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Not, the usual type of buisness

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Not, the usual type of buisness - Page 2 Empty Re: Not, the usual type of buisness

Post by Romulus Emanuel Mercury November 29th 2012, 4:35 pm

Leo knew the fight was almost over now, he nearly had her and he was going to finish this fight if it 'killed' him. Still struggling with the hand gripping down on his wrist he pulled backwards trying to get it off but to no avail, so instead he brought up his gun and fired two more shots, the last in the magazine of that pistol, so he needed to get to his dropped gun somehow if he was to end this. At least that's what he thought when he felt the chain and grip loosen. Quickly moving to try and get it off he felt it tighten once more and was pulled closer to her. Well it was more of launched closer to her, pulling the Sergeant into her line of attack.

He knew the blade was coming before he saw it, the deadly ring of death came flying at him once again. This time lodging its self in the front of his chest and staying put. His body and the blade continued moving for a foot or two before falling down on the ground and making a thud noise. If Helena knew anything about healers she'd know as long as the item was in his body he would not heal. There wasn't any getting out of this situation this time, he was out for the count, essentially to others temporarily knocked out until someone came around and removed the blade so his body could heal.
((Mkay so Helena can remove it and take him to Dominus/Vexus or just take him straight to Vexus and have her... Err do with him what she will xD))

Romulus Emanuel Mercury
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Not, the usual type of buisness - Page 2 Empty Re: Not, the usual type of buisness

Post by Madame Versailles December 4th 2012, 6:59 pm

Helena took two more shots to her body almost bringing her to her knees, but she stood strong for the few moments longer to finish the fight. Her weapon lodged itself in his chest. Vexus game a smirk as her systems cut out of a second. Once they turned back on she was falling to the ground, she put her hands out to stop herself from falling, though only one caught her. The one arm that she did have was still damaged to it gave out once it hit the ground. Helena slowly brought herself up to her feet, grabbed her hand off of her weapon and re attached it. Leaving the blade in him, she grabbed the mans arm and began dragging him out of the coffee shop. The Rolls Royce she had arrived in was parked outside waiting and she tossed the body into the back seat and sat down next to it, comically putting a seat belt over him. Ms. Elena Vexus was in the front seat next to the chauffeur, she gave an approving nod as they drove off to finish processing Leonardo into the Dominus system...
Madame Versailles
Madame Versailles
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