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Somethings Gotta Give.... (Open)

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Somethings Gotta Give.... (Open) Empty Somethings Gotta Give.... (Open)

Post by The Black Angel July 1st 2013, 5:41 pm

Musical Stylings

Downtown Chicago, Chi-Town, USA: She didn't know what made her decide to go out on this unusually cold, windy, and rainy night. Perhaps it was being crampt into her apartment for days on end? Perhaps it was the deep down desire all humans had for human interaction, no matter how small. Whatever the case, the Black Angel decided to go for a walk to clear her head, as a lot had happened since she'd taken the South Side Ripper Case.... Her relationship with Detective Zambrano had heated up, moving from a working relationship, to an intimate one. She was continually struggling with the feelings leftover from her friend, the seer David Murphy's death at the hands of the South Side Ripper. Not to mention she had to decide if she wanted to take Saileyra up on her offer of membership in the crime fighting group O.C.E.A.N. All the while dealing with the same struggle... Why had she comeback from death? Was she a force of good? Or a force of evil.... Which good used to fight evil? This was the question that haunted her through the long nights...

Whatever the case, the Black Angel needed to getaway from her drab apartment, its white walls making her feel as if she was institutionalized. For all she knew, maybe she was? Maybe this was just another darker recess of her coma? One which signaled the coming of her end? Just as it seemed this world was nearing its end? New York City destroyed, the Meta-terrorist Act, the Dominus Unificationn Act, it seemed humanity and Meta's were headed down a collision course with one another. Who'd win if it came to it? the Black Angel wondered to herself, before she quickly realized Doesn't matter.... We each have enough power to destroy the world a hundred times over... Meta's just have that kind of power internalized... Either way this place is fucked...". She didn't have much hope for Human-Meta relations, especially after NYC's destruction, as the world had seen full well what Meta's could do. Humanity was no longer the dominant species, that was left to..... Whatever we are....

The Black Angel was in a grim mood this evening, as she traversed the windswept city of Chicago. It was the world that made her feel this way, everything she saw downtown only strengthened this notion.... Downtown Chicago glowing as if it was day, glowing from hundreds, maybe even thousands of advertisements... Adds that showed only sexy, "Cool" people drank Coca-Cola, that a housewife's wrinkles could be taken away by some cure all cream, what candidate the media wanted the citizenry to vote for in the upcoming 2028 election. It was all so..... Artificial. It was only just a matter of time before the house of cards came down she figured... And there would be no winners in a war between humanity and the Meta's.

Downtown Chicago was a melding pot, there were doomsday preachers, LGBT advocates, right and left wing supporters, businessmen hustling to work, homeless men huddling for warmth, all the while the Chicago PD kept close watch from guard stations throughout the downtown area. They had camera's, both in helicopters high overhead, as well as placed throughout the downtown area, which kept an ever watchful eye on the activity below. It kept the pick pockets away from the fabulously wealthy, rioters from wreaking havoc, and most importantly kept order in the United States most populous city. It was certainly safe to assume that the federal government kept a close eye on this "Shit hole" as well, seeing what happened to NYC. Then there was the thought that there was another more.... Shadowy.... Group watching this city, with some great, unknown plan for the city which recently found herself the epicenter of the world.

The Black Angel passed a busy McDonald's, a few posh boutiques, a Starbucks, a Chase Bank, which had a bum with a dirty, patchwork blanket over him, and a shopping cart with likely all of his world possessions inside of it, sitting alongside the bank. The man had a long white beard, which hid a worn, tired face. He mumbled to himself, saying "Only dream I ever have... Is of this worlds destruction... Everytime I shut my eyes... it's always the same.". The Black Angel reached into her pocket, producing a ten dollar bill, which she flipped to the man, saying only "I can relate....", then walked on her way. It seemed she wasn't the only one to sense some coming doom, which seemed all around everyone and everything. From the Chicago Tribune, which headline read "Meta's... A blessing... Or a curse?", to the wave of killings which had paralyzed this city for the better part of a month. Death, doom, and gloom was on everyone's mind, and for good reason.

As the Black Angel made her way further down Downtown Chicago's busiest street, the chants of "Death to Meta's!!" and "Registration or no more nation!!" could be heard. It was another Anti-Meta protest, which began appearing in most major cities following NYC's destruction. The people were of all classes, ethnic groups, and genders. Most held signs, which held slogans against Meta humans, supporting registration, or showed grotesque pictures. The crowd was deep, in the hundreds certainly, and very angry. Their faces red with anger, but also consumed by doubt and fear, that much the Black Angel could see. "Fucking ungrateful if you ask me...." she thought to herself. Then she thought of David, as well as the other Meta's she'd known who'd died doing a service to these ungrateful, lying bastards, who'd sooner see her dead then accept her.

Then something inside the Black Angel snapped...... She stood before the group of protesters, yelling "Try and register me!!!!". She grabbed a sign from one of the protesters and hit him across the body with it, next was a middle aged Caucasian protester, she threw the sign, leveling another. A group of men tried to attack her but were swiftly brought down by the enraged Angel. A man punched her in the face, but was quickly taken down by the Black Angel, who began to beat his face in. Just as several more protesters moved in to fight her. She was causing a huge commotion now, but she didn't care anymore.... Her purpose in life was to defend these people... People who'd throw her into the fires of their own personnel inquisition without so much as a second thought. This whole world seemed like it was going to die... Why not speed it along? she thought to herself.

The Black Angel

Somethings Gotta Give.... (Open) OCEANAngel_zps9445a764

Theme Song

Le Pig

Lord Marcus Dark
The Black Angel
The Black Angel
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Somethings Gotta Give.... (Open) Empty Re: Somethings Gotta Give.... (Open)

Post by The Black Angel July 4th 2013, 9:17 am

It was madness, the enraged hero surrounded by a mob of equally enraged Anti-Meta protesters, so far the superior skills of the Black Angel was more then allowing her to hold her own against this ragtag collection of businessmen, stay at home moms, and the usual members of America's "Alarmist society", who feared anything that was different. Were these people ready to fight for their beliefs? Were they ready to defend their morale's and conservative ways? Or were they simply going to turn and run away when confronted with ugly, inescapable reality of the world they lived in? Some ran, some fought back, using their signs as bats, or throwing uncoordinated punches at the infamous mercenary. It was little challenge for the Black Angel, as Chicago's run of the mill citizenry certainly could not do what an ancient soul sucking demon failed to, not to mention armies the world over, and of course the blood thirsty Triad Underground Societies best assassins. What chance did these hapless citizens have?

They flew through the air, the Black Angel manically laughing at the destruction she brought on the protesters, "Who'd throw her into the flames." as she thought. A round house dropped a burly man, who'd have been able to do some serious damage had she been anything other then extraordinary. Seeing what she'd just done to a man twice their size, two rather academic looking twenty something, male college students turned and took flight. The Black Angel yelled "Where you going?? You're not getting out of this that easy!!", and side armed a heavy sign carried by another protester, which cut both men down at the legs. The men flying a few feet in the air, then crashing down violently on the hard, debris littered, blood soaked concrete. A massive uppercut to the face of another would be attacker, which shattered his jaw in several places, and the crowd began to give way.

Fighting through the crowd however was several policemen, guns drawn, not knowing what to expect when they reached the other side of the mass of panicked people. The Black Angel saw the police coming, and knew it was time to split, as she might enjoy taking on close minded idiots without killing them, a gunfight with Chicago PD was another thing entirely..... People weren't meant to die tonight, and the Black Angel knew if she drew her guns, people most certainly would. Making kids orphans wasn't something she inspired to do anymore, so long as their fathers weren't mass murderers, or the type of evil she now found herself confronted by. Whatever the case, Chicago's finest certainly weren't that......

The Black Angel turned away from the crowd, as well as the pursuing policemen, and ran for a nearby alleyway, which offered a likely escape route from Downtown Chicago's bustling traffic and bright lights. The Black Angel tried to blend into the crowd, as onlookers gave way as she passed them, running as fast as an Olympic track star into the dark alley. The Chicago PD had caught a glimpse of the famed assassin, the cops seeing her take the left hand turn into the alleyway. Of the six officers, two stayed to radio for backup, air support, and S.W.A.T, while four pursued her into the alley, albeit quite far behind.

When the Black Angel entered into the alley, she jumped up, grabbing a hanging fire escape, then pulled herself up, climbing the catwalk up to the roof silently. By the times the cops entered the alleyway, she was silently climbing the last few steps to the roof. She smiled as the cops passed her down below, yelling "We're in pursuit..." on their radios. It felt good to let off some steam on those assholes, even if it wasn't what she was here for. With so much wrong in the world, they seemed intent to try and stop not only the Meta's doing evil, but also the ones doing tremendous good as well. The Black Angel had seen first hand what had happened when societies accepted registrations, and those sorts of invasions of privacy... In China it meant secret polices, jails for political criminals, and the suppression of anything other then party doctrine.

All the same.... This night had not stopped the tide of popular opinion "Perhaps it only increased it?" she thought to herself. She'd certainly need to lay low for awhile, as there was about to be a shitload of heat on her from Chicago PD, the media, making going out in public a no go. She however happened to have the perfect option,even though she wasn't sure she was ready to be a "Team Player".... O.C.E.A.N.....

As the Black Angel bounded across roof tops, she knew this would be very likely her last night in Chicago. As unready as she was, O.C.E.A.N was her best option, she only hoped play well with others, and avoid this sort of situation in O.C.E.A.N's Asian HQ.

The Black Angel

Somethings Gotta Give.... (Open) OCEANAngel_zps9445a764

Theme Song

Le Pig

Lord Marcus Dark
The Black Angel
The Black Angel
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 189
Registration date : 2013-03-13

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Somethings Gotta Give.... (Open) Empty Re: Somethings Gotta Give.... (Open)

Post by Thorgron July 4th 2013, 1:09 pm

There was a fuzz over Redline's com link as he rapidly approaches Chicago in one of OCEAN's personal operative transport vehicles. Running was fine but he couldn't go for a long distance and the one man autopilot ex jet was perfect for a quick and undetected drop. "Where are you going" resounded faintly in his ear. It was The Black Angel. Reports had come in that a metahuman had been causing problems at an anti metahuman rally. With all if the tensions as of late this kind if in ident was inacceptable, especially from an operative. Scott had yet to really get acquainted with Angel, except for his little incident in the shower. Regardless, he couldn't help but get upset that a fellow operative had come to this. OCEAN's reputation was already shaky because if their ruthless tactics, they didn't need it getting out that them operatives were beating up citizens. It was a touch decision, even for Scott. On one hand, these people were only making trouble, all of them could stand to learn a brutal lesson at the hands of a wreck less meta. But at the same time, all that w bauld serve to do would be to spark mod a it meta conflict.

Scott felt for Angel, he really did. More often than not he'd wanted to throttle the protestors as he zoomed by them at high speeds. But self control was part of the job and I was always better to remain enigmatic than to be seen and made a cool of, like she was accomplishing at this very moment. The small screen above the cockpit lit up with incoming news footage. They had her on camera leaving from building to building. "Shit" he muttered to himself. This situation was quickly getting messy and of all organizations Scott HATED the press. Always sensationalizing, always looking for a person to villainous and always digging for secrets. And perhaps that was most if what he feared and hated in the world as a whole. Secrets were a form of entertainment both to learn and to share. If Scott's secrets ever got out, he suspected he would be hunted to the ends if the earth. He'd better make this quick.

A tracker in Angels com link showed he was nearing his destination. The personal aircraft swooped down to near ground level and ejected its payload without ever slowing down. Scott hit the ground running and continued to pick up speed. The small craft would circle the city until it was safe for it to pick the two up without getting spotted. Now knowing where his target was, Scott sped up the side of a nearby building and began darting from roof to roof. Even Angel with her sport athlete speed couldn't think if our running him and he could see the lights from the news choppers up ahead. Kicking it into high gear Scott bult up enough speed to propel himself over the next two buildings and landed on the roof in front of Angel. Quickly he darted backwards, tackling her against her current direction and sucking her out if the spotlight. To the news choppers, it would appear as though she disappeared I. A silver flash. But instead she was now pinned to an adjacent buildings fire escape with Scot in front if her. "What were you...thinking!" He whispered harshly to her, needing to pause his raspy voice for a breath of choked air. "We've got to...get you...out if here...before the press...figures out...who you are." Scott shook his head, his anger boiling inside if him, only barely showing through I. His expression however. He was not happy, but hopefully tonight would turn around, just as long as no one else spotted them...

Somethings Gotta Give.... (Open) Pbucket
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Somethings Gotta Give.... (Open) Empty Re: Somethings Gotta Give.... (Open)

Post by The Black Angel July 5th 2013, 9:03 am

The Black Angel was avoiding the police with ease, just as she noticed several news helicopters heading her way. As the helicopters neared the Black Angels position, she thought to herself "Fuck.... Just what I need..., and realized she needed to make a quick exit from the open rooftops. The Black Angel jumped across another rooftop, as her O.C.E.A.N com link beeped, the Black Angel realized that this was her best chance to get out of this mess without causing any unnecessary bloodshed to the police, citizens, or the news media. She also wasn't stupid enough to know that O.C.E.A.N likely wouldn't be happy about what had happened, though none of the Meta's could really blame her. Most had wanted to do this themselves more then likely at some point or another, truth was the Black Angel was just doing what everyone else already wanted to do.... And she certainly wasn't stupid enough to know that as well. It felt so freeing, totally losing control, giving in to what she'd wanted to do for some time.... Showing these people who hated her what the "Freak show" could really do...

Why had she attacked these sign wielding cowards, these hypocritical, fearful, war mongers? The answer was rooted somewhere in the deep, dark caverns of her past. When she saw the protesters, something snapped... Now it broke.... Seemingly real, angry voices in the Black Angels mind, yelled "You're a A FREAK!!! Are you even human?? Dirty!!! Trash!!!". It was deafening, paralyzing to the Black Angel, who literally stopped in place, screaming "Shut up!!!". The voices swirled all around her, seemingly real, and bringing her escape to a crashing halt atop a random downtown rooftop. She was no longer concerned about the Chicago PD, the oncoming news helicopters, even escaping, all she wanted to do was stop the noise.

Then, suddenly she was pinned against a wall with great force, the Black Angel to disorientated to offer any sort of resistance. Now out of sight of the rolling cameras, and pinned against a wall, the Black Angel's mind began to clear, as she realized it was fellow O.C.E.A.N Operative Redline who had her pinned against a wall. Something resembling guilt now flooded the Black Angel, she didn't truly regret what she'd done to the Anti-Meta fascists, but certainly if what she'd done put the Meta and Human world that much closer to the tipping point. Still pinned against the wall as Redline said "We've got to...get you...out if here...before the press...figures out...who you are.", the Black Angel seemed far off, what had happened replaying like the memory of an old movie. The Black Angel softly said "What have I done....", the pain of what had happened evident all over her voice.

Snapping out of things enough to be aware, the Black Angel looked at Redline, remembering what he'd said, and simply nodded her head. She assumed Redline hadn't simply appeared out of nowhere without a plan, without a means of escape, so the Black Angel turned to him, saying "Well.... Lets get out of here... I'm guessing you have a plan?". The Black Angel was embarrassed, she'd totally lost control.... And deep down, some part of her loved it.... She couldn't bring herself to thank Redline yet, a man she barely knew, and who'd likely saved her ass from doing something really stupid. All things in time.... she thought to herself.

(OOC: Thanks for replying Thor! Also think you're up in O.C.E.A.N Vs. King of Fools if I'm looking at the order correctly.

The Black Angel

Somethings Gotta Give.... (Open) OCEANAngel_zps9445a764

Theme Song

Le Pig

Lord Marcus Dark
The Black Angel
The Black Angel
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Number of posts : 189
Registration date : 2013-03-13

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Somethings Gotta Give.... (Open) Empty Re: Somethings Gotta Give.... (Open)

Post by Thorgron July 6th 2013, 5:53 am

She understood, good. The force from the impact had been greater that Scott had anticipated and he was worried he may have hurt her. Her initial response didn't help his concerns. "What have I done..." she uttered through a daze. She was lost in her actions, he could see the regret and pain on her face. She had hurt people, people who did not necessarily deserve the beating they had received. But Scott couldn't say he'd never felt the same. Those people rioting in the street weren't helping the situation any more than Angel's outburst had. All that could be addressed later though. "You've done...what we've all wanted..." was his only reply to her remark.

Scott however was still worried until her expression returned to that of conscious thought. He would need her in top form to execute his plan. After all, it would require her returning to the same streets she was just on. Nodding at her comment Scott pointed a finger towards their feet then put it up to his mouth. He needed her to stay put and to be quiet while he enacted his idea to get them both out safely.

With only the faint click of his bladed feet on the fire escape Scott inched to his right to an adjacent window. Taking one more look at Angel he quickly rose both claws and swiftly ran them across the glass in a rectangular shape. The pane collapsed inwards towards the now opened room, but using his speed Scott caught it before it could even drop an inch. Then after carefully placing the glass outside he ducked down to enter the window. "Keep watch" he told her as he squeezed the top half of his body through the narrow hole. The room inside was dark but Scott could see the pipe of a fire alarm system sitting a foot above the window. He maneuvered the rest of his body into the small apartment bedroom then grabbed hold of the pipe. Luckily it supported his body weight as he brought his feet up to the pipe and locked them above it. His body was now hanging upside down, his arms dangling about two feet away from the dresser in the room. Jackpot.
Swaying back and forth he grabbed at the top drawer and yanked it open. Inside was an assortment of sweatshirts and sweatpants. Quickly rummaging through he pulled out a pair of black sweatpants and a Chicago Bulls hooded sweatshirt. With the items in hand he tossed them out onto the fire escape and quickly lept back out through the open hole.

"Put these on...over your clothes" Scott ordered as he handed her the baggy clothing. It wouldn't be flattering but functionality would have to trump appearance. While Angel slipped her simple disguise on, Scott began to unzip his own costume. Normally he would never do this in front of anyone but he had come prepared. Beneath the suit was grey long sleeve shirt and a small pack, just big enough to fit his suit, blades and small air tanks still hooked to his respirator. It took him only a second to remove and store his outfit, donning a baseball hat to shade his face from view. No matter what it was essential that his identity be kept safe. Once changed he turned his gaze back to Angel and gave her the run down. "I took a small...OCEAN's currently...circling will have to...go back to...the streets...and outside limits...before it can...safely...pick us up...lead the way...when you're ready." Despite the calmness in his voice Scott was still very much mad at Angel. Her actions had been rash and impulsive, possibly putting all of OCEAN at risk. But he would save his temper for their trip back. It was important now to simply escape the situation undetected.

Somethings Gotta Give.... (Open) Pbucket
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Registration date : 2013-04-16

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Somethings Gotta Give.... (Open) Empty Re: Somethings Gotta Give.... (Open)

Post by The Black Angel July 8th 2013, 8:01 am

The Black Angel looked at Redline curiously as he cut through the apartment window, catching the glass with his incredible speed, while also managing to skillfully squeeze himself through the ridiculously small hole in the window. Before Redline totally disappeared into the dark apartment, he turned to the Black Angel, saying "Keep watch". The Black Angel nodded, reaching into her jacket and producing a Glock 9mm as Redline disappeared, leaving the Black Angel alone in hiding in the shadows. All around her was the sound of sirens, as well as the potentially more dangerous sounds of news helicopters. The Black Angel knew she'd gotten herself into a shitty situation, it was something she'd often made a bad habit of.... She could tell Redline wasn't happy with her, nor were the rest of her comrades likely to be very happy, and she couldn't blame them..... She'd never done herself any favors, this was just another example of that.

For a moment the Black Angel considered resigning from O.C.E.A.N when she and Redline returned to the Philippines, but then thought to herself "I'll let my team members decide me fate....". Before she could ponder this thought to long, Redline returned once again through the cut window, holding what looked like a disguise. The Black Angel took the massive, baggy clothes from him, looking it over as she pulled it close. After a quick examination, the Black Angel said "Well no accounting for style..." in a jokingly sarcastic tone. She then lifted her arms above her head, keeping the Chicago Bulls hoodie in one hand, then dropping down over her toned, small frame. Next she stepped into the massive sweat pants, pulling them up high, then pulling the waistband, tying it tightly around her small waist. The Black Angel laughed, extending her arms in both directions, the disguise looking like a tent on her. More importantly however, the disguise would work...

As the Black Angel finished dressing, she noticed Redline had already done the same, though as always his face was concealed. It made the Black Angel wonder in the back of her mind, but of course there were much more pressing matters at hand. The Black Angel turned to Redline, saying "Well  I certainly don't look like myself anymore...." as she slipped a beanie down of her long black hair, then finished by saying "But I'm a bit worried I might get picked up for looking like a drug dealer!". She laughed for just a moment, allowing herself some momentary humor. However, she did realize in that moment that she was happy she'd made the choice to join O.C.E.A.N. Whatever happened.... It was nice to not have to face and go through this gauntlet alone..... Whatever happened...

Her disguise now finished, the Black Angel no longer resembled a beautiful far eastern assassin, but instead looked like the typical Chicago hood who'd be walking the block in these parts. The Black Angel nodded her head at Redline, saying "Okay.... I think we can evade the authorities and camera's easy enough now.... Follow me, I think I know just the spot we can be picked up at....". With that the Black Angel descended the steps down to the ground level, with a spring in her step. She'd lead Redline through the city, hopefully their disguises would hold up, and they could be picked up in Garfield Ridge, which was the cities Southwestern limit. There was a massive park/green on the border, which would make for an easy extraction point. Now they just had to avoid the police and the cameras, which was easier said then done....

The Black Angel

Somethings Gotta Give.... (Open) OCEANAngel_zps9445a764

Theme Song

Le Pig

Lord Marcus Dark
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The Black Angel
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Somethings Gotta Give.... (Open) Empty Re: Somethings Gotta Give.... (Open)

Post by Rhine July 8th 2013, 4:12 pm

Rhine heard the distress before he saw it, and upon circling the corner he saw a woman flying fast away from the dismantled crows of anti-meta protesters.

"Go figure..." He thought to himself. "You shouldn't protest a race of beings that could kill you without effort."

He wasn't happy about the protests, but he was even less happy at the prospect of a group of innocents being attacked on the streets by a metahuman. He kept his eye on the woman who had now changed her appearance to that of an ordinary Chicago woman. Rhine admired her effort. She was currently walking down the street with her partner as though she had never done anything, as though she would not have to atone for the murder of innocents. Rhine felt his blood boiling. He was right behind this woman and her friend. He mustered the courage and started his usual method of engagement. He put his hand into the hand signal of a gun, and pointed at the woman.

"Stop and explain yourself, or die." He said calmly.

Somethings Gotta Give.... (Open) OCEANRhine_zpsabbc1ba3

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Registration date : 2013-07-03

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Somethings Gotta Give.... (Open) Empty Re: Somethings Gotta Give.... (Open)

Post by Saileyra July 10th 2013, 1:09 pm

There was another in the shadows, the predator with no need to feed. She scanned the other her eyes taking in his back. The shadows of the ally concealed her, her foot steps readily eager to take the first few steps. She was not going to say anything for now because the shadows concealed her gave her no identity amongst them. The signals coming from the screaming and the information of a man faster than light on premises. Sounded all to the same, all to the dreary, but what perked her was a strong Asian women.

She was just about to leave Chicago as she had interviewed. Well not so much interviewed but rather asked Angel to be part of OCEAN and she told her she had some things to care of. Easily, Sai could respect a lone spirit who needed to finish their business. But this? It was all over the news her face, flashing, it was. Aggravating. None the less, she was her operative, at least in this point of time she was. Gathering information skillfully, she eventually found herself in the middle of the circle of hurting people. Approaching a man with a black eye, he only seemed scared of her but she could understand. She didn't hide her alien nature and people usually took her for a meta so they would never know the fucking difference.

"She ran that way..Kill her. Please." He was desperate, clinging to her, her fingers grasped his wrists as she had walked away. A Eight foot phoenix on her shoulder, red eyes staring, scanning relaying information on locations to Sai through a biological feed back. Barbed tails twitched as it's long wings extended. Saileyra glancing to the bird who only rested it's head on her own, cuddling almost. 18 Tails barbed, wrapped around her upper body was it lounged her form drawing her MERT revolver from the holster as she stepped into the shadows. Noticing Rhine, it seemed he had his own gun in his own hand.

Stepping behind him, from the shadows her own gun would be pointing at him from four feet away. The unnatural revolver had a sight on it. Glowing, the chamber loaded with an plasmic round that would burn flesh if she truly wanted. WIth it's genetic aug, it could tap into her superior strength of her homeland through a time flux allowing her to gain her same of her original strength even if for a few minutes. Adrenaline flowing, she said one thing to this man in a brief sentence. "Stop and explain yourself, or die."

Somethings Gotta Give.... (Open) SaiSig_zpsbe04a7d2
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Somethings Gotta Give.... (Open) Empty Re: Somethings Gotta Give.... (Open)

Post by Rhine July 10th 2013, 1:38 pm

"Well...Shit." Rhine stated in this mess of a situation now.

"I'm not entirely sure who you are, or if you truly believe that weapon is going to have a strong enough bullet to put a hole in my skull. What I am sure of is that from experience, it will not, and also that the last person to point a gun at me did NOT have an open casket funeral." Rhine smirked.

He turned around and showed the woman his "gun" and said "My name is Rhine. This woman has been rampaging through the streets hurting innocents and I'm only here to collect the toll for that. Death. This doesn't have to get messy for you, or her friend here. But unfortunately for her she has proven to be a threat to others."

Rhine had a bone bullet prepared to shoot from almost every inch of his body if anything went sour. The civilians had scattered at the site of a gun being pointed so he was free to cut loose on these three if necessary.

"Choose your next move wisely guys." He said in confidence.

Somethings Gotta Give.... (Open) OCEANRhine_zpsabbc1ba3

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Somethings Gotta Give.... (Open) Empty Re: Somethings Gotta Give.... (Open)

Post by CORE July 10th 2013, 6:39 pm

SIDEwAlk | Status: Irrelivant
TrEES | Status: Irrelivant
BUiLDINGS | Status: Possible threat, monitor all exits
CAmeRAS | Status: Priority; monitor time spent
NO HuMANs | Note: Odd lack of police present in this area, must be patrolling elsewhere.
THRee MeTAHUmANS | Status: Two passive, held at gunpoint by third, held at gunpoint by...

Jason Finro AKA Rhine | Status: In Danger, Possible Threat


CORE stepped out of the alley his was in, and held up is left and right hands, so that his palms were facing towards the group of four. "Salutations, I am CORE, and I sense a situation that needs diffusing. Can we take a moment to talk?" He then verbally noted the gun in the hand of... The non-resident of Earth. "I don't think we can have you firing that... Ma'am." He moved his left hand towards her weapon, and prepared his laser in the case that he needed to prevent her from firing. As a secondary precaution, he also prepared his Shade Drive in the case that he was shot at.

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Somethings Gotta Give.... (Open) Empty Re: Somethings Gotta Give.... (Open)

Post by The Black Angel July 11th 2013, 2:53 pm

(OOC: Posting order totally got out of wake for this one. I'll go next, then reset the posting order. It will go Black Angel, Redline, Rhine, Sal, then CORE. Lets try and keep the order like that for the rest of this RP. Also I didn't kill anyone in the protest, just injured them. I thought I put that, but I might have missed it.)

Musical Stylings

The Black Angel was walking down the street with Redline at a hurried pace, she wanted to make it to Garfield Ridge before the news helicopters or Chicago PD had a second chance to spot her. She didn't want to stick around long enough to give them the chance, because she knew if the police got called in, and she had to draw her weapons... People were going to die. Not to mention she knew a good amount of the cops from her work on the South Side Ripper Case, and killing people she'd worked with, and was still on good terms with was not part of her agenda. She regretted what she'd done now, she'd totally lost control, and worst yet she didn't even know why... She had a feeling it had something to do with her past, those voices she'd heard in her head sounded so... Familiar... As if they were coming out from some long distant fog in her mind.

Whatever the case, it left the Black Angel wondering as she and Redline hurried down the relatively empty Downtown Chicago Street, which would lead them to Garfield Ride... And safety... The Black Angel thought perhaps this was the next chapter in whatever mission she was destined to fulfill... Perhaps even one which would bring some answers into what the boar demon who attacked her and Saileyra, and killed her friend David Murphy was truly after. The Black Angel had the feeling that everything in her life was connect somehow, making her realize weather or not she liked it, she was part of some grand design.... When she died, was revived, and went into a coma, it was truly just the start of this... Her new life... One which some cosmic force seemed to have some great design for.

The Black Angel pointed down a left hand street, saying to Redline "This way...". "So far so good...." she thought to herself, as it seemed they'd reach Garfield Ridge in short order. The disguises seemed to be working quite well, in fact the Black Angel hardly recognized herself, and seemed to blend in as the typical Chicago thug. No sooner did she get comfortable however, then some typical "Do gooder" popped out of nowhere, and was quickly sensed by the Black Angel. However rather then draw her weapons, the Black Angel kept up her guise, acting as if she was a typical person, out for a nighttime stroll.

She quickly realized her disguise wouldn't work however, as the man pointed his finger at her like a gun, saying "Stop and explain yourself, or die.". The Black Angel truly hated these over dramatic types, if was really serious he'd have just attacked her, without giving her so much as a moment to react. These were the types of "Hero's" who gave her a bad taste in her mouth about being considered one... They stuck their noses where they didn't belong, escalated situations that didn't need to get escalated, and often got killed in the process of trying defend some "Moral Code" the world didn't care about, and didn't live by.

The Black Angel sighed loudly as the obnoxious "Hero" made his demands. She quickly turned to Redline, shrugging her shoulders, then said "I don't have time for this!!!", and simply walked by the man. He was outclassed, if he even made a move Redline was fast enough to catch him, and the Black Angel seriously doubted he could match her in hand to hand combat skills. Simply put, he was out of his league.

The Black Angel continued to walk past him, as she heard a commotion behind her where the "Hero" had been standing. Turning, the Black Angel saw Saileyra pointing a gun at this new "Hero" and vice versa. "Fuck...." she thought to herself, if Saileyra was here it meant things were worse then she thought. The Black Angel wasted little time, as the situation was now becoming explosive. She pulled out her dual Glock pistols, each armed with armor penetrating rounds and pointed them at the "Hero". The Black Angel then said "Well you've done it now!! You're surrounded.... Congratulations.... Hero....".

However just as she said that, another Meta moved out from the shadows, saying "Salutations, I am CORE, and I sense a situation that needs diffusing. Can we take a moment to talk?". As this happened the Black Angel blew up, turning to Redline and saying "Fuck this.... Redline are you ready to get out of here? Saileyra you coming to?".

The Black Angel

Somethings Gotta Give.... (Open) OCEANAngel_zps9445a764

Theme Song

Le Pig

Lord Marcus Dark
The Black Angel
The Black Angel
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