhanced, and was on low superhuman levels, but he was still just an animal. Granted a highly intelligent one for his species, but still. This guy wasn’t relenting, it was almost as if he recognized that Lourishna wasn’t on his level. Zell’s jaw clenched from under his helmet.
Lourishna kept going, and Zell was still planning, trying his hardest to watch with an unbiased and logical outlook. If he kept to the sidelines like he was, the family was ALL as good as dead, and perhaps Lourishna as well. Finally the A.V.A.T.A.R brought up some information. While it did not give him an identity, it did in fact give an energy chart that showed several massive flux in the atmosphere, all centered around this guy’s body. He was emitting some form of energy, and at a rather alarming level. However, whatever energy he was giving off was not Ethereal energy, like Zell's own, but one that he could control at least. It brought some relief to Zell, knowing that his opponent wasn't another prototype for his own genetic curse.
That goddamn monk just couldn’t let it go! Why was he so hell bent on killing these people, what did they ever do to him? Zell noticed that the pitiful blast he shot out actually managed to hurt the guy a little bit. This was both good and bad. This means Zell can hurt the guy, but it also means that this guy most likely hits like a fucking freight train. Zell watched as the man started to lift off the ground a bit, which prompted Zell that something needed to be done. Zell had already taken off towards the car, and enabled his boosters. As he went gliding across the ground he engaged his flight mode and positioned himself between the crying id and the hanging man. Zell put his feet down by the man’s face and sent the fire out towards his face full force, while also assisting Lourishna with lifting the car, and acting as a human shield for the remainder of the living family. Once it was all said and done, Zell was flying overhead looking down on the monk.
Zell had to hurry. He watched as the half dressed monk reached up for the child. He activated his boosters and flew at the meta-human. He didn’t think that he should fly directly onto him, and so instead he decided to fly in between him and the child he reached for. Regardless the fate of the child, Zell made a desperate attempt to save him. Zell threw his feet at the monk and activated his boosters. If the monk wouldn’t release the car, he would very likely be burned by the boosters. Zell lost himself in thought for a moment. What could possibly have happened that this monk would want to destroy these people? He also came to wonder what the hell he had against these people, it was just a family. What the Hell did he mean that the bird wouldn’t keep him from destroying the human race?
“So, what exactly is YOUR story?” Zell asked, the voice modifier implanted on the helmet altered his voice beyond the point of recognition. He landed on the ground with a metallic ‘clunk’. He always kept himself aware of his surroundings which would be something that would serve him, very, very well tonight. Zell was never one to boast, but he figured that he had this battle in the bag, as long as he could keep a decent distance between him and the half naked man. He really was interested in this guy though. True it appeared that this guy was a murderous idiot, but Zell knew that there had to be a reason for it. Deep down he hoped that this guy would be able to be talked down, but even deeper down Zell wanted to put him in his place. “Why go through the trouble of ‘extinguishing’ the human race? I don’t know your logic, but Meta humans are still humans. People like me, are still humans.” Zell sighed when he thought about his impending doom. He was a human FOR NOW. It wouldn’t be long until he turned into a creature that would shred this monk apart like the smiting power of a god to leviathan. He wouldn’t be caught off guard, he began charging his protonic blasters were already charging again, this time they were already warmed up, so the first charge was almost instantiations, but now He was going one step deeper, he was going to medium charge. If the first one stung the man, this next one was going to hurt, a lot. “Believe it or not, but you’re not the only one here who thinks the way you do. Instead of extinguishing the human race, why can’t we uplift it? Transform it? I’m accused of being paranoid, but I’ve been back stabbed before, which is why I arm one hand, but extend the other. Your choice. Friend or Foe?” He waited for the man’s response, but as he waited, his A.V.A.T.A.R went off and a message from Lourishna came through.

‘The Car. Safe. West.’ The message said into Zell’s mind. At least any survivors would have a chance now. He could give this meta his full attention.

Last edited by Zell Atterrius on June 16th 2013, 6:06 pm; edited 1 time in total

Looking for Innocents(OPEN) Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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Looking for Innocents(OPEN) Empty Re: Looking for Innocents(OPEN)

Post by CPKallday June 16th 2013, 12:54 pm

Though it seemed the pastoral monk was fierce about destroying the human race, he was rather subtle about it. He was just precise about most things. There was no screaming there was brutal torturing, and this sure as hell was not the way that he intended things to go. He had the intention to stop the car, place it near a light pole to make it look as though they hit the pole and then let the forensic scientist figure out that it was, indeed, a murder. Of course, though a villain is never able to do anything he or she wants without having some sort of hero figure to come and "save the day". Yet it confused Kang all at the same time, it was as if at this time and hour this guy couldn't be preventing something else that was happening that had a bigger impact on the community.

The armored suit soon appeared above him. In reaction, Kang released the van giving up his hope on these pitiful humans. Their time would soon come. As he let go and the flames protruded toward him he quickly loaded up chi into the palm of his hands. He released the chi toward the direction of the child in a last effort to prove his dominance and that a "W" for this hero would be no easy task. He sent it at high velocity, making it almost certain that there would be no time for reaction.

His story, his story? Would this really be the time to ask someone for a shpeal of his entire life story. Was it not relevant to this guy that he was just some deranged, yet level-headed monk that had been exiled from his temple for being "different" than the others. Looking back at it Kang felt no different, he only felt superior to them. He didn't feel human, however, the monks that he lived with kept feelings inside of their life back home and liked to socialize between one another, they had something to live for. Not Kang, his parents gave him away his first year of life. He always thought of what his life would be like if he lived a normal life with his parents, if he had ever been able to unlock his ability. He shook his head trying to clear the thoughts in his mind as his feet planted to the ground beneath the man. He leaped back and stared at him intently, waiting for a reaction to his attack. The man spoke once more.

It was odd that this man, or boy; or whatever it may be underneath that heavy suit of mech-armor, thought that he had the same beliefs as him of the human race. As if. To Kang the human race was disgusting, a disgrace. To say that he himself was human somewhat ticked Kang over from breezeless state of mind. He was much more than a human, he could never be as weak as this screaming child that was above him. Something as minuet as a car crash could never knock him unconscious. Sure, he'd have abrasions or bruises but he'd never lay their defenseless as these humans do. Not to mention he would never even use a car for a means of transportation, that is what feet were meant for. That and he isn't really one to set well with modern day technology or technology at all, being a monk and all. Either way, to Kang, being a human would be an embarrassment, luckily he was born with a gift.

This man spoke of uplifting or bettering the abilities of humans, which only made him raise a brow. Why would someone want to better them? They would never be like Kang, disciplined, with no emotion for those around him. Humans tend to do things like dwell in the past and use those as driving forces of their goals and aspirations. Foolish, he thought, but when really he had been doing it the whole time. Kang was a lot more human than he had really thought, and just wouldn't admit to it.

The man made a proposal for Kang to join his side or some bullshit that Kang would never agree with. The man extended his hand, the only thought that came to Kang's mind would be to take his hand, and pierce through that worthless hunk of metal he wore. Kang smirked and looked toward him, "The name's Kang, but this family will know me as Monachos for the havoc this monk has caused to them on this day. The city of Chicago will remember this massacre, there is not much I could do to side with someone such as yourself..." A hand was extended toward the man from Kang and he grabbed tight onto it. He kept his other hand behind him as began to build chi in a closed fist to prevent the light from escaping. "But if you are willing to accept a monk as he is, I would be honored." He stated and bowed his head smirking. What kind of guy was he dealing with? He was too trusting, why would he try to extend his hand to someone that he just watched attempt to murder a family.

There was no path back to the light from this, Monachos had done too much in his life. Too much killing and too much pain to others, even destruction. He had done it all, as it was his duty as the villain to do so. He had to destroy the human race, because it was what he was made for why he was given this ability. Not to uplift the human race, but to advance it by destroying the weak and keeping the strong. Sure, he'd have to weed out the weak minded, but the strong willed otherwise known as humans, but he would be doing it for fate and future of the human race. To make it better, to release it of it's disgusting taste that it has right now.

Finally, as time came for him to make his betrayal, after only being an ally to the man for merely a few seconds he opened his palm letting out a gargantuan blue aura encasing his whole arm. Quickly he raised it and brought it closer to the center of the suit's chest at a high velocity as well as high power. "Fool..." He muttered as his hand let out a hissing sound from the speed of his flat hand that was about to carve into the metal case that held a weak, pitiful human inside.

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Registration date : 2013-06-09

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Looking for Innocents(OPEN) Empty Re: Looking for Innocents(OPEN)

Post by Zell June 16th 2013, 10:24 pm

’Lourishna, how many are alive?’ Zell asked his feathered friend through their electronic bond. There were only three replies. Three injured. One mortally wounded and fading fast, and one fatality. Zell cursed that his reaction time was so goddamn slow. There are times he wished that he could manage to get the perks of his ‘destined form’ and in some way keep his humanity. But the projected data suggested that his intelligence would drop to that of a primitive beast, capable of short sentences and mass destruction. Zell needed information, and the best way to do that is getting close. He had asked for the man’s story, but what he really cared about was the reason for the senseless violence.
    This guy was not one for words apparently. Zell had asked for a story, and is met only by a sudden jump back and a fighting stance. He was obviously not a social creature, and this made Zell all the more cautious. He then asked why the man would go through the trouble of exterminating the humanity. It made no sense, maybe to a moron, but not to him. IF nothing else you would want to enslave humanity, or uplift them to a state of ascension, like Kurt Summers. This guy seemed to genuinely despise that which wasn’t a meta human. IT was a bit too cliché for Zell’s tastes, but it floats his boat apparently. Zell was no true fan of humanity either mind you, the way they turned on each other, the way most of them lacked any form of morality, and how almost all of them lacked any form of accountability and as such were not held responsible for their actions. Zell concluded his words, and took in a clam breath. Zell had one hand charged up with a medium protonic blast, and extended the other as a sign of a truce.
   Zell ran through a mental check-list. Systems were at one hundred percent. A.V.A.T.A.R was online, the nanites were at the ready. His primary weapons system was all ready, and his protonic blaster was already at medium charge. The suit sensory and information receptor cells were at the ready. His secondary weapons system was up. His little “toy’s” were ready too. He was ready to do whatever was needed to be done. He hoped to avoid conflict, but he knew it was unlikely. A kid could dream no? It's not that Zell disagreed that the human race was sick. The difference cam in the treatment. Doctor Zell called for two pills of accountibility and 1 pill of faith. Dr. creepy-half-naked-guy, or whatever his name was, called for two shotgun shells and a molotov.
The man spoke finally. , "The name's Kang, but this family will know me as Monachos for the havoc this monk has caused to them on this day. The city of Chicago will remember this massacre, there is not much I could do to side with someone such as yourself..."The man, Monachos said.  He reached out to take a grip of the suit’s gauntlet. The second Zell felt the tight grip he had red flags fly the fuck up. His suit rang out with an alert, there was another flux in energy coming from the guy. He wanted to let go but there was no escaping the grasp. "But if you are willing to accept a monk as he is, I would be honored." He said as he bowed is head humbly. Zell knew this was coming, but somehow he allowed it to happen. This was gonna hurt like a bitch. He’s not the only one with the ability to dish out some damage. Zell placed a hand on the monk’s shoulder reassuringly. His acting skills would be most useful in this predicament. Zell groaned in his suit, the voice modifier turned off.
   “Awe fuck me…” He thought. Suddenly he felt a thud as the monk’s hand began to push into his suit. Zell immediately began initiating functions and commands. His sensory systems were retaining energies that were expelled from the hand and analyzing them, the suit was on double lock down. The suit itself even began to cave into the energies, leaving a small trace of the man’s palm upon impact. “Activating overdrive capacitors, analyzing energies. Zell said to himself in the suit. The OD capacitors sent out an electric shot, soaking up a little of the energy the man released and sent it back at him. Of course the man was much more powerful than the capacitor itself, and the suit still took a big portion of the damage. So long as the monk remained in contact with the suit, he himself would be taking a large voltage of electricity, which would fry his brain if he remained in contact for too long, unless he was one of THOSE meta’s with impenetrable skin.
  The poor monk thinks to use deception, he’s messing with the king of deception. “Nanites prepped and ready. Assault is imminent. Awaiting the mark.” Zell sang to himself a little pleasantly. He watched as the energies in the suit drained to seventy-five percent from a single blast. Zell activated his boosters and fired off his Medium charged protonic blast. If he felt the last one at all, this one would be much, much worse. Zell used the momentum of the punch against him, his boosters and the protonic blast back-fire to propel himself back.
     Being sent back, he went through the Oil Express, and Landed on the other side. His suit wasn’t even phased by the going through the wall, but that son of a bitch HURT. Zell had a new respect for him. Unfortunately Zell had all he needed to beat him now. The A.V.A.T.A.R processed the energies and soon a connection would be made…unless of course there wasn’t enough stored. That would be just his luck too. Time to test the little monk’s brains. Zell deployed an illusion orb, one that projected a holographic image that was identical to the suit. The brains would come in when he went to make contact with the holograph. The advanced technology was that nanites would simulate the feeling of the suit to anyone who was not quite ‘up to par’ in the category of smarts. If this man would be deceived or not was still to be seen, however. But while the man needed to take the time to make contact with the illusion he himself had time to plan. He smiled when he thought of one.
   ”Is that really all you can muster? My suit will repair itself in two minutes from something that pathetic, gehahahaha.” Zell laughed through the modifier as he kept out of sight.

Looking for Innocents(OPEN) Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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Looking for Innocents(OPEN) Empty Re: Looking for Innocents(OPEN)

Post by Wraith June 17th 2013, 12:34 pm

Wraith was too late, and he cursed himself for his tardiness. One, possibly two innocents dead because he could not move fast enough.

Those scales would have to be balanced.

The murderer was obscenely dangerous with incredible chi powers. He could see the energy flowing around and through him: Twisted, corrupted, mangled beyond anything resembling sanity, but formidable all the same. Fortunately it seemed that was all that the stranger had going for him.

Stephen stilled the anger inside, using it to fuel his actions rather than determine them. This would take some serious effort on his part. The Wraith had never taken on super-powered opponents before. This was going to be quite a learning experience...

He remained unseen as yet, silently stalking closer to the madman and keeping his own chi under tight control to keep the man from sensing it. The image that the armored one had conjured up might prove to be the distraction he needed. The next move was the killer's.


Status :

Quote : "Did you think I wouldn't know?"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 45
Location : North of a big bridge
Humor : Dry
Registration date : 2013-04-20

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Looking for Innocents(OPEN) Empty Re: Looking for Innocents(OPEN)

Post by CPKallday June 18th 2013, 3:21 am

Direct hit, Kang was able to pierce through the exoskeleton that the man wore. Which wasn't exactly a surprise to him, because dodging something at that close of a range would be pretty difficult. Upon his strike he had difficulty pulling his hand back out from the suit, and within a few seconds the suit sent some of his own chi back at him which released his hand from the suit, but not in enough time to dodge the electrifying blast that was emitted toward him sending him to the ground. His body pulsed with electricity as he regained his ground. That suit was a bitch, he glanced down at his hand and saw blood dripping from it, his own blood. His hand had been cut up from the interiors of the suit he definitely didn't make any contact with the man inside the suit.

Kang knew that from these simple attacks that the suit was emitting that he wasn't trained enough to defeat this guy, or so he thought at least. He had no real time to gain some ground and actually think about his next step and what his enemy's next step would be. He needed that time, even if it was just for a short period of time. But of course there was no time for him to think as yet another blast came flying toward him. He reacted quickly clinching his fists then opening them. He brought the blue chi out in front of him to block or deflect the hit, but as it reached him the blast fell into his hands and pushed right through slamming into his chest. Kang landed his back to the ground again this time he was in pain. There was a large charred mark that was on his chest, he took pain well most of the time. This pain was different the force of the hit, the size, the power, it wasn't like most things that he was used to. The excruciating pain made him wince as he regained his footing. The asphalt that was behind him was carved up from his body slamming down onto the ground. Damn, this guy was strong.

He looked up watching his enemy fly toward the Oil Express blasting through a wall. Well, if he didn't get to kill the those people her sure as hell would make a mess of this place, and it seemed like he didn't even have to try. That was your typical hero, though, they never regard the costs of their damages. Seemed as though they just liked going through walls or building. As the wall crumbled it left a large amount of dust and concealed his foe. Perfect. He now had a little bit of time to sit and meditate, hopefully restore some power. He forced his back into an erect position and brought his hands up to his chest, his lefts hands index finger and middle finger laid in the palm of his right hand which also had the index and middle fingers extended while his ring and pinky fingers held onto his left hand's fingers. He exhaled as he went into a slight meditation. He was able to sense things that were around him. He could feel chi emitting from several bodies nearby. His senses came back into tune. He released from his meditation state and did a few ballistic stretches with his legs and arms.

The dust had settled and he could see his opponent standing in the debris. ”Is that really all you can muster? My suit will repair itself in two minutes from something that pathetic, gehahahaha.” The monk was astonished by the suits ability to quickly regenerate itself. It looked as though it had never been touched. Kang realized that this was a lost battle from that point. He wouldn't try to escape, but he would wait for the perfect time to strike. He peeled his feet from the asphalt and made his way toward a building where he simply parkoured up the side and made his way to the roof where he would stand hist post and wait for this guy to make his next move.

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 56
Location : Orlando, Fl
Age : 32
Registration date : 2013-06-09

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Looking for Innocents(OPEN) Empty Re: Looking for Innocents(OPEN)

Post by Wraith June 19th 2013, 11:54 pm

(There's an order to this?)

Last edited by Wraith on June 20th 2013, 7:56 pm; edited 4 times in total


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Quote : "Did you think I wouldn't know?"

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Number of posts : 45
Location : North of a big bridge
Humor : Dry
Registration date : 2013-04-20

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Looking for Innocents(OPEN) Empty Re: Looking for Innocents(OPEN)

Post by Amethyst June 20th 2013, 5:30 am

Posting order is Monk, Zell, Wraith.  Read rules for guidelines on fighting.  Good to go.

Looking for Innocents(OPEN) Latest?cb=20141005172821

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Looking for Innocents(OPEN) Empty Re: Looking for Innocents(OPEN)

Post by Zell June 20th 2013, 7:10 pm

       (ooc: This is ignoring the Previous Wraith post, I’m sorry if this is inconvenient, this is just the strategy that IC Zell is going by. Again, sorry for any inconveniences this may have caused any party involved.)
Zell’s plan had come together pretty well. The man was obviously fooled by the illusion orb. This gave Zell time, time he needed. He accessed his A.V.A.T.A.R and triple checked the prep work on the nanites. Zell left his Overdrive capacitor running, in case he needed to get close to the monk again. He also checked the protonic blaster to see how it was progressing in it’s cool down. It was only half way done with the cool down, which was a good thing to Zell, he would be able to unleash an all out assault soon, and that was something to be happy about. He almost wished that he was only as injured as his holograph was, but sadly it was not the case. The suit he was in did not excel at taking punches, something he was becoming all too aware of. Zell rejoiced in the fact that so long as he was at a range, and only got close when NEED be he’d win. Then a shutter was sent down his spine, as he thought of the monk sending out some Kah-me-ha-meh-ha shit at him and wiping the suit form his skin.
 The nanites were good to go, and now the only question was when to make his next move. The monk was disciplined, something Zell thoroughly loved abut him. Through pain, and hardship he seemed to only be growing, and flourishing like a plant fed by the purest waters. Or more like a genetically altered Venus fly-trap that flourished from the blood of humans. Zell smiled at that note, well at least he knew what his next project was going to be. He looked to his A.V.A.T.A.R one last time and sent out a message to Lourishna.
“Yo, get out here you stupid bird.” Zell thought teasingly.
“Stupid. Human.” The bird retorted. Zell just smiled. With only a couple seconds passing, Lourishna landed at his master’s side, looking to him attentively.
“Set this up, you’ll know when.” Zell commanded in a whisper through his suit’s modifier. He handed Lourishna one of his favorite little toys and snickered as he looked back at the illusion. Zell punched in a command through his A.V.A.T.A.R and commanded the illusion to simulate a medium charged protonic blast. This would accomplish three things. One, since the monk was playing it safe he’d likely avoid the blast. Two it would APPEAR that Zell could use the medium charged protonic blast whenever he seemed fit, which would be an intimidating measure. Lastly, it would add validity and credibility to the illusion. With that command typed in, the illusionary orb held up a hand, and a medium protonic blast sat in it for  a moment.
“What’s wrong, you got a boo-boo? How about a little kiss for the poor little meta!” The A.V.A.T.A.R sent through the air waves into the Illusion orb’s speakers. The suit released the blast, and Zell watched as the monk reacted. He looked back to the device on his wrist and kept sighing to see how slowly his recharge was going. Zell commanded the Illusion orb to retreat through the oil room, to lure the monk to the REAL him and he could get off a surprise attack. But he would have to see how fate played out.
*Be-ding Be-ding Be-ding* The A.V.A.T.A.R chirped out inside Zell’s mind. He looked to it to see that his A.V.A.T.A.R was picking up a new genetic signature from a new power source.
“God….why do you hate me?” He asked himself, praying that this new signature wasn’t some other enemy or some wannabe idiot who was going to get himself killed. Zell had to worry about keeping himself alive against this guy. The last thing he needed was someone else that he needed to take care of…or another enemy.  

Looking for Innocents(OPEN) Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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Looking for Innocents(OPEN) Empty Re: Looking for Innocents(OPEN)

Post by Wraith June 20th 2013, 8:01 pm


A chain seemed to flick out of the shadows atop the building with the intention of landing a loop around the crazy monk's neck. Mocking, heartless laughter rang out as the Wraith attacked from the darkness.

He had to take down the lunatic now, fast and hard. Stephen wore light armor plating but it wouldn't stand a chance against a blow that could devastate the other man's power armor. He had to rely on his speed and skill to drive his knee into the small of the monk's back, to get the leverage he'd need to end the fight.


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Quote : "Did you think I wouldn't know?"

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Registration date : 2013-04-20

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