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Post by Guest November 25th 2012, 5:07 pm

I was tracking a mob boss who raped and killed a girl in front of me he got away from me once he will not do it agein. But I managed to get a gps on him and I know ware he is. I jumped rooftop to rooftop tracking him I made it to the place and he was across the street in a bar I waited 2 hours for him to come out. When he did I jumped off the roof and crossed the street he was heading for his car when I grabed him by his jacket "you killed that girl " I seid " why don't you get over " he seid pointing a 9mm at me I quickly grabed it and threw it. "look at that now we both can't kill eachother " he seid " don't be so sure" I seid holding pure fire in my hand "please don't kill me I'll turn my self in " he seid " it's to late for that " I seid.............

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Post by Hawkwing November 25th 2012, 10:03 pm

Jake had been sitting on the roof of a Macy's during dinner, eating a few burgers while keeping an eye on the city. He saw the Captain running rooftop to rooftop, actually having him land a few feet from him.

"Hey, chief," Jake yelled with his mouth half full. When The Captain didn't hear him, he decided to follow him to see what was going on. He pulled his hood down and his mask up and took off to the sky, tailing the crazed hero. He watched as the Captain was about to kill the man he was "interrogating." He swooped down, knocking into the hero.

"Whoa," he said, putting his hands up, "I'm sure that's no the way to handle a scumbag like him."

"Hey!" yelled the scumbag.

"Shut up!" Hawkwing quipped back. He looked back at the Captain, "Now, what was I saying."

Tag team HawkwingsGrid

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Number of posts : 44
Registration date : 2012-11-23

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Post by Guest November 25th 2012, 11:28 pm

I was about to do what was best when hawk wing jumped at me knocking me back. When he seid "Whoa," he said, putting his hands up, "I'm sure that's no the way to handle a scumbag like him " and the scum bag seid "hey" shut up seid hawk wing seid turning around looking at me. I seid "he needs to die he's just gonna do it agein you of all people stop me from taking out to trash"

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Post by The Bolt November 26th 2012, 7:02 pm

”An assignment you say?” Reaper asked raising her eyebrow to the woman holding the folder, the third most powerful Agent of Dominus raising a snowy eyebrow. So it seemed they had another boring task to throw upon the albino warrior. She was at the time wearing a sports bra and overly short shorts, barely covering up her powerful toned body. The skin was a snowy white, almost as white as her hair and eyes a bloody red with a tinge of pink in them. ”Fine, what do you want me to do?” She asked sighing dramatically. A folder was handed off to her, fingers ripping open the manila exterior as she let her eyes scan over the information.

”Are you sure you can’t send someone like Etoile to deal with these or even a lower rank. It seems like this Metahuman is just trash really.” She asked raising letting her tongue run over her lips, the lights seeming to play off her sweat glistening body. It was true that the specifications given did not put them on a high enough danger scale to make Reaper needed but it wasn’t like she could really argue with them, the higher ups probably had enough muscle to force her to if they wanted.

”Adam said he wanted you to perform this mission personally.” This caught Reapers attention, her ears perking up at the mention of the man she considered her father. If this was truly a test from him, she could not simply turn it down like this, couldn’t disappoint him like this.

”Fine I’ll do this.” Reaper sighed, giving into the assignment as she rolled her shoulder, joints popping loudly as she pressed a button that lowered the rack holding her gear. Energy weapons that were made to harm powerful superhumans that she was meant to go up against, not these pathetic ones that she was to face off with. ”I’m off.”

It took her only an hour to reach where her target was tpo be, the weapons strapped along her Dominus issued armor. Of course she had to get the armor more suited for her tastes but in the end she loved what she had, the armor fitting and just looking good. Her midriff was enjoying the cool breeze blowing over it, hair whipping about in the wind. The target was below her as she spoke, along with what seemed like another meta joining him. Only a few feet below her was a building,Reaper jumping down on it as her feet cracked the concrete. ”Yo!” She called to them as she leapt infront of the duo,a sadistic smirk blooming across her lips.

”Well guys I’m here to kill ya,so say your final prayers or whatever.” Reaper spoke drawing the laser katana from her side, the blade humming.
The Bolt
The Bolt
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1262
Age : 28
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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Post by Guest November 26th 2012, 7:23 pm

Before hawk answered. I see a girl above on the roof. She jumped down in front of me and hawk the goon running off. " Yo"she seid getting hawks attention. " Well guys I’m here to kill ya,so say your final prayers or whatever" . As she spoke Taking out some wierd laser sword." I took my sword out saying " I think you'll have a hard time with that. Hawk nowed be a good time to team up " it was a stand off no one knowing who will strike first..........

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Post by Hawkwing November 26th 2012, 8:09 pm

As I tried to wrap my head around what the Captain was saying, I shook my head. Was this guy really that idiotic? He didn't get much time to contemplate this though, because he heard a crunch behind him, and a voice call out. His head drooped when the woman landed in front of them. He looked up quickly and gasped slightly. Damn she was hot. He would totally tap that if it didn't seem to want to kill him... Wait. It wanted to kill him?


Then she pulled out her blade and Jake was sent into action. He backed up with his hands up.

"Whoa whoa whoa," he said, "I'm not with this guy."

Tag team HawkwingsGrid

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Registration date : 2012-11-23

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Post by The Bolt November 26th 2012, 8:29 pm

”Cute sword fire starter but do you think that puny piece of metal will amount to shit compared to what I have? I’m sorry but you need more than that.” Reaper said amused, pointing the deadly weapon at the fire manipulator with the dangerous weapon, intent on using it. This man was not impressive really from the report except for his fire, which she read could prove to actually harm her if it hit. Not like he would hit her anyway, humans were far too slow to harm a warrior like her; a perfect warrior. There was of course the other guy with him and he seemed somewhat reasonable, more willing to give himself into Dominus, so she had to recruit the poor bastard.

”Well then I have an offer for you little bird boy. Since you don’t really work with the target, why not come with me? We can clean this guy up and I can introduce you to my superiors, they might even take you in.” Reaper suggested advancing a few steps, her boots clunking against the roof. ”As for you Captain, I have your death warrant signed and stamped. Nothin personal really but business is business, gotta remove your head.” She wouldn't wait for bird boy to answer with a definitive yes or no; he would prove his choice by actions.

Her hand twitched, the only sign that she was making her move, the first in a deadly dance. This was going to be a game for the albino but most likely not a game to the man she was about to begin playing with. With an inhuman amount of speed she move forward, her movement would seem like a blur to the average human but anyone with good enough reflexes could see her, the sword arcing towards the pyrokinetics neck with deadly accuracy.

Let the games begin.
The Bolt
The Bolt
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1262
Age : 28
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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Post by Guest November 26th 2012, 9:05 pm

”Cute sword fire starter but do you think that puny piece of metal will amount to shit compared to what I have? I’m sorry but you need more than that.” this girl seemed to think I was going to be easy never underestimate you enemy. She started to speak to hawkwing ”Well then I have an offer for you little bird boy. Since you don’t really work with the target, why not come with me? We can clean this guy up and I can introduce you to my superiors, they might even take you in.” and then to me ”As for you Captain, I have your death warrant signed and stamped. Nothin personal really but business is business, gotta remove your head.” she ran vary fast towards me swinging at my neck I ducked barley geting away. Ducked down below her I swung my sword at her legs then flipped backward and landed it. I shoot a double handed blast of fire then use my watch to alert my bodyguards they will be her soon (next turn)

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Post by Hawkwing November 27th 2012, 2:04 pm

One of the things that Jake hated most was people who acted like they were better than him. His wings sprung outwards and made a powerful flap to send him flying away. He flew into the sky and sized up the situation. His conclusion was that he was about to suffer an ass-kicking. But he was gonna open a can of Whoop-Ass before he did.

First order of business? Clear all obstacles.

He flew down at full speed and slammed into the Captain, flying him toward a dark corner. He set him down and put a hand up.

"Stay," he said, before he turned around and flew back up into the air. He started to fly a circle around the beautiful woman, becoming faster and making a tighter circle. After a few seconds he was making a circle with a 10 foot radius around her going at about 170 mph. He was starting to get dizzy, and his breath became quicker. He was attempting to confuse her, to get her off kilter, so he could strike.

Tag team HawkwingsGrid

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 44
Registration date : 2012-11-23

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Post by The Bolt November 27th 2012, 7:48 pm

To Reaper his movements were as if he were standing still, her reaction made as quick as he made his movements. It was all Childs play for the albino warrior. ”Pathetic.” She muttered to herself as her eyes followed the movement of his blade, legs easily lifting her a good five feet of the ground as she made a small leap over the slash at her legs. Catching herself with her hands, Reaper managed to spin around as the man launched a fireball at her, not that he could catch her off guard with such an obvious attack. With deadly grace she moved to her feet, fire attack closing in with immense heat as she moved to the side and let it blaze past her only by an inch.

”Would've hurt if that hit.’ She muttered to herself tapping the tip of her laser katana against the concrete, bird boy beginning his own attack upon her it would seem. It seemed she would have to kill him too, not that she would complain about another body upon the pile. He would learn that attacking he would prove to be a big mistake and from what he was doing she could tell he had that intent in mind. His speed was admirable but that did not, would not do anything to help him in this fight. Reaper could go faster than what he was going now.

”Guess you made up your mind didn’t you?” She sighed, grip tightening around the wooden handle of the beam saber. Would she just use her most powerful weapon and wipe them out with a sweep of it or try to go without using something that powerful? Red eyes followed the swift bird boy, keeping only half of her attention upon the man while her other half was on the person she was assigned to kill. Moving with speed and grace she moved to attack the bird man, her sword moving into his directed path of flight, which was aimed to slice through his neck if it made contact.
The Bolt
The Bolt
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1262
Age : 28
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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Post by Guest November 27th 2012, 8:05 pm

Hawk was flying at me and grabed me and flew me to a corner I was surprised to see hawk was helping me and not the hot chick he liked so much. But I was happy. He span around her at vary high speed I think try to cut her air off but then she took her light sword.

And then my guard arrived I tossed my sword to one of my men and he got it and ran at vary high speeds at her I told my other to to stand next to me for now. My guard swang the sword at her three times one low one high one mid in that order and at the same time I threw three fire balls at her.

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Post by Hawkwing November 28th 2012, 5:01 pm

"DO A BARREL ROLL!" these were the words that echoed in Jake's mind as he watched Reaper pull a sword out. A plan was formulating in his head, but he would have to do this just right, in order to survive. He watched her closely, waiting for any physical signal that she was going to strike. Almost before she swung he changed direction, flying upside down over her and twisting, landing facing her, but behind her. His feet skidded on the pavement as he tried to control his momentum.

He watched with distaste as Cap and his guard attacked, and took to the skies, planning an arial assault. He flew about a hundred feet above the action, watching and circling.

Tag team HawkwingsGrid

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Number of posts : 44
Registration date : 2012-11-23

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Post by Guest December 20th 2012, 5:21 pm


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