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RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (John vs. Victoria)

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RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (John vs. Victoria) Empty RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (John vs. Victoria)

Post by Chellizard June 20th 2012, 4:39 pm

Now, your adventure has brought you to your final destination, has it?

Have you built a friendship? Or are you trying not to kill your partner due to annoyance?

Are you ready to prove yourself in a fair fight?

A fight that pits you against your partner? If not, you are not fit for Thrones.

This fight shall be clean, and consisting of mainly hand to hand combat; though powers are NOT forbidden. I can guaruntee things will be interesting.

I hope you are all ready.

The rules, in an envelope taped on the back of the warehouse door:

  • No killing is permitted.

  • No 'finishing' moves shall be allowed.

  • One may forfeit, but that will forever label them as a coward and thus; a Pawn within Thrones.

  • The victor shall be given their rank before the defeated.

  • Have fun; good luck.

The inside of the warehouse was blank and dark, and before anything could be described, the lights were turned on and the room was basically empty other than a simple locked safe on either end of the warehouse. One was just as you walked in the door. The other was all the way against the far wall. The floor was simply concrete, and the walls looked to be made of mirrors. The mirrors, however, faded to reveal more concrete walls. The light fixtures in the high ceiling were florescent and basic. The inside of the warehouse looked brandnew, of course. And it was. As were the other warehouses identical to this one. Gray floor, white walls. Simple. The buildings deminsions are: 50x20x40. (lxwxh)

Oh, and contestants? Do you remember the name tag you were given? It's been recording video and audio of the trip your characters have taken for later use to determine who is more deserving of their specific rank within Thrones. Bene fortuna.

>/... Begin.

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RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (John vs. Victoria) JiLqjv0
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RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (John vs. Victoria) Empty Re: RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (John vs. Victoria)

Post by The Bolt June 21st 2012, 2:31 pm

John looked at the warehouse for a second with a scrutinous eye as if doing so would give forth a greater secret,though mostly he was just a little cautious of walking into a building without any idea what would happen if he were to do so. True he was with a powerful ally such as the robot girl but you never know what could lay beyond the metallic doors. Clenching his fists,John mentally debated going in for a second but of course he would do it anyway. Slowly John pressed a hand against the large warehouse door and slip it open as if expecting something to be set off by him doing it. Though the action was only responded to by the grunt of metallic joints groaning in protest. So far so good.

The building looked mostly bare,which felt really odd. The only thing within it were two locked safes,which John heavily considered picking or just breaking them open. Both seeming like viable options but something caught his eye, hanging on the back of one of the warehouse doors, and so the plot thickens.

Without a second wasted,John grabbed the sealed envelope and formed a small claw of ice on the tip of his right index finger. Sliding it skilfully under the seal before slipping a small piece of paper into his hand. Ice blue orbs gliding over the words written on the paper as he took it in. An eyebrow raising reflexivly at the implications of this small peice of paper,which were pretty heavy. he would have to fight this woman,someone who he barely knew the capabilities of,while she knew what he could do. At the most he kenw she was good with a gun but guns wouldn't be allowed for the most part,if his reasoning was correct. Which wasn't always the case. 'Well this is an interesting twist." john muttered handing the paper to Victoria as he moved to examine the safe.

Tapping against it with a knuuckle as if to see what would happen if he did,though it was mostly a pointless getsure made out of anxiety. He would be forced to fight her or be lowered to the rank of pawn,something against his wishes,consideirng he was a pawn as it was.
The Bolt
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RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (John vs. Victoria) Empty Re: RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (John vs. Victoria)

Post by Sim June 21st 2012, 3:26 pm

As they walked to the warehouse, Victoria's mind found itself unable to stop focusing on the young boy in the car she had seen earlier. Context made it clear that it was that young man who was depriving this one of his freedom just as a country had used her. There was a single profound difference however. Victoria was designed to be a tool first and foremost, her personality had been an accident. Something of a glitch. This John had been born human, with free will, and deprived of it. If now, after Victoria had gained a self, someone came to take it away from her she would do whatever it necessary to prevent that. Despite the fact that the same scenario was happening to someone else, Victoria felt almost as if it was happening to her. Before she knew it she was unwittingly gritting her teeth, and several of the largely unnecessary calculations she was constantly taking ceased to be measured as more of her mind dedicated itself to this odd emotion. She found it overwhelming, and soon so much of her mind focused on it that it ceased to focus on more important things, like walking. Near the warehouse door, Victoria was jarred from her thoughts as she stumbled towards the ground. She caught herself with her hands, though rather than the soft sound of leather hitting concrete the heavy one of metal making contact resonated. She looked to her right hand to find her revolver in it, she hadn't even realized she'd had her hand on it. If that boy were in front of her now, would she have taken his life? Was this anger, this strange emotion that overrode her? She had not understood how powerful emotions could be. If she fully realized emotions, would it demand so much of her mind that she would cease to be able to function as a combat robot? Would that be okay? Victoria tossed the question around in her mind. Though she was only on the ground a second before getting up, she was able to think many thoughts in the space of a second.

Of course, even if that did happen she couldn't simply fade into society and become a normal person. She would still be unable to smell, to taste, to feel touch. It mattered not though, at this moment. She was something more than what she was created to be and that was enough. For now she must focus on what's at hand. She quickly got up and dusted herself off. "some sort of malfunction...." Victoria muttered to herself, not sure if her partner had even witnessed it. She followed him into the warehouse, and read the piece of paper he handed her. She hadn't actually been aware she was going to fight John, but she wasn't surprised. To let her know before hand would have hardly been fair. John Anxiously tapped on a safe. He seemed to be waiting for some sort of official notice the fight had begun. Victoria supposed she should oblige him. "Defend yourself." Was all she said plain-spokenly.

By the time she opened her mouth, she was already speeding towards John. Bullets flew rapidly out of Victoria's coat, though she wasn't actually aiming at John. Rather she aimed all around him, cutting off his avenues of escape to the sides and above him as she ran toward him gaining momentum for her strike. She had every intention of making this a fair fight, but she wasn't going to give John an easy win. As she got close to John with her frightening speed, she cocked an arm back with her right hand's fingers stretched out straight and aimed slightly downwards as if to strike below his chest. Her arm shot forward slightly, but before connection Victorian sprang spinning into the air above John. She released a kick aimed for his head using the full momentum she had gained, preparing to land behind him to continue her attack.
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RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (John vs. Victoria) Empty Re: RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (John vs. Victoria)

Post by The Bolt June 21st 2012, 3:44 pm

The girl was on the move as the words that would warn him sprang from her mouth,he had no time to really react to a speed like that;that didn't stop his body attempting to do so as the bullets whizzed past him even faster than her. "Shit.' He muttered as she slammed down a strike upon his chest,staggering him somewhat. Leaving John wide open to the kick to the head,which disoriented him more than he had expected it would but she would need more power behind those attacks to do actual damage. This girl had skill but she was only human in terms of power. Not like that crazy vampire dud that John fought not too long ago,he had some crazy power,but his fight was here;not againnst some vampire across the country.

Before the girl could get another hit on him,John spun around at full speed aiming a back handed strike for her face. His already white knuckles clenched tightly as he aimed to put all the force he could muster into one powerful strike, if only to test out the water. See if she had anything beyond pistols and speed. Though the rules could cripple her chances if this were to be a hand to hand fight,considering that he was a little too tough to be damaged by her punches or kicks.

Last edited by John Reeves on June 24th 2012, 10:36 pm; edited 1 time in total
The Bolt
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RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (John vs. Victoria) Empty Re: RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (John vs. Victoria)

Post by Sim June 23rd 2012, 11:02 pm

John failed to block even the initial attack, though she didn't seem to do any lasting damage. Victoria wagered he, like her, was much sturdier than he appeared. A simple hand-to-hand duel between them was likely to be little more than a standstill of traded blows. Victoria was kind of fine with that though, at least for the time being. For a reason she couldn't explain, she felt a kindred spirit with this man...or whatever he might be. She wasn't generally one to enjoy combat, but she wanted to see what he was truly capable of. Certainly, in her information gathering on possible recruits and just moments early she had seen his displays of power, but in this world anyone could have power. If power was enough to free him from his bonds he would have already done it. More importantly, Victoria wanted to see what his mind was capable of. Of course, she wasn't even sure how much of his mind was there.

John used his quick recovery to launch a counterattack. It wasn't a bad attempt, since it left him pretty safe, but it was a futile one. Victoria saw his muscles the moment they began to move, and seemingly effortlessly moved just out of his reach as he swung around. After dodging, Victoria jumped back to put a few feet of space between them. "Come on now John, you already know I'm much to quick to be hit by that. You have the advantage, but you have to adapt your strategy." As she spoke, she had already pulled the pin on a grenade in her coat, and like the period to her sentence it fell out of her coat and she kicked it across the floor a bit behind John. It wasn't one of the fragmentation grenades they had found earlier, but a smaller sleek concussion grenade, and it only had a about a second before it went off. Victoria jumped forward, rearing her left arm back with her fingers stretched out straight to strike at John's throat as the grenade detonated. Not normally the smartest way to hit someone, but given Victoria's hard metal body such focused strikes dealt out pain pretty efficiently. Victoria hoped to catch him in between her strike and the blast of the grenade, so that he'd be caught between both and the concussive blast would add to the power of her strike.
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RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (John vs. Victoria) Empty Re: RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (John vs. Victoria)

Post by The Bolt June 24th 2012, 10:48 pm

The girl was as skilled as he had hoped she would be,otherwise this would have ended with that strike,though of course there were a few other things that would have to be taken into account. Would his strikes even amopunt to anything against her? he hadn't really seen her take a hit as of yet,while he proved his superior durability already. Though as the thoughts unfurled in his mind,she was already acting ocne again and forcing him into action. Without a second thought he formed a small shell of cie between his body and the grenade as it went off,force pushing him off fo his feet but his body was otherwise protected. All a distraction as she came in,jabbing her fingers at his throat,but it wouldn't have proved as effective as she would hope it would.

The attack did cause a sense of pain but considering he didn't need to breath;it did nothing more than that. In fact,she was right where he wanted her as his arm shot out to grab hers,while the other slapped against the ground to steady him;there was nother purpose to this also. A fiml of cold ice slowly began to form over the ground from the area of contact with his hand. Joh was planning to freeze the ground,thus making it harder for her to use her speed and giving him the advantage. If his attempt to grab her hand worked john would have attempted to slam his knee into her face before rolling away into a more advantageous position.
The Bolt
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RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (John vs. Victoria) Empty Re: RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (John vs. Victoria)

Post by Sim June 25th 2012, 8:45 pm

John defended himself pretty well against Victoria's attack, countering with a knee to the face. The knee made a solid connect, although with Victoria's metal body it was like kneeing a wall. John chose not to press the advantage, instead freezing a portion of the floor to try and gain a new one. Fighting defensively probably wasn't the best option for him, but at least he was doing it well. As he rolled away Victoria jumped backwards, putting even more space between the two.

Her face didn't seem any worse for the wear, her artificial skin didn't actually have any blood so it wasn't able to bruise. Victoria drew two guns from her coat. In her rand hand she bore one of the ivory-handled revolvers John had seen several times today. In her left she had a new surprise, a small submachine gun bearing the symbol for knight on the side. It had been crafted the first time she had joined Thrones. She would have to have it modified to reflect her rank of princess now, she supposed. She began firing both, once again not actually aiming at John. Some bullets landed around John, while most went up into the ceiling, shattering much of the florescent lights at the top. Light quickly faded and sparks and glass rained down from the ceiling around them both. All of this was a mere distraction from her true attack however. Two of the seemingly random shots from her revolver were actually well calculated, ricocheting off the wall and floor to head straight for the back of John's calves. After placing these shots, she ran forward. As she approached the ice, rather than reduce speed to maintain stability she dropped to the ground and slid to keep momentum, aiming a sharp kick with her right leg at John's lower legs hoping to trip him after her bullets found their mark. She hoped to get him on the ground and end the standstill that had proceeded so far.
Post Adept
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Humor : What do you call twin boys? A sunset!
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RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (John vs. Victoria) Empty Re: RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (John vs. Victoria)

Post by The Bolt June 25th 2012, 9:08 pm

It seemed like she was made of tougher stuff than he had anticipated,though a fight against her seemed all too one sided. Once again he was being shot at or so it seemed he was,when actuality he was not;at least not being hit by the bullets. Finally something dawned on him,though it felt a little too late to do him any good in this fight. She was missing him on purpose,something that annoyed John to no end but it wasn't like he could do anything about that with the hail of bullets, as well as glass falling upon him. Though before any action could be made a sharp pain ran through his calves,stopping him before he could even move but John was not over with yet. As if the ability to run being taken away would stop him in this fight.

Moving as quick as possible he formed a small spear of ice under his palm,thick enough that it would work as he hoped it would. Putting as much force as possible behind the weapons formation,John quickly moved out of the way of the kick as he fell to his knees and rolled along the slick ice. A small amount of thick black blood ran down his legs from the wounds but John was focused on his opponent who showed no signs of slowing down and he wouldn't either. It was time to pick up the pace;even if his legs weren't at 100%.

The air around him grew cold as ice began to form large constructs around him at a rapid rate. Starting with a wall and soon enough what seemed like a maze had formed within the warehouse but John had an idea on how to deal with her;this was the perfect way to do so. Pressing himself against one of the ice walls,John waited for the girl to make her way to him,though when she did he had a few ice daggers in store for her knees. "Lets see her deal with this."
The Bolt
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RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (John vs. Victoria) Empty Re: RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (John vs. Victoria)

Post by Sim June 27th 2012, 8:59 pm

Victoria had expected to ground John and end this little duel, but she was pleasantly surprised. Her bullets found their mark, but he wasn't giving up. He still managed to dodge her kick, and quickly made an ice labyrinth inside the warehouse. Victoria smirked. "Bravo! You are doing better than I expected now." As she spoke, she tossed two fragmentation grenades up onto the top of a nearby wall. In a few seconds, the new silence in the area was replaced by a large explosion, followed by the sound of ice shards falling to the concrete floor. She fired a burst of bullets from her machine gun into the area she had weakened, creating a groove in the ice wall. She jumped into it, and scrambled up it to the top of the wall. She now walked along the top of the maze, slowly for even with Victoria's abilities she could only go so fast on the slippery surface without risking her balance.

She paced slowly across the top of the wall, one hand hidden inside her coat and the other openly brandishing one of her ivory-handled revolvers. "Now where have you gotten of to my Minotaur? not far I imagine." The near-silence of the room was painful, letting the sounds of her boots on the hard ice slowly move out and fill the inside of the warehouse. She shot a few more lights out as she walked, bright sparks lazily fell above the now dim room. "You must be commended for refusing to give up, but you should consider it before you're injured too badly. I'd hate to see you end up like one of the men from earlier today, wouldn't you?" She continued to pace down the length of the wall, her eagle-sharp eyes scanning down into the labyrinth for a sign of her partner. "Human fingers grow back don't they?" She said in a sing-song voice with a slight giggle. It was another one of her attempts at humor, though a dark one. She cautiously made her way around the maze, gun ready at every turn.
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Humor : What do you call twin boys? A sunset!
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RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (John vs. Victoria) Empty Re: RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (John vs. Victoria)

Post by The Bolt June 27th 2012, 9:19 pm

”Dammit,what can beat this woman?” John muttered as he fell on all fours,pain slowly coursing through his legs. At the very least he would need some repair work done on his legs but that was going to be the easy part of it really. This woman prove to be far more dangerous than he had anticipated but then again he was trying to avoid lethal force,which his power was all about in application. Though it was time to make his mind work and actually think of a way to kick this girls ass without too much running when the idea hit him. Forcing himself to his feet, John pressed both palms against the ice wall nearest him as he concentrated his full power into them. Slowly cracks began to form from the point of contact and spread along the maze at a rapid pace that was almost insane.

Instead of forming simple shards of ice,the walls formed what seemed like a quick veil of shimmering dust,though it was nothing more than ice particles. Forming a thick layer of ice along the floor,John used it as a means of movement as he slid along the slick floor towards where he last saw the robotic girl. Forming a thick hammer of ice in hand as he used the momentum of the sliding to aim for the nearest moving shape,hopefully the hammer would prove effective.
The Bolt
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Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (John vs. Victoria) Empty Re: RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (John vs. Victoria)

Post by Sim June 30th 2012, 12:57 am

Victoria had decided his most likely next move would be to freeze her solid, so she had a grenade ready to go in her off hand. A self-destructive way to free herself for sure, but it's not like she had a toaster built in. John surprised her one more time though, destroying all her ice and rushing her down. She saw the attack coming from a mile away, but in midair even she couldn't do much more than raise an arm in defense. The hammer connected with a loud thud into Victoria's left arm, causing her to drop the grenade she had her hand on as she flew without a sound horizontally and slid into the wall of the warehouse. Even through her thick coat the ice hammer burned her artificial skin. After hitting the wall she moved the fingers of her left hand idly. They moved stiffly as the her gears grinded against her arm, which had been bashed in by John's hammer. This was turning into a rather expensive fight. She stood up as if nothing had happened, no sense in letting John know she could actually be hurt.

As she stood up the grenade harmlessly detonated between the two, tossing up a cloud of smoke. As it cleared, Victoria fired a shot at John. Still not intended to hit, but to go close enough by his head that he could hear it wizz by and feel the air move. "Nice shot, but you have to think at least two steps ahead. Now you've put distance between us, and I'd say distance suits me better than you." Victoria aimed her gun as if to fire, and tossed a small silver cylinder in the air. It burst with a flash of blinding light, and as soon as it did Victoria was on the move again. She quickly closed the gap between the two duelists, jumping in the air over the ice and arcing down at John. She held her revolver barrel down, attempting to bear it down on his head as she fell atop him. She wouldn't actually fire it of course, she hoped the threat would be enough. Although, Victoria had expected the fight to be over several times already and been surprised.
Post Adept
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Age : 35
Humor : What do you call twin boys? A sunset!
Registration date : 2010-11-28

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RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (John vs. Victoria) Empty Re: RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (John vs. Victoria)

Post by The Bolt June 30th 2012, 1:14 am

A feeling of triumph coursed through John as he felt the hammer connect with the woman and sent her flying father than he had anticipated with the force he could muster himself;though of course the attack had more than his meager body could produce itself behind it. Though that didn't mean the fight was over,proven by when the woman stood up and acted as if the attack never happened. Though it wasn't unexpected from someone of her level of power,which left him at the place he was before. That being him at the disadvantage with his inability to deal with long ranged opponents. Though before a method of retaliation could be formed, a bright light flashed;nearly blinding him as he quickly formed two blades of ice in his hands. Swinging forward in an diagonal slash without a single thought,though he stopped mid swing as he felt the press of something against his forehead. Vision coming to him as he saw the gun against his head and his blades only an inch from the woman’s sides.

”Well played.”

Last edited by John Reeves on June 30th 2012, 6:42 am; edited 1 time in total
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (John vs. Victoria) Empty Re: RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (John vs. Victoria)

Post by Chellizard June 30th 2012, 3:31 am

Chelle was clapping while she stepped into the warehouse, a smile etching her face. "Well done, you two. Victoria.. it seems you've injured our newest member of Thrones. That's no way to treat him, my Princess." Chelle stepped forward and casually brushed a bit of Victoria's hair out of her face and then placed her hand on John's shoulder. "You should put some ice on your calves. But first, I'm sure you should visit a doctor of some sorts." Chelle was only teasing. She was boosted to a lovely 6'2" height from the heels she wore, her dress flowing around of her legs while she walked. She paced around both of them. The safe by the door creaked open, as did the safe at the other end of the warehouse. "You both are awarded twenty-thousand dollars for your troubles today. And you, John Reeves, are now ranked Knight within Thrones. You are also granted the title Adept of Torment." She smiled, sliding her sunglasses onto her eyes as she made for the door. "I'll keep in touch." She blew them both a kiss and was out of the door, sliding into her limo to be driven off to relax and wait for the final fight to end.

-My DeviantArt-
RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (John vs. Victoria) JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
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Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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Age : 31
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Registration date : 2009-11-15

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