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For Business Purposes, Only.

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For Business Purposes, Only. Empty For Business Purposes, Only.

Post by Vermillion Zarkovich April 30th 2012, 8:18 pm

Vermillion arrived in Chicago Sunday night at 7:02PM. He had to attend some sort of meeting here in the city the next day because he was a senator. Alex had of course come with him and his 'important' luggage sent ahead of time. The two rented a car and drove to pick up their luggage. The transporter had unfortunately charged quite the steep fee to transport what they had.
While Alex drove them around, Vermillion was sifting through reports he had requested from some of his 'friends' out here. He was getting to the end of the reports and was about to tell Alex to just take them to the hotel, when he came across and article of this up and coming hero. As he continued to read, it turned out that this individual was not a hero. He had seen aiding different forces that were not always for the greater good. Reports stated that his skills were quite impressive and would be recommended. The man's name was Jack Maroon. With that, Vermillion had a twisted idea. He sent out a message to all of his contacts in Chicago telling them to start a whisper about Jack Marron, something about how someone with a lot of power wishes to contact him. If this man was smart, he would instantly think of all the government officials that were in town for the meeting.
"Alex, let us go to the hotel now. I am going to have to extend my stay."
The next twenty four hours continued uneventfully. Vermillion extended his stay in Chicago for a couple more days, planning on leaving on a night flight on Wednesday back to California. Hopefully, the whisper would get around to this Jack character. Vermillion wanted to meet him Tuesday night but still trying to figure out how to get the message to him. Monday night he spent quite a few hours contacting people throughout Chicago trying to get this individuals picture. After he obtained an image he could find him in the city and get him the message about meeting. Surprisingly, the result came up quicker than he expected. He distributed the image out to ever last one of his contacts along with instructions and a message that said.
"Jack Marron, meet back at this very location at exactly 11:56PM Tuesday night. A powerful individual has a proposition for you and will not hesitate to alter your destiny if you fail to arrive at the specified time. Compliance with the offer is optional."
Instructions were; once Jack is found A)If in a crowded place, move to a less populated and/or vacant, poorly lit area, B) Show no hostility, do not reveal any information about yourself, DO NOT engage in combat, and after the message is administered flee the scene without any traces.
Vermillion would show up in his full disguise Alex accompanying. However, his bodyguard would be in the shadows and some of his other contacts lurking just in case things got out of hand at all...
Vermillion Zarkovich
Vermillion Zarkovich

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Registration date : 2012-02-29

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For Business Purposes, Only. Empty Re: For Business Purposes, Only.

Post by Jack Maroon May 1st 2012, 9:44 am

Four minutes to midnight, thus read the digital clock on Jack's wrist. Jack Maroon was not a very punctual man most of the time, but he could be if he wanted. His unnatural speed gave him quite a bit of leeway in arranging his daily agenda, sweeping aside the problem of logistics entirely.
Jack had been waiting in the abandoned parking garage for a few minutes now, having decided to come earlier, just to see how punctual the one who had summoned him would be. Earlier this day he had gone shopping for clothes in the mall that stood above this underground car-park. Shopping for Jack usually meant walking into a store, grabbing some clothes he needed and paying whatever he thought the clothes were worth; if he had any money on him at all. Before establishing his infamous reputation in the city, this got him into trouble quite a few times, but by now the employees of the establishments he regularly visited had become acquainted with his pattern. Most of the time his transgressions of the law went ignored, considering the fact he never took too many things, and rarely anything expensive, and had the ability to massacre the entire room within seconds.

When Jack had gone shopping earlier on the day, he had noticed someone following him. The man was rather good at it, but by no means a professional spy. Eventually the man approached Jack while Jack was sitting on a bench enjoying a subway sub for lunch. The man told Jack he had a message to deliver to him, but could only deliver it when there was no one else around. This set of an alarm in Jack's head. Was this going to be an ambush?

Jack fucking loved ambushes. Jolly fun those events were. Nothing beats the thrill of a nice surprise attack, especially when outnumbered. Oh how Jack had enjoyed those, before the criminal underworld learned that actively trying to kill Jack ensured a very high rate of mortality amongst their own ranks and only added to the warrior's amusement.
One could argue that knowledge of a surprise kind of defeats the point of it being a surprise, but Jack was still pretty curious. When the message turned out to be a regular message, and not a 100-man cyborg ninja ambush, Jack was slightly disappointed, but still curious. Who was this mysterious 'powerful individual' he was supposed to meet here at 4 minutes to midnight? What was his proposition? How would arriving at a different time alter his destiny if destiny is to be considered a predetermined course of events? Wouldn't arriving late or early be part of destiny itself?
And most importantly, why didn't the guy just send a text message?

Jack pondered all these questions as he waited in the parking garage for his date to show up.
Jack Maroon
Jack Maroon
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For Business Purposes, Only. Empty Re: For Business Purposes, Only.

Post by Vermillion Zarkovich May 6th 2012, 2:01 am

"Hello Jack, thank you very much for showing." said Vermillion as he emerged from the shadows. "Allow me to start by being honest with you, the whole alter your destiny bit in the message was just something I came up with off the top of my head. I probably would not have looked into this any further and would have simply taken my business else where."
Vermillion's bodyguard, Alex, followed closely behind. He did not plan for anything to break out but no one could predict the future. The senator was in his full disguise but for the moment had a hood concealing his mask and a device that simply altered his voice.
"As you have heard, I am a powerful individual. However my power lies out side of this world of monsters and magic. I deal rather closely with the more human parts of the population.."
Hopefully this Jack understood what he was trying to say by now.
"Because of my position, you will know me as Zarkovich. I know you have a special set of abilities and I wish to use these abilities greatly to my advantage. See, there are many a people in this world that do not like me for I have been around long enough to piss off a civilization or two. I would need you as my all seeing eye."
There was a pause for a moment and Vermillion stepped forward taking his hood off.
"My bodyguard, Alex, who is also my brother stays close to me keeping me protected in plain sight. I would need you to be the stealth. Someone where if me and Alex were separated you would still be lurking somewhere ready. I would only need this level of protection during a public appearance or if I am going on a recruitment mission, such as this. And no, no one else is here because I do not yet have someone with your skills working for me so no use in looking around"
Vermillion now began to pace towards and around jack as he continued his job offer.
"If you choose to accept, you will need to be able to report on call on short notice. You will get a substantial pay, and since you are the first that I plan on hiring outside of my 'comfort zone' you will need to earn my trust. With this job you will also find out my true name, any and all operations that I conduct cannot and will not be shared. The more I trust you, the more I pay you. Simple as that."
Vermillion stood quiet for a moment, cleared his throat and went on again.
"I do apologize, I have been speaking an awful lot. If you have questions of any sort please, do not hesitate to ask, my friend..."
Vermillion Zarkovich
Vermillion Zarkovich

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 34
Registration date : 2012-02-29

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For Business Purposes, Only. Empty Re: For Business Purposes, Only.

Post by Jack Maroon May 6th 2012, 3:48 am

Jack listened to the man closely, interjecting only with the occasional "Right", "Uh-huh" and "Okay". The guy looked kinda wack; not much unlike a clown really, though Jack recognized it from somewhere.
From what Jack understood, this 'Zarkovich' feller wanted to recruit Jack as his eyes and ears, a spy, a covert operative. Now, Jack had the greatest respect for the people who assumed these roles and performed them well, having been raised on spy movies and ninja-badassery. But was it really his kind of job?
The substantial pay offered meant very little to Jack. All he needed was money to pay the rent and the electricity bill, and his other basic needs. A luxury apartment would be nice, but it was unnecessary. Certainly not worth betraying his own ideals.
'In the shadows'? 'Lurking'? These things pretty much stood anathema to the identity Jack had made for himself. He was a warrior goddamnit, a genuine badass killing machine, bloodiest of knights and most awesome amongst men. Zarkovich, the strangely dressed hooded man, desired a skilled covert operative with superhuman abilities. And while Jack could certainly deliver on the latter, the former simply wasn't his cup of tea.

"That's okay man. Everyone loves the sound of their own voice, myself included. Most definitely." Jack nodded to himself, lingering for a moment as if basking in the glory of his own voice before resuming his response.
"Well, you sound like the ambitious type, with power, money, status and all that awesome crazy overlord shit. Don't get me wrong, I love the whole mystery vibe you giving off and shit, but what you're offering..."
Jack struggled to find the right words. It wasn't every day one would reject, or at least question a job offer that was both easily within one's limitations and extremely lucrative.
"I'm not one for stealth. Don't know if you read any articles or news broadcast 'bout me, but if you did you probably know I'm more of the one man army type, a bladed hurricane, speedster swordsman supreme and all that groovy jazz."
Those who had the pleasure, or displeasure, of speaking to Jack, depending on one's disposition, would find him to sound like what could be described as a mix of' 'surfer', 'frat-boy', 'geek' and 'perfectly confident'. Jack didn't pride himself on his communication skills, but had little difficulty speaking to others. Getting his point across took some effort sometimes, but being as laid-back as he was he didn't mind taking his time to explain.

"I'm cool with working for people like you, right. I mean, the pay does seem nice, and every man needs his money. I'm also fine with keeping tight-lipped and all, I mean, I ain't no finky bastard snitch. But what you seem to be lookin' for might just not fit me all that well. I thrive in the wicked contention, the challenge of the fight. I don't hide in the shadows; I kill people.

So unless I've understood you wrong, and you're not looking for some stealthy low-profile ninja, it doesn't really seem I can accomodate you in your....uh, need. Man, not cool. I went all monologue there, look what you did to me." Jack laughed. He preferred brevity most of the time, not being a man of many words. After all, he was no grandmaster of elocution. The other guy seemed to have such control over his words. Well, if you dress like some kinda medieval clown ya gotta have some talents to compensate, right? Right.

Jack Maroon
Jack Maroon
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Registration date : 2012-02-03

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For Business Purposes, Only. Empty Re: For Business Purposes, Only.

Post by Vermillion Zarkovich May 12th 2012, 12:40 am

"I see your position on the situation and I wish to offer an alternative. Since I see now that you are one for the limelight I will do some reassigning.."
He turned to his body guard, Alex and gave him a little nod and with that that he took a few steps back and Vermillion took a few steps forward.
"Since you wish to be more public with your work I will move Alex here to my more subtle division and you can be front and center." He could feel Alex step forward to protest but Vermillion quickly put his hand up in order to keep him in line.
"Not only will your services for me be greatly rewarded but also quite the advertisement. I do believe in working for me your business will flourish. I make public appearances quite often and many people come to watch, you'll be my secret service. I can even get you a nice suit if you'd like."
Vermillion was smiling under his mask, he thought it would be rather nifty to have his own little secret service going. They can all have their headsets and the different positions, he was getting excited just thinking about the idea.
"Not to mention you would be the front of all the action. What with me having someone with abilities as my bodyguard, surly they would want to see how well such an individual would do in an emergency situation. I would have others escort me from danger while you took care of the problem. Of course, I would need you to rejoin with me once you have finished. If someone is going to try to take someone like myself out, there will be more than one round..."
Not only would he now be completely protected from an event like that, he could also begin a new portion of his campaign. With this ever so recent uprising of mutant individuals he would be able to grab the vote of those all for protecting these individuals and prove to those who are doubtful that these people with abilities that they are in fact good. Vermillion gave a little chuckle to himself, everything was coming together rather nice.
"Now with this new offer, what do you say? Partners...?"
Vermillion Zarkovich
Vermillion Zarkovich

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Registration date : 2012-02-29

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For Business Purposes, Only. Empty Re: For Business Purposes, Only.

Post by Sponsored content

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