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Not, the usual type of buisness

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Not, the usual type of buisness Empty Not, the usual type of buisness

Post by Romulus Emanuel Mercury November 21st 2012, 1:10 pm

Chicago, Illinois, the Windy City a place that Leonardo Cratus was not too familiar with himself but had heard of from Celle, as well as other sources, that it was a city filled with Meta Humans. Almost as much as New York had been before the catastrophes that had struck it in the past year or so. He chuckled at the realization; he had been ‘alive’ or conscious of his own mind for only a year now, well almost an entire year now. During that time he had taken down quite a few ‘super humans’ along the way and had even heard rumors of a group of people who seemed to have the same ideals that he himself had. The extension of Meta Humans, it was the reason why he had been put on this earth and a group like that could certainly help him to achieve that goal; the only problem was contacting them.

A problem like that could be solved soon enough though, taking the cigar out of his mouth he blew the smoke into the air, crunched up the excess roll of the cigar and tossed into a nearby trash bin before carrying on. Today he had a mission, today he had an assassination to complete but first he would have to gather the information from his ‘client’ on whom this was going to be, he himself knew not who it was he was supposed to be after or who his client truly was but for the man that was the next step in human evolution that meant little to him. It didn’t matter if the person was laying a trap for him, was simply going to blow him up then and there, or something absurd like that, he’d walk away fine and they themselves would die before the day ended.

Rounding the street corner he went over the instructions he was given once again before walking into the Starbucks Coffee where he was to meet this client. Today he was in civilian clothes, which for him consisted of an army green skin tight t-shirt, a black leather jacket, and black colored jeans, with his dog tags that displayed his name, rank of Sergeant, and serial numbers. He was to order a medium coffee, with whipped cream, and a blue berry muffin then sit in the corner booth where his informant would then come over and sit down across from him. So, that is what he did and that was where he sat waiting for the informant to show themselves or for something terrible to happen. If only because one must always be prepared for the worst his two Glocks were in hidden pockets within the leather jacket and each was loaded with a magazine of his ‘special’ bullets that could take out super-humans.

Romulus Emanuel Mercury
Et Bellator's Experience
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Quote : "I am not a hero nor a villain I am simply a man prepared to do what is necessary to make sure no one goes without a family."

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Not, the usual type of buisness Empty Re: Not, the usual type of buisness

Post by Madame Versailles November 21st 2012, 11:35 pm

Elena Vexus had contacted an individual to take care of an assassination for him, the entire thing was just a hoax to get a quit meeting with the man. The information on him proved to be rather interesting and would be most beneficial to not only Dominus but Vexus' plans that followed. She had instructed him to go to a specific Starbucks in Chicago and order a specific drink with a muffin. Vexus had sent him to this starbucks because the night before Helena had replaced their chandelier with her ring blade. It actually fit in quite nicely with the lights and such, but that was besides the point. Elena had arranged a rather extravagant transport for Helena to arrive at the scene to meet the man.
A brand new, white Rolls Royce Ghost pulled up to the coffee house and the drive got out to open the door. From the back seat emerged Helena in a new outfit. The dress was very short and left very little to the imagination, however there would be no wardrobe malfunctions in her future. Her shoes were platform so they made her a little taller than what she really was. Her driver opened the door to Starbucks and the returned to the car. Helena headed straight to the corner booth where she was to talk to the man. On her way there the looks she was getting were of lust, disgust, envy and fascination. Her approach was anything but subtle and she really hoped that it irked the man. It didn't seem like he wanted much attention drawn to him, but with Helena he would have no choice. She sat down on the opposite side of the booth, took a sip of the drink and then a bite of the muffin. Of course this was just for effect as Helena had no sense of taste or any functions of the human mouth. She crossed her legs under the table, patted her mouth off with a napkin and then pulled out a lip gloss from her tiny over the shoulder clutch and reapplied some. After returning the cosmetic to her home her crossed her arms and leaned back in the booth. She knew a lot about this man from Elena's research, so she figured she would start with a small demonstration of her intel.
"So you must be Leonardo."
Madame Versailles
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Not, the usual type of buisness Empty Re: Not, the usual type of buisness

Post by Romulus Emanuel Mercury November 22nd 2012, 12:32 am

Attention, attention was not something The Sergeant wanted at all, and it wasn't something someone should wan with the business they were about to go into. Pink hair, skin tight clothes, clanking high heels, it was as if this client wanted everyone in the god damned world to know what it was they were doing. This was either her first time asking for an assassination, she was plan stupid, both, or this was a set up. If it was any of the last three he wouldn't hesitate to put a bullet in her after he got paid of course and put a couple bullets through whatever super managed to piss off this lady. Sure he usually stuck to killing 'Meta Humans' but he could make an exception for idiots like this, idiots with more money than they deserved. Taking out a cigar he lit it and placed it in his mouth as she sat down.

He watched her take a sip of the coffee and bite the muffin before sitting back and putting on her lipstick once again. All the while he himself sat back against the booth and smokes his cigar much to the disdain of some of the other customers, but this place was smoker friendly as it didn't have a no smoking sign anywhere in sight. And if it did, too freaking bad he's out their protecting these people from the Non-Human threat for the sake of humanity the least they could do is let him smoke and enjoy his soldiers discount coffee, speaking of which. Removing the cigar from his mouth and picking up the coffee in his other hand he took a sip of the delicious caffeinated beverage. Almost spewing it out when she said his name as well.

He quickly regained composer setting the coffee cup back down on the table as he rose the cigar up and smushed it into his other hand to put it out. Gritting his teeth from the pain he dropped the remains onto the table and looked up at her. "You are very well informed... I don't know how you came across my name, but yes I am Sergeant Leonardo. Or The Perfect Soldier as some call me; at your service." He said just loud enough for her to hear him, "so, what's the job beautiful? Oh, and I expect half paid up front." Quick and to the point just as he always was and always would be. When it comes to this kind of work it needed to be done quickly and it needed to be done to the point, their was no other way around things. You did your job and you got it done no questions asked, that just how it worked.

Romulus Emanuel Mercury
Et Bellator's Experience
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Quote : "I am not a hero nor a villain I am simply a man prepared to do what is necessary to make sure no one goes without a family."

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Number of posts : 181
Registration date : 2012-03-10

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Not, the usual type of buisness Empty Re: Not, the usual type of buisness

Post by Madame Versailles November 22nd 2012, 10:03 pm

She was happy that she had gotten his attention by dropping his name, however past this point Helena was completely in charge of the recruitment. Elena's instructions ended here, and Helena had a pretty good idea on how she wanted to continue this meeting.
"The job, of course!" Helena opened up her purse and pulled a very large stack of money secured with a paper band and placed it on the table.
"Here is the half that you requested up front, aaannndd..." she pulled out an equally large pile of money and placed it next to the stack she had brought up earlier.
"Here is the full payment. If you succeed or not, keep it. I just needed a reason to get you here to talk to you."
She took a sip of her coffee while she let that last statement sink in. And whether he noticed or not, the people in the coffee house started to clear out. Though it was not all at once, just a couple at a time. One occassionally needed to take a phone call and just didn't come back in. Even the barista retreated to the back and remained there.
"I am a recruiting agent for the organization known as Dominus. We have quite the interest in you and I have been sent in order to make sure your abilities are of the proper level for our standards." the room had grown very still as Helena and 'The Perfect Solider' were the only two left. Her hand then slipped under the table to her side and began fidgeting with her purse.
"As for your target..." With her left hand she took a sip of her coffee again, and with her right hand dislocated the chain from the bag with a -click-
"Me!" Instantly following, she whipped the chain out and wrapped around the edge of the chandelier and pulled forcefully back towards her. The light fixtures fell off of her weapon and the ring blade came rushing down striking the table violently breaking it in half. This initial attack was not directed to arm her new opponent, but if he got in the way, oh well. Helena's coffee had been thrown up into the air by her weapon hitting the table so she stepped up on the booth's chair and caught it taking a slight sip before tossing it to the ground. She picked up her rind-blade and casually swung it around the wrist of her right hand, as it rotated it sliced up the seat she was standing on. A devilish grin crept across her face as her eyes narrowed at Leonardo waiting to see how he would respond.
Madame Versailles
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Not, the usual type of buisness Empty Re: Not, the usual type of buisness

Post by Romulus Emanuel Mercury November 22nd 2012, 10:55 pm

The money being placed on the table was certainly enticing, not to mention exactly what he wanted to see. Sure, he killed super’s because it’s what he lived to do, but the money on the side that didn’t hurt at all. After pocketing the payment he raised an eyebrow when the rest of it was brought out, which of course immediately made Leo wonder what exactly was going on. You didn’t just pay everything up front that’s not how it worked, at all. Yet, being the poor man he was he took the money anyway, pocketing it in his jacket along with the other bit she had put up to pay him up front as requested originally. Then of course he heard the words he had expected, a reason to talk to him. Tensing up ever so slightly he noticed that just about everyone in the shop was nowhere to be seen, it was as if they were the only to left. It was definitely a trap.

A group called Dominus; he blinked looking at her with an amused expression. She was from the Meta Human killing group that used Meta Humans to do their dirty work for them? It was not his type of thing to be honest but it would of core help him to further his goal and hopefully finish it within some time. For who knew, if these people were as good as he heard they might just be the answer to his problems, possibly at least. “Now what exactly are the proper levels of your standards?” He asked slowly taking his jacket off and removing the two Glock 22 pistols from their respective hidden pockets as she lead onto the sentence of who his target would be.

He heard the click, and the me, and dived to the side without even thinking about what he was doing, it was reflexes to be honest. He heard the click meaning something had been fired and that meant getting out of the way as to not sustain himself to more damage than necessary. Boy was he right; or somewhat at least. A blade like object came crashing down from the ceiling light, because of her whip, and split the table in half where they had just been sitting not too long ago. “Well shit… did you have to mess up the table?” He muttered with a grin before sliding his jacket off and flipping his two glock’s out and immediately firing two bullets from each off at her. As a trained soldier in all branches of the United States Military not only was he accurate with his shooting but he was also a quick draw expert.

Romulus Emanuel Mercury
Et Bellator's Experience
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Quote : "I am not a hero nor a villain I am simply a man prepared to do what is necessary to make sure no one goes without a family."

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Number of posts : 181
Registration date : 2012-03-10

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Not, the usual type of buisness Empty Re: Not, the usual type of buisness

Post by Madame Versailles November 22nd 2012, 11:35 pm

Helena swung her blade in front of her to deflect one of the bullets where as the other one she shifted her body slightly and it caught the underneath of her jacket. She quickly got off of the chair and continued her onslaught gracefully swinging her ring-blade at the Solider. High, low, mid swings all happened in a sort of dance that was all connected yet had such an fast unpredictability to it. Occasionally she would giggle a little bit if she landed a slight scratch or something on his body. At this point she was just looking to test his abilities to be on the field and how he would fare in close combat such as this.
After a few moves Helena whipped the ring blade at his neck throwing it has hard as she could like a Frisbee, before it made contact though she grabbed a small pistol out of her jacket pocket and began firing at the man. Moving forward as she shot she was trying to overwhelm him with attacks, after a few shots she simply tossed the tiny gun aside. Helena was going in now to test his hand in hand combat assuming that he did not get sliced apart by the hoola-hoop of death swirling towards him. Wherever it landed she would leave it for the time being, she was planning on retrieving it eventually but Helena wanted to see where this little conflict let to first.
Madame Versailles
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Not, the usual type of buisness Empty Re: Not, the usual type of buisness

Post by Romulus Emanuel Mercury November 23rd 2012, 1:48 pm

The blade was very fascinating and could perhaps do massive damage to him if he wasn’t smart enough, if only because he had never faced anything like it before but you weren’t called the Hero Killer if you were stopped by something new, right? A grin formed on his face as he dropped to the ground, basically stopping dropping and rolling just out of the way of the low strikes that came from her unpredictable dance like motion of fighting. Jumping up behind her he quickly fired two shots, one of each from his two glocks before cursing and ducking out of the way of the hula-hoop like blade. Yet, just as he was out of the blade’s immediate direction he felt the bullets entering and exiting his body. At such close range the amount of bullets she fired off would have certainly killed someone. Yet, for Leonardo he simply stood up and continued walking forward as the bullet holes healed up, and the bullets that didn’t make it through popped out of the original holes and the holes closed up.

“You messed up my favorite shirt…” he muttered firing off two more bullets out of each gun for a total of four bullets being fired at her at center mass at a distance of about ten feet. Bullets that could damage even the most durable of ‘superhumans’ so against a petit little girl like her they’d tear through whatever the fuck she was made of as if it was nothing. He quickly dropped the empty cartridges of the two pistols and reloaded them before diving underneath her, and barrel rolling up to a kneeling position behind her where he fired off two more bullets. He didn’t want to get in too close as he still didn’t know what powers she had exactly but with her complicated dance like fighting style he knew she was a better fighter than his simple Modern Army Combatives and what he learnt from the Marine Corps Martial Arts Program.
(( ))

Romulus Emanuel Mercury
Et Bellator's Experience
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Quote : "I am not a hero nor a villain I am simply a man prepared to do what is necessary to make sure no one goes without a family."

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Number of posts : 181
Registration date : 2012-03-10

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Not, the usual type of buisness Empty Re: Not, the usual type of buisness

Post by Madame Versailles November 24th 2012, 1:21 am

The two bullets the man fired flashed past Helena grazing her on her right side and left shoulder. She smirked a bit when her bullets made contact, and her smirk grew to a grin as she saw the man healing. In response to her attack, Leonardo slid underneath her and fired twice more at her from a kneeling position. Helena flipped backwards onto her hands narrowly avoiding the shots. She continued to backhand-spring until she popped up into a back tuck sticking the landing on her weapon which had lodged itself rather deeply into the wall. She slipped down through the gap between the wall and the edge of her ring grabbing onto it and pulling it out of the wall taking some of the wall with it. They were at a distance now where she was not close enough to make any quick moves with her blade, and rushing at him would just result in her getting shot full of holes. She has had one too may close calls in this fight so far and did not need to take excess damage. The chain she had initially used to retrieve her weapon was still wrapped around it. Leaving some of it still tangled around she swung the ring blade and chain around like it was a lasso and then sent it rushing at her opponent from a distance. After being in the air for a moment she tugged the chain causing the blade to curve in aiming to slice at his mid section coming in from the right. Helena knew of the man's healing ability, and now just wanted to see to what extent it would heal him.
Madame Versailles
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Not, the usual type of buisness Empty Re: Not, the usual type of buisness

Post by Romulus Emanuel Mercury November 24th 2012, 1:08 pm

When she headed towards the hula-hoop like blade weapon Leo new things were about to go downhill for him. She was an expert when it came to fighting with whatever that thing was and he wasn’t exactly sure how he was going to counter something like it. So, he stood ready checking his surroundings, taking in everything around him to try and figure out just what he could do to finish her off. She was too fast for his bullets too do much damage and even when he did get a good hit on her even with his special bullets they only did minimal damage as it was only a graze shot.

The blade came flying out faster than he anticipated; at first she was only using it like a lasso and so he knew it would be thrown at him any second yet just when he wasn’t truly sure. When it did come he thought he’d be ready, thought he could take anything she threw at him and while he knew he could he didn’t expect to ‘die’ so quickly but it of course was something he knew would eventually happen. The blade came faster than he truly ever anticipated it too. Because of that when she whipped it back, it tore through his midsection, his spine being the only thing that stopped the blade from going all the way through. With the force and speed of the blade his body was propelled to the right and landed against the ground slumped over ‘dead’; the blade no longer in him though yet still attached to her whip.

To a person with untrained eyes it would seem as if the lifeless body of Sergeant Leonardo Cratus was just that, a lifeless body but it was not so. Although the ring blade had cut clean through his heart and almost out the left side of his body if you were to look close enough you could see the wound slowly starting to close up, it wouldn’t take as long as a severed head to repair but it would take a good three, to three and a half minutes for him to be fully functional once more…

Romulus Emanuel Mercury
Et Bellator's Experience
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Quote : "I am not a hero nor a villain I am simply a man prepared to do what is necessary to make sure no one goes without a family."

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Number of posts : 181
Registration date : 2012-03-10

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Not, the usual type of buisness Empty Re: Not, the usual type of buisness

Post by Madame Versailles November 25th 2012, 12:31 am

Helena let out a disapproving grunt as she yanked her weapon back into her hands no minding the blood that was not dripping off of it. Maybe he was healing? All she knew is that he could heal just not how fast or how much damage he could fix so Helena moved a little closer to see maybe what was going on. Her attack had thrown the poor man across the room and his blood was getting all over the floor. Luckily she was not the one who needed to clean it up. Standing a few feet away from his body Helena pulled up a chair to sit down and began to untangle the chain from around her weapon. She figured if he wasn't up in about five minutes then she could count him as dead and be on her merry way. After a couple of minutes she finished taking the chain off of her weapon and wrapped it around her palm, as for her weapon she simply leaned it up against a nearby table. Crossing her arms and legs she stared at the man's corpse waiting for something, anything, to happen.
Madame Versailles
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Not, the usual type of buisness Empty Re: Not, the usual type of buisness

Post by Romulus Emanuel Mercury November 25th 2012, 2:14 pm

Helena didn’t have to wait too long, as she leaned up against the table the body of Leonardo Cratus sprung back to life, he had conscious once again and knew that she might be waiting for him. With a plan forming in his mind he waited and listened for movement, luckily he heard it from her chain like whip. As his hand was still on his gun, as fast as humanly possible he swung into to her direction, opened his eyes and pulled the trigger sending a bullet flying out at her chest, dead center mass. Just like he was taught, where from he knows not, to shoot. Center mass was the biggest target on a person and therefore was the easiest to hit, you didn’t truly need any training to hit center mass but a little bit of training went a long way and usually helped.

With a grin he stood up and rolled his neck, reloading his pistols he spit on the ground looking over at her. “Never count an enemy dead until you see the life of ‘em leave the whites of their eyes beautiful.” He muttered taking two more shots at wherever she was now before trying to move out of the way of whatever attack she sent out at him. He wasn’t quite sure what he would need to do to pass her little test or whatever but he was pretty damn sure he wasn’t going to give up until he did, hell he might not even be inclined to give up at that point because she was a super. He respected Dominus for its ideas and motives but they were also hypocrites, using Meta Humans to eliminate Meta Humans? The idea sickened him, Humans should be the ones to destroy the virus called Meta Humans, just like he himself was put on this earth to do.

Romulus Emanuel Mercury
Et Bellator's Experience
Romulus Emanuel Mercury
Romulus Emanuel Mercury
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Quote : "I am not a hero nor a villain I am simply a man prepared to do what is necessary to make sure no one goes without a family."

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Number of posts : 181
Registration date : 2012-03-10

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Not, the usual type of buisness Empty Re: Not, the usual type of buisness

Post by Madame Versailles November 26th 2012, 4:35 pm

Faster than she had expected. To Helena's surprise she took a bullet straight to the chest knocking her clear off the chair and onto the ground. Unfortunately he had hit some pretty important parts and her systems were still trying to reroute the connections so that she could move and fight back properly. Though it was taking longer than she needed and before she could get up the man was standing over a put two more bullets into her body. One in her shoulder and one in her leg before she could roll away and back up to her feet.
"Ha! There we go! So you do have a little more bite!?"
Helena's entire demeanor had changed, her voice was slightly darker and her stance was no long as graceful. She also was not bleeding. Leonardo may or may not have come to the conclusion that Helena was not human, but nor was she a super human. Just a highly advanced assassin android created by Elena Vexus for specific purposes just as this.
"Heh, not to worry though my little experiment is almost over haha!" she said with a sadistic laugh at the end. She took the chain from around her hand and wrapped it around her forearm just before the elbow. As she was doing this the damaged leg gave out for a small instant she she wobbled slightly. After the chain was relocated Vexus grabbed her arm at the elbow and twisted it in a very unnatural was causing it to literally 'pop' off. Without giving the Solider a moment to react she threw her arm like a javelin straight at his throat. Helena was aiming for the body part to latch onto his neck and just keep squeezing..
"Aww, so sorry. I hope this isn't hurting too much!"
Helena's artificial personality had reverted back to it's first 'happier' setting while she was attempting to choke the life out of the man. By this point it was clear that she was an android, mostly because she had willingly detached her arm at the elbow, and the occasional spark the flew from one of the three new holes in her body.
Madame Versailles
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Not, the usual type of buisness Empty Re: Not, the usual type of buisness

Post by Romulus Emanuel Mercury November 26th 2012, 5:45 pm

‘Heh, not to worry though my little experiment is almost over haha!’ The words she spoke out and the way her body looked, the sparks coming from the three holes now in her ‘body’ every once in a little while screamed something more than human. Yet, not quite a ‘superhuman’, no she was something nearly as bad as that she was an android, a robot, whatever you wanted to call her. He had not yet had to face off against a robot and so had treated her just like he would a normal demented Meta Human, just because of the realization that she was a robot wouldn’t mean he’d treat her any different, it still called for the same plan of action as it always did. The elimination of anything not human or animal, that was why he was put on this planet called Earth and damn it that was what he was going to do.

The hand like javelin that was thrown at him came at blinding speeds, so fast that he nearly didn’t have enough time to move a hand up in the way of his face. But, luckily for him he did and the arm squeezed down not on his neck but his wrist which although will not kill him still hurt like a bitch. He gritted his teeth in pain from the constant squeezing of the hand, he was pretty damn sure when it finally let go his arm will be broken and bruised, for a couple seconds at least until it healed. “Your aim seems to be off… luckily mine isn’t.” He muttered and fired two bullets from his left hand, the one not currently being squeezed by her hand, one right at center mass again and the other straight for her head. He knew he wasn’t going to be able to hit her as well as he had now that his element of surprise was gone but it was always worth a shot.

Romulus Emanuel Mercury
Et Bellator's Experience
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Quote : "I am not a hero nor a villain I am simply a man prepared to do what is necessary to make sure no one goes without a family."

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Number of posts : 181
Registration date : 2012-03-10

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Not, the usual type of buisness Empty Re: Not, the usual type of buisness

Post by Madame Versailles November 29th 2012, 3:12 pm

Helena leaped up as he fired the bullet so they made contact with her abdomen and neck. The bullet shot clean through her throat, and just lodged itself in where her stomach would be if she had one. While she was in the air for the split second she was forced back a little bit stumbled upon landing again but was able to maintain her balance.With her hand still gripping his wrist, she wrapped the chain around her neck and put the end of it in her mouth to keep tension on the leash. With the arm that she still had connected to her body, she reached for her weapon. She let the chain slack for the absolute slightest of moments and then with all her strength pulled the chain connected to her dislocated arm that was gripping Leonardo's wrist. The sudden release in pressure on the chair should instinctively lower his guard and then the sudden violent pull should launch him forward at Vexus. Whether he moved or not Helena whipped her ring blade at the man again like a Frisbee.
After this attack, she would call an end to the scrimmage as the man had proven himself. If the fight continued on he would get enough shots in on her to permanently damage her systems and deliver a final blow. Her job was not to die, at least not this time around. He had proven himself worth and may now be properly inducted into the organization known as Dominus.
Madame Versailles
Madame Versailles
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Number of posts : 104
Registration date : 2012-06-03

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Not, the usual type of buisness Empty Re: Not, the usual type of buisness

Post by Romulus Emanuel Mercury November 29th 2012, 4:35 pm

Leo knew the fight was almost over now, he nearly had her and he was going to finish this fight if it 'killed' him. Still struggling with the hand gripping down on his wrist he pulled backwards trying to get it off but to no avail, so instead he brought up his gun and fired two more shots, the last in the magazine of that pistol, so he needed to get to his dropped gun somehow if he was to end this. At least that's what he thought when he felt the chain and grip loosen. Quickly moving to try and get it off he felt it tighten once more and was pulled closer to her. Well it was more of launched closer to her, pulling the Sergeant into her line of attack.

He knew the blade was coming before he saw it, the deadly ring of death came flying at him once again. This time lodging its self in the front of his chest and staying put. His body and the blade continued moving for a foot or two before falling down on the ground and making a thud noise. If Helena knew anything about healers she'd know as long as the item was in his body he would not heal. There wasn't any getting out of this situation this time, he was out for the count, essentially to others temporarily knocked out until someone came around and removed the blade so his body could heal.
((Mkay so Helena can remove it and take him to Dominus/Vexus or just take him straight to Vexus and have her... Err do with him what she will xD))

Romulus Emanuel Mercury
Et Bellator's Experience
Romulus Emanuel Mercury
Romulus Emanuel Mercury
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Quote : "I am not a hero nor a villain I am simply a man prepared to do what is necessary to make sure no one goes without a family."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 181
Registration date : 2012-03-10

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