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The Phantom

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The Phantom Empty The Phantom

Post by The Phantom January 23rd 2013, 8:43 am

The Phantom

"I am not sure why you are attempting to stop me, it is not as if you will remember any of this an hour or two from now..."

The Bio

Real Name: Lucifer Hermes Mercury
Villain Name: The Phantom
Title: The World's Greatest Thief
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Age: 37
Gender: Male
Race: Caucasian
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 190
Blood type: -O

The Looks

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The Personality

Class, Elegance, Style, and Intelligence before brutality. This is essentially what describes Lucifer Mercury, the world's greatest thief. He is as some would put it stuck up, but simply sees the world in the 'way it was meant to be'. He sees himself at the top of the social and economic ladder and that all those 'wealthy' beneath him need to learn their place. If it wasn't for the fact that most of his 'profits' he distributes to those in need, such as single parents or charities dealing with children he would perhaps be the wealthiest man alive. But this isn't what he wants, no he simply wants to prove to the world that nothing can escape his grasp, that any sort of challenge set up he can accomplish and no one will ever be the wiser.

He does not usually take lives unless absolutely necessary, insisting that the reasons one has hired grunts is to do the 'dirty' work for them. It is better to keep one's self clean of all troubles except for the one you are intentionally committing if absolutely possible. Children are beyond harm and if any of his underlings harm one or he sees someone harm them he won't hesitate to teach said person a lesson they will never forget.

To most he is just a legend, a figment of their imagination, or a 'mythical' figure head of the Crime Syndicate. Or simply just an idea created by them to scare off rivals. In truth this is how he wants it to be, for to be remembered in legends an tails is better than to be hunted down by the law and wanted for grand theft everywhere in the world.

The Story

What, history? Whose History and why do you inquire about it? Mine did you say, ahh well, right then. I'm not sure why you wish to know of my history as you're soon to forget this entire conversation happened anyway. But, if you insist I can divulge some of my time to tell you the story of how I came to be...

I was borne to a wealthy family in London, England during the year 1992. My true mother knew nothing of my birth and my father intended to keep it that way, as not only was she a prostitute but one of the very first rising signs of Meta-Humans. Or abominations as he called them. My adoptive mother, my father's wife, was having a child the same day that I was born but Unbeknownst to her it died and I was placed in its spot. As I grew up everything seemed to go perfectly as my father had planned, my adoptive mother never learned of his swap but of course she didn't have much time to think on the matter. For when I was three my father believed he had struck the biggest deal of his life and we moved to America. It was supposed to be a deal that would make my father one of the wealthiest businessmen in the world but it collapsed last second and we were left broken and devastated. My adoptive mothers frail heart could not take it and she died some time after.

The day I turned four was the day my father jump started my stealing habits, but because of his upbringing , and the one he had in mind for me before, if I was ever caught he would imply it wasn't his idea or disown me. To him it mattered not that he was now one of the poorest people in America, no he was brought up wealthy and that was all he knew and he expected me to act and think the same. Sufficient to say as much as I hate the man now this trait carried over. Class, Elegance, and style before brutality my friend; I'll let you remember that bit.

Anyway, by the time I turned ten, six years of this mind you, I became a natural at it.  I had only kept to lowly shoplifting and petty theft but one day, one day all of that changed. You see I was in a museum and in one of the glass containers there was this very nice ring that I knew my father would love...I was young and foolish at the time but thought I just had to have that ring. So, reaching out I touched the glass and to my surprise my hand went through the glass box and as my fingers encased around the ring I pulled my hand out as if nothing happened, and none were the wiser.

From there it lead from shop lifting to pickpocketing to actual robbery, and finally on to bank robbery and 'breaking and entering'. Eventually of course I got caught and as I was running from the cops I wished that I could just disappear and that everyone would forget, that they would all just forget about me and that they'd never remember what I did; that no one would ever see me again. Standing here today I can tell you it worked, two more, and the last of the them it seems, of my latent 'meta-human' powers emerged. From that day I was unstoppable, for how can one hope to stop a their you can not see, harm, nor remember? That happened perhaps in my teens, I am now Thirty Seven, the greatest thief alive, owner of one of the biggest Crime Syndicates this world has ever seen; and you dear Sir, will never remember this conversation. I will simply be a phantom in your imagination.

The Priority

1. Agility
2. Endurance
3. Reaction
4. Strength

The Powers

Power 1:Forget Me: The ability for people to consciously and subconsciously forget who The Phantom is after a period of time. A form of Memory Manipulation, The Phantom can only make people forget him, and although this ability is usually passive and takes some time to accomplish he can have it so people he wants remembers him and turn it on and even turn the effect on and off. (Though this usually is much more difficult). For example, he could create the biggest heist in history and an hour or so later people would slowly start to forget who it was that committed the act, and once more time had passed they would even start to remember someone else doing the act in his place.

Power 2:Intangibility: the psionic ability to pass ghost-like through solid objects. He can render his entire body intangible, but he can also make individual body parts intangible such as arms, hands, or legs.  Unless using his invisibility power he remains visible while using this power.

Power 3:Invisibility: The psionic or ghost-like ability to turn invisible, or unseen, to the human and animal eye.

Power 4:SuperHuman Intelligence:  Lucifer is capable of remembering massive amounts of information with ease, as well as comprehending things that even most others with  a superhuman intellect could only dream of processing. Due in part to the fact that Lucifer has both an Eidetic, or Photographic, memory and [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]. He is a criminal mastermind, having spent his entire life outsmarting the cops, the feds, even other criminals. Always out on the hunt for the next heist, the biggest score. Creating new intricate ways to allow him to swindle what others owned out of their vaults and into his own.

The Weaknesses

1. Solid objects are easy to pass through, walls, ceilings, even bullets are no problem to pass through. Floors however are a different story. As long as their is a floor beneath Lucifer he can pass through it just as easily as anything else. However, if the only thing beneath him is solid earth his ability does not work.

2. Infrared, heart beat monitors, even someone with acute or heightened sense of hearing. Any of these things could possibly detect Phantom when invisible. A super thief with the ability to turn invisible he may be but that does not make him totally and completely visible.

3. Human. Not only is Lucifer completely human and thus can be taken down by just about anything that can harm any normal human he's also getting on in his years. For someone of his age he is still in shape and at the top of his game but that doesn't mean he'll be keeping up with people younger than he is and still in their prime.  
The Items

Item Name: The Gentleman’s Rapier

Item Description: What better sword for a gentleman thief than the Gentleman’s Sword? Constructed and smithed by Lucifer with only the best Spaniard metals. The result was of course the Golden Rapier you see now.

Item Power(s): A Rapier with enough strength to stab through nearly any object or superhuman and enough durability to take a hit from nearly anything, but it also has enough flexibility to act a real Rapier.

Item Weakness(es): Lightning or electricity. This sword is essentially a lightning rod and Lucifer himself is not exactly strong enough to take on that kind of pain.

Item Name: The Gentleman’s Revolver

Item Description: A specially crafted gun that shoots out bullets made from the toughest of metals, dealing damage to some of the toughest superhumans.
Item Power(s): A six shooter Revolver that fires off bullets with enough damage to make even the toughest of opponents at least cringe from the 'lead' hitting them

Item Weakness(es): The bullets are made from the strongest of metals and fired at speeds able to damage the toughest of metahumans but the gun its self is not as powerful. It can still be destroyed in quite the same way that any normal gun could be. From melting it, dissolving it with acid, and other methods.

Item Name: Taser Ring

Item Description: What better way to stop someone when they are to close for swords or guns to truly be effective and you don't want to get your hands dirty? This is what went through The Phantom's mind when he created the Taser Ring.

Item Power(s): A ring(quite like that of the joker's joy buzzer) made to emit an electrified shock to people he either touches, shakes hands with, or punches. Can be set to either stun, tase, or even severely electrify a person and even gives off enough jolts to damage some super humans.

Item Weakness(es): Besides the output level generated by the ring that is the only special thing about it. It can be just as easily destroyed as any other ring. Crush it, melt it or otherwise. If it breaks while on The Phantom's finger it shocks backwards and flows backwards into Phantom.

Item Name: Holographic Code-breaker

Item Description: When phasing through walls just won't cut it, this handy dandy device is able to bypass complex codes in only matters of seconds. It also doubles as a holographic laptop.

Item Power(s): As a master thief, even one who can walk through walls, at some point you are going to need a device that not only breaks through the security system but also a laptop to gain information about the heist you are about to do and the layout of the building in which it resides.

Item Weakness(es): Phantom is a genius there's no doubt about it, having created each of the items himself. Despite that there are people out there smarter than he is, security systems invented by those people, firewalls, and other such things should be enough to stop Lucifer and his device. If need be it can also be disabled by even the smallest shocks of electricity as the device uses a lot of power.

Item Name: Skeleton Key

Item Description: A handheld metallic stick like device with a red button.  

Item Power(s): When phasing through a wall won't satisfy the Phantom's demands he turns to this handy tool. It can open any type of lock and operate many computers, but can be used to perform other operations such as performing medical scans, and remotely controlling other devices.

Item Weakness(es): Like the holographic computer if the device was made by someone smarter than Lucifer the device won't function properly. Lucifer also needs to be pointing the device at whatever it is he is either trying to open, take control of, or scan.

Item Name: : Sleep Inducing Poison

Item Description: : A standard cane modified to suit Lucifer's trickier heists, he came up with idea when a drug addict security guard was sleeping on the job during one of his many heists.

Item Power(s): The Top of the 'Gentleman's cane' comes off to reveal a needle like vial that when injected into someone's blood stream induces sleeping poison into them and within a matter of seconds the said person is essentially knocked out.
1st post: Poison starts to take effect causing minor drowsiness. Character is still able to fully operate.
2nd post: Poison's effects increase. Character is now lagging from the exhaustion being caused and struggling to fully operate.
3rd post: Character is far too dizzy to operate and passes out.

Item Weakness(es): Not truly intended for combat purposes the poison was not tempered to effect those of superhuman durability and the needle its self is a simple surgical needle. Sharp but nothing insane or out of the ordinary.

Item Name: Camera Drone's

Item Description: Tiny cameras half the size of a common fly put onto a metal frame with wings. Flight enabled security cameras made to fly around the scene of the heist not only to scout it out before Lucifer himself, or a member of the Crime Syndicate, goes in or to watch the area while the heist is going on.

Item Power(s): Invented for the sole purpose of having many eyes watching his back and making sure he Wouldn't be interrupted during the heists. (Send their feeds to his holographic laptop/codebreaker)

Item Weakness(es): As stated above they are the size of flies, thus if spotted are easily squished and or broken. Bright flashes of light are also able to disrupt the feed.

Item Name: Laser Pen

Item Description: Made from the same concept of a normal laser pen and created by The Phantom to deal with that terribly nasty little habit of him for some reason not being able to phase through the ground.

Item Power(s): A seemingly normal laser pointer pen modified to be able to cut through steel plated floors, ceilings, and even human flesh if need be to get one's point across.

Item Weakness(es): The metal encasing of the pen its self is not strong enough to stand up to decisive blows and could easily be smashed. As the laser does come out in a straight line it must be pointed at the object intended to cut through things, it also is not that high powered and depending on the durability or thickness of the thing being cut through can take quite some time.

Item Name: Gentleman's Gloves

Item Description:

Item Power(s): : Created quite early on when The Phantom started his bigger heists, he needed a way to get to the higher floors without attracting attention he made the gloves first only to scale up building and then later on to enter finger coded areas. Gloves used to scale up building's as well as copy fingerprints of the last person The Phantom shook hands with. The copied fingerprints can then be used to enter fingerprint encrypted codes.

Item Weakness(es): To copy the fingerprints of someone Lucifer must either shake hands with them or actually touch their fingertips in someway. Although able to climb up smooth surfaces if they are wet the gloves do not function which would make him slide down and slip off.

Item Name: Night Vision Glasses/Heat Vision Glasses

Item Description: Having the ability to see at night and the heat signatures of his invisible 'minions' was a must for the leader of the Crime Syndicate, so of course it was created for just that purpose.

Item Power(s): Specially designed glasses able to see as if it was normal at night and the heat signatures of others when they are worn. By tapping the top left corner of the glasses it switches between the two and even integrates them together.

Item Weakness(es): Specially designed glasses although they may be they are not super durable or made of anything special. Besides the special filters they are of course normal glasses and can be broken just the same.

Item Name: The Gentleman's Cane

Item Description:

Item Power(s): A standard cane modified to suit Lucifer's trickier heists, he came up with the idea when a random earthquake in California activated all the traps in a closed casino. When you tap locks/safes/locked doors with complex things the vibrations intensify as the reverberate through the object violently shaking everything into or out of place. If slammed into the ground can cause a small earthquake in a 60 foot radius spreading out from where Lucifer is standing. Can also be used to activate traps with a much more delicate touch.

Item Weakness(es): Brake the cane and the power backfires. It sends out the vibrations in all directions and knocks down or hits anyone within a 60ft radius doing more damage the closer in they are.

The Minions

Name: The Crime Syndicate


All members have different histories but they come down to similar endings when starting their time in the Crime Syndicate. They were petty thieves and after being caught Lucifer picked them up from jail and trained them to be the thieves they are today. That and the help of a power inducing serum of course.

Power(s):Members of the Crime Syndicate's powers range from non powered individuals to members with either invisibility or intangibility.(with one or the other never both, and the power lasts for two posts.) The Serum was created by The Phantom using his very own DNA and is injected into the members of the Crime Syndicate once they have proven themselves; so far none have yet to display signs of the 'forget me' ability. Or so he knows. (Each member with the ability gains the same weakness).

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Last edited by The Phantom on May 10th 2013, 4:27 pm; edited 4 times in total

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The Phantom
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The Phantom Empty Re: The Phantom

Post by Forceaus January 23rd 2013, 1:35 pm

The forget me power will only cost 1 ABI but only works on characters if they choose to allow it.

For intangibility and invisibility they cost 2 ABI minimum and the maximum number of posts they last is equal to the number of points put into them and cooldown is equal to use.

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The Phantom Empty Re: The Phantom

Post by The Phantom January 23rd 2013, 1:54 pm

Got it, edited it all to what you said

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The Phantom Empty Re: The Phantom

Post by Forceaus January 23rd 2013, 2:41 pm

Approved until stated otherwise

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The Phantom Empty Re: The Phantom

Post by Chellizard May 10th 2013, 4:29 pm

Approved and moved; INT increased to 9 by purchase. See EXP: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

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The Phantom Empty Re: The Phantom

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