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RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (Robert vs. Roy)

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RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (Robert vs. Roy) Empty RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (Robert vs. Roy)

Post by Chellizard June 20th 2012, 4:41 pm

Now, your adventure has brought you to your final destination, has it?

Have you built a friendship? Or are you trying not to kill your partner due to annoyance?

Are you ready to prove yourself in a fair fight?

A fight that pits you against your partner? If not, you are not fit for Thrones.

This fight shall be clean, and consisting of mainly hand to hand combat; though powers are NOT forbidden. I can guaruntee things will be interesting.

I hope you are all ready.

The rules, in an envelope taped on the back of the warehouse door:

  • No killing is permitted.

  • No 'finishing' moves shall be allowed.

  • One may forfeit, but that will forever label them as a coward and thus; a Pawn within Thrones.

  • The victor shall be given their rank before the defeated.

  • Have fun; good luck.

The inside of the warehouse was blank and dark, and before anything could be described, the lights were turned on and the room was basically empty other than a simple locked safe on either end of the warehouse. One was just as you walked in the door. The other was all the way against the far wall. The floor was simply concrete, and the walls looked to be made of mirrors. The mirrors, however, faded to reveal more concrete walls. The light fixtures in the high ceiling were florescent and basic. The inside of the warehouse looked brandnew, of course. And it was. As were the other warehouses identical to this one. Gray floor, white walls. Simple. The buildings deminsions are: 50x20x40. (lxwxh)

Oh, and contestants? Do you remember the name tag you were given? It's been recording video and audio of the trip your characters have taken for later use to determine who is more deserving of their specific rank within Thrones. Bene fortuna.

>/... Begin.

-My DeviantArt-
RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (Robert vs. Roy) JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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Registration date : 2009-11-15

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RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (Robert vs. Roy) Empty Re: RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (Robert vs. Roy)

Post by Dylan June 28th 2012, 8:26 pm

Robert finally arrived at the warehouse, it really wasn't that far of a walk from the apartment building, not in the slightest sense. He saw Roy waiting in front of the warehouse and said "I'm glad to see you waited for me." he let out a slight chuckle because it was possibly the kindest gesture that Roy offered him. Robert looked at the door and opened it, letting Roy walk in first. After Roy walked in, Robert followed and shut the door. The inside of the warehouse was empty, save for a safe across the room. It was a clean and relatively new warehouse, it smelled as if it had just been constructed.

Robert scoped the room out, wondering what they were suppose to be doing here. Then something caught the corner of his eye, Robert turned around and on the door was a sharp and crisp, white envelope. Robert took the envelope off of the door and opened it. He took a not out of the envelope, it was embroidered with fine ink. The note listed rules, these rules implied that the two had to fight. Robert sighed, though he wasn't opposed to fighting, he just saw this as a ranking match, like the kind in Tekken. He handed Roy the note and said "Looks like you and I have to fight this out." but what did he expect.

In a way, he was actually a bit excited to fight Roy, Robert had observed his abilities and he seemed to be a worthy opponent. Maybe this would be some fun after all. Robert walked a few steps back and pulled out both of his swords, he wouldn't use them to mortally wound him, unless he needed to. He waited for Roy, he was going to let him have the first move. Robert took a deep breath and said "Your move." while getting into his fighting stance.

RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (Robert vs. Roy) Tumblr_mg0u1iYWCA1qdd2r3o1_1280
Dylan's Items

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RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (Robert vs. Roy) Empty Re: RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (Robert vs. Roy)

Post by Guest June 29th 2012, 9:43 pm

Roy read it over, showing mild disappointment at the lack of real violence allowed, but he supposed it made sense. This Chelle person clearly wanted to keep as many people alive. It galled him that a woman headed this group, but after his encounter with Ari in Miami he didn't doubt much about females in this new time period, even if he did not approve in the slightest. But this was a real fight between gentlemen, though he used the word lightly when it came to this character in front of him.

He swung out his sword, the one he had used when battling the thugs, and also pulled out a dagger. Then he frowned and put it back. "Afraid something like that would only result in blood being spilled, which would end up being inconvient for us all." he noted. He raised his sword up. "So, two swords against one? Should make this interesting." he said with a smile, seeming honestly happy for the first time Dylan had seen him.

"Go!" he yelled out, swinging his sword at Dylan's head, fully expecting to be blocked. He was just warming himself up and trying to get a feel for his enemy's swordsmanship skills, his style if you will. He was in no real rush. Fighting was what he had always done and it was the part of being a king he utterly enjoyed the most.

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RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (Robert vs. Roy) Empty Re: RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (Robert vs. Roy)

Post by Dylan June 30th 2012, 2:53 am

As soon as Robert saw Roy smile, he instantly knew that this was going to be a good match. He was actually kinda excited for this to be happening, though he wouldn't express through more than a chuckle. Then it began. Roy let out a loud scream and swung his sword at Robert's head. Roy was considerably slower than Robert, so he could easily dodge, parry, or block his attack. Robert used the sword in his left hand to quickly parry the attack. Roy's sword would have went upward, along with his hand. Then Robert aimed a front kick, with his right leg, at Roy's chest. The kick would have crushed his armored chest piece and pushed him back about 15 feet or so.

Robert knew that it would be hard to hurt Roy when he's wearing that armor, so he would have to focus on precise attacks in parts of his body that weren't protected. He could tell that Roy was a competent fighter, so it would be quite a challenge to hit those points. The only open parts of hi body were his joints and his head. Robert ran to him at full speed, stopped 3 feet away and sidestepped to the right. He then swiped at the side of Roy's knee. Robert then aimed a punch at Roy's cheek, it was't a full force punch, or that would do a lot of damage.

RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (Robert vs. Roy) Tumblr_mg0u1iYWCA1qdd2r3o1_1280
Dylan's Items

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 59
Location : Florida
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Registration date : 2012-01-09

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RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (Robert vs. Roy) Empty Re: RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (Robert vs. Roy)

Post by Guest June 30th 2012, 11:46 pm

Roy dodged the kick aimed at his chest piece, but was then surprised by a sword swipe toward his knee. He blocked that with his own sword, but just barely- the clang was highly audible and Roy glanced at his opponent with greater respect- and then was punched in the face. This was a hell of a shock and he fell back in a surprised daze. Not hurt, just amazed. He nodded. "Not bad!" he congratulated. "Few have EVER gotten the better of me like that." Well, there had been Ari....

Ignoring that, Roy turned to fighting his opponent more seriously now. He moved quicker now, though he knew he wouldn't match Robert's speed- but he did move unpredictably- an attack at the knees, followed by the shoulder, followed by the left elbow, and then a punch toward the gut. All were done one after the other, with no hesitation.

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RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (Robert vs. Roy) Empty Re: RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (Robert vs. Roy)

Post by Dylan July 1st 2012, 2:46 am

Robert was impressed by Roy just as much as Roy was impressed by Robert. Robert was surprised to hear a compliment from this man, it seemed that the only time he actually liked Robert was when they were fighting. Robert learned something after that punch, Roy could take a punch, so that meant that he didn't have to pull any of his attacks. Then Roy came at Robert at a quicker pace, though he wasn't nearly as fast as he was.

Roy swiped at his knees, but Robert blocked the attack with the sword in his left hand. He blocked the attack aimed at his shoulder with his other sword and then blocked the the elbow attack with his left sword. This resulted in a series of loud clangs, which rang and echoed throughout the hollow warehouse. Immediately after the elbow attack, came an attack at Robert's gut. Robert threw the sword in his left hand to the ground, it stuck into the concrete floor. But his reaction wasn't quick enough, as he tried to back up to avoid the punch, it hit his gut. Robert, surprisingly, wasn't fast enough.

It hurt a bit, but Robert saw this as the perfect opportunity though. As soon as the punch landed, Robert grabbed the wrist of the hand that was still in his gut with his left hand. He held it in place, so that Roy wouldn't be able to back away. Without hesitation, Robert threw a punch at Roy's temple with his right hand. His fist had the middle finger raised up a bit more than the others, he aimed the middle joint of the raised finger at the temple. Simply put, it was a perfect knockout punch. Robert, as an assassin, was taught to end a fight as quickly as possible, and this was no exception.

As soon as he threw the punch, he jumped back about 10 feet, grabbing his other sword while he did.

RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (Robert vs. Roy) Tumblr_mg0u1iYWCA1qdd2r3o1_1280
Dylan's Items

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 59
Location : Florida
Age : 29
Registration date : 2012-01-09

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RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (Robert vs. Roy) Empty Re: RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (Robert vs. Roy)

Post by Guest July 1st 2012, 3:54 pm

Roy was distracted by Robert's attacks and blocking and dodging them, so he was hit by the man's punch toward his temple. Even with his high pain tolerance, that was a hell of a shock. He went flying back, groaning in pain and surprise. He looked up at his opponent, his slight smile now becoming a wide grin. "Not bad." he said, still on the ground, his eyes turning bright yellow and lacking pupils now. His teeth grew out, the canines massive in his wolfish grin. And that adjective seemed to be becoming quite literal now.

A towering seven foot black furred werewolf now stood where Roy had been, howling and throwing away it's sword. "Preparate a morir." he grunted in a deep voice, and then leaped out at Robert, throwing a punch with incredible ferocity and power. Roy was trying to maintain some control so Robert would not be permanently or seriously injured, but the stakes had definitely gone up. He was moving far faster now, equalling Robert's, and his strength was now incredible.

He threw a punch with one paw at Robert's chest, and then his shoulder, arm, elbow, anywhere and everywhere. His fighting skills had not gone down in the slightest, but he had become tougher and more ruthless now. And faster and stronger.

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RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (Robert vs. Roy) Empty Re: RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (Robert vs. Roy)

Post by Dylan July 2nd 2012, 1:48 pm

Roy was sent flying back, yet still got up. Usually a punch like that would knock someone out, yet he got right back up. Robert was amazed for a bit, it was an impressive feat. Then all of a sudden, Roy's face and body seemed to morph. "Oh shit." Robert said to himself, as the body morphed into a terrifying wolfish form. He knew there was something special about him or else he wouldn't be in Thrones. As Robert watched Roy morph into a werewolf, he put his left hand sword back into its sheath. He took out a gun from the inside of his jacket. Things were about to get a lot more serious, this was going to be fun... to some extent.

Robert wouldn't have to hold back. He assumed that since Roy was now bigger, he could shoot him without fatally wounding him. Roy came charging at him, he was faster, but still not as fast as Robert, but he was more savage. His moves were now more unpredictable, so he would have to be handicapped. Robert used his agility to his advantage, ducking and diving around all of his punches. He got hit by one punch when Robert didn't roll away fast enough, he scratched his back, but it wasn't that bad. He had been cut and was now bleeding on his back. Robert was now a bit upset, but he wouldn't let that get to him.

As he ducked around a punch, he took a shot with his gun at Roy's knee, it was almost point blank range. While he was down low, he aimed a maximum strength kick at Roy's knee, he wanted to break it. After the kick he jumped back and took five shots, all aimed at the thighs of Roy's werewolf exterior. He then reloaded the gun, he reloaded it so quickly that the previous mag didn't hit the floor until 2 seconds later.

RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (Robert vs. Roy) Tumblr_mg0u1iYWCA1qdd2r3o1_1280
Dylan's Items

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 59
Location : Florida
Age : 29
Registration date : 2012-01-09

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RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (Robert vs. Roy) Empty Re: RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (Robert vs. Roy)

Post by Guest July 3rd 2012, 7:38 pm

Roy roared in anger when he was shot in the knee. It didn't go through him, but it did leave a bruise and it hurt. Now worked up into a fury, he managed to dodge most of the man's other shots by leaping, but one hit his chest, leaving another bruise and one hit his leg. That last one possibly hurt the most, and it hit the leg his injured knee was on. He felt a general raging pain and glared at Robert.

He ran toward Robert, getting close and personal and trying to knock the gun out of his hand. The gun caused him pain, therefore the gun was bad. If he stayed close to Robert and got him rid of weapons, he would win. His strength was incredible right now, and he could knock Robert out if he could just land one good solid punch. He went absolutely berserk in trying to accomplish that, roaring all the while to scare his enemy.

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RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (Robert vs. Roy) Empty Re: RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (Robert vs. Roy)

Post by Dylan July 3rd 2012, 9:18 pm

Just as Robert thought, the bullet didn't even go through, though it didn't particularly bounce off of him. He was roaring and howling in anger, which didn't surprise him, he was a savage beast after all. He came charging at Robert and he nodded in approval. "Come on, big boy." he said while egging him on, he wanted to get the better of him. Robert knew that since he was going off of anger that he would eventually get sloppy. Roy's eyes darted back and forth from his gun to him. So it was the gun he was after. Robert could now use this to his advantage.

Robert ran towards Roy, at Roy's speed, firing 6 shots as he ran towards him, aimed at his chest and legs. Then he threw the gun up in the air and used his momentum to slide in between Roy's leg, it was an opening he had from going berserk, it didn't hurt that Robert was a really skinny guy. Something he used to his advantage during fights because they underestimated him, then they ended up paying for it in the end. He then aimed a low roundhouse kick at the side of Roy's knee, he was still intent on breaking his leg. After that, he aimed a swipe with his sword at his other leg. He then jumped back 15 feet. He wanted to distance himself from him.

RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (Robert vs. Roy) Tumblr_mg0u1iYWCA1qdd2r3o1_1280
Dylan's Items

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 59
Location : Florida
Age : 29
Registration date : 2012-01-09

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RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (Robert vs. Roy) Empty Re: RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (Robert vs. Roy)

Post by Guest July 8th 2012, 7:32 pm

When the gun flew up in the air, Roy swatted it aside, putting it far out of Robert's reach. But his satisfaction over that was quickly lost when Robert kicked his leg. That had hurt him far more than any bullet had. Snarling, Roy focused his yellow eyes on Robert. He charged, but he was slower now, his leg in too much pain to make him charge at the speed he had done before. Robert had managed to kick him in the knee, which had nearly broken it. But nearly. Roy wasn't ignoring the pain- he felt it very strongly, and it made him angrier and more rash.

But he was upon Robert, determined to never let the man get away from him. He started moving Robert toward the wall to block his prey's escape routes. Snarling, Roy's face leaped toward Robert's arm, the werewolf trying to take a bite off him. He was getting angry and hungry, after always looked good.

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RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (Robert vs. Roy) Empty Re: RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (Robert vs. Roy)

Post by Dylan July 16th 2012, 9:47 am

Robert was satisfied that kick had made contact, but it didn't seem to have do its job. Roy was still walking, actually running. He was entirely enraged and it seemed that this was not going to end well for one of them, so he figured it shouldn't be him. Roy was basically a full-fledged monster and there was only one way to tame a beast of this sort: death. Robert sighed at the idea of this, though he didn't really like the guy, he was a formidable opponent and could have potentially been a great ally. Robert was also about to break a rule of the organization he had now joined, it wouldn't look good, but they would understand why he did so.

Robert prepped for Roy's attack, backing away with quick-paced steps. That was until he hit the warehouse wall, this was an uh-oh situation as Roy was already upon him. Robert aimed a sword swipe at him, but Roy bit his arm, which caused him to drop the sword. The clang echoed in the warehouse. The force of the bite was on the verge of breaking his arm. He was pinned against a wall, a few feet from the floor. This was his chance. Robert took out his other gun, with his free hand, in the blink of an eye, using his speed to his advantage. Robert then pointed the gun towards Roy's eye and fired it. It was point blank range. Robert then took his arms from the teeth, it was bloody all over and fractured in multiple places and his sleeve ripped.

He took his unharmed hand and used it to propel himself behind Roy, using Roy's head as the medium to push him off. Robert was about 20 feet away. His arm was immense pain, but he tried not to think about it. Robert looked at Roy and said "Sorry, man."

RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (Robert vs. Roy) Tumblr_mg0u1iYWCA1qdd2r3o1_1280
Dylan's Items

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Registration date : 2012-01-09

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RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (Robert vs. Roy) Empty Re: RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (Robert vs. Roy)

Post by Guest July 21st 2012, 12:08 am


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RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (Robert vs. Roy) Empty Re: RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (Robert vs. Roy)

Post by Chellizard July 21st 2012, 12:09 am

You cannot retcon this; but if you no longer desire the use of your character, then admit defeat and Dylan can finally move on.

-My DeviantArt-
RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (Robert vs. Roy) JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (Robert vs. Roy) Empty Re: RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (Robert vs. Roy)

Post by Guest July 21st 2012, 12:30 am

Very well, werewolf Roy was defeated, raged and left.

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RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (Robert vs. Roy) Empty Re: RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (Robert vs. Roy)

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